Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Apr 1906, p. 6

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" i]! Pl il [WW-J tt U~dl l. n. " with winch springs from humility. 2. Which is join- ed with love. 3. Which aims after what is highest. and strives to appropriate it." --Lcnge. Jesus did not commend him for his affection for his slave, but for his faith. Faith in bad is monetary, because. 1. Works cannot save us. 2. Faith is the only means by which we can please God. 3. It is the only means by which we can be brought into union’ with Christ. In "mer-After tho "can h- -thitr m it. waging lo “it is, the medium though which receive the biosstngs of the Divine Ii: "There ia more faith on earth than know of." Great faith is, l. Noticed Praised. 3. Held up for imitafdcmft. H n!!17-.‘it:~‘ ru‘r otlms. and they went at Me bidding: how much more could Christ. who was under the authority at no r'tli', aeeomplish what he willed? "He is eminent that Jesus can as easily send an angel to cure this servant of his, Is he can send a soldiar on an ermnd."--. Henry. . nf. The centurion's faith rewarded (vs. 9, 10). 9. Mnrvelled at Him-The only other time when Jesus is said to have bean as- ton/died ls in Mark vi. 6, when He mv,rveled because of untselief.--Hom. Com. Christ was not ignorant of thy cen- turion's faith. He knew all about that be- fore a word had been spoken: but He expressed His admiration with I View to mzke it the more conspicuous. --Ben. son. No great faith-Faith is that soul oh." an? which enables us to grasp God. "It is, the medium though which we of t Jami l‘owcr Over Ilia-cab and Death-{Ilka IN fum- Nahu69NAg, W” No. III. APRIL I . 19110 Sunday} ciettool. In": Mk Serra l-lT. erm was if“ to whole --T heal- "50 con w 8 The British Museum has declined to purchase the Nelson memorandum out- lining the plan of the battle of Trafalgar, which wu recently told " auction for k Fi -<lwrton. Out, despateh: In con- mwiim with the burning to death of Mr. illvn Parks. which occurred on Ti:o~l:i)' night. persistent rumors of foul play have been current. Mr. Parks Wits known to have had considerable money with him. and only a compara- tively small portion was found among the ashes of the fire. His gold watch and two chains are also missing, and his skull wan badly curbed in. At (he winner’s inquest held this ,.v.ior:ti:Ct it was brought out that de- cv,strl ind a quarrel at the depot in Proton with an Italian laborer on the afternoon of Tuesday and that they had almost come to blows. The following verdict was rendered: "The jury say that, Mien Parka came to his death on the night of March 27th by being burnt in his dwelling-house which on said night was destroyed by fire, and the jurors ere of the opinion that there. were circumstances in con- noction with the fire which lead to, the eoneluio- tint aid death may not We been muted by accident or natural -s." Flasherton Jury's Open Verdict on Man Bureeed in His Home. Mount above Circumstances (v. 2.) This centurion was a Roman soldier, living among men whose lives were hard and cruel, surrounded by companions whose pnsmlns were unbridled and ccnveysaticn ataxia; sent to rule in despised Galilee “rm a nation ultrrly degraded and hav- ing his headquarters in corrupt Caper- nnnm. Surely circumstances were against him. And yet, it he had not been a eentuvion, he had never seen Capsumauut; if he had not been quartered in that city, he had never built "a synagogue" (v. G); but for his servant's sickness, he might tlr'ver have "heard of Jesus" (r. 5); but fv-r his great mrmw he would never have won the p,reat benediction, "I say unto Jill I have nut fouud so great faith, no, nut. in Israel” (v. f).) ' Brawn frvm analrgy (vs. 7-9.) The 17. This rumor-It appears that the report of this miracle spread throughout all Palestine; it reached the ems of John the Baptist, who was imprisoned as Castle Maeherua. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. 16. Came a fear--A sense of aolemnity and reverential awe. Glorified God-The miracle was witnessed by a large com- pany of people. and they all recognized the hand of God on the one who could perform euah mighty deeds. Great pro- phet-The Jews were at this time ex- pecting Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the great prophets to appear. ' AL 2. That Jesus is the source of immortal life (John xi. 25, 26)-on fact, of all life. 3. That we shall hold our identity in the other world-the same persons, only "changed." 15. Began to speak-Which proved that he was fully restored to life. To his mother-But such a miracle would have a far deeper significance than the temporary concolation of a mother. This miracle teaches us, I. That there is a life beyond and that the soul continues to exist when separated from the body: l4. Touched-Here again. as in the case of the leper, our Lord sacrificed the mere Levitical ceremoninlism, with its rules about uncleanness, to a higher law.-- Farrar. Bier-Jewish coffins were open, so that the dead could be seen; but in the case of the poorer classes there would be no coffin, but merely a board sup- ported by two poles on which the dead would be laid. I Bay-Life and death are controlled by the will of this "I." Arise-At last death has met its Master'. It is the same voice that shall hereafter awaken not one, but all the dead. The Lord of both worlds, who holds the keys of death and of Hades, has spoken. A IV. The widow'. non raised from the dead (vs. 11-17). 11. The day after - Soon afterwards. ---R. V. Much people-- Jesus wan now reaching the height of His popularity. i2.---The gato--Nearly all towns and villages were .urrounded by walls as a protection. Carried ow-- With the exception of kings, all burials M ere outside the city. Much people - Here was a large company of mourners. Kain is approached by a. narrow, rocky path; there was only one entrance to the city: the two processions met on the western slope of the hillside. 13. Had compassion-We did nod wait for her to ask for help, for probably ahe did not know him. Her needs , a0rr0ws were her silent prayers. "The fart that this youth was 'the only son of his mother,' and that she was a widow would (mn- vey to Jewish notions a deeper sorrow than it even does to ours, for they re- garded ehihl.'esemest, as a special calam- ity, and the loss of offspring as a dir- ect punishment for sin."-9urrar. Weep nct--The large company came to weep with her. FOUL PLAY IS SUSPECTED. mp not" w. Ju'.) 'lho mmpnsamn ms never fails. "He did not wait " to ask for help. for she probably nt know who it was that mat her, Mun! she have expected that he help her in this trmlbic. Her needs, "'rou"i, were her silent prayers, such 114 as Jesus ttlwst vs howls." swim, and the poo with the herravt rs wow \vitnNHPn o of raising the d: sermon that mir on not" w. 12.) It,'),",'.:",","':','),'."':" THE 5mm ,'.,vfc'ij,'i' 1fijllliE,f TRIAL To be Brigade Major, Major Joseph Thomas Ostill, 66th Regiment. 