Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Feb 1907, p. 2

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l %s A - L tiaaday tim very rich. The pope", v: , did not consist in rsoehs only. silver and gold. “Abram wat and pt very religion. A: triend to outward publicity " no outward prospetity, l! aged, In an ornament to pie portnn'ny of doing so much itood." ."rr." danger of tie! 2-..iner.:lv hm. in tbo Tet 'Ota famine!“ ”calm-mu - in which riehe. --.roatp. ' 0: his i pt m-g' mom“ "to pull up." "an exp-"7 ' .Zm. reeuliar to the nomdic life -- I l pullznjr up oi tent-pins breaking up of l mu y ami anovintt iorwtrrd."---'rettr. I Fixer, to "et,S-t---Abrt"t' returns to the l phu- "i his altar in Bethel. In like man- , u"! t"nrittintt "ttIententts cluster Hound tin-n- ehurvttees.---Utt'ge. Nothing can “mfg; God, in reterence to a ind-rot or a hu-kslider, but his being entirely mutated. AU. II. M. between Beth-cl and il " -,itan'tv well describes thin point an , (“rm-n? ".011: bill. its topmost summit “Mung on the rocky slopes, all dil- Urgnishm! by its olive grove ollering 1 Hana! ban-e for the altar. and a m. tmg shad»: for the tent ohm patrinrch. mum-u. 4. aluminum” Lord-- Th). implies more than ordinary pray- pr' 'ue “min estatttiqtted pubiie worship .. n... "ld altar. Ho returned to a closer of a natural may [In - ting abode for the toll rrwfacnhun. 4. Guild TTO imyiiea more than Fr: he again estahtiO at the old altar. He n wnit with God. tr. Ntrite "long I {.7}, J. With Abra um Lot was "on t 1rA? that Lot born" on one" arrd Mung.- on the rut», "'"% ”wish-u! by it otive an rotttral bane for the aits mg shade for the "It ot.) v....~hui. 4. ("IN shi rdtx “my. via-N not Nitric“ In ent mat [alum-e. I A . " their (mumps wwuy that thPir fl "in... an from than the” clothing. food than vlere (mend in Ukukr, Abram , prince, or sheik; It hm! after that he mez: ot wnr (Gen. I at. least In” or Ll mv-tpmont Each l mm: a town of Na i'wottbet. T. A ot t'neir quarto! awry. “Prosper“ 0.14 of ttrth and vanity It in a 'tucttce rather th; which can he avoi1 an“ in " tis M ESE!" to dung"? him tri" rel WU." Wu. ytrite zmm-g the nonhuman (vs. 5. With Aijotm--ft seems plain Lot was trom the very beginning " oarord rather by Abnn’s infltr ' and examplz- than by his own faith lud.~('. H. M. And. yet Lot wu a l man for his righteou» soul was vex- " tho ungodly deeds of his neighbors. Nut mm- to t,enr--Tttrir ftoeks and G were w immeroun that there Wu suffieient pawns“, or water. I'm-u r. wrn- other Hilton in the name tee ory. and to add to the dilliculty the d had been impnvc-rishod by the re- J. gnm'. famine. Substance ma great Ot their lax-ulna invrenawl it wns - awry that thiu' flocks would inert-aw "t a“ from those fiocks tner evivvsl w. clothing. food and (rink Many m were nhemw! in roerat'.ce to ttod.--- ot'ie Abram: up tt.tis" a kind ol m s', m' “in for 'A" learn that tttrl my after tlu,, he hat L3H honw-ln-rl _ " of Gttr (Gen. It. It). which implie l least L000 or 1.500 'pe"it"rs in his " at" ro Du I " tin In? " Th mm. "n" , m. we hung“ " .w i God's ioed try rieheo, an _ h Ill. Abram" genera 8. Abram laid-'Aht'll "tter is wise and gm: but. take his Chains. to choose tor 2.1m. 1 wisdom. Thir ’n what allow. God t ' fix its always "tutied wit God bves."r-f. H. y in a “racial any! 1 ' ---. I .ll .u-..u.. .. "B-"" _ Ahmm and -Abtatr. spanks lint. Ilia if": i, wise ond gPIH'I'an‘A. "He first let got. take tsi, hair-2. 1nd then left God ;n elmuo for ‘...m This w." heavenly Indore. This '., what iaith (we: does; it allows Hod t ' my. its inheritance. 1nd ii always satisfied “in: the portonwhicll God mves."rf. H. M, No Arite--"There . a special danger ot quarrel? in the family and among kindred. where that 1 -t (-. work, because there are so .' '. ~mx‘lictinu interests among them.” Fm we are brethren tit. V.)--ATe In of the ' ' family, worship the mmeGod m the same way, have the name prom- in». and look for the unme- end. Why than m1tould there be tUAtet--curke: If re an brethren let us net and love like brethren. 9. The whole iasard-The haven 1y principle if gortsearxtree (tritium holds the t'tt'J,',rfl in Mun-‘- brunt qosrstimiat "non! amid“ d til Sermon on the 'iuut.---Mieh.r. - ate who. me-Min pupal-lunar rririiiririiiitsittheur"e: no --._e -.-a " " m i! isis way to iénlt-Zunge' W. Lot't gumbo eee, [and up his qua-Thee u " cu..- .