RE. aunts Tce ies F Co 1907 i.? '), (The popular Cash Store.) 'g p," WE HAVE OPENED q We are having on upholster- .-.- the first week in - month. Anymm wishing Old ttoitdts "30' wued to look good " new should advise tttF-We will be pleased to attend to it at once.- Skhl cans la Um promptly «W to. One door south of Post (W, m lillllllll KRESS member the puee---: Lawrence's old Stand Has " full has of Curtain Pol". Window Shades. Picture Fume- anuneq to order of all kinds. FN This is when The tal is ik per roll We have opened up a large stock of Boots and Shoes; _llubberr, etc, for Spring 1907, for both heavy and light wear-suitable for all classes. We invite you to call and inspect our goods as we feel sure we can interest you whether you buy or not. See the qual- ity and prices. Trunks, Values, Telescopes, and c'ub bags at mod- erate prices. Custom work and repairing as usual at the down town shoe store. . Did you ever have it? “Sure" you say embody lets It." So any do bat they do not always have it Carter's Sarnnmvm- SPRING FEVER DARLNGS DIE - wr‘l " Is guaranteed cure for feeling so common in the It cleanse: the blood, tom makes a new man of iron. 12'; Undertaker EGGS TAKEN AS CASH SaISaparilla cure for that tired, nervous. rundown non in the Spring time. blood, tones up the nervous system and ran of you. $1.00 per bottle at Th0 olden and mount: Maine" school' an mm!- m of the beat. Students - expen Instruction and per-on- uwnuon And an min-d to pullou- tho'lor union. of this live tip-toast hezr, tsrptd-Enter anytime Y. M. C.A. Nam. Yong. A loam an. TORONTO T. M. WATSON. Prine; BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE .. MCILRAITH STORE. ' "why ev- cured. 'rmetpa The highest, pun-st love for children is not. found in the parent who mes irquov, lama-n. profane and vulgar lsmgn "w. and than sets examples that damn, deummlize and destroy, ll they any taken up and followed. It WM yesterday that, Toronto found out and eomtuenced to ex; et'imeni. The street Mrs that should have been crowded at 8.30 and 9.30 in the, morn- ing went down town only half filled. The omee hov in the inmost. recesses of his brain was ftgttping dimly what excuse to make for living Late. us down in the chilly cellar he F.hovelled and mixed and mixed F' id shovelled the new fuel. The shabby, tune-worn old bookkeeper in the dry goods house grew reckless with passion for scien- tifie research, and took the kitchen male and a. shovel and a dishpnn and some water and the salt dish and experimented. The cobbler, who for long years had striven to solve the pmlnlem. and who succeeded at In", "light have Ire-come a. nti1lionruv, but some one opened the bag r nd the out Is our. All the world burn ashes now, or soon will. Wlum seen threw hours later Mr Kinsery stated that he hm! added no "10'? fuel, whervus Itil ovhee (ldys Ite had to throw in Iume coal ever 7 half hour. No mathematierd calculations haul bee-n "SPd in measuring the mix- luw. neither had they added any oxahc acid. "I guess we can unlocx the door now. Bolt. Ashes will hmm," con- (luded the engineer us the huilr" mum became I: 1confm-t:bly warm. S. ill convinced that the p. pets were telling untruchs When the, statement, made that, ashes would hum, the un- gineer shovelled the mixture um the lurmces, no. and hie Maia-tune sat down where they could wumh the "earn gt'agzt-a. PreLLy soon the hand on the gange begun to Wave); Then by degreesit Went round to higher fir,uvtis than Cir:rhe had ever seen it before. If tro.d t'titt be mrde pawn-oily con.- husnlrle. it, will wock "revoluuou in the Northern hemtsphtuv, in lessening the fuel expvnse. Tim; it will stimu- Tale industry seems Mao cerluin. and tti'l cause a wider dew: ml for salt and mm“: acid. In the tests We have men- tioned simply salt and wuLer was applied. We append some extracts from the Globe account: N r. J, [Lu h-ehzud went uhmn lo the Menu. Ire wr'"rttet'e. to expez'.|ne.