Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Apr 1906, p. 2

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L) " it hl on“ mun; 'TU Jtiiaiah'tf It”): 2l'i'Utflr,a'tt The Grip Iicrobo. (Washington Star.) 1 kn n tiny little pet, A creature strange and wee; I often alt-Ive to lose him, yet He’s very fond of me. no lingers no" In. all the (by, And with delight will quits, No matter what I do, or ny, Thin curiou- little (an. About my shoulders with 3nd. ‘1. Bo Climb. not than I. tear, . And 'rher “his. 1're “in, to .3131. 1thrLtn.to pr “I: __ A, liw k 1918811 " .9311“ ttt on? Tim us when the question ot Ming with In": ittiteracy dumped upon our sham was not. pressing. Most of the maximum then mm of stock synwathntic with our ideas. TM were largely manic or they took kin!- ly to common school education. Ot has all "It has chained. We an receiving the to: d itnatigpauthtrrs tram counts in which illiteracy abounds and it is old candid to - tblt we have in resident ilk-my a prob- lnln tar Henna? than is sewn!” suppose}. Tho Cetterug, of 1900 Ihowad that out of ir.'.- MSZM per mm in the United States 10 years of as. and over 6,180,069 was chained as of m and over Mh-re, iuir.i.ia'A' - trim no better. "Are you quite sure M took the whole box, Pat?" trtquYod the III! of moaawnn. "Basal-rub, (Mower. I did that name. and share and I had a. divft of 8 than mllaw'm‘ it, but shun. Mother, we'll (In I a, chance; perhaps the m ain't come A mailed practitioner in the West of Iro- hnd but for {haunt I stalwart peasant who. particular ailment be m at a loss to We. M hot tho physician brought Mm I dozen mm.“ but Wu! pins, telling hm he would mu again ht a day or two, by which "me he won” have rubbed the box. In dm, course the doctor looked tn Ind MM the sum-m ht bed looking very woo- hooonor and eorvsuauuaCthat the pills bad “I could not imagine more severe suf- fering than one endures who has Stone in the Kidneys, and I feel the greatest gm- titude to Dodd's Kidney Pills." " tho disease is of" the Kidneys or from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills mtl cure it. 'Some time Dodd's Kidney a last resort have cured me "Interview he says: "My friends " know than". beenumartyr to stone in the Kidneys for years. They know that be- ddel consulting the best doctors in the city and trying every medicine I could think of, I was unable to get better. Air. B. A. Cusidy, the man cured, u the well-known proprietor of the Bi, lot.t Bptol_on Metcalf street, and in an Mr. B. A. Cassldy. at Ottawa, Per- manently Cured Afteer Yenn or Bulk-ring by tho Great Causal”: Kuhn-y Itemedr. Ottawa, Ont,, March 26.--(Speeitu).--. While all Canada knows that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the standard remedy for all Kidney Complaints, it may lur- prile some people to know they cure Inch extreme cases as Stone in the Kid- neyn. Yet that is what they have done right here in Ottawa. i, Stone in the Kidneys Cannot Stand Before Dodd's Kidney Pins. DUKES THE MOST liElllfllillflil GASES script. Ilod with t ‘unu four f braars, plat: who“ and ’cludo such Â¥hola " th that- may. Tho mun with 1 watch in aways be. hind time. High worda often mean low language. Who ever saw a woman in udvance of in use? A two-foot rule: Don't wear tight do”. When a woman is not beautiful she tries to make up for it.-Boston Tran. _ alum-u In Iephone - - no: aux-renewal" legume """* "m w crew te . hthe dumber, sent recently from Toronto I ','t'"'ruhrtte,5 Longmcondmt: 33:3“:0 We Mine in a remarkably beautiful . . g ggmg . ' Th which is attached copper Wire, a. cord WHIP“ of the Ptttly.rorker't' art. t, and finally the cable itself. Formerly {M with tu surmountlng Ff""'. mm the work was done by a. laborious sys- WC {our feet T. length and a.“ heavy tem of "roddirtg." The ferrets are em- f", plated 'h.t.h gold. The r.ieh ue:, ployed extensively in Indiana. fab-ed 'utd 1ttl,,'Srd, Iee.omtio.n? m: While Harold Goodwin, the son of e "elude “Ch not onal and imperial If" t I builder, was walking through a quietpnrt 'bot. " the maple leaf, 1rtgira,rtt, of his father's works near London last I“. 