Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Apr 1906, p. 3

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THC STOR "so t her ne ODO- 14. 1906 expenses of m theta mic. when 1m. t be. 8 IPO " Tho It n "I n and 1m when t sine die being: D broil; W " COAL MINERS Will STRIKE. " fi Joint Stale Committee on Soft Coal mm to Agre. Both Bituminous and Anthracite Men to Go Out. M If Lil hn Indianapolis despatch: Jtr Zuni-Bu: mu: m cum cu- ".'-"" -_-r. an,“ iut,'iSrl; ppt teat Ttit".. 'tglt,d Pf2,'gt an 0.. . pimple. boils. '23.. raw 2ttttttfffi, only irritation. an M Wham 2t,ttt snags-Jun". not" - ysd otyPhA 1e'tgce2'r'Mtd'l “a inn-Illa) (Mm: mum -......._....... ..._- _-_-_ V plain-decidi- Xhosa. hon-Min,” 6&0.wa 'sf,2%l'JtL"l's - heads. outw- run-n. .R.w. - _--_ , -- - and chest. chum-1M whim tutu-Inc not. - ned wounda Ind aha-d Injured and Inns-ml Ftrrttttod ieoodtthogt.o8 the skin. Rubbcd well into the stoned. Zulu-Duh give-frat rout! from neuritis. ItltfhT.'l'lt,t'fJl Inn-shun. GGutTiicigu.tedket ph- all all: l box me%l'tt oMnaed d a, - _ “7 -- - ‘54-.- h.- m " gt-rm-nee', Idiampolis ale-patch: The final vtweett the bituminous miners no owners came this afternon we joint conference adjourned . To-night a strike order is Wrarui at the headquarters of ted Mine Workers, and all the mm mines will be closed after t Saturday night. There is a ssiisility that the order may lr,, nation to-morrow, when they Pr the question of letting him as will pay the 1mm that “I! if it tt :. the riots s.tq with 1 eomrwtitive tl tt tl " ni and d to n " aiting for “mm-m. ion of ttu uni with trn Iucu.RCs on |'0 at M fruitless :1 n which th ioint we. can brrie.ttyrh lent of th who has an and insist term minut " 1t of at tlu conic withor mm " 1h rh t! 'li Mr " ch 9a was at now ndvzn of the ol' three men corned in A telegram was sent to President Baer, notifying him of the action ju<t taken. and saying that a sub-commit- tee of the Anthracite Scale Commit- tee would meet him in New York on Tuesday for the purpose of re-opening negotiations. The action of the Unit- ed Mine Workers in calling a strike in the anthraeite fields is a surprise to the delegates here. as early this wen- ing it looked as if there would be an agreement whereby they would work thirty days longer, or while negotia- tions for a settlement were pending. MEN SLASHED EACH OTHER IO PIECES. Missing Montreal Bookkeeper Accused of Having Robbed His Employers. Montreal, April 2.--1t appears that Fred. C. Pole, who for the last week has been mining from his place of employ- uvent as head buokkmper for McQuaig, brokers. is suspected of having mn- Iwzzled ot Iva-rt PM.220, and an action has been taken in the Superior Court to rm-uvor the amount. The company believe that even if Ni that they will not return to work on Monday: were found mm. giving armed with police scout F500 it Imerk " tvit fEARfUl BUTCHERY. lit‘l POLE'S EMBEZZLEMENT. Poentri. TI Italian gol In currency {an found, vantri. It contain?! t of vestmonts of a ( Last, oven to tho mitr “TY? found passports " tr, f tht hock t't'tt Uttte PS and a bloody hatchet be room with the rlvsvt vncc that every miln was :0 mrt of a weapon. Tb." Mafia theory. The mur- uumitted for robbery, as ‘5 found untouched. In a floor of the room wus- for $373. made out to 'l'lm box also mntninml gold pirres and $400 in my. Sworn! sntchvla n1. one being marked It mntained tho emu- )cliovo. that und and bro 'e enough " claim. Scare nd meanthn ld P. ll. cortific on the charge tought ty, tvaiiulrlo roll is be '. In this in Turkish, H if aek in no. of Rs a dose of salts for Harry. He refused to take it, so Minnie put it away in the pantry. saying she would talk them in the morning, which she did, dying in terrible agony a few hours later. The witnesa denied mnphatically placing stryohuine in the salts or having any poison about the house. To Mr. Meredith. K. C.. Crown prose- cutor. the prisoner denim! ever purchasing ntrychnine, nor had she ever ealled the woman any vile names. The dead wo- man took salts before breakfast. shortly afterward taking