Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Feb 1906, p. 3

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l6, KMETRICAL. u,“ my Inoth'n I”. “ wit-M m- LINMENT " "r, l 906 ke Identifies tt weency. th roat, mo bot, tut Bu. he purpos 'iat'tr litter Wand blood new other teal partn 'etor citi his the all " 00 " at 4 BATTLE Bl PARIS CHURCH. The eviction of tho remainder of tr.? crowd resulvtnl in the injuring of many panama on both sidw. including " P" licemen and guards. and . still high” number of the militant Catholics. During tho struggk- some of tho M had their rifles matched tram than. am: they Jte,', with their hands Wtepeo ,someofwhomwere a“ with uranium . W of the Urrieades erected More “‘m was 30 feet high. The orwrgetie measured» ta-lun by the police haul th" otreet of almost cont- ptetely clearing tin- vhurch. expeet at the altar. where a few of the congre- gation and some young priests stood 'let".', hmndishim; nicks. These were a! wad to remain. ',%rni2,,iom,t. prim-min] to take the ht. wntory. The t'atholir, outside were pinging eantieleq. wounded. itrsido gregation mad. " hit-h had to while the men After the church The Trouble: Caused a Row in the Chamber of Depuzies. o mt '1 ll" Riot Over Government Inventory of the Contents. tln Polite Had to Storm Barricades and Clear Building. for pr: uh "tttment and ex ents Fauniiy d the buy learnm a divorce court the tlituvgrveme he would new: ll" llu tai Pa r is New“; N. Y., "Iakesley, 'sixteen wealthy Waterhur Ontario Power Father PARENTS Iyshiiiiiji'jii,r"-'-"' SON TOOK ms llflf. y "tluis Pat heti wins-max Mat h Church Was Cleared. n ' Iurcettnt.vetttce m ' and Mother in Divorce Court, He Became NIelancholy and Committed Suimde. “pa thd building. One of “Him-n was soverNy " the church the cm:- oroeted harrieades, be taken by assault. n and women fainted. n haul been eieared the 11H" The nth-mph of 1lov o take inventories c. 28 Roman (hthalb it] Jt "up , ffrn y Feb, I; [mums mleml t, Ons to E hottaw a ’wer Company Entertains Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. M kit' " INN rhwh‘i luv ha, Il ot ngims wow or. usition new the I: na-ounry to {win obstinatcly w. mu‘ " sho wi ng ration. "Ix-mm: Mt " an tml the muni- . to onter the var of bl'ukru to down the and municipal " M) lit ith the kl State injure mrroumlml the tou ll wu s rou- ll t' Republican ith hastih' an»: In Mm t fit Ire,'t Frederick D. " " Such nan Wd _ an th ml RT 'n in kit Ills " In " " H ll h W In,- “H 5 I <u-udib‘ risir 'i', poor) to In M. Lupinv . s!vs. He wt _',", lbw-1. t'lnair I' it'trl lighted A' " An inventory is to be taken"to.mor. row in the church at Belleville. the tar, newt in the working-clans quarter. which in strongly antrelerienl. If the opposi- tion is renewed there, there will likely be a trounter-demortstmtimt, with prob- ably worse results. r C' " burt hum unm- Hu- ",urvuft won- being eountod tln l'uiilv'ul fr“. driwu to their Mar. n-ingcu implored Divine mt'rcy on the sumuuu'y. Among the devout were 3121!“) fashionably dressed women, some actually hum-ling at the prudvlln. Nru-rul pritssts and smile men who Warn physimlly vrrgaged in it told the vru'r",pott:lvtit, that the fight. while It The c'ltrgy,,smrkirr.s,r to reduce tjlte form-vnt. had withdrawn. The Gown:- ttttsth, agent, notebook in hand, was quietly prooeeding with the invontory. It, Was In piPturv of a church captured in war and held by an overwhelming forms. While the ,aprtilst m-n- being eountod tln idiik‘h' fl‘“. J.rivo to {Muir I'lur The clergy ferment. had m mvt. " gen t ' "ll m:- nppnuwhvs “are hold by .pMim :url HupuUIiu-nn "uatus. 