are . of tans unri- the hlt Lin: its; ar tnr. lion ad. net- ime 1907 I; g; er .2 Wall-Pap 5} Spring Hayinz nearly done Crops b ter than expected. Frost a few nights ago not much dame done. We are looking for rain this Monday nightas it has threatened all day. Lots of hay housed today. Barley is getting nearli ripe. oats are be- ginning to loo better. We saw stalks ot hay on exhibition in Jno MeArthur& Sons store grown on Mr Wm Mather’s farm near this town that measured five feet six inches. this is correct for we saw it measured. Our police trustees no making im- provements by _fixintt the sidewalk: in our town. No danger now if we dohave to walk in the dark, when pieetrio lights am not illuminating the town. AUGUST 8, 1907 Dr Hutton, son and daughter of from either town or country to carry away the balance of our We have only tt limited 1.50 line white heel red. 1.40 line leather heel " 1.25 line " " WANTED The Down Town Shoe Store DARLINGS, The People's Druggists Toilet Waters gigifxgexfogi For {hose White Shoes 'alc um Powders DARLING'S DRUG STORE Priceville Be wise and get WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS - Darling's Cream of Witchalel for Sunburn Some Summer Specialties 't."lif" Missea' and Children's are .. ' also reduced in price. a pair while your aize is in stock. number in ladiqa' sizes 2; to 51. Our to. .8i.20 Ilia-an’ and f".hitdron'a Arm " .--an absolute necessity in hot wen , ther-- Colgate's, Taylor's Valley Violet, Mennen's, Sanitol. Violet, Rose, Colgate's, Dactyls and Cashmere Bouquet. A Number of Ladies J. S. McIlraith Dr and Mrs John A. Conkev of Indianapolis paid a short visit here to see his mother, brother and sister: on thenorth line and other friends. Died at the house of Refuge. New- market. a couple of weeks ago. Ito. bert Black, better known " Bob Black. For a number of Kean he labored around Priceville, ob Roy and many other places in the Conntv of Grey. He was about 70 years of age. "Mr Myles, one of the railronden here lost a valuable horse lately by getting hart some vuy. Mr and Mrs Dan McKeohnie of North Dakota are visiting Mr Me- Kechnie’s brother John, and other triends on the Durham road, Glonelg. Mr John 8torervitsited " his un- cles Mr Jno Nichol near this pllco. Durham paid Priceville s abort visit not long ago. ' Elan co and Pipe Clay The other day we, had n call from J. D. Brown of Dundalk, who with three others are putting in a little holiday along this cmut l we were ex- ceedingly pleased to sue them and lo learn that our nlmde has been distvv- ered by some at least of our own home friends. What it lot of drownings are taking place this year. Our position here makes us all very apprehensive. for the young who know no fear are in these parts us elsewhere. Hut so far those who have camped here have. been quite fortunate only one drown- ing having taken place since this he- came a tourist resort and that by the up-setting of a canoe on n. Bandav iishing excursion. It is it meat pity that so many young and promising we lost year by year in the pursuit of en. joyment. accidentally as one would say. But it is doubly sad when we know that many could be avoided if reasonable precaution had been taken by the victims themselves or others directly or indirectly responsible. It seems to me that the young of our day are not impressed with the. wrongness of fool-hardin ass and of excessive ven- turesomeness and the grave unwisdom of tmfiing with any forms of danger on sea or land. Let the young enjoy themselves by all menus. let no pleas- ure that is morally and legitimately theirs be taken from them but let prudence and forethought govern their actions and the results will differ hugely from those we so often deplore. I think further that every boy should be taught to swim, and every girl too. Every school should have its swim- ming pond and every master should he able to give instruction in this highly necessary art. No boy should cotvsid- er hie education flnihed till he knows something as to how he could on.