| 6 § Is $15 your price for All WATCHES and JEWELLRY ig + No * iprt We ‘v‘:’*\ \?&“}ï¬ qAAA OQWSC Ne k y$ Waste Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you can get all the style and as perfect a fit as can be put into a suitâ€"as much as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious, but avery other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. JUST ARRIVEDâ€"Some Choice Ready Made Suits DIAMOND HALL f’fï¬grz Our stock. is now complete :}4%"‘:&{ in all lines connected with '%%3% the Jewel]ry trade such ag x2B¢ \ejxï¬ the following : _ Watches, Clocks, Rings; Brooches & Silverware. â€" MAY 9, i9 0o Our Stock of RINGS and BROOCHES of all kinds could never be better than at the present time. â€" We take great pleasure in showing you through our high class stock and consider it a favor rather than a trouble to do so. 6 6 'atchmaker. Repairs has personal aftention. OTr . WEBSTER . Flarity Jewe"er edding Season. a Spring Suit : ï¬laSS, Manager & Cutter C 8 Optician TORONTO {01‘ T »horthand Scho Jas, H. Coleridge, Teacher. I ano ohort 6.8. NO. 2 BENTINCK & GLENELO. | ELLIOTT 4th.â€"Gertie Morton, 3rd.â€" Harold * g:ï¬xev:shnie. W;"llizEgge. ï¬nni&Eweg. < .â€"Btewart Mc Art ur, Ma ckechâ€" nie Lewie Newell. / Sh. 5:.82n;.- TORONTO, ONT, ~â€" Thomas Grasby, Ear essie. Sr,. Ist. â€"Armetta McKechnie. Jr.lst.â€"Rebu , G‘AduUntes always successful. No U nowis Vessie. DIWF ds dnc t 4 ... 24 B 1 102 3 ert Eccies. 4th.â€"Downie Watson, Willie Milne, Alex Hay. Sr, 31d.â€" Mable McKelvey, James Ramage, Murray Findlay, Charles Watson, Josâ€" eph Dixon. Alma Renwick.[Laura Mcâ€" Kelvey. Jr, 3rd.â€"James Isaac, Bert Eccles, Effie Moextillan, Miriam Horasâ€" by and Philip Harrison, equal, Georg- ma Hay, Bert Lester, Ecgar Renwick, Thomas Halpenuy, Alex Milne, Nellis Atchison, Coletta McMillan, Elsie Mcâ€" Williams, Susie Tucker, Effie Hastie. 2nd â€" Mary Findlay, Florence Renâ€" wick, Ralph Harrison, Garfield Devolâ€" der, Louisa Ramage, Murray Wells, Mary Moore, Florence Ramage, (Geo, Mclgelvey.- * UOP EARDUCYT, ACOUCOICT, Average attendance 23, 8. 8. NXO. 3 EGREMONT, 5th.â€"Eva Renton, Alex Findlay, Mandy Renwick, Reuben Welis, Robâ€" us Cmm cLus TY PR H BORN. BURXNETT.â€"In Durham, on 6 to Mrand Mrs Ed. Burnett son,. We need not say what the result will be in the latter case, but to these boys‘ parents we say, try to culâ€" tivate in their minds a love for the school and school work. See to it that they are in school every day; that their report cards show a goog grade or know why such is not the case., In other words see if you can‘t control your boys and not depend upon the teacher to do it. U 060 ce o iaifatisalit s cce ts ae ds Lic e 2s 98 i be but little farther advanced than the beginning. Following comes another group of boys whose lagging steps andsullen faces show that the sound of the bell grated harsbhly upon their ears. These boys will prove unruly, unkind and unlike the other class ramed will take but littleinterest in their work, and at the end of the year, in spite of a teachâ€" er‘s earnest efforts in their behalf, will t dn /Wtritiosa it s a 4 48 c i c their school. Their actions show their anxiety for work; their lessons will pe perfectly prepared; their recitations well given, and they will attain to that round on the lader of fame and learnâ€" ing called success. They will master all knotty probleras, not only in school but in lig, They will not require punâ€" ishing in order to teach them the necâ€" essity of getting their lessons, They study because they love to; are industâ€" rious anod energetic from principle; their life will be a success. The old school bell keeps chiming out "come" and as we look forth and see the groups of boys and girls on their way to schooul, we note some whose elastic step and cheerfuy faces are highly indicative of the soul and mind, and all such will prove a blessâ€" ing to t‘hemselv_es,‘ their teachers and _ The Review is endeavoring to give its patronw the best service that is possible to give and ali that the pat» ronage will permit, Our paper is beâ€" ing frequently complimented on its u;)peamuce and the amount and kind of matter it contains, Our citizens can make the |1mper still more effecâ€" tive by libera patronage, both in subscriptions and advertising. _ The paper will always endeavor to merit the patronage. \ vilf s Cond Rita L McComb, Teacher. Boys and Boys. no+ + B + + A, l!