'mounted and abut. No one 'tttir animal to approach. Within the church numerous poliee and gunnlqm-n held the doors and. occupied tr., HzH'I's and aisles. while tho faithful inn-it in the 011:"in and even on thr, altar stops responding to the “nary nailed by a print. In the wntre of the nave. where "tood the catatalquu of the late Pre. univr Wahietkh'ousieuu, was a ton-fun pile of brokvn chairs. Similar piles were in the aidw. ”lattice A fiery scene inthe The tttnttcl oi the Elect} wont Company of Hamid-a rim-tn! by tho, vngim-s-w. that this vmlumny. which 1 125.000 Inmi-u-pmvcr, will In um: fall. pa " mum Hm c H bu i hli Pa:. will shortly h:. hunt next \‘N'll. and “on! th, l of this trunk-tfurmor-hnu a tlinitw-room. Arter (limmr tho huh The Hamlin“ Niagara Power Com, puny is made to build an elaborate ornamental bridge for its structure mum its intauu. And in countless ways the powm' eonrptrrfuss which pay retttals to the vormnisirn are made to beautify tho park until when the work in done tu. lira1lia.n bank of the Niagara for wrmul miles al,ove the falls: will he trcrh. to r:'pivsrnt. llu- nvwect art of lunlwalm gunk-Hing on a wry liuv" 11mm The contain many buildings. Thmtebuikl- lugs will lx- wurruundvd by purely park conditions. Green lawns, graded ter- l:l:'l'~'v, shantlrs and flower bed.,. will covor alum»: all the :u'rmgv. In bun-ling its big soreen-hou,ie at the intake of the Ontario Power Company, tlw company is made to mtmuunt the structure with a pillar“! tromenade for the ttmit of vis. itors. 'l'f:\ uwrllnv hou.w of this com- pany will hr con-I'm] with a structure for H.1- "up of visitors. the plans for l'l'f mm .my "rs"Tow 1mm inst ml can be prepared in this kitchen. Even the cuffee is made by electricity. Thu dinner was a feature of a. not. able visit to the power companies on the ('aumdia-n side by the entire body of Cattadian mginmcrs. who came to Nia. gara Fall, an a special train. Qm-x-n Victoria Niagara Falls Park. win-r0 the pawn plants are built will contain many buildings. Timur build. " wing for ita capacity about 40 horse- pom-r. Eyury article that can be cook- H tt u-vi Lq-mv. to prevent. further 12:- uptinn ot' th" inventory, placed a he rank ot' guards, armed with w. atound the vimir. The commis- 1:r Huh “an ambled to [mused t " work. :I. m dom " " installing. b vlwtriml 1. alis‘trilmti ”(ANT (Io shortly ho mi1W'rt, and In Like Church Captured in War, h .I ll l' . (limwr tho hymn-clear l‘mmdinn Niagara Pow as. impm‘vl. This, mm] 10.01)!) units installed Ws' om t m ‘H , W Jiitl m-ling; at the prudvlla. au'v,ts and mum: men who ally vugngml in it told the " that the fight. while It mm of the hottest. Chaim luv i null directions, and It ml that. only small tlamago Thaw pt-rmns who “1-11? Irriml off in stretelwrs to the :~1'~hnlrw of the Cmiari , J) s',itrt first viAted by Um tti't'iU. ii, was an!" that Ins Hirer 10,000 Mug: 1' "mm invitalled and ‘lling. ft i, dug-'igllml fu ~hruwn for the first' time in :tuthorit'us got pm mantra! a cnrimw nplc had boon driven out I to provont, further 1::- It h (lo-dulled in Ihnrunlunuzr units. ion station of tin-A nupany. whence :1 _ slet to Syramhu "'t'ty th, nu: tittty.tl Elect rim I "rada was Cuts, a-myxpxzzv haw "stalk-:1 and two le wa m' war It i m-n'tml "(an 1tt Uin etrie plant m'cu' l' t tV of De. Du w t hen 91w: Neal and two tt Its "tit a fur “ion W Wits lop in FLY HI 1'ltarlotetown, P. E. I., Feb. G.