Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Aug 1907, p. 5

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rd: 907 est ce " 'th o It. AUGUST Ili, 1907 The Down Town Shoe Store London, Sept. 6 to " REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Send to the Secretary for Prize Lista, Programmes and information W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary from either town or country to carry away the balance of our We have only a limited number in ladies' sizes " to hh. Our V5.ll..ine white heel red. to. .8t.29 Hi 'and Children's are :1? “an: leatheaheel t. .. 1.3 also reduced in price. The Exhibition the WANTED Western F aTr DARLINGS, ---an absolute necuait in hot wet Talcum p OWJETS ther-.. Colgate’a, 'A7i,'/', Valley Violet, Helium's, Sanitol. Toilet Waters 'l2tahtgttete " Daetyla and 'or {hose White Shoes DARLING’S DRUG STE Exhibitors and visitors find it profitable to go. KNABENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily and a full list of Attractions. with plenty of Music. Fireworks alter programme each evening, concluding with that grand display. " THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR." _ """’° "OEM J"";,"" '°"" Minuet and Children's are I leathef‘heel " .. Lg “.0 reduced in price. Be who and get . pair while your size is in stock. WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS Some Summer Specialties Darling 's Cream of Witchuel for Sunburn A Number of Ladies People all Like to Attend J. S. Mcllraith 'eople's Druggists Matt co and Pipe Clay. and It will be smut-what of a surprise for most farmers. to learn that Ontario ttour is a favorite in the Eastern pro- vinces; and that in the face of strong competition, it has for several years been preferred in the Maritime Pros vineea, to the best Western brands. The discovery of ftoursbl"ndimr bids fair to re open the demand for Ontario wheat l and this ought to attract the attention of Ontario farmers to a. question of vital importance to the NP ricultural interests of the province. Blended flour is simply the best of Ontario’s finely-favored product to which a sum” proportion of Western wheatis added to bring up the per- centage of gluten. or "strength." Freed from technicalities of chemistry and milling, it meams both strength and fiayorr in the daily loaf. Vie-wad economically. it means an incrensvd market for an Ontario-grown product which has won the unprejudiced favor of the East. Whether thi, will prove true of On- tario, and whether such a demand will be created that the price of wheat will improve. and the cost of bran and shorts become lower. depends u n the individual farmer. Buying ',Irll'd,',.',',' flour means a negative answer the query ', if, however, the Ontario farmer is alive to the situation. he cannot tin- ancially afford to naglect the latest discovery in practical economies, and will “III”; on buying onlv the ttour milled in Ontario. Lot 27, 28, Con. 1 S. D, It. Glenelg. 85aeres cleared, T acme hush. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Barn (45:60.) kmile from pro- sed station on new 0. P. It. Line. 8J'/'d,l'l,t'i' toSchool and P. o. Fur- ther palticulura apply on the premises. Only by wisely adopting new dis- coveries can the farmers of this Pro- vince compete on even terms With the West, whose specialty in wheat. Western flour has invaded Ontario, and the decline in the. demand for On- tarin wheat is to-day " fact only too evident to farmers. Ontario agricul- ttttisis, in many instances, buy West.. ern flour, nine little or no wheat, and for what they do raise, are not teceiv.. ing a price commensurate with their lahor--nll. largely because they will not use the tiour made from wheat they grow themselves. owing to a. mis- taken belief that the. Western flour in better. In addition to this loss of market. the cost of feed is too high to enahle