'Rtse, ehunrook tutd that . ti, December a man flung a heavy piece of ,0“ the top of the 1""T. is . Urge sea“: jagged iron at him and stunned him. 'the mltmtnlhlp of which could Mt ti , Shot, the young man’s retriever, flew “Md for ita. ecuncy tyi artie l'; at the ruffian's throat and kept him eh". The mace ll of Canadian t,tigy prisoner until aid arrived. The dog be- nmd 'rorkprttutahip through ttnd throng " came the hero of the place, Mr. Good- 'treiptr. from thy. Insignia 2t,tt'at win's workmen subscribing for a' silver '01 Ryrie Broar., Limited, .T.oronto's lea . collar for him, while the young man’l ing jewelers "Id goldsmiths. family made him guest of honor at a din. -----_------ ner. skill. The rules is of Canadian design “I workmanship through and through, coming from the Insignia Department of Ryrie Bram, Limited, Toronto's lead- ing jewelers sud goldsmitha. Coming and Resident Illiterates. Seth-T-ttttOster,. EASTER EXCURSIONS. iuyad SR: MCI " SASKATCHEWAN. Declined the Offer, Give the Pills Time. The Truth About Life. ago a. frieiid told me Pills would cure me. As I tried (hem, and they for '"katt.1stta's legal» Ite, Ith n , Maw mew; t" q-tant tr" for an; "i"iiiii"l, M'- - "n: on :n.. m 'tttraaotiGaGaiii-t,, Le2utterraiidirriiGi/"GGii; Jngulnt ', od Md! "a? This tiiiiriA"id -rrtoectrirsa. For my centuries mu both hm and China were let: in their own resources. physical and mental. the mica whim Wu far tho greater in bulk was also much at8tMttBBr tn war. Then Japan "gunman once in peril of invasion cod Mb oon~ “magnum nomChmMiano chance that China could be “Mum by Japan. What reason is than to doubt. that " an Gil-beta turn that he. rel-alum: 't_tttotr museum-Immunit- n m It but in mm My, they no mo their old My In - nun! 1eyry-tiCiGTiGcirti""G - Th!- " .L. _-,A A 7 Powder 1 obtained tenet. Thu. bow-s In" “mo-z, it not_eutirtlr Surat” tU)c.--73 Chas. o. Brown. jun-cake. of Duluth, Minn., writes: “I have been a, sufferer from Throat and Nasal Ctttarrh for over 20 years. during which time my head had been stooped up and my condition tally miserable. Wlthht " mm after using Dr. Ann's Cttarrhal This republic of cum can never abrogate its obligation to provide a high standard of odumtion far is chums. Intelbigenco must always go hand in hand. with good govern- ment. And the true Mucattsn which the republic must provide tor its mam»; must go beyond the sphere of aritbmatie and all the other R's tn the old-school curriculum. High mom] train-in; as well as high Intel- lectual trahtlag are mommy to insure the mum of a popular dorm ot monument. High ideas must be Be. below tho mm ot tho youth of the country and they must be taught to prefer these high than]: to anything the that We can bring them. bull. my; could it. greed with Sir Fydig' statemenm. ' lays the London News Sir lows re "Now I am going to (pl-I yea so about the late Liberal Gown-amen t make tho has: ot my Men: at the the hall sytaad on end." The L-ot-s Imam-awe:- was equal to the occasion abated: “Wrong again'." and mm mp displayed a head as smooth as a ball. saying: "It can} be don-e. boss Sir D153 AsiuExN1dlat day spmklng during a] when he was immune: I mm M. tho has}: of greed with Sir Fydig' 1 says the London News, "Now I am going to _ about the late Liberal C make tho has: ot my tr the hall sytaad on end. "torruTter mm equal to abated: “Wrong again'.' neatly. Tiarm1cs to Heav, Roid. I am now free from I every symptom of Piles. L. M. Gnnaox," Assistant Post - Master, Greenwood, Ont. Thousand, tell the am 'tory of HmRoid. die 81,000 Guaranteed Pile Cure. All druuisu. $1.00. or Ttss: Wagon-Fun 00.. Limited. Khan Falla, Ont. " "For years I hm been troubled mthPiles. At times I would have to 130 down nut. remain perfectly quiet for hem. Each attack waawom than the last. I tried my Pile medicine: but ttot no better till I used Hem-Raid. and this cured mo perma- neatly. Thanks to Hear Roid. I am now free from l "On the only three occasions in a man’s history when he cuts any parties lar mustard he is called 'it'--when he is a baby. a bridegroom and a corpse. And in all threo inutanms he is said by his admiring friends to look real natural Man was made to mourn, but Uncle Bob ‘says the dad-dogged fool always thinks he can get out of it by marrying again. ‘A woman may be as handsome' no a circus horse but she is never satisfied to let another woman be handsome too, It's different altogtrthor with a. hog-he is perfectly contonted to let everybody else bo hogs if they want to. Oh. why should the mind of mortal be proud?" --Watson's Magazine. so YEARS OF‘VILE CAIARRH.