Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Mar 1906, p. 8

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[d "H M fiEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEXEEWEEE-fi lfillllilllFieyt Miss Cassie Smith returned home from Bruce alter a six months' visit with her aunt Mrs D. McGillivary. THE PEOPL Ess STORE." ( Taylor & 00., Dromore i? "itrieirrillmlrnall8aiiearaiaeaiaegegaglfi) at Parker's Drug Store Tht, First Suggestion of Spring Comes with the New Dress Goods This is the verdict of all who have seen our display of New Dress Fabrics. We certainly have the newest and most popu- lar colorings to be seen. Visit this department before buying elsewhere. We have just stepped into spring. You positively cannot put off that spring suit any longer. Dott't let the price worry you. We can show you Dress Goods that will satisfy your taste at a very low figure This Department sells everything that man would wish tor-comfort, appear- ance and improvement. Whatever you need come and see what our offer looks like We re ready to satisfy you every Tay. Our New Spring Stock h GOOD WEAR IN MENS WEAR as ROBERT BURNETT J! DRESS GOODS TOBACCO " THEY ARE JUST SWELL " arrived and is meeting with idvirr among all smart dressers. ~It ihcludes 25c plugs HATS, TIES, SHIRTS, (LLOVLS, HGSIERY AND ALL KINDS OF NIFFTY CLOTHING. Aberdeen. for And Ihunnvlcahly Gum. Pricus too. BUSY MARKING SPRING GOODS I Mr Wm. McNally is, we are Sorry to sav suffering from an attack of the lgrip but hope to see him around again Messrs Jno and David Edge left Tuesday morning for the West te seek their fortune. Success boys. “We would like to know who the young man was ch": started tor the party the other night and only got part oi the way there when he heard It was postponed. Mr Jno Lunney is improving nicely from a bad wound which he received in the foot some time ago in the saw- mill. Mr Wm McArthur is attending High School in Owen Sound. Mr Duncan McCullum. of Mulock, passed through our burg last week. Daneanis much improved in health now. Mr Arch and Miss Marion McLean tspentt%uday with Mr and Mrs Dan- can McLean. Mr David ankins. Jr , wears a pleasant smile these days over the ar- rival of a mung son mother and son are doing well. Mrs Geo Cuswell sold a. valuable mare to Mr Geo. Mighton for a hand- some sum. Mr Edward Crozier purchased a dandy driving horse recently. Ed. likes to keep a good horse. Wes Lanney and Robt Stinson visit- ed Hutton llillfriends recently. Some attraction have? Angus Ferguson has tested blacksmith shop and house to McMurdo, the blacksmith. By the latest reports we hear the MeArthnr fire shit is supposed to be settled. That MeArthur made an as signmentto his creditors by paying sixty cents on the dollar, thev to take all the Insurance and property. It is also said he, McArthnr. is going west it he cannot rent a. store herd - . -- "WHO“... to Peter McMurdo and his sister, lets them by their father, the late James McMurdo and it was supposed consid- erable money otit would be paid oat to legumes. There wuss lot of land belonging to the estate oi the late Thomas Camp' bell up for sale, also a. lot belonging .n 9.....- IIAII_._.I, - u .. . - _ A large number of peoBle from this neighborhood, went to undalk last Saturday. It appears that the sale of lands drew them there Mr Beard, the pastor of the Hope- ville church, preached his farewell sermon on So day, the 25th. He has an opening in Oshawa. At the close ot Mr Beard 's service, a little unpleas- ant breeze, sprang between him and one of the members, who ranked by the name of the big chief. who is opposed to Mr Beard. He was and is well liked by all the members ot other churches here. Grippe. _ - -- "r""'"""""'" VI an: The Holstein Supply Company has an agent here canvassing. Ham Allen and his chum has re- turned trom Cobalt. Mr Allen has a bad knee and he had to quit work it was sore before he lett here, but he thought it would get better. instead it grew wurse so he came home. Sorry to hear Mrs Dunsmoor being ill : hope soon to hear of her recovery. Mr Fred McIntosh and Miss Lizzie Mekay, also Mr Alfred Wellwood all ol Williamsford, spent a pleasant time at Mr Neil MeGillivray's from Sundav night to the end of the week. One of the good