Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Mar 1906, p. 7

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Imus. I! in my": 3. I906 NTED. W SALE It Cards NG LARGEST ‘WV dot" u Into the NIP Rm PILLS ited " mm: I donu- O m, "rants E] htre Hm with win: Wheeling. W. Va.,-Mnrch 26.--A re- port this morning from the Century mine. where an explosion buried many men yesterday, states that nine dead men have been recovered. Sixteen men who were overcome IT gas wou__nlso quentln ulace t brought gave ed :on can NINE BODIES RECOVERED FRO! TBE' CENTURY HIKE“ VIRGINIA- ttex it Just as Dr. Pare's emollient was y huge advance upon the crude methods of the French hospitals. so to-day Zam-Buk. the new healing balm, is an equal advance upon all other methods In lam-link has been discovered Na- tare', ideal balm for procuring new. healthy skin, and dispelling pain and disease. In recent years ointments. nlves and embrocations have always had to face the objection either that they were too coarse to enter the pores of the skin, or that their ingredient: when sufficiently refined to he absorb- ed, were to harsh and irritating for general home use. The advent of Lun. Buk overcomes both difficulties. When you consider that the skin contains hundreds of thousands of pores. every one of them leading to the blond Vessels underneath, you must at once see how injurious and dangerous it must he to rub into the skin mirt- mentg eon-.mning rancid animal fats and mineral substances - many of which are puimnous. You need use such no Vneer. for now in lam-link you have a balm or ointment eoiulr-ssl of Pure- ly herbal essences; a balm so refined and purified that even the delicate skins of babies can absorb it and bene. fit by it; a balm which. unlike the ointment, of the past, owes no part of its composition to either the animal or mineral world; a balm which W menu mum-m mineral subs! are pniannmxs buzzer. for n a balm or oh 1y herb"! was and purified skins of habit fit bv it: n and hum oath Ju Plum. i sufferings the day ' Ftvneh sur of dressing: Just as Dr. Pa huge advance up of the French lam-811k. the tte' equal advance up In Zam-Bnk has tare‘q ideal balm an instrument img iron; and toarniquet was torture on thus ther terrors of a Few pool great trdva the painma It is nut surgeons 1 suturing a Sn m at Me one many «he took charge of the case :n age! lady. and what threatened rnVe a serious eornp1iention appear- le by in the shape of In obstinate lt was about. the size of a ten piece. and is supposed to lave been " w ENE qt. MINE EXPLOSION. NURSE AS WITNESS. Sister Hannah’s Story. remarkable evidence has been r a professional nurse, throw- interesting sidelight on the re- Inns of the members of this at "hrriser " Geover. Then mn ammo: nLn-nsmnum arriiii Dressing Wounds With Boiling Oil eople hive any real idea of the iav.ce in the healing art, from -saving standpoint. not many generations ago that med to arrest bleeding by I wound with the red-hot end of runwnt like a large solder. , and almost as recently the " was inflicting imleseribable m “use about. to Hee the fur. nrs of amputation. . indeed, must have been the 'N of wounded soldiers before F of Ambrose Pare, the great .urgmn, who saw the brutality m: wounds with boiling cil, the fir-at to substitute the more idea of a mild emollient appli y years Sister Hannah, of 2 Marsh Green, Edenbridge, obtained a wide experience training at St. Thomas' Hos- m, England, and 1atterly de. wlf to the care of private him the instinct to rub 0. arts. the bert "HIV Contrast Bet_ween lies! and Present Ihe Wonderful Advanl:Tist Science and 9939M im , nurses everywhere [0 exevllenee of Zam- us fairly claimed for Jer which Nature has is y is a nntlm Ik is nothi mbination of in It large solder recently ths indescribable face the fur. in» prop: rated BUFFET} effieat bruises " :0 part animal which hm"- mot alin in TH. tts h Not over seventy-five men were in the mine " the time of the explosion, and the latest reports from the scene of the disaster state that all but twelve of these have been accounted for. Fairmont, W. Va., March 23.