-At tt plebiscite election held to-day in, Prince county, a majority of over eleven bun- dred in M out of 48 polhs decided in fa. vor of repealing the Scott Act and intro. ducing prohibition, wnich is now in force in Charlotte alone, but by Virtue. of the ctatut'e comes automatically in force in other sections of the island when the Scott Act is repealed. The above major- ity will he .itaere_tmtd when the full to- wnn m in. Liquor interests fought Ite to retain the tkott Ant. Ind {my BMW conducted an aggressive (inn. F. Taylar, aged 23. with whom [when had been rooming at a Norfolk {origin}; house. where the murder oc- curred. has fled. The crime is laid to him. and the police are now bending owrv energy to capture him. Large Majority Given for It County, P. E. I. Robbery is suppbsed to have been the motive for the crime. . Doisen was from Bremerton, Wash. lm-n purehascd by the alleged murderer, into which it is thought he intended to pack the murdered man’s clothing and ship the whole away from Norfolk before tho murder could be discovered. Former U. S. Marine Killed for His Money. Norfolk. Va., Fob. li.-mto murdered body of Walter P. Dalian. aged 20 years, (liwhargml from tho I'nitod States marine corps here on Saturday last, after an honorable sorviprs of five years. “as to-day found in a trunk which had Cidu in; conditium, which have wrought up public seutiuwnt to a pitch not be- Im'u known. It. “as announced by the Stalin‘s Ai- tm'm-y that eight judges would sit in tho (‘riminul Court and cuuloavor to rimu‘ up the calendar. which includes the (11in of no men and women charg- ”.1, with murder and attempted homi- Chicago is Endeavoring to Check Crime Wave. tl Twenty Years May See the Realization of Montreal, Ottawa and Georgian Bay Canal, Says Mr. Ernest Mar- ceau Before Civil asaighteers. Tovonto Kspatvh: The Canadian Soci. my " Civil Engineer-m now holding their twentieth annual meeting in Turouto, 1r'ffy,?'y, purred a. resolution that theirJ i mmncil be imtructed to represent to thel Urzninimx 1loveymncntt the necosqity fer nun: complete eo-urdinatiun of various '11'o"ys voutluvtml by it< depnrtnmnts and the securing of permanent records, and the ultimate establishment of n. gen- eral tufmgraphie and geodetic .survey seheine. Another reanlntiun supported the (lovtwuntent'r, reforestation scheme, and the v,itolylishtuent of a Dmnininn Selmul of Practical Forestry. It was aim resolved to form a branch of the society in Toronto. horrm'tive papers were renal by W. Bell Dawson an "Tide Level“ and Da- tum Planes on the Pacific Coast of Can- adn." and by W. J. FramG on “Hydrau- lic Lurks on the Trent I'anal.' A paper nu "Torouto's, experienee with emuluits'. \tith a tiedel'lpliml of lllt‘lllthisl adopted in laying the six-foot elm-l eun- i unit." had liven prepared by C. L. Fel- luwez. but in the ahwnee of that, gen- tleman was read by City Engineer Rust. 'l'lu address oi the retiring President. fhme.it Marceau, was on "The Origins. at" I thu. Canal 'System.' llnr system. althnugh pretty complete, is not yet perfected. and the next twenty 3mm would likely see the realization of the 3loulrval, Ottawa and lienrgian Hay Cotmi. which is well under way. “After them immense works ~lmll have luin ex- pended at a pruhahle «wt of another kllitlJlleltm Cauuda will he juutit'iod in mlling' a halt in her eaual csrtritrttvliorr."l ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS SPENT; MORE TO BE EXPENDED. Everywhere in Franco the actual putting into operation of th" clan-e "t' tho Church and State Separation "ill. whieh provides for the making of invert- torivs of tho property of the chum-hos has amused a wtorm of protest. in WV- t-ml provincial parishes Cntholier, new? gnthorvzl in thv ohurvhw and made mob "tromp: resistance that the Crovermuout trou.rtui.oiiunvrr, “we unable to outer. puties resulted from the occurrence, M. Allard, a. b'ocialist, attacked the Govern. !ment. “is speech was hoowd and up- ‘plaudeu by the rival factions until pan- j demonium reigned. Prime Minister Rou. viine made a baef speech, in which he [declared his determination to apply the Separation Act firmly, but