-.. MR. GLEASON ijii%igiijNiyii6ii I "All bachelors are wise, but my Uncle Bob knows 'most everything; he says he believes he'd be in Congress, right now if it wasn't for his modesty-. l no. honest. But, says he, there is one thing he never could fully make up his mind about, and that is whether clam- digging, is fishing or agriculture. A hog is a. quadruped; the love of money is tho root of all ovil--thus we sec why the. ', motto of a. rich man so often is 'Root hog or die." A man is either a, biped, or a. cripple. according to whether he] has mmed around in a. sawmill or not. t The difference between a bipcd and a i quadruped is two legs. A three-legged stool is a. tripod, and is mostly used by country hlitorts. A turtle is a quad- ruped, but he mn’t climb a tree and get '; off a good joke about making a noise like a. nut. Neither cam some people. ( a. man who smokes in bed and burns himself up every once in a. while and goes to glory a-hoWria', while over- body else says 'Oh, pshawl’ and 'Did you every "Man is an animal, but you can eas- ily detect him from the rest of them when he has his hat on. He is of few days and full of things that the doctors cut out if they get half a. chance. My Uncle Bob is a bachelor. A bachelor is BOBBY JONES, ms HAND AND PEN, um am. we shot went wild and the man was overpowered and suppressed. John Hancock, a Cleveland genius, has trained his fox terrier, Prince, to fetch the kindling wood from the collar. The dog acts at command and is skillful and industrious. Pennies, a tiny New York dog, is n companion of Shot in the dog-hero med- al fund. When his master, Walter Brown, employed in a livery stable, was at- taeked by Robert Reid, a colored man, whose discharge trom the place he had caused, Pennies went to the rescue. Reid drew a revolver and aimed it at Brown, but the dog quickly impressed his teeth in the leg of the assailant and spoiled his aim. The shot went wild and the man was overpowered and suppressed. . 1.ivyufiiiaiii%iiw"iii,' the. son of s builder, was walking through a. quiet part of his father's works near London last 1"__ ~~rl - -- Under certain conditions, a tiny der- ret can do the work of four mcn. The animal is being used to draw telephone cables through long conduits. The fer- ret runs through dragging a string to which is attached copper wire, a. cord and finally the cable itself. Formerly tho work was done by a laborious sys- tem of "rodding." The ferrets are em- ployed extensively in Indiana. ms ABOUT DOGS. They Really Do 1herrthine But Talk, It Control of Eastern Asia. Attempting the Impossibl Gium,tast, 9d: n'woatl 1M mun Value of High Ideals. n heal as swam!) as} tjiihaGi "It can't be done, boss'." Nor luring an elm-m "zen-nun again at back of the hall. , Dllis' ttatamer,t: -n News. Sir 13W» tiny New York dog, is 3 Shot in the dog-hero med- , his master, Walter Brown, a livery stable, was at- Ir mm remarks): H you something Went that will ad at the back of The bm‘pmssLble to oaeas'.on, tor he and removing his new as a bulls-rd 1,,lf,'1iijiit.,, . P., was one Linn contest, 1 again by who disa- _ At last, A Theory mama. Judge-Now that you have been on. victod of Mummy, hue you anything to my I; put-ell} -erifoar-Pothing, except tun: 'Pa PM! silver! -New York Evemng Post. found out that t in no mt I iiiaiStiaTT, theory of nasty mink“. 1m Wat 'ttue" 'm ”mainland; oum, swan vertex in on. by. This. um. “Md" hue m their mu gnaett.