old time dances came off on Wednesday night at Mr Walter Middleton '6 which was kept up until 6o'eloek in the morning. Every- body enjoyed themselves. Mr Alex McGillivray and bride spent a few davs at her fathers in Williamsford, and on their return gave the young people a dance. Miss Ada Middleton is home from Chicago. ing Mr John Kennedy, ot Toronto, is spending some weeks at his home here. Staff-Capt. MeGillivray holds a prayer-meeting at Mr MeKinnon's next Sunday evening. He intends holding such meetings for some time at the different homes. Mrs John Gray is busily engaged in preparing to build a new barn this summer. Mrs McCormick is on the sick Hope to see her around again soon. The signs of the weather are that the snow will soon leave us. This last sleighing came as quite a boon to some of the farmers, enabling them to get oat their logs. Mr RN', A. Clark is engaged with Mr Smithot your town work. ing in the uwmill. Mrs 1ieGilli"tuy who has been ill at her tltu1,s,rhuu's, Mrs Ford's, has gone to v sit Mrs. MeTa,qgart, another daughter living in Pomona. We would like to know who the 70mm fellow was who when returning from Muloek church Sunday evening gotsomany girls in the cutter that the pony came to: stand stih on the hill. Mr Thos Morton has been laid off work with a sore hand for some time but .we hope will scan be able to work agam. Mrs I). Brown has roenvured (rum her rvcuut illness. Mr and Mrs Chas Mehrthm. are at- tending the marriage oftheir daughter (Miss Lizzie) in Owen Sound. We extend hearty congratulations to the happy couple. Mrs Jno McDonald. we are glad to hear, is able to be around again after a severe attack of lagrippe Miss Ida Davis of town, we!“ &ur. day visiting her aunt. Mrs m Scart. Mr J. W. Smith had the misfortune recently to lose a. valuable cow. Mr J no Barns purchased a fine Clyde mare from Mr Hooper, of Glenelg, for the handsome sum at $175. Jno be- lieves in keeping good horses. Mr Britten, who owing to poor health has had to give up the active farming. has disposed of two ot his horses, one to Mr McComb and another to Mr Jack- sun. . Alt.' Chas Watson has rented Mr. William Rvan's farm the latter and family having moved to Durham. Quite a number attended the prayer- meeting held at the home of Mr Thos McComb on Sunday evening. Owing to the absence of Mr MeGillivary, Mr W. Young took charge of the meeting. Oar post master Mr G.ay is com- plaining of LaGrippe. Miss Kate MeArthar, of Niagara Falls, is holidaying with her parents here. Miss Carrie Mekeehnie is improv- . McArdle is complaining of La Rocky Saugeen. Iiopeville. THE DURHAM REV IEW Rob Roy. a-.. sick list. his John TORONTO Commissioner McArthur was in Tor. onto one day lately. Mr Dugald Me Cormick. of this place, was away tor a couple of davs, attending the funeral ot his sister. Mrs Elma!) Mabee, of the Township of Ar. Ion. Mrs Mabee sum-red long with an ailment of cancerous nature, an ail. ment that is very common nowadays. She, i.n her younger (lays, spent_ _some A number otyonng men united with the Presbyterian church here on Sub- bath last. be tak n: the sacrament fer the first time, a good not tor any young person to join some church or other in their youthful days. Dr and Mrs Hutton. of Durham, at- tended Mr Reilly's funeral here on Sundav. 18th inst. Malcolm McInnes and his sister, Mrs D, Graham, ofthis town, attended the funeral ottheir aunt. Mrs Mabec. of Albion. Mr and Mrs homes, who spen'a month with friends here, left for their home in the West again a few davs ago. Mrs Iaptpesisudaaghter of the late Allan McLean, and sister of Dan McLean. of this village Miss Meadie Hincks left for Toronto awhile ago to spend a while thule when she will return home again in summer. Mr Alex McLean, (elder), got a bad fall in his barn, while putting down feed furhis cattle. He is laid up for the last couple of weeks, bat We hear the veverable gentleman is an the mend and we hope to see him a- round again in his usual activity and health. We are sorry to hear of Miss Tana MeDcnald, (Hugh‘s) being in the hos- pital, Toronto, for some ailment of a painful nature, we hope to hear of her being better soon. The sacrament- of the Lord 'ts Supper was dispensed in the Presbyterian church here, on Sabbath last