Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1906, p. 5

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kti0ns FUMES GE CO ERS! _ reguliar 1JOM in our chil drens & ZANy" HARRIS DOLLS R 6, 1906 M l CHINA f perfum ts from every rtment is the his advertiseâ€" e, too. thers at ==5y,( t Review OrcuarDo Dnrb.!n Executrix y diffâ€" ierate Doll H ete ABI We $ 18 rame rared and _ on ko the f it te we on TV > _ w #) Durham, Nov. 16, JOHN CLARK _â€"» D. McPHAIL _â€"~ Orders may be left at his Implement War«. rooms, McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the R=vigw Barristers, Sollel:on. Conveyancers, C. Money to Loan. Oflice. MciIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay K.C.;: W. F Duna Licensed . Auctioneer fo the County of Grey.? Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Sales Office, 13 Frost 8t, â€" â€" â€" â€" _ Owan Sound Will be at the mddal:ah House, Durham, the first Wednesday each.month from 10 8. m. till 4 p. m. Late assistant to Moorfield‘s gnndon. Eng) and to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye Hospiimis. Terms moderate. Amn:lemenu for smiles as :loce oalt)?.' &c., m.n.s.t_ b%m e at the Review Ofâ€" + ham. orrespondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, Term:> on application to J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M Member College Physicians and Surgeons ()fice and Residence Cor. Garafraza and George â€" _ s®., w6 1oot of Hill. _ Old Moodie Corner. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted. Puysiciax & Susemo®, Office over J. &p. HMunteor‘s c >( 8 to 10 i.x. 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p Telephone Connection No. 10 /2Â¥ 1i11ectionmneers. The Bargain of the Season is the Review, Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer to 1 Jan., 1908, for $1.30. _ Offer good for a limited time. Let your neighbors know of this bargain. D. MePHAIL, Ceylon #. 0« or to C. RAMAGE, Durhaw #ar _ Ceylon has a telephone office. ARTHUR H. JACKSON K Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. ARTHUR GUN, M. D.. Lice nsed Auctioneer for Co. tirey Bye, Ear, Nose & Throat NMEEJ LDLC.A L DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) Notary Public, Commissioner, CONVEYANCER, &c. MACKAY & DUNN, en mceetnd CA afoaim cht: J. P. TELFORD DR. BURT OFFICE HOURS SsUPPLEMENT To THE DURHAM REVIEWV tâ€" REPORT U. S. S No. 2. B. & G.â€"â€"Sr IIIâ€"Gertie Morâ€" om _ _Jr. IIIâ€"Annie Ewen, Willie Edge, Har McKechnie, Ella Lefigene. JrIIâ€"Mabel Vessie, Geo Newell. Jr II â€"May McKechnie. SrPt IIâ€"L Newel!, Stew. McArthur. Jr Ps IIâ€"Earl Vessie, T Grasby. Srlâ€"Ar. McKechnie. JrIâ€"Reba Vessie. Kate McDoxvLo, Teacher. Mrs James Morice is seriously ill at present. Hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr John Leith is engaged with Mr Robert Smith of your town, for the winter months. Mrs Alex Smith visited Mrs James Marshall and other friends on Tharsday. 6 [Â¥ Mr Jas Webber intends moving the barn from the old Marsball farm to place it near his own buildings. Mr Wm Walker, of Holstein, yisited Nermanby friends on Saturday. Mr John McEachnole was married to a daughter of the late Archibald Ferguson. who lived on the 15th con. She and a large family of children, most of them marâ€" ried, are left to mourn his departare. A meeting was held inS S No 1 on Monday evening tor the purpose of nominating a councilman tor this ward. Motions were made tor Mr T Wallace and Mr David Lefth but both resigned in favor of Mr Richard Barber. Mr and Mrs D Leith were in Holstein Saturday. Mr and Mrs Jobhn Morice returned from the West Wednesday of last week. We are sorry to learn that Mr Morice has poor health. This family of MeEachnie‘s came from Glenelg townâ€" ship, where they lived for a few years after coming from the Highlands of Scotland. Wheu they went into Proâ€" ton yery little of it was settled upon and they got four good lots, which by their industry made good farms They had to bear the hardships of early settlers, but beâ€" ing strong robust men were well fit for the heavy task of £ pioneer‘s life. Often they had to go to Durham mill, nearly 20 miles and carry a bag of flour on their back with some other groceries