Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Apr 1906, p. 5

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lway lead Co. m S! us '% ,“‘. tion CHEAP at atasisaasaasassA9 'iie"haaiissisgyii'i DARLINGS, Pipes?, . fhiesrt Pipes , The Durham Furniture Go., Ltd ClllNtirearNmsr £311. 5 1908 Smokers' Sundries in .DARLI N G'S' DR UG Another lot of our celebrated snaps just ar- rived-hetter value than ever. Call and see them. All prices Sc to tfo Prices as low as the lowest-------- under. sold in any line we carry. To reduce our stock close prices. WOO Call at our Wm '"llatram.ott,'eaiacaee, our Wareroom s The stock we are offering lines of all grades WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN Biople’s 12ryrgists, eitreariiiuaratax g reat variety -.-..-a--- rmg Hues of all grades and makes at very i LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. one door South of the Post Office. STORE A Fine Durham Bull. bred fro; imported stock, 14 mas. cld. Building lot on Bruce St. Durham, al- BO a Brick house on same street. Four year old Clyde mare Apply to Wm Leggette. Rocky Saugeen. Lot It, Con 4. N. D. R. containing 10 acres. more or less. 8.”; acres cleared spring creek, good well, hank barn, im. Blement house, large frame dWellinpz ouse. good orchard. convenient to church and school. Building. fences, &c all in good condition. 25 acres Wee,,'?,',; 4 acres under fall wheat. oasession given any time after lst March. For further particulars apply on the promises. to Donald Benton. (Laughter and a plause.) And he and hm supporters (r0 not. stop to think of who made that pieand who put in that plum. " (Prolonged laughter and applause.,'-Ei. , ,,,.-. V. .... “use cunuuulng. mud lb? was glad the Government had a sur- ' plus. " Howdid they get it ? " he ask- ied. .. Has my hon. friend the Treasur- er done anything to produce it ? " Very little. m would have reduced the succession duties tax. Bat now he has a surplus. come by honestly. but by succession, (Laughter-J He is very much like Jack Homer, sitting in a corner. Eating a Christmas pie, He puts in bi: thumb and pulls out a plum. And says what a good revenue have I. STOCK & BUILDINGS FOR SALE mace nemmnz signJf1eyttly, Mr Rose pointed out that the Provincml Treas- l uror took lo himself and the present jMinistry much credit for “havin a ‘surplus of $002,150.” but the Ec'. iTJeaaurerl did not tell the House that t at ......‘ ..- ---- . m, ,_ w... .-vu It“ um HOUSE Khan that surplus was partially made from profits arming from the Temlsktuninir _fuilwrw--an enterprise» not very warm- ly welcomed by the Hon. gentleman when it was launched. This railway had brought. a surplus of 8100.000. Then there wan the succession duties- another product of aformer Govern- ment , which furnished the balance of this surplus. Mr Ross continuing. said ho w“: "1...! nun-_»7 . . An amendment to the License act is introduced into the Manitoba Legisla- ture which confines the liquor trMBc to the business part of city. Drug- gists will he allowed to sell only under Dr's certificate. Pool rooms must close at some time as the bar and under the same penalty for the violation of the act. Persons under eighteen shall not be allowed to loiter therein unless ( accompanied by parent or guardian. Breweiw license] will he rinsed to $500. MORAL Cowvinm--There are men who would face the canon's mouth who are cravens in the face of public opinion What other people may think is the whip that not only keeps the coward in his track, but