10th Brigade, Field Artillery, to com- mand, with tytlust yetA2trl.AMot and Quebec commander 18th Infantry Bri. gnde, to be Lieut..Col. Commnnd-ing, meat-Col. E. B. Ibbatson, from the re- serve ot officers. Signalling Staff-To be assistant ”ni- jutaut General for Signalling, Major Bruce Carruthers, from Inspector of big- milling. To be Deputy Assistant Adjutant Gen- oral, for signalling, Capt. I. A. Lister, R. C. R., from Assistant Inspector of Sig- stalling. - . An Ottawa, Out., special despatch The following appointments were gazet ted: in; in kill Fclatvr. and when s/ue tie- Izltirn-d that this would involve her "ls... he had told he: nut. to be afraid, as he “mum be the one to suffer. but that in an}: (wont he had so arranged things that it “mild lock like suicide. During 1391m- lieu's recital Mrs. Sclatcr sat in the dock with bowed head, hidden behind the desk. but, evidently weeping violently. P,eauiieu was closely erosrtvcatttined ly Mr. Greenshiclds, but stuck to his awry with great exactness. The defence was expected to be quite short, but to. day's developments may alter the course of the trial considerably. A Three Rivers. Que., despatoh ciao-Most important and tellis aha evidence given this morning cri-fcrzm that has yet been given during the whale trial. If effect, the constable stale-d that Mrs. Selater had made a. ("1 .m breast oi the whole affair to him, intiznuting a, eonspiruey to kill her Illin- hand: that she had tom him MeCraw told hey op. the fatal Sunday that, he was 20- Datettive Says Mrs. Scleter Made Clean Breast of l . Tofd Him of the Conagiracy to Kill Her husband. Experts consider the GORDON COBALT Plt0PElcTIhW, one ot the best. prosmx-u m the We: and my have invested in ma anmmy's shares; the property is within 40 chains of tho famous HUDSON BAY MINES AND PROPERTIES. Tho company will commence work at the mines by April Itrt, This stock will shortly be drawn from the market. For prospectus and uzmlivmions for stack address THE GORDON COBALT SILVWt MINING COMPANY. LIMITED, Suite 40-41. M Victoria street. TUNE“). WA. Marsh, President. Juo. P. Lettuox. Secretary. THE GORDON COBALT MINE, consist; ot tio acres in we heart. or the Conan Mining district. and one mile mm the TOWN or' cuBALT. AND '.N TUI" ‘m‘muous COLK- MAN TOWNSHIP. cur (we new been gunned by the present government. The property has been opened and a new ot tour [set In depth made, and the ASSAY SHOWS FRO“ 90 TO aw OUNCBS oe SILVER To Tlik TON. THE ASSAY MAY BE SEEN AT TALE COMPANY'S OFFICE. THE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY IS ONLY $200,000. Tho company has no bonded debts and no prdm'oi stock. The owner oc' the mine aux-pm stock in full p4)!- meat far his properties. The directors of the GORDON COBALT SILVER MINING CO., LIMITED. are otter- ing to the public tor the PURPOSE oe mr. VL-JAJPMENT OF THE COMPASY‘S PIM). PuttTUs'S. A LIMITED Numm-‘d m" SILUUQS OF' THE TREASUKi swag: Al' $1.00 PER SHAKE, payable at time ot snu- acrivtlou. - A h M W . Kunming a, conspir and: that she had t or on the fatal Sun :1; tu kin Sclatvr, 122nm} that this we e had told her not urchl be the one to Fat is of great account to a baby; that is why babies are fat. If yam baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsion is what he wants. The healthy baby atores as {at what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy ', they do not cry; they are rich, their fat is'laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat sur- rounds their little nerves and cushionsthem. When they are scrawny those nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. They delight in Scott's Emul. sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. _ For Thin Babies COBALT “if MELITARY. Send for tree lamp“. r (use it was has yet 1. If el Be sure that this when" " tho form of a labal in on ti,re vnppcr of "or, ham. C' Emulaian m buy. Seott do Bouma Chemist: Tor-ante, Oat. Ma. and £1.00 All szgmc tet TORONTO "‘Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Cnmpound made me a well woman. and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It 2int,t, me hunk. new life and yitalifr."