Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1906, p. 1

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order t \Avgg Eting your n and see o6 25 ent re needed tion. We re Xmas ts is uselu ry. sition to $1.50 to 332.50 And 6 aro ER ping, dersold uesâ€" have tto be yone that WMW‘WWWWWW% Ca@®trt o Lt O â€"~â€" _ : Â¥4.~. _t*‘a.."% W VOL. XXVIIL NO. 49 & i gEEEEWEHEE@EE:EfiE@EfiEEEEEEE % LADIES‘ NECKWEAR RexnenEmmrxESNENRENRERERRE These Make Splendid Xma« Gifts .__So many things to think about. Avoid all the worry and disappointment possible by shopping NOW. F Make a highly appreciated gift. We havea new lot UVS just inâ€"at reduced prices. _ Fur Ruffs, Throwâ€"overs, Caperines xc., $3.50 to $15. Ladies‘ Jacketsâ€"Plain and Sable Trimmed, $30 to $50. We wish we could describe the dainty creations. We can‘tâ€" so come and see them. Our Christmas Neckwear is simply elegant, and the stock is immense. It is certainly the finest showing of Men‘s Ties, Mufflers, xc, ever shown in Durham, Choose yours NOW. Christmas is Near Handkerchiefs for Everybody Christmas Groceries ps _ Fur Gauntletsâ€"These make splendid Christmas Gifts. Men‘s Gloves Men‘s Caps Ladies Gzoves Fancy Sweaters Men‘s Mufflers Lovely Ribbons White Bed Spreads Floo. Mats Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers DARLINGS DRUG STORE IS HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPER Mc Intyre Block â€"And so Much to Buy. Purhan lar entertainer was .Miss Minnie A Twamley, who gave several recitaâ€" tions in a style that captured ber auâ€" Cience and justified her claims to be a teacher of Elocution as well as of physical culture. _ Encores were freâ€" quent, 2 OrGAaxn Recrtram,â€"The last of Mrs Newton‘s recitals, (so it was announced but we hope not) was held on Thursâ€" day evening last in the Biptist Church before an appreciative audience, Beâ€" sides Mrs Newton‘s own distinguished part in the program there was Mr Hewer, of Londou, a soloist of no mean power, whose selections were made in excellent taste and as well rendered. Miss Ada Brown also had a pleasing soln and shared in a duet; with Mrs Newton. A new and popuâ€" _ THrR PE Soctatm.â€"We say " the ‘ pie social, for though we could not be present. the echoes of it that reachea us hbefore and since shows that Hutton Hill is a leader in this class of enterâ€" tainment, â€" But then with such organâ€" izers as the Hutton family, such a chairman as Mr Irwin, such an aucâ€" tioneer as M Metford, such enterâ€" tainers as Miss Twamley, Miss Hutten and others. and the attraction of 120 pies or boxes and their possessors, how could it be otherwise? The school bouse was packed, almost to confusâ€" ion, boxes sold at many prices, up to! $1.60 and the proceeds of the evening â€"and the morningâ€"were over $100, l ’ SERIOUS ACCIDENT. â€" Wednesday last Mr John McDonald, Bunessan met with an accident which might easily have been fatal. He had tied bhis team in the Pres, Church sheds, and in going to hitch up had in some way fallen between the whiffietrees and the borses. which taking fiight had kicked and trampled his face beâ€" yond recognition. The borses made o# and rushed down street and he was later found unconscious and re. moved to Dr Hutton‘s office where his wounds were dressed The upper jaw bones are broket preâ€" ventiug mastication and he is being fed on milk and liquid food at the residence of his nephew of the same niume. We hope recovery may be speedy and sure. The troublesome road deviation qvestion that has caused much fricâ€" tion between Normanby and Carrick has been arbitrated upon and reported gettled on the basis of Normanby payâ€" ing $ and Carrick & of cost of Maintenâ€" ance. This Cntrick is not inclined to accept and has appealed the case. A new bridge is necessary in the near future costing $4000, and it is this that is causing Caerrick to fighc shy of it. | MacazIn® SALE .â€" The annual sale of New und second hind wagaâ€" zines and duplicate books of the Public Library will take place on Friday 14 Dec. Present readers please take hotice. . Â¥ Â¥ ‘:"’:E' :';_! 