the 25m inst and in Gaelic next Sunday being the lst Sabbath in April. Some on the Glenelg side of the Town Line. are thinking the Assessor is going to miss them that year. but wait a little he will be on hand soon and no danger of a. miss. Iota ot ground between Top Cliff and Markdale to go over yet but then the lst ot May is a. good ways off yet. Word hag just arrived that Lizzie second eldest daughter. ot' Mrs John MeLeod,ot'8tayner, died of' brain fev- er, aged 15 years, grandchild ot Mr Wm McLeod, of Top Cliff, South line ultyyslg. The Hick people are getting better and we hopetu see them all around in their usual health. W. G. Watson, Jr, was awav as a substitute for the postmaster, Arch. McKmnon, who was kept trom going on account ot his father's illness, to the Grand Lodge ofthe A. o. U. W. held in Toronto last week. cd tmtntnunnnd wilt, on 'l'uwtuay, the 20:,“ March, nnd Miss Hurt J illkt Banana. dullgllLvl' o1 Wm D'lichlc, 1931., was made Mrs John Mellow. Jmn was supported by his ncpumv, Arch. J. McDonald, son ot J A Me- Irnald and the bride by her sister, Miss Christena Stuellie. A pleasant tune was spent at the home. ot the bride till near 12, only a few ofthe nearest friends being present. Mr Stnellic. S!" is agood entertainer, So he kept the purtv in good cheer by sing- ing old Scotch songs, assisted by Arch McDonald. who also gave some good songs. All went home about 12, wishing the young couple long lite and prosperity on their journey ut During the “to! the gut week, we bed eevere nether wit on abn- dunceof Mow, lest Fridey, being a- bout the coldest day we had all win- ter, whether it was because it Was our birthday the day was so severe. or somebodv elee’e. we cannot tell but however the day wee celebrated by givingus a cool reception. Lots of teaming done during the last couple of weeks. Oar saw mill is pretty well stocked with logs. This weather put some of our (no we'll not Say old) bach- clors a thinking that it we» not good for a fellow to be alone and "ome of them went to work and got married. a Very wise idea indeed for some of them are old enough now to be placed on the care of a good housekeeper of their own, so we will mention some names lurther on. life. John McLean moved to the Mc- Cannelfarm a week ago, and while he was sorry leaving the home of his childhood, he thought it would not do " nervous to be of the same mood of mind and by considerable t'orethotutht on his pm: he secured the promise of one of the fair damsels of the Dur- ham Road, Glenelg, and as our word was as good as her promise. she made John the happiest man on the S uth Line, while she was happy leaving hcruhl home when she rcmembcn-d that she “as making anotnrr home pleasant. Sothu happy couple [nude for the l’rwhx'terizln lnztnso. Pritrwille where ll”; Rev Mr Main-Sun pl‘oclnian- Mr and Mrs Arch. McLean. who spent a month at their home, near here, lefttor their home in Montana ten days ago, accompanied by their nephew ll H McDonald, who intends to at“ y there (or some time. Priceville. No use for P. M ‘. or I'. ty. iu Weu,cck.l Acmwle of "ttbids hum Durham drove I um here last. Thursdav; we pnesume fo, ' the purpose of Marti-I2 up a bu inc-m. Mr 1 met with I. rather culd reception. As (In } burg does not boast of a hotel, the honor- ‘ nble gents haul tn seek shelter at a. genuine l, llmdlord'a or fumer'u home no we have! ] my lunch hams when. you can not. hot. and I I As was seen in last week 'tt Review, 'there passed awav one of our most iforemost citizens, in the person ot :Michael Reilly, Esq. The name is liamillar to a large number of the 'feople of the Countv of Grey. as Mr telly was always a man, who was noteworthy by all. who formed his ac- (quaintanee. As a good deal of his (good qualities have been mentioned lalready it is needless for us to go over (them again, but we can any that Mr ;Reil.v will be sadly missed in all the {societies he belonged to. He has been a a faithtul member of Priceville Lodge, (A. o. U. W, 140, for the last 17 years mud was always one ct the best ob- ;servcrs of the order. Mr Reilly was a good and obluzingi neighbor and friend. He was an ar-l dent supporter of the Preabycetian _ church, which was fall to its utmost capacity. when the Rev Mr 1htthesonr preached