in the most liberal manner possible. He scouted tne 9 suggestion that the country was on the verge of a religious war. The riots, he i said, were far more attributable to a new sire to provoke political agitation than] to a wounded Catholie conscience. I The protect of the Department of the, Seine has issued an order to the clergy instructing them to give up the keys of their churches. and adding that in cam! of refusal the commissioners are in- structed to call on the armed furevs for assistanecu After more uproar and a temporary suspension of the sitting. confidence Mas voted in the Government by a majortty of 182. FOUND BODY IN TRUNK, PROHIBITION CARRIED. CANADA’S CANAlS. HOMICIDE RAMPANT. (I I . TORONTO in Prince Interest of Money to Purchaser: of Agri- cultural Lands. chioer has the oirtion" of surrende'ring the farms and obtaining but hi. pur- ging money, less the Inn paid for in. London, Feb. 5.--The provisions of the Australian new land bill, which has become law, contain an offer on the part of the Government to those selectors of agricultural forms who pay the whole purchase price, to my 5 per cent. interest on their money for a. period of five yeere', when the pur.- chaser has the optic? of murdering Twice Wrecked in One Trip and No One Hurt. Winnipeg, Feb. 5.-At 6.15 on Tues. day morning the Northern Pacific train coming to Winnipeg was wrecked. For, tunately no one was hurt. This occurred in North Dakota. When the debris had been cleared from the track and another engine procured the made-up train pro- ceeded. With twenty miles or so covered this second train left the track and the engine turned on its side. There is not it scratch on the engineer, and the con- duetor, with the passengers, received no injury. ' ILnsliington, Feb. 5.-()pening what promises to he a woek's dim-uwion on tho railroad bill, Mr. 'rownuend, of Michi- gun. :uldnwwd the Home for more Gran an hour tn-day, tom-hing on and elucidat- ing practically (wry phase of the rail. road rate-making problem and describing in detail the terms of the Osborn bill. Regarding the question as one of the most important ever before Congress, Mr. Townsend advocated the bill as the correct remedy for the evils which exist. and predicted that, notwithstanding the protests of the roads. greater prosperity would (some to them under its provisions than otherwise. MR. The service was conducted by hath Catholic, and orthodox priests and the coffins wercs'eoverod with wreaths bear. ing such inscriptions as "To the eternal 1nnmory of tho martyrs, and to the (-lor- nal shame of their assassins.” Two immonw provmaions. in which thorn wvro thousands of soldiers, sailors and civilians carrying in! flags and sing- ing revolutionary songs and handed hy the rvgimontul bands escorted the bodiva to the cemetery. 'Thousands of Soldiers ac v1adivostock Honor Riot's Dead. Tr.tdivosiock. Fri). 5.-The film‘ml of this 37 men who Worn killed by machine gum on Jan. 23. hour the eotmnandant's, homo. were hold in solemn state yos~ tonlny. Tho intonnonts were made with full military honors. The mumon on Tigct. Hill thundercd a salute. while choirs, (rumpusml (if snldit-rs rimmed (limes. .lmlfy- Morgan imam] the mm and ymn'nluy gave hig deeisiion against .lmsiu's defence that she was an in- fant and that the gift was airsoluie, Ire held that it mu; a conditional gift and that, it would only haw become :vli-ulutu on the fulfillment of the con- truot, of which the ring was simply a wutml lulhcr on the occasion of their "ctrothal some. Iinn- ago. Max paid 8120 for Iii" ring, an lw thought Jessie worth it. but as time went on disap,reeatuutts 'tro-v, until tinally the engagenmnt WM ltrolwn off. Max vxpoctml that the ring would he