-It is believed this morning that the number of dead as a result of the explosion Ps' terday in the mine of the Century Coal Company, fifty miles befow here, will not exceed tem Of this number six were foreigners. now remain in the mine twelve men, The good business man knows that if his commodity has merit it is sound policy to let the public test it free of cost. One of the most successful firms to practice this straightforward method of introducing their goods to the pub- lie is the Zam-Buk C., of Toronto, London, England, Cape Town, Sydney, Calcutta, ete. They send out thou- sands of dainty sample boxes of Zarn, Buk every day because they know its merits must be patent to every tester, Readers may obtain one of these dainty boxes. Bee coupon below. whose fate is unknown. tlee now less troumvsume they grew. My head has now been cleared of the sure; completely. and I have mare hair than ever I could boast. As you see, my face is also dear. Everywhere my skin is as ‘ixcmltixy as it ought ot be. I am lmppier than ever I have been. I can attend my work regularly, and I can go about as an ordinary mortal, instead of keeping apart from the rest of wom- ankind." Day after di was soon tice how I My head ha Sores complc than ever I my face is a skin is as he and am signs th more th Day nm was so: spread, until I w ured. came. We we have to wait till began to took less. In all, l doetora. and wa The m-quel is so remarkable that it had better be given in Sister Hannah's own words: "The scratch most likely had poison- ed the tissue. The sore varied in ap- pearance and size from day to day, and I feared it might turn into eczema. This lasted three or four weeks, but in as many days your Zam-Buk cured it completely. What I did was to wash the parts, then apply Zam-Buk. I am pretty sure had I not used your balm I should have had a nasty, ulcerating sore, very difficult to get rid of. My patient is nearly 78, and there is not much vitality to build up broken-down tisesue, ete. I may add that, after con- stant work in the profession for over 30 years. and holding responsible posts in hospitals, etc., training at St. Thonnas’ Hospital, London, 1 have had a fair amount of experience, and I think Zam-Buk u an ideal balm. I shad! always keep some close at hand in my nursing work." caused by a simple scratch from the rough edge of an enameled utensil. A GIKL’S SIRANGE EXPERIENCE. GOODS iii-VEN AWAY l ll pieasuntiy tm less troublesot IV lam-Bu t mere m--..-..----- as baunpl the fi on completely y first tt was s m y prised to no- e tney grew. cared of the something or salve. sort‘i, and my case, mm other < ago we Tam-Bak, have “or: tiisiig The next meeting of the Moroccan conference was to-day postponed from Saturday until Monday next. owing to the continued indisposition of Herr Von Radowitz. chief of the German mission, and the fact that the other German delegates are not ready to proceed. The steamer Persian. which arrived at Boston, Masts., to-day from Philadelphia, had on board the captain and ereweof six men of the schooner Leniok. which was in collision yesterday off Sandy Book with an unknown foul-wasted schooner. sured. ' All of the employing printers of Nor- folk. Va., have agreed to concede the eight-hour day. without affecting pres- ent wanes. thus averting a threatened strike of printers. At Tamboff. Russia. the trial of Miles Spiridonovo, the seventeen-year-old girl who shot and killed Chief of Police Lu: zhenoffsky, of that city, will brgin to- marrow. Warren E. Masher, secretary of the Catholic Summer School of America, and one of the best known Catholic laymen in the United States, died suddenly yes- terday from heart disease at