prevents many a man from damn: what he knows he ought to do. It is this fear of man that makes such mean poltrooms of us To dare to do and say what we ought is the high- est mark of moral courage. This how- ing to the opinion of others, slinking around the corner for fear some one will see us do what is right. and call it hypocrisy or cant is what tills the jails with criminals and the world at large with sneaks and apologizers for sin. Be man enough to come out on the side of right Hun up your colors-stand to your guns. and if you do go down you will go down with the conscious- ness of being a. rtran.-l'elected. Hon G. W. Guelph city council is guiding cir- culars to cities and towns within 150 miles of Niagara Falls asking them to Co-operate in urging the Ontario gavel-m went to establish a power plant of their own at the Falls so an to furnish power to the rencimhle umnicipalities of Octat, in at a cheap rate. . FARM FOR SALE ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Giving a Remind er Sale acres under fall wheat. iven any time after lst further particulars apply res, to Donald Benton. Boss gave: the .Letritylature inium of others, Blinking corner for fear some one what is right. and call it ant is what tills the jails sand the world at large IU) apologizers for sin. te as the bar and under y for the violation of a uner eighteen shall to Miter therein unless o come out on the 1p Pour colors-stand d if you do go down vith the conscious, .-ts'elected. rop. l fl. chELLAN, Agent Warerooms across the bridge north of the Post Office. Orders left at Rrtvrstw Office will receive our best attention. Dalsy Chums, Wringers. Washers. Hayloade rs, Tracks. Rakes. Mowers, Binders Prices and terms to suit purchasers. LC-C-,'"-'-"---------------. Maple Leaf tad SINGER SEWING MACHINES The [unmoved National Cream Separators, 4 styles The N cw Hamburg Waggons Barber Buggies Bissell Meal Land Rollers Disc Barrows of Elora. ALL SPRING GOODS Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Call and see our Leader Seed- er, Ploughs, Barrows, Cultivators and l A High Stamina of Thoroughness is "t2N unnamed in thin behool. Enter now And ready to accept a ttne position In the tall. college open entire year. Circullrs free. - W. J.ELLIO'I'T. Cor. Yong. and Matador Sta. Peter Hamilton AGENCY SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL 2nd PRINCE ARTHUR will open the Tor- onto Horse Show. where 88000 will be given in prizes. The twelfth Canadian Horse Show will be held in Toronto on April 25th. 26th, 27th and 28th. It will be' opened hy H. R. H. Prince Arthur of Connaught, whose presence on the first two days will add even greater eclat to the event which is in itself most brilliant. Breeders and owners from this vicinity will be represented in the entries, which close with the Secretary. Henry Wade, Parliament buildings. Toronto. on \Vednesday. April 11th. The boxes will be sold hy‘ auction on Tuesday, April 17th. at the King Edward Hotel. Overs $811) will be distributed in prizes and cups. Re- duced rates are offered on all railways, at a single fare for the round trip good going Aptil25th, and at a fare and a. third, good going April 26th, 27th or 28th, all tickets being good to return on I or before Mondav, April 30th. o,,,ili, Bryon / 7’ Tones-m on ?tt?ii'i'?'-' l, Edna Rent, Maggie McRonmd. Aver- age abundance. 