- "v "Y man’s history at which it witt " " a: / be made manifest on what grwmi he u resting. by what motives he m actuatod. and by what object. In is animated; thus it Wu with Lot. -- 11 H. M. Plain of Jooun--nt $0.0 the Jordan valley north oi tho mad SCI no" the city of Sodom. "In -. to have an nothing in vii! but his "Ix: al convenient. and dw- Me not inquiu into 'lllATiririlTetttAt but“. nor does it am! to tR'Pf . has“ “an - h-- in»: the put-n oe t kw the tuition! ot D ‘I- O- W" otye'Y, £11120)" LESSOZ‘T School. Rial!“ telnet-lice in. 'am and Lot bad mspen-d Ind wen wt) of these time. :ks only. but duo in tram was very rich, an. An piety is e roquity (I Tim. Il, parity, " welt nan- I to piety, and op- so much the more r cl riches an”!!! the very tirrrt case Luck. are mentioned. pot --Li wally. t way, have the same prom. wk fur the 1mm? and. Why than: be Jtriie?-c1srkt. If Enron let us art and lore like The whole loud --The haven- e (i (minimum! evident" uprenmcy in Mann's breast. tho mom] atmosphere of the the iianc--Mkrrft.r. Separ- a me-Min W1 to aspir- hon in love of peace. not rem-h regard to his own in- " general» otter --Ahram speak 'tnruen a - wu- ---" nation. of um um “and thu of an. and w- M" a. valley of the Nil! you” 't, M ttte TI mild he an o s."-Alostmtrt tl ly ' "iour- hn PX???” naturally prompt tto comparison at up well-wuervd denn valley to the land of Egrrt.-Terr.v. zoar--1utthee 20!. ttbt the Znar near the Dead Sea, to which Lot ned me: the destruction of Bo. dam. but lot. the border land of Ear- inward the wt. near the Grnt all “-L M..- ntrplrhtd mm» trom 910 "rrt.---Terr.v: Zoa the 'Ovar near the Lot ned after the dam. but 'tor. the toward the out. _ oehieh once stretch Iowan: - -_--" which once stretched Mediterranean to the . - 1-..; which once ”an"... m, Mediterranean to the Gulf at Sun. '60? chain] was the garden land of Egypt, through anion. which Lot and Abram must. lately have paused. which fact makes the reference The 'atlGi.---veioutte: ' Bt. Cl ll. Lat chose-The choice was selfish. "M,00 Instead of grwlily taking the best he , should have been generous toward his The uncle who had done so much for him. menti Then, too, Lot had ao regard for splrl- rival-i tual things but decided wholly from the staodpo'mt of worldly advantage. At They iepGated--lt, is not thus with the Cul ' riches of - or of glory; the more we i,1,'iu have of them the close: it unibea tut.--- work Fuller. . ran 12. Pitched. .toward Sodom-He nil- g mnced toward it till he came mm, but Jo _ . “A“: 1mm onteriutt by “W“, (vs. Io-l?).. 1.tr in . eri!tiy in I5. I .W-'-' - mnced toward it till he came mt, um. WWa prob-My prevented from entering by the iretl know-no chunk: of its inhabi- tants-Leak. He who keeps bud com - _ ., A‘Aukb'ul “bananas. ol pally, indulges w an-..“ . allow: wronf and selfish a nut-we his lie in pitching ward Sodom. The only safe keep far away from sin [ God. We In commanded , company with wicked people tho word of God. See 1 00 These. iii. 6, M, 15. "Evil tions corrupt good manners' 33). as). 13. Wicked and situtersr--Thf Sodom were sinners of the fi1 nitude.----HettT. The greatest d is often found amongst the inl of the most fertile lamb. Lot len into the very vortex of vi iiisiuiu.r..-r?P?ht?, Lot chose - . ---_. "fuoa la Info, w """'t"" ---.y - . - puny of sinner». "One " safe , ed mm so long as ho is ende make them good, but is never he chooses their company.” L happy (2 Peter ii. 8) ha 900 tainud in his own charactel host everything, first by war t - ~A-‘-A..Iu tmttr )any of sinners. mu; - Tia I "l mm so long a' he is e envorin to 'f"f."1'Cr' - __ make them 110:6. but is never safe Jim.“ N. 8... "I'." hurnul to death. Her Home: l he ch00“, their company.” Lot was not euugltt me from an open grate. ha y ('2 Peter ii. tl) he soon “became "rr""'"". tagged in his own oharaeter;" and he fiat.,'): c. E l:hehx. of f,1t11,'i?, island. lost everything, first by war and then by was 1n ihe ou' P. Company 5 {no mirth tho flames. immediately following Lot's shop, Peet.,'.: 'tttAl', piece It,'.'