his home in New Rochelle. The sales moms and storehouse of Warren W. Rawson & Co., seed men and dealers in other agricultural supplies, at 12 and l.", Faneuil Hall square, Boston, were ruined by fire early to-day. Dr. Jessie M. McGregor, a noted Scotch physician, died at her home in Denver. Col., last night. She was the parsesmr of the highest degree ever attained by a feminine physician. form-xv in the first (Marco. to-day was yum-maul to serve the maximum pou- ulty of uventy years in prison.. The power house of the Philadelphia Rapid Tarnsit Co. at Second and Olnoy streets. was burned by fire to-day. The loss is estimated at $150,000; partly in- It was again nnnmmcod in Vienna, to- day that the gravy reports published in Europe regarding the health of Emperor Francis Joseph are unfounded. The miners' strike at Lem, Francp, " breaking up. Tho strilcevs are w'. turning to work. and an early termima- tion of the trouble is expected. Hun-y Huffman Browns, a Now York 'r.'.wyvi. who l‘om'mly was convicted of The " worsted x: tinned Hr yss'corday It rvquirml nine trains to pull the homo-scaling cut of the 'depot at St. P.aul, Minn.. on Wednesday, when over a thousand left for the Canadian west. Bellamy Storer, the retiring American Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, who is nuw in Egypt. will return to Vienna on March 29. Thy stoekhclders of the Riverview worsted mills at Waterville. Maine. poti- iioued the Supreme Court for a receiver Tho death of Mrs. A. B. T. Whitney, the author, at her home in Milton, Ilass., was announced yesterday. shatvlushlers of the New York Central Railroad will cunsidvr an increase of $100,000,1m0 to the capital stock. Emigrants to the number of 450 sailed front Liverpool to-day for Canada un- der the direction of the East 15nd Fund. Germany is said to have conceded the right of policing Casa Blanca, and the 1iororean trouble is a step nearer sol- utiou. There was shipped yesterday from Toronto to Regina tt mace for the new Provincial Legislature. A more beauti- ful specimen of metal-craft would he difficult to imagine. The massive rod, with the surmounting crown, measures in length four feet. It is of brass, heavily hand-chased, and plated with gold. lIon. Mr. Hendrie has returned from a trip made over the Tetniskaming & Northern Ontario Railway, in eompany with the commissioners. The head of rail is now in Otto township, 163 miles north of North Bay. and a train is being run to that point three times a week from New Liskeard. the terminus of the first section of the road. Bidding farewell to her husband who rushed to her b,edside in time to hear her last words, Mrs. Bridget. Murray, wife. of Michael Murray, a laborer, Ul Ilayter street. Toronto, lapsed into in. sensibility yesterday morning, and died at noon from the effects of a dose of earbolie acid, taken with sueidal intent. Mrs. Murray. it wou'd seem, had been made despcndent by advancing years. The Couneil of the Toronto Board of Trade in a resolution passed yesterday afternoon urged upon the Ontario Government the advisability of dealing with the problem of distribution of Ni- again power at the earliest possible mo- ment. and also that the report of the power commission be published with- out delay. Plans laid before the Toronto Board Of License Commissioners at the present time call for alterations and improve- ments to Toronto hotels that will cost 3120.000 to $130,000. An agitation has been started at Port- ago la Prairie to have the name of the town altered by dropping the last two words and making it plain "Portage," as the present name is considered too cum- betsome. The New Brunswick Legislature has prurogtsed after a six weeks' session. The bill amending liquor license act was 11tV animously passed without discussion. At the Hudson’s Bay Company's March sale in London, 10.570 otter skins 131.704 ermine, 58.791 lynx, and 3,703 