stuckmen and dairymen to real. ize the profit which, under proper con- ditions. ought to be assured But the Iutloonkeepee overlooks the fact to which a contemporary calls at. tention that the reduction may be a. double-edged ohiect lesson. If dou- bling the lieenre fee cuts the size of the drink in half is it nut likely that the opponents of the saloon may he found asking how high the fee would have to be raised to cut out the drunk altogether? This is A per: inent inquiry and it set-ms to he a logical one. "We got to make the drink tit the wishes of the community. which is not You fellows." In IS thus put up to .. vou fellows " co get a majority and be the community. As soon as the high license law was enacted theatsloonk-eeperN set about to umke IL as objectionuhle to their pul- rons as themselves. They cut out, tlt" freelunch, abandoned the schmmers and been" serving small ttlasmes on the ground that they cannot atrotd under the new rate to he as generous as of old. The purpose is of course. plain, as reproachrully stated by one saloon. !ittP1 to his P,tottt.stiusr. .cnatqmeis, ___ . -"-"_ -ve a..." ...V...._,.-w -the wiping out ot the cheap saloons. notoriously the huunts of vice and the breeding spots of crime. and an m- t-rense in the revenue which would permit the enlarging of the polietorce. But the increase of Ine saloon licence from 850010 $1.000 seems to have wrought another and unexpiclvd re- form. It haw reduted Chicago's con- sumption of liquor and inferentinllv its drunsennesf, _ When Chicago doubled its liquor hoe-Lune let it hoped_ P. gai_n two orjects Sm J. GORDON Spruce, Premier of Cape. Colony, made a speech during his noun London on the chservance of the rd’s Day. He expressed his ttrm conviction that no man could really prosper or live to an old age who failed to observe the weekly day of rest, and that no country could ever he prosperous where there was Sun- day trading or Sunday excursions for pleasure. EARL or BrrArrmsBrrtsr.-ahe follow- ingis an extract from the speech of Lord ShnItosbur at the 25th annual meeting of the 'iftrVd Men’s Lord's Day Rest Association..' "I maintain that the Lord’s Day is one of the greatest boom, ever given by God to men. It is absolutely neccesssry for his Ehysicnl health, and necessary to ens la him to hear the wear sod tear of the six day’s work. Medical men who have studied the subject deeply tell us that one day in seven is the bout proportion that could have been devised tor restoring the strength l taken away; by the wear and tear of the week t at is not restored by sleep at night. I cannot conceive anything more beneficial even for those who hare plenty of leisure, and who have t the disposal of their own time. "ord. ing them, as it does, opportunities for the contemplation of higher things. But if it is neccessary for such persons. what must it be in the case of working men who rise up earlv and no to bed late. and who toil all the week? For such persons the benefit is so manifest that I wonder how any one could question it for a. single moment. Aye, and is not the Sabbath essentiul to the proper cultivation of man's higher nature? Show your gratitude, to God for this boon by doing all you can to maintain it for VourseIVes and tor others. Never be silent on the subject; let it be constantly in your mouths. GREAT WORDS OF GREAT MEN An Unexpected Reform. Farm tor bale. Use Ontario Flour 0r Sabbath Observance Joan McAsmrim. Prop. THE DURHAM REVIEW A nd for establishing a highway in lieu thereof. the following namely J 2. A strip of land sixty six feet will. in lube thirteen, twelva and eleven can. 8, south of the Durham Road. Township of Glenelg. County of Grey, more par. ticularly described as follows; COM- MENCING at a paint ou the northerly hunt of said lot 13. which point isstwo hundred and seven feet easterly from uh. westerly limit of said lot