Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jul 1906, p. 1

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mg ig Store 1rdware. tend to VELS Doors 12, 1906 ITH wants tt JU ii“: :6:- :-::-::-::-::J;mam-mgmxxoca-MEEEEEEE 'triiihl 1iiiir1Ahr1ihhhGWhhhMhhhMhhMfg 7% "ide EEWWWEEEMERESEEEEEEWEEEE VOL. XXVlI. N0. 29 Annual PRESBYTERIAN GARDEN SOCIAL at the Manse, Tuesday evening, 31st July We take {his opportunity of {banking Ge many friends who have favored us with (heir patronage and hope to welcome {hem as well as many new ones to our new store. , We particularly want Butter and Eggs for which we will pay the highest market price. The afiractive fillings will enable us to dis- play our goods to good advantage. and we will carry a stock of new and up-to-date goods. Some early Fall Goods are already coming for- ward and very soon every department will be complete. C'" We are now established in the hand- somer fitted up store just south of the Standard Bank. Removal Notice James Ireland iliiiti0 MW) il3iittlitii, MULOCK GARDEN PARtt-This tin- nual event was held Thursday at Mr. Duncan NeLsan'e, Md con. Bentinck. and a fair crowd turnod out. though it great number were at Hanover for the glorious 12th. speeches and Singing. were the order of the evening which made a. pleasant program. Key's. Farquhurson and Bice of town, McDonald of Dornoch. and Rev Mr. Pineo, the Pastor, all spoke in a. joculur strain; Mr. Arch McDougnll and Mr. Allan Bell also expressed their satisfaction M. being present. Mr. Newton was prevented from coming, by Mrs. Newton having hurt her foot the dar previous, by a rusty nail penetrating it, necessitating being lencod. But the choir wee there and acquitted themselves most crediteblyendtothepleesure of all. The proceeds mounted to About”. VANDALrtrt--we have been in- formed of one of the meanest pieces of Vandalism that has taken place in our town for some time. Some miscreant between Friday evening last at 6 and Monday evening at 7 vis- ited the marking pit at the rifle range here and proceedcdto gratify a low instinct by working mischief. The marking discs were bent double, the danger flag torn to fragments, pulley ropes tangled up and other deviltry done. The culprit, it appears. is known and the rifle Association have taken legal advice on the matter. Punishment it is hoped will follow this daring destruction of public pro- party. He didn't have adollar; he didn't have "dime. His clothes and shoes were looking just as though they'd carved their time. He didn't try to kill himself to dodge midortune's whackl. Instead he got some ashes and heiilled five dozen sacks. Then, next he begged a dollar. In the paper in the morn he advertised tin polish that would put the sun to scam. He kept on advertising, and just now, suf- tice to say. he out in California at his cottage on the bay. BARN ItArstsa.--Mr Arm. Smith, Jr., Bentinck, raised in fine hat-n on Tuesday. We regret We wee. unable at our hut-y end of the week to take advantage of a kind invitation of Mr Sunith's to be present. The Baptist Sunday School had a. plexsunt picnic to Holstein Tuesday, at which all enjoyed themselves With the usual games in addition to boating and perhaps the youngsters would en- joy the unusual getting home at 11 o'clock in box curs owing to the de. railed freight train. Let us print vour Garden Party hills. Ive give free 1oeals along with theMHs. sothat. every person In this community is sure to learn of the evening's enjoyment. NEW NORMAL ScHooLiL-.The Pro- vincial Cabinet have decidedto elect Normal Schouls " Pettwlorough, ts'tratford, Hamilton and North Bay. Owen Sound thus appears to be out of the running and so is Kingston and Durham. The 2nd Annual arden Party on the fine grounds of t e Presbyterian Manse on 31 July pro ises to equal it not surpass the ttrs.t on held last year and that is saying a good deal. A good program" is being provided. Rss. member the date. Monday Inst the rotaries in the ce- ment works were on slow gear for a while. The trouhh- lay inn ~11an