returned, but Jessie viewed it in tt different, light and in- Hls’lul that tlu, present had boon un- 1a.,uulitionttl. Max rofused to aequicsce, and Hm math-r proceeded to the County Court. Judge Morgan inward the ram and )‘oiturday gave hi,. decision against .loesiu‘s defence that she was an in. Engagement Ring Merely a Pledge, Not an Absolute Gift. A Truuto dospatcll: Miss Jessie Shin v,ill have in whim to Max Baler the dia- mond ring which that you": man pru- ( Revolt. was written on the girl's fon- tnrvs. an: she :m‘vrvd her faeo with her hands and shrunk from hor soducvr. The woman was sent back to Canada. Emma Kinziu was retained a day. The oftiGls sent, hor hack to hor home in Bnthwell. warming hor to he more carvful of her assueiatcq in the future. This woman had the tomority lo mmv into the immigration office to bid Miss Kiuzio good-bye. Silo thought that aim muld induce the officials to believv, that they were grunt friends. The pair name to Detroit, the young girl mann- drvamiuur, of the "position" that her new friend had fur her. The irrmti;,rration officials found that, the stratirgtt woman also bolongvd to Canada, and it mu decided to win! them back to the Dominion. i This woman had come to Bothwell, the girl claimed, and had insinuated her- self into her company. Emma and the woman became great friends. The woman nskt'd her to come to Detroit. swaying that she could socun- a good position for her here. This urvurphiuivatvd girl was naturally uttruclcd by n vision of city life, Pretty 16-year-old Emma Kinzie, giv- ing her home an 1htihwell, Ont.. pleaded with the officials of the immigration office to keep her from a woman. whom she claimed had lured her from her home to bring her here for immoral pur- poses. 7 She Tell: a Stunze Story of How She Wu Enticed to rm City by 3 W0- mn Who Pretended Friendship for Ber, But Tried to Lead Her Astray. Detroit. PM). 5.--Keep mo away from that woman. Lock me up and keep me from lwr." "TO MARTYRS AND ASSASSINS.” A BOTHWELL GIRL’S EXPERIENCES IN THE CITY OF DETROIT. AUSTRALIA’S LAN D BILL. A TRAIN'S QUEER LUCK, RAILROAD RATES. TOWNSEND DISCUSSES THE BILL IN U. S HOUSE MUST RETURN THE RING. [unto mom "out. i Kellymad' the coffin and buried the boy without any nuisance. There has been In much talk in the vicinity that on order bu been muted for exhum- i.N.the tannins, and an inquest will be Chief Wardei. Webster, who had been standing with one font on the trapdoor, fell into the pit with the condemned men when the door was released. Wooster fell on his head, and sustained severe in. juries. The hangmnn was terribly " fected by the incident, and "ried like a child. Alleged Murder of Young English Boy Near Buckingham. Ottawa despatch: Chief Detective Mc- (‘askill has been summoned from Montreal to Mason, near Buckingham, to investigate the alleged murder of a young English lad by a farmer nam- ed Kelly, for whom he was working. The theory in Mason Village is that the boy was killed by being hit with a pitehfork. No one saw the boy struck, and the only person present when he died, iu,addition to Kelly, was the punish priest. who arrived just in time to Mai-tar the lust. rites. The pour wrebeh strove dt'spt'm'm to got a grip on the ropo above his hop with the apparent object of saving h nrok. When tho lever War; pul Espada's hands wrl'c foreihly unclasgu by the wardens and the lever mun-ll. by the wardens and the lmi-r mun-'1. Just before the trapdoorHell Espmla made a final but unsuccessful attempt to catch the rope in his hands. A Jewicl, wmruuuvial travvllpr Hill-1“! Mark Iwiltgliil, formerly oi Lowiou,wc. at a place called llrnomv. in the nuz'th west, and mu decayed on lumrd a pun! ing; lugpcr lying (in the shore at. nigh} it)“ thc pretence of being shown a min ttisle pmirl “hich was for sale. When on board Jwihglid, “ho lm.l " large mm of monvy in his Posses"'" was hrntnlly mnrdervd and thrown in: J thu sea. Charles Hagen, n Nnrwogian. and two natives of Manila, mun numWI Kspadtt and Mavquez.were found guilty, of the r-rinw and nontvnccd to death. Hagen was the first man brought on: for o.xcwutiou. He alvliw-rm! a qua-"I v.hi\h [mud n quart-T M an llum‘. 