Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jul 1907, p. 4

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ggmmmmmmmammfig Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 pm can get alt the style and as perfect a fit as can be put into a. tmit-as much as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious. but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. JUST ARRrVED-.some Choice Re ls $15 your price for a Suit? wearer. We have a very large stock of this Brand;of Skirts and invite your inspection. We are showing a very large range of Ging- hams, Muslins. Chambras, Vestings and Duck Suitings. Just what you want for this hot weather. If you look at the label of a Ready-to-wear Skirt and find it is a MILIDA BRAND, you can be assured 'that it is both a fitter and a To clear the balance of our stock of Summer Millinery and do it quickly, we have reduced all our stylish Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery to Half Price. Stylish Millinery l Ginghams and Muslins at Half Pri I Milida sri,.; CASH AND ONE PRICE '. MORLOCK . A. Glass, . Flarity "ad y Made Suits T108 anager ty Cutte l The boat spun round and round l And all was still save that the hill _ Was telling of the sound." Of laughter. merriment and song in this case, which made the beautiful eylvan hanks re-echo the joyful melody of hearts free trom care and full of love and goodwill to all men. They were kindly allowed on board the dredge and shown the huge dipper in opera- tion. After a. hearty supper of the good things usually provided, aphoto mu taken of the group in a nearby grove which we are told in developing nicely. After more sailing and the singing of Auld Long Sync the com- pany left for home expreuing them- ', selves no having spent . pleasant end l, enjoyable outing. Among than pree- ent in addition to PrieeréiU friends mey be mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young, Rob Roy, and Mr. and In. , Wm Rolling. and downer. levy, of On Thursday of last week the Pies- _ bytu-ian Choir together with a few of their friends of this hospitable little i burg. held a picnic at Hamilton's Lake. To any that they had a pleasant. time is only expressing a. commonplace le- mark. the fact itself can well he imagined judging from the personel of of the youth and beauty present. Sev- eral games and other amusements were indulged in though boating took the palm, as one waggish young lady remarked, "we could play ball in our back yard, but only one of their num- ber could hare n rnw(e) every day. The very erratic way those flat bot- tom hosts would act in the hands of _ land-luhbers (lovers we mean) Without a. helm reminded us of the coup'et in the ancient mariner I " Upon the whirl where lay the ship Priceville People Picnic pleas. antly. A Mr Shaw, called tho-boy preach- er, was here trom Toronto for a few days. The Esplin Sunday School will hold their picnic this week before the Review reaches as. Mr. H. H. Barnett has been away visiting friends at Hamilton and Cay- uga. He has returned home again bringing with him his aged sister. Mr Jas J Wilton lot 14, con o, has sold his farm and has purchased an- other farm near Varney' in tho town- ship ol Egremont. After he purchas- 'ed he did not intend to move until lnear next Spring bat since he pure chased tho crop on the Egremont farm then sold his crop here to Mr. Ans- worth Jack, the purchaser of the farm he is now busy moving. Mr Wilton and his wife will be missed here as they were good industrious people, good attenders and members ot the Esplin Presbyterian church where he, Mr Wilton was chairman of the menacing committee and a good worker, but what is our loss will be others gain. l Miss Annie MaeGillrrey, of Glenele Centre, visited her sister in Owen Sound and friends in Keppel and Sarawak last week. Miss Laura. MacGillivray visited at the home of her sister Mrs. Dan Me,. Arthur. Miss May Spituel and Miss Clara Greenwood of Edge Hill are holiday- ing with friends in the Glen M135 Ann Hall, & Glenelg through her boot catching on a nail had the misfortune to tall down stairs receiv- ing a bad fracture of the wrist which she now carries in a sling. The new frame barn of Messrs Wilkinson, Scott and McKenzie are now