Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Nov 1906, p. 5

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amd ufs® 2 °* C â€"gifts from the assortment in this adv we have provic vantage, too. than others a of good w t friends show we ave a Sep r childret ides all | ali of the ames, etc. TTERS!! Een & Morice ma of | BER ; 29. 1906 DOys, mos adies wou! Pocket K euarantee STMAS KERS Y i1ave ciga ritical ta URTHERY ; ¢ 906. astions liday while box i you rcceed: Â¥ ic & SONS. _ CHATHAM ARRIAGE CO. Brockville D CO. LERS o ‘io Boar Iv ession 1, Eassti(-i Ks 100 acres, Apj A’:‘? MCK mnx . #. AELFORL, uh io MES & TOYS SEY HARPISS RGAXS en see t MADE PROFIT ABLE CUTLERY \nlfl ol Reward 1€ on good go< I urge memnmmmemeneussanenmeemmme TO RENT (GUC ; advertise rovided. M V CARDS hnoose of lot n t Garaft M z here aplete ivorite very We the Iv to sat xes we N or ind Ifl)lm] viotho roy in ArV. lete pnnd s adâ€" tter P*Aq pal )W n in uency. Hon. Mr: Fielding,; fresh trom a complimentary bamangt, and his reeene;‘gut vwictory had a rousâ€" ing rec , as had in a less deâ€" gree the other new members. The speech from the throne was of . Megul kind: congratulations on ‘tlMe good harvest and prosperity, She‘increasing. number of immigrants and the h&provod quality, <the gratâ€" ification of Hig Excellency: at the development of.the West as geen on his recent â€"visit, pointed out that the quinquennial census of the west gave the new ‘provincesy more repâ€" of the tenth parliament. This is much earlier tm usual. the chief object being to have the tariff disâ€" cussed and readjusted in winter and also so as to get through in good time to allow of the Premier and others attending the Colonial conâ€" ference in London next spring. Among the very first announceâ€" ments was the resignation of Hon. C. 8. Bmu. minister of Public Works. who has been ordered south by. his fiyslchnon account of his health. ean be little doubt ‘it would bave come anvyway owing to the seandals uneartbed in the constitâ€" MI‘:.m’- the House of _ Artemesia Council met in the town met.in the third session fall Flesherto Saturday Nov 3 o the mhth parinfiem. " This is livg. Caemocds all protent, the reavb‘ i6 mach earlier than usual. the chief the chair. uinuug':?:r;:io::.m;: object being to have the tariff diss were read and .confirmed. . Communiâ€" cussed and readjusted in winter cations as follows were presented ‘and and also so as to get through in good read ; Cletk of the Peace, ccrtificate of time to allow of the Premier and fling jurors‘ lists ; R xcDowali, Enginâ€" rhu. attending the Colonial conâ€" ©°*> * Johnston ditel ; Dr Sproule, re erence in London next spring. ditch on town ‘line Artemesia and Glenâ€" Among the very first announce: elg :t Lot 105. "Bylaw No §75, to apâ€" ments was the resignation of Hon. C. Slork P ies Tt Rertreg ietodurons, 8. Hyman, minister of PublicWorks: iut, was introduced o plms? ‘niler rho has been ordered south by. his being filled up as follows : Div 1, D R resentation, promiged . revision of the tariff, wanted sanction of parâ€" liament to a new treaty with~ Japan, the Canadian exhibit at â€"Milan had been mt success, hbad: accepted the doekyard, steps being taken to prevent immigration fraads. It also referred to great expansion of. revenues during the year, the recent colonial conference, and some important legislation coming amendâ€" ment to the election act, the Post Office act, Dominion Land act, etc. ‘The opposition are showing gréat activity and will no doubt " rub it in *‘ to the government on the London election trial and other matters which the fio‘vemmem and their supporters will have trouble less oir more in exâ€" The (froaz battle will be on the tarâ€" if, and the struggle really simmers down to the interests of the manufactâ€" urlngio or the farming community. The former want increases the latter want decreases or at least as little change as possible of existing rates. ‘The present rates seem to inflate the revenue, manufacturers are genâ€" erally prosperous snd the same may be said of the other class, and the great body of consumers certainly want no increase. 4 bad called the present session at the request ot the Engineer: of the Walkerâ€" ton and Lucknow Brauch of the C. P, K. to consider and take action in the change to be made in the township roads by the construction of the said Walkerton and Lucknow Rai.way. plaining. nothing more wise, than few millions lopped off. While the revenue is expanding some simple people think the debt might be reducing anod nothing would be more popular, perhaps Met in the Clerk‘s office, Hanover on Monday the 18th of Nov. at lo o‘clock in the forencon, members all present:. The Reeve informed council that hbe Brighamâ€"Willisâ€"That â€" the â€" agreeâ€" ment and other papers now presented by Mr Dougherty, Engineer, to the counâ€" cilin regard to certain changes to be made in the roads of the municipality in the construction of the Walkerton and Lacknow Branch of the C. P. R. be accepted by the .council andâ€"be signed M&we and Council. k sUPPrEMEMNAE _ ‘~ THE +DURHAM ~REVIEW _ Opening of Parliament. &, y :i' M\‘: \:"l Bentinck Colincil. to have a Y# f D G xcLean ; poll clerk A B.cDon«, ald, po‘lling plaee Watson‘s hall, Priceâ€" ville. Div g, D R O Geo Pritchard, poll clerk S Gilbert, polling place Forâ€" esters‘ hall, Vandeleur, Div 7. D R O (George meldrum, poll clork Wm Walker polling . place . Orange Hall, Eugenia. Div 8, D R 0O & H Thompson, poll clerk Jos E mcKee. polling place school house, Portlaw. Price to be allowed tor halis for polling. $2.50, and no pay allowed for constable. Whyteâ€"fioLongh,ryâ€"Tbat the reeve clerk aod asgessor be paid $8 each as selectors of jarors.â€"Carriel. McKenzieâ€"â€"Whyteâ€"That. the â€" report of commissioner of Divy No 8, xr Best be receired and he be paid his commisâ€" sion on an expenditure of $258 ot approâ€" priation, amounting to $25.80, and also O W ‘mcLougbhry, poll clerk H Irwin, polling place Orange Valleg, Div 2, D R O Thomas Clayton, pol! clerk Ed Thompson, â€" polling place town ball. Div 8, D R O Geo moore, poll clerk W H+Heard, polling place Onn?e Hall Proton. Div 4, D R O A Gilchrist, poll clerk J F Collinson, polling place Orange Hall, Ceylon.. Div 5. D 'I‘i. 0 Beatâ€"Wllyte%Thnt John Bellamy be paid his account for:repairing hall furâ€" nace and pipes fornished, $12.50.â€"Car. t s ids d W C C §5.10 commission on special expendiâ€" ture of §51.â€"Carried.> § ‘Bestâ€"Whytoâ€"That the treasurer and clerk be paid §3 each, expenses to Owen Sound attending on proviucial auditorâ€" Carried. mcKenzioâ€"Bestâ€"That®© accounts for gravel used by overseers be paid, viz., S Pedlar $4.10, â€" W Badgerow $1.2%0, John Pedlar $1.85.â€"Carmed. _McKenzioâ€"Bestâ€"That the reeve be paid $4.50 for his services in connection with tha Collinson and Johnston.ditches mclLoughry â€" moKenzie.â€" ‘That _ Dr Sproule be paid $22.50, being one half of his account for ditching on town line Artemesia and Olenelg at lot 105, T and S Road.â€"Carried. under the D Act.â€"Carried. mcKenzie â€" MélLoughry â€" That the reeve issue checks to the several school boards for the amounts of general school trustees" levy for 190g.â€"Carried. Sorry to hear Mrs T McAnaltvy is not im‘Froving as quickly as could be desired. . hact Mr J W Blythe has made aâ€" very neat watering place at the creek west of Varney, which will prove a great convenience to those using that highâ€" wayv. w The Normanby Aaxâ€"collector is paying his annual visits, not very welcome ones this yearâ€"too much money wanted. ginw in 7 Mr H W Leeson and A McClinton made x business trip to Mt Forest Tharsdayâ€" last. * Mr Cameron Lauder has completed his emrgagement with Mr J Bart for the season and is home for a time. Con Varney. Intended for last week Artemesia Council. adjourned. Ditches and Watercourses DURHAM, : 29 NOVEMBER, Hanover, * Your poultry may be delivered ‘Late assistant to Moorfield‘s (London at ;â€"‘ H to Knapp‘s (New York.) iye wfii) ke9 en e maaie Eye, Sar, Nose & Throat Kyton, s a # Office, 18 Frost Bt, ‘â€" â€" â€" â€" Owen Sound N tadi. " se Will be at the l(ldd;nfih House, Durham, t ; the first Wednesday of each month from Farmers‘ Poultry The Rev Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanace. ; QGerrard St. E., Toronto. The finest School in Canada. Write for particulars. Â¥. H. SHAW, Pres. _ T.J.JOH NSTON, Prin Telegraphy : to $150,000 per annum in railway service. You can become a good operator in 6 months if ‘ Fancy Worsted. 1%4 yds wide, one of the laâ€" test in Dress Goods. These are beautiful goods and will giye great satisâ€" faction to the wearer, only $1.00 per yd. Grant‘s ad Venetians, 1 yd wide, 5o cts yd in black. brown blue, green and garnet. Black serges in different widths, black and colored lustres &c, all for your inspection and will .be glad ot show them. C. .A Srant We want all your Poultry, alive or dressed, and will pay the HIGHEST PRICES for it Flayelles, Limited, London, Ont." w#%_" & MEEDTIOC.A.L towards positions paying from $5000 J. G. HUTTON, M.D., Câ€" Member College Phyaicians and Burgeons _ Ontasio. nmmmow.m d George _ > »e., at 1005 of Hill. omm.gmer. "â€" uate Royal College Dental Surgeo . _ GOn Dentistry in ':ll its orzchel. Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univer rad mwata Racal Mallasa Rantal Enrman mm Barristers, 801161:0", Conveyancers, C. Money to Loan. Ofllce. Mcintyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay K.C.i W. F Duna W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. \__ OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p. m ~\_TelephoneConnection No. 10 â€" â€"â€" Patsrotax & Buzaezox, Office over‘ J. &w. HMunter‘s Store s to 10 . x.. HOURS : { #to 4P.1M g T to 9 P,Â¥x. Aar Bpecialâ€" attention given to Diseases of Women and Children, ARTHUR GUN, M. D.. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted. ARTHUR H. JACKSON J. F. GRANT D. D.S., L.;D. S. Notary Public, Commissioner, CONVEYANCER, &c. DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) MACKAY & DUNN, Money to Loan. , over Gordon‘s Jewelry 3tore. mt eeennd T mm hnd s J. P.~TELFORD . DR. BURT 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. WA at 825 w M S e rices and terms iplc Leaf and siRGRK sEWinG wacain® be Lmproved man-m 4 styles ‘he Now ALL SPRING GOODS hing in readiness for the m Onlludueontuuw r, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and ‘eter Hamilton AGENCY ind Waeggons Washers,1 F3

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