29. unn’rnnnn McLzon, Teacher. U. S. 8. No. 1.N.and E. Sr 4-E. Hutton. B Lauder, G Dunn. Jr. 4--H Barber. J, McIlvrido, F. Barber. Jr. 8-A Morrison, A Pettigrew, M Hey. B Barber, A Morrison. F Clark. U. Petti. grew, T Hutton. Sr 2nd--Mr, Kerr, W. Blythe 9.1.. E Morrison. E Barber, A, Pettigrow. H Barber. Jr 2---1? Kerr, B. Grant& W Hutton oq, A Lauder. Sr Pt 2--hl Morrison. L. Pettigrew. Sr I-.. C Blyth, W Eden, Jr, 3-G Grant, C. Blyth. Average attendance 30. A C MACKEsz, teacher. ,,V__... _.-\u, (IIIICLI udll'llt‘ ' Mabel Vera-me. Noble Hartley. Ella 'IT gene. Harold Ncke, hnie, Het hie Duns- mom‘. tir Pt 2tui-Ma) McKeehme. Jr Pt 2nu--Leuus Newell. Stewart Me Arthur, Eur] Vesnie. Sr Ist- Thomas Grasb . Jr 1tst--hiarw Bartley, Annet- ta 1til'Niyil,t', Reba Veseie. KATE. MACDONALD, Teacher. Report b'. S. No, 8, Bonlinck. Class 5--E Viekcrs. Sr 4--ums.ie Park, Htobbie Lindsay, Gimme Rosy. Maggie Peroy, John Corbett. Je 4-liittitt Livingstone. Roy Vickeru. Sr. 'd---Na. than Gnarsou. Stanley Livingstone. James Coulis. Gertie Corbett, Jamal Park. Jr 8-ittsby Alexwder, kennelbi Park. Sr 2--thsortie Rear, Allan Wine, Lind Torr , Agnes McLean, Evelyn Conn. Annie anreuce. Douglas Domi- ly, Lily Torry, Joy Hopkins. Jr 2--Am. berziue Bailey. John Derby, Nuimau Me. Bouala, Evelyn McLean. Part. 2--hhigar Lawronce, tir 1-Ceeil Rely. Brigham LiVIngstone. Freddie C'orbett, Ethel Derby. Eddie Lindsay. Marv Mather, Maggie Hopkins. Jr I-lux Lawrence. mmpcon 100 per cent, Murmurs-t Mot-tiny 70 per cent. Jr 3rd--smellmr--Geo'. Lvdinghlm; 92 per want. Sr 2nd--Lizzie Sth 98 per cent, John Ledmsthurn 88 par cam, Donald Ray 80 per oertt, Kate Smith tr' percent. Isabel Turnhull and Arthur “human 78 pow cent. Jr 2trri-- Lavina Manley 100 par cent. Pt 2nd- Archie annhuH 80 per rent. Pt I-- Mary Cuffield 96 per cent. Bobbie- Mort, lev84 pet cent. hhtnmination of 23rd 4th--Aiuthtnetie-jdC' Mortluy 86h per' cent. Br 3rd---Mruomret Marllvy 85 per rent, Beatrice Simpson 79 per rent. Renditw--Pt '2nd---iMp.ie Smith 78 per cent. Pt. l-Robbie Manley, ANNIE SCOTT Teacher. U. s. B, NO 2, B. & G. ( Jr 4th--John Currie. Sr 3rd--Gertie l Morton. ts'r2nd--wiliie Edge, Genrge‘ tieytrll,_Anuie, Ewen, Alfred Bul'llvvr John Mortlay. Sr 8-Botrie. Simpson. Maggie Manley. Frank Tun-Inlay. Munici- on Smith. Bella Ray. Jr 8---Geo Led. Inzhnm. Mamie Motley, Annie Shawna, Sr fl-Donald Ray, Linus Smith. Isabel]. Turnbul'. John eringuum. Kate Smith. I Jr 2--Vitm Moniev, Katie Stewart. John MeGillivrav. Pt 2--ceeil Twamley ltd Carrie Mortley ”1., Harold Lediuuham, Jos Coifield, Srep,art McGillvray, hrelne Turnbull. Pt l-Robhie Mortluv. Mary Creleld, Geo Naive. Mnry McClemrnt. [Average aPtondance 31. The following h ok honors m the vxammncions for March 30. Iutterature-Iv--rhn Mm- lry 98 per cm. hr111--Betr, Ray 81. Frank Twamiev and Magma Manley 75. [ Sr 2---Dovald Ruv 81, Isabella Turnhul' ' 75. Pt l-Writing---; Coifiehi80. ' ANNA Soon. teacher. The following pupih: of S S no 3 Glen. and Ben. have taken honors in their ex- amination for March mm. I'lnsg '--Composition--iohn Max-thy 83 per cent. Sr 3vd-Bneliinst--terti iee Slimpcon 100 per Cent, Murmurs-t MONIRV TORONTO. ONT. Beport of Into!