5- L/ f / r The Neustadt Furniftite Manuâ€" facturing Co huave bought a new storehouse and is making good headâ€" way as they have been working nver time for two months. Flarity & BurnettNÂ¥all special atâ€" tention to Ladies‘ CoMts and Men‘s ordered sults in which tRey lead, The Burns‘ church Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas tree on Friday eyening the 21 of December at the church, Rocky Saugeen. Adâ€" mission 15 cents. _ _ During the coming Christmas seaâ€" son we would request merchants and a‘ll advertisers who wish their ads changed to have them not later than Monday night. Interest at highest current A large number of accounts r:t? a‘lilaot:ed ffron? &;te of ?epo-é on our books commenced with a it to of withdrawal an paid four times a year. _ Your dollar or so, and have been ?d- deposit account is solicited,. d¢d to regularly, usually with No red tape or formality with us. » all amounts. We are no respecter. of : the ‘‘dollar" depositor is just as welm‘ the larger ones, STANDARD BANK or CANADA J. KELLY, Savings Bank Department DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER6, 1906 Durham Branch mm us c 0 colaals n ol aniigi enc 2 o SR e ce meant WVs 28th. a quiet wedding took place when Miss Marion McArthur, eldest daughâ€" ter of John McArthur of Aberdeen. was joined in wedlock to Mr James Ewen youngest son of Mr Robt Ewen The bride was attired io a suit of grey cloth with white silk waist and hat to match. Her bridesmaid Miss Liszic Ewen wore a suit of li%ht blue cloth with blue silk waist and hat to match. The groom was supported by Mr Walâ€" ter Clark,. _ After the wedding the party drove to the homeof the groom‘s parenta in town, where a dainty sn;- per awaited them. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a handsome fur coat, The young couple will take up the duties of married life on their farm at Aberdeen. The Review extends feliciâ€" tations to the young couple, who have l}),egun life well by ordering it for their ome. M. P. P.. and others whiie the musical talent of Messrs J. 8. Drysdaie, Geo. Binclair and Jas Mather was freely called upon. _ _A Kixpty GiIrt.â€"Ben Nevis Camp atita meeting on Friday last made a contribution to the funds of the Sick Children‘s Hos«pital and also made a substantial fraternal grant to Brother Alex McDonald who for a long time back has been sorely afâ€" flicted by sickness in his hoine. This kindly spirit does the camp credit. This regular meeting falling on St Andrew‘s night. the rare combination was observed by a social feast of oysters, cake, cheese and coffee preceded and followed by speeches from exâ€"mayor Calder, Dr Jamiesen HYMENEALâ€"At the Presbyterian manse, Dl_xrham.Ji)!q Wednesday, Nov. A We have been rashed this week with job work and advertising. the inevitable crugh before Christmas Readers within a 20â€"mile radins of Durham want just such news as our advertisements afford, and will pardor a slight reduction in reading matier. The business men advertising in the Review are wide awake and ready ‘h'g(tih goods and prices to please everyâ€" y. Our brief intimation last week of the loss of the Steamer Jones has been amply confirmed by the finding of wreckige on the Christian Islands. No surviyor tells the tale and Wiartor espetially mourns the loss of citizens. Nearly 30 lives were sniffed out. one of the greatest disasters on the lakes. An assignment has been made by the Disneyâ€"Deviin Mfg. Co., of Hanâ€" over, to John Mills. The Comg-ny hare been manutacturers of chairs and also ran a foundry. They were eapitalizad at $30,000 and have been in pusiness for about eight years.â€"Ex. Eerrrox R. Younr@.â€"Author of ‘Saddle, Sled and Snowshoes" wili lecture iu the Methodist church or Wednesday evening 12 Wec. This popular lecturer appears under the auspices of the Sunday School and is everywhere spoken most highly of. Admission 25 cts and 10 cts, Markdale is one out of about 150 municipalities, that wil vote on local option in January next. The Standard thinks 60 per cent can be pelled now as easily as 50 per cent a year ago, so great has been the growth of temperance sentiment. UF â€" Brown. EKye. Kar, Nose & Throat willÂ¥Wbeat Knapp Hotel Dec 8 & 20th. Holrs 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Eyes tested, supplied. DURHAM JUNIOR LEAGUE.