., app choice the Lord made Lwerat great pro- ah flanking? _ "d'd,1" in! f": ears tat mises to Abram (vs. l4-l7). t e 9'3 t as MN?" PS royeu. PRACTICAL APPLICATIOSS. BRITISH AND FOREIGN Abram Wu called oi God to leave his country, kindred and tatherU house and A MM ovotttttt'r with the troops sent! go into It land which he knew not lGett. to tin- ststMtt' of the native revolt In the vii. ll. "He went out, not knowing whi. Mani of Java. Duteh East Indies, suf- ther" (Heb. xi. 8). He listened to the tiurd In supprth the rebels. whose ring- ‘command and to tho promise and “Abra- 'il‘llilt'r and fifteen of his followers were . "““W-l Hml and it was counted killml, and many wounded. lther" (Heb. xi. 8). no "Bun-cu w ...i command and to tho promise and “Abra- l ham beiievod God, and it was counted‘ unto him for righteousness" (Rom. iv. 3). "He staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God" (Rom. iv. 20). God commanded and Abram obeyed , (Gen. xii. 4). Every act of Obediti'u-U . brought a new revelation. As soon as he I had passed the border land into Canaan I the Lord appeared unto him. - .-._, “Hm-om wont MD am of Egypt.... to iwnner....u..w ..._ place of the altar, which he had made thore at the first; and there Abram call. ed on the name of the Lord" (m. IM). ‘\Vhen Abram went down into Egypt, ever It type M the world, away from Be- thel (House of God) he found fear. sin. danger and rebuke. but he erected no altar, offered no worship, enjoyed no communion. All the days away from his nltnr were lost days. God could not “blow hint" or make him "a blessing“ in Egypt. But God watched over him in his wanderings. and not only delivered him out of Egypt but brought him back unto the plum of the altar which he had , made. at the first. . ll. Abram's proposition: Both Abram _ and Lot were prosperous (vs. 2-5.) "And ---* «an m that indulge: in [lune no ...- _-_"""" ll. Abram's proposition: Both Abram! nu! Lot were, prosperous (vs. 2-5.) "And ....t!wir cthrr,at"'e “we great, so that may cuuld Lot dwell tosicther'l (v. 6.) In tite “rife between the herdsmen of tacit catcle lv. 7). Abram, tho richer and "Het. made a proposition, to bis nephew rrr ,wttie thc Jisapit'uif'yt. In tris propo- gil'nn the glory hf Abram's character tt_. mm It was I. I'eoeesblr'. "Lot Abram‘g' position preveuwu uv... -_-- u no chum“: of its inhabi- 1 , He who keeps trad com- es in doubtful pleasures, or g and selfish acts to in- He is pitching his tent to- ' The only safe way in to 'tXY from sin and near to e commanded not to keep L -a.trma monk who disobey ;;.- ',t i""' '. _ 't' 1.r.i' . lam-n mur- jinn than righ'v T \U\|l4.'x tt 's, hm i'.' durum Ir.' 1.1m“- righwon: ~1 1'.T, in} In F o-." )lmlune fltiyou -a.v'. "Since oil. “nmpnn d, I,“ gi' M: 1m- gnu-r to regard evory- Inn-d. N. C. in; :u ll ‘wv- 1,vdrytbit1tt in its relation Fvlmnu'y 2f l,i:;r,o'r,t'. I (ml great facility in bear- l t'rw Oirsts and (“MN of my neigh. Sir John .g-i, t lrove 'A rmdinvas to plum-m and Sven-lain a dig» uwrylmd;:." 2. Unicliish. P." war' imr‘ Abram said .." r, not the whole lurid " director yiore thee? met. li than wilt take the rowpaniets; o". Iii-ml. thend go to the right" In, S. .1 By right tho l-imime of position for a The New n-m- lay with Abram, but by the high- turde an r btw of love he waived it. Ile recog- called theo i.sml the claims oi brotherly kindness. icy and m Ill Lot's pvualty (Vs. le, 13.) Docbt- m-s at first Lot meant to dwell st g, ado Wm. J. , imam-o from Sodom. but griduully w” bly from imp-Hod by his spirit of self-seeking county. y prudence to draw near" rind nearer, un- small rou til from having tttd his tent toward dgy by g Sodom, we final F" discover him within No cause the walls; and his unhappiness Wu tut the workidg out of that luv which In the bringn. tt4 surely an the effect follows the sonic Tel cause. the, penny as a consequence of the De , (rronspdoing. Templar' ---.--- tin Cuslu FATAL ACCIDENT IN DETROIT To A l FORMER iiiturrostD1". _ Detroit. Fol). 4.4‘luudo A. YanXt-r- man, 30 yeah; old, employed as helper in the dymunn room in the Edison fl. luminuting Co's. branch plum at Stat" street and Washington boulevard. foli' headlong through a hatclm'ay to the eement floor oi the dynnmo room. '20 feet below, about 4.30 o'elock Walnu- day afternoon and died of his iniurie ten minutes later. His skull was frac- tured at the base. Van Sommnmu born in Brentford, Ont. gm] went to Cheboygun, Mich, when . child. if“ [ Sewn “who shocks were felt on ' .wmhy It Gwen-ville, m. 1tili,'tit'eii"'iirTiiiiii,'2te1i , has: uh!!- tho widow’s we!!! and l (in ii-trig glut!- Wilt“!!! PM" u..