convulsions, and dying n few hours after. She had no idea at the time what was the cause of her death. The court adjourned until 1.30 this after- noon. The prisoner told of her being com- mitted for trial in June, 1904. on tho game charge, when she remained in jail till the tall nssizos last October, when the grand jury brought in "no bill." The first she heard of the present proceedings was a week ago. Ate came to answer the charge without being brought by a constable. A Belleville, Ont., despateh: (Special.) At a session before Chief Justice Falcon- bridge, Mrs. William Henry, mother of the late Minnie Diamond, said her daugh- ter was married when she was 21 years old, and.was M years old at her death. Ther lived at the prisoner's house. On the day of her daugMer's death she ar- rived about 20 minutes after her death. On entering the house the prisoner point- ed to a bottle on the table and said, "There is the salts she took." Hurry Diumoud. the dead woman's husband, died at her home in November last, after a week’s illness. Mrs. Susan Diamond, the prisoner, was next put in the box. She said she was past sixty years, and was married over forty years. When her son Harry mar- ried he brought his wife to her home. They all got along well together, although her son's wife had a bad temper, and always had her own way. She told of the cir- cumstances of the dead woman preparing Lord Strathcona Enables Purchase of First Folios of Shakespeare. London, April 2.-Lord Sbratheona, and 3iouut Royal, the Canadian High Commissioner. has come to the assist- ance of the P,odleian Library of Oxford University with a donation of $3.501) to eompleto the total sum which was m-vosmry to socurt- tho first folio of the works of rllrakespeare. The folio was presented to the 1yodleian Library The Prisoner Said the Woman Died THE DIAMOND MURDER TRIAL “other of the Dead Women Tells tier Story in the Box. AIDS BODLEIAN LIBRARY. 35x: Taking H o“-'o‘ '*.s. Employees Pled in Panic, But One Cool.. Beaded Clerk Attracted Attention of Guards, Who Barred Entrance- Four Were Captured. Kharkoff, Russia, April 2.-- Even more during than the robbery of the Credit Mutual Bunk at Moscow recently was the attempt made in broad daylight to-day to rob the Volga Komma Bank by several college boys and technolo- gieal students. The youthful (impor- adoes quietly walked into the bank with customers of the institution, drew re- volvers and ordered everybody to hold up their hands. Most of the employees fled in a panic but one coolluvaded clerk attracted the attention of guatds out- side, who immediately barred the en- tmnees to the bank. The students finding thenwelves trap- pod, smashed the windows. jumped out to the street, and cttosqned to escape under cover of revolve; fire. One police- man was mortally uu,unded. Four oi the would-be robbers were captured. Chicago, April 2.-- Labor unionsi among municipal employees were en- dorsed emphatically by Mayor Dunne last night at a street. car men's meet. ing. That they should not strike was his only proviso. The Mayor also declar- ed that the negro shall have an equal I chance in obtaining employment on the cars after the municipalizatiun of tho street our systems. I 'In answer to a question regarding the organization of the polieotmm, which for- mer Mayor Harrison disrupted. he said that every branch of the municipal set viee bad: liberty to organize. RUSSIAN DESPERADOES DREW RE- VOLVERS AND STARTED IN. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP AND LABOR UNIONS IN CHICAGO. He told the street car men's union that they might continue their organization after the cars were owned and operated bv the city. The Mayor said that his plan in trent. ing with tho present otttployees would be to employ evevy one in the service of the company at the time the lines are taken over by the municipality. The Bodleian Library, which was originally established in 1445, takes its name from Sir Thomas Bodley. who collected an enormous library during his later years. :o-ostablished tho library ir 2597-1602. and presented it to