Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Mar 1906, p. 6

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WE. ,r-raetrrrrat-uiaarinstl in Enemy. l It in commonly reported though with, what faith I do not know, that natives! -times adopt a particularly diabolical I and ingenious method of getting rid of an I my, in such wise that the death shall l be correctly attributed to snake bite. A “I! cobra or a ktriait-aumake quite as ', "-outs---is caught uninjured and ai - of string is tied to its tail. The! ,dl'ing in then run through the hollowl It.) of a bamboo just large enough to contain the body ot the snake, and by it the, creature is dragged, tail first, in- aid. the cane. Great care is taken not to iatiurar the reptile in any way. Armed with this terrible weapon, the murderer waits for a suitable opportun- ity for using it. Nothing is easier than to approach the hut of his intended vic- tim when ho is asleep, and creeping through the open doorway to bring the and of tho bamboo into contact with lone part of his body. The snake, en- raged and terrified by the treatment which it has received, bites as soon as its head touches Cne man. If the victim in sleeping soundly he is probably not even awakened by the slight puncture of ‘3- ”any“ neodlike fangs. lie passes in- "on awakened by the slight puncture 01 the cobra’s needlike fangs. lie passes in- sensibly into death. The next day his body is discovered, with ell the unmistakable symptoms of nuke poisoning, and save through an accident it is not even suspected that a. crime has been committed. The murderer, htving liberated the snake and destroy- ed the bamboo, is perfectly safe. Even if micion fall upon him it is impossible to prove his guilt. Snake stories, more or less incredible, abound. The following, which was told to me on such authority that I am forced . A -..sr,..., to Venue it, is a hut apecn wu discovered in the com] den nurpunding an office and the entire male portion to prove ms gun... Snake stories, more or less inerei1itrle,'; abound. The following, which was told to me on such authority that I am forced to Elicia it, is a fair specimen: A cobra wu discovered in the compound or gar-1 den surpunding an officer’s bungalow, and the entire male portion of the house- hold turned out to destroy it. The snake was driven from one hiding place to another, and at last it took refuge in a narrow culvert. All sorts of expedi- enu were tried to drive it out. Shot. were fired through the pipe and bundles of burning grass were thrust into it. with- out effect. Finally the culvert was dug up and the snake was found and killed. It was a large and handsome. one, and, therefore, the skin was taken off and hung upon a nail driven into the wall of the veranda outside the bungalow. The next morning the owner of the house was astonished try finding on the ground beneath it a second cobra skin. I n )..-I.._..,I ‘hnt The natives one and an oecmreu u... the mate of the dead snake had come dong during the night and shed. its skin there through grief at its loss. This ex- planation being considered ineredible., it was supposed that some one had indulged in a. rather pointless practical joke, al- though the circumstances of the case made it difficult to see how this could have been possible. But whatever might he the tme explanation there were two .kins.---Pall Mall Gazette. THE Mtli0Blll]illl, TELLS HIS SEGRET Postmaster Lee Looks Ten Year: Younger Than His Seventy-Six Year: and Be Gives the Credit to the Great Cana- dian Kidney Remedy. Tabueintar. Cumberland Co., N. B., Feb 19.