Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Mar 1906, p. 6

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Lift" ---'a - can an all " on hvinl new. W "v' --_- .. _-_... .-... u I irCiiGdCiiiii, 'waraw, mtued nil ”adamant. After three days the on- - "leased the boy. As 3 protest against the detention of a Welsh Ia-year-old schoolboy in prison for slit)”. tmetitr, l?) rtlltitUPtorttP, Economy Point, N. s, March Ith--- (speeial.)---George S. McLaughlin, of this place, gives two splendid reason: for his belief that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one remedy for Kidney ailments. Here are the two reasons in his own words: "I was troubled with Lame Back for 26 years or more, sometimes so severe tint I could not turn myself in bed. One box of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me, and I have had no return of the trouble since. "I have recommended Dodd'a Kidney Pills to a number oi persons who had Kidney Trouble. All who have used them have been benefited or eured." Dodd's Kidney Pills not only relieve all Kidney Diseases, from Backache to Bright's Disease, but they absolutely cure them. But sometimes where one or two boxes relieve it taxes more to make A complete cure. all Kidney D Bright's Dises cure them. B two boxes reli 5 complete cu Cured Mis Bu-kacho of Twenty-five Yenrs' Standing and Btttirtted Ev- eryune he Htmmmended them to. I Owe It All to Mother. (Elma. Irving in Leslie‘s Weekly.) "t m deeply touched by tho menu-moo of m to when] I on everything that a who mother ever gave to . son who adored Sa.."---' Carnegie When I came trudging Mo 3mm. In. this“. oMtt_ttsrtt “'11.; Chdatun " Lord Etrhhtatttate . am and Sorted. Lend not. he death of . I _ in human hair A contemporsry recalls the fact that M anthrax, “PM to be engendered , the late King Christian was once a by - in the hair trom China, brings' suitor for Queen Vietoria'tr hand, and the extraordinary increased demand for! this reminds the Onlooker of a long-for- Irtlfieisl hair before the public. Within gotten romnnce of the early months of the last five years the wearing of false the Queen's reign It centred round the lair in one or other of the many artistic Lo d El hi . Ind clever forms in which it is now offer- r p instone of those days, one of ed has advanced by leaps and bounds. l the handsomest men in Europe, and the A. conversation with one of the lending, holder of a high Court post. Thus "Pit" in this line elicited many inter- ibrought into the almost daily society of 'ein,',',,',',"?,. w2,g,'.org:2,,i,r, $3,031?- I the young Queen, he fell desperately in for the cheapest slid moat U,',,,,:',, Ir:' love. Lord Melbourne and the Duchess fringes, transformations, etc. The mar ( of Kent eonsidered the position so deli- kets he and other good manufacturers of i cateOthat he was judiciously sent abroad artificial hair frequent are mainly in Ger- l to fill an important post. As was only msny, Austria, France and Italy. The fitting so exalted a passion. Lord Elphin- Idea that girls selling their hair deprive stone remained faithful to'his- romance. themselves of all their tresses It once hears after, when he held an important a” it seems. erroneous. post in India. it was his custom both at A girl blessed with long, even, silky ' his dinner table and in his drawing room hair and wishing to make some money to 1.ttve a splendid gilt .chair placed in n. out of it, goes to the hair merchant and position 2f honor. In it wy a picture of tells him exactly how much of it she Queen \ictoria. framed in gold, and wilt part with, or she divides the hair adorned Ivitlt EPDIS- He never referred herself and offers it to him to be cut to tte silent Fues.t, or seemed, indeed, off. Sad to relate, the hair merchants, 't'fl'd?l"'lls It the pictures presence, but ar; ' . . h it here 1 aways stood. a mark oi his 21.“.3133'.1‘73;1122?“,51‘332?..i.f".