in the wet end, whirl was soon put right again, Send in news itr'msund we will nub- 1irh them. If you have visitors from "distance, if accidents occur in your' neighborhood. or anniversaries are celebrated. let us know. Accounts of removals, changes of property, deaths marriages, etc.. are legitimate news. A postal card even can he made hold lots of matter. Write plainly, partic- ularly names and places, and sign your name as a guarantee of faith. The Durham rhrrosse boys play an exhibition game in Dundalk to-day (Thulsday). Here's, hoping they keep up their winning skunk. Allan Park football team played the Durham boys here Saturday evening and were defeated I-O. The cleari sale will be continued until the end o the month. All kinds of snaps. AtT Big Store. SEND us YOUR NAmr.--.Tlhe REVIEW to January l, 1907, only 40 cents. Mt Forest’s tax rate for this year will be 24 mills on the dollar. TORONTO a! a " py.t, - 3k " A I _ - DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1906 ”it? per womb. Apply it the Hardware Store to WE‘MK Boe Watmm.--uood Itout boy wanted talent-n the and busi- nns. One wboil not tm dent and not afraid ot work. Apply w. ACK. DESIRABLE n (7838 an Rtmr.--At inter-ttlon of urhun Road and Gummy“ St" on Ovroomed: house; only “per month. Anothe; Inning Credit Amman Sale of Household Goods and Furniture on Saturday. 28 J air m. at 2.30 p.m. At Showell'a old “and. . HOUSE To mesr.-c,olh table and roomy. On George tit. 1 modern conveniences. Apply to Mas J. W. ORA ORD. Young Man! If you are t inking of getting married, start right se- curing your license from Fifty large 12Xl4 p togmphs to be’ given away one wi every dozen photographs at F. W. ELSEY. Last call for the re‘serving mason 231m of granulated an M for $1.00 on Saturday. 2151: mat:u at he Big Store. Saturday's Globe‘hnd the list of suc- cess Normal School Students. Con- gratulations to the flve Indies from this part who appear among the lucky ones: Misses M. Andrews, Maggie Caldwell. Dora Davidson. Mildred Lemon. May McClncklin. MILL Wooo FOR SALE-From Aber, deen, delivered in town. Apply at J, w. Urawtord'ts. Another new uhlpmentnf Mat, he King Hats,--both in Chlist es and soft, at 1rlarity's. Trinity Church Garden Party. Special. 8h of best Soup for 250 on Saturday. ' t inst. at The Big Store. Standard auk of Canada. Savings Bank Depa about. - Interest paid quarterly on posits from date of de- posit to dateo ithdrawal at highest convenient vat . Any portion may be withdrawn a any time without delay. Friday night last what must rank M one of the best garden parties ever held here took place at the rectory in Upper town. The spacious grounds weie crowded and we feel safe in say- ing that no such enthusiasm has been witnessed round the rectory since the enthusiasm which built it. Dozens of chinese lanterns strung from wires stretched in many d ‘ections shed a weird light on the scene. Candy booths, tea booths and other booths gave it a fair appearance. But the interest centred not alone in these nor in the many little tables at which. ice cream. raspberries, cake. etc. were served by deft waiters-there was " varied program of music and recita- tion. There was the band with gen- erous selections, a. troop of negroes with plantation melodies echoing from various parts of the grounds, centre- ing on a platform, where solos, recita- tions, etc,, with organ "ceompani- ments were given. Amusements, if not instruction was obtained from the free Art Gallery, while Mr James Lloyd's gramophone turned the sur- roundings into a musical hall. The prettily gotten up Japanese tea booth, with waiters attired Japanese style. made one feel (after. testing their ex- cellent tea. and sandwich) like. shout- ing "Banzai. " It was an enjoyable garden party and the proceeds amount- ed to about $100.00. First class Milk Cot; for sale. Ap- ply to J No. A. BLACK. A car of salt just\nrrived at Mat. chews & Latim er. Aetitur H. itat':,','.'