-Httecial)---ilorj1tio J. Lee., postmas- ter here, is now in his seventy-sixth year but so bright and healthy does he look and so energetic is he in his movements that he would easily pass for ten years His Health Mainly Due to the Use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. “Hg: do I keep young looking," the postmaster sun "Welt, I attribute it largely tomy good health and my health is mainly due to the use of Dodd'a Kid- ney Pills. "I first learned the value of this Kid- ney Remedy some years ago. I was then suffering from Kidney Disease. My feet and legs swelled and I had to rise eight a ten times in the night because of urin- uy troubles. Six boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills restored my health " that time and I have used them at intei'vals since. "To anyone afflicted with Kidney Trouble, I say 'Dodd's Kidney Pills are :11 right.' Try them and you will be sure to find a. benefit." SCHOOLBOYS’ IDEAS. In educational Clapham, the well- hown Manor House School, Mr. S. Max. well, M. A., principal, holds . meeting place, and at the prize-giving the other day by the Ree. Cantu Greene, . very high standard of merit was diselosed. Everywhere that boys congregate the in- evitnble "howler" raise: at times its un- COBRA IN BAMBOO STEM. Company. 1 oatiotr--Wrst is a city? ', A-er-lt is u place where there in . lot of work done, and tb town in 3 plug. whore shops "e. otertioti-rWUt about the Pynnnds! JU-er-Pt-ids are people who 'th. Pyramids no 1 ruse of mount- .hn dividing Fiance from tr,'; o-tiomHrho “a Dr. mnrdo t A-er-Ile tried to find the North Pole. 7 _ - -. . - " "ii," An inquiry, "Who was Duke?” one m given ya, f.§_kind of duck.” Lord ”acumen-W mgi--oh, my'. Bm’n s New in. NA, of the tooth.“ “In. mu--What does it “I? "tt an. “you broken. How do pm yd. it iet--Greek or Rom?" Mum!» ”it" Yeah but Cii--tita"r.t't" of the dead snake had come w,' the night and shed its skin ugh grief at its loss. This ex- being eonsiderM incredible, it sad that some one had indulged iii' -ini declared that jjiiiiiitts WANTED ' ICTURE il' "Scotch. FARMERS wanted :11 our Cumin II agent: tor Western Cunda land. All "ieet- " lands. Liberal commiulon. Addre- AGENTS, WE ARE PAYING LARGEST commlulons ot any compsny dong “I honest business; we manutactuu the MEI-P on pads of tusgorinq powder' in Amerlclz you can nuke trom five to six doll": . day. Apply to_ up for particulnn, hunt: {Kant-$1333; :90; iiimhton, "Ont n-,-----------'"""-)).,;, W ANTED, COMP-WENT GORDON press feeders; was“ $1 to :10, ac- cording to qualitleationt'. Rom. Duncan Co.. Hamilton. T ELEGRAPH OPERATORS ARE IN DE- mand try New Grand Trunk Patric Company nnd other Canadian lines. We are exceptionally well prepared to train young men tor rallroad operating and to supply competent graduntel. Address Ccntnl Tel- egram: School, 3 Gerrard street east, To- ronto. W. H. Show, president. 12 for 10e: so tor Mkt; 100, 81; 200, w, 500. 86; I" different. Luge-t and ttpest no“ tn Canada; 600 mixed. tr, Ilbum, .11 prices. W. R. Adm. Tomato. Ont. ply WANTED. MEN FOR CATTLE STEAM- ers, tree passage and return from Montreal to European ports. D. J. Lyons. authorized agent, 123 McGill street, Mont- real. Enclose stamp for particulars. APPLE TREES - BEFORE BUYING write us, or see our agent near to you, for prices. We have the largest stock of fruit trees to be found In Canada. We pay the freight. The Browns, at Browns' Nut- series, Ont. P. O. Box 55. vants in the houses of the wealthy. In the opinion of Miss Nora Beres- ford, who has a large clientule among the servants and employers of the West End, men servants have had their day. Housenuxids and parlor maids are still required, but chefs, butlers and men servants generally are to an increasing extent becoming luxuries of the past. Nor is Miss Bemrsford's experience ex- ceptional. The old idea. of an establish- ment no longer obtains in the modern smart set, who prefer the irresponsible life of £13.th and hotels to the care of servants. The proptietortsst' of one of the old- est established regnstries in London, whose principal business is to provide recruits tor the servants} halls of the aritoeraey, tells the same story of smaller establishments. "I have on my books numbers of men servants of irreproasehable chame- ter and a. record of continuous service,” she stated. "Though they have oc- cupied rxrsponsrihls positions in the hous- es of nobleman, they are ready to take anything that offers, knowing that the outlook for the man servant oat of employment. is as bad as can be. Souvenir Post Car-fig -...r.