hair seal were offered. Marten skins, choice mark, fetched fo. The directors of the Woodstock Y. M C. A. have rim-MM to oree' a new huild. ing, to cost about 6%,000. As a result of the new license law To- ronto will receive in the neighborhood of *il5,000 in revenue. Alexis Alexieviteh 8auvoarin, editor Alma Frances McCollum, a well known authoresa, died in Toronto. lilt ith BKNT"iri AND FORE'GN. rj u 1'.Y m n D. Mann ((-w York. " Mann, publisher of Town fork. to-day pleaded not indictment charging him strike at Lem, F L The strilcevs an k. and an early ter uble is expected. mu Browne, a Now L‘m'mly was convict first degree, to-day one the maximum wars in prison" CANADIAN the Riverview ”0. Maine. poti- t for a receiver NEWS Notorious Daughter of Don Caving Creates a Scene in Plorenee. ' Rome, March M.-- Pxincezs Elma. daughter of Don Carlos. went into tt shop in Florence to-day, whern sown of her furs had been undemimz rt" party. _ . . . . - .. Indian Murder Trial at Brantford-rage Warns the Defendant. A Brantford despateh: At il Helm-I; this afu-rnmm the jury in an John Hill murder trial returned with a verdiet of not guilty after three hours' dP'ibur-ar tion. Judge Harrow agreed tha tl, finding was tmtisiaetory, and warn w! IIT, to abstain from the we of H111 r '11 future. Friends of the prisoner warmi,' congratulated him on his acquittal. . She made complaint about the prim that was charged for the work. and this brought on a scuffle. in which a Ibopwoman was injured and the Prim ecu was arrested. Later she was released. Tho girl was not badly hurt. - of tho f are {urn unit New at, Constantin, draw tho Tur: mar Alumni] (treat Britain‘s hum-.1 on the t in :‘gzyptian t: sristr, that; it i is also report ml with the murder of a f wow emuvwd by Jacob It. ( term"); for tho moms-1!. In bury Superior Court today In” hold that his dim! his mmrthy hue, would not in ror-vivc imyartiol ju 1: men of sandy munpicxicn W of is Mm reported that a 1 demonstration at Smyrna i Arrested on Instructions Prom Canadian Authorities-Carried Metal Candle- Iticks, Communion Cup, Cheap Jew- elry and Cash. London, March M.-3ame days ago the High Comissioner of Canada re. ceived instructions from the Dominion authorities to secure the arrest of Ja. cm'ua Demetriadis. a Syrian priest, on the arrival of the Tunisian at Liverponl. The priest was arrested, and in his pm- sessiun was found in French mnuey Le.'.", franca, $75. and a draft on the Union Trust of Philadelphia for Lus3. also five metal eandiestieks and a quantity vi church property, includingr a communion cup, and several pieces of imitation jew- ellery. which were claimed by a fellow. pnesenger. The passenger applied to the police to give up the jewellery. hut the police refused. The priest was renuu‘ule! tn await the arrival of the necessary pil- pem from Canada. Montreal. Moreh P.'?.-, Demetrindec. who is under arreait at, Liverpool. is the 1mm who offieizitml a: priest lnet _ das. Week at the Greek chum-h in Mout- real. and who afterward: diman-wrerl. IA silver (mnmuninn chalice. four silver uenndlvstielm, a Rilver veneer and ultnr drape: wore missed from the ehvreh. to. wthvr w'th five hundred dolrirs. rewir- 01] hr Dernetr.:adog in stthseripticns far i church purposes. 1 A warrant for the man's nrrezt was iissued last week. HM Six Auburn-Haired Jurymen Protested in the Murder Case. New York, March The Tribune from tg'. Ax rublmirq-tl {ah-an oivvyt'd by the Stat of a jury to try Subi WHITE SLAVE MASTER REMANDED FOR SENTENCE. I l ODDS AND ENDS FOUND 0N JACO- VUS DEMETRIADIS. Elmer Prutzmnn. aged 21 years, was shot and killed last midnight as he left the home of his sweethear. Mabel Treat, at Reading, Pa. Only yesterday Prutr man wrote to his parents at Hamburg. this country, that his life had been threatened. and that he was afraid to venture out at night. Mrs. Lieberman, 27 years old, residing , at 144 Baden street, Rochester. was fat. ally burned in an oil stove explosion, that gutted the interior of a hardware store at 250 Joseph avenue. Mrs. Lieber- man bought a bottle of gasoline and ne- cidontally dropped it on a lighted oil stove. of the Russ, was arrested last night a the result of the rejection by Emperor Nicholu of his appeal against the sen- tenee of one year's imprisonment in n fortress, imposed upon him Jan. 20 last, for publishing a seditious proclamation. 