--Mrs. sie Ainsley. an South 10th Street. Tacoma, Wash. What Lydia E. Pinkham's Yegehbb Compound did for Mm. Ainsley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. 4-3102 have, symptoms. you 6.003% Im- "Bver since my child was born I have mf- fered, as I hope ow women ever have, with t,tt"Jchi,tii; fonmle Weakness. tttt down pains, ackuche and wretched h - .ehes. It affected my stomach so E could not set't,'t my meals. and half my time VII Wt!'.‘..-... --- --_- - To be such a 3tutes.rittl wife, to rvtain the love and mhnimiimx of lmrluw1uzva-‘i, to in ire him torupi:e the must of Lice self, you“ be a woman's constant study. If a woman iirvls thet her anemia me tste, that Fire gem easily tired, dark owe appmr under her eyes, she has backache, hwdachos, ITaring-Uown pains, nervousness, irregular-it'" a or the blues, she should start at once to build up her system tr Manic with trttifie powers, such azLy- din E. Pinkhavis, Vegetable Compound. Following we publish by 1mpusst n letter from a young wife: 1 Dear Mm. Pinkham: Jas. W. Alexander, former president of the Equitable Life Assurnnee Society. arrived at Greenfield. Mass., to-day and was driven to a private sanitarium at Deerfield. where he will remain severnl weeks to reem'er from the effects of two surgieal operations which were. per- formed in New York recently. The fire whieh destroyed the Masonic Temple in Dover. N. II.. earlv tn-day was ennfined to that building. though several times burning brands ignited the reefs of near by alruefurea When the Walls of the big five-storey briek block tell sew er-el sporeators wore slightly injured by flyimr, brieks. The loss is estimated to- day in nearly 8250.000. The pom and its up; at your own One of the most. noted, rrieuass'i, nwi richest Inc-n of this ccntury, in a fu'i m. article, has said, "Whatever I am :zn'l whatever success I haw, attained in this world I owe 211 to my with From the day I fhKr, knew her she has been an inipiryti?n, and the greatest heliow-aus of my life." The peasant trouhles ht the district. in which the Douromku estate, Russia, owned by Princess Cvttaeuzerut, formerly Nellie Grant. is situated. have assumed " mon- serious phase. The Gnvernnr- General has telegraphed to the offieer in command of the district not to spare the troops in suppressing the disorders. few days ago. Over a when of fragile 8. ceiuin was "he following P, "Pl-mm: be good enough l TRULY IBEAI. WIFE IIER BUSHAFID’S Iii',',):","""',"' Tii; vigorous Health Is the Great Source of Power to Inspire anti Err/pursue --All Women Shaun! See}. " Governor-General Ronnonkampoff, of Chila, East Siberia, to-day commuted the aentences of death imposed by a oourt- martial here on March 27 on thirteen postal officials, who had participated in the recent strike. to various tin-ms of mun] servitude and in some cases to exile. Six foreigners, who are thought by the police to have occupied the house in Minneapolis where six Bulgarians were murdered early Tuesday, were arrested at Duluth, Minn., to-day. A special commission under the presi- dency of Premier Wine has been created for the purpose of eo-ordinnting the work of the troops and police in handling revolutionary and agrarian outbreaks. . . IAtNtmt.