?"""" of Marl-Inge Licenses. Durham. Bricks for sale at thUDurham Brick Works of tine Lot1al'its. Mlldmay Football team is now in the o. F. A. finals with the All Saint: of Toronto. Both teams scored 3--0 on their home grounds and the tie will be broken in Guelph this week. We have to thnnk Mr Geo, Turn- hull for our first meal of new potatoes this season from his fine garden. Ihe day after the 12th is quite early. He has some tomatoes that will be hard to heat. It pays to read the advertisements of enterprising home merchants. They are the people who make it pos- sible to have conveniences right at your door, so to speak. 'tiii, Joux CLARK. Auctioneer. Business Locals A. DAvmsox. Durham. -._----- tk' kaing gsngs were soon secur- ed and before morning the track was ready to allow the passing of the 7.30 train. The Baptist excursion party to Holstein had a delayed home-oom- ing and were trattttporttsd in box our: to the wreck and transferred to elm- ilu' can beyond it. A gang of 20 or 30 are working this, Wednesday momityt, to an why in pot e hen the wreck. Tuesday afternoon as a. heavy freight train with coal and clay for the Cement Works was within a few hundred yards ot Varney flag station eleven loaded cars went off the rails, efreettmlle blocking the track. but happily injuring no one. The en- gine, tender and two ot the cars, kept to the rails but a defective fltate on the one coal car it is sup- posed did the mischief. The ten ears t,It2t it were loaded with clay and me e a glorious spill over the embankment, some of the cars being knocked into splinters. A car or two at the end of the train also kept the track. Observers say the train was going pretty fast for tbl downgrade. i Mr. Morrow, an advance agent of the C. P. B. for 10 years. has on- tered upon the duty of taking options on the right of way. He has associated with himself a capable local man in the person of Mr. Time A. Harris and beginning at the east they are now a considerable distance this side of Priceville- Mr. Harris is now in solo charge of this work and will soon reach Durham. The “works" have come tor a cer- tainty and during the coming year there is bound to be eontsidtsrkbly aetnrity all along the line. Offices have been opened upstairs in the Me- Intyre Block in the rooms lately occupied by Mr. P. Lenehan and lar. gely from here the business will be done tor the contractors. Mr, Murehie, an advance agent of the contractors. Messrs Mcdonald and Stephens, has been over the route and has been making arrangements to have a locomotive taken from Cey- lon overthe gravel road, as far as Priceville anyway, so as to begin work at more than one placa. This unique moving ot an engine we are told can be done at the rate of a mile a day by 7 men, on a portable track. Being too heavy for Price- ville bridge a plan to cross the river bed below the dam is being made, the Water previously being let off and while it is rtsgatlterintt, the cross- ing will be done. The track is to be a first class one, C. P. R. men allege, and it is contem- plated that trains willbe running over the road as far as Walkerton anyway by next lat of Jt1ly, ant: gossibly out of Durham before that ate. C. P. R, movement was genuine. and the doubters demanded works before the; would exercise itutlt. To accomplish this there will have to be hustling done by Durham School Board. The track allowance goes right through the school building. and possibly the grounds may e, chosen for the station and yards. Durham and vicinity have been) so long "lieted with stories andi promises of a cross country electric rallway line that never got beyond the promising stage, that they were [lethally blow to believe that the It is unavoidable but that the in- auguration of such a work should cause trouble andannoyance. Far- mers deplore angled fields, railway gates, etc. ete In some cases the track goes between house and barn house and well, and so on, and ina few cases will necessitate the removing of one or both, Of course the authorities are acting generously, and promising that where crop is injured it will be paid tor. This indicates that work will