in a bundle without any road, but a path throughithe bush by the blaze of the surveyor, then around a Proton swam[r. for a few years, but they were a contented geople and lived to see the fo5t path turned into a road fit for oxen and a jamper to go on. Then they begin to see other and better improvements, good roads, fire buildings, etc., betore their departure from this life. Mr Baird, the former pastor of the Hopeville chuirch, was here for nearly a week but has left for his home in Toronto. Mr 12 EC e ECE PPR CT MCCUOR 20 2 20000, DUs COnunUeud 17 iHQ house, John, who we now write about, Aiexander, who moved into Osprey a few years ago but since died, Roderâ€" ick who a few years ago moyed feom here into Kspp.) township near Owen Sound. Died at his residence 2 miles west of Hopeviile, on Wednesday the 22th Nov, Mr John McEachnie, one of the ?lonoou of Proton township, lg(e);i about 80 years. The uneral was on Friday the 30th to Swinton Park cemeâ€" tery and was very large, friends coming from Durham, Priceville, Egremont and some from Toronto. The minâ€" isters in attendance were the Rey Mr Gibsou of Hopeville. the Rev Mr Matheson of Piceviile, and Mr Baird. the forâ€" mer pastor of the Hopevilie church, but now of Toronto. All offictated at the house services and Mr Gibson and Mr Matheson at the cemetery. Mr McEachnie was one ot four brothers who came inâ€" to Proton about 50 years ago and seitled on four wild iots on the 12 and 13 Con., all adjoining each other. They were Neil, now living in Proton, but confined to the The funeral of the late John McKechnie of Hopeville, took place on Friday last to Swinton Park cemetery. We extend our greatest sympatby to the sorrowing friends. We hear of Mr Wm Porter going to have a wood bee: Particulars later on. Revy Dr Caldwell, of Flesherton, preached a very able sermon at Salem on Sunday last. Mr W Heard visited Mr Herb Campbell Sunday last. . _Miss Silva Sackett has returned home from the Queen City and we notice a young gentleman wears a very pleasant smile. All the boys who intended coming home from the west bave returned. Glad to welcome them back. is being prepared. our burg in your paper, we thought we would send you a few items. Hale and hearty the record breakers have returned trom the wild and woolly West. We believe there will be a Christmas Tree at St Anâ€" ?_l':!:l_ church on Thursday the 20th. A good program Our old Hopeyille blacksmith, Hamilton Allen, who Well Mr Editor as we have not seen any news trom 3 Hopeville. DURHAM, 6 DECEMBER, Pnsd "i iw:y No farmer shonld be without Silver Pine Healing Oil for bruises, sores, flesh wounds, Inflamation, sprains, barbâ€"wire injuries, swellings, etec. Ask Arch McKechnie. Glenelg, Dan Wilkie, Bentinck, Wm Carson. Normanby, Dugald McCannel, Egromont, of its marvellous yirtues. Fvery farmer and horse fancier should feed Internntional Stock Food to their horses and cattle, if they want to prosper. The above is a photograph of " Dan Patch " the fastest harness horse of the world, who is fed every day on International Stock Food, His owner paid $60,000 for him with a curl on one leg, which he removed with ‘‘ Inâ€" ternational Compound Absorbent. " Jr Aâ€"Alex McQueen, Charlie Mcâ€" Dougall, Ada McKinnon. Harper Mcâ€" Girr, Nellie Lenahan. Jr_ Bâ€"Albert Livingstone, Ruby Willl@emson, Donald McQueen, Lorne Smith, Muriel Snell. Jr Istâ€"Robin Farquharson, Henriâ€" etta Havens, Arthur Ramage, Percy McKechnie, John Livingstone. Jr2nd B ~â€"Sadie McDonald, Lillian McCrie, Bertha Havens. Ella Carson, Theresa Vollett. Jr Pt. 2nd Aâ€"Emma Fulton,. Inez Redford, Gladys Search, Roy Vollet, Badie Ferguson. Jr Pt 2nd Bâ€"Nellie Fluker, Martha McDonald, Doris McAuley and Nettie Lloyd eq, imfarion Marshall, Cecil Towner. Sr Istâ€"Jack Bryan. Etta Saunders. Norman Leuahan, Zeta McCUlocklin and Alfred Wesley eq, Mary Smith. 5thâ€"Winnie Binnie, Millie Whitâ€" more, James Fallaise. 4thâ€"Noretta Faliaise, Laura Beaton, Ben Whitâ€" moce,} Millie Brown. 3rdâ€"Joba Mcâ€" Sr Pt 2ndâ€"Leona Fagan. Cassie Mcâ€" Nally, George Douglas, Victor Mosely, Wilbert Knisley. Jr2ad Aâ€"Thos Wright, Mary Hartâ€" ford, Marguerite Hutton, Eddic Hutâ€" ton, Allie McGowan. 