-;..._m ,, “Entertaining in hotels and restaur- ants have killed the prospects of the upper class of servant. A generation ago men servants in large houses in. mriably brought up their children to follow in their footsteps. Now the girls are going into the post office and the boys are being trained as chauffeurs.” Many society women, according to the report of the registry offices, have engaged small parlor maids to take the engaged small parlor mama to mm: we place of the old time butler with most excellent results. Ketping down expens- as is one of the main reasons for the change, sleeping accommodation, for men servants proving a considerable tax on a small but highly rented town house, while there is also the question of tax- ation which falls on those who employ men sermusts.--London Daily Express. Women we fast replacing men as set Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. AGENTS WANTED. “If If: I nice day, come and take no out in your auto. Wednesday." . "But suppose it's not I nice day?" "Come the a” before." MEN SERVANTS NOT WANTED. Scotch, 6 tor " cenu. Dorm House, King "rdet, Humllton. AS LAND, AGENTS niurd’l Liniment’Cures Colds, Ste. tced i;rGiliriGis' iis"ir"sTirGiGGiahtF for sealed drmlnr. Tribe on» per box of Tastes " ty mail. "wurelysealed, on receipt ot price The Troubles of a Rural Journalist. boom of the Luncheon. (Kev York mu.) When you so for . long may to not bother to at. . lunch with you. Just put but u noun lulu of "an in your pocket n-e.tttegrtwtretfstqaetttmdmtdtrtm- MISCELLANEOUS. .1. You will It one. (in your -tsqttt on! unbou- moved. This in what Dr. Lee, proton-or ot physiology " Colonial; uni- mity, and outer ot sever-i imam who on no "to. 'eoCQqB0. 01 Inc. firmly - Wine. ”cording to Profani- Lee. idt-ttoteseetnit' ammonium tho hotly. do. to numb: um. . at. woolly, - old wants than - 'Bo "I. to to with. room- ion- no urbolymuo tut no mud by -ee- ool out. no hunt to. to this 'Gii "r'iiiaiGiire"irdtr" when tho blunder. Eighth-near. FARM LANDS LE ROY PILL CO., pos'r CARDS, ENémsn on 6 tor " can. pomin9n. Sup- A are. sure and rtllabla monthly "ttttia. tor. Them, Pills have been med in Prince for over Btty you“. and round lnuluahlo tor gun ”pm f.1type5. I'm] as 'J?.i?'t'?: FEMALE PILLS Box AP., Hamilton. Canals. DR. LEROY'S Easy. Winnipeg, Man. (3me or NEW YEAR CALLS. Shandy Enough, the Custom Benn in The custom of making New Year’s calls, which had . long run in America and is still extant, came originally from China, where, says Leslie's Weekly, such calls are one of the main features of the brilliant and lengthy New Year's cele- bration. Every Chinaman pays a visit to each of his superiors and receives one from each of his inferiors. Images of gods are carried in procession to the‘ beating of a deafening gong, and manda- rins go by hundreds to the Emperor and that apparently much-maligned sover- eign, the Dowager Empress, with con- gratulatory addresses. Their robes are gorgeously embroidered and are heavy with gold. The younger people call upon [ the elder. Children call upon their par- 1 cute, pupils pay their respects to their lteachers. A light collation is offered I every visitor, but, it is to be noted, no wine is served. Tea takes the place of any stronger drink. ' In China gentlemen never call upon the ladies. but upon each other', and the women also make social visits among themselves. Nor is one obliged, happily, to make all his calls on one day, for all calls made before the 15th of the month are considered correct. These calling customs have obtained in China from earliest ages. THE GIRAFFE. ' It is the tallest of living things. Did you know it is a. amelopardt It stands