the University of Oxford. It con' contains over 500.000 printed volumes, and 30,000 volumes of manuscripts. in 1624, but was sold in 1064 and since that time has been in a private collection. An American collector recently offered $15,000 to the present owner of the folio, who, however, gave the Bodleian Lib. rary the opportunity to rot-over it for the same amount. His offer held good until March 30. The rate of discount of the Bank of England remained unchanged to-day, at 4 per cent. MUST NOT STRIKE. RAID 0N BANK. TORONTO u (inhabitants of Arctic Plain in Asia Driven to l Cannabilism by Want of Food. The otfieeFa for the ensuing year were cheated, u follow-z President, Hon. W. C. Minds, 1trtehiod,fhat.t Vice-Prel- Mr. Millér, M. P., presented the report oi the Finance Committee. which show- ed the estimated expenditure for the coming year to be $4.743. It was pro- posed to my on the work of distribute ing the pamphlet, How to Prevent (Jon- snmption, until every one of the Imi,- 000 {mains in the Dominion had re- ceived 1 any. . - Itre2id,ent Edianu, in reply to a question, said the association had the promise of the hearty co-operation of the railway wanes. - - Sir. It. H. Cowley, of Ottawa, sub- mitted the report of the Committee on the Inspection of Schools. It recom- mendel thorough and systematic medi- all inspection of schools. School physi- cians should be appointed to study the sanitary conditions of school buildings and their 'rppointtnenta, examine into the health of teachers and pupils, and advise them as to all neecsaary hy- gienie measures; that rules and in- structions be issued as guides to teach- ers and pupils aiming at the avoidance of peucriees and habits contributory to the spread of disease or the deteriora- tian of physical vigor; that teachers should be specially inatrurted in the principles of hygienf. cannibalism and starvation among the tribes inhabiting the frown Arctic plain of the Chukahis Peninsula, at the ex. tremity of Asia. Moat of the reindeer died of starvation during the winter of 1904-5, leaving the inhabitants without the means of communication or food. During the past winter whole tribes have divd, and members of the ()nwlonis and Uloiya tribes, when facing starva- tion. assembled in council and decided that nothing remained but death. They agreed that each head of a family ah-oulad kill his wife and children and then oom- mit suicide. The tribestnon gathered on St. Petersburg, April 2.- Horrible aeeountn are reaching St. Peteraburg of TO CHECK SPREAD O? CONSUMPTION. - Judge Barron presented the report of the Committee on the Care of Public Conyevanc-es. It recommended that leather be used in covering the seats of street and railway cars instead of plush. Hangings should be non-absorb- ent, carpets in railway cars should give way to linoleum. Kilrllf0 TIER fRENOf; AND THEN SUIICDED. The report was adopted, and Mr. Ira, chanan's suggesticn was curried as a substantial motion. b Dr. Fagan submitted the report of the committee appoined to consider the bets means for overcoming the public prejudice ogaiast hrrsritals fur conrvuruptives. It was pointed out that as the sputum of a ccuvsunrptive pa- tient is the most dangerous source for the propagation of the disease, and ia view of the care taken in the hospitals as to its disposition there was absolute- ly n? danger to the 'outside public. CANADIAN ASSOCIATION ADOPTS NUMBER OF SUGGESTIONS. An Ottawa despatch: Tho Canadian As sociation for the Prevention of Tuber- culosis concluded its business to-day. lesson, 3, samtanum n prevention oi the diset Council being asked t movement, and. to imp) for it upon the several crnments. It tin th Fittings of Conveyance-Appointment of School Physicians and Instruction of Teachers 1nd Pupils Recommended. with I!) " of re uion an nent lwnrds presided. E'oy, of kinirn, s of the Committee (1 ted that at the our] eat the respective p ion and the Provinm restrictive laws to heaven we: a cityblock. contus- over " acre. " Menace. and mono. Size of our ottiee 860x120. an otrrce mule. MO trt-ttem and we use My lamina letter heads and envelope. ','Jgr, you. A eu- lond every so dnys. Our chemical laboratory In one o the best. Our oitiee in one of the pen rights of t he busineu world. Many ”I, mull concern- advertise [use buildings. We invite you to visit out hem end see that we have everything we chin. lnnuhctured and Gunmen} by launch-l Suck but " "tnt-ti-at M ned" "mt-tu-l I In" WI luvs Cu!" _ '.'ktlgtt2,ttl Tu-att-t Trees, IW “lam-ulna w 'atr1ettal Cull Can” 2ereele In! Ian-g” CRI- .l-- "gull-n nll’ *"..a--u- AI" r-- iirifiileliliflJttitii?'" _ iii',?,!!'