Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Apr 1906, p. 4

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L- if f " WINTER FOOTWEAR SNAPS SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: T_he_Perfornted Drum, onlv in the Idea Also Wilbelm's Wringers. all made by Watson of Ayr. Raymond, Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal tor Wood Agent for the Dihon nge Stay Fence. During 2ifarvasiure Skirts Skirts, Skirts. CLEARING SALE of WINTER FURS 15 Ladies “Skirts. . .to clear We have some sizes in n few lines of Oxfords and Strap Slippers which we are cleaning out at prices that will save money for the lucky purchasers. Spring goods are beginning to come in and we are crowded trom top to bottom and we need the room for the new amuls. We will be pleased if you will lend a. helping hand in making room. Anything we baweleft in winter lines “are down in price. Call early and get a share of the good things. Custom work and repairing as can]. S. MCILRAITH Men's. Boys and Chil- dren’s Suits and Over- coats at Similar reduc- tions. Now is the time to buy your Winter Goods. We are selling all at reduc- ed prices. c. L. GRANT. Our Stock of Men's and Boys' Suits are the fin.. est lot We have. ever shown. Made from fine English Worsteds, Scotch and Halifax Tweeds and haye that snap and style about them that gives a man or boy a well-dressed appearance. We have them in Fashionable light greys, navys greens, browns and blacks, made up in thenewest styles............... $2to " For the last three weeks we have been busy making ready for our Millinery Openings and our efforts have not been in vain for never in the history of our Store have we seen our visitors wear such a happy smile at the many artistic Models in Fashion- able Trimmed Millinery and Ready-to-wears. If you visit our showrooms, you will find that we have, the right styles at right prices. were 5.00 for 4.00 were were We an give '3an a mere list of our goods. but In quality and adv tahilily to t e needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs. hcney’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned alticlns, fair pr ices Jhshrt Shark. The best in their line us we handle only thelbest. hriug ftmrse:y $3.50 for $2.75 4.00 for 3.10 Jam/l {hsring (Skirts (hsring (huthirtg Cont and an: SPrtee. gypug ftarm Maolu'nory. The Down Town 'orloek A few doors South of the Middaugh House. Shoe Store I The presentation was made by Mr John Backus and Mr David McCrie. Mr Aldred made a very feeling reply. As the majoritv of those who had come to sav good bye were those with whom he had been associated with from boyhood up and found it was not the easiest thing to give what mav be the lam hand clasp to those who have been valued friends and neighbors and many of them as workers in the Master's Vineyard, for so many years, again thanking them for their kind. ness and good will towards Mrs Al-l dred, himself, and family and hoped l it not permitted to meet here again, all might meet in that eternal home, where we shall never say good bye. Atter which an abundance of good things was served by the young gentlemen and ladies of the crowd the remainder of the time until past mid- was pleasantly spent in many differ. ent ways. There has been many such gatherings ot good will in Mr Aldred'tr.homein years gone by, bat this one was mingled with sad thoughts. asitis likely to be the last social gathering in the old home. After the singing of " God be with you till we meet again, " led by the Rev 0. I. Stephenson. all went home feel.. irgtitisinore pleasant to give than to receive. ' lives. - -r* -_ " -_'_- -.....-.. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors. Last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs J. A. Aldred were very much taken by surprise, when about titty of their friends and neighbors without invitation or ceremony walked in and took possession of the house, without so much as one note of warning; how. ever their welcome was a very cordial one. As it was noticed, they carried with them well tilled baskets. After an hour or two of social chat and pleas- antry, Mr and Mrs Aldred were re- quested to be seated, when the tollow- ing address was read by Mrs R. Petti- grew, ot Varney. To Mr and Mrs Aldred. Dear friends, - i It was with feelings of regret that we learned of your intended depart- ure from amongst us, so your friends and neighbors have gathered together to spend a social evening with you all. We have ever been mindful at your neighborly kindness to one and all, and also, of your nntiring eft'orta in the work of the Master. we would ask you to accept this dinner set of dishes, those knives and forks and carving Bet, also this Bible; and we pray that it may be in the future, " it has been in the past, a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. In your West- ern home we sincerely trust that you will meetnwith abundant success, and MOFFAT GmeFmwoon.-on Wednesday March 28th,at the "muse. Durham, In? the Rev. Wm Frrguharson,' Charles Henry Moftat to Lilian Grace daughter of Daniel Greenwood Esq., all of Glenelg. I WITH CARNEGIE'S Htul,-Hanover learned the Free Library B -Law bya vote of 282 to 90. The 'ltel says: .. There is very good reason to believe that had that Carnegie feature not played a part in the issue, the library b -law would have been snowed under. Vaitha. great many, indeed, with the majority perhaps, 't resolved itself into .. Carnegie or Taxes" as the mayor pithily put it, and the result of Mon- dav’s vote is undoubtedly an indica-, tion that Carnegie’e money will be very acceptable here. l Just received another car load of the famous Ogilvie flour "Royal House bold." For Sale at $5.25 per hm. at the Upper Town Bakerhr, A. W. WATSON Mrs A. Gordon and familv have de- cided to go \Vést about, the 24th lush Mr Gordon has bought a house in Way- burn, and Mrs Gordon will makea home. We wish them all success but regret to lose them as neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mundle. Kilsyth, are gttt"its of the latter's father, Mr. Thus Lauder and other telrrtives and friends in town. Mun-s l‘utherine and Belle Cameron mo home from Macdonald Institute, Guelph. fur Easter holidayi. last week and um. ask God‘s blessing oifyaii%iiir'i Mu Geo. Manson. St Untharines. was A gun-I ot Dr Arthur Gun for a few days over tho w wk end. Mr John Ctuueron, antler an illness of I Ink or two. is around again, though Ill" (mil. Mire Edith Murdwk. Allan Park. is the guns: of Mrs Rom. Burnett fora. few any: this week. Miss 1lice, who has been the guest of “w brother at the Rectory, returned Wednesday to Ailsa Craig. In Jno. Smith left Tuesday to spend a few days with Toronto friends. Mrs (Re-HUI)”. Cameron " leaving this work tor Rusednlo. Toronto. Mr Arthur Allan in visiting friends in Toronto this week. Mr J. L. Flaky was in Palmerston Monday on buoineu. Mr Alex Binnie has been under the weather for A week back, but is around again. Address and Presentation. -----_----.-. MARRIED DEATH OF Euzane'ru A. Torutv.-.. Miss Elizabeth A. Torry, daughter of the. late Robert Torry of the suburbs. passed peacefully to the unseen world on Sunday last aged 423mm, 3 months mdavs. Deceased ha been in failing health for over three gears. The run. eral took place on Tues " p. m. to the Markdale Public Cemetery where the body was tenderly laid away beside that of her father who predeceased her two yen-e. Rev Ivieon Wilson. her pastor. conducted eernce at the house and the save. A mother, three brothers and two eietere eat-rive. who have the condolence of the community. [The above. from the Mukdale Stand- ad. More to e cousin of Robt. Torrr, of town.] , The Great- West Life Insurance Com pany affords the highest security and pays the largest profits to policy hold- ere. W. F. DUNN, Agent. Every day bargain day in Agricult- ural Implements, a full line in stock, will be pleased to buveyau call. See ad elsewhere. A. B. MCLELLAN. Shop at the bridge, and saw money. Sr I-Martha McDonald, Nellie Fluk- er, Neil McMillan, Doris MacAuley. SadieMoKenzie and Willie Lauder eq. Iqterme4iure-Mary McI1raith, Alice McCrie and John Duncan eq. A-Etta Saunders, Zeta McClocklin. B-Gibhie Watt, Charles Cameron and Arthur Ramage eq. Sr Pt 1--Fla.nk Morlock, Rita Torry and Roy Watson eq. Gordon Gun. Char- lie Havens. Fred Saunders. Jr Pt 2 (B)-Nyptle Spaélidg. Eu}; Carson. Marion Calder, Sadie McDonald Madeline Darling. Jr Pt2 (A)--Jennie Kelsey, Marguer- ite Hutton and Cecil