- _ _ 1od. See I out. y, 0-11; 2 M, 13. "Evil communica- nood manners" tl Cor. w. ttul alienation. tt have settled the q ht and his angt 1 he tweak-s dam as and gins the ( to his weaker 1% 01w of St. Franei fAllS 10 tits DEATH. position: "Abram went up '.... to Bethet....uttto the altar, which he had made first; and there Abram mul- tune of the Lord" (m. IM). n went down into Egypt, of the world. away from BC» of God) he found fear. sin. rebuke. but be erected no rd no worship, enjoyed no All the days away from his lost days. God could not or make him "a blessing“ "d and watched over him in I51“); ”In. .,_N- wrong toward pm The name of Dr, , Imus; :3: 5:12;: {maligned in com Med wholly from eipa1ship of Mug vrldly alumnae. l . - . At a “wrung of not thus with the Ai d Society the E of the first mtg- greatest depravity gut the inhabitants lands. Lot has ral. etex of vice 1nd Lot chose the com- ' ia safe with wick " IT My. .. - -e' " (v. S.) Writer than " our putty however . is the sacrifice oi self far the sake of peace n saw at'. oeeasimt for . _ I... t "tttre men of Vet..'.-, harks, l tss/no. CONDEN Jud, MdTatvutt, chairman of the ll Wu A fire mourned last evening an Pullman‘s Limited Company building 2, omtaiuing the carding and spin] rmzmw, at St. Hyacinthe, Que. Consi abh- damage was done, bu tmostly “nth-r and smoke. The other del numb oi thr. mill are running as u An official denial was issued to-dny of the report recently published by a Mont. real newapuper that negotiations were on foot for the sale of the Islands of St. Pierre-Miquelon to Japan for use as a coaling station. The five-3 creenwell, K N. 8.. Wtt% h caught fire Sir Michael M l‘nrlimm-nt sinve 191ht. die had bum in il Canadian Glass Works . ----__ 1.... , CANADIAN. Mioot" Foster, Unionist member rliznm-m for London University limo. died suddenly yesterday. Be - ... "-- _.-w_.e" Hum. 'r"s'i'7ii"i"'tr:ii,,Ltii Wm. J. Donahnt, memberot the Assam“- bly from the 14th District of Kings county. N. Y., committed suicide in. :1 small room in a Brooklyn saloon to- day by shooting himself in the head. "So cause for the act is known. In the midst ot tea sonic Temple during the De Molar Com Tcmplars, at Boston, tin Cushman. organiz: mom mmmander of l "lw livpuhl'lc and pr MiHard Fillmore, th'u the United States, lwart (lisoaw, and l midnight. He was I h 3..., been new“ Ottaw- polices isomast+ in Isvalth LUTHER AND KERRY EIGHTH. old dsugrttr Ll were mm in England in 18:32. and mm on...“ -_"" . or of many Australian 1m ie Before any tillesmen were cum-u ber " and institutions. the stand District Attorney Jerome. Mr. tve,t, '21ur1ul'L'i'uhtiiii ------- "llortridgc and Justice Fitzgerald had hariiwagre trade is inirl ’ow York Grand Jury to-day re- an earnest consultation at the Judge's a od demand f or met: an indictment against the 50' desk for fifteen minutes, and again the 1%'l'y' firm and exp mutrical trust, charging conspir- rumor spread that a juror was to be GiiG The grocery restraint of trade. 'excused. At the end of the conference, this thin: of the your. '. ----- however, no announcement was made, have sdvauced. Canned I. Donohm, memberoi the.ly/11- and Mr. Jerome proceeded with the ex. firm. Bugar is steady . m the 14th D.ittr,ict P.' King-4 nmimttion of the first talesmnu. Assiint- There is a good trade N. Y., committed suicide in x Int District Attorney Garvin had depart- ions nnd the tendeney room in u Ir.'rot1,cly',1, saloon to- ed from the room, evidently on some im. Country produce is . shooting himself In the head. portant errand for his chief. slowly. culeetiom' " Pitt for the ttet 1.9 known. i With the one vacant seat in the jury (my, box this morning, the defense had eleven Winnipeg trade rcpt he midst of festivities in the Ma- peremptory challenges left under the dire my: Bo for thil vii Temple during "iadies' night" of penution of yesterday, by which ten “in, he been blessed P Mulay Commandery. ttnights additional challenges of this character somhle of weather I Hi. at Boston, Mum, Maior Aus- were allowed each side. The promotion on this “count, a TI shman. organizer and first depart: had twenty challenges nt its command. of all lines of wint mmmander of the Grand Army of', railroab 't,'e'e.,i, Milt epuhlic and private. secretary to r---"'""" with rill posit lo ll d Fillmore, thirteenth President of LEFT 35,000,000 TO POOR. uddltothamdfor l'nitrd States, was sticken with ---- trade looks my pr disease, and died shortly before Murdered London nudism Had an kn- are getter-“y fair. "hi. He was 80 years old. MEI -1. Vancouver Md " _ ___ . ' the Paeifie Gout h -. 7-.