‘£.L fidelity to his early attaehment. Women in these islcs seldom sell their hair either bccause they will not or be- cause their continental sisters have more lbundant tresscs. It is more difficult to get fine black or gray hair than any other and although the ltnlian women hove thick. long. black hair, it is coarse --indeed, next lowest in quality to the Chinese hair. It is the girls in the south of France who furnish the hair mer- chant with the finest and best black hair. As to white hair. it is next to impossible to get a pond crop of long, white hair, and this color in proportionately costly. Happily. most ladies wearing smart trav_fornvatiorts, fringes and curls have the vanity to dye their hair and shun the sign of age indicated by bleached tresses.--London Daily Globe. Hair bought from the ordinary mer- chant of the class described is more often than not lraudulently weighted with grease and dirty matter, and fre- quently the purchaser loses about 30 per cent. before the hair is cleansed. The cost of thoroughly cleaning and working up this bought hair is enormous and as only skilled workers can do it, the seller of the made up article must make .about tio per rent. on the price he gave to the merchant before he realizes any profit. It may ease the minds of ladies wearing artitieittl hair (and it is one in ten who does not nowadays) to know that the cleaning of the hair is thorough and ef- fectually destroys any danger of disease from uhheAthy germs. Every hair has to be fastened in, with the root up and the point down, as it grows on the head, or it will not lie smooth and even. The exact shade has to be matched from many different lots of hair, and length and texture have also to be studied. . For Believing Dodd's Kidhey Pills Cure all Kidney Ailments. the extraordinary increased demand for -tifieiat hair before the public. Within the last five years the wearing of false heir in one or other of the many artistic Ind clever forms in which it is now offer- od has ndvnneed by leaps and bounds. A girl blessed with long, even, silky hair and wishing to make some money out of it, goes to the hair merchant and tells him exactly how much of it she will part with, or she divides the hair herself and offers it to him to be eat off. Bad to relate, the hair merchants, as a class. have a reputation of sharp if not actually dishonest dealings, and they are so lacking in principle and sympathy that they invariably clip off more than their allowance, the girl having to sub- mit. It is only from convent: that the entire hair of a woman‘s head can he had. and the sale of the hair cut off a nun's head when she takes the veil is a valuable item in some convents’ in. comes. GIVES yin REAL GOOD REASDNS A conversation with one of the leading artirteeri, in this line elicited muny inter- esting facts. He Icorns hair from Chin- ese man or women, deeming it fit only for the cheapest and most common of fringes, transformations, etc. The mar- ket: he and other good manufacturers of artificial hair frequent are mninly in Ger- many, Austria, France and Italy. The Idea that girls selling their hair deprive themselves of all their tresscs " once in, it seems. erroneous. _ Watery-trdf-ttho-row) ”we!“ mummy of her Mam!“ mm In warrdesrfrtqftttt Aoearrrnrrttortmsinadarrde-d Mrpt-uttrotttoeoqraed_tttoartd. We mun: I do as tear, Por I have bn.rrt my regard clear, ArtdiowoittorarmsAhst OI winter eves I used to that A mum to but km, And listen to the Bible tale. She loved to tall mo. an. taught no truth was than best. She phmed mum in my bunt, Wtttt mime. hope. ambition huh. “ {In ot God. and can. I. why An awkward country lad. An empty pulse 1nd. wining m We" all the weiattlt I had. Bm now I Cannot count my gold. My stock and bonds are mutton, Mr all: are laid up on every land, ”311593 'e can no 39pm. Ind AN EFFECTIVE PROTEST. 