begin right away and as tsou- stiuction on certain parts of the To- ronto-8adbttry line is completed, wings and plants will be available. The latest folders issued by the C. P. R. show a proposed line from Proton to Walkerton. The Town Hall should be crowded on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week to hear the famous Rev. J. ll. Hector, His wife and daugh- er will sing their stirring southern melodies while the eloquence. humor and pathos of the famous negro must be heard to be appreciated. Free will oLsrings at both meetings. Mr. Hector Will preach in the Baptist chucrh on Sunday, Railway Smash-up at Varney. The Black Knight in Durham. C P. R. Notes. ---- si-----. OI. Fine Program, Band Music and other attractions. 1 NEW Bcumrsms,-The Candi“ I Notional Exhibition. Toronto. bout: ’slaomo worth of new buildings this year. the principal of which is a tine new process building, in which 1 store of industries Will he soon at work. I That there are among the citizens of Owen Sound none more meritedly pop- ular than Mr. J. U. Telford was "ut- phutically demonstrated last evening in the committee room of the town hall building, when some 40 of his Owen Bound friends met for the purpose of expressing In some measure their at.- preciation of his many sterling qual- ities. Mr. Telford has been transferred from the local branch of the Sovereign Bank to the managership of the newly- opened nranch of the bank in Durham. Hon. A. G. Mackay occupied the chair in his capable and entertaining num- ner. On behalf of Mr. Telford's inanv friends throurhout the town, thechair- man presented Mr. Telford with a magnificent gold watch and chain of the value of 8100. On the watch was engraved. "Presented to J. C. Telford by his Owen Bound friends, July o, 1906.' Mr. Telford was deeply moved and completely surprised by this tan- gible expression of intimate friendship. His reply was appropriate. expressing as it did regret " " removal ti om the reollections cf the many pleasant times spentin o. Sound t these would remain green in :his memory. Loud applause and the lusty rendering of “He's a jolly good fellow." further at- teuted the regard in which Mr. Telford is held hv his many friends. Re was then made the recipient of a handsome suitcases by Mr. Percy Brown. captain of the Ensign Football Club. while a. suitable addnss wan-end by the Ite l rotary of the club Mr. John Campbell. The Times bowling trophy shields for the years M and lmwmthen pse- ssntedto Mr. 1Nlfoed by Mr. W. B. Hewitt. president of the Owen Sound Lawn Bowling Club. Amid the blue tsnaaofei-tokrtheu1attes. “the evening was spent most sod-My. Those present songs son. as related an anecdote. one and all We. tbs - of tho evening. lo. M Ht " ”It... by “0;”. 0'“ a. I. n. on... so (my. Curr, OUT, Bogtt,-it is reported that some of our young men we to he seen on Sunday: in the Agricultural Park using incl-one such. This seems incredibie And we are sure it in not with the auction not with the knowledge of the management of our winning team. There are two families living in Minnesota named Day and Sundny who are neighbors. Mr. Day in the father of seven girls. while Mr. Ban. day hm- nn equtl number of sons. Four of the son- hnve married Duns. another engaged. on that it now ap- pears "every day will be Sunday by and by", Much sympathy for the Starr" family was elicited when it was learned that Wesley was attacked by appen- dicitis. necessitating his removal to Fergus Hospital on Monday hut. More will be felt this Wednesday morning. when wer lent: that. his life is despair-ed of. We' hope for the sake of his. aged father and friends to hear better news. To ABATE THE Gnome Nauseaal A petition is around town praying the' N, P, (J. Co to lake steps to slate the smoke nuisance. which owing to the prevailing east winds, has been partic- ularly disagreeable this veur. There's an old saying applies here " When you buy beef you buy bones. " so when a town gets profitable industries they must expect some discomforts. The arguments used are