“ himself or another [tom drowning. News, nor the Montreal Star. In Glenelg and Artemesin townships Muskoka is considered a good distance away and it Is a good deal farther the way you have to travel to it, than the way the crows fiy, but all the same. when We leave Priceville tn the morn- ing we should he here in good time for supper. Formerly we could come by (Yurdwell Junction hot this veer that place is wiped off the limp of the U'. P, It. and Toronto must be reach.. ed that before you can get. " G. P. It. train for Penetunguishene which is our railway terminus. However there is no delay. The Muskoka tiyer' is waiting for you and two hours will luring you to Allnndnle and one more to Penetanguishene. There you find steamers ready to take passengers to the venous resorts among the 30,000 islands and on the north shore of the Georgian Bay all the wa up to Parry Sound. Leaving the mifroad out of account the trip up here. is the most pleasant you can dream of, To the an OllllllR or a holiday without water privileges means little or nothing [he scenety Is unspeaknhly grand and the air is fresh and clear that you sail in and out among those nmnherless islands. If you can M ull handle " hoist, yourself time ilies more. fastly than you wish and you have. not' to devise means to enable you to enjoy yourself Pleasure comes unsought. The steamer for Knignauhs-ne is called the "John Lee." She makes, two trips daily omitting \Vednesdnys and Fridays and calls at the main tourist resorts hv the way. Her cup- mm for umnv vents sailed the ill-fated "Jones." in fact it, th he who broughL that vesnel first to Owen Bound, He and 1 ate last. friends. having mutually discovered we have manz things in common, for he talks the 'aelic. attends the Presbyterian church, belongs to the Song of Scot- land and to the I, O. F. and reads the 'Nronto Globe. nothing he enjoys better than achnt in the language id Adam. Me was born in Ross-shire. Scotland. came to America on board the Great, Eastern on her tirst voyage and has tsince then battled against many a wave and storm. . We are glad to see you up here on your weekly waits and to learn from you what is going on in PriLeville, Durham and othet impor. tant places tirst hand as we could not Always obtain it from the Toronto News, nor the Monsreal Star. Miss Jennie James is not improv- mg any ot late bat is always bear- ing her sickness patientlv. Miss James has been two years bedfast. Rev. Mr. Matheson Enjoys Muskoka Dr Atkinson has his office where Dr Dixon 'ts used to be at the Commer- cial hotel in this place. We are pleased to hear that Rev Mr Mathew: and fami! y are getting alone well at their summer residence Muskoka. The Rev Mr Gilchrist who was ex pected to be here daring the fast two Sundays will preach next thm- day and the following Sunday. The Rev Mr Sinclair of Toronto, an aged man preached in the Pres- byterian church lest Sabbath. Mr Sinclair was oneot two Ree gentle~ men voted on fora call to the united church here 30 years ago. his op- ginent was the Rev Duncan Me- ortald, then of Creemore. Mr Me. Donald received the most votes but bolth wisely declined to accept a ca l. Mrs were unable to' prtaitk tia'; visit, consequentlv they had to re- turn in Mew dnys. Owing to " large and ex- tensive business and urgent gym to be unen_d_ed to, the, Dr and " the tlr" uep e egrap y tow-rd: position- rnyiug from .5000 to 8150.000 per “mum in m wuy service. You can tltgi',"ie, 'arp,', ‘1â€?Twl'm‘“ 6 3°53? f. you an m e mi n e p y oo ' 8 Gauntlet. E., Toronto. The one“ School In Cum“. Write for particular. w. B. SHAW, Pres. T.J.JOHNSTON. Pttn Dear Review.