thirteen. when measured along said northerly limit l thence custody along said northerly hunt a distance of one hundred and soy- enty feet; thence southwesterly on A straight hue whose coune is S. 61 " grace 41' W., . distance of three hun- dred and e‘ghty tive feet to I point on a spiral curve l thence on a wire! curve to the right a distance of one hundred and eighty fire feet l thence on a curved line to the right having e redine of three thousand and ninety one feet a distance of eleven hundred and ten feet toe point on e spiral curve ', thence Tele!! on n - A ALA _:_I.e - :_.__A- A. twuv'owessttrrly on a. spiral curve lathe right a (nuance of fifty loaf; thence southwesterly on a. curVed line to the right having a. radius of twenty eight hundred feet a. distance of one hundred and any eight feet to the southerly lim- it at said road allowance: thence eut- erly along sud southerly limit of said road allowance . distance of sixhnn- died and five feet to the point of begin. ning; said tract of land containing nine tenths (0.90) acres mote or lose 1. A tract ol land of irregular shape. being part of road allowance between Concession two and Concession three, south of the Durham Road. township of Glnielg. County of Grey, being more particularly described as follows; BE. GINXING at a. point on the southerly limit of said road allowance. which point is two hundred and seven feet easterly from the westerly limit of lot thirteen“ conclusion 3, south of the Durham road, l when measured along said southerly) limit of road allowance; thence ttorth. easterly on a straight line whose course is N. 61 degrees. 41' E. a distance of one hundred and eighty feet to the norther- lyliiuit of and road allowance. thence westerly along; said northerly limit of laid road allowance. a distance ol five hundred and eighty feet; thence apinlrcurve to the right adietence of seventy one feet to the westerly limit of said lot eleven; thence northerly elong aid waterly limit ol said lot eleven . dietnnoe of only six feet ', thence easter- lv on a. spiral curve to the, left I din-nee of unmy six fee} l thence northeester- lyonl and knew Haleakala“: For the purpose of stopping up. sel- ling and conveying a portion ofthe highway betweets Concessions two and three. south of the Durham Road, theneld, described as follouo ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipal council of the Township of Glenelg will, at a meeting to be held at the township hall in the said town- ship. on Saturday. September 14, 1007, " [he hour of lo o'elook in the forenoou to eorr,ider a bylaw Corporation of the Township of Glenelg. Oar Furniture Sole is still on. We are offering bargains such as were un- known in Durham up to the present time. We carry a tall hue of goods and all marked in plain tWares. Lenahan Binder Twine, This is another of our leaders. It burns either Coal or Wood and is made in sizes to suit the smallest home or largest banding. Call and get particulars of this Wonderful furnace. If you are interested in this labor-saving, Hardware 8, Furniture " We have a quantlsy of 1 inch Black Piping which we will sell " a btu'train--whiie it lasts. We also carry a full supply of National Portland Cement, Pare Paris Green, Bttilderlbiippliea otall kinds, Oils, Paints, &c. ONTARIO If you are interested in any of the following lines, Give us a cail l we have other lines you may need: Screen Doors, Window Screens, Wire Fence Wire, Rubber Hose. Pipe Fittings he PANDORA R.A.N GE is acknowledged by users to be the best Qookmg Range on the market and by the ',r,ett111,puyio to be the most extensively, known Range iii Canadd. F I "HIV, you you will be tuatitstied, We are Micah}; Gris; Canadian Cordage Co. and also for the McCormack Harvester Co. The “SUNSHINE FURNACE " TORONTO THE PANDORA RANGE FURNITURE SALE Come and tyqunine our Thine and we can assure LACE CURTAINS 2 ydalons, 261nwide............... 