completed. and add greatlyto the appearance ot the well to do con- dition of the line. Mr Ji, Leas}: has lately had u new root put on his barn. The pupils of B. B. together with their teachers picnicked " the lake on Wednesday last. Mrs Albert Bell after " extensive journeying through B. C., North west territories. Manitoba and New On- tario arrived at the home of her son- in-law, Mr Austin Hann on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson we are Blessed to hear are improving in ealth though slowly enough. Mrs S Whitmore at'the home of her daughter Mrs W P Watson is under the Dr's care just now and was re- ported not so well last week. Mr John Whitmore met with 3 severe oeeident through being struck onthe eye with a chip of a stone while breaking it for hid barn. It is not known yet whether he will lose the eight of it, Miss Ada Brown for sometime chief clerk in an ice cream parlor in Hol- stein returned to her home here on needy last, Wedding bolls are chiming gaily on the line south. Mrs D Hamilton and her two child- ren, Marv and Johnnie returned from a visit to friends around Elora. The wound on Mr Legates leg re- ceived from a kick is not healing " well as is wished for. North Egremont. W‘S‘E‘W Bunessan. 1fopeville. 5'" 3tt q THE DURHAM REVIEW $393 All pexeone interested, or whose lends may or might be prejudicially affected by such proposed By-lew are required to attend " said meeting, when they Will be heard in person or by counsel or solicitor with reference thereto upon petition to be so heard. Dated the 6th day of August. 1907. feet; thence manly on a "might line whose course in N.86°09" E. I distance ot 1766feet; thence southeutetly on I “night line whose course is S. 620 30" E. I disunce 01156 feet to the southerly limit of aid lot 5, con. 2, S. D. R., which in the point ot beginning. a distance of 18 feet ', thence westerly on a straight line whose course is S. 86°09" w,, n dire tcnce of 174t it i thence westerly on I straight line whose course is B. 78o 09" w. ldistnnce of 110 ttc thence Westerly on s stnight line whose course is 8. Mali)" W, a distance of 86 feet; thence wes- terly on n straight line whose course is N. 'iTAr20" W. a distmm- of Ili', feet; thence 1iortltwtmter1y on a straight line " hose course is N. 62°00" W. a distance of 117.3 loot. to the westerly limit of raid lot l, Concession 2, s, D. R, l thence northerly clong the westerly limit of said lot]. a distance ot Si feet; thence southetwterlv on ustraight line whale course is 8, 62°00" E, a distance of 710 feet; thence easterly on a CMI! line whose course is S. 76o 20" E. A distuncc o 100 feet :thence carter- ly on I smifht line whose course is N. 88o .30" E. , alumnae o " feet ', thence eng‘terlypn I stuight n ant-nee or 78 teet ' thence moans on I straight ll whey Count itr.N. 78° 09" E. g - istpntte ot no Beginning at a point on the soulherlg' limit ot Lot 5, con. 2, S. D. R., which palm is 7 feet one- terly from the lot line between' lots 4 and 5: thence westerly slang the southerly limits of said lots 4 md 5 a distaiee of 113 feet; thence north-wester- ly gt} a Itraitrh.t llne_wh0so gout-3e is N. 62030" W. A strip of land 66 feet wide in Lots l, 2, a. 4 and 6, Con. 2, B. D. R., Townnhlr of Glenelg. Countly of Grey, being more particu uly described as to _ lows _ And for establishing a highway! in than thereof, the following. name y: FM? his“ .10 Enamels, “bald Gold and Aluminum. Inland Clo Dal-lush “ulna. Glou Can-lag. Paints. Iron 8n.- n 11 Always reliable, economical and durable. 1iriiTnot crack, peel or chalk. Superiorto any other mixed paints on the market. IJMND CITY FLOOR PAINT! I Require only 8 hours to dry. Think of it. folloz'céi Beginning at a point on the southerly PM of road allownnce between con. 2 and con. 3, S. n. R. which Point is 72 feet mteriy from the easterly limit 0 lot 4 B. con. :3. when mmured Mona the said teyfleElt li_mit of_rood piiqwgnce: thence A tract or land of irregular share, being put of road allowance between Con.2nnd (ion.:'.. 8. D. R., Township of (Hench. County of Grey, 'gt', tmet being more Irsrtieulttrly described u o owir'.