- In mammary run otmpma greater number than this hams m can of chronic dyspepsia. and hue and have --But Dr. Von scum PM). Md: oo Sorry for the Groom. "I suppose you’ve heard that I'm to marry Mr. Green?” she said to one of her old friends. "No," he replied, coldly. "You don't seem to be very enthusias- tie about it.' "Why should I bet Not knowing Mr. Green, I haven't any grudge against him." Sir Robert Lull, lecturing recently on the Glacial Epoch, stwted tha t hte next Ice Age is due 200,000 tvii/er, Mince. Then our posterity will saw; at] northern Europe and America once more undo: an ice-cap that will cover the highest mountains, and will last tor many thousands of years. with this great namely. It eradicates from ,the aystm the lam vestige of the disease I and its cures are per%lar.tattt.-rt Spanking does not cure children of bod-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. SUM- ,wiiim‘, L'ox 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her to-day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the ci_tild;theehaneesariitrGh" help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. Straight Soap is better than other loan, but in best When nice! in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Sup at! follow distiotus, Manna wants two pounda ot butter ex- actly like What, you sewn her lam; it at. ain't exactly hike what Nb? [not borore she won't take It," 'sud a. young boy to the pro- prietor in an East Gamma more "r. terday. The grocer, his taco wreathed in 'rmiies, turned to a number ot his cusbomers who stood by and remarioal ill-mildly: “Now some pearls in my business don't like to come in contact with rarucular cusnzomers but I sincerely my I do. I take great In sen-vim; them and try my boat to secum for then what they desire. Just wait another mioute, my Wale man. and I W)?! tilt your CRIN with pleasure" The little boy, being thus oncouzagzu to speak. tuirmmistsod the busy grocer to "be sure and gut tho name kind ot butter, because a lot ot pop's re- latians are vivlzlng our house and mum: doaa't want them to mmn mum " 60 SPECIALISTSVON THE CASE.-- it goes right to the seat ot the trouble and removes the muse. Many man-led Cures but Medan pain -te'.npomruy only, to have it re- turn again with doubled violence. Net so unnumnsm WILL SUCCUMB to South Amerimn Rheumatic Cure because "Yea, I low you, George." said the beauti- ful young heiress, "but I'll have to spell: to mamm&" "You mean t'tt have to speak tn her." "No, I will. You see. she's homoward bound trom Europm where she's been tor the but three months, and she may havo Itted me to some nobleman whlh she was GEORGE ROUGH, Livery Stables, Quebec, 95 to 103 Ann St, I have used MINARD’S LINIMENT in my stables for over a year, and consider it the VERY BEST for horse flesh I can get, and would strongly recommend it to all horsemen. luml' -e ”wâ€" w" - Becnuae be had no kn‘lzfe. What is the ditterenoe between a chicken with one wing and a chicken with two wings'.' Only a difference of a pinion (opinion.) “Wily did Adam bite tho apple Eve gave RHEUMATLSM WILL SUCCUMB Because every man has one Kilt before the battle beams. Why ts a baker a very Improvident nun? Because he ls always selling that. he knmda (needs) himself. What is the difference between 1 man um a chicken? Man has his eternity in the next world, and chickens have their necks hurled In Why do the mghlundera do not execu- tion in batik? Mrs. Winslow's S hing Syrup should " way: be used to chum-en teething. It soothes the ehiM,"soothe, gums, curs 22, colic and ia the bert 'U',' tor Mar- r on. u for 10e; co tor 50:: 100, tv.ui,U. m. 85: I" ditteretst. Largest am! that Ito" ' Yeti Boo mind. 33; “bum. All who; SA-- '.--, A _ cording. id I Con Hamilton, Looking Forward 200,000 Years, " about a; years ot In tor position: " cook and housemald in a private family; good wages to reliable girls. Address In writing to Mrs. Geo. P. Gin-co, " Hannah street on“. mum. A' apple trees: iGiiii7TardGT 711th" dollars per hundred. Apply mum Nur- grim. Frultlnud. Oat. ----------..--., w ANTED, coupmnm GORDON nrm: "am"... no--- on A, .0. Otpe FRUIT LANDS-att ACRE lots, excellent tor (ml. Win: or mum; close to about: cars; " my In gum. Write quick to A. S. Foster. Oakvule. w ANTED, IMMEDIATELY. TWO GIRLS about Mi run a! --_ 0... ”an--- BETTER THAN SPANKING ".0“.