‘A:Raow, Teacher, on 6th May. It., & n "I°ROURICE .l'lll successful. No vacation Bmmence now. agnifisent catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Yonge and Alexander 88, Canada‘s High Grade Commercial and Shorthand School. Miss Leeson spent Saturday with friends in Hanover. Sunday syeuing meetings are to be begun in the church in the near future. Mr John Sharp and Mr Jas Watt have each been unfortunate in losing a vgkluable horse .during the past week. Friday was Arbor day and the boys and girls worked with right good will to make their school and yard neat and they succeeded adâ€" mirably. If we can read the signs of the times aright they were not the only ones who were at their spring cleaniog though. Miss Pollock ot Hanover is spendâ€" ing some time at the bome of her grandfather Mr Wm Ball. Mr Anderson of Walkerton wheeled out to Hampden and spent Sunday with his mother who is not improving as fast as we would like to see‘ her. Mr A. Arderson made a business trip to Wplkerton one day last week. Bince we wrote last Miss Elma Ball of Hanover spent a week with her cousin Miss Margaret (Geddes. THEDURHAM REVIEW Seeding is the order of the day at present. Miss Mary Mighton is spending a few months with her sister Mrs J. Smith near Hanover. The teacher and pupils observed Arbor day last Friday and comâ€" pleted the necessary work, after which alll received taffy, which was enjoyed by all. Prayerâ€"meeting was held Sunday night at the home of Mr David B. Hopkins, north line. Congratulations to Mr Chas Mighâ€" ton and Miss Cecila (Tis) Hopkins, who were united in matrimony on Wednesday May 1st We welcome the newly married couple to this neighborhood, where they bave takâ€" en up their abode. Vickers Mr and Mrs John Barran and chi‘dren have gone to Toronto after si)ending a few vears on the farm of Mr Charter Smith, South Line. Miss Alico Donnelly is at present learning dressmaking in town. Miss Mary Wilson, Boothville, called on friends in Dromore last Monday. House cleaning is the order of the day around Dromore at present. Ons can smell soap suds and hear the whisk of the broom as any minâ€" ute of the day. Mr Frank Reilly and Mr Carmichel of Priceville visited at the home of Mr Jno BRenton, Sunday last. Sunday school started last Sunday weather was favorable, so there was a good attendance. All the farmers are busy huastling the seed in. Mr C. Renwick had the misfortune to lose a very valuable Jersey cow last week. MrJno Garson has the roof on his barn again, it takes Andy to push things. Mr Colin McMillan is getting ready to move his house so he can go aâ€" bead with the new one. Mrs Sam Kinnell of Dundalk is visiting relatives and friends in and around Dromore, Miss Belle Dixon visited her sister Mrs Robt Renwick this week. Eya Renton spent the latter part of last week with her friend Dowie Watson. Miss Mary Bunston was under the weather with an attack of La Grippe last week. Will Hunter and Will Lamont from Robb attended Endeavor at Amos last Sunday night. There is still room for a few desirable recruits for the Coy, here. ‘Those desitous of attending camp Niagara for the last time should apply at once. Members _ of Coy must report to. Capt, 0. M. Snider, or Dr A. McLaurin or E. M. Wolfe, Lieut‘s, Durham. Drill Saturday evening at 7. Gordon Findlay took in the borse show in Toronto last week. 4 We are pleased to bear Mrs Walâ€" ter Hastis is on the way to good health again. The Women‘s Institate held their May mseting at the home of Mrs Jno _ Renton, May 1st. Topic was Gardening and Poultry raising. Mrs Wm Philip gave a very helpful paper on chicken raising, ber own experience last year. Mrs