Wit 1908 - SELl did- s new in ncy - . atiaeaigaeaeagh, ai"aiiaaeisisye-'siiia MARCH " DARLINGS alrPaataratociireacaartre, The Durham Furniture Ca,, Ltd :Btirimmir 4eiallrear::'iiiarxgix Smokers' Sundries in iIf)?“ " Fipes I, Pipes?, DARLING‘S DRUG} STORE Call and see them. All prices" S: to $10 Prices as low as life lowest--------,. under- sold in any line we carry. Another lot of our celebrated snaps just rived--hetter value than ever, - close prices. WOOD, LOGS Call at our Warerooms--- To reduce our stock close prices. W00 The Pto_ple's Dru ggists are offering lines of all grades great variety one door w. :3 rmg hues or all grades and makes at very t LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 'IR 'ct."" l Lri'5rr ar- South of ivy,rE,i' diuhnco. SAVINGS BANE. -nteres allowed savings bank deposits of 81.00 and ward- P_rompt' attention and eV (gcilitv afforded customer. "vim. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection made-on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed " curt-em ates DURHAM A GENCY CAPTAL. Authorized. . . . . . .82,000.000t CAPITAL. Paid up. . . . . .. . . . . 1,000,0t U ESERVE FUND .q........ 1.000.000 AGENTS in all principal pomts an Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United Stuns and England. (Billl)llllljlllll( OF CANADA A High Standard or Thoroughness is Aim-g: mtuttaitted in this school. Enter now and ready to weep: a le position in the fall. College open entire rear. Cuculu-s tree. W. J. ELLIOTT. Cor. Yong. Incl Alexander Sta. SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL 2nd W. P. COWAN, President. _ P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. On Sunday fast out divine service room was crowded to its utmost capucny. Mr ll. conducten the service and delivered a most impressive discourse from St John 3-16. This discourse was one of the best that Mr H. has eve: delivered in the house and was moat attentively listened to by the large eomrregtuion, A comet and violin accompanied the Organ in the musical portion of the service. Ths choir was smell but the singing of the Congregation was spirited. i Mr Gee, the ('lcvrr inmate if the Cuuntv Home, CJ'IILIUHCS to write interest, ing Holes oi Beluga: life. We svlect a portion of his. last letter to the Advance us an ex uiiple of hte at Castle of Care. Ed. Blnl'li. who hm hem: an inmate ol the hone from the time. of its opening. was, at his uwu rel-inst, duchargnd on Monday of lust week. He thinks he will be aide to do for himself now. Your ( cur. thought. he had better go. loo 2 again I he thought he hurl better trot, James Dunlap. the imbecile minute re. ferred to in last week', items, on Monday morning of last week made an attempt to escape from the home. luminiiy used one ofite cunning devices to~elude Jetee.. tron, for the old fellow hantened from the breakfast table, went out to the burn. around which he made a circuit or two, then he made a similar circuit of the field, with the object. no doubt, of trying to baffh3 anyone ondeavorin,r,r io track him through the snow. and iittail.y crept through the fence on to the gray-cl road, and headed for Flesberton, He had not gone far.Uowever, when he was missed and traced by Mr Harness. On perceiv- ing Mr II, u pursuit tho old fellow put on all capable speed, which was not: very l great owing to " badly frozen but well 1 poulticed loot. Ho was very soon over- taken and came quickiy back. The old fellowis now locked in Ot36f of the small rooms each night. on the ~cocond ihtt and adjoining on. of the large sleeping rooms. His bed is laid on a slightly rased plat- form, the window is boarded up and the electric liimpis tied up out of his reach. The mom is warm and comfortable and the poor old fellow can do no bodily harm I to himself or anyone else during the night 1,s/i ELLIOTT 'ifiiij; TORONTO mum W1 Head Office, Tommi); the Post TORONTO. ONT. Industrial Home News. Sale J KELLY, Agent. he ciew-t inmate If the ,Cvntiuues to write interest. ltel'ugu ht'e. We sulecta , last letter to the Advance of hte at Gamble of Care. nucnuon and eVer customers living ata allowed an an Inmate of I' its opening. duclaargml on thinks he will bt, of trying ing :0 track tiuaily crept. gravel road, He had not was missed l fl. illiollllLili, Agent warerooms across the bridge north of the Post office. Orders left at REVIEW Office will receive our best attention. Wamooms across the bridge LL - n --L A†A I - -, Danny Chums, Wringers. Washers. Hayleaders, Tracks. Rakes. Mowers, Binders Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Maple Leaf and mxénn 3!:me MACHINES The Improved National Cream Separnors. 