â€"The enâ€" tertainm»nt given on Friday night in the Methodist church by this society, showed that it still retains the high standard of excellence that makes it successful as a school cf Ohristian training for our young folks, â€" The meeting was presided over by the Rev T. Colling and in the absence of Miss Irwin, Miss Sparling took charge of the musical part of the program, The friends wno listened expressed their delight at the pleasant and profitable entertainment, _ bestowed _ by the bright younfjuniors. Devina Warmâ€" ington displayed especial talent in tenderness and pathos by her recital of " The Telephone to God." No comâ€" parison could be made amongst the vocalists, every selection being a *best‘ efforu by the young performer. A vote of thanks to the officers in charge for their consecrated application and concentrated effort in the interests of the Jun‘or League closed the meeting, | The collection $5.20 will be deyvoted to the needs of this socicty, | ** Dr Young is a strong man, an eloâ€" 1 ?uent speaker, and is full of teliing acts about a remarkable field of laâ€" bor."â€"Bishop John H. Vincentâ€"In the Methodist Church, next Wednesâ€" duy at 8 p.m. Admission 25¢ and 10c, : Stirring mission â€" sermons were] preached last Sabbath in the Methodâ€" 18t church by the former pastor, Rev Wray K. Smith, now of Artbhur. A! generous subscriptioh list was taken at the close ot each service. l Posters are out announcing the!w ogening of Markdale new Methodist ' c‘u{:(_'h. For the last three Sundays 10( Cemee e ueye of this month prominent men fill the pulpit and a great social evening will be held on monday Dec 17. A rural school trustee, in converâ€" sation. drew our attention to what seems to be a defect in the present basis of salaries, He rightly considers that there should be a difference of Government grsnt according to the grade of certifivate held by the teachâ€" er, also that the lengih of experience on the part of the teacher should be a factor in appropriating the grant. As it is the new graduate from the A odâ€" el Schools is put on a par with the higher qualified teacher of experience. The Northwest is wshead of us in this respect. Maybe the defect will he remedied in time.â€"Mt Forest Confed. Gait, Vim, Push, Snap, Energy, | Schools, Morality, Churches, Harmony ; Cordiality, Advertising, Talk about i(, | Write about it, Cheap property, Heip | to immprove it, Speak well of it, Ad.‘ yertise in its papers, Healthy locatâ€" ion, Patronize its merchants, Good | country tributary, Elect good men to office, Home competitron in prices, | Faith exhihbited by good works, Make: all the atmosphere henl!.lg. Fire all cromkers, loafers and aeadbeats, Let | your Ohbject be the welfare, growt.b‘ aud prowmotion of vour town and ite le, Speak well of the public lplgted men, and also be one of pt.hem yourself. Be honest with all your Never was re seen in town such a inagnificent di ay of Men‘s Neckâ€" wear, as is this yeayshown by Read the big Fufm®ture Sale ad. on i page 5, though a sight of the showâ€" | rooms should be had while full for the J holidays. E. KrrEss. | Chsistmas Arriw\yâ€" | nece I0 dozen fine herRstitched linen handkerchiefs® at 15c %aen, 10 dozen embroidered â€" handkercBiefs at 15c each At Grakt‘s. OrdSÂ¥red overcoats both men‘s and l1dies‘, %heap, serviceable at Flarity & Burnett C Xmas â€" GroR 8. F. Morlock The daintiest Wdies’ Collars and Belts, see them at Best display oR cutters ever made in Durham at Queen & Morices warerooms on Latkbton St. Everyâ€" one should see t & Read their ad page 8. Christmas Arrimâ€" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A Snap in Wheelbarrows. See Mcâ€" Lelian at warerooms at the bridge. Christmas L L and Â¥kerchiefs in all varieties at 8. F, MorNick See our new stork otf l&s’f&ucy collars from 25¢ to 50c at Grakt‘s. Morlock‘s advéert ent this week will well repay readin See page 4. Arthur H. Jackson, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Durham, _ The latest %ping in Ladies‘ lea ther hand bags at nt‘s. Snap in mi‘Moryu 8, F. Morlock‘s. Business Locals lxl. Mockur®r‘s. ies of%all kinds at H. MockrErR. Professor Osler, addressing a meetâ€" ing at the Working Men‘s College, London, England, the other day said, "if all the beer and spirits could be dumfed into the sea for a year the L):op e of England would be infinitely tter off, and if all the tobarco were also dumped into the sea it would be good for the people and hard on the fisbh. " There is a joke in this, but onâ€" ly to enforce a sober truth,. Misreâ€" mark gaeserves all the publicity that his former joke about chloroforming old men got.