Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Mar 1906, p. 1

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ELL. AN HE epartment naps , .) '. orb' t l g n. fl. IVIUUALEK t a . .: .. L' BA, b _ tfi MM MM M 22, 1906 , the Tow-o 'y I-f Grey. . I? new. UN“, - on“. 0-. ““1131” fr m: nehoot i term. mgo. ‘9 n. " from tLI vto in! and "d. and In 100 It be III- In: o "' ll M? u. M- :t -----e_ . ii-il', Underwear, tiosiery, (Haves ii,'i,ii",'t James Ireland. a E§~eid¢7iiww WW WihiWhWihiWh 30% "2: MORE BARGAINS '-1'r-th-cr-r"51'-,1l,--.','-/-r-rki, frl_fyy." Lai; Fl','e,", 3133 y',D'l.',hl,'sl, F,','f,4,FlMWrleyllly,'l'lillFa'lt 3N 5il)XXly,'dill'li1'FiNilegfgtifl Ne (a: If. EEEEEEEEEEERE8EEEEEEEWEEE§ 5-5 VOL. XXVII. NO. 9 Ne have no more space to quote prices but come into our store and you will see Flannellettes. Wrapperettes, Ginghams, Prints, etc, all marked down in big. red letters to amazingly small prices. This is a genuine bargain Sale. y veryone is convinced as soon as they see the goods and we quote prices. TERMS: Cash or Produce (highest pnces paid.) -, F" large sizes, won th my. éélling at . . . . . . .450 per garment Other lines in Wamen's and Chlldmn's Underwear reduced in proportion. We have a stock of over 1000 garments. IIOtilERY---25c and 30c lines reduced to It'?, nor pair. We have fllled a table with these goods--- navy Wool Worsted and Fleece-lined Stockings and marked all (me price, 19c. Extra heavy ribbed worsted Hose reduced tram 50c to 390 per pr an prs Ladies' and Children‘s Glovee. worth 250 to Oe, at 0 per pr c, pr Lndies' Swede and Cashmere Gloves, were 500, now 0 per pr Kid Gloves reduced also. . Overcoats Su-v-uul pieces szmy tweed Suitings. 50 in wide, red from $1 to 500 y d 1 piece onlv navy blue .. " .. 1.25to 75cyd 2 pin-es navy and brown tweed effects .. tb 1.50to We yd J, pieces Dress Goods. venetian: and fanr‘ys. ted. from 75. 85etoi50e yd H .. him-ks and colors, worth 45: to 75c. tor. . .25c yd Io .. worth me to 300 for. . . ..15c yd or 7 yds for $1.00 $15 coats for We have nearly all lines reduced but have space to quote only two in each department. 1.30 garments Ladies' Underwear, worth 25c lo 400. at Im, garment 2w .. .. regular and extra --. People are wondering and inquiring " now can we sell the goods at the prices we do. " We answer " we're . overstocked." We bought too much. better to lose something now, and get the ready cash (which we can turn over and gain back what we have lost before next season) than to keep the goods. 10 coat. for...... 7 7y ll " .... . . th5t 10 odd coate 2.50 to 'tie Eta; RITFS. SII‘FFS AND CAPS. We want to sell every one and every one will go at an extra special price. Prices Slaughtered SALE TERMS-GA or P, aple Dry Goods, Fancy Dry Goods, Drum Goods 6y Suitings, Embroideries, Ribbons, Boots and Shoes, Carpets ty Linoleums, Hats ty Caps, Tweeds ty Worsteds, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Gloves ty Hosiery, Trunks ty Valises. Blankets, Prints, etc. As our time for quitting this store draws nearer, we are more anxious to clear out our stock. Moving goods is a very costly business-ies easy to move the cash. For this reason we are cutting prices so as to make the whole stock do the quick exit act. Come with the crowds and Remember in the Dress Goods Dept. Red Letter Sale Cost not regarded now. Only a few Furs left .811 30 Y) CLOTHING CUT PRICES RULE ON EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE. Nearly all this season’s goods-- per- fect fitting & up-to-dnte _--..-------- BUY. 'roduce at Market Prices iliihtitlit, $153 Suits for. . . .81150 Many odd suits, $4, 85 ll 10 GREAT Noxt the i own Hall RE - =.