|L Find “an: situtried. Mr. Dun-Hm ulnl when; hum" ' _ i . ond torsiru'o tin-n ghoul! the l'Uul-‘rttll iug “mm 3.1 Lust. Ihrre are experimenters Innumerable twang the Ahooua cobbler‘s DIVOCESS. but Frid. y we u-. tie a small '.. rev» menu in mamts‘xiu; wnh salt wuwra quatnlJy of ashes, and run] and found it. luvmzd ell ri, m. I'lmlgh we had no means of t "sr mg the ttent. Sauna day we Glooe (' .me m-I wh h n. mlumu a"- L-c’e rel.:tim,r he expc-m-m-e of their dar e "drues t, Cuts. it iumey, who, lathe): rum-l c'V‘l-‘: and "on the quiet, "uxcd Your lumen of n 'her, ready lnr the gum.“ mm. with 'r' 'mul 3; Hrs. of coal and moismnm it, “in": at mu] If “mar. in which he .m-i (“\HUEVELI a couple of handfuls of mil. This Wies' shoveleu into the fu, um enlld "Chan lie' and IL: "maintain wa ted remitz. Wnrch;ng die steam gumm- closely thev h..'.1 the-Ir (lnubts lemuve _ hr the hc, ul lwgrn tit waver: I rt mun-d on to a h ghur "yum lhrn new A en lwlgve. l Ashes had not, "My Ulllllt'cl, but mused l mu' e be 't luau tue copl alone! Have You Burned Your Ashes? She was fora number of years n. well-known resident of Durham. hut. whether-m- um she leaves any fmnily connections I wunut my. Uiten "d. milled she brought. her grave ('luihr-s with her and requested the matron to putpothiutt Colored on her. at hur- (tenth. she desired io be burned pute within m1d.wh..e w.' hunt. Her dr. sire was fultilleo. meet "gain in Heaven. We under- stand that she was only two or three days confined to her bed and died at the time above stared in the arms of [he matron who was hulding her up in had lo prevent eufrocation. She wus conscious lo the last. her end was peaee. She will be greatly missed. She expressed in her teslimony the Sunday before her death that may be It would be the last Sahlmlh she would meet. with an" of us nu earth but prayed to do}! that we_tihould ull She Wotan life long and staunch ad. hereut of the New “lust. church of which she was a true and consistent. member. tstse frequently led In prayer at our divine tbervice on Sabbath ulter- noons. her players in her native ver- nacular were the essence of simple ter. yency; she was always the than to rise to her feet In our afternoon meetings to testify tor Christ. and he: testiv monies rendered in her simple untut- ored manner. were so full of godliness andlove to others and thunklulneas for the home provided for her that: she could not fail to imprew on the winds of her hearers that she led the lite of a ttue uni fauhrut follower. of Christ. not only in word but in everv any notions which were u tangible: proof of her Sunday testimony, and she gained nmny friends among the people of Mulkdnlu who swetl the cmmreszntion in uur service room mull tiahlsath;she "Iso led family [wagon each P/1t9pt,, and awning an. the The deceased lady was u. native of England and came to (human when young. She had attained ttu, vener- able Age of 80 years and had been three tttues manna-d, lwr inst husband huvmg predeceased her sew-ml years Ago. She was one of the first inmates admitted!“ the home having been hen-two yeurunud nine tum-His and was the lust suryivor of three fanning inmate-a of the in mm when your ear. was amniued. THE DURHAM REVIEW Un Saturday 13th math. this old lady well known in Durham and neighbou- hood pruned aan at. the House of Ite. .t.utre Ill Murkdule. Mr Gee, the clever literary inmate. writes to the eastern papers as tullowa: , u.“ lveh:nd went down to the re ..‘-‘.uace to expemueuL tssntl "ried. Mn Dying um! oi.hers Industrial Home Notes but]: of It: Saunders and the the catch who" or common salt in water. As has often (scarred before, the (I I man is likely to be little benefitted by his d‘scovuy. Mmsten with either salt water tt' salt water in which oxalic acid has been dissolved, a mixture containing arm- rurt. tuol and Haw. pails tisiti-,, and a bunny incl than puree-n! i, obtained. The ashes of anthracite Coal barn as readily as do thcse of bituminous coal. This mixture will, upon being placed upon a buruirgi tire. fuse inmn' cokeJike mass and depait but little resxdue. The salt water mav be obtained by the disso. lutiou of common salt in water. ’ hot once or ow.ce in the, World's ‘hisvurv has {from discoveries been made