--. IGigmashene Point, Muskoka _ _ Aug 2nd. 1907 J'st' 5'TERS to. ire fix sol-[9; J, A. Matheson. THE DURHAM REVIEW For the purpoue of stopping up. ml lv'ng and conveyng a portion of the highway between Concessions two and thtwe. south of the Durham Road. Glmclg. dvscribcd as follows ; l. A tract, of land of irrogular shape. being part of road allowance between Concession two and Concession three, south of the Durham Road. township of Glenslg. County of Grey. being more panIcnlnrly described as follows; BE. GIS.NINC, at a roint on the southerly limit of said road allowance. which point is two hundred and seven feet easterly hum the westerly limit of lot thirteen. concession :5. south of the Durham road, when measured along and southerly limit of road allowance; thence north. easterly on a straight line whose course is N, 61 degrees. 41' E. a distance of one hunlml and eighty feet to the norther- lylmiit of said road allowance. thence Westerly along said northerly limit of sax-l mad allowance, a distance at fire hundred and eighty feet; thence soutuwsterly on a spiral curve to the right a (ll-lance of tifty feet; thence southwesterly on a curved line to the right having a radius of twenty eight hundred feet a. distance of one hundred and fifty eight feet to the southerly lim. it of said road allowance: thence east- ell] along and southerly limit of said road allowance 9. distance of six hun- dred and five feet to the point of begin. ning ; said tract of land containing nine tenths (0.90) acres meteor less NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thu Municipal council of the Township of Glenelg will, at a meeting to be held at the township hall in the said town- ship, on Saturday. September 14, 1907, at His hour of lo o'clock in the forenoon to causider a bylaw Corporation of the Township of Glenelg. Andfor establishng a highway in lieu thereof, the following 1mmcly t 2. A strip of land sixty six feet wide in lute thirteen. twelve and eleven con. 3. south of the Durham Road, Township of Gleuelg. County of Grey, more par. ticularly described as follows ; cow. MENCING " a piint on the northerly limit of said lot 18, which min is two hundred and seven feet easterly from the westerly limit of said lot thirteen, when measured along said northerly limit : thence easterly along said northerly hunt a distance of one hundred and sev- enty feet; thence southwesterly on al straight line whose course is B. 61 de. grees 41' W., a distence of three hun- dred and eighty tive feet to a point on It spiral curve: thence on e spiral curve to the right A distance of one hundred end eighty tive feet ; thence on a curved l line to the right having e radius of three: thousand end ninety one feet a. dietenee of eleven hundred and ten feet ton point on a spiral curve l thence westerly on e apirel curve to the right I. diltnnoe of seventy one feet to the westerly limit of said lot eleven; thence northerly elong eeid westerly limit of said lot eleven I dietenee of any nix feet l thenee easter- _ Iv on e spiral curve to the left I dietenoe _ of seventy six feet t thenee northeast" l ly on e curved line to the left having . oar Furniture Sole is still on. We are offering bargains such as were un~ known in Durham up to the present time. We carry a tall line of goods and all marked in plain figures. Lenahan ify McIntosh. Binder Twine, This is another of our leaders. It burns either Coal or Wood and is made in sizes to suit the smallest home or largest building. Call and get particulars of this wonderful furnace. If you are interested in this labor-saving, Hardware " We have a quantlsy of 1 inch Black Piping which we will sell at a bargain-while it lasts. We also carry a fall supply of National Portland Cement, Pure Paris Green. Builders'Supplies of all kinds, Oils, Paints, &c. If you are interested in any of the following lines, Give ns a eail ". we have other lines you may need: Screen Doors, Window Screens. Wire Fence Wire, Rubber Bose, Pipe Fittings he PANDORA RANGE is acknowledged by users to be the best Cooking Range on the market and by the general public to be the most extensively, known Range in Canada. . T ine Come and examine our Twine and we cad assure _ w ' you you will be tyatistied. We are agents for the Canadian Cordage Co. and also for the