9-- sni'ting his inmmnn-v. Death in his .-..~: was; instantaneous. Tho hm natives xvi-w then brought from the vandmnnxrl cell with a pricstjn (alum ntten:lantw. Whcn the (-mnh'mnvd mo had roachz-d the gallon} they vngngvd in an angry altercation as to that guilt, and tttts' cumimwd while tho noosCs \wro liq-mg placed around their necks. The ux'xvlr tioncor at this stngo appeared to lose. his presenc" of mind, and made an effort to chvek Espada when tho hitter mad": an effort to grasp the rope in his unnu- clod hands. One Culprit Protested Innocence During a Long Speech-Another Grasped Rope in His Hand: in Desperate Attempt to Save His Neck. London. Feb. 5.---Advices by yum-- day's Australian mail give drtails of " Cwrilrle .wt‘nv whirl: occurred at tt 1i'l;i:" vxuiutiou a: Fz'vmzuxtl': wvstetn Au-, ","'. Hal. . WARDER FELL INTO PIT WITH CONDEMNLD MEN. She Must Have a Predominant, Voice in the Affairs of Morocco. The Eullmmr'a word, were :h-liwrml pers"taully to at deputation trom the Knish. Cuvormtumt, and will ho sun, hruadcast throughout the Empire. in tho hope of countertteting the \‘cidospruul bc. lief provsiling among the many-s of the peasantry that His Majesty had “pont- vd the distribution of all private land: and that only the laud ttWltt't'm' and laml officials were hampering the "wrutinn of his will. St. Pueruturg, Feb. 5.--In view of the profound conviction prevailing among the marshals of nobility, members of the Zunstvos and other classes, which are in ‘direct touch with the peasanu, that the spring will witness a renewal of agrar- ian disorders throughout the country on tt far more deplorable scale than “are before, the Emperor has mldwswzl tt plain, outspoken "update to the pean- antry, setting forth that the rights of property are sacred and that the pens- ants will be violating his will if they ai, tempt to enter into possession of pri- vate lands. At, the same time Iii-s Mai- esty has tttsured lln' peasants ilmt "ith l the "o-operation of the National Assent. l, bly he will institute lllthlI-‘lll't'x fur tluir I relief A TERRIBLE HANGING. Czar Warns the Peasants That They Must Not Occupy Other Peoples' Property. FOUL PLAY IS SUSPECTED. AGRARIAN OUIRAGES flEARED BI THE SPRING The Emperor on this occasion ttddivsig fRANCE MUST CONTROL POlICE. r, were 1lelirorod tation from the and will ho sum he Empire, in Hm he widwprnul bc. .he masses of the Ll: m his s',, hm mHiv It? condonm ntten:lantw. I had reach in an an: l, uho ho.1 " is IMIhSOssEufl. I thrown int! a Norwegian. Chief Carpenter slid to-day that if was. surpriaiug the number of thefte that had been oommitted during the “at yur by young men. Poolrooms were in a great degree responsibio. Young man wont there and joined other.‘ that they did not know. The: "WEN soc: led away, and the nest thiig they I'm arm-ted for theft. The three young Minot ttrmtgttt'uor-dtokefe “spam families, all he thmtd" and.“ should he a. te keep the m has under Md. . Montreal Chief of Police on Youthful Crimes-Vries Frequent. Montreal. Feb. .5.