alone in the animal kingdom. l It is its own family, genus and species. Its affinities are with the beautiful deer family. A fine male is likely to stand 20 feet in height. It may become extinct, so much is it hunted. A very great value is set on is well. marked hide. A good part of its height is in its neck. Really beautiful eyes are well set in its shapely head. It lives upon the foliage of trees, which it easily reaches. Ita spot are of a rich brown on a fawn-colored ground. Ita little horns are peculiar. They grow from the skin, the bone in them not be- ing connected with the skull till ate in ife. For 33 Years "I'm glad to find you as you are," said the old friend. "Your great wealth hasn't changed you." "Well," said the millionaire, "It has changed me in one thing. I'm now eccentric where I used to be impolite. and delight- fully sarcastic where I used to be rude. Shiloh Has Cured Sn: Duns-u. um w....-'-- -_"""" _ And yet he wiggles through the gloom. And fades, and fades. and (man! Mr heart is full ot deep despairs About my mother's parlor chairs; , ' -- .. *7 TT-..-.-'- an.“ an In “3651-592: Wells, in February. The publisher of the best Farmer's pa- per in the Maritime Provinces in writicg to us states: ‘_ - . "I owuld say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MIXARD’S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has out- lived downs of would-be competitors and imitatorst." When the Kaiser was " Grefeld re tBe Dar"" _ "' ...-_-_V 32min? asked the ladies of honor it possible- Hayes: "Plenty of dancing. "No, your But don't imagine 1 inert lo'," ur,'"',,,",',' repls,".ttey in no one enough of care for t will and as o. dance with." "Then I month! or om, month tench tl,,".,,"',,'.,',',"", of Hum“ here to l likely to find a “le did 'ld', a an! the Emgeror, and he lug iron when next J' fr, he broug t one. . ‘will gun 'tl,, grease 0 [ a...“ or ot er; am ue" .4 l nun wrrnom- A s'roncn of penetrating the t - - _ - _ “h-.." the” 'lsitttrt' "pee It BETTER WITHOUT A STORM! than with one that's out a constant "hurt" to tt. Dr. Von Scuf- Pimple Tablet! gunman tho digestive organs. Let one an- tortsrroettuetnusaaxau-ob" Mteet-r than with you tn your not Prrehet-d' In box. :5 q-ti-Att new It Barrerted. l tl "b-mir, I in: and this Int tor t nun! months. , Shiloh's Consumption Cure. the Lung Tonic. has been before the public. an this. togelhcf with the fact that its sales have stAdily increased year by year, u the best proof of the merit u u a care for Coughs. Colds, and " diseases of the lung' and air passages. Those who have used Shiloh would not bewithoatit. Those who have new: used it should know that any ,bettlt.,i.t m ll )uvuxu In..." ...- ""4 sold with a positive guarantee that, if it doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund what you paid fer jt. Shiloh {bounds of the mod obstinate Coughs. Colds and Lung troubles. can you. 2,tg,Teg [my foe the: rtu'd t w a . t Maud 2'li'g';'l'll' 1','lluol'i,'ll' tlt Mayra, un'ill med iiiiiiiVi Conmmmion Care. our tGit)Ueured men Thu Xin’f_l.h_‘d - bad 'dh'.", Cum t'"ii,u ..... w...“ Ctiiiii V - not to W. are on £53: “Jack. Sin L'l'L P'h2T,,lllll myell again. l,hafer civlenuil tt yeelreft 'hTiL2ih"r'",u, - it were. daturtf Wlfo--1 how, I only went lt to ‘19.. “wen-sun. . “a“; - .. ._ -- 'l',ra".Teir;;iieig".iGiher' W. St. Hraeirtthe, Que." §HILOH An Appalling mutation. Circumstances, Etc. , with, “any? at all timed!” The Gallant Kaiser. .1. iiii.pGCiiturazit" tor Colds. 601 I so to bed before it's dark. And lie and hear my doggie bark. His name is Budge, but he's a. pup He's crying 'cause they chain him up I wan to have Mm sleep with me, 1 Win "' uuvv -.-- --"". But mother's 'traid I’ll get I. flea. T Ot course, that's only her excuse, Because tor dogs she has no use. My father says a woman can Make things uncomfortable tor man. He said it low, because, I tear, lie was afraid that she would hear. Now what he says is always right, I often think ot it at night. 