Atchison also gave a paper on Flower calture. The Juno meeting will be held in Russell Hall. Hampden Dromore Recruiting = «+s y Review & Globe=1.30 All our experience at your service. Call and see us. A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Tie: Gloves and Hose Hats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can‘t tell you of this week. We beg to annouuce to the people of Durham and vicinâ€" ity that we haye opened up in New! New! New! Extra Beatsâ€"Jas. matthews, R. moâ€" woxeeken, soe Lawrense, sones Harrizon Schedule will be deliyered way 20 & 8o D. Aurax Con 21â€"2%2â€"G. Lawrnce, 1»0, Law Rouce, A Hann. Thos Harrison, R Short reed, P m®cDona‘!d. Jas Snell, R Iraac, H. H;w.'l‘ Clark. _ C n 19â€"20â€"R matthews, Thos Brown W, Brown, E. Wells, W. Wilson. W.3. Wison $r. J. C. NICHOL‘S STOR Con 18â€"14â€"F Coutts, W Sim. J mcQGinâ€" u1s, A MeceGillivray, Chas McRobb, And. Dyee, Con 15â€"16â€"C. Schenk, W Aberd#+on, P moban, F Hopkine, sas. Wilson, F. Seifried, Con 11â€"12â€"Jno Hamilton, F Kenâ€" nedy, H Lamont, Geo Eskett, Jno Bpicer dJohn Dyce. John H. Con. 9â€"10â€"Jno McDougail, Joe Meâ€" Eachern, C W Robb, F Thilon, R Aitken Aug. Theodor{. Con7â€"8â€"W R Bowinan, W Reeyes, H Wallice. Alf Caulfleld A Buchan. an. W 8 Shire, Jas Runicman Con. 2â€"8â€"Jas, Mack, W Marshall W. Sirrs, Geo Chapman, J D Main, A Main, Juo Swanston, N MceDougali, I Rawn, D Nicholson, W. Tyndad. Con. 1â€"A Hillis, W Bryans, W Dann Jus, Mclivride, A Schram, John Garvey, das. Haney, Jas Moyer, Jno. Haetings, Jas Robingon, W. Cowan, Con 4â€" R McDonald. R Caulton. J D Brown, F FO!ter._.!o!.ln Belton, P Bolger Gents‘ F urnishings Egremont Pathmasters for 1907 Weirâ€"xcrtilianâ€"That John Fallice be paid 750 for repair of road atlot 11, con. 4, N D R, Carried Weirâ€"Huntâ€"That the treasuror be paid $2 25 for postage and supplies. Car. The council adjourned L.o.mut;rs't Court of Revision. H intâ€"Weirâ€"â€"That the Reeve be paid #2 for services re Walker deviation and $2 for conve;ing Mrs Kisser to H of Râ€" Carried. a xemillanâ€"Weirâ€"That x Blaek be paid $2 and E Hunt $1 for commitred work re accident to F meagher at lot 15 con 5. Carried. cxillanâ€"Blackâ€"That the clerk be paid as followsâ€"on srlary $40 : expreas charges B1.10 ; postuge since Dec. 15, §$2â€"97. P Lt Cou 17â€"18â€"3. x.c'Gl_xire, (G, sohnaton, Hantâ€"MceMillanâ€"That John x Donâ€" ald, the asses:or pe paid $50 in part payâ€" ment for his services as assessor for 1907 â€"â€"Corried. Huntâ€"xexillanâ€"That the following payments be made for repairing road at sideroad 50, N D R, damaged by flood in Ap.il, 1907, viz ; Ed Foy. man and team $3 ; A$McLachian, one day $1.50 ; Harâ€" ry Morrow 1 day $1.60 ; D Sinclair 1 day $1.50, Weirâ€"Black â€" That §$84.17 being Glenelg share of award in the Walker deviation, arbritation be deposited with Lucas, Wright and MoArdle, to be paid to Walker on completing bhis part of the award. Carried, Biackâ€"Hantâ€"That P. Ryan be paid §12 for eulvert at Lot 21, con 6, nnï¬ $2 for brushing at lot 12, con 6. Carried Weirâ€"nm{cMillanâ€"That the re the Committee on the Frank M aecident be accopted and that Mr gher be paid g10 in settlement o for damages at lot 15, con 5. ¢ McMillan â€" H;nt~’i‘l;; Phail be refurded $2.20 acconnt of errror in asserse McMiliaaâ€"Weirâ€"That th be pard $24.50 and the Revies acoount of 7prinling for 19067 The Council met April 18 2s per adâ€" mmmont. All the members present, the vo in the chair. _ Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. â€" Several accounts and communications read. Huntâ€"Weirâ€"That the Reeve, Clerk, nvd Jobn McMilian be a committee to «af : with the committee from Arteâ€" megia eouncil to arrange as to the reâ€" 8; Oasibilities of the respective townships to #he police village of Pricevilie, _ Cat. Glenelg‘ Council ed $2.20, overpaid on in assessement in 1906, . B. Buaox, Clerk. â€"Thet the Standard the _l"rgni â€"ni'é;;;vh;r â€"That Hugh Moâ€" settlement of claim ge since Dec. 15, Carried at x Blaek be $1 for commitres