-. m mum. WE IID '. R. Adm Tot-any). Ont. 71ry_rr,-prtpss pttrvreiE srocx on !ioqyepir Post Cards mam. them 10 ooairGGitr." HORSEMEN, READ This. Already Engaged, Perhaps Getting Rid of Visitors. - ___ 7 _ -ee.v ___-. _ .'PF'.. “w ... . ....w ' - fur-our tstty years. and fauna Invnhmhle inr the puma-o damned. Ind In tumu- teed by the linkers. Emma III-mp ror 'ttttled cin-uhr. hie. .100 Per box of mu or r mad, lucuxely leaded. 0mm pt of price Dress Ittap,iri? jrUGH, to MISCELLANEOUS. LE ROY PILL co., Aura. sure and n-lub‘o month! “can. 1ttc'!1y11Lellitha" l-pe_n 'el 'd Enrico reed-2n: was“ 87 to 810. Mi- qualification. Rom. Dunean FEMALE PILLS Conundrums. Box 42. Hamilton, Canada. DR. LEROY’S TORONTO t New silver and table linen had been lpurchased in preparation for a dinner ' which the family had arranged to give to acquaintances to whom they desired to give an impression of prosperity. Little Mary, g years old, was cautioned parti- cularly against making any reference to the new silver. The guests had not much more than got comfortably seated when the youngater piped + "MotherP "Yes, what is itt" mother, what did you do with the old 'ihert"--New York Evening Post. (I my skin $199333 or eruptions? Are you subject to choth1e or may Dr. Asher: Ointment. prevent- and euros any and all of these, Ind ewes 13cm, My); Ind Blur] Pne- besides One mint.“ We: relic! 'nttmminattes.aesdeat-eturedintttmeto ll: nights. " cunt-{IR "Yes," answered Miss Cnyo'nne, "I think they will go even further than that, and be reeeivea in polite society."--) Owl. Slightly Sardonic. "Do you think that these people will be received in fashionable society?" l Extenuating Circumstances, ! An illiterate young man once ifriv'nd to write a letter for him 5 sweetheart. The Iotter was ratb Vale for a love-letter. and he fel 'an apology was due to his swer for its Incl: of ttx,ntlror nothings. _ T ast follows: 1 "Please mouse tho mimnnu .. Minard's Linirns "If it' friend. make it "To show yen that I tt.npNr. mid the drurrtim, "I will present ot this quart Mia whisker." "Please excuse tho mildness of this beer letter. as the chap wot’s 'ritin' it is a. married man. and he says he can't hide any soft. sottpin'--it anus gives him the tpazzutns."--TitrBits. A friend recently did a rave:- tor a)nveea drug stpro proprietar. Pereta u poor substitute for Remove. all Ya , soft or amused lum‘ps and ble hes from horses, blood .-....:.. ....-L~ -r_ts,,d . . -. v;,,_- _-v-“ """'"'", '"M00 spawn, curbs, splmts, ringbone, "new. stiflee, sprains, sore nnd swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bot. tle. Warranted the most wonderful BU miah Cure ever knows peare, have so entirely omitted Iii GiiiGG of themselves in their work that their very existence has been called into question. filiiiu!ilf SPAVIN LINIMENT HAVE YOU ECZEMA P--Have you and drag him down Into the dnpths below. Those who lack readiness at reparieo are sometimes credited with the 'desire to avoid giving offence. In the course of conversation one must change the solid gold of one's thoughts into countless pieces or such small coin that one invariably appears poor. In a great crisis .or even " a tragic mo- ment we sometimes talk nonsense. Just " the dog barks when he is nirnid. Those _who lick -rGiiniiii' sometimes credited with the [lying offence. Friendsmb iieerease, whenever there is on the one side too much happiness, and too meets mlslortune on the other. Despair Is bdFdI-Saduat iriiiium on mom or_I_e_s ot the past. - ,_ ___ __,,-...... Wm”.-. mum We should never forget that love, that same love which is strong enough to break through bolts And bars, may be slain Br a single yawn. When Hope abandons us, she sets forth to dig fur, grave. _ _ 7 ,,e-__.. -- - my.-. a.