bv accident. The discovery by John Ellmore. an Altoona, Pa.,' cobbler. that ashes can bt converted I into fuel, seems to belrng count class.! He took out. patents but apparently his has !eaked out, for it is rc-i ported m nnu'Hcturing establishments; are cutting their coal hills in haltH and pavement lavers who used to get! all the ashes they wanted for founda- , rims for nothing are short in their supply. The fox mala is: Eggs taken in exchange for any goods. , Highest Prices Paid, Lenahan St McIntosh. [ij"i"ii"i"; ou,r,,,ta,i,ngiye:n f “The [liijl"i'iiis'j'ii. F We,y,e,, y: stock of Furniture is continually changing. Now Is thetime to make your selection if you wish first class goods at right prices. We carry a full line of bedroom suits, Iron beds, Springs, Mattresses, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Kitchen Tables, parlor Tables. Dining Ghairs, etc. if you wish to get a baby carriage or Clo-Curt call and see our assouwent, All kinds of Picture framing done on short no- tice. Agents Gr Ready Roofing, Metal sheeting and shin- gles, also the National Portland Cement. )ur Paint is complete in all Ge latest shades and colors. If you want Murste, Alabastine, Paints, Varnishes, Whiting, Glue. Oils, Kalsomine. Brushes, Paint and Varnish Brushes etc. Call and sse our assortment. We also carry a full line of TinWear, Graniteware, stoves and ranges, Aluminum Ware, Nickel ware, etc. Me are prepared to supply you with anything of this nature whether in Hardware or Furniture.. Our stock of Hardware is new and up-to-date in every particular and our prices are right Builders would do wellto examine our goods and get our prices on what you may require. We have a full supply of glass, Nails, Bolts, Locks, Building Papers, etc. "The New Hardware and Furniture Store" This brand-on' a' bag or barrel-is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled by the best millers in Ontario. Ashes for Fuel """""-.-a-a,. WV 1... HOUSE FURNISHINGS ouse C!§aning & Decorating; '""-'-r-r---.--- m Ask your grocer for I Blended Flour-ond look a the above brand wherever you buy. A few doors south of Middaugh House /i;.:ii'ijc,'i' s,?",] "V 'it));)), â€WW I _ OFFICIAl f2siO LABEL 4. -"i"- . C:!'! a cvs't1t,t,,5 "v---------- f'ii"iigl "Nada in 00mm " FURNITURE 3mm]; "R'-eve-r-r-rnrvve WWW“ in; rvuitiretu by ruch 1 lumber. (wrinkle o the land your Ptolfuym n: c; "ty oi P's. it hunk-nee may will land. " Il'on.‘ c, to me Co. nm c, .ttWtt 011mm Nu}! - Uuatrt Ito. . .ol pup“ alien TCAI, omen: “I l uc . be gum or. Tim .horcestcader is collgauouq v m tecteu he chow] 't plan; I. At lent six mo La Id (Snider -iar" iGu situate. An) won 1 lmbwed scene" of Immlnlon lauds m Madiwha. bthWhean "ttd Album. exceptings Md 26 not n‘nerved. mm‘ be hum: - Ale-Mimi by an" ptu.cst who is me sole head of atatniiy,urn mule a Ct r 13 year..- of We: to thr Ute! ot o nc-qmutu.‘ wa-lon of 160 acres. mun (I? up: 81mm f cannula" M-ht latch: angler has h I pawn Dcpu:y must .L'ornns n h' pcrula'iem re>'dcuce {In " owned uy him in she " "?trtuutet'it, the reouircmeats as to r be asthma lg'xermence upon the be made of the k IT one: of Dd .II to aâ€) y _ month rtsi4v', d th he: ..0mshy " the "t In which toe l qulud o Ierewith u ml!) residetw earn ye W, " shank! he ,v-ivgn Artr' 'Ott “Hus n F m: Pateat. W. CORY of the , I of Met (mu fat h fo Local n ml in or Ad- W mud the ot or all of the other temptations likely town“ you. You may yield to " moat any other temptation and reform --mv brace up, and, if not recover lost ground, " least remain in the race. and secure and maintain a. re- spectable position. But from the in. sane thttat for liquor escape is almost impos-iblv. l have known hut few except ion: to this rule." ' "The first. and most seductive peril and the destroyer of most wrung men, is the drinking of liquor. I am no temperauce lecturer in disguise, hut, a. man who knows and tells you what observation has proved to him l and I my to you that you are more likely to fail in Four cureer from acquiring the habit of drinking liquor than from any According to