Review $20,28 on . â€" Carmed e report of Carried Meagâ€" Measures ana Repairing promptly attended to. Peel, and quality we de'fy .cox;n petition. Advance showing c Summer Millinery MAY 10 Aix. RUSSELL Our Spring Madam Fashion this early has decided the way she‘s going to display her charms in so far as summer hats are concerned. _ We have learned her pleasures, as planned in the fashion centres, Toronto aud New York which tells the ladies of Durham and surâ€" rounding country that this sumâ€" mer‘s Millinery is going to be tne most attractive for many a season for the past three weeks my head designer, Miss Rogers and staff of 7 assistants have been working early and late to cater to the crowds that visit our showrooms daily, We have just received A laage shipment of new goods and though rushed with orders we are going to have a sgecial display on May 10. _ Don‘t orget to see the special display on May 10. Spring is here in earnest. May day arâ€" rived on Wednesday. We are preparâ€" ed for the bright May days with all kinds spring and summer attire. It will Now arriving, tor be of interest to you to know that in the face of the rising market we have reduced the prices on many lines of Spring requirements. trick. _ Calle "WONDER,": w*+s _ The Shoe Man, GASH SYSTEM t‘s coming the time of j nde JtU‘s coming the time of year that you will wonder how you can keep HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTEER AND EGGS Remember that all our worth for 75¢ and it exhausted. 3 ces s e e e e e e en e ".-".-, ECAE Jv“ 4 _ need in this class of goods, Oar stock is assorted with the newest designs in both carpets and curtains and at prices that will suit every purchaser, _ Woollen and Union rags, Tapestry squares and Japanese mattings are in great demand and we are prepared to supply them. his is just the ti s is just the time of the year thet you find out exactly what you 4 _ ing them we placed several orders, Two orders have been ï¬ll.;d We have them in white, black and gray silk from 16 to 24 inches in length and from 65¢ to $1.25 per pair, Also long black kid gloves, The_se have been scarce goods in Canada and to make sure of securâ€" in# Fham uns «o a ie Gumenmmont ceselffinsde .. MWikenn ‘ dn if n M nenien Nok nols sennd s i Just at present Whitewear occupies a prominent place in this store, We have some specials in this line and would call your attenâ€" tion to the dainty effects and reasonable prices. BICG STORE the house iss Dick weatr. P Un oc i tan 00 essm e eel PNCIOTL S eE ceR mm ouse cool to save the fuel bill. _ THE WONDER does the Call end have us explain the saving and durability of this RR »: [CARPETS AND CURTAINS LADIES‘ GLOVES 1 our Wallpaper is going at the rate of one dollar‘s and it‘s going. Get your share before the supply is oot Price THE WONDER WHITEWEAR WALL PAPER ’ BUGGY Top DRESSING |GALL CUREâ€"all the different kinds HARNES3 OIL POLISHK ’ METAL POLISH THE NEW HARNESS sHOoP Nonâ€" onâ€"such Buggy Dusters Black. Better kno“ as Get Ready: you in Succegs ts Bright, Cheerful and T Call and see how Jack can s AXEL GREASE @2 Is the first step towards positions i ciegraphy lnyire bosttion to $150,000 per annum in railway service. You can become a good operator in 6 months if {ou study in The Central Telqn.phy Bchool Gerrard BL. 17 Torouto. The finest School in Canada, Write for particulars, W. H. BHAW, Prog, T.J.JOHNSTON. Prin \ Telegraphy Students : _ 767 * UOUErs Dl‘c deâ€"black dressing for your harness "“P'lll‘m â€â€˜. Are mh. uccess depends upon your fitness to accept promoâ€" tion when it presents iteelt. t 458 LIFE! LIFEI A FEW, Owen P. KINNEER MONTEHS SPEXT ar trgg -/’W&T/EZP/.%: PhY for a Better Position Sound, Ont. ie mire maee is J“k »» .(~r U . $1.00 SPE bargain, panel fro white desig vy stripe in would find ers at 20¢, This week ; These e lins, navy grounds Navy an Hoiser |ecebrelic es I. I. M This th the pat True Or VOL Arrears, . new dur papers, To U.: Postal I{ charge for the the Unit We cou carry bt plete in open wa fancy h Special Thre Mu CX