~, OWEESQ Iflllfir4 iiiiliiiiii8trltll! ii Special hat-km in Men's rubbers a MURDER Arrig.stPrmx--0wen Sound had a sensation last week. almost end- ing in murder. A farmer on the way home at night with 8h50 in his pocket received tor produce. was treacherously assaulted by a. young man whom he had ohliginglv picked up. He wouldn't sit with the farmer. preferred to stand back in the unzgon and at alonelV place on the road a shot went through the farmer; hat. The lad said it came from the outside and while Morrison, ( the victim ) was trying to manage his frightened horses another shot struck him in the face destroying his right eye, Blinded, he told the lad town to abouse for a light, still unsuspecting, hat the lad had gone. Morrison un- hitched, mounted his horses and let them take him home, where powder marks proved the sh its had been fired at close quarters and undoubtedly by the boy, whose nerve had failed him. He has been arrested. He's an im- ported waif, 18 years of age and hue al.. ready 3 bad _ettnracterhaviiitt served two terms In jail. See an inside page. i A on 0 corn arrived at. Matthews and Latime 's. Farmers will tind prices jisrht. ! Right: grades, ttovernmentstandard clover 1d timothy at MacFurlune‘e ', Drug Sm . j MacFarlane's Gr: tablets if taken in _timeare guarantee o break up a cold E In 21 hours-Keep a 1): ready. Gone To TttrAta,--air Irwin of the Chronicle was in Owen Sound on Satur- day undergoing "Examination for Discovery.” preparatory to the trial to come off next week. The case was en- tered against him by Chemist Ludlow of the Cement Works for alleged defa- mation of character in articles publish- ed in the Chronicle some months ago during the heat of the controversy w hether certain materials were mud or marl. The feeling in town is pronoun- ced in favor of the defendant who no doubt thought he was acting in the public interest as a journalist. The case heinz suli-jndice comment is de- ferred. Dunn and McKay for Plaintiff, Trlford, Kingston and Lucas for De. fondant. MORE THAN HosonAnLe.--An inci- dent occurred last week which we can- not refrain from mentioning. though the hero of it We are sure would be the last man to sanction publicitv. Mr Malcrlm McInnes of the Gravel Road bought a horse for " good round sum at Commissioner Neil McCannel's sale, and by some mischance it died next day. Mr Mr-Cnnnel called on Mr Me- Innes, and was assured that no hliune was attached to him in the matter. Mr McCannel did not mink soeither, hut insinted on bearing the loss. and handed back to Mr McInnea the note he had given at the sale. A transaction such as this quickens our faith in ha. man nature. STILL A J. P.-Atttong theiiat of J P's for Egremont published Feb 8, was the muue Samuel Slmrrut. Nobody knew him. It turns our, somebody at head quarters hlusuiered for it was mean" for Samuel Stem" Queen, "thun. 309911" for sltort.. everybody knows 1m. FUR MITT LUST w tvven the Sung- Peu Midge: east of to n and Hunks- an coy-nor. a human skid nitt. Finder will oblige by having: ith Jun. Me- Queen. was! of the Mid( ugh House. orat Don. MacFavlane's, unessan. When Liniment Won errulis ruhlned in an swellings and sti ass disappear. Try it-fully guarantee at Mac-Fan'- lane’s. (folds are Him-o- " ‘ll\' mken when the “WT is sluggiwh. Keep your live, right. by taking Carr. little liver pills 2 for 25 as a. Muclaruue's. PIE AND ox SocrAL.--At Elwnezor School, nea Vithers on Friday, 9th inst. A gmr row-um. Admission 10e. Ladies lningin ies or boxes free. While we hav" the honor Af having the onlv lady ‘mplemvnt agent in Ont. Markdale h hound to be up to 113m having u lady who issues marriage li- vouses and is an insurance agent-a Miug Kells. J. L. Flam. is now in a position to suit pvpry boy Durham with a suit from 6 to 14 yen old. \ The Great- lest Life Insurance Com- panyaftords the highest security and pays the largest profits to poliey hold- PPS. W. F. Drrtis, Agent. All art-111mm nht settled‘ .will he placed In other han Hm. CHEAP FLO .