???,??.??.???]!?)" “Ida-ml "mm-I 'ttes--. “Lumuu I H 2tl fii'slii'f: “I‘m-don! PM” ' WI In! DIM "In PM in“. Dill-loan!” “hut-ml In“ - AueNomtue-'uatdBr-ndgmreiaituadtuaned. DAN PATCH 1 Mi; MAILED FREE. I. on the Most sue? nod new, In an "a. lied to mt i ‘z'uvin wr Umbra Cum: as an obje each cot uppmrt J W C I' bn' mi 110mm ly Ill " nt y " Anderson. Lipton at Co., who were candidates for Mnyor and'camo out own in the returns, with 229 votes each, will pitch a game of quoits with the unpar- nlty at stake. It is rumored that some your: ego, when the men were nothing but friends. they courted two sisters, but were u- determined In to which should hue bin choice. The story goes that they that pitched qnoite and abided by the de- cision, which proved . happy one to both. Turbine Makes Run to mum: in " buy: and Six Stun. Halifax, N. B., April 2.-The All.- line turbine Itmmer Virginian arrived at 9 o’dock to-night from Liverpool and Moville with the mails. She left Moville at 3 o'elock on Friday after- noon, and thus made the voyage new" in six due and six hours, I recon! trip to Halifax. The tnrbinen worked smoothly, end the weather wn col- tin-only tine. _ . a. plateau covered with snow and ice and in the darkness of tho Arctic winter the Spartan decision was tuse-lished, mot a single man of the two tribes sut- viving. More revoking still is the story of wth occurred in a family of the Yuka- The best day's run was yesterdny. when . distance of 409 miles was cov- ered. The Virginian an 1.58:! passen- gers, most of whom we bound for at. Mill Went. Rho will-aili- the morning for St. John. Anders, candida in the ', pitch a alty " mot a single man of the two tribes sut- viving. More revolting still is the story of what occurred in a family of the Yuka- hir tribe. A mother and nine of hee children having died of hungvr. the in- ther, a surviving daughter and a nephew lived upon the remains. and “hm they were consumed the {ether murdered the nephew. A Russian named Dolganoff. who went to the region to buy furs, reported the situation to the authorities at Yakutsk. Siberia. Ho entered a snow hut of a Yukahir family while the latter wore eating the head of I murdered relative. Brothctl-in-Law Who Foiled the Vote Will so name. Ida. Grove, Iowa, April S.-- Robert Lipton and W. J. Anderson, brnthc-rs-in- law and partners in the banking firm of Menu, nr. Thorium, Toronto; Dr. Bay and, St. John; Sir June; Grunt. Mr. Per Icy, M. P., Mr. James Manu: l. Ottawa Treasurer, Mr. J. M. Courtney. C. M. G. Ottawa. The Executive consists of om representative from each Province. Dr. Simpson, of Wimtipe,z, explained the steps which are Mn": taken in Manitoba to combat the white plague. 'Dho Provincial Board of Health had $25,000 no trust fund-s towards tho erec- tion of a sarritariuw.nnd there wank! be no difficulty in raising another $.55.- A resolution was moved lr, Keefer, of Ottawa. and can forth that all the diffo, courts be approached, tvitl the naming of an anti- Sunday. when rum-mom preached on the subject and FOUR DEATHS FROM COLLISION NEAR CHAPLEI‘JJ. Ir m ix. one l ith only I which mking A Fort William desputt-h s to tra ANOTHER OCEAN RECORD. PTTCE one hed on the up in fart ssoeiation. MILE!) Bl BED. tllt It NW"! TF " s, FOR MAYOR rrcd t Vt by Mr. D. B. lrriod, setting Talent church ith a view to ti-rabereuiosi, Ottawa; C. M. G., ts of one "tnee. oxphined taken in (I “new. east and wo acci Robert u-rs-in- firm of were x i morn thus rk of

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