McCormack Harvester Co. The “UNSHINE FURNACE " THE PANDORA RANGE FURNITURE SALE I FEES: " per month In Name. [Wan Jotumtort,Br., G. Ram-go. Chairman. Bet-rem The school la thoroughly equ'lrped tn tenchlns Btrility,in chemical and elect col suppllel on linings. Ac., tor full Junior Leaving Ind Mattie. ulotlon work. The following competent an! we In charge: Intending Studentl should enter " the begin- ning of the term it possible. Board an be otr tained a reasonsble fuel. Durham u n balmy end attractive town, muting it I no" delinble place for maiden ce. All persons interested or whose lands may or might be prejudicially effected by each proposed by law, are required to attend at said meeting when they will be heard m person or by counsel or Io~ licitor with relerence thereto Upon peti- tioning to be so heard. Dated the 29111 day of July, 1907. J. S. BLACK 2 yds long, 26irt wide. ih2ft long 30 in wide, 8 y I long 30 in wide 3y yd: long 36 in wide. 3 yds long 50 m wlde. 8 yds long u " wide. radius of three thousand and twenty tive test a distance of one thousand and eighty seyen feet to a point on a spiral curve ; thence norhstusterly on a spmtl curve to the left a. distance of one hon. tired and eightv three feet ; thence north easterly on ll straight line whose course " N 61 degrees 41 min E. a distance of two hundred and twenty tive feet to the point of beginning t said strip contain- ing two hundred and fifty four one hun- dredtha (2.64) acres. more oriesa. THE BIG Table Linen M in wide 25c I " .. 68 in wide Me I rd. BleIched TIble Linen. " in wide Me I " billet buck lumen UttdegBktgta 81.00 on): " white lawn Undenklru 75c to " Melt Bee our Ladiel' buoy coll-n " 25c -huguna See our new Pun“ Ind Diem, Glughum Floor 0119109.): kyd l Floor Click)“: 1 " ll " d 8mm. Rug: so I 60.43%; FIunellene blunkeu lane tt--n me in w or my. 81 an I pt. W. H. BEAN Its nickel trimmings and its bold, massive carvings and castings, give it an elegant appearance. Come and examine it. fuel-saving and money-saving range, call and examine it for yourself. In appearance as well as in usefulness it is un- surpassed. THOS. ALLAN, In ciua CertMeste, Princip-i MISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A. Honor Graduate of Queen‘l University, C'lnlicn. Modern' and English. Kiss M. 8. HOLLAND mm Clu- Certificate and third you undergmduste ot Queen'a F2i,',t,i'hti, Science. Mary Ind Geography. and: Ceylon Itt--Buee and mixed It Me no: & 40c . lb. Pate Can-dun Honey tn 25cm Durham School "Wu-n" an. new". Sn" and Equlpmont. LACE CURTAINS Clerk Township of Glenolg Wire Netting. Pipe Fittings, urnlture Calder’s Block HE SELLS 31106 i . '1 .3140 . 3;. t2rea pt. CHEAP 70e k, ll') e Br y).' llnllll, Bll illllllllllllili mm 1i'ARMEIRS' CENTRAL Then I have a 100 ACRE well im. proved farm near Durham that] will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property. It's, a map. For consider- ably under 83000 I will sell 100 acres in Betitinck. with good soil. brick veneer- ed and frame house, large frame bank barn, frame stables and pig stables good orchard. This is really" a tvuertflce I have also a great lot of other pro. on}! for sale and 1 MILLION DOL- LA 8 of MONEY to lend At very low rates. [COLLECT DEBTS, careful? prepare all kinds of WRITINGS. Be l C. P. It, Tickets to all points WEST and gel! OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind__r)f Ittlimate business attended The strongest purer? Hutu! Fire I ntuunc Co. in Ontario. A reoo without . (mile! Ind "urt row-rd for honest ettorta. L conned and misstated by the Government ; mm residence tn bun property upon the but known plus. I had 250 acres of Good Land above Durham, well improved, with very tine buildings, advertised in the REVIEW for 87500. I can now cell It a): t E"" deal lean and IT'S A BAR. nut! tum proper†upon the but known puns. I at 4 yen: blanket pkrlietes tuned on manna. manhunt or one 1tr,ll'fll,t system under tho mouluonble mud “on: to the minted. mm" tn the