-laethe an qumed at ll to In on 'I‘the Chile Governnwnt 'has signed f Ib.; almanac Irettt, 8bho W.; arm-an. ' _ ml, t'On ‘rnct with the German [ram-Atlantic he to MUttper n; mm. Igeto 15%e «and Rank for a loan of $18,500,000, in addi- ,reiettt. tion to the Arica-La PazJtoilroad loan Winnipeg options. of $12,500.000 loan secured from a Ger- 11:. following wen the claim; quotation: man financial house. ho-thy at this market; March hag-c bu, Ma} r%_____, n H ' n ' FP - Mhs' bid. July 721,20 sellem. D. M. Stewart, a Montreal banker, last night in an address before the Canadian Club, of Boston, compared the banking systems of Canada and the Unitcd States to the advantage of the former country. John Neher, aged 75, the oldest and one of the most widely known bankers of Troy, N. Y., died last night at his home here. Joseph P. Tinney, note teller at the National Bank of North America, was arrested and arraigned in New York police court to-day on a charge of steal- ing $34,000. The main building of the Univerity of Idaho was completely destroyed by fire early to-day. One man was asleep in the building at the time of the fire, but escaped injury. The Pope to-day received in private audience Archbishop Ireland, of St. Paul, and Right Paw. James McGolrick, Bishop of Duluth. The retiring American ambassador to Austria-Hungary, Bellamy Storcr, no. turned to Vienna from Egypt to-day. Japanese Politeness. (Baltimore Sun.) was ot the Japanese 1 writes" io MU" iriiikiG _ - -la ofL . EPinkhun, {Helga h In. a Haitian to Lne'moucu ll brougm out by a mm: a can) shop at Adan! " vaulabie per arming: to handlo thes .11 I. bywrm} “mm; at NEWS pl The liquor ink-reds of Galveston, Tex., are giving a. practical itlustmtion ot "reform mum the party." Tho mos-toes people waged war upon the Moon null the brewer- b-ecam mum!“ and promised to be “(1.711. have" that oft the supply ot l'lfdntlT, Ie,ltt hung hm" 800m " c ordn- Ines..." out ly?fyttyF. a». run Y.1' m"; 'e!hteyteyt" Victoria. and Vancouver: There in I ulisfactory tone to trade in all liner here. Activity in the building trades. and general mpid development of itttees ior industries ere creating a demand to! hardware. There is continued bright-- in all branches of the shipping We. BRADSTREET'S ON TRADE. nail“ n nu 'i' Montreal: There has been a slightly he); berten better tone to trade generally during ...;m- lin.(‘ z the past week. The continued cold we» TI " plan- i'i ther throughout the country has stimu. “YIN. ts!:ic, lated retail trade in winter dry goods win! pl-i and such an event was sorely needed in “I"? its "ii, many localities. Sorting orders in these vi:?:n:- rum lines have been somewhat more active, mmnhr. siil' end there is now also a better demand 39H mimic}; tor spring and summer lines, resulting A rounds-r no doubt from a feeling of greater con- mm at repul fidence, as shelves are being emptied ot in: it. hrvke winter lines. The hardware trade re.. nothing to c Forts continued activities, while gro- - series are quiet. Sugurs hare sdwancod GIFT Xt We per cwt. Pig iron is scarce, and as in other metals there is I firm feeling Unknown I to the market. General orders from l Manitoba and the Northwest Territories wards , continue large, and the outlook in an A Strntfo linr-a is bright. St. NET)“. Hamilton: The volume of spring busi- day in the , mess moving continues bury, sud pro» on ttrtknow; pects generaly continue very gatistae. One thousa, '-ory. There is a quiet tone to country fund of tl trade, but collections ore fair to good mama.” to Sorting orders are generally fair to goo 'trt.ee co; London.. Retail and wholesale trade here is moving well. The dry goods and the hardware trades are purtieularit active. Groceries are rather quiet. $5.00 to $4.75 Trp' 1To.ris---Nr. Harris (unites price firmr: at $7 per ewt. for when; and $6.75 fat lights and fats: mws, " 1, " per M; starts. 