'Cnuu mother is so awful neat, She always makes us wipe our feet, 'Cent when there's mud, our feet, you no, Are just as clean as they can be. And once I'm almost sure i heard My father say an awful word. He whipped so hard my brother Sam For "ring-the word was damn. They had a game ot bridge one day, Budge barked no loud they couldn't play. The ladies said that dogs and boys Got on their nerves, they made such noise, 'Twaa then she said that Budge must go; How hard I cried she'll never know; I said to father. “Let's go, dad, And run away-sho treats us bad." He had a twinkle in his eye Like he would laugh, while I would cry, ‘Snid he, "My son, we'll never find ‘A mother who would be so kind," f She kissed me awful hard that night l And said. "My dear, 'twill all come right." That gave me comfort, what I heard, For mother never breaks her word. Tho' one thing sure, you bet your life When I'm " me: I'll have no wire, Tho' it I had to choose some other, With all her faults, l'd marry mother. She's lots of tun, and very sweet [Her only fault is being neat. )i,,stiirqtyl,.l.Wt,,il"'1r1- iii-iii-Ci):;;.:.,":':.,.:]:,;""""'?"')-" By that time Budge will grow so high That he won't have to howl and cry. Dad will live with us Just the same. For the won't hare to change her name, He says by then We'll he quite bold, She won't mind the dirt, she'll be too old .-New York Press. Dinkeuspielers. Luck vas a good ding to trust in--if you ain'd got much of a. appetite. "Eire" s-il' few man vich Fan keep dare troubles to demselfs. Dot is vy ve haf so many polieemans fiiirG'iirthoot memories may be viser, but peoples mit goat forgeteries haf more happiness. _ Not for Him. Porknnd (of Chicago, showing friendl‘ his new residenee)---Now, what do you think of that for a. Lacey Quinsy dining- roomt I guess them Astor-Astor hotels ain't got nothing on that ,eh? Friend (from New York)-1 should say not.' By the way, you haven't shown me the library. irorkand---Li1o'ry'. Wake up, wake upt Why, Ctsrnegie's made 'em so common all _the best families are cutting 'em out! the best innunes are tutu”; w. -_-- --.---_----" Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Con tru,atrhtum, irtrstur dun other maps, but in but when and in the Sunlight wny. Buy Sunlight Soap ad follow direction]. TEE PROPER CARE OF A tmer. As to the guns. they must have at- tention occasionally throughout the en- tire year. I take it for granted that Four gun gets a good cleaning every time it is used, but this won't do for gun preservation for all times. Get dome one of the popular gun oils or great (all of them er good), and with a. soft wiper cont the inside of the barrel well, then dope the outside likewise with an oiled rag and put the barrels in the case with- out finger marks in the grouse, if pos- sible, for salt perspiration is a. hungry enter of steel. The stock may be ex- amined for scratches and these same m- pnired. The firing mechanism should be well oiled and the whole put away like the barrels, without finger marks, if possible. . But don't imagine this is going to ml enough of care for ten months or six months or one month even, oredyou m {likely to find a sadly disfigur shoot- lng iron when next you look st it. Heat 'will run the grease off from some put or other; dampness seems to hive o wsy of penetrating the thickest oil, and if thestr things happen rust is bound to luau biota on . finely finished surface. :speml . evening every other week, at but, looking over the gum-The Onto A' Equine for anusry. The Cautious Wm. (St. Louis Pout-DispebehJ "But," aid the miliiomtire tether the impecunious duke who had up . lawyer to “gist him in negotilti "how ar_yem expect to upped A Small Boy's Complaint. "NF""" . “I who to men” Bait g“, “by "viee of counsel." vol in ,segotiitidrts, to Inpport I! Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric. , . Sunlight Soap will not iniu,re was“! Sunlight Soap will not angure the most dainty lace or the hands that use it, because it is absolutely pure and contains no iniuriouichtmicaly . , Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Equally good with hard or soft water At the recent meeting of the international navigation congress at Milan some interest- ing data were furnished respecting the in- fluence which the destruction of torest ex- erts on the discharge ot rivers. A summary ot seven important papers read at the con- gress shows that it wee allowed by all the authors ot these papers that the removnl ot (crests, especially in hilly countries, he: a merited effect on the water suppy ot thet neighboring rivers. Where deiwestatlon hue taken place brooks have disappeared and smell rivers once furnish]: power tor mills have ceased to be sumcient for this pur- one. Canadian Will restore gra¥ hair to its natural color. Stogs tal ins hair, cguses to grow on bald hands, cures dandrutt, “chips and all scalp diseases. Contains no oily or greasy Ingredients. Not adye. Price " renta--To Introduce will matt 'trat order for so rents, coll or penal note. Address THE MERWIN CO., “Windsor. Ont. "Before you pass sentence. you nuuur. began the prisoner accused ot inehriation, “I would like to any that the arresting po- tie nun hit me with a. club." Frowning the Court demanded explan.tlott. “Mny it please your Honor," said the of- teier, "t found the man so full ot fighting whiskey that I had_to tap." THE PRESIDENT A SLAVE To CA- TARRH.--D. T. Sample, president of Sample's Installment Company, Washington, Pa., writes: "For years I was afflicted with Chronic Osman. Remedies and are-mm by specialists only gave me wmporaty relief until I was induced to use D. Agnew's Catmhnl Powder. It gave almost instant relief. 50 centa.-49 The Key to the Situation. While at his summer residence Mark Twain prepared one evening to take a drive, and expecting to remain out until late, told his hostler that he need not wait for him. He instructed the man, however, when he had finished his work to lock the stable and place the key under a stone, the location of which Mr. Clemens described with much exactness. $5 000 REWARD will be paid ' to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any lnjxurloun chemicals or ”my tom of ada amnion. When the humorist reached home after his drive, he was surprised to find that the key was not in the place selected. He was obliged to rouse the hostler, who explained, as he started for the missing key, "Mr. Clemons, I found a. better place to hide it." "fiis",rirrreivGsed as ekonerat "st-or-tod-ttsept,:.',',?',',)?":'."'""" Wm ”MUM Effect of Forest: on Riven. 0m 86mm Gold-Platodmtcl for $2.15 so d . St MEN'S OR BOYS‘ one:y n.‘\ 'sr.,',',',',. ,'2,hA',',erg,u FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN m ?tll,AtjiltllitiriU.tt.d.1ll.L..ht.r Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto FIBRE WARE ARTICLES bFange Biosaoms - wan - in“; 16- 63.8% "at: at an. a: as». we turn" In. on of our hand-om ”- ma witch chum. vi. Mann-up.an on: tur,."""'"-'"'"""" - m - ". Tmt' SPEIAL own m 2311'le M a - - W s- m - m In.“ an up. a o n. a“ Ott. - a". w.*'. Explanation Accepted. tphiladelphia Ledger.) you pass sentence. you Honor,' , prisoner accused ot lnehrlauon like to say that the arresting po' THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE INSET ON BEING §UPPLI- WITH .DV'S EVERY Tm. no WILL FIND THEY CW3 Tttq tbJWtSPACT'.0N BVIRY TIMI Ham Restorer. “you“. mint!”