1tkroittomrmottLer, MG mm" m I LOVED THE QUEEN. MOIOIIM 13 Building Along Lake Front at Chicago. t One of the largest concrete walls ever fconstructed is building by the Illinois lCentral Railroad in connection with , some lake-front park improvements. The wall is 21 feet high and 6,250 feet, long, measuring about 7 feet at the base and 18 inches at the top. The visible side of the wall, which is to be used for .a retaining wall to conceal the move- ' ment of trains, is divided into panels by t attractive concrete mouldings. l The top of the wall is finished by an attractive coping. It contains about 22,- 700 cubic yards of concrete, of which 18,000 cubic yards were laid in tthee months, when construction was stopped by cold weather. The wall is not yet complete, but can be made so in about three weeks' working weather. The prettiest thing said during the campaign has been the offer of the lady who could not sing to "twitter for her mate." The course suggested must have been more satisfactory than that pro- posed by the wife of a candidate at an earlier election. lie explained to his bet- ter half that, inasmuch as the voting would be close, he meant to leave noth- ingundone that would promote his popu- larity. He felt that the best thing to do would be for him to kiss the hand. somest young ladies who attended his meetings-with their consent, of course. His wife thought the idea capital, and added with enthusiasm, "To make cer- tainty doubly sure, I will kiss all the handsome young men who attend the meetings." The wife was pretty, and the candidate had not a doubt that she would fulfil her promise. No young la. dies, handsome or otherwise, were kiss- ed at his meetivgs.-En,e!is.h Exchange. Minard's Linimcnt Relieves Neuralzin. --u the yam. ought: whkh pumps We through your mum hard, pressed, over- taxed. groaning under its load because dis- use has clogged itt Dr. Agnew'a Cure tor the Heart ks nature's tubrieatar and cleanser. nnd daily demons'm to hem sufferers that It is the safest. are”. and most up”): new that “MIA Elegance known.-) "Ah, well, then, the house won't suit me. You see, Pm a. medical man."---" don Tid-Bits. Dress Parade. (Chicago Chronicle.) Mina Mary Xavier. a Cincinnati scum!- wooher, holds that MEWS is the foun- dation od good character Every morning More neutrons ahe bone a “MS! We." luring which such may“: as need kt View: brought undbr the lama-moo of new and towels. Missing muons, noun-had ttatr and m than tuso com in tor and!" men- tion. The Bdtool “months Man that n arests1totthMpttuer thumb-boundin- tinet - irp_dtaetsrttrto and next-mm Shiloh "What -aratittet MW you macs-mo," it! an and when mum, "tot the m IBM -taetamtt upon an a- ”in you will: a uh with at!" . " hm ramugllyydpd any a. hull: "Healthy place Y' I "Healthy? I should think so. Why, sir, in that district sickness is practically unknown." amonf tho childven mum'- Liniment Cum Dandruff. For33 Years Like a Fish Out of Water. Home Agent-yes, air. I've got the very thing that will suit you-beautiful house and fine situation. Client-Fine situation, eh? House Agenr--s'plendid situation, sir. Wh-tttt the Wu -qaaM-httrsaNreu Has Cured HELP THE OVERWORKED BEARS. LARGEST CONCRETE WALL Shiloh'a Consumption Cure. the Lung Tonic. has been before the Mic. an this, together with the. fact la; its sales have steadily hemmed year by year, isthe best proof of the merit of Y. I ml 'it', (lining, golds. and All diseases o t e s an an passages. Those who 'Ili"',,,"',',',' Shiloh would no! bewithoutit. Those who have never used it should know that every bottle is sold with a positive gunman that, if it daean't cure you. the dealer will refund what you paid for it. Shiloh thud-I I wag going into Cmumpgion. I took all mm of mating". 'Iou nothing .did me myriad will med Shula!” Commphon Cum. our hulacumdne. Tha winter t had nvetybld cold. was ncl ale to wok. my lung: we are on the side and Lack. Sh bank: of Shiloh made me well again. thare given it h Tggltrat and envy one or Ahern harys been cm .