-: mm"- m- 5-.th tone Mth " “W"? . , npauv buildupglkn‘; iir,,h"ll'll'l" L . d sp1n_ . :1:ng Consular- ICON h 'Ic.’bu tmostly bty. We‘lv ' The other depar1 S a” e running as Hum: “100?." WM“. rica ttt Point vid in Thousands buruesl. Loss L} Hanan) Canada A - ... ____s..agt-rhtrtdt -e . for some timu Til iiiiii'iiu" l tion,dehtt, was run blood until I reguutr tonic Ind " . in s certain! nest will C006”, u cunt. g in the Com mum: No. m-ee. t the Assum- b of Kings suicide in ’1 . saloon to- chine. new In Ina-Hr... -- - voluntn and GktieiUd iiUternentatrom l il over Ban!!!“ Dr, t A. Slocum. Limited: hi/niiistitett,-r.1 feett it my duty to advise you 1 of the remrkublo any “new! by your Prrehlnc and Oxomumon. which hue come under um puma!“ nbwrvnuon. Three men. we“ known to me. Albert Townlend. Hazel Hip-on Alld Johu Metar. All ot Shelbume County, were pro- nounced by the ttest mediestl men to tuve' ijiegg"o'rt,','2', 5nd who incunble and beyond we reach o medieal aid. They wed Plywhine and Oxpmulslnn and they I" now In load hua‘th. - . '- A L..- t mu. m mfteritttt yummy)" tn """ In-‘... The eorrespotylery'e was I': ndou in London in 1525. copies were known at before i'op.v WM bought “why ty Alla Quuritvh for $255. ji. ONLY ONE JURYMAN IO SELECT AT THAW TRIAL. When the Court Opened This Morning-- How the Panel stood-Wife and l Other Ladies Present, But Mother Absent. Now York, Feb. 4. There was more or less of nu atmowphure of uum-rluuuy in the court. room to-day as the hour for l resuming the trial of Harry K. Thaw! upprmu-ln-d. The ropurtu which hail held over from yesterday to the offer-t that tlu're might Ire a further weeding out of tlw jury were again in circulation ml the eleven men now on the trial panel filed into their plate in the jury box. The mun-room was crowded with Halt-mum this morning. the new fourth I x Inn Lavina! renamed and about' snom on: MAN. Before any tale-mien m-n the stand District Attorney . Hartridge and Justice Fit: an earnest consultation at desk for fifteen minutes, an rumor spread that a juror 'excused. At the end of the however, n9 announcement and Mr. Jerome proceeded _ amination of the first tale" _ _ . ' __---- (Earth a” " I 'W".t'l3 v. -ee"e ,, and, unsohcmd statements from Iii“ TORONTO _ was printed‘ by 323. Only three More. The fourth M on behalf of orntoutlt, Mr. and ategie and Josiah the roll eoll. Mrs. of the prisoner. re. ay, because oi the She was greatly fa- were oalled. _to was. " usual the quality of club was not good. Au A ' undo. III -u -i--' “I a ttrisk trade It good pre. -iworters--v.e gamma; We use on In: and no loads od {than heavy "In“. A few lots were sold It put-u musing trom “.56 to $3.5 and on. lot was noon“ at 3630. Export bulk sold at $3.75 " “37%. but tew got the utter price. BuwarPPrlme picked cattle in lo" ot one. two. three. (our and tNo cloth each. sold from 84.06 to $5 per cit” but more were tew brought the mu: "ure, u will be ' ‘- ---.. _1.. given. you. ot in: one. two. three. [our - -._- sold from 84-05 to $6 per cam, bu few brought the In“: "ure, Men by the many ales given. 1 to good. " to “.30; iGdruaybut . ----. 991:. an M.’ 00! will mm run ot tttoLakq' Mr. Mun)! tsought trom 800 to 1.900 tttt 81:55.. to a..eP. 111,-? I - w M-'-' - Mild: ci"rs--'rtte_re , springer: ottered than The “an”. ,19, Jon 83.35 to “.10 per mu. Much tows--'rtttre were more IIIHKEI'! swingers ousted than tor sworn weeks 1 The quality. with some few excepuons, common to medium, In (In they we act-my lot. Prices ringed from no tt each. It the Montreal dealen had been on the market lt is doubtful tt nt them would hive been sold. -- _ _.-..- A, srttod IM euch. It the Menu-en mm- -- been on the mute: lt ts doubtful tt but ot them would hue been sold. Vet! btuve.--veal calves ot good qualltv were In demand. but u mull there were tew offered. The prices quoted try the deal- ers ranged all the Wily trom $3.60 to 31 per on. r -- _. ' -nh-anbl of the but quil- iiidira per cm. . Show and Lambs-Lambs of the but qual- ity cold at $1.60 to 87 per out. but common. ill-ted lots of which there were far too many, sold a 84.10 to $3.50 per um; export ewes nold " $4.60 to 35; mils and mm at 8.50 to " per cwt. . Howe-The run ot has! m not inrge otd mice: have again advanced 15e per cwt. Mr. Harris quote- selects at $.75 per MIL: lights and taut at 5.50 pf an. More good quality hon would have aoldweulily n the above figures. . FLOUR PRICES. rmrur-sranltotrt patent. 83.73, track, To- ronto: Ontario. 