--Throe young mm: are under arrest. here, charged with burglary. They give their 111mm: as follow»: Ernest Courerlte, 190 Dmlet street; Arthur Page, 371 Drulct street, and Eugene anierre, Pf Clap: safer. U Several contributions for the support of special missionaries in the home mis- sion field and of "pedal missionnrk's- in the foreign miiasion held have been pro- misml. The mmmiltm- hnpen that thoho who have made these contributioxw may find it Amrcninnt to forward thrm to Alexander Warden, in the Confederation Life building. ' ' Big Rertrittaticcs Needed by Presbytrrian Schemes. AToronto (Iv-patch: The Prrshgt [ lll Church needs more money. There aw still required $09,000 tor home missionm $9,000 for augmentation fund. $125,000 for foreign missim'i, 812.000 for “and: ovangelization, $7.000 for Poitit-utts, Tremblos, “1.500 for widown‘ and ur- puns' fund. $11,500 for ngr-d and infirm ministers' fund, $5.000 for Atywtv.bly fund. $11.00!) for Knox College, 84,800 for Queeu's College. $4,200 for Montreal Col. lege and $1,700 for Manitoba College The (migrants will the prox'idml clothes and food, the rust of their wag”, situations on their arrival sums of mom-y lo guard against. l mains. The total cost for ouch adult ic, p at $50, which mud. be repaid in it malts. It is expected that when tl lolted fund shall have been repaid hundred additional familins will bo in Canada under the sumo plan. A; who have made itsvosstismtions r, that there are (linings in (3:13th 10,000 respeetable adults. t London, Fob. G.--A seheute ham. perfeeted under which Lord Itothsc, at his own cxpa-nw. will 'mud 200 (an to Canada. Fifty of ”Ira. familiv, hraro England Foo. 13. '1 1w whcmr f: a hash for lino mlution or' tho pm” “gaming Um unnmployml of (Iran! I am. Fifty Families Leave England for Canada February s3--Provided With Clothes, Food and Money-Plan Permits of Continuous Operation. ROTHSCHILD'S EMIGFANTS MUST REPAY MONEY ADVANCED. The f'reueh (Erbium. lunar-mos tii" nu animous support of t...“ country in mum {slitting the prirteiplo that Frauee'., p-p-u lion in Algiers gin-s hertho right (rah. prmluminnnl voice in Mnrocvun ttfi".t't. Any ntlwr mlmiml of tho eouftw 1:: Would Ire reurarth'd by the eourttr) --- ' :liqnlay ct weakiuss and the vim i. gvncmlly oxprrsowd thut a return to tip status quo would be irreforaNe. coitoreiice emanated from l "hoitld then-MW take the 1lvclariuar her News. NO 0le IS IWPtilllirf0. Count. Trottbetutoy, who presented the rosolntions of the marshals of the nohil» ity to the Emperor. in an interview at. tributed the agrarian troubles directly In the revolutionary propagundl. lb' t'he pressed the belief that, in the spring. when the peasants throughout the rut pita, in preparing to take permeation of and now private lamb. will he unablz- lo agree on a division of the spoils, and T, ill fall out among tlu-mm-lw-s. 'rheramlov,w on now are pnwtiunlly doomed. Tho mm vocation of the National Amrem'cly " to rumble the ilovernmitttt to raise mutiny abroad, set. it on its foot and onqu it to carry out its plans for the wholwaio colonization of Siberia. whieh is or. i'n Iterative “Imam. of relief. . "Your needs arr dear to me. and I will look after them tts did my late fattlm'. The National Assembly will soon nasnmr bio, and in eo-operation with me put-mun- the best measures for your relief. Have confidcnco in mo. 1 will assist you. Jim I repent, always remember that riglx: Ll pmpcny is holy and inviolable." ed the Kursk peanuts as “My brotlwn," and talked lo them in simple luISBERIl terms capable of being understood ir) the- most ignorant pennant. He said: N am moat glad to we you. You tttttrt know very well that everyrighl of property is maul to the state. 'l'lw owner has the same right to his land ttN you peasants to yours. Communicate this to your followers in the villages BLAMES THE POOLROOHS MUCH TO MAKE UP, Josey-sacs th,, ll! country in man initmtu- 3c in been

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