-A . thousands of the mock obstinate cues of Coughs. Colds and Lung troubles. Let it 122:3;‘32. iGiLG GF on? cum you. 8HILOH 25c. with_ suntan}? at all druggish. There Was No Kissing. winter l, coughedjol they [new gig! Ample ruining. The United States has more eremator- ies than any other country. there being twenty-six, tweutydour at which are in operation. A larger number of persons are cremated here every year than any- where else. In Canada, in spite of the objections made by the Roman Catholic clergy, there has been a. crematory built i in Montreal by order of the government. i There are seven crematories in Ger. ! many. A petition was recently signed by ' three thousand medical men and present- ed to the Iteiehstag,, with a view to mak- ing ereamation compulsory for those who have died of infectious diseases. England has the same number of crema- ftorics. Italy possesses twenty-two, but istatistics as to the numbers of people ig,','.',',:",",:), are lacking. Switzerland has , three, Sweden two and Denmark one. In ‘Austriu. societies for the promotion of cremation have been formed and brunch- es exist in many of the towns but the ilnactiee of cremation has not yet been '. legalized. In Madrid the right of crema- tion has been conferred by revel decree, while even in Russia, in spite L ," the pro- testation of the Holy Synod, the govern- ment proposes to issue it decree in fav. or of making cremation optional. In France a large erematory has been built in the far famed cemetery of Pere la Chaise, in which since its opening 2,- 290 bodies have been reduced to “has. teu",?, I.'.'," In,“ ma. Mb, .4: ',ug'ffgtSe on cu o , mm awn In the “Agony" column ot a ' ”humane-tn Matti...- , mean any. , but “that?" "Nome If B----. who In a-tttmd a In 'a'tr.'ttl' no. {on an hr - In c---. um wwm'w in No (this "It t'unumeh-h'mm Item. to v.11 a“ ’mell: has an.” - m HF: - " A Chmnmn wearing his finest gown ot ism caued at a house “have he happened to disturb a rat whidh was reading itself out of a. Jar ot oil stamina: on a beam over the Cnor. In its sudden night the rat ups“ the oil over the iuck‘nerss “Mar, ruining bis fine raiment. While tho man was tttill Dale with rage the W appeared and alter the customary greetings tht visitor account: SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CORE CURES RHEUMATISM. --It is Mistake of a Country Editor. (Concordia, Kan., Gazette.) It is hard tor us country odltora to get the hang of city ways. He Show in a. room at the Copeland at Topeko with a. short grass editor man and in tho morning we noticed him walking around the room in a brand new aightshirt, which we presumed was the first one he ever owned, and was anxious that we smouid appreciate it in all Its glory. when we asked him: "Bill, why don't you areas?" He said: “I tun waiting for my clothes to cool off." "Waiting for your clothee to cool off?" said we. "Yep," said Bill. “I put my clothes on that there thing last night and this morning it seems to be red that." He hall put hit th'Etfunf breaches A CRY FOR tELit.-A pain in the back is the cry of the kidneys tor help. South American Kidney Cure is the only cure that hasn't. a failure written against it in cases of Bdgms' dis-ease. diabetes, innum- mattatt of the bladder. mutt} and other kid- ney airments. Don't neglect the apparently imrigai9mnt “signs." This powerful liquid 'rpwsitie gravest: and mtrea.--70 safe, harmless and acts quick-gives almost instant. relief and an absotute cure in trom one to three ".aas-uworks wardens In most acute forms or rheumatism. Ono man's testimony: "I open: six weeks in bed More commencing its use. 4 bottles cured me." Gf" tiiiFstuGT aiiuidr" and had to hang them out of the window to oool tham suttioieat'.r to (may! into them, ad tor his appearance in this wise: "As I was annexing you bovorablue dwemng I frightened your honorable eat; while it was trying to when it upset your hononbh jut of on over my poor mud msdgmtimnt cloth- ing. This uniting the oorttmtptiNo c'on- dmcn in which I find myselt in your hon- orable museum." mind’s Liniment Cures Burns, etc. "I tun-em $60,000 in rum in twenty-nine 'mars."' exclaimed Capt. Dunhnm before the coxnmtttec on public health at tho hem-mg of the Farmld bill. A roar ot laughter and exclamation went up. “You. Dir," want on the on salt, "I've drunk It. out of a. triams and out ot n bucket. I wart to appear here In favor of that part of the bill which would require an liquor to bo pure." Removes ttll Yard, Bott or