2%dyldl longaoln wide............... " long 80ittwide.............., 8 ydalongasinwide............... 8 ydalongsolnwide................ 8 rdsionirutmwide...........d... lele Linen " In wide " 68 in wide Bleached stle Linen, M In wide hater buck sneen Under-km 81.00 etch " white lawn Undenkmu 75c to 81 latch Bee our ladies' Utter calm-I nt the -hnguna Bee our new Print. um Dre“ Gingham Flunellettc blanket: Inge nun size In I or my. 81 so . pr. Floor Ollcloth 1 " 1 " d: wide 2he " Smyrna Run so I a, till! ' “I W. H. BEAN Intending Students would enter at the begin- ning of the term " poulble. Bond on be ob tuned n xenon-Me rum. Durham In a heath, mad Inactive town, muting it I most dumb]. place for residence." FEES: " per month In Nance. Wm. Johnmn.3r.. c. Haulage. Chum“. My Staff and Equipmont. The school is thoroughly equi ped in tenchln Ability. in chemlcnl and eleclrrul suppliel as thttipdi, &e., tor full Junior leaving Ind Murie- ulndon work. The following competent an! "a 1n ell-me t THE BIG All persons interested or whose land. may or might be preiudieiiuly “footed by web ptoposed by law, are requixed to attend at said mention when they will be heard fn person or by counsel or Io~ licitor with relerence thereto upon pali- uoning to be so heard. Dated the 29th day of July, 1907. J. S. BLACK Clerk Township of Glonelg [radius of three thousand and meaty five feet a distance of one thousand and eighty aeyen feet to 1 point on Ilpirel curve; thence northeeaterly on e . ml curve to the left a. distance of one KI'.' tired and eightv three feet; thence north easterly on a. straight line whose course " N 61 degrees 41 min E. a. distance of two hundred and twenty tive feet to the point of beginning I said strip contain- ing two hundred end fifty four one hun- dredth: (2.54) acres. more orleu. SIM! Ceylon Teq-Black Md mired " we a "tt n lb. Pate Claudia Honey In 25ch . T308. ALLAN, m 01-." Certitieate, Prirteipat MISS LOLA MCLEOD. B. A. Honor Graduate of Queen'o Duveriitr, C'lullcn. Modern! and English. MISS M. S. HOLLAND 'tmt Clu- Certificate and thud you undembduate of Queen's f2,tg,'.%; Science. Mary And Geography. Its nickel trimmings and its bold, massive carvings and castings, give it an elegant appearance. Come and examine it. fuel-saving and money-saving range, call and examine it for yourself. In appearance as well as in usefulness it is un- surpassed. Durham School CIntosh. Wire Netting. Pipe Fittings. M. ke, HE Calder's Block SELLS I CHEAP .-125CBpe, ...50cn pl .. 70tsalir, ...90c apt. 31.00: pr, 31.40.12. 25c.” scum. 851nm Mlllllll fllll ”SWINE WI" The strongest pure? untul Are In sumac Co. In Ontsrlo. A reco without crane! sud sjnst reward for honest efrorta. L caused snd i.f,T/itf,,f by the Government ', insures residence sn {an property upon the has: known plum. s or 4 your blanket petioles Issued on the Innu- instalment or one g?gll'flll system under the most fumble eon nous to the Insured. lawn in the beat. If your insurance explresthis your, call on, ordropsesrdto snuocmn. Agent. Durha- I FARMEBS’ CENTRAL 'ta%VEFiGi%%iii 5i"iaG"il, Glrr'G2l, thturs_rtirt-taau badm- Quin-tub Mt wan-n swat , u HIE mum. W In GGG; Macadam» tree. Poe MARI?” I MARI ON, E1 My]! 'tiiding, in so June. BL. Bum k? I have also a great lot of other pm. pertié‘fnr sale and a MILLION DOL- LA , of MONEY to lend at. very low when. I COLLECT DEBTS, careful? prepare all kinds of WRITINGS. " I C. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate business attended to. Everything private. Our Motto : “Alw ye p ompt, Never Negligent. ' I had 250 acres or Good Land above Durham, well improved, with very fine buildings. advertised in the REVIEW for 375110. I can now sell It t"itE'od deal less and IT’S A BAR. Then I have 3, 100 ACRE well im. proved farm near Durham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property. It's a map. For consider- ».th under $3000 I will sell 100 acrel in Beritinek, with good soil. brick veneer- ed and frame house. large frame bank barn, frame stable! and pig “ables good orchard, This is really a. tsrutrtdre LOOK HERE, PARKER ; STINSON. The Baker 'iars"saie.eara,.