â€"Ex. \_ Deceased was a native of Glasgow, | Scotland, and came to this country in 1842, She was one of the first to be ".n Durbhaw along with the Hunter iund was thus the oldest pioneer at the |Lime of her death. â€" After her marriage to the late wellâ€"known Matthew Barâ€" ber they lived for a time about a mile north of Durham moving later !to the lot now occupred by their son Matthew and at Jast to the well known _ corner which bears their name still, and now owned by their eldest son Richard. Oniy to vyery few is granted a record of 64 years continuous residence in one district. Besides the two sons named there are three daughters surviving: Isabelia Mrs Henstridge, of Stoney Oreek, Carrie, Mrs Grant and Janet, Mrs: Nowry, both of Detroit. Mr and Mrs ‘ Henstridge and Mrs Grant were home for the funeral on Wednesday last uL{ which old friends and nei@ghbore M.l sembled. She was buried in Maple wood cemetery across the road where ‘ she has seen hundreds of funeral assemblagss in her time. InrportaANT.â€"Directors _ of Public Library meet on Friday evening, Important business at close of year. Savings Department at all Offices . * 558 yi?parkRene+ J. C. TELFORD, Manager, Durham. The Sovereign Bank of Canada gist Octoâ€" 1st DARLINGS, The People‘s Druggists Cash on Hand ano at Banl.ers m tb tnlie 4 n $ 383,007 $1,173,478 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,610,478 8,942,710 622,774 1,214,822 1,491,898 3,916,812 Capital Paidâ€"up This week we want to tell you about a shipment of Manicure, Toilet and Shaving Sets just Received. DARLING‘S DRUG STORE Obituary. Any goods bought now will be laid away to suit the convenience of the custome A NEW CANADIAN RECORD. Watch our north window this week Reserve Pund and Undivided Profits Bonds, Debentures etc. 713,8397 672,034 791,153 1.612 .831 420,373 523,461 1,335,847 These goods are the very best at the lowest price. Chartered by Dominion Parliament. 439,8%03 862,838 Bank Notes in Circulation $1,630,199 $ 759,0905 1,237,650 1,284,840 1,550,790 2,850,675 4,614 1,179 1,58G Loans at Call The Busy Store on the Busy Corner Durham> MENT SEE THIS WEEK‘S SUPPLEMENT R. B. Keeler & Sons For KEELER‘S NOTICOE, Anything in my store from a Diaâ€" mond Ring down to a Collar Button will be laid away for Xmas by paying a small deposit dow... SaLs Birrs.â€"Have you planned for a sale this fall ? We haye all the ap: rlianceu for turning out sale bills neat» y and quickly and the Review is a good medium in which to advertise, An advertisement in the Review brings results. _ When sale bills are printed here we give a brief free anâ€" nouncement, and we put the whole bill in for a moderate extra charge. BIG CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCE 40 n Bruce 8t, a new brick house all vellar under, frame stable, never failing spring well, Also a good work borse, six years old. for parâ€" ticulars apply to special ts with the Ptmldun of the wfl Globe and Canada Farmer we are able to make a wonderful cluana offer. We will send the Review and Weekly Globe to Jan, 1, 1908 for $1.30. Cash in adâ€" vance. ‘This offer will hold good for a li:nited time. Samples at Review HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Extraordinary Offer ! CHAS RAMAGE, Prixtsr aso Popussurr. Loans _ and Discounts $1,358,409 4,074,0483 1,014,123 $.57= S50 Commercial 14,640,510 $1,681,730 4,300,432 7,196,741 10,134,209 15,578,920 JoHK LEGATE, Durham P. 0 Perov G. A. Wenster, The Jeweller, The Review O.m'!;. 6.0 Total Assets $3,855,203 7,200,920 10,201,954 13,818,938 25,843,401 to the Public $1,418,478 1,662,838 1,720,878 2,133,939

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