callouud lump.' and blemishes fro'm horses, ura spawn, curbs, uplintl, ringbone, sweeney nines, sprains, sore and swollen throat.I coughs, ete. Save 860 by use of one GT' tle. Warranted the most wonderful BU. mish Cure ever known We have always claimed that the (“not w- tho moeattim%ptmdent man on the top tMet or earth. but we no conga-dam to any that more ts emit a thing " cumin; inde- -mxrtooar.as-atesoarutdtrr but week when Eara Tomlin, tram (In Bushy ml 'asuhtsoehetoA. that Pur, -_n_omm Yor. He stood 1n tho hall at midnight. But the clock was not manna tho hour, For his careful much had 5mm tt. Em the storm heal time to lower. He and. as the a.rtairs he climbed softly. "A hem ot labor I’m Hke-- For surely this night I've averted A moat disastrous strike." ENELISH SPAVIN I,IliiliIlili'f Eff oCi,TrriGi%eilG; bola been “no: to mum.» his mbwrivtlon. Ezra}: friends ttrtakttowtuttonttastrootttsoaaMtrh howl hummus In I not or in. , p, uytucur 37? i yA'soAr / . / 'i'i/ii43trrf 1 "sTEriiihrcs 0F CREMATION. Bumble Polk in the Orient. What Happened to Tomlin. Wanted Bis Liquor Pure. The Man and the Hour. tjllajl TORONTO 1:51! 13241.72: l / >13 er " Spend your Easter vacation in Wash- ington and Atlantic City. Special Wash- ington Easter excursion via Lehigh Val- ley Railway Friday, April 13. Tickets only ten dollars round trip from Sus- pension Bridge, Niagara hulls. Tickets good ten days. ts'bop-over allowed at Baltimore and Philadelphia on return trip. Side trip, Philadelphia to Atlantic City, only $1.75. Trains leave Suspen- sion Bridge April 13th at 3.50 and 7.15 a. m. and 7.15 , m. For tickets. Pull. mans and furt er information, call on or address Robt. S. Lewis, Passenger Agent L. v. R., 10 King street east, Toronto. Special ten day excursion to New York City, Friday, April 27th. Tickets only $9.00 round trip. Send for map and guide of New York, free. Story About Randy. Lord Randolph Churchill won a place and a certain reputation in English poli- ties by nagging and baiting the old lead- ers of both" parties. The Evening Post says that when, in the heat of debate, he used language of the Liberal leader which the latter indignantly denounced as "foul," Lord Randolph apologized al- most with tears. But the nightly bad- gering went on. "You will kill Mr. Gladstone one of these da.ss," some one said to him. "Oh, no!" he rejoined, "he will long survive me. I often tell my wife what a beautiful loner he will write her, proposing my burial in West- minster Abbey." (By A. L. Dunphy.) Miss him? Why. heaven bless yer. Bill, There warn't a corner in my heart That that 'ere baby didn't fill. Now that he's gone. an' we're apart. The nights Is long, tut' days seem bleak, An' lumps keep comtn' in my throat That choke me u I k'n hardly speak; I'm restless, too, as yer kin note. I know his mother's plnln' 'war, _ But won't give In when I'ttt aroun', An' I spruce up when she 'pears say To try to keep her feelin‘s down. Ho‘s better on. yer say'. Yer' right, The doctor that give him He knows best-- But. Bill, I sorter wtsh't He might Hee left him in his little nut. A small boy was very much afraid of the dark, and always tried to coax some member of the family to remain with him until he fell asleep, according to the New York Prr‘ss. His mother stay- ed by him some time one night after she had tucked him up, and when at last she felt obliged to go, she said: “Will they be here whoi, you’re gone mammal?" . ' "Yes. indeed; all around you!" "ealled the Samurai, who fight and never give up. No one has ever succeeded in getting the best of them. ls there any- thing like it in your country l wa," answer/d Colonel li'. J. Bryan, "but we call them life insurance com- peif1." . . -. "Now W. musitn't. beu.aid, dear, tor the qggefg mt al) about you." - "Well," said the hay, with a despair- ing sigh, "it does beat the devil how afraid I am of angels!” They Never Give Up. They wore talking of national institu- tions, says the Portland Telegram. "We have an order here," said the Mikado, . With such badinage they whiled the hours away. - - A teeny nest ft was; yer know I made it ies' More he cum: "I‘wun't much " hut in way ot show. So mother but! to fix it some: Couldn't tell 'xae'ly what she done, But, with few ribbins here an' there, An' other things, there warn‘t none From somewhat .n a goiden land I'm sure he's lookin' Mill " me, An' tryin' with his baby hand To p'lnt the way, to make me a”. Mebbe--perhtrps, it wouldn't annoy The Master. it I asked of Him To take an 'put me near the boy Aa' never let me stray from him. --Ttwetttiett1 Century. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. I'm rough, an' all that sort o' thing, But when, as over him I'd kneel. He’d crow while I WIS whispering Some baby-talk to him I'd fuel Jes' like a. little child tHolt'.-- Fer then, " eyes would search me through An' 'pear to grieve at every sin They seen I'd done. and still might do. Would Stop Liquor Traffic. Deacon Daniel Phillips, of Douglas, who had not been accustomed to riding on the steam carat. arose to tell his ex- perience at a temperance meeting in the Congregational Church of that town on Sunday “Min". aco'wrding to the Boston Herald. Re said that a short time be. fore, while riding in a steam train, he suw a sign at Ottp end of the cm: which read, "Ladies' Saloon,” and the Indies ".5 Pains 'tary! vt fer, treqyrntly. e" 'Y tuiii'iniy' Quid i}; dau; T iAiiGif/ onion. 'uomething must be done to stop this liquor traffic." Didn't Mean It That Way. (Ame' "t 1tvatthert M wouid m to be my “I mm in In. unwound up“ MIM-tt Brtetlight Soap is better than other mpg but in but when mod in the Sunlight w”. Buy Sunlight Soup and follow diretttiotta, Ot them 'ere cribs as could compare. He Was Afraid of Them, Too. EASTER EXCURSIONS. will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Equally good with hard or soft water. M Sunlight Soap BABY. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of . washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. '- After rubbing on the soap, roll up each piece, immerse in the water, and go away. Sunlight Soap is better the: ::drcr soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Lover Brother- lelhod. Toronto Gntlemem--My daughter. 13 years old. was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so badly it remained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MINARD'S LLNIMF.NT completely cured her, and she has not been troubled for two years. MINARI)’S LINJMEXT 00., LIMITED. The Nature of In Oath. Some thirty years ago a case was on trial before a Judge of I. court in I. city in which. among the numerous witnesses for the defence, was a shiftiesg looking colored. man named Jones, who was to testify as to an alibi. Ho'w‘ae finally called and the usual oath was about to be administered, when tho attorney for tho prosecution arose and addressed His Honor, suggesting that Mr. Jones be interrogated as to his understanding of the. soienmity of an oath. The Judge therefore asde the witness if he understood the nature of an oath, to which he replied: 'Yes, uh.” "Well," mid His Honor. "what is itt" To which Mr. Jones immediately re- plied: "Why, when you toll a. lie, stick to it." great munch and nerve remedy stimulate: disc-tron. tones the ma. aids circulation. drives out InmurILtea, dispels When. and brings tlts4 the glow of vex-feet beam. Guru! hundred ot "Ntronies" that have but-Lea phy- new: Ate." "Water," wrote another. “I: wal- posed of two (was. oxygen and mlgen." "Mm," mined a third youth, "is what the barber puts on your “we." "A bHzeard," incited (moths ohm. "is 8$10 Inside ot I "* " Tint ambu- mmcdy. I: 0. positive can for an (and. dual.