“ Selma! for Mink. d-- TH] DURHAM REVIEW School Reports "trNrAR'l and 28th. It. will I. Prince Arthur presence on the "ff .ev.enArettter Aah'éil‘;l_3u.rl_ 1e}. TORONTO Mdhdmb‘ qsut!o%3ths4t-r pond. was“... Grand Barclay a; Bell tri' ed by mam '/dp'p'l2f;til'; coup. The Opposite Middaugn House Stables Pountyhsaftkyion,it beverageofgoodheaith. thownonthesusAissed afilllMllt 2palitit A. W. Watson 1lsersof'tundMaga Buns a: , Biscuits in great variety All kinos ofCakea made to otde W If] I 't AKES ot1rspecialty Hygienic Packages is what you should drive in. Everywhere acknowledged to be the leader. Why not buy that new one now ? You will find the prices much smaller than in the fall. Then when fall comes, you have a fine new cutter-the best, the Tud- hope, at no more expense- and will have had its use fo the rest of this winter thrown in. Call in this week and pick yours, or, at least, take a look over them. First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Wattgon'ts Bread-Th B PEEL, The Shoeman A Swell ludhope Cutter For M Is very high, but THE PRICE PEEL, The Shoeman THE QUALITY New Footwear Also ot her high-grade Mnniln'm, Fluurs, per' barrel 34.75 to 5.00 Ogilvw'u Royal Hunwhuld anous FIVP Roses Fiour.. vat-h, per lmrwl. . .8; 5-“... ihtvxorafpurity. easures and Repairing s extremely moderate THE FINEST NOW IN. Hourehohi and 35.25 " Awn- Pmn. Nu- Nuns-1." 150 Ag". above Durham, we" “attend. “000 2Stt $353, $30 'Jtt2'J,"p,'a"fd2te Atl! 125 Itt,tN2i't'eygiagy mm Indie "Mm; mm: Allan ""f"tgt ‘mrgxmmmgrmmwémx Ei,5.r, ""lr'lU.'ttdp"t'u,t2t a. a?" Do you want to know where to buy ll [ (D. McPHAIL Ola? ----. - Durban. Nov. 16. 'tB, JOHN CLARK Line-w! Auctioneer for the Co. of On]. It}. prompuy attended to. ”to moo-Able ordem any be left " In Implement WW 'Sep lain-or- old that. or " no Inn" " an ' - e 'l Tenn. moderate. Anny-um tor “In M tout”. a, In“ be and. n tho Barlow or Mammal... a." ('onuponuu. MGM more, or in Ceylon P. o., will be pro-pays “landed to, Tar-a on snug-ml to D,.lcPHAIL. Ceylon P. o, or to C. “not. Durham Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. thnnmiisroner, to. Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance". " Money to Low. Odin. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. Mack-y K.e.: w. F Dunn 1JtBce--Ctuderu Block, our Pout. otru. m ‘mov- much HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royll College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Room. Over J & J HUNTER'S New Store u an Roy-l (iii-iii NARI isiiiiG oG7 Dentistry in Ill In “new. Intuaranee Agent. Money to In"). Issuer of Marriage Linn-ea. A Ren- eral financial husinou truncated. W. C. PICKERING o. o S., L. o. S HONOR GRADUATE Toronm l'nivor 31-2- IIn--l hall... Ihno-I Kt..--.. OMee, It Pm. " Ln. “mum to M.ewfuld', (Lo-don. h; ttt [nnpp‘n (New York) Eye Hospital; Auctioneers. ARTHUR H. JACKSON, Mee, our Gordon'. Jewelry Stan Hombor Coll-p Play-wing- ud Surgeon Ontario. - no. And Kahuna. Cor. Wan a! Gem n a... '" rum of Mill. Old loo“. Corns. J. G. BUTTON, M. D, QM Licensed Auctioneer for Co Office over - _, - ._--_. t..." Guam If utndon,.New York ad Ch' I... Diane: of Ere, Rar. Nose, And Throat uni-mum n [In “out. Durham, tho hmdu‘ n each Iti'ld. iurii,' 1-4] P..". F-tla. II. 2-4 p. I. T-4 p. I Tolophono Connection No. " J. F. GRANT D. 0.8-. L.'D. S. DURKAI. ONT. (Lower Town) Notary Public, Gommitmioner, CONVBYANCER. M. Will beat the Mild-u?!) House, Durham, the tirgt 'ttdate-si rout mouth from ll' 19.33313 Nose & Throat - epeoill “tension (In: to Dinn- 04 Women “a Childrm. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., MACKAY * DUNN. L._ B. Miller, MEDICAL DB. BROWN. LEG-AL. (mien nu . telephone ole. J. P. TELFORD EN": HOI'R! Money to Loan. Licenced Auctioneer to the County of Grey. PIY-CXAN a Stu-0N. IO u. "."ttifti.Gf DR. BURT OI‘I'ICI HOUR! -- - - - Owe-loud &tJ. Hunter'. Store I to I. A.l. P., Ind». hun- . Uroy r ll. h

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