-.L.ts.q.e.iL.,ii Proven Sm! Tracks. Singer Sewing Inchlnu. Walkttrton Marble Works. The Bell Organ & Piano 00.. Churn: And Waning Innings. dmtford, ttroekvi0e,tlrer WI We no Iole Agent- in Duh”: tor the above well known 1/,yrugyyer: Binden. Mowers. Drills Han-om Disc Cultivators, Mauro amulet-I Buy Bikes. Buy Lo on. Ted. darn, Many-Harris Cream Sep'ntors Ogilvle’s "Royal Household " Keewnln " Five Roses "--The very best Keewulin make. A carload just received. Glover and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden aeeds in a- bundance for Spring growing The llitstrlltrrit Go. SEEDS ls good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it, Give it a trial. FLOUR McQueen & Morice A.ttrepetrety tku.tual We in out-us: MATTHEWS a LATIMER WELD AND GARDEN. w aultitir2tf -t2usa"e j The Best Cure For DYSpepsia IN a MARION. Emmi “mam; ms: June. Ki7feiGiiGf amp! Ura; Indian mammals. Highest grades only. iii-3 at? 7.5535 EiiGmrrFGik brou- Were also Agents for The Hanover Con veynncr Begun“! nook lmgrg. 'iiViau% . MILLER, ThTrt?t IN NEW QUARTERS CEO. lt. K. MIDFORD ”canned Auctioneer tor the Co. of Grey. Sula WW! “tended to. we. would. an ”:3 he Ian at Ma Implement w-. Sign, I lnnon‘l old stand, 011! thekzul' cc. JOHN CLARK) Barrister, Solicitor In Supreme con Hour] Public Commissioner to Money to Loan. fpe, over (Mama's Jewelry dwa- ARTdUR. B. JACKSON DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) r11fafllhittN,ttgtthtt Univer- m a surgeon [January in in In bunches. ottlee.-u Univenny, graduate tf Dental Samson: of Ovei Bu-mten, Solicitors. Conveynncon. to. Money to Loan. omen McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. a. Mushy K.c.l W. F D...- W. C, PICKERING o. D s., L. o. S Mum“ ---- hart plum-e in meeting in more oommodtom Tuners. all my old friends and m mug; now goes. Prompt“- gud tn deal. ing will continue to be my mom You- toe busine- Term modem. Ari-succulent. tor a!!! " to antes. Ac., man be nude u the Review OG tlee, Durham. m' Correspondence“ there, or to Ceylon P.0., will be promptly. “tended to, Tenn: on Applicant: to After two you: in business ain Durham I tuak heartin the mnv fennel! and otherl who have favored me with their trade and be we manna in summing that I . ttt the than have Individual teaching. Special“- tention to tone production, Ute mum: to $EooHteid', London. to Inn" (New York) * Roswell: l. B. IcLellan. WWW all“; I “know. cm. d Geo. 9 2.ttt,e,tt M'rllth%llfd.t on!“ IOU" F-UB. - H . tte, t-4 p. I Tunic.- Coo-mo- No. " [chat to Btoth--uttthton ik, an?” at! Bell's old who J. G. HUTTON. Mo., C. I Insurance Agent. Money to Lana Issuer of Mun-inst! Licenses. A gen en! tintuusat business tnnucted aeccustiean.eexts. '. chPHA/L- arm _ -___---. v- v. I, Go, I.- Uo a. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto - Ceylon bu u telephone one: -mgumm‘ e tux-um to Moon-ugld'u garden. En.) and to Damn (New York) " Haul-ll. 519. 52,19» * Throat Licenped Auctioneer tor Go. Urey Altman can. u. o., BTUDio-UPPER TOW N . F. GRANT D. D. notary Public; Commissioner. Col VEYANCER. in. ME DICAL MACKAY d; DUNN, CARD OF THANKS DEN TEAL. any. graduate of Royal College Ital Sn 90m of Ontario. Room. J & 'J'h"l%ho,', New Store Udder‘s Block, over Post one. D. IcPHAIL. Ceylon P. 0 C. BAIAGE, Durham Idll “Non than a Woman and Ctitidmn. hm tic-in. - - J-‘HJiuMu’o “a IMIOA.I. can:{ no H... No or... . P. TELFOBD Teacher of Singing DR. BURT Licensed the County of Grey; - Owe-sound W. F Dunn 'ttttttit, M Toronto

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