Mr, Carnegie, the very 'tttever" of thmlnngera that beset ymlllk men who aim at success in lulsinnss in the habit of intoxicating liquors He says in his hook, " The Empire of Busi- ness f' The strongest purely Mutual Fire ln=uram- Co. in Ontario. A record wtthout n mmlln-l and Must rewud for honest efforts. Llconm-d and lug-acted by the Government: insurer run-Murat an tum property Upon the latest known mm: ' or 4 yes! blunket mill-Ion rsued on tne "mum ttttrtaltitertt or one paynwnt system mad“, the most. favorable conditions In the lunuml. Insure in the best. If your lnsuranvc expimslhi- yuan all on. or drop I card to llllllh HRE llt'lljllllll(lf GUMPHNY FARMERS’ CENTRAL If ' Is good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that a is made by Stlnson. This is the l perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just g right; thoroughly kneaded and ‘baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and l strength for those who eat it. ilk Give it a trial. 9.5 NEILlcCANN EL, Agent, Durham l STINSON, The. Baker , 'aa, "e.eseear:ee.a,t:e..t.-ssws" Hnsld Ottiee t 1valkprton, Out © ORHVE Keewatln " Five Roses "-The very best. Krewalin make. A cetrlund just rewind. SEEDS I had 250 more: or Good above Durham. well improved very tine buildings, advertised REVIEW for 87500. I can now for a. (and deal lesn and IT'S A GAIN. FLOUR The Greatest Danger. LOOK HERE, [Ill,,),',.!,'..:,) MATTHEWS a LATIMER rm and 'l'iuroti. and all wr- ieties of Garden and: in u- hundance for Spring gt owing FIELD A ND G The Best Cure For Dyspepsia ‘ie's Highest 3: ides nuly W53???“ The Hanover c, " Royal Household " . MILLER, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Y?!" .iat Proved. WEE ionveynncr in the l, B. McLELLAN, Agent Prices and terms Review d abut atit y Chums. Wringera. Washers. Englandâ€: t Tracks. Rakes. Maven, Binder- Maple but an! swam “Mind lAClilKES The Improved tattotmt CHI-Ill aqua-mu. I "yin The New Hamburg Waggon- Barber Buggtel Buloll stool Land Rollers Disc Harrow" of Elan Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Call and See our Leader Suzd- er, Ploughs, Barrows. Cultivators and Peter Hamilton AGENCY Licensed q the County of Ores. blamed Auctioneer tor the Go. of any. we. smartly Intended to. WI “and“ Men In" be la“ n " [mph-ant Wm- al',','.': Metinrioifi old “and. out the 82'. "ttt ce. JOHN CLARK () Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme c, u: Notary Public. Cotnmissioner &e Auctioneers. Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. 1 Term moderate. Amusement- tor uh to ones. dat., man be mutt at the lu-x Irv tlioe,Durttnm. or Wmnduuu mum mm, or w Ceylon P.0., will he wow "tended to, Temps on application to Barristers. Solicitors. Con to. Money to Loan. (Mice-t HONOR GRADUATE of University. graduate of Royal at Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Over J t J HUNTERS New u we m/tiraiisii.. "ti; Dentistry in all its bunch“ HONOB ERAIK‘A'I F, “a... n .‘I .. .. Mice, Insurance Agent. Money lo Lunn [miller of Mulringe Liven-m. A “on rrul tiuauciat business tt.ttttt"tcted or to ‘. 'McPHAlL- .9 . G. MIGKcy K.C.: w. F Dunn Moe. over Ionic: thy-ulna all In: Coll... o "(no Gauguin-Manual. 0min. and Ga . la. n no; of mu. Old Noodle Corn-h J. a. HUTTON. Omoo ARTHUR H. JACKSON '-tta.trt . C. PICKERING o. D s., Mee. McIntyre Block, over PIT-CIA! & SCI-1;â€: WI“ m J. Std. Hunter's to†I to " ml. [count "a fr.N , to I P, I. - Ml “tendon Riven to Dine-nu of Women Ind Children. I Eye. Egg Nosé i, Th;oat EMACKAY d; DUNN , Altman GUN. DURHAI. ONT. (Lum-l- '1 Notary Public, um: to loot-news (Manon, my) and to Knupp’s (New York) Eye Rio-wash. . F. GRANT D MEDIC'AL OFFICE IOUâ€. ll..- 2-4 p. In. 7--e pm Telethon. Con-Iowan No. " Rhona DEN TAIL. D, McPHAlL. n J. P. TELFORD Ceylon hu . wlephonc once CpliyAtM0Ett. he tlder's Block. over Money to Loan. DR. BURT to suit purchase; C. RAIAGE. Durlm n Tatum) valved» Grud Lucy“! Surgeon On muuissimuor ;, Conveyancers ord imme "F a G".' ylon k Royal College Post Odin: 'ownt Owen Sound the Bank Rooms Store ll 99!. “you bronco irey F1