4 styles The New Hamburg Waggons Barber Buggies Bissau "tee! Land Rollers Disc Barrows of Elora. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Call and see our Leader Seed.. er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and ALL SPRING GOODS Peter Hamilton AGENCY Witnesses in liquor cases are to be protected by an order of the Magis- trate to prevent them from prosecu- tion. When an hotel-keeper is convicted of three offences within three years the license is to be cancelled. In. spectors must report whether the of. fence is the first, second, or third. and it the proper offieicls do not cancel the license. anyone can take action. Doctor’s orders for liquor on Sunday must contain lull particulars of the case. Uniformity of regulations through- out the Province " provided for. Bartenders in cities and towns will be licensed, with a nominal fee ore, and their licenses will be transferable from town to town. The fee for hotels in Toronto wili $1.20), and for shops $1,000. In towns, such as Durham, $350. The clause in the old Act permit- ting hotels to serve liquors to guests in the dining-room is omitted from the new one. The measure, said Mr Hanna, was to enable the novernment to carry out its policv otytritstenforeementgt' the liquor laws. It provided against fraud, and it provided against tied houses. 20 per cent, of the ratepayers. To pass, a by-law must harermtsjority ut three.titths Once voted on, and lost, itmast not be submitted again for po years. Therishall be no special census ; the latest complete mumcipul census is to be used. A by-law on local option shall and must be submitted on the petition of on “M -----_" " .. Municipalities adoptmg local option must provide for its enforcement. The measure provides for the issue oi licenses to tirtm, and companies, as well as to indiyaiuals. half. A feature is a substantial increase in the fees, an! another important as- pm: is that the Governmem and muni- cipulicics will now share and share alike. Heretotore, the Government has had an advantage in the revenue. In the case of Toronto, it wanted the whole, instead with others, it will get. kn]! We give below the salient features of' the new License bill presented by the Provincial Government. It has some g od features. bat the provisions regarding local option, Will likely kill that movement it carried as it stands. The various galleries Wen; tilled, both with liquor and temperance men, on 2thh March, when Hon. Mr Hanna, the Provincial 8e3retary, brought down his license hilt. Rev Mr Cameron, Cbataworth, was presented with a (moon: on tlie 8th inst. A committee cunsi-ting of the Warden, Messrs H. Reid. Middleton, Itorke.Me. Reehnie.Chrietie, Bonnet and Melild. wards, were instructuf to purchase a site fw.' Knishâ€; t.ufiee at Durhstu,---Co. Counci! minutes. 1Gstie--In Durham, on the 4th inst, Euzabenh Collins, wife of Walter Hastia. aged 45 years. Egremout Township Council has pur chased 5o road scrapers. Yesterday. 21tst inst, steam WIS got up in Mr Doyle's wawmi l tor the purpose of testing the boiler. On the 12th inst. m Pricrviile. a. frame building: and Contents. owned by Mr Allen McDonnall. Way burned to the ground. Loss Mono. Insured for one half. Salaries paid postmaster“ Avton, M2, Bum-2mm. 010. Crawlord 812. Dro. more, $48, Dnu-lulk. 8148 tio, Durham. $n34. Flonlwrton, 8200. Gleseott, 810. Hanover. $2lo, Ho'oatein, M6. Hopeville. $22, Latonn S44. Murkdale, 8176. Neu- s'alt. 6118. Orchard. Mil. Prieeville, 6100. Travtrrstoue, 812, Vamey. 024. Yeovil, 818. S. Grey License Commissioners: F. McRae, It Watson, Br. Jas Brown. I A Herrin Iusyector. From Dundalk f uide on9 years ago. was time enough to have moon to u house of refuge when every other source of salt support is oxh-nated. But misers wiil to. misers I understand that boards of inquiry will be instituted and every person making application to a house of refuge and having means wrt be charged accordingly. This is just and proper. No person having means of their own has run right to expect public support merely because they are, aged and iutirm. THE BUREAU REVIEW The New Lic euse- Bill. - “A. the ratepayers. -Tr, must have , majority ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO vili be In the the gar-h can: all m it...