'l'l BRITAIN’S DEMAND REJECTED. ASSAULTED A SHOPWOMAN. arker featuyrs. m aubtrm-h:.irxxd t: Goodhnrt all have he flowing union RED HEADS NOT WANTED. ARRESTED PRIEST. SPRIGGS GUILTY. HILL WAS ACQUITTED. Pl Ham‘s 1'qu the eonten' ian tevritor nc. Mr. Godornt. Haven criminal I mmmnn territory. It ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO red wl 20.--A in I " Briti is bt?eo u IT spce'nl to thtt1usuiittsd Success of Lydia B. Pinkhamh Vegetable l'- , Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox and Miss Adams. D GRAND LODGE UNITED WORKMEN AGAINST CHANGE. ome man its why Mu = of dangcr may he 11.: i. receive monthly 1" t? " un'wuztl p '_-e _ tr tikiomrn thrown. . = .' If you have. 1113-! ‘I. am ind." ationsm irr,ur;,t or dirvaso mun, don't eoniirtn your fears and horror: of n hospital a Lydia, E. Pinkliaun pound 1t once arvi l, write Mrs. PinLhacn for ulvice. lath t. Mill's lltgh'ij'h Comm "in Inducing (“W-r your medicine cur: q to tdoctur and-i. . lr [will be low-e i' " help me. as I tio IAC, l aniclv. Fox. 2m. Dear Mm. I'inkham an," tra bade: as tfirdtNtiii%mGT lama] Mme. I have ngaiu mm examined Present Plan of Representation to Re- main Trualtered-Will Meet in To- ronto, as Usual, Next Year- The Election of New Officers. A T ronto despatch: The pioooitl4 to hold biennial sessmns and to change the present plan ol representation “we both tejected "Y 11w (hand Ludgv, Ancient (mic; m Inilml Wurkvneu, ttl its final Read these strongv women who have be Dear Mrs. Pinkham " “I take the liberty“ l ' the mutual have 12:9. , medicine. "Eighteen month, 'tqpptsd. Shortly af-cr "Eighteen month ; / ' my periods mm. Shortly a! or I 2. It so badly 1 sub- mi tottt'ttoroircltcus: v -xin by a phy- sician nnd “a thHh'.‘ r..1ammormd would have to underpo hf: o:srvuc'iort. " I soon after read um- ' I l bur-mind» Dam and decided to give I ydi. E. Pink- bglp's Yeast“; Catmpoune1yi put. Ana Tumors Conquered Without Operations MEET YEARLY. uiml Workman terday. It wa neon:- over e ens-block. cont-inn over 18 acres of floor ”ace. mi $500,000. Size of our oifiee 850x120 300 otttee people. MO typewriters and we ule titty million letter head: and envelopes even yea r. A cer- qud even 8) days. Our chunk-l laboratory is one of the but. Om came in one of the great sights of the business world. Many very smell concern: advertise large buildings. We mute you to visit out actor! and see that we have everything we china. parsnumonm. irti0x FiiiifdiCiiiGearoiis, (Siam, u.s..1. ---. N DAN PATCH t mm MAILED FREE. We have- Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer. Dun Patch 1as'd, size 16324. Free of advertising. tine picture for framing. gives III the reeotds nude by our pacing wonder. We wilt mall you gee tree, postage prepaid. it you will write us now much sine]; you own and name this when Write at once to Mtuvatactttred and Guaranteed Willa-um Stock [and CA. “Intmtkul Stock bed" “Intentional tttarg',',': pg'dghttttltal LTC,,. .7tt'ggtt.utie, T ti, " on at on: ' I any: " “lam! Gull - "tntematiotat Foot and)" 'dear, SlttPtltl, s; anyway": (Talk Cam” alarm to Ma!” t In 6t w i “mm-I man'hun- A'lllg',lYA"t '/h',5 Murmur “Du his! Stable 01mm" "lean! turtoera Soap" Moo “Jun! lambda!" and laden. and Java thick as! Ben feed. ed Workman, at its final day. It was decided to 'lorottro next. year. of officers resulted as fol. 