90 per cent. patents. $2.62 bid tor export; Manitoba patent, special brands. $4.50: strong bikers', H. --- _.--w.rmtrR, “Lam-31'. "1 Emlyn. ..-_‘, mocr--itotre patent, 83.15, track, To- ronto: Ontario. 90 per cent. patents. $2.62 bid tor export; Manitoba patent, special brands. 84.50; strong baken', $4. WINNIPEG WHEAT MARKET. winniper-Put1le' closed to-dar: Jan. ".4ch bid. May G%c bid, July Nhe bid. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. ttttr- .l tit." Ierk H'.'u' New York ... ... ... .. Detroit ... ... ..... ... Toledo ... ... ... ... .. M. Louis ... ... ..... .. Minneapolis ... ... ... BRrruru CATTLE Loudom--Liverpf"n and firm u 11c to 13e peer! refrigerator beet ll qua ‘oeg' pound. ' h --. -.-_,‘__ " a by the may one. ...-._. _ Dd. $4 to H.30; Mium‘butc an. mum good cowl. $3.35 to 845 on to tair $.60 to 03.35: cannon, .50 to " den and iiGceers-ll. urby reports a run ot not-ken and feeders this week. Mun-by bought ' this week weighing “M M , 000 an; etch, which cost from v" Wu", o. w. Clemons of tion sends us the I A. C. Holstein lteif Dekol. Her best fl? w! Dressed not! are e " £9.25. and heavy I When. white. bush. Do.. rod. bulb. ... Do.. Sprint. bulb. Do.. some, bush . Oats. bush. ... ... . Barley, bush. ... .. Peas. bush. ... ... . Hny. timothy. ton Do.. mixed. ton ... Straw. per ton ... ... tteedts--. Allike. fancy. bush. Do., No. I. bush. . Do.. No. s, bush. Pr Red clover, new ... Do., old ... ... .‘ Timothy. bush. ... Dressed hogs ... ... Ems. new laid, dozen Butter, dairy .r. ... Do.. Creamery . Chickens. dressed Ducks, per m. .. Turkeys. per lb. Anal“. per ttbl. . Potatoes, per tn Cabbage. otey LEADING Onlons. per bag ... ... Beet. ttittdqutsrters" ... Do.. toreqtmrter* .... Do.. choice. carcase . Do.. medium. carcase Mutton. per cwt. ... ,.. Veal. per cwt. ... ... Lamb. per mm. ... ... b Bradstreet’s Trade Renew. Montreal-Little change bas been no- ticed in general trade conditional here during the past week. There is continued I great activity in all branches or manu- facture. Textile manufacturers very loudly comglain and blame these condi- tions for sow deliveries and for con- tinued firmness' in prices. It is true stocks of cottoru and of white goods generally are light and prices are likely to go higher. To meet the reorder trade that should follow ehipping there is a very light accumulation of goods. The hardware trade in fairly brisk. There is a good demand for metals. Steel and iron is very firm and expected to advence further. The grocery trade is fair for this time of the an. Evaporated apples I have advanced. nned ttht hold very ' firm. Sugar is steady an in fair demimd. . There is a good trade moving in provis- - in... “a the tendency to prices in firm. . ,A__‘___, 1390' Q etch, m Qt'tit l‘hero Is a gun m.-- or . om and the tendency to prices is firm. Country produce is coming forward slowly. Collections are generally satis- factory. Winnipeg trade report; to Bradstreet) my: Bo for thil winter Western Oun- adu he been blessed with the most m- sonable of weather and that he: been, on this neocunt, n Neer8 good movement of ell lines of winter goods. The new railroad. being built are being pushed with all possible Ta and every day 'iiiitirthis-dtort em. General spring . m, "A“ "W Nomi-ins Collection "1);; __ bush per_d02¢ll l, '.".". ..y. III}. 10 00 u w treet'l Trade Review. Little change he been no- wrul trade conditions hem an. week. Thu-g is ecutiuued " $8.75 tttl ... .....$0 than and‘ eel! ttsat. Ion. V" f were i go to $50 had not ul tt but td quality May. Julr. gal/t t'A'ft 51% 80% 10 00 It Ema Lo tair 070 067 0 " 30% on 011 tttt 150 067. it (Y) 0) 00 tht 50 'i (or. rou "V r whoa the '1 d bum. Ind a r Next mum _ mr-.. W a nu I” n . I hm.3uk. It rii ttre W“! m law an I l In which I t m tow vukl' t T. wound " tte as mound " . & uni-INK. I 350' I ttaM over 1 lot mink ot th " an ”mud ( perlence Mtt m I do not mtr are For all . .1. uloel'l tttd I ... lulubie beet " If you have ml- :11 Manuel“ {on But. Gi', m-B‘lk port m. mm --- body. 'sltHA, . VIII,- - v MP, in. C. nomrdy r.o.ca.rot, In. I thank “a P.P.0.A. 'itlaFal?j.u2', no I and widely Mn an in mm M unh- It I. possible to not. b the .uMettf and hero In In. unclean. fairque. n III me In m an. torotstlh in "tw.:- l “In ”my ot but you I cut the :1le “use: at my [on nod smartly “I bloc-1 when!