8r 2ndâ€"Ray _ Farquharson, Alex Hilderbrandt, Helen Ireland, Cassie Russell, Florence Barclay. Jr 31dâ€"S8 Kelsey, Vivian Crawford, I, Russell, Thos Lauder, Mamie Mountain S8r 3ra â€"Devena Warmington, F Bryan, H Murdoch,. Bessie Saunders M Colling. Jr 4thâ€"Hars)er Kress, Mabel Latimâ€" er, John Mcliraith, Jack Davidson, Gladys Whitmore, Form Iâ€"Vaddie Caldwell. Ruby Mills and Nellie Hepburn eq. Jesesie Smith, Laura Seigner, Ella Kinnee. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Sr 4thâ€"Jamie Farqubarson, Lyla Kelsey, Garfield Collivg, Ruby Knisâ€" ley and Agnes Ramage eq., Marion Currie. Form IIâ€"Edith Allan, Aunie Aljoe. ghml-)lie Ramage, Bessie Weir. Maggie irth. Form IIIâ€"Thos Allan. Mary Edq_e. lrene Latimer, Fanny Moran, Willie Farquharson. For sale by HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. 8, 8, NO 1, GLENELG, WM. BLACK â€"Durham. The strongest mm,.(l{ Mutual Fire Insuranc Co. in Ontario. â€" A record without a Plnllel and aA jJust reward for honest efforts. Licensed and ins(i:ected by the Government ; insures residence and farm property upon the latest known plans. 3 or 4 year blanket policies issued ou the annua instalment or one Pyment s ‘em under the most favorable conditions to the insured. Insure in the best. If your insurance expires this year, call on, or drop a card to NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent, Durham The ReyIrl R. Hicks has been compelled by the ?opula.r demand to resume the publication of his wellâ€"known and popular Almanac for 1907, ‘This splendid Almanac is now ready. Por sale b{‘ newsdealers, or sent postpaid (%or 20 cts, by ‘Worp axp Works PusHissins Com raxy, 2201 Locust Street, St Louis, Mo., % lishers of Wor»s axp WoRKk®, one of the dollar monthly magazines in America. ~One MOTUAL FIE INSURANGE COMPANY FARMERS‘ CENTRAL Almanac goes with every subscri 8. 8. NO 1, NORMANBY, 4ithâ€"Arthur Backus, Willie McAlis« ter, Arthur Gadd, Eya McAlister, Willie Wallace. ~Sr Mâ€"Mnr{ Backâ€" us. Minnie Keller, Albert Keller, Lizâ€" me Burns. Jr 3rdâ€"MÂ¥tle Caldwell. Bertie Morice, Dinah Thompson, Arâ€" thur Morice, ‘Fommy Wallace, James Marshall. Sr 2udâ€".fohn Kerr, Grace Mountain, Walter McAlister, Neila Marshall, Mary McAlister. Henrietta Keller, Elmor Fee, George Webber. Jr Z2ndâ€"Jean Morice, Leslie Morice, Annie Deau, Melyille Morice. Harry Caldwell. Pt 2ndâ€"Mabel Wallace. Stanley Mountain. Sr Pt 1stâ€"Arthur Mountain, John Kerr. Jr Pt Istâ€" Dawson Marshall, Lizetta Kerr and Janet Mountain eg., Andrew Marshall Hella Morice, J l‘iurns. Pt 1st Aâ€" Maggie Petty, Katie Kerr, Charlie McAlister, E B Morice. Average atâ€" tendance 36. 225 _ " "$ 4V00 RHOgimvray, Cliza Jane Edwards, May Grasby. 2odâ€"George Heartwell, George Arnett, Vernon Pennock. _ Pt Zndâ€"Myrtle Grasby, Tena McGillivray; Mu-ny McMillen, Mabel Beaton. Srlistâ€"Bmma Arnett Sadie McMillen, Neil McFarlane, Vina McNab. _Jr 1stâ€"Matthew McKeown. Arthur Pennock. Thos Edwards, Osâ€" car Pennock and Flora McFarlane eq. Average attendance 20, Keown, Ruth McGillivray, Eliza Jane The Rev Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanac. The strongest purely Mutual Fire Insuranc ay Grasby, 2ndâ€"George George Arnett, Vernon Pt 2ndâ€"Myrtle Grasby, livray; Mnay McMillen, n. 8rlstâ€"Bmma Arnett len, Neil McFarlane, Vina 1stâ€"Matthew McKeown. nock. Thos Edwards. Osâ€" M. M. Apair, Teacher. Axy 1. EDok. teacher. NTARIO ARCHIVES LIL, SPRING GOODS iter Hamilton AGENCY erything in readiness for the Spring e New Hamburg Waggons Barber Buggm Bissell Steel Land Rollers Disc Harrows of Elora le Leaf and S!NGER SEWIMG MACHINXES Improved National Cream Separators, 4 styles sy Churns, Wringers, Washers,§ yn‘y loaders, Tracks, takes, Mowers, Binders ws and terms to suit purchasers. €rooms across the bridge north oi Post Oflice. Orders left at Revicw ie will receive our best attention . M mmurimniin 0 eurinecemy B. McLELLAN, Agent FOR SALE lendid Working Rorse and Thoro HMereford cow ready to calf for Also ; sebt ?)'f double harnes, i single setrt w harness, ‘a few articles of H:tl:ahuln Fur. son. Call and see our Leader Seedâ€" Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and of f tA taP Now

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