92cin to 9150 per rrrt. $4.25; best feeders, 800 to M0 IU., If $3.60 to $4: medium feeders, 800 to 95t IU., at $3.35 to $3.05; host smokers, Mt to 750 list. at, 9330 to M..50: best stock heifers, 5-00 to 7:10 Hm. at. 93.10 to $3.35: common stacker-a. $2 75 to 53. Mr. Mur. by shipped two loads to country custo. morn. Mikh Coww---About tt dozen mild: cow: and springnm. generally of common ft medium qualitv. told at. $30 to $45 each Von! Colver-The best two calves or the markat were bought by J. IT, Wiek. snn. St. Lawrence Market, at $7.25 pet cwt. Prices ranged from $3.50 to $7.25 per owt. Charm nrrrt, T,mtvhz---Pvieon rang"! frrrm EipoFtera--susido of those export- ers bought for butchers' purposes there would not be more than a. couple of loads which sold at 84.85 to $5.00 per cwt. Export bulls cold from $3.50 to $4.25, Ind one extra quality at $4.30 per cwt. - Butelyerr-Choice picked lots of but. thers' came, under 1,200 lbs, in weight, sold at $4.75 to $5.10 per own; loads of good at $4.50 ot $4.70 per cwt.; med. mm at $4 to $4.40; common at $3.50 to M; cows at $3.25 to $4.10 per cwt. Feeders and b'toekers--Trade in feed. ers was limited, and inclined to be slow as there wore few of the right kind of. fering Pnst tshort-keeps, 1150 to 12M Mm. at $1.30 to $4.75: medium abort- koeps, 1150 to 1:2.50 lbs., M. $14.40 to $4.60; [mat fomIors, 9.30 to 1100 HAL, at $3.85 tr Some of the cattle that sold at the highest prices lost money for the drover brgpging them in. Receipts of live aback since last Fri- Say, as reported by the railways, were " carloads, consisting of 1,079 cattle, 666 hogs, 114 sheep and 395 calves, The quality of tat cattle was fair in com- parison with those received on this mar- ket for several market: past, although there was an over supply of half in steers. New York .. .. .. Dertoit .. .. .. ... th. but: .. .. .. I Minneapolis .. .. .. Toledo .. .. .. .. .. Duluth .. .. .. ... huh-perm .. .. .. .. ..i060 1150 British Cattle Markets. IAtmNn.-A3atthtt are quoted at ll to tte pet tb.; Wigwam:- boat. use W.; Shaun. WM. Me A', 'lf"' per IL: In!» 15e to 15%e dream] we Tho m. at gun ttt-dnr we. s limo momtttmrautdtanot Muhammad! clung. In who. Wheat My. 'tttt Mel: at mu “was at " m ms amt 100 bum: ot some at Tle. Barby an. no bunch mum: at " to tite. 0th! m, 400 batten selling at 38 to 3855c. One to“ at no and " m, a build. Hay um and (Inner, no: n1- ttd 15 soia'at"Tiirirtirirtoumrymterctel 'sttTtoqtformtx" iier-nrm.8io" uouln; " $10 1 ton. {med hog. we Hm. with light. quot- ttg.' $9.50 to $9.75, tad as": " 39.5 to Wheat. um bulb .. ....8024 8015 Do., reds bush. .. .. .... 074 075 Do.. ant-um. bush. .. .. .. 071 000 Market Reports The Week. nor my Bringing Moons to Time (W (34:30.. Courant; Toronto Farmer! hunt. nrrrt, Trtvhz---Pvieetn rang"! from $3.50 for export ewes; $5.25 to Lemma; Wheat Markets Toronto Live Stock. t M, I» bushel! ms an: 100 bum;- y (Inn. we tunnel! a a“. 400 Datum! 74% 75% mi 84 $4 Jul 83 't 50“ was 'NI, 78% SALOON KEEPER “SHED Unknown Friend of Old Country Por- wards Fifteen Hundred Dalian. A Stratford desplu-h: Knox Church. St. Mary’s. received a. surprise yersters day in the form cf a gift of ttMott from on unknown friend in the old oountry. One thousand dollars goes to the organ fund of the new church. and the m- muinder to the Lndim' Aid Society. The, donation comes to the result of a little missionary work on the Part of Mrs, (Dr.) Matheson, St. Mary 5, who while abroad Int Bummer, told her friends how fortunate the mm”..- m..- -_'"' ‘.... .I.-.-.u\.uul "ear, in having the church hunted three times. This donation reduces the debt on the newiv erected church to about 85.000. --h-Gd-L.Lcu..u".2.="i'""_ disul'ihxxl ling l foo, Itptrina, l n.cl.'M.;‘mn alt curruspu: Bert. 33, CRATE Factories a; (35.. #23:: Let us quote you prices on a dood}"anniné Mill , or dood Farm Scale. “The inc-ubmnrynu fax-1M: worlrnescxsorturtply we”. P. in operated, and oulr nerd,: Plr ,mlnuwn atteuhun ctr-y um IchrmIL 1:;wa Jaw, Iv.,-. The Clmtlmm Incubm or mu! is honestly constructed. 