that aesthetic mpmVements in the house and out of it are impossnble, affecting the mer- chants, preventing building, painting, etc.. etc. It iseyen asserted that the hands get grimy picking fruit Frmu _ the point of view of economy no doubt something will be done by our entrw prising management. but it will nut tet be possible this year. We have pleasure in reproducing from exchanges the following bou- quets regarding the Sovereign Bank Manager here. We hope he will find in Durham ample scope for All his good qualities t Tree RIGHT Mam-Mr J. C. Telfnrd (Reddy) of Owen Bound, has been ap- pmnted manager of a branch ot the Sovereign bank that has recentlv been opened in Durham. Mr Telford'. many friends in Walkerton wish him success. The Durham peonie will and he is o. K.--Herald. The New Bank Manager. 0--» Can You do Better To an an " for we weal-ho Send " we will REV"! friends this on. orders I _ Tuesday " noon the tension pre. ‘vallln. among Entrance oanldatel was broken by Chennai". from [napector Campbell of the lint which appears be- low. Out of as writing 50 have “and. a “authoring mowhere for Durham has nae-ed 18 out. of 22 end B. B. No 13 Egremont , out of fl. We congratulate Mina Meredith and herdaaeou the fine result. “hump Inn. Coleridge of lo. IS who has u re- cord of doing things like that. We learn alao that line McLeod of Vick. ere panned three she had writing making 100 per cent. for her. Mr. Johnston of Louise but! the sumo good fortune with four of his, We un- not sure of the other school. In' name some ofwhom mav have equally good percentages, The following in Inspector Campbell’s report . The following candidates passed the Entrance Examination held in Durs hum. The totat marks taken by each are given. After thu year. in tween-d- ance with the qritat of the Depart. ment Begulaliona. the marks will not be published. The certitieatets of tlie lucceuful candidatea and the marks of the unsuccessful ouea will he sent to their teachers about the time thc achoolu reopen in August. Floule Campbell ar; Nellie Hepburn 4m Gertrude [anon OG Haul Mamhatl oe Little Kearney 470 Vuidle Caldwell m Jennie Caton 47t “a c. 'tttt tlt ) eo . _ Alex “my. gramme 404 Eva Burnett. 462 Willie Gadd 459 Maggie Hench-mu ‘59 Willie IcCrie MA June: Smith Crl Bessie Park 451 Mandy Heuwick. Dunn. 45: “My Tucker. Dromme 4m Millie Whitmore 419 ever shown in Durham, consist- ing of Lulu and len'l Inches. Ill kinds " " can» and robe. Solid Gold In“ of "on duel-lulu Lockets. Char-s. thte um Bracelets. Brooches. he Pi, You an ave Dollars It the " Jewelery Store on Buy Cum Entrance Results, '06. R. B. Keeler & High-Class Jewelery Being Lot w, , m. l, N. D. R.. Glen. eig, i%actttr,1 ile from Pricevitle. Pair buildings. soilcan’t he beat. Two spring- of "ee on the farm. Apply to D. tf my, 19 uidemud To new ulna-tun we will ive an uvww to Dec. 81, Tone for It. (In Weekly Globe for Mteorboth together for 90 cu. Bend [heaven dolls: It van like: '0 Vlll 6'"l you credit, on the REVIE for the 10 etc. Our friends will oblige by making this otter known, Address all order: to I The Review ' CHAS BAKAGE. Pun-n up Puma. Expert Watchnuken. Optician ad 8-. Laura Sienna- Gertrude any Maggie Hamilton Ruth Moran Annie Kenmey J ulisCl-rk John Waddcl Charles any Dromore James chum Brock Grant Maggie Derbv Mo but Eccleu. Dromure Mildred Henderson Ellie Hutton John Nuismith Willie C. Weir olive Boy Humid Ruin Lizzie McCunig Blunche under M rue. Little Jim Renwick, Drnmmc Florence Noah-r Mary H. Vat-y Fannie Fania: Sal-uh Fulton Lillie Harris Sylvinu. Knox Stewart. Wilson lurjorie Mckenzio John Hartley Theo Swanston Edward Lawrence Harold Alyce Annie McMillan Reuben Wells. Dromore Robert Lindsay FARMOR SALE Just arrived at Keelcr's this week the tamet stock of an Dm- ham, Ont vitro P. 0 ar; m: 48." 482 4710 465 464 462 459 ‘50 451 451 450 449 419 447 “I “I MI 439 411$ 431 42" Us 414 H4 411 “I 407 4Gt 401 402 an 4'55 'd96 att 302 391 an an an an 'attt an an an 39') an 390

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