--watson, the brker, in advertising igh and» Manitoba flour " 81.75 t 85.00, The verybest Ogilvle’s Royal usehold is $5.25. On Friday March 2nd. an evening's Pntertai pent will ho Risen in School Home N l Nurnmnhy, Agnod pro- gram is b ing “ranged. Refresnrnentg will he sen ed. Admission W. 7 FARM HoRshur=--F3outh half Int tyt Con 18 Pp Normanhv. fine buildings. Must be sold. Apply to Arthur H. Jacks In, Durham. Holstein Football Club has re-orgam- ized for the rnming seam" with Dr Brown, Pre. E. E. Kelis as Captain and have dvlerminvd to make thisn notable year for them. 10 APPRENTICES wrsreD.-ay, Ite.rn the Millinerv trade. Apply at Miss Dick's showrooms, Lamblun St. Special hargxnnq in Men's rubbers and cruvenette coat t J F'latity's Thorough Bred stock for snip. Apply to Wm M_orriaon. Edge Hill, Ont. DURHAM, THURSDAY. MARCH l, 1906 MRS A thm ETT. March lst for collect. 'iliil flttittt). [iii ‘Wx‘fif‘afific‘mvé‘é TORONTO Two delegates will he Bent to the C. L. A. annual meeting on Good Friday, one chosen by the team, and other by committee. Steps were taken to secure the use of the hand stand, which after renovation would make a suitable club house. The Brat match will probably take place on Victoria Day, which will be I utilized an dar of spouts. Ae previous] announced. thin year the Durham lacrosse club made an early start, holding their organization meeting last Thursday evening, before any other in this neighborhood. In several ways. this isa benefit; more tune " available for practice. securing uniforms. collecting. etc., enthusiasm is sooner aroused and chiefly, it avoids the uncertainty and crush of work of the last few dam, before the Annual G. L. A. meeting, as: was shown last year. A brighter outlook is before the club than for several seasons hack. and we expect this Fear to see our team again enter the tremi-tinals, perhaps go further. The draft of ofrieers drawn up, was with slight. changes, elected. Thelist is as follows t Hon. Pres- -R. Manllimus Hon. is! Vice Pres.--). Jamieson. Hon. 2nd *6 --Dr Hutton. Pteident-.J. A. Darling lst Vice President-Tho, Livmgstoue 2nd " --A. A. Canton B_ecrettut-W. F. Dunn Ilrettsttrer-/r, Mavlnr hunager--P, Irwin. L'ommittee--P. Gannon. P. G. A, Webster. G. L. Hughes, H. H, Mocklpr. C. Miehlbauaen. A. B. Jackson. R. Col. ville, W. C. Pickering. u. McCracken, W C. Vollet, J. S. Drysdale. McLEAs--Mc.MrrarsN - At Presbyter- um Manse. Lewiernn. Montana, on January 2Oh 1906, by tho Rev. H. Quickendeut. Mr. Arch. McLean of Pum- Grove, Forums County. Mon., to Christena McMillan. daughter-of Mr. Malcolm McMillan. South Line. Art- emesia. MortrrsrFn-.CRAwsortn, At tho resi- dence of the bride's narenm. Durham. Muss Marrr -t Crawford oldest dnnzh- ter of Mr.,. d Mrs J. W. Urawfnrd. to Mr John S Mortimor, of Winnipeg. TTrrtsos--McDosArnv-At, Boothville, on mm inst. by Rev J. A. Matheson. PriceviHP. Jamaa A. Wilson. of Ite- gina. to Katie McDonald, of Booth- C, O. F'.-ju'dnxr ovttoinie Inci- Court Durham of tho C. O P. had thoirstrw mml hanqnat in C.older.'s_ Hall and if it wax mnre of a '0tr'PPRe than mum! it, mud he ntfv-ihntnd to tho nrpconmnf thplud?" whnfnrmod bltheromoanv. Fotlowrrur tho fnnthn-nma nvctpr Gunhm‘ GanPd um hv r-ntnrnv Goo Stincnn thore worn gun-nae. much- nnd sang nonh‘ilm- for] hr Mar-were H. W. “rudder. G. Frnno, Ed MoCtoetrlio, F, Irwin. (‘l'ma Saund- PY“. Rohe TVatr. Mtttse Mookler. Mrs: R. Smith. Mr TJnyd crave msvsarttl fr'oo up. lootions on the aramnnhnne. Dr Hm- ton wan in tho Muir. Aftor "God SRVF tho Rina” aha"! rnidniehe tho vnnthfnl nnrti'm of tho c-nmnanv ad- .inurmod to tho Town Ha” and spent a while in the dance. Co.. to attend tho annual mentinsr of tho Hangman (Vn-u.nnrnfivp C,oneorn of whir-h thv are) nmvieinnnl direetotm.