an able discourse. ass.sted bv the Rev Mr Roach. The United, -Workmen assembled in a bodv at the; church and from thence headed the: procession to the grove. where the remaining part of the burial sorVIce. was concluded by his brother work-l men. Thus ended the career of anotb-' er fellow mortal. ' Mr Reilly held the ofliee at school trustee in town for the last 10 ve.rs and was one up to his death. In trade he wasa blacksmith in this town tor 33 years or more and always cum- manded patronage. _ to be one of the fairest of her sex in her youthful data. She leaves two brothers to mourn her death, Mr Dug- ald McCormick. of this place. and John, Jr, In some other part of the. world, besides a sorrowful husband ndtamily. She was about 65 years of age. Use only Hollywood Paint and Colin McArthur & Co. Wall P: A Most Magnificent Showing Beautlful Spring Apparel Paint and Paper Your House Now THE BIG STORE 4 bottles EXTRACT. . . . . . .250 4 lbs RAISINS. . . .250 3 X 1b pkgs COCOANUT..25c 4 lbs CURRANTS..25c 3 boxes NONSUCH POLISH...... ...... .. ...... ....250 Select your Dress End now, before the nicest ones are all gone, and before the dressmakers are loaded down with work. Next time you are in town, drop in and look at our Stock 2 nothing so convincing as the Goods. We want the Dress Goods traide of Durham, and are bound to get it by handling the most exclusive goods at lowest prices. Ladies' Silk Shirt-Waist Suit Ends In all colors, in price from ALEX. RUSSELL SATURDAY BARGAINS Welbeck. Stylish Dress lioods BEFORE THE SPRNG WORK STARTS The Manse at Amos Presbyterian church Damion. Perch-er to remove the building and clur off all rubbish during the mouth of May. Apply to J. M. Funny Drumore. Three mnren.(twn m foul) and one Clyde filly, fining 2 yrs old, Alan W. few acres uflimhen-d swamp. prinrinullv cedar, (amuse and pine. Fur further particulars upplv to About , miles from Durham on the Gurafrgxu Road. Title ood. Pom-s- sion at (may. Inuit be 'dit Apply to HORSES AND TIMBER FOR SALE. 100 Acre FARM for SALE OF The undonigm-d otters A limited a- "'ount of improved American oats. This varieny‘s average weld for five yrs 103 bus. 18 lbs per' new on the expert nwntal farm. Brandon, Man. and in 190.3 yielded 134 Inn. per acre. Quality white. thin hull. Mil! straw. grain heavy, med- ium early, test 381m. Price 500 per bu. WILLuut Munmsux Edge Hill, 200 acres. being late 27 and 28. mm. 2, E G R. Glenelg About 110 acres clear- ed, m Rood hardwood hush, 10 good CH- dnr. IGir buildings mud well watered : Jhe Bucky Snugwn rum through a WP her of lot as, which would nuke " gum] wulerpnwor. trl miles from Durham l conveniently situated The allow pm- perly will be sold lugelher or in parts to suit. pun'bunvr. For funher particu- Lars apply on the premises. or w MCCORMICK mum.. Rocky Snugvon SEED OATS FOR SALE Store next. Standard Bank. Durham. the best busineen stand in town tor general More; will be arranged to suit (gaunt. Heated l; steam, electric lights. Apply to N. clutvre. Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly at in Ouch tbility, In chemlcel end 1te,'eili,'irii!/'ii,ii tilht tings, Ae., tor full Junior Leaving on unnum- tion work. The following competent m ere ia chem t THOS. ALLAN, "t Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. It. FOR' "R, B A., Classics. Modems end English. MISS “108815 ICKEBRACHER, First Class certitieate sud third yen: undergraduate of Queen's Universitv Science. History and Geography. Intending Students should enter at the begin- ning ot the term if possible. Bond an he obtain- ed " xenon-Me mm. Durham is a healthy and "trpetivetown, mnkmg it a not: desirable place elldence Wm.dottneton,gr., C. Ram-go. Chairuun. wet 'CI Durham School .... .60e to $1.25 per yard FARM FOR SALE FEES: " per month in Lanna FOR SALE. Si MARCH " 1006 TO RENT. Axons MCCORMICK. Rocky Sn ugaen " J. P. Taxman an JCI “W “dim t" ci Ji' No u L529: XlXlXX1'ixhl'y,', I. " h'lly,'l'.vl, Fl', 3.5 i,i?i, 10L. IEI'S HATS. CA etc. RI BBONS MON KY MA ART SATEENS GlNUlIAMS Ind Tnpeslry & Che UNION W001 EM BRC Worked in mm] BRUSSELS t FRILLED 8081 I'hi' LACE Review ci REPON O"N) “’14 SHOPS b: dreds of" Ladiel' Pi This vou I'l Iew u wortl Befo

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