'tis ttumbutraboettit. Everyinchol is thoroughly touted. the. mu built on right prinnplcs, the " Is perfect, lhcnnometvr uni; l the workmanship the, best. The Chathnm Incubntur and IU-ood; is simple In well {rs tsciev.tif.e in cm struction-a woman or girl can opera! the machine in their s'eisure moments. You pay us no cash un harvest. Send us your n a post card m-dm- 'he Manson f CHATHAM 1'NCtlfl/irir0lt AND ERGODEE. Poultry raising pays. People who tell pm that there is no my in raising chiclu may have tried to make money in the business by using setting hens as hxtchers, and they might as well have tried to loan: a Cd mine in the cabbage path. The usiness ofa hen is-to lay eggs. As A hatcher and broader she is out- clas-sed. That's the business of the Chatham Incubator and Broader. and they do it perfectly and successfully. The ltoa;try business, properly con- ducted. pays fer litter than any other business for we amount cf tints and Thbusgnda ol and women all United States- satisfaction that chick: with the The poultry bus' ducted, pays far ls business for the a money invcsted. .[fyoueouldstu-tut once in u busi- ml which would mid it good round um to your present earttit---wtrts- our INVESTING A DoLLAR--wouldn't re do it? Well. we are willing to and you in a. profitable business and we don't ask yog to put up 'YV kind of: a dollar. rOur .propésitiSn is this: We will ship you the Chatham Incubator and Broader, freight prepaid, and You Pay No Cash Until After 1906 Harvest. EARN CASH N In Your Leisure Time Rheum. St. Mary‘s, who Jim,, ast summer, mm her friend,, “mate. tht fonmgation were ly '. MARY'S CHURCH of pou ' pou'dty-raiscrte-rnen over Canada and the have proved to their it is proiitable to raise te best. :uhntur It he and ac Ox l Li, Luited CANADA and Di:rnotr, We "s ble, and nulcriul Lcr mo ro " CH"- he an! son is i)?“ t mode she did not at or dedde about anything. I Berth Mrr. Newburgh nnd Fir T 'herard were very urgent that the (in should take place as soon a: MMe. Waring, though - on this - too fearful of incurring y diqheure to express him.etf as I tr n be felt. It “I Clays, " In“ you like, Mon,” “mm M dear." This creel-in. left it m duct-t wan-id ha t, "at-MMOM :01. So "EU“! Link. v", blitz Bull in men v haul mndod. He was I“ .ould be (alum but h would hove Ii m. broken hoarle NI (“lilting self. Y n hinted, he prnl . out me a had to give here up f an deal-.10 on at feminine nntnr "rily 111nm m at” My, (Ln WI die must think trottblrd Hym- her. Were I to and: Mrs. In" foolish stripiin; indiftereenro am tad her fairer Math mt it oommuu --ao ya stupid." W be this!» "I wi ll Lputmd. unhappy tingeringl.v l to embrace. ey- were t “Say. 'Los N know, tNT ttt ope " how long , not do rm you draw stirred oft rat it on to: luck: 3 on. kiss, 91 'si-s-just And M lame, as nu! thr whole he be pale, turned. sa Melted In of me as l mi “about off my just now v looked In i If I though “Mum l, capital fr like my f to tall Sr "Not otlter I W. Isn't t “Grannir- lever finds Mona flush "And I wisl M good-bye;" Waring. ir Aitrt downstah If” farewell in in high pit titttt some mm M Mina Jr I. hand." have my v happiness In. XML of swing in about MB to talk flou I few m Rere hr, “I do m m down “Sorry I Me. IT fir it for right you I when "or II) " spirilh thing vent I ”no all] At the ens-gum] lad most whims. i, whole life in good. 1 low, and I ”new at Yo u "lillrlllll M" CEYLON TEA ( a guarantee ofi REF! Hu'en'i I palsionnh‘ly to In buys provided tho I. what you will, v All! my BO I“. Mhrod or Green In th " an tttl Wot ll w tt r In at tl fit n "

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