McNally sq. Laura Byron and Wes. Jchnaton eq. Allie Mc- Gowan, JessieBlack and Islay Quinn eq. Sr Pt 2- Frank McIlmith. Wesley Morton, Inn Campbell. Gilbert Gordon, John Htsrbottle. Louisa McAnultv. Jr 2 (Bl-Earl McDonald. Cassie Rus.. el. Alex Hilderbtandt. Edwin Seam-h, Pearl Mitchell. Jr2 (A)-Eveline Levi. Charlie Har- bottle, Nellie Daniel, Vyvian Harvey, Gertie Campbell. Sr. 2---Mark Wilson. May Cliffe, Leone Runael, Vivien Crawford and Joe War- mington e1.. Kalle Bell Black. Jr 3--Devena Warmington, Sydney Holt, Rex McGowan, Morley Culling. Bessie Saunders. Br. S-Merle Whitmore, Jack David- son. Reggie Sharpe. Gladys Whitmore Willie Petty. Jr. 4--Jeannie MrGowan. Marion Cur- rie. Mary Wright, Willie Browning. David Nichol. Sr. 4rh-dihrn Burnett, Jessie Caron. Vaddie Caldwell. Hazel Marshall, Nellie Hepburn. Form I--Jean Watson, Emma Smythe Sadie. Ferguson, Bella Ector, Cecil Wolfe. Form Hr-lizzie Aldcorn, Herb. Campbell, Rita McComh. Alice Law- rence, Maggie Knox. Form Ir-mary Ed a. Fanny Moran. Lizzie Binnie. Sadie Flidih',', and Irene Latimer eq, Edith Allan. The greatest virtue of a body of fire fhrhteriie is rapidity of organized action and oftentimes the greatest effort to heat back the consuming fhunes are tu- tile because at a late arrival to gain the advantage over a speedy proposition one must be speedy and in the case of tire there must be an etreetive fire alarm system. If arrangements could he made with one of our factories, and have a five whistle attached. have an alarm box in each ward, with wires strung from these boxes, to which ever plant was secured where there should C he placed an "nnqnciatur, which would register the ward from which the call was sent in and h!urirurapuhlie code alarm, the man on duty could at i once give the proper whistle alarm. This 'irpplifies matters and aids ma ‘ termlly in gis ing the firemen a chance to get started as soon afterthe alarm as possihle. Many an otherwise incou. sidershle fire has gained headway simply because of a. tardy or confused alarm. The quickest possible means for conveying all tire apparatus to fires should always be provided for many otherwise well equipped companies fail to do their best because there' is no ed- equute menus of promptly getting stsrted as soon as they should. Hop- ing that something ml! soon be done in the matter before long TORONTO 1.-. -""'"""3 u: auupl every imaginable plan to get the ad- vantage, an early start In one of the es- sentials. We have a good tire company of young man here, we have good fire fightink appliances, hut tin-re is some- thing we have not got, a. proper alarm system. and it appears to me that there is no reason why we should not have an effective one, of quick t'ommunictstion to give notice to the tire Dept. when a tire occurs. I consider it among the most Import- ant. and very first duty of the municip- 'tlotrlee" of ever! town to provide for the protection o the lives. the homes. and property of its citizens against fire. Time ti e and fire wait for no man and those who have been rudely awakened from their midnight slumber by the clung of the bell will readily appreciate that. A fierce fire also will not wait upon the ftremnn's, convenience. It therefore becomes necesmrv to ndnnt To the latter of the Review l Dear Bir,--. In the interests at our Fire Briana. I wish to nuke o few remake n rec and towhet we should hove here and that is n good tire alum system. The one we have here now for to cell the Brigade into action. is too slow and out of date and there is no use making any comment shoot it, But it is what we should have. and in this matter the question of tire protection should be of the deepest interest to all right think- ing people. From the smallest Village and town to the great metropolitan centres, fires come to all communities. small and large, and generally occur when and where least expected. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Durham School Report. Alarm System Required. I they should. Hop- " ml! soon be done ore long I am. yours truly, R. Toma. Chief Fire Dept. Pfe"t to. adop_t Every farmer should see what we have in Plow Lines, Trace Chains, Sweat pads, Plow Bolts and Plow an“... Remember we have an assortment of Door Mata and Foot Scrapers. Just to hand-A shipment ot Tub Folding Benches. It is not Dace-saw for you to be earning your living " washing to enjoy one. Have you seen our Fancy Work Baskets? We also carry a variety of Clothes, Market and Lunch Baskets Take a. look at the numerous kind! of Meat and Food choppers we carry, and you will satisfy your taste. It is impossible for us to keep all the the material in our establishment sothat you will fall over it. If you enquire you will find that we keep continually in stock the articles that you have been writing to New York and Canadian Whole- sale houses about. Students manned It any time. Full Maul-n at my time free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal Spring tern begins April 2nd. will double your earning power. It only quire: I few months " this nstltutiou to comp on. thorough practical Business Couue or I Ebon- hand sud Typewrmng Course and fit you for. re.r,rPrytgttivt position. _ - _ A Practical Education at the vc;t:poegtyt'rgratrgptr m C. MCARTHUR Don't forget. Great reductions on these goods on Saturday. All sales must be for CASH OR PRODUCE. p, ices are too close to permit Credit. SATURDAY. T th INST We have these in tthuudtuure--in whole stock, split leather, gaiters and laced boots. and all persons needing plow boots will consult their best inter: ests by giving us a call on Talk about SATURDAY BABGAINS I This is the place to get bargains on plow boots on Saturday next. The season is here when the farmer must be equipped with Farmers I Webster's i , Diamond Hall , PLOW BOOTS HARDWARE I who. bind-um. mu (Ii-pepsin. Ind than preventing the snap-ruin m doing Ita but work. An" rm. no um um. Act may. Bit vegetable. Union than I: daily union of the have". poiunnoul product. no uhorbod. nut-hm hood- MhO, mung-gt. ”any dt-ttrrp/It/ee W. BLACK. If you are otfrering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer’s Sarsaparilln, the Sarsaparllla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. Also some of thelnteat things in Pearl Good: of all kinds. Everything up-to-d u; We Trust Doctors Part of our Spring Stock has arrived with the latest designs in Masonic and Oddfellows Lockets. Rings at Buttons 'ercy a. A. Webster THE JEWELLER. ' um mot. ers AGUE was. CHERRY PM w. in. no "on“ t We publish the formula of alt our mediation. Owen Sonia “no. ‘16.? - ”66.1mm mu. 3.. Inn-am" of Attention ! W. H. BEAN Cry mum““w"w.?m: s In oncug rr,t1tr1eprussetareuH..,....,.............ao- CttiruoheurC..doirdik tl-....2tortic Ameriean Shop west of the Clovel my n. . . . . ...r.-..C.T..', TABLE OILCDOTH. " in wide FLOOR " L ndandtt, Our Goods are Brat-class, prices mo- deeate. Call anyway. TIM. Llnon IR In wide 25c; 53 in wide we " Heavy willed Cotton sheeting, 22 tn wide, 2tie yd Luge 11 ff. size PUttneitette' sunken. white or New Prlnugnrnd Gingham. SEED DRILLS; Hqr-loaders, side delivery and todden: Proven and Beanie Hay Tracks. SEEDS Daisy Chums d; Washers Ttli" 5 ' Gray & Soul. Chat- Mis ham. BarrieOu-ritge Co. Canada Carriage Go., Brockville. VERITY FLOWS : Walking. Rid- ing and Gang Plough. DrsSNATo Wt? and Harm's of Highest grades only. otrtlvio " Royal Household " Keewatln " Five ttttsea."-' very best Keewmin make. A carload just received. All the machinery of the above well known tirm in stock or can be se- cured at short notice. 1% FLOUR ds long, 27" wide 15c pr ; " 27» widMOc pr I " 8tyr wide hoe pr " M" wide 70e pr _ Pearcy's I Pare ' Prepared t, Paints MASSEY- HARRIS ! MATTHEWS a LATIMER vet and Timothy and all ur- ietiea of Garden Seed. in n- bundance for Spring mowing FIELD AND GARDEN. all kinds; MacFarlane & Co. John McQueen DRUGG ISIS and Seed-men Church's Alabastine and Jellostone Egg-wt (Ins- mg 41“!)pr LACE CURTAINS Call and vss“s§«m~& o.........-..;.")"'.) ' Mitt wide..............25¢yd 1, 1Vtd2rdawide..2scui"rd In all the lead. ing shades at The old reliable kind. Always give satisfaction Try them. Middaugh House g lo "Pwl4eshstrr a? 'sf/Ili/ll).".")" 'fs Guide: Block- HE w wide" 1.26 Si CHEAP " I? DARLING - " <§‘\\.- cxiEe . ~e~ _.i,i,,ll,-'e'itt,Si4 I 2“". N,0lil a Smoker Pipes The APRIL 5 l DAR]; sold m an Another 1 rived--he Call and s rtees close ( Ili Th as M,

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