- B. ED DY'S on Thu oln- ood for today- all htth ttt :2-15 Your gong] book " not and MEN'S OR BOYS' SIZES. PLMN OR ENGRAVIXI. Thu hula-om. genuine gold-puma rush. thtrt model. open-tneed, mum“, can“ on back lib this cut, or period], pm- tar Wu. we will all i “.76. ma: I has an ttatt who. (at 21 du- 0.1!. Every 'Itch “not with “an“ moment. - .wlml Ind stun-on. MM. mt all. null "I but! Occur-u to the “and we gunned 09': pme_t_t__um. Imagine. you mt s - n.» MANUPACrURm't, DATED cum m mu! WATCH WI m. TM. wwmsWdRMm-n. Izvawm.u.mun-m,mu- "In t $15.1!) with. WI DO THIS To rue: mm WATCH DEPART- IIEFT Barron m "0.hlB. ISSUE NO, 9. Failure of Attempt The attempt to introduce s into men’s evening dress by t of braided trousers, double col plated shirt fronts has onde, Fashion is now compelling u the old and simple style. "The best way to dress in in to ovoid anything which d the settled rule," says Mm London. "Braided trouser " frequently seen as they ut, uraiuteoata are either black I cording to taste--if the latt ‘rich corded ssilic---but in any I \breuted. - "The use of gray evening may justly be classed us a game of taste, but it is not the better class or high sock “Plated fronts are trot w your; a dull patterning on tl" is sometimes seen, but a. plain with a single stud (gold or pe correct. "Double coat cuffs are no by my man careful of tlo yet double shirt cuffs and collar is a round-pointed lh "NY HEART WAS THUMPIIG MY LIFE OUT." is the way Mrs. R. H. Wright, ot uroekvmm Ont. dogmas Maur- terin- from um, fluttering and 'tatpt- munn. Amer trying many reman- Wt benefit. six bottle" ot Dr. Agnew’l Cum In? the Hanmmmd Mugabe: M no first dose gave almost Instant relief, all in u. day winning and agtoether.--6t he The picture post card invasion of the Holy Land has greatly curtailed the regular photograph business, although, the number of tourists hes induced from a few hundreds to many thoueendl annually. Last season there wu sold over half a million goat cord- in Jeru- salem, and Consul Ierrill, in n report to Washington, deploree the comequent. cheapening of art. The picture post cards sold in Palestine are made in Switzerland and. Germany, the whole sale price being from $2 to 812 per 1,000. Only a few o!.the finest At the ili'r'ii'ir $3233}? GU “REGULAR PRACrrrromtrt--artt ll- SULI.--Mrti. Annie C. Chestnut, d Whitby, was tor mandala I :11ch victim. but South Amado: Rheum Cur. ehnaed meson; trom“dupdr" to "joy" use - "I suffered untold My from "r-ttant-- doetoe's madden” did no no pod-two bob tles of South America Rheumatic Can and mo-relief two bout-ammo rm aes..."-" Every time we think ot his. teeth V. In reminded ot old Father Whining, Baptut prucher " Council Grove. He in punching one night when he _nbruptiy turnod " taco qu - w--- -- __,,,V,. - - in the direction ot the choir end sneezed. He sneezed awfully herd and then looked vie:- fully in the direction of the chain Hie (aloe teeth were lying under the arm stool. None of the singers were sellout enough to return the ghastly things. And Brother Whiting no compelled to Bo otter them. " won e morti- fying moment tor the mod all men. ‘AL, - ‘M Removel All Kurd, ooh or album lumps and blemishu {rein hams, Hood spavin, curbs, uplinu, ringbone, Ives-3y, nines, apt-inn, son nnd swollen than. coughs, etc. Sue $50 by use of on bot. tle. Warranted the wont wondorful Blo- ENGLISH SPAVIN ulillllllili'r an Cure cur known. Bible needed in the Pulpit. (St. Paul, Kan., Journal.) We hear much talk about putting the bible in the schools. If the cannon- PUB- lished in the newapapere may be taken as a guide in the bible should be put back in the pulpit first. SLAVES or "il ”luv-u. -e - _ 1y - no they used to nu are either black or whim to taste---if the latter. mm led ssiik--but in any event, Fi Big Vote Did Postural in the Holy Land. A, Modifying Moment. Dress. introduce g dress by 3. double 1 magma to Iteicra ttre no longer worn of the mode, ttor 1. and the correct .56.: an Count. society. ot common this m the stiff from. plain linen front or pearl) is more " fall Nuan- not observed i a co 1 the own? dorm-III ire wing." u are m mm the at l wa mm: 1906 Wt Io of 'irtgle kit Cl Th In: in ti M tn ma Me in tn frr FARMEP, F tr rnr The H b " it n " tl " th h d d don't un if Mort out could WIT W th Gerry an AN Al RISE? ATTEMPT Ill nmeue Nor m ton ud tt ese i

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