- ciroulnr and he. 55mph. R. s. mama Simeon. Ont. A recent oohool examination In England evoked the totlowimg definition“ “th1 mtte." wrom one boy, “was called Joan of HUMAN HAPPINESS, pitiloss in its assaults. and no respect! ot persons, has met in conqueror in South America Nerd” This "Joan’wws like the have to to dead first. of Ilillllll0lf't illiliElif BUILDING BIDBII MACHINE 'reaehtsr-Jo1utay, men tomb. Jotrrtuio-to-m-b, tomb. Tetushor-Now. Johnnie. c.ive, a. dertliort J. B. LIVESQUE St. Joseph, P. o., 18th August, 1900, INDIGESTION, THAT MENACE TO tlit, DOUGH”, Palenlee, Wiiil0lll, ONT. Farmers and Dairymen mam WARliyt,irtrss,ii1s TERMS P ST,,t,8,il,PRt,'gH2"Wt'h1'aatet: Th, M, Wash Basin or Milk Pan FARMS AND BLOCKS 0F IANO t-tireBtrottuputett-rsttmntB0aem.ras-,attusma-ermti. ,-htthoNmotmmrt-tertrsq district-ct Orange EBtetewesetrnrtsB m‘m and my». of out mm, which b mud mu m '..1r18PPAf?.Ct'.'P 1tSPArEtettoAp1m' BLMEBTIIA m h u- ”Mde“F. w. "00.0" - MA3tAdNnLAM8tmgrAgg How It Appeared to Johnnie. You will find they give you satis- faction every time. Some Seh0olboy Definitions. MhMT0Bh,ShsKhTaEWhhl AND ALBERTA tSTEECECE Panama 1916 Insist on being supplied with EDDY'S every time. E. B. EDDY'S In "no“. main. “13170? thaw-fit? Yours truly, THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE n) 0151119500! and Nil-Pm an: - 1m t PROFI'I‘ABIA a“ COINRTABLI Fun ' When you require a. Ttte "gig! Tre' Company. Limited FOR SALE “an: autumn. ion-to I. uh - - m. Makes all kinds of Blocks, either solid or hollow, and one set of pallets Is all that is necessary The. machine is simple, handy and easily oper- ated. Why my fancy prices for a. Block Ma- chine when you can buy this machine and outfit " I. moderate coat? Send for booklet, prices. eta. Awarded diploma. It (handler: National Exhibition, 1005. Is: A comm-Ion- or any tttttrm." um: I- loam buulnou; we mnuudm tho "tb- on undo ot favoring powder. In America: you on make tron five to II! Conan a any. Apply to In tttr particular» luau Mnnuhcturlng Co.. Hanna». Ont. ISSUE NO, 13. 1906 In and round the NW "tttt t Darla. Imam po-toe. - mu W down, W -t. We in" an following choic- to offer: We an five an manna-Iowa mu: wtttt ml! mph! . ran opportutitty In I” of the above am F mgr-CLASS _ NURSERY "triddnC?fr" Marla ween: 1.11m. unsung: Moon 1' mole ween: In!!!“ variant; when dolhn per hundred. Apply W Nur- m, Falkland, Ont. " pren- ‘tooden: WIN" $t to Vi-ic cording to qunlmuuom. Rotrt. Dunc-n Co., Htmmon. " tor 10e; " for “a; m. n; Mo, a: W. #5:)" gutgront._ purge-t “1' that. non ti) (2) "40 msk'l'ovplhlpy! WW. We will arrange tree 02mm m MNLM to Law may ot the chow pro- p . throw-an: no mind, is; ”bum. ".ttiiikil W. R. Adams. Toronto, on. Mrs. Wurlow'l Soothing amp don“ . wayo be used tor (imam (caching. " soothe. the child. soothe: the gums. cum 'rindcoMeaatdinthotrmtmsmqdrmr Dw- ghoea. t' . r-t . oo' 'l P.' , 1-1,,9,’ a 'Pr F " A . el ' itiil 114315;“ pr b WANTED, IMMEDIATELY. TWO emu shout _ you: of In tor position " cook and balsam-M h a. pivot. haul]; good wagon to rabbi. girls. M“ In writing to Mrs. Goo. F. Gil-co. " Hannah sweet east. mm. (8)100 was. West rumba»: ttno buildup. mod not}. put {kph-r, 7 1mm from Han- (0 as can - land, Town-hm at Bin- tatt,'.. u was mom Hagguttgta. PM (5) mum 6 ma. 8 In“. south of Hall- 'lea (in. trust. - buildings. has (C) so was. Town-hip of Nelson. new hon-e and new bank ham, " 'teros clout. Inl- (7) (8) 100 acres. Township of Tamar. " miles from Toronto; good buildings, '0th loan. etch-HI. Prim 06,000, or will t-ttt. w ANTED, COIPE'TEN'IZ GORDON nun: (“don- In... " 3.. cm '.-, Ance l 100 - "a. own. house burn. Tonrrtittp ot Beverly, I T mm: {mm Gatt. Pric- $4.000. "niriiGi'"'iGa -Giiaa _hlm0w. Wom- ine TYnrn o: Patton. Prloo new. , 25 m. Tonsil!» ot Willoughby. " mile- out. of Welland. pod bums. good loll. Prloe N. Apoly to up!“ 1 GOULD, Souvenir Post Cards GIBN"N, WI All! _PAYING FARMS FOR SALE AGENTS WANTED. 87 Jun- meet ooitet, Human. on Auk. sure Ind "HAM.- monthly regula- tor. Thus hm have been mud In Human be over any )elru. Ind mum luv-mm. tor um purpose amine-l. mu m (unu- teod by the nun-r- };nrh-u stamp tar bah-d circular. t'rteo on» par box ot 'tgs or r nun. unmly named. on receipt ot pm: MISCELLANEOUS. ttrmrood. PM 3900. LE ROY PILL co.. Box a. Hamllm. Curd; FEMALE PILLS DR. LEROY'O tt " " cent piece In“: BODIES a ran CENTURY Wheeling, w. va.) rrt ll ll MINE "f, HARM be ess Cont Ike al.. mn expl

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