“ not In. [the wound wu " a?! painful mu 1 owl! not up. an when M- which m to awe“ and than“. l on- nultedmdmufllwd'raw Mlummthsle-Whhufl- The wound [at no hotter, and on. a: We! doctor um. "lav-r61. the on! mu 1 on do with um than: II. use " on. I aut - bu cund." Thu w. M V." DWI - ' iidd2Y,,U'8tfl'riiiCie2'f.. "Jun- 1uiagB- l so - I” uu-v-- ' I“. I“ " mt tttet. “I “I" ”-7 wound '9 terrible and the airemN eelr'li mdon “and Mt " ttm n l and" u. not!“ - at! - - m - ---. an. unn- weekl- He a“ told Ii. that _ ._ nut on“ the Gat-tor com. - all no gonad ee Ttph 51% Ne: 300 U60 W. 00 1200 " .11 3. P. R. SAID T0 In!” CONQUEST for " LABitAD0rt. . “F: Quolwc. Feb. t,--Railw" men. civil tlo vuginocrs and legislators not in the an .,veretr, of the Canadian Paeifie Railway I to Corupauy are cudgelling their brains to 'd dist-over the motive that led the com- ','l nun}: to oeluire an option upon the mu» [a trolling interests of the Quelu-c Railway, ti Light & Power Company: It now tram l spires that the C. P. It. management '.", have haul in mind the acquisition of this tl lwal railway for the past two years. and o Cuvally got to work to get, control a ihrough the agency of the Montreal St brokerage firm of New“. Forget, bl ...' Mm...“ ”meannu- of opinion in‘ " I. t have had in mmu luc “ml". - lmal railway for the past two yet [many got to work to get, through the agency of the , brokerage firm of Messrs. Forge The gem-ml mucous“: of opi: 112nm to this deal is that the l mm- on the ere of cunning upon “mi-tuna pvpr I nunrd to this deal " in... nu n. tire on the eve of emering upon one of the lumen propoutio.n,t et'er concoivcd In) a t nnndian virrporafto".. and have fur their niln no in” an object. than the do- wlvnnwnt of the whole practically un- known nortlwnntern part of Canada. so rich in mineral resourteA. At the same time they will soak n new outlet on the mmthoas'toru extremity of Labrador for tlw exportation of the great grain and other product" of tite West and Canadian ,c,o.thwe.qt to the European markets. tlie exportation ot t other prmlm-u of tite Ncrthwert to the Eu t and " 1rat and war' " this evening Commission Orders Ihre Mines " Crib (thin. Many heartwarming can»: u bad Closed. ported every day. _ Vienna. Feb. I.- It ltars been unwound 1.t a turttug. of the. Calgary for some time that the famous Thermal of Trade 1..ast uight " rtpolurioy Springs at Carlsbad are endangered by p-ed calling ul.".'." the Pet',?.'.,'),' ('Otll mining operations in the neighbor. ep1trte.ttt to Gtabliesy tk t1'j.1.layl". hood. A Government commission sent to an“. m tltey'"y/'lte'flf where a C investigate the matter decided that three effected Mt the best form. of the mines must be closed immediately .-----_---" or thowntors would be lost. All English l NEW chT WORKS company owning one of the mines his; ----_ appealed against this derision. and if it ' A MiiiUtt W Enterpr: in not rescinded will one the Mate for 'uattrea1. damages. The comp-11y partly relies upon rho opinion of the eminent geoto- Montreal, Feh. c---Noatreal 'gt') Prof. Sue-m. who does not believe base oue of the largest aw“ thnt the luring: ttre endangered. on the continent. A count-t l - . . - n "nun-.. um“- I‘nm FAMOUS? smm’cs E5 l - . :3 A ?i'iyrsi) with a imagined Shouider 3 train sped on. the fireman his duties, not kmnving (he drivvtless. “a nearing Ber Me ttware that there Wi "nent of speed. and. on loot tiviveruvrea.t, found it erupt Id the train in. and later found crawling Mung the tral ith the exception oi min-r0 a fractured rib, he war- was able to proceed to hi cur- oculls. Itch, not“ n I blotch. on tho (we 3nd v so“. cold m, plus and " In none-1m tt cur- h mun. and "and our C tho tightn- duo to men t druagt.t. all It to on" a 1 n from the Zuni-But Co., I I tar 8.50. I , M li UP? TO INT!!!) CONQUEST I unmet. "I”! w" ' no and.“ “an!" " B, h. "tw.:- l t a0 mule tr C“ bioof VII " '0?! t - M hue. ' °'" u a run.“ an " - 1 on W a" v was ' iii', "v. TM""'-" “a th. INKS! "s-r I.“ m In H 15 no "go. ot the mt In tusa" " 'ii/ A ..-.a Ms G., P.G. I ”m! m d a. Wu- s"rl'kriit, “Y0! W, M. " an.“ - “a.“ at . r. ttdir, Wan Gavan a Mg: by In": to “I M001 mm vlidl Be Says COILIiM Ugl27, , Peet mum-I mu: than in the no. I ooII- Cumin tynrquined of. at Tau-M . u. and. . Brantfonl (lap-tel): seecttwtaU" "vi- _--.-,.. ...... A... ;uu-‘u.,.:.