“ Ttft taPta't'. an In a! [mini-*3“ Barclay oy Bell Sold in pad-o- 30¢.- Ice',, 50¢_pg I Grand Opposite Middaugn House Stables funplantatiortttsteapot. tlPreemdhyntachinery qHealthypeesriere- thertrasdtebeveratree arterwtrartitt.-fbod andanaUtoiih. qNeruous mm themtoinediti= Ftghkndeasntigtpen, wudgbwm ammo. RGrand Mtseul as are (hrfliijlllh'M 2piurglsel.l A. W. Watson Buns at . Biscuits in great variety All kinos of Cakes made to otde W EDDING ARES our specialty q They are the real 'msmmirtdewofdteOrient. First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale 'epmductskUhigs. LtdsinCrykrs Watson’u Bread-Th n a s is what you should drive in. Everywhere acknowledged to be the leader. Why not buy that new one now ? You will find the prices much smaller than in the fall. Then when fall comes, you have a fine new cutter-the best, the Tud- hope, at no more expense--- and will have had its use fo the rest of this winter thrown in. Call in this week and pick yours. or, at least, take a look over them. PEEL, The Shoeman PEEL, The Shoeman For M Is very high, but THE PRICE THE QUALITY New Footwear A Swell udhope Cutter Also at her high-grade Muniln'rn. Fhmrv, per barrel .84.75 to 5.00 0‘0lech llo.snd Hollie-[mid and Famous Five Roses Flour...... with, pm burn-l. . 35.25 ls Pure Tea Lighland Tea Is extremely moderate ‘easures and Repairing THE FINEST NOW IN. ll dfiihCR0 7113...“... a: " ALVA" Midi-7.31m." A Inge number of other Mulch: but bun town and 1"l'l'l, FlhillitiilAtt, tn. Iunncu P8.h e )'l,Ud'l'lt I!†an". c. . It mayâ€; 150 lam shove Durham, well annoyed, "ooo 5 D. McPHAIL 2Stt 'teput,trs:terpehrsy my“. ‘_'v T __-.. .....u-u-. we†u --e- ?enced.'well van-red. good land??? 0721;). Normanb. well im no Audio 125 Itttts't than "dull "0 Richm EL'MW Alhn M, no.“ Do you want to know where to buy Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. Lion-0d Am for the Co. of any. “I. pro-pd) OW to. luau Mable Gram - be left at In napkin»: Wm an; 'glL'lhltl old out. on: mum" 00. Durham, Nov. 16, NB. JOHN CLARK . ,_V_. - v-.._r-uuvuw -- them, or to Ceylon P.0., will no pro-pdy‘ attended to, Tut-n on applitmuon to D. 'rePNAIL, Ceylon P. o, or to C. BAIAGI. Durham - Carton ttna.te1eptterne once. Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Conuniksioner, to. Money to Loan. CWee, over Gordon's Jewelry Store. A. G. MchIy K.C.2 W. F Dunn Toma modem; Arman-nu for “In In to anâ€. to. an“ be made " the Ravi"! " tlee, Durham. bar (Lomundonu Add“ Barristers. Solicitors. Cottveytuteers Att. Money to Loan. OMcte--Cmlde" Black. our Post oftlee HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, grndunle of Rays] College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. anns Ore: J & J HUNTER?ti New Store W. C, PICKERING o. o s., L. o. S. Ho)?.? CRAOrMF, Toronto I'nivor tuna Royal College Donal Burg“; Dentistry in Bll it. bunches. 0mm. " no" M, - - - -- Ow.- lion Will beat the lidduulh Home. Durham. the am Wetland-y of out month from 10 B. I. till 4 p. m. Lat. “Inuit to Moorfieurg (London. by ." to Kunpp‘a (New York) By. Hum»... Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A gen- eral fitancGl busineu tranucted. lamb" Gallop Phyucinn All Emu Olin-lo. - â€the. 3nd lie-Mono. Cor. â€tux. ml Goon. a... I. IOOC of Hill. Old Moodiq Cont. J. G. HUTTON. M. D, C M nun-mu be It Knapp Home Durham, theâ€. Strum! In each month hard 1-6t 2 I.- Graduate ot Iondon,_xev York and Ch' no. - Diane: of Ere, Ear. Nooe, and Throat Auctioneers. P-tate & Sun-0H. Omoo our J. AtJ. Hanoi-'0 Stan. ------ t lwIOAJI. ARTHUR H. JACKSON, OFFICE MOUII b-tt B. M. 2--4 p. u. T-q p. I Tolophono Connection No. " 'att, max; flier, McIntyre Block, over the Bank Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Gray J. E. GRANT D. 0.3. L. D. S - Bpeclnl Attention [in- " Dim-u ttf Women tad Childm. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., Eye. Ear, Nose & Throat DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) Notary Public. Commissioner. MACKAY d: DUNN, MEDICAL L: B. Miller, HOUR! J. P. TELFORD BN1“ CON V BYANQER. M. DB. BROWN, DR. BURT B P., load“. Eula ()wu sound 60m