“ Forgiveness Is almost indifference. Love never forgives. The jealousy of I lover is n homage; that of I. husband is an insult. To the whole edifice of His creation God In: given but one supporting column: Love. It is the selfishness ot men whieh hat, framed for women leverer laws than they would submit to be Judged by themselves; but It did not oom- to them that, In so doing, tter, place woman on a higher level. It often happens that women will advance quite daring theories in conversation. but draw back the next minute in alarm it one wgulq take them at their word. I Cleverneu is the thought of nu individ- ual: wisdom is the collective thought ot hu- mnnlty. A man rehabilitates " honor on the field ot battle: a. woman hers by motherly love. In love, whilst the woman fondly lmnglnes it is In her power to bestow an eternity of happiness. the man Is simply content to ob'tnln a pacsmg pleasure. The sun never the world except bath- ed in warmth an Ight, God forgives-- ture never. After all, I prefer the old-fashioned guard- ian angels to melt of our modern pullin- throplsts. When one; Gihived long years in a golden case, 0110 dreams of I. prison cell " . wel- coggo refuge. ' The secretl'iood breeding is contained in the preca learn to put yourself in your ntighlsor's pince. Truth must exist; have occurred to us Mere simple rh than woman bale”. What a. miserable mtphistry I airs, who under the pretext ot defendi the young would deprive them ot their mour of in- nocence! It would be curious to note down the var- ious home truths we hear from our intimate friends, and then to compare their contra- dietions, _ In order to avoid the defects we dislike in others, we sometimes {ling ourselves into Just the opposite extreme, as it by so doing we were certain ot acquiring a virtue. Joy is life seen through a suabenm. There is no rarer piece of happiness than to tind the men-ow cttntlrm the experiences ot the bygone day: too often the morning light in opening our eyes at the same time Your vulnerable rpm. like the heel of Achilles, will be more easily discovered.” your interior: than by your equnln. When we have a. real antipathy to nnyone, we could almost repudiate our own man cherished convictions tor the simple plea- su_re ot contradicting him. 7 - - _ Carmen Sylva. the accomplished Queen ot Roumania. has some sparks trom her liter- nry anvil in the January National Review. There are all told 148 ot these more or Ian epigrammatlc happy thoughts. We give . selection: 1speriines is I venerable duna to when all pay homage. without musing to Isl: it htt pant, has been irreproty?hatrlis. - - - W WWW Quantity Preferred to Quality. '9 all the mm» to you," mind the "chins; his Mrs. 'U'd rather m’d 2 quarts of a 'rr-rs-tod." tow you that I ammiau the favor." t drum”, “I will! make you the ot this quart bowie of 10-year-oid Enfant Terrible. ----_-- m--.-- Ove-letter, and he felt {hat was due to his sweetheart of tender nothings. It was Ii! mt Cures Dandruff. tl, T', man once got a ttor for him to his but for it would never to invent it. is almost more complex m; d: was rather pro mt mm Nmedy. I: . Dow"! mm for all fqtrttalq cm. Wt” (a drama- und no. simple. R. 5. Mann. am Ont. u..- "A.-. _._-.-- -.'.. lib IN i1BRBtW.. K' "753; ”a"??? 'r, 's..:“_ Mir, _ "--__-- _, -7 ___-----.- ___.,77______ _ "I mane what I said. "ru fur poor Cam that was blowed up in the quarry." “Er-31w man ‘He rest: In freace,' " nug- geated the "orurt. Literally Correct. (Outlaw: Stand-N and Times.) "t want to git A wrevu' o' roses tar I funeral," .14 the customer, "an' I want yoga put on it: ‘He ran. in pboees.' DOUGHIY'S CEMENT Btjirirriiij- BLOCK MACHINE Farmers and Dairymen FIBRE managing " Inn, M, Wash Basin or Milk Pan TERMS no GENEROUS Ind HELPFUL that every 1mm - In: "I A PROFITABIA and COMFORTABLE Farm Homo. The character and Immune ot our gammy, which 1- cranial! UNDER 11!: AUSPICES OF THE LNDKPDNOENr ORDER OF FORMERS. my In a.- crib“! u STRONG. RELIABLE, HELPFUL. PATRIOTIC. AGENTS w ANTS n EVLBY w HERE ifiyii"iiiiiiiiiiil In in: ter “I” With-an. ttmn 150 m up'u'da, attuned a. a- n” m- n” In an (uncut wheat grown; dun-1a. of FARMS AND BLOCKS OF LAND You wilt find, they alvquuuu... _ "llilll.ll, action ovary time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Mite Mom and prises apply Ctrmrttigeo EBlllessasaetrnr,ss D] Your money refunded by the dealer horn whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find my cause for whim. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Insist on ham: .umttieet with EDDY! ova-y tune. MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERIA kn: Brothers Limited. Toronto Hunted IMT, Soap LB. EDDY'S sr'.t ":Ir, "ii'-, /rr m '47 -, 1" A. tr. *Â¥.