- and strip of land oontiiningUs notes more or For the purpose of stopping up, aell. ing and conveying a portinn of the highway between eonceiwiom, two and ghnee, S. D, It. Glenelo. described as NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. the Municile Council of the township of Glenelg will, at a meeting to beheld at the Township Hall in said township. on Saturday. the tenth day of August. 1007, at the hour of 10 p'clock in the foreman. consider a by- aw Islgnd City --0it THF.-.. TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG Readers are reminded that entries for the Unnadinn National Exhibition of Toronto close as follows. Live stock. tine arts. natural blstory. wo- men's and children's work, Saturday. FOR SALE BY N.,G. & J. Meiuicrnuis, Entries for Toronto Exhibition. CORPORATION KJJ . S. HUNTER, . fi... BLACK. Clerk, aints Call in and l: merits of this or not. 20 per cent below Regular Price made. Will chop anything in Vegetab- les or Meats. As we bought a number at the right price, we are selling them Our . --. , u. "v'"bu6noruea putrtie" Township of Glenelg. v erttaemeut will not be pud for, " " Prepared TORONTO eat Choppers " North Window for the latest PM"? and let us explain to you the fine machine, whether you buy SEE 8, lithe settler hag his perm-neat residence upon {Armin land owned by him in the " cinity of 'ilTtl'llfll'd", the requirements on to midenoe any be "tigtied by residence upon the aid land. Six month‘ notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner ot Dominion lunar " Ottawa of intention to lpply for potent. W. w. CORY. Deputy of the limiter of the Interior N. Jr-tmotto-t publication of thin ad. enI-nmnno “In n-~ L- --r= . 1. At least six month, residence upon And cultivation ot the had in each year for three year 2. It theather (or mother, if the father is t'g',rt"fi of the homemade! resides upon I “mint eyieinitr olthelmd entered fof the requiremenuu wmldenoe may be “timed by Sick: person residing with the ather or mo er. The homesteuier is required homestead conditions under I ing plum ', Elltla' must he made personally nt Land tNetor the district In which tl situate. Entry by proxy muy. however. on certain conditions by the father, mo dunghtor, brother or sister of 3n intend! under. . - 7.. “haw-u. m’LuUIl U! uomm " in Manitou, Snskohewnn, And excepungs and M, not rescind my steamed by any person who is the .ou a family. or my male over 18 yrs. of am extlent of one quarter section of 160 m or an. Ans; even numbered section of Dominion In M.raltro.. n_.|......L-,, _ . _ cause we have through many ages [ rested from our labor one day in seven. That day is not lost. While industry is suspended, while the plough lies in the furrow, while the Exchange is si. lent, while no smoke ascends from the factory. a. process is going on quite as impomintto the wealth of the nation as any process which is performed on more busy days. Mun. the machine of machines. is repairing and winding up, so that he returns to his labors on Monday with clearer intellect, with livelier spirits. with renewed corpoteal vigor." l Lord Macaulay. is one of his eloquent speeches. said of the Sabbath: "Of course I do not mean that a man will not produce more in a. week by work. ing seven dare than by working six; but I very much doubt whether at the end of a year he will generally have I produced more by working seven days [ a. week than by working six days a , week t and I firmly believe that at the end of twenty years he will have pro- duced less by working seven days a. week than by working six days a. week. The natural difference between thun. [ penis; and Spitzbergen is ttifit'ng when ( compared with the difference between a country inhabited by men full of bodily and mental rigor and a country inhabited by men sunk in bodily and mental decrepitude. Therefore it is that we are. not pomer. ha t richer, be- tmt Ill ihgig M-ht 1n replying. the Commander-in-Chief said he feared it was neither practic- able nor desirable that a system of Sunday parades for drill purposes Ibuuld be established." Loan Rommra,-A secular exchange publishes the following interesting item t-.." A correspondent recently wrote to Lord Roberts and asked whether his Lordship did not think it would be possible to utilize Sundays for the purpose of drilling volunteers. August 3rd; grain, seed. field roots. garden vegetables. f1orieulturat horti- culture, honey, Saturday, August 10th: poultry and pet stock. Wedaesda.v, August 14th;dngs. Thursduv August 15th ', cats. Saturday, August 17th. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Great Words of Great Men Durham, Ont. uurry Dy proxy any. however, be GLiti commie!“ by the lather. mother, son. brother or sister of in Intending homel muereu section of Dominion had: an. Snskohewnn, And Alberta, d26, not rescind my be home- rpersou who is the sole head of Iy male over 18 yrs. of Me ', to the quarter section ot ltio Bere' more -----i. _----- [was vr.'e,ry"1tlls.tst..the Ina] ' DURHAM. l to rt',T, the one o the follow. resides upon . ttered for" the ' be triilstrili the father or the hiiifii it is ' be. ages Men's Punishes, from our stock of furnishings and ac. cure the best and newest. New Shirts..7ge up New Ties. . . 25c up New Hats..l.50 itis N ew Hosiery.25 up You cant be " well suited for the money elsewhere. Choose Your Outfit MENS FURNISHINGS JOHN CLARK The qualities Farmer; want. Washers, Sewing Machines, Chums HARRY BURNETT H ARVESTERS Have you tried BLACKS special machine oil? Nothing to equal it. As thick " your arm. Do not let your cattle suffer from flies while you an buv the oil " dir. ferent prince DEERING Why allow your taithtul horse he annoyed with flies, when you can buy a fly net so cheap. Have you seen our display of bird cages? A bird cage for' every per- son " the right price. Also squirrel cages. Every woman that keeps house is entitled to a firat clue preserving kettle. An immense shipment of the superior quality of kettles weeding- tfe, our door one day this we . are one " once. Through the failure of aChieatto brush firm we have taken advantage of the low price of brushes end are offering 500 25 cent horse brushes tor the smell sum ot 15e each. can suit the greitééi' Garaii either quumy or price. TWINE t TWINE t We have the best binder twine manufactured. also have the cheap eat bindyrt.wine on the nuke: nnd HARDWARE and Farm Machinery. Jas.R,(iun&Co ~PARKER'S Potato Bug Killer I? ertilized and Insecticide Easily put on, no wat- er to carry and gives you abetter yield than you get by using any other preparation. We tell strictly pure Paris Green - no compound. Put up only by 335EEG , Black IS, Durham A m runs or snow: noon Inna? my. “woman.” P. .. t2ogtd "ts " Mtit pr. " I C " nu,” per " " “mm 8119908. Ion. Sllppgn “MM.” no. in; “a?" ','thtIitut.ttt.at HARVEST DLUCKIIS whl protect. you trom than. ' Huh dong blu l .. pa. hula All u " Oxford- f than“ " dongcong n m an wungnglr sun sums mm Illlltltll tllllltittlt um: ll g MchR'I'tiitgt PEEL, the Shoeman Look out for Locals slippers. __ - Viiâ€"r ----Men's unvu Outing Shoes leather soles. ----A lot of Men's Gaiters. any weight, size 6. ---Some Mines and Women 'a Dongola. buttoned boots and Oxfords. ----Wotnen's Milking Oxford; -r.childten'a chocolate strap For $1.00 We Are It'tt a purely vegetable prepar- ation that acts directly on these organs, renewing and strength- ening them to healthy action. You'll feel better after the first ”defer/duo u J?iaser d .61er Pitt, When you have dull head. uches, backache and feel tretter- ally good tor nothing, it’s time to take The Kidneys end Liver are rally the sewerage system of the body on they ere-the organs that rid the body of all impuri- ties. Without their lid the blood would soon become coin:- pure that the heart's action would become impaired. fmreta,athbe, and Ahheys at Grant’s now ready to do bus- iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. (Our stock is new and at. tractive and our pric- es are low. Come and judge for your- selves. We are al- ways pleased to show goods whether you buy or not. If you do not buy now you will again: Druggists and Bookscl'ers KE" EGGS WANTED, "AT/f, waM' - man In £93qu =rrrrtr:zr----- 1etf" u tits, 40. lo. m, 'acfar/ano d ts. pair of our Price; " eta. I box. JULY " 1907 All " pnm Which mil Itubble 'i, it! Vii The Exhihllio: Londo Send to tt W. J. RF, The Dow “EDITED We hare only ll 1.50 line white hm 1.40 line leather h 1.25 line 6t Iron either town WANTED Toilet W For {hose DARLI JULY DAR Exh At If cum " Wh I will .

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