'damerou, Mayor of Im- Master \‘uu'knmn. and S. Rodney. Grand lhuiuvan, We thm The Luau: Stock PM factor; In She Wet”. DAN PATCH .uthru MAILED FR] r' ' Wyn] IU,' it', "H1.” ,'i.1',l (di) )"1 H,” I‘VE“ ‘1‘,\_:I I" t)Atiisiiiit')ii)iiii/i'ig fi!jl'lii'iti?s')dii,li'iiilii)i,'i), ( First Utter.) book I see that : not: t-sc'l,pivacd. ": '. ti1rihs. Dear in“. Pinkhnm p-. _rts,iit1iyre “Mn :1 three years I 1,uttrati?n paip in mv smmuch, tor tune to magma headaches. The hrough the fur me but '2f,idt that ion: swung iGtirr%rGiiiiiii men I v . , able CORP dec'.an.d I badutumor. ra w and “I {hit sure that it ' ii warmm, and In: very /UU, , 'trtftttt hunch-n11 nldnllnn 11 Utter.) late you on r wonderful Tt c tumor. ynu can ation."- grateio "iai 10 It) " ',tlhtiitt'tllmitttrlh-tiitt, that nothing-but nu amnion would an me. Fortunately I commended with m aunt in the New llnvlandFmt-u. who “use: me to try Lydia E. Pinkhnm‘a Vegan”. Cotttpows.d before submitting to an opt ation, and l " once muted taking a 13:1!" treatment, finding to my mt neli that my pvncm] both}: began to improve. and after three months I noticed that the tumor 353d reducgd iniujn. I kept on pkjnt‘tho "Ai, A than years ago I had intent. pain in 1.”: rumuuh, with cramp: And raging Madam”. The. doctor brunt!“ for me, but tindin that I did not get In, humor he (examine: me and, to my surprin. declarwl I had ntumor. "i Mt sure that it moant my death wanna. And was Very ciehetrtoited, I spent hundred of datum in lioetorinr, bet tye tttmer. kept mnwing, tiilthe doctor - Compound, and in ten months it had emit.- ly disappeared without an operation, and using no medicine but Lydia i: l'inkhun’l vettetahle Compound, and words thit to express how 'tttsth) I am for the coo! R has done me.' --Hus Luella Adsnl. (blu- mule Hotel, Bunk. Wash. Such unqumtionntrkt mummy prom thy. vt!uer of Ltdin lil. f'inttyunN Vell- table Comma. and GiiiiilriiG Ga. deer ef PM” t? even wave-m- p0 Mu. Pinkhim amt.” J1EE; no. to write to herat Lynn, In... forum " Direct Trolley Line by Way of Lockpcrt. Buffalo, N. Y.. March 2f'c---i,iiiu of ! the bridging of the Niagara River for n ' direct trolley line from Toronto to i Buffalo show that a lino from Toronto l to Rochester by way of Loekport in also .in the scheme. and in connection with !these details it was unnoum‘od hero to- day that the International Railway Com- pany and the Toronto intetrsO haw just icompletod arrangements whereby cars _ {mm lmffnlo and Toronto may be aunt l to Rochester by the line that runs from le-koort to Rm-hnstt-r through Albion _ and intervening points. U The Coal Conference Divide: on Every Proposal. Indianapolis Ind., Mnrwh bi.--After being in session the greater part of to- day the joint seale mmmittee of end operators and miners of the central com- petitive and of the southwestern distrieh adjourned late to-dny until to-morrow. divided on every proposal that had been made during the day by either side. The committees apparently were no nearer an agreement than they were on Feb. 2. when the former joint conference dis- agreed and adjourned. J. J. Quinn, Addison; 20, Crtliual; 21, Rev. D'Arey :32. It. Becket, Funithu F Sanders. Jlravehridge: 1 llat Portage; 25, I. A. I Buy. Thai. A. Hastings, of q Ingram, of Ottawa, J. E. . Potrsit, J. E. Dohie, of w eloeted to the Exocuiivo Ingram, m Hum-m. d. E. Alien. of Mount Forvsit, J. ll. Dome. of Walkvrville, won- eloeted to the Executive Committee. Past, Master Workman Jnmvn It. Nixon, Toronto, installed the newly-elected offi- cers. The standing mmmittom were ap- pointed and the Grand Lrdge adjourned. TORONTO ro ROCHESTER Lscr Case: of Tumor Cured by ri. Putnam's Veg-cum: Cou- DISAGREEMENT LIKELY. Pinklmm inn, Addison: 20, William Clark. l 21, Rev. "'Arey Clayton, Karl: hwket, Funithu Fall“: 23. Fred. Hmwhridge; 24. W. Walker. tage; 25, I. A. Kinsella, North of A'liklaid Tnmnto. Robert Il f Mount

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