Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1906, p. 1

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pgures UAL s Goods n 'e eract .01: Japan for tt.OO ' of December, M06 Jam: McGowan WI. Iceman. Lu: " tlu-y cost below Cost. AM " LY]. Sale fs Partnership. lf 25, 1906 LL each (aw stoods to o count Anti- we What is our an: Co, " xchango. _ by P" mer- SA 14E n school reruns 1,0318?" 16x50 um nd Hesi . artnof NM or arse" or to own- Prey. ac: n wal- One Peel. -rloo. r and stle l pply NP"). Mid 'tto. ("If 60° 800 my the " 1X l ttt id U H. "I "I n UK pl: 1"! re; h,' 33:2! 'Cy',',.",:'-',",".';',,' 1-:1-23EEEEEEESâ€"ED-CEEEEEEEEEEE 55 «a "r . " .L ' ER i C. iii-ji-te-Ser-PBA', Réaamamgw-CEEIEEEEEEEEEEE iiiiijj,) ttlliiiii4BTl?8 ii . g1Wmmfiss.“acg‘e‘azfif'a-na“ iii' our Clear Ing Sale q . a*2515?n“47;"':::Â¥:2i::1EEHrIEitrJ: Ci 'tl's,1i,P1'usisxiraeaesinriiisegt 'illXlglF'llgefiillgtXgiiggggig, VOL. xxvu. No. 'TI? BUY-BUY-BOY-me SALE TERMS-ca, or I Hosts of Bargains in the Clothing Dept. Splendid assortment of Victoria and Queen Alexandra. . . .. . .. q , . gray tweed overskirts. reg $5, mp. Ladies Skirts black ovglrskirts, reg $.99, sale pr Boys' Boots fe.trtia,','It.l f.; Men's Long Boots 2’;ng ir Men's Felt=lined Boots Ladies' Underskirts James Ireland: (black and colored) Bring the boys and fit them out at manufacturer’s prices and'see the saving. have only one idea in -mGd--SELL--get rid of the Goods. . EVERYBODY COME and start early. We haven't time to give you a full list of prices, but just a few samples of what we are doing. Hundreds of pairs of Heavy Boots suitable for this weather at and under manufacturers prices Affords one of the richest bargain opportuni- ties ever offered_t_o tn_e ptople of Durham. We Good heavy ( reg 1.25, sale price.$1.00 torfarm wear regl.50t01.75 th .1.25 ) whole stock is at your disposal Produce only-No Credit Given Ladies' Fine Shoes reg $2.00, sale price. . .$1.50 reg}.75&150. " ... 1.20 reg 1,25, " ... 1.00 i/mwm reg , reg 2 reg 2.75, ale price. 41.50 3 00 " .. 1.75 .5(_), sale pr... $2.90 Ar, " .. 1.75 R Nature has endowed Mr Jamieson with a magniheent voice, and he has a fill brilliant musical future before him. He FII ii an intelligent vocalist who studies to i please his audiences. His sacred solo H work has won for him a prmnment E tht among church soloists in Toronto. n the Town Hall at Sons of Scotslnnd 5d Concert on 9th Feb. with Miss Dicken- M _ Thorough Bred stock for gulp. Apply f10 Wm Morrison. Edge Hill, Ont. M i, 150 garment dies' Underwear from till 25c to 40e per rment sellmg at 19e at m [ Moetier's Red tter Sale. G LENELG AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.“ The (Henelg Agrieultutnl Societv held their annunlmeeting at Markdale on Wednesday, as pet statnte, in the coun- cil chamber for the purpose ot electing otBeerst for the year 1906 and other Ren- eral business when the following officers were appointed l President-J. E. Marsh. lat Vice Pres.--). G. Pickeil. 2nd Vice Prec-Wm. Pnrvie. Hon. Prets.--lrhos. Mercer. Directors-A. Muir, S. J. Hubert. A. Wyville. Chas. Reed, A. Jackson. J. W. Knott. Henry Erskine. Jane. Kelly, R. L Stephen. Directors then trtht,idc Geo. Noble, Secretary. R. Stephen. Prmurer. Auditoei-.W. L. Young and J, B. tut. oon. The W- Mont show- , henna in land of our 'mb-Starr. son, Will McLeod, Piper McDonaldand Mabel McDonald. Ticuts35 cu. All seats esrerved. When Liniment Wo erful is rubbed in all swellings and sti ess diaappoar. il‘v'y it-fully guarantee' at MacFar- ane'tr. machines. There are few woollen mills in this country paying to-day and great credit, is due the onicinlt, of the Han.. over Mills in keeping it going so well. Under Dr Mourns, Pies. and.Mr Messen- ger. Manager. a. vigorous policy will he followed next year, large orders having been secured. & LADIES LOOK YOUNG}; ---Which is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. renwend'n rivate show rooms at. the iddnngh gouge. Durham, on Friday,' Feb. 9th, and see the manv beautiful i ventions in Styles of Human airC yrerings, Wigs. Bangs, Switches. to. and inspect his new patent structure. Miss'Mne Dickenson, the -c omplish- ed guitar soloist, will appear n Durham on 9th February at the No of Scot- land Contrert, Sihe has Intel been in New York and New Jersey. inning new honors, and comes with the " nnw- est of the new. best of the old " Plan open Friday of this week at Maanr- lane's Drug Store. All seats reserved. See ad on page 1. The Hanover Woollen Mill was a. lots. er " about $300 odd dollars, by the (ap- erations of the past vent, owing chie y to the high price of wool and wood and diftityWy ofgrocuringgirls to _run we Tauhe and Son, Eyesig t sgpeeirilTi7trss will he at Parker’s Drug S ore on Wed" nesday and Thursday, Feb th. and 8th' CRAWFORD Tru- mxxo. -- Great preparations: are Moot or a rousing old time ten. meeting by th Proshytrtinns at, Crawford. The date human is Thurs- day, ft Feb. addresses y clernrvmen from Durham. Clivsley and Mulock, and neplendid choir. from lulmlm Pres. church. Admission 25c children 15. Tea served from 6 to 8. TVe have revolved the ftw, , two num- bers of the Unnmlmn Graphic. an illus- trated woeklv paper selling at $1.00 a Year', Whirl) should meet with public tavor. High class writers and Illmtrnt- or! make interesting pages, emily sn- pvrior to much of tho illustrated trnsh that comes from the other side. Sup- port Canadian productions. PIE AND Box SOCIA .-.-.will be held in Stewart’s school hou , Bentinck, on Tuesday. Feb. 13th. Roo program, con- sisting of songs. drills, peaches, etc. Admismon 16ctu. Ladies ringing pies or boxes free. Mr J. S. IV mu. Louise. will occupy the chair. Doo' a open at De Alvas College Girls Wing " the Opera House, Friday. eh. 2nd. 25 people, Ladies' Band an Orchestra. Dori't mist the Big street radn at 12 noon. Pricei36and6o ants. Plan now open at J EN M can: Agent. Remember the date of auho & Son‘s visit to Durham, Wednes y and Thurs.. day. Feb. 7 and 8, and your eyes bother you make it a. tun to consult them. It wANTrr.D,--20o Farmers t So at. the Massey Harris Show Rooms nd get. a nice calendar. MATTHEWS a d [KTXMEIL 1Vhen you have yonre on xnmined by Taube and Son vou ha P the hune- fit of over 33years experi nee. Pats ker’s Drug Store, Feb 7th a 8th, Colds are more easily taken hen the liver is sluