Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Nov 1906, p. 5

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ER 1, _ SAUCER TES iral inf. CCUCEOEOMETERERE ND LATES k Eg (The popular Cash Store.) é from $3 i ue L l $ émmm Loo iess eR mencomre ;“} 1» rice ND Aashers > A 1'n93 RTS 1 tew he & Co. >; ing {» ways in A 1 3r do new line h ome in dainty at °o U «s Lb s Block HEAP /* m Remember the placeâ€"â€" G. Lawrence‘s old Stand JUST COME IN WHAT ABOUT RUBBERS? Lot 6, con 15 Proton, 100 acres. 91 acâ€" J res of cleared land, in good state of cultivation free from stone and nox. lous weeds, 0 acres of good hardwond bush. good orchard, barn 44 x 60 ft with stone basement. good hen aad pis pen, comfortable dwelling, 3 never fuling wells, 14 miles from church, school and Post office. Immediate possession _ given if necessary. For futher particulars apply to FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. A good soli d brick, two storey dwell ing alonq;ide Presbyterian manse pro perty in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Higin Streets. Seven rooms, pantry, closets, cement floors. cellars, ato. Good airy location in good logalitg, good frame stable, hard and soft water, one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser, For further parâ€" ticulars applv to Jowx W. McKrgowx®i®, Owner Rocky Saugeen P. O, We have them in now in heavy aud light, also the famous Downy rubber for Ladies, put up in a nice waterproof case. You can carry them when not in use in your ket, they are solight. Rain storms come so unexpected a pair catrre‘: in your shopping bag to be resdy for an emergency may save ysu from haying wet feet. Call and see them. Custom work and repairing as promptly as possible. and ask to see our up to date stock of Boots and Shoes. We have recently added some new lines in Gan Metal Patent Leather at lowest prices to our already large stock. 200 acres, being lots 27 and 28, con, 2, E G R, Glenelg, About 110 acres clearâ€" ed, a)good bhardwood bush, 10 good ceâ€" dar. _ Fair buildings and well watered: the Rocky Sanfinn runs through a corâ€" ner of let 8 which would make a good watespower. _ 5& miles from Durham ; conveniently situated. The above proâ€" perty will be sold together or in parts to suit purchaser For further particuâ€" lars apply on the premises, or to Two building lots on Garafraxa St, Lower town will be sold on easy terms. Apply to McConuicx Bros., Rocky Saugeen HOUSE FOR SALE. FARM FPOR SALE LOTS FOR SALC Dveaio Ferousox Swinton Park, Ont. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. H, W. Lersox Varnev The undersigned offers for sal | Anence of Teacheié:"-r’i‘.l;; t:;; + rent his farm ()f one h!lnfl"l‘egfla‘:’l‘?:‘persona“‘y was thb best lnflggfl'(;l :r;,xog'a 3 .le;{s. h(‘;llgge'lou J'i?hu'"d‘“' con | ?nnfi l:leor she should alwars so ac sirable property in R%od st.::,tewo;l c?x‘l.- | woufd g:t o proper that. o. 4 o s tivation and in a good location nnc:;c itt is ihis it gulde, xc half mile from Scbool and Post blfl"e! d erite "ieauner may, o Noi Tor Fatber pattionlars PplY to C ineermx teacher always exerts a P. SULLIÂ¥AN Ennotville P. O, ’::lngg':lfi influence while n choor: Wellington co. | it firm one created a imâ€" 8**" ©O, | presgion, T ecpl mmmmmemummwâ€"mmmmâ€"â€"â€"â€"_.. _ The @vening wWAas de omm snn ons presentation of a dratl‘rv:ttfrd|)lt:y tel:':3 vitled * The Gipsy‘s Secret, ~ which # | was gotten up by teachers and citiâ€" gens ot Flesherton, It was exceedâ€" of EM l"l')d Shoes. We havs wfrley awhglltr;nsgvreg. hThe proceeds in Metal Patent Leather at lowest y receined Oe °P i iopription lglenn‘;r::slv retained only $10.00 of the I‘Ure Brepo Durgar CaTTL®.â€"Ona Cow 5 yrs old, one young bull. one bull calf, Grapg CaTTLE.â€"Two miik cows, in calf, 3 calyes, also one spring colt. ‘Terms _ reasonable. Apply | to Wx Lecerttr, L Ajl im 200 acres, being lots 12 in con 15 & 16, Egremont, 165 actes cleared, 18 ac. hardwood bush, remainder swamp, 2 ac orchard, creek crosses front cor. ner of both farms, Spring on back of each farm. Good house, bank barn driving shed, Pig pen, hen house, Also lot 14, con 15, 100 acres, 65 clearâ€" ed, remainder swamp, small orchard, brick house, bank barn, driving shed, Creek croses this tarm also. All weil fenced, Apply to FARM FOR S4LE FARM FOR SALE M J. M, Burogrss, (just north of town) tots 12 in con 15 & 5 actes cleared, 18 & remainder swamp, crosses front cor. i Spring on back Mr Rowe, of Markdale, talked on ** Cheerfulness in school and love for work. " Essentials were : a thorough knowledge of the subjects to be taught ~when the teacher knows what | to l.ea:h and how to teach it, he 6 seeson: 5 0 d e ol ge 801 % PW 1 Afiter devotional exercises Miss Btafford gave a yery pleasing and inâ€" structive paper on School Gardening. 1t gave the teacher the opportunity of cultiyatin}z obseryation and was a fine adjunct of nature study. ) would kave them proficient in this / before taking up theoretical work. | He emphasized the necessity of culâ€" ‘tivating in pupils habits of doing | everything neatly and accurately, |the teacher aiming to be thorough | in all his work, ,! Miss Turnbull of Flesherton at this stage gave a solo which brought a | bearty vote of thanks. _ MrChas Drimmie spoke on ‘‘In fluence of Teachers." "The teacher‘s personality was the best influence and he or she should alwars so act in and out of school that their ways would be a proper guide, and inâ€" centtve to their pupils A domiâ€" neering teacher always exerts a baneful influence while a cheerâ€" ful bqt firm onre created a good im-l Miss Baines gave an excellent papâ€" er on ‘" Moral Culture.‘" The teachâ€" er‘s personality is the first great facâ€" tor in moral training, therefore they should bave high aims; discipline and proper school incentive greatly aided in moral culture. The Conâ€" vention expressed high appreciation ofa paper some of which we will give at more length. Fripay. : in the standing in from Continuaâ€" Very poor attenâ€" to science, bookâ€" _but much better 144 Berkeley Street, A full Announcemeut of the new volume will be sent with sample co’ples of the paper to _any address on request. The new subscriber for 1907 who sends $1,75 for the new volume at once will receive free all the remaining issues for 1906, including the Double Holid:g Numâ€" bers; also THE ConmtPaXNtON®® Fourâ€"Leaf anging Calendar for 1907 lithographed in twelve colors and goid . Subscribers who get new subscriptions will reâ€" ceive $16, 299.00 in cash and many other special awards, Send for information . THE YOUTH‘S COMPANION oneâ€"minute stories, anecdotes, bits of humor, sketches which take not more than a minute to read. They are always new, always well told, and in greatqnmest by preachers and afterâ€"dinâ€" ner speakers. THREE HUSDRED * contributors giving assurance that every need and ewl;fy taste among COMRANrON readers wiil be satisfied. Governor Folk of Missouri, Edâ€" ward Everett Hale, Mnrslret Deland. Col T, W. Higginson, Commander Eva Booth of the Salvation Army, Gen A. W, Greely and Ion Perdicarls are among them. Two THovsax» xE THouvsaxp» short notes giving concisely, clearly and accurately the important news of the times in public affairs, and in the fields of science and industry, ht it / Petunbad k l d 4 4 capital â€" stories â€" humorous stories, character stories, stories of life on the fara, in the great cities, on the sea, in the wilderness, Among them will be Five serial stories by Five CoMpraxâ€" 10N favorites ; HWWinlin Garland, Adeâ€" line Knapp, Ralph Barbour, Grace Richmond and â€" Holman _F, Day, There will be a series. also based upon incidents in American history, xlrus-‘ trative of life and times in America from the first colonial planting to the ] close of the Jivil War, Two AuxoreEp practical papers, serviceabla to young people who have their way to make in the world, helpful in their insistence on worthy ideals in every relation of life, useful in the honmwpurti('ulally the regular series, "Till the Doctor (\omes.,! Tunx YouTn‘s Compratox ix 1907 The YOUTH‘S COMPANION an. nounces among the attractions of its 52 issues in 1907 In future a date more likely to seâ€" cure goud weather will be chosen and when next Flesherton is the meeting plrce it is boped there will be railway accommodation within a few miles of the place any way, Votes of thanks to their hospitality, to th ent for their play on T were heartily passed at tion adjourned after s tional Anthem, Miss Nellie J. Soul querie in lies the Teacher‘s succes in developing the child men ally and physically, having prepared, and teaching wel we touch,. Teachers should good citizens, should assist i al reforms and whatever i to the welfare of the citi teacher‘s language in every should be a muodel fam that® i (300 P 0 04 in rhopEUAOOLIOORING aftey homeless children and would consider it a favor of teachers knowing of * Home children " being neglected would let htm know. Mrs Blackburn sang a solo in a very sympathetic manner which was highâ€" 1y appreciated, i _ In the afternoon Mr Allan took up Geography to 3 and 4 class and point. ed out several ways in which Geog, raphy could be made interesting anq profitable. _ First we must teac} by observation. _ This ‘is the foundntion for a great deal of Geography which may be classed as Nntqre Study. Too often teachers are satisfied with mere definitionsâ€"words onlyâ€"pupils should see things for themselyes, Facts in Geogruphy which pupils can‘t observe must be taught chiefly by developing the child‘s imagination, not by mere memory, Map drawing was an excelâ€" lent means of teaching the subject, Mr Howey gave an excellent paper on * Music in the School. " He dividâ€" ed his subject into three partsâ€"]â€" Why, 2â€"What. 3â€"How we should teach it, _ Why ? Because of its use in after life, its alttractive nature, its ennobling influence. its ald in physicâ€" al development in imprnving the voice its power to make us cheerful and happy. What ? Story songs and patriâ€" otic songs for Jumiors, with symbols, Lune, etc., in addition for Seniors, How ? By repetition, by your own efforts, by enlisting as leaders good singers among pupils, by creating a musical atmosphere, ete, Mr Richardson welcomed the Assocâ€" iation to Flesherton. _ He had got more into touch with the teachers in his presert occupation of looking after homeless children and would consider it a favor of teachers knowing of * Home children " being neglected would let htm know. THE DURHAM REVIEW Ceo L CS NC Cooe SerEAuay CArrIed out, ’ The changes in the regulations were made to benefit Education and thus benefit the teachers, Every teacher should make himself or herself fully conversant with the new regulations in order that they may be missionarâ€" ies in enlightening the ratepayers who have not read the bill. Ail teachers must see and carry out their dutics in reference to the amended Act in reâ€" spect to salary, other wise their certifiâ€" cates would be cancelled, Insp. _ Campbell _ discussed the amended School Act. The State was paying for the training of teachers. therefore it was its duty to see that those teachers remained in the provâ€" ince. _ But how could the state keep them when other provinces were ofâ€" fering better inducements ? The way adopted by the Province to better the condition of teachers may not haye been the best way, but it was the best means available at present ; therefore it was the duty of every teacher, irâ€" respective of political influence, to asâ€" sist the state in baving the requireâ€" ‘ments of the bill fully carried out, Two HuxorEp axo Firpry s # ‘ CR y e ies e . mVous. sR GUIOR of happiness will pervade the scfiool in which teacher and pups are eheerâ€" ful and bave a love for their work . W'ha: he has faitbfully tried. A spirlt; Nellie J. Sout queried * W 40 oan I 1 d teaching well whatever Teachers should aim to be ANAPREEEE T t uis d ds ET RTERCE® acher‘s success, " 1t lay sYA 1 ies t lep c CTOmALAMLME AHECUDE, Its ifluence. its ald in Physicâ€" ent in improving the voice to make us cheerful and at ? Story songs and patriâ€" for Jumors, with symbols, n addition for Seniors, repetition, by your own enlisting as leaders good mek edduific d 1 Comcs of the paper to . ’l';xe new subscriber or the new volume at _ the remaining issues Double Holiday Numâ€" ell and Thon gave dwelling on the imâ€" of the teacher. â€" Mr tee of Markdaile Public _called upon said if he to the citizens for the dramatic tal. Thursday night, and the Convenâ€" singing the Naâ€" mentally, morâ€" work well hy aor sb un us _ hereâ€" : i me® recently began worrying about how he would get his shirt on over his wings after reaching Paradise. An enyious contemporary sarcastically observed that his difficalty would be in finding out how he codld get his hat on over ] his horns.â€"G uyman (Kan.) Heral 4. The strongest mrellly Mutual Fire Insuranc Co. in Ontario. ~ A recor. without a paraliel and a just reward for honest efforts. Licensed and iuzilwcusd by the Government ; insures residence and farm property upon the latest known plans. 3 or 4 year blamket policies issued ou the annual instalment or one ment system under the most favorable omdrt:gns to the insured, Insure in the best. If your insurance axpires this year, 1 call on, or drop a card to MUTOAL FIRE INS[IRMGE COMPANY FARMERS‘ â€" CENTRAL An editor: of a I have also a great lot of ot her proâ€" perty for sale and a MILLION DOLâ€" LARS of MONEY to lend at very low rates, T1COLLECT DEBTS, mrefull( prepare all kinds of wWRLTINGS, seil C. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate business attended to. _ Everything private,. Our Motto : * Always prompt, Never Nepligent. " proved farm near Durham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property, It‘s a saap. For considerâ€" ably under $3000 I will sell 100 acres in Bentinck, with good soil, brick veneerâ€" ed and frame house, large frame bank barn, frame stables and Dg stables, good orchard. This is really a sacritice I have also a great lot of other proâ€"| Derbty Fram eala esd oiX a e y s P EL Then I have a 100 ACRE well proved farm near Durham that T I had 250 acres of Goo aboye Durham, well improve very fine buildings, advertised Review for $7500, I can nos for a good deal less and IT8 A GAIN, LOOK HERE, FARMER NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent. BARCLAY & BELL Undertaking and Embalming NOTWITHSTANDING "*ZL N TZHUQIA/NUINU advance in price of wool we sell our woolen sox at old prices..25 cts per pr Bring us your Butter, Eggs: and Dried Apples. A new style of smock at right price. We have also a full range of smocks at 50c and 75 cents each. Railroad Coats and Overalls. OVERALLS â€"piain and twilledâ€" black anad Navyâ€"Bibs and withâ€" out bibs .. at 85 cts and $1.00 each. We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thos. Swallow‘s buildâ€" ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring underâ€" taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming, _ Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. From the Fall Rains by wearing ing one of our Rubber Lined Smocks TORONTO PROTECT YOURSELE ** Your poultry may be delivered at ;â€" Durham, Buyer wanted, Holstein, _ * «* Ayton, ++ +4 Neustadc. > x4 l Hanover, _« «s Farm‘e_g-s' Poultry . McARTHUR We want all your Poultry, alive mGHESl‘PRICES(oriL The Hanover Conveyancer, MA UUIL 11 4 ut _ Flayelles, Limited, London, Ont," « MILLER, Western exchange MILLION DoLâ€" im]n-pved. with rertised in the can now sell it Durham Good Land 8 A BARâ€" 1Mmâ€" 150 acres. Lot 40, 41, 42, 8. D further particulars apply on th esies or by mail. ALEx McBRacHBERXx. prop. Topr(‘.:fi t Clover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden seeds in aâ€" bundance for Bpring gr owing _ STINSON, The Baker M oSenpibbbbcaamence. S E E D $ FARM FOR SALE Keewatin " Fiye very best Ke A carload just Ogilvie‘s **Royal Household " FLOU R Give it a trial Is good Bread, well made and properly bakedâ€"the bread that is made by Stinson. â€" This is the perfect breadâ€"made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. MATTHEWwWS & LATIMER FIELD AXND GaropEX Venetians, 1 yd wide, socts yd in black. brown blue, green and gatnet. Black serges in different widths, black and colored lustres &¢, all for your inspection and will be glad ot show them. Fancy Worsted 1 14 yds wide, one of the laâ€" test in Dress Goods. These are beautiful goods and will give great satisâ€" faction to the wearer, only $1.00 per yd. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia Grant‘s ad Highest grades only Peel, the Shoeman BRING ALL REPAIRING Call and exam‘ne our mades. That must be shod for ‘all, we‘ve the shoes. est_ Reewatin make, ad just received, twice as many this * Fiye Roses"â€"The Any â€" Feet A ..9ram’ mecssscecect season. D. R. For the premâ€" are selling .0. A B. MCLELLAN, Agent °* JOHN CLARK handâ€" Warerooms across the Post Office. O Oflice will receive t Daisy Maple Leaf The Improve The New ALL SPRING GOODS Everything in readiness for the season,. Call and see our Lead er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivat Peter: Hamilion AGENCY rices Durham, Nov Licensed Auctioncer for promptly . attended â€"to Orders may be left at rooms, McKiunon‘s old Oflice. Barrister, Solicitor in Notary Public, Com y Churne, W r8, Washe Hayloaders, 'l‘mks. "o Rukes, Mowers, Binders s and terms to suit purchasers. Sarristers New Hamburg Waggons Barber Buggies Bissell Steel Land Rollers Disc Harrows of Elora Insurance Agent, Issuer of Marriage eral financial bu Ofi HONOR l uate | Dentistry j or to Hoxor crapvan Uui\'ersily, graduate of ] of Dental Surgeons of Ont; Over J & j HUNTRBD â€" ARTHUR H. JACKSON flice, over Oflice, 13 Frost 8t mc(" M( Late ass!stant to to Knapp‘s DURKAM, ont »C, PICKERING D. p ~CK BR J. F. GRANT â€" MacKay K and SINGER SEWING MA« d National Cream Senaratore whonet mloed sA ols , MACKAY & DUNN otary Pub] MELIDILIC.AT J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. ; Will be at the Middaugh House, ] the first WM, of each nror y 10 a. m. U 4 p. m Eye, Ear, N osé & -i;l‘;;oét across the bridge DIBEAny mA Member Col: Physicians and 8 tegs Onturio, and Surgeons 1 in all its CcOnNvEÂ¥aANcrRR orFICE noURS 11 a. mm 2â€"4 p. m, 7 Telephone Connection No viot ild RADUATF » Solicitors, Con kB i Money to Loan, ‘Intyre Block, ove C 0 [ CC CeF COL Orders left at Review ve our best attention . Money to lacensed , Auctior the County of Gr Gordon‘s Jewelry â€"TELFORD for the « HUNTEIRYs xn DR. BURT 0 Moorfield‘s London, En 8 (New York) l'gye liospthl: se 12censes business tra tor in Supreme Court , Commissioner, &c. B _ ,_RaLes â€" reas his Implement tand, Or t the i i tw 0., Will be )Mfi;;‘i;. application to IL, Geylon P, 9. RAMAGE, Durhan (Lower Town) )ck, ov h Money ANG MACHINES eparators, 4 styles ior the Spring r Leader Seedâ€" ultivalors and ‘VAIEL of Toronto te of Royal College Of Ontario. o Raame oron t« Denta nmissiond p AN «& surcroN, SLJ . Hunter‘s Store 8 to 10 a.x, 2 to 4 P. x# oan , Conveyancers [ Grex ses, A gen transacted north of reasonable Garafraxa anq Old Moodic Cor &e PC r the Bank ew S to Discases of Wiage F Dunn L. D. §, Store DBAn er fo Durham uth fromi x4 Rooms Ofi 4 G on zt °t . 10 1C £) and 9 p. m und

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