but. If your Immune upircuhu you, tmil on, or drop . out! to IIILIoCAIIEL. mat. Durham LOOK HERE, nllllIllll to. Every 'i'tiGirpTi mEE‘Our- £11158‘ "Alw, vs p. ompt, Never Negligent. , Lia a my fofour Hunk] Wk "How to Sh, Psunt' " Wine groin-bio to Invenrlund Prue-on Flinn" vice (no. rumour†MARIE" a MARION. EXPERT.r ’1!me _ttiidipg In St June! tlt., loam. monlynrmof and-m [mm mm Daub Iona-mum; plans but". “chum Proven Steel Tracks. Singer Sewing lacuna. Walkerton Marble Works. The Bell Organ & Pluno Co., Churn: and Washing lacuna. Brantford, trroeltville,0mry Can-Inge: dark, Masai-Huh: Cream Bejs'miors We are sole Agents in Dubai! tor the above well known 1,,e?itt,e1ttr: Binders, Mowers, Drills Hem" Disc Cultivators. Manure YA/g'. flay lykets, £1:ng ere1 , Ted- The Illitstrlltrris Go. Ogilvle‘s “Royal Household" Is good Bread, well made and t properly baked-the bread that ii is made by Stinson. This is the . perfect bread-made of the best l flour, leavened and seasoned just . right, thoroughly kneaded and Ill baked to perfection, it is easily a digested and it builds health and a strength for those who eat it, B. Give it a trial. iii Keewatln 66 Five Roses "-The very best. Keewutin make. A earload just received. McQueen & Morice '-.ttt:ti:eie.tee.eae.tatt, Clove: and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden Seeds in a-. bundance for Spring mowing SEEDS FLOUR MATTHEWS a LATIMER The Best Cure For Dyspepsia NT, ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO FIELD AND GARDEN. Highest grades only. STINSON, The Baker We're also Agents for The Hanover Conveyance . MILLER, 't Onteri, ttt tie" iisft ii t " TiriiijeaiGii" WES. £09m Me Innon‘a old land. or st the Bum: JOHN CLARK 0E0. H. K. MIDFORD Licensed Auctionâ€: toe the Cat. of Grey. also mainly "tysttfet1 te.. _ lento! mugging Ill lillllf QUARTERS D. éMcPHAIL HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. within" of Royal College of Denmlsn can. of Ontario. Room. Over J t J 'h'th'hGfll New more u M “has; "mar gmâ€; Death!" In It In hunches. Ottue-AJatder'. Block. over Pont Gulce Summon, 501112131} Convoynncen. Money to Loan, omce. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. Muck-y A.tht w. F Dun ARTHUR. H. JACKSON Roma amount. Tolonw l'nlvenlu md m â€no-l 1““.- n‘...“ u..__AA.. -. Bu-rlsur. Solicitor in Supreme Con tlotary Public Conmlssmner " Money to Loan. futtte, over Gordon‘s Jewelry 5mm- DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) vqm,t8rttt.tttt, - - - -- Owe-sound DR. BURT Late ttltr/pt' (1‘3???) mam) attet Bye.£a.g, None I: Throat Terms moderate, Amman for ale. to to an“. dat., man be nude u the Review ot. Me, Durham. 0" Cormpondenmnddn-eo there, or to Ceylon P. 0.. will be [nonpay- med to, 1m on nppllculon to Ion-bucolic. 'lettt," Ind lumen; Mo one. and “one: Cate. Oman. ud Geog - 36.. no mo! um. Old We (km. J. G. BUTTON. H.D.. C. I Individual (etching. Special " tension to tone production, Insurance Agent. Money to Loan lumen- of Marriage Licenses. A gen end tttttusual businens [runs-cued After two you! in humus ain Durhtm I think heartily the manv former: nod other! who have favored me with their trade and Ttffl','",', in moaning that I l to the More have has plenum in north; in more oommodlouo (Yuma. oll my old friends ad who: may new ones. Pronoun- ond tolr dul- lug will continue to be my mono. Your! tor busine- cruel not)" '-tt... Hp... t-0p,tis TO‘OIhou 600m No. " C PICKERING B. o S., L. o. S. afSnguDtLDxLeextB. J. F. GRANT 0.0.5, L. Puma d â€in. - We. - J. m. Hanan". “on I to " A... nonuni in C P.‘ , to I ml. - Ml mm ht M a Woman and ata?. Icinzvre Bmth--uathtmt 8t, Bucky and Bell's old who " to c. IAIAGE. Du - Ceylon bu .tetepturne once. Altman can. u. D., Licenyed Auctioneer tor Go. Urey MEDICAL notary Public, Uommimioner, t9IrlLtAiEit,i MACKAY * DUNN, BTUDI0-U PPER TOWN DEN TAT... CARD 0F THANKS J. P. TELFORD D. lcPHAIL. Ceylon P. 0 C. BAIAGE. Durham Teacher of Singing .. chelIan. Licensed the County of Grey; kt