*"\.{£§1‘1£"i_¢£ ', mmmuhu The Uann Trust Company, Limited TEMPLE BUILDING. TORONTO When writing mention (N- m. FOR SALE GEO. DOUGHTY. Patent“. Wasterrord, Ont. Makes all kinds of Blocks, either solid or hollow, and one set of pallets is all that is necessary The. machine in simple, handy and easily oper- ated. Why pay fancy prices for a Block Ma. chine when you can buy this machine and outfit It . moderate cost? Semi for booklet, prim. eta. Awarded diploma " Canadian Salon! Exhibition, 1905. m to F. w. HUDSON .' - lpenuytteree-aspiettt, , dkunk and aurad it out of chum. W0 iwo'ter whether maze V!“ min Mm a manta“. He is have than a we" hunter. MANAGER LAND WARN“. John Winthrop is usually held respon- sible for the introduction of the apple into the New World. But as a matter of fact, when Winthrop Inchored off fir Ann the recluoe Bhekotone dready he apple trees growing about his abin It Showmut Neck. Some of the best of our American apples were brought over by the Huguenots, who settled in mush. ing, L. 1., in 1060, and planted there among others, the pomme roynle or epic. apple. In the roll of household expenses of Eleanor, wife of Simon de Montford, ap- ples and pear: are entered. In the your 1286 the royal fruiterer to Edward I. present: a bill for apples, pen-I, quinoee, medlnrs and nuts. Pippin: believed to be seedlings, hence called from the pipe or seeds, are said not to have been known in England before 1525. The ex- act Drayton, writing of the orchard: of Kent at that pariod, cm heme only the apple, the orange, the russean, the “wet- ing. the pome water and the relnette. Among the fruits of the rose family are apples, pearl, peaches, plums, cher- ries and qumces, as well as our straw- berries, mpberriea and blacr:berries. The apple is 1 fruit of long clement. Among the mine of the Swine lake dwellers are found remains of small need apples which show the seed velves and the grain. of flesh. The crab apple in a native of Britain, and was the stock on which were grafted the choicest varieties when brought from Europe, chiefly Prune. Apples of some sort were abundant be. fore the Conquest, and had been intro- dueed probably by the Romum. Yet often as Saxon manuscript: spell: of Apple: and cider, there in no mention of named varied before the thirteenth century. Then we read of the main and the eostard, Cheueer'a “me“?w coe- tard." Ib, little fellow took I diagram of the house and showed where the stab- bing took place. He said he put some reg: on her side and covered her up. His mother told him to go for e doe. tor. " told my father,' he continued. "to lift her up end put her on the bed, and he lifted her up end dragged her into the dining-room." The child got a quilt and pillow and eovered her up and then went for the doctor. His mother was dead when the doctor ar- rived. It made e deep impression on all who heard him. It was on a Snturdly night that the women we killed. The child aid she went to the market after sup- per to get the Sunday meat. When she returned she went into the front room to light the lamp. His father cane in from the kitchen and blew out the lamp and stabbed her in the side. on the witneu Maud and told the story of the tragedy, which occurred in his presence. He did not hue I clear idea of the nature of In oath, oo us not sworn. He gun a. straightforward ac- count of the cfftir which the cross-ox- uniutiou could not shake. Seven-yawn lay M of the Murder of an Kath“. Rochester, Much 2e.--A puthetic scene took place yuterdny in the Sn- preme Court, where Vincent Love is on trial, charged with murder in the first degree for stabbing his young win, when their men-yqumlfl‘ le. yum put ISSUE NO. 14. 1906 A CHILD'S PATHE‘HC STORY. Worthy of High Office. The Fruit- of the Ron. " tl loin! COAL MINE Will l ht & Situmfnous and to a ll NW, luau-But heck A ring, rttr Bt’h . bind ma bloom-ML pimp“! boils, I“ ' an hands. We“ mt. And chest. w nod wounds “:41 CHM condition iitef2',tte'.li, “I Pyle, _._L... aIhm-g it a}? 53?}: w 'e Commute failed to A

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