| '" ENDAN to dictntv n he - ..r_ covered its when“ he at on“ “Icon- tinued. put. it in an curator at left it DIODES! for Mr. Bout-thy. who and null got it ' next morning. . . Questioned u to the contents of the I'"'." civil document, which the Mayor give him, at In the the witness testified that they rotated , Railway to Montgomery, who formerly kept at brains to rag "e,fe,'ld,',',"f in thin city. In it . were re cream-,5 to "libertine" and "da- r,t,htet,e 'i','),',',: pray.ed lreost," noun-thing about um gab, w Railwav, I like reference to spending trights in now mi. tue rag shop, and ooattttetrt regtttulittg a mnngcment deaf and dumb girl. The signature. ho tion of thig thought, WIS "fatheri of the vuimul , vars. and ones," and We whole thing seemed to be tiet, control addresses! to the electors. Th" witttersm a Montreal wa.t.1etliy'.: however. that tho hulul orget, writing Wu not that of Mayor lion-um. opinion in The flak-nee endeavored to won't-m he C. P. It. the evidence by gvWtug an odutiriwio" Pon one of front the witnmo, that the written du- n conceived tttttttent supplied him by litmlhy wan nut tnd have for the name as the printed circulal which than the do- sulmwcntly appeared. He would nu: lethally un- swear it was the same, but dooI-nrnrt ir f Luanda. so to be ninth-r and contained mm At the nine phrases the same. “In fact. tho whrl outlet on the thing tooked very much the mum-f u » "him!" for his final 00mm“. _ . A A, A” \lnnul.|\' 1. t 1oukiuy m Calgary, Feb. 4.---Calgtiry Lu.-, empty. . He burdened in most alarming mu later Little during the hit few yeah, and [my M? track, . lurly during the hit tew month: 'vere 'oruiqer, . Urge uumba' of wuuunupmw w wart unlutrt. here trout cuter!) (Made. T hey to Isis ltoute here nanny with a null won“ money Ind. nu umble to work. - - result is that they are mou' n _ . "'t, »- “I, _ ”I-H‘I‘Ilu -- -- deuce was “Mum dun-MM'Iu-MJ m the defamatory libel Com.' mum n nu- ouu-ume of u cn'culur hum-d “3.41“" -m- drew 6. Montgomery, one m (m- four undulating for the Siayortsits o'.' 15mm- ford, It the lost election. Un "mum: /ee, mun-mug the circular WI- p.eqivered Ann-"L “n L-u-M- m. lt m lion momma the citculnr mu; 'r.eqtrere" WW nub“ a. W. It in unheated to an Von-n of ”tantrum. wan signed "funer- at ruined "ues. mu! made half a dun-n mum. “Amlglng charge" touching the permouid honor at Mr. Mangomery. i After the: election. in which Mayor A .. .._-........r ....;. 'tc. , an f, ‘XI'VHIKII I-un..-77 - turtlr'r tsvidettee “as submit“. After lexst urgmnem Um I annmmcod that he would r decision until next Thursday hum)» of tir. Wy. The} “an . great difficulty in gating nonnmzu.) don. ”Any kearuasauliutg one- are ported every in. At I. mating of the Cnlgnry IL of Trade last night It resolution ' [passed calling nan the Dominion l eminent to eMa 'sh a tsataitariuttte i t.'": in the mountains where I culv effected in the but form. INVADED BY corrsrmr'rrvEs. “nun“... ---. -- __ have one of the Ingest cement plate" on the continent. A mum-1 has been let to the Cumulus White Compatt? . of thi. cit), to erect. the phat on the on, side ot Verdun Asylum. The cement works will be opium by the Fordwick (onlpuuy, of Slew York. in which u, latest! idmhl with thore in mutual cf the SMUWI Power ((vmluln} .ilt' primlrlly concerned. The initial calm ity will be 2.5“ hauls per (la). Nu ( entire untried will con fully unnum- Wants Suit-mam hunts. NEW emu WORKS Limo! Doll“ Enterprise at of tke charge “u I)“ before police who after a mum, wwrvvd deeeiou '9’"! [at mu Fridrt? "Uottrs, “men. “by e.atied II he tereurd " 4ttert in hum! Wtt. Ind urinal m copies- of " on Monday h 'owtb.v to Pro- paw Busklnl at It has not the Mayor" for Eute " Ot :ifi th his Ill he hat “no MO E 'IRI "Did 'or-rl beg question. 'fe E iotitm anrthin up” inning 5 m “I not“ her at“ ”up, and BO gt ant to - jet-51" te/f.', III-ck dun. new the Jget,t'orr can of attained in and motions. I I" but in tin! insult! l in uppmnnce imp" ly on or diuppfm'ei by Mia EUe "Miss Elm mar, no h an of my ft the 3mm “volume.” Linn bow Them doubted) "We -1 imporunt dul'lm. E Hunt Bil du- - 00 Pure"'. " qvegt in th for her i, emrstiom she must Hump) ML rel two no time. t come l young In" Mrs. 11mm Whtt --auilt or the read- - m." ohouhl " should In the romp gnre th of you 't feel any d u Elmer, ' er. no In: th t my friend. I.“ faith . chase." “I bowed in a buxom Bee pad how to p can , wept ler k on the th "I u" out daily they join “In as. ' mum: hour: ol mu I I only vial . WWI an, the tA II Mti Sir Vinc- than“ he!” MM!- tt non .indv! I“! like" IV! I” dot " fr and and the t it. Kn! ber TI lur b “I M ttA tol d

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