- o. M. Advm'ticpr. Norrcm.-Ait a? nts (in: the undnr- "izned not ambled h ash m- note. hv Samrdav. 3rd Marv will ha handed into the Divieion Cour. or callominn. A. GORDON. Dr Burt. ROOF, Net, in dilemma of the Eve Ear. NM!) " Throat. will he at the Middanzh Ho e, Durham. for Cort.. euttsatlon on Wo oerhv, Mrtreh 7th. from 10 to tp. m. Eves tested and chm as ttted. Panpnn'rv Humans --Mr. Goo Wil. can ha: Lnnqhi Hu- Rahal-Venn nrnnprtv in Unnnr ann whinh manna, we pre- nnmn. than the town mr;lt law no: ('ifizona Maser-c.1411)" and Arrh Rnhbrt-nn and cieipr Mica Anni'a, who with thssie tout- nntc have ‘mnn an long Hammad with Durham and S. Grov. H> rnqrof ain- ('PIQIY tn Inn-o thom an naiqhhnru. hut Wirth for than: avm‘v Mucr'oeR m what, evor new sphnrp fhev mnv came to. A vnrv nit-mum? ram-3a] (waning wnq held in Humor”: Halt, Tunedav. hv tho CO.C.F' Quin: " him nrnzrnm nf van] and inetrnnwmnl mueie. road, inza, Mn, was ran-iorud hv momhm-z or tho oooi " and Whore. after which tho wants: of thr innor man wow Minndad IO m Rood 'ttsrlo. Mr Allan was in tho chair. Mosot_ Goo. Binnie and A P. Arm- II't-nnv ommfvandutnrc. warn ensue“! nmriallv in town hat wpelz and trot thssir work wan m hand nn Hafurdav night. Mr Rinnin loft vectordav for Hamilton nrrrtrrtrvtoiod hr Mr J. J. Arurqtrontrof MnMiHan, Armch'nng & NoTrti-All not! nfs due to the late flrro of Shawn" an Lonnhan must he settled before March r costs will he in. curred. The upper town boys. (6 to 9yenra) hum command-d “a to aav thesr ham the lower town have " m to 8 at. base- hall. w. nhnv. If vnu want the line up. imply to Ray lyrquharson. rm, Houses'tn Let-- ne 6 room and one 8 room. Has Fur co and hath Apply to w. Black. Manna}: APPRENTICEB WAN'ruo. --Appiy at P. tdorloek'ts. Call in, bd ' and take a look at iriat- ity'a new an 1p to date suits. Mlle. The Durhams Reorganize SHEWELL \ND LENAHAN. MARRIED fled to thi; large pm: he ha the hearts of his townsmen. I ot, Rev Mr McLaughlin held a able service. tesLifymg to the deceased had on the eternal spoke comfort to the mourners pressed thelivine within reac voice. Deceased was prominent i circles and his: brethren in supplemented by nine or ten f ham and a few from other p} at house and Rrnee. and wan‘ their weird and impressive I vice. From Durham there Were p W. D. Mills John H, Hunt“ cliff. D B. MacFarhne. J. P. , Wm. Ualdweli, R Mt-Umcken. Cl nge. Geo. Meikle. Jas. R. Gun. I Mrs Raymond Jackson, and but roads. 3 sea of mud. may more have been present. The funeral on Sunday last tributeof respect to his memory thronging citizens. the numeroua ofrerinrf, the warm expressions I my and regret on every tride, a! (L. ., . -- ' . - by his widow. one son. Georg itor of The Post, and twod Mrs W. G. Clendeninz. of and Mlsa Edna, at home. ' Mitchell, of the Clinton News a brother of the deceased." From the Globe of Sat urdny last, We extract the following: " Deceased was born in the village of Arthur 53 years ago. and about 35 years since be. came a. resident of this town. In 1889 he purchased The Post. which, under his able management. became one of the most widely-tend and influential local weekliesin western Ontario. He was a man of the strictest integrity and was held in the very highest esteem by his fellow-townsmen. He is survived by his widow. one son, George H., ed- itor gr, Tllie Post, and two daughters, “no I‘I4_J - I - Frulay last the death took plm‘pnf Mr John Mitchell, the well-known Pub- lishvr of the Hanover Post. Just two weeks previous he had been in theof. lice as usual but took a chill which re- sulted in pneumonia, whith in spite of all care and skill. has resulted in death. He was 53 years of age. and. humanly speaking. seemed good for manv years yet of useful citizenship. MrJohn Mitchell. of the "Post" pas ses Away. The Directors while in town had an informal conference with members of the Town Council as to the disputed taxes, but, we have not heatd If a de- ci-ion was reached. Some compromiw of the matter as far as 1905 is concerned should be made at once. Since Willing the furegning. Mr itolrt. Curran has been appointed manager Proteus. He has had experience in other mills and is a. competent machin- ist we understand. Several of the other men hulk of resigning and A spirit, of un- rest iaohnervuhle. which the Ulrecmru will no doubt wisely meet. Pres. Mc\Villimns was in Toronto on Monday in mnterenre with Mr Hoyle aver the suit_ with the Poisons, in an “but to arrive at, a aetllemén't of are differences between them and the com- puny. w ,.._ __ , ....‘ "r""'""'" and thinks the saving'in coal. wages. etc. will amount. to about 830.001t tb year. This we think is too may apic- ture. hut that. the savmg will he con- siderable id undnuhted. and com he n.0- t'otttplished without injuring the pro- duct in quality or quantity. In this latter ruspert we are even in look for more and an cement seems likely to run from 15 tc 20 cts a barrel higher than last year thtre.appeatq to he agood prospect of a dividend at last. Some changes nave been made in the omce staff. Mr Maitlnnd. o. Sound. takes Mr Ehrhnrdt't, place after the first of March, at a salary of '900.00 and asks‘ we believe. for only one or at misattwo “shunts. The saving here will he considerable. No change. has been made in the ohemNtin the mean- time, Mr Ludlow's agreement being a yearly one, expiring in August. The. important position of Manager was of- t'ered Mr John Cliff. " local man. who has been a prominent foreman at the works since their inception. Mr Chit attepted, but has since rewigned t the salary was mine 81200. He is purpos- iug to leave for the West in the Spring. A radical change is to he made at tl.e .. Wet end, " where a new treatment is m he accorded the clay. Instead of be. inq Kiln-dried. ground and wet again. it Is to he treated in the wet. and the change as can be imagined will save a lot " cunl.--seveml tons a dar-and not only so will require 70r8fewer men to "penile. This may not he Rood news to workmen, hut it in certainly in the interests of shareholders. Director McLaren is quite ontitniutie President Me Williams came down the day before. and‘ in company with Director Mekeehaie and Mr Woods. went through the plant with a critical eye. noting where improvements were desirable and feasible. All the Direet. or: took an uncommon interest In the mill now under their charge. for better. for worse. for happily all thought of moving has vanished and We believe one and all of them are determined to carry out, the maudate of the sharehold- ers and make the mill a success where it th. The firtrt meeting in Durham of the new Director: of'the N. P. C. Uo.. W»: held last week, Evolvone of the seven were recent. and ail seemed pleased with JI') results of their ttret confer- ence. A Shake-up at the Cement Works Hanover Mourns. nine or ten from rd. as. R. Gun; irriiiii non, and but for the l many more would expressions of sor- every trlde, all testi- plnca he hagqheld in - __'..- vul- I other planes, met and Went through massive burial ser- uuuuV last WAS a his memory: the a numeroua tioral eternal vetitiee, en. His Giil held an admin 30 tht hold the “FPS and it"; reach of his W Chicago; Mr W. J. 's-Record is in_5nusomc '. TeffGi, Harlow-n 11...; Dur: I '." All goods bought " Keelor's will be engraved {nee ofchai‘ge. . I: known to all people for miles around Durham as being the money- saving plnce to buy. Evervbody knows where to bring a Wuch or clock to have repaired right. " I rittht price. We don't sell DryGoodI but we do sell more than three pan of the Jewellery that is sold ground Durham. Come with the crowd to the Buy Score on the Busy Corner. Keelers Mammoih Jewellery Store R. B. Keeler Three mares. (mu m (on!) and one Clyde ffliy, lining 2 y old. Aim 't few acres of timbered ti mp, prim-innllv cedar, tummy-nu- and p e. For further particulars apple to -- _ THURSDAY. 15 MArtcH.-..-J, Lnndeln Marshall, lol, 13. Gun 3. Norumnhy. will cell on above date Farm Shook and Implements. No reserve. 12 man. credit. tr per cent diqcnnnt. D. M('PIIAIL. Aucliunour. HORSES tte TIMBER FOR LE. Taunsnn'. 8n: MARcrg.--John A. Benton. Lot It. (30:14. N. " R.. Glen- elg. will sell on va0 date. Farm Mock Itnplemenuand Haunt-hold Furniture. ANo a quamity of Stovowood. No re- serve. 10mm. credit. 5 per cent dis. Count. Wednmrday, "id, March, Rum Adams. Lot M, (Jon 3 Etrremot, will sell, stock, implmmmn. and hnusvlmld funilnre. 12 mus credit. G per vent cat off. Sale at, 12 o'clock mum. Next, week W0 will puhrusts a detailed list. Thin is the title of a New Storv begin- ning in the Review this week. Said no be of gram excellanm- and intmrmting tothe end. We want manv now read- ers for it and for the local and 291mm] news of the Kevin? and will send the paper to Jan. I, M107to Iww nulw-rihern for 75 Ni. Let your tteiRhtlror know. Spud to-day and get the whole sun-y. -----_------- Tho annual meeting at the Durham Furniture (in. was he” an F"iduy last. The following WPI'P "lerred 10ivrartotst Dr Juniosnn. J. Mr. Crawford, N. Mr. Imyre, A. W. H. Lrtitdep. tt. Livuin. A. H. Jackson. Jun. H. Hunter, Wm. Calder. R. MM'FArlnnv‘. Geo. Swirling. oftlrio for tho running your are: (Timur- man. A. W. H. Lnudrr l President. Dr Januieson. M. P. P. '. Viva Prom. J. w. Crawford I Rrwsr.. A H. Jack-nan l Man- ager and Supt. A. A. (Damn. The Board of Directors meet the first, Tuesday of euh nmmh M TMO p. m. The finnncirU titatemeut. in prrpnrod by Auditor. was read und pasmed and the by-iaw for ittttenriitte the number of Di-ectnrs was adopted. A Irv-law Wm: nlsn ndonlml fixirur the ('hwing of the Financial year my June 30. the un- nual meeting to he held the third Fri- day in August. A verv hopeful feeling prevailml an good progress hu bum m ade man- the fire. A shipment of minds to Dundee). Scotland, VIM made thin week and the men are working overtime. It in the same! Mr wiluon that deliwhh ed every one with bin lecture on John G. Paton'tt work in the South Hm Islands Fate for tho round trip 15 on. child- ten 10 var-ti. The Lecture will he given in the Um 1mm Town Hall, on Thursday. March ftth, at ft p m. The lecture will he enlivened by the emu/inn while. illustrated. much songs as " The Maple Leaf." bk Loch Lomond," 60 Ye Banks and Renee." etc. Under the nun-pica of the Presbyter- inn Ludiea' Aid Society the Rev. Thou. Wilson of Walker-ton. hy means of over 100 Lime Liam. View. will take. the, audience an a trip around the world. After visiting some of the lending ritiel of Canada. and the United Slates. we shall take one of the large ocean ale-m- ers from New York visiting Scotland. Ireland. England. France. South Africa India, Italy. ane. Palestine. Pun. mm- ing back by the Pacitle, over the Ruck- ics to starting point. Round the World for IS Cts. Your neighbor". scribe- you melt: a bar hon-own nu him a gentle {in name. Sun you hie and gives to fuctinn. 75e to pear. Send all o CHAS BAHAGE. Pawn an Punuun. Don't Borrow The Review Annual Meeting. Sale Regnstcr Won at Last. I gives-both better not“. . 75c to the end of the Send all orders to neiuhhor'o RRVIIW: cub- muruelf; or. if your nowh- u-owa gourd. kindly give rentde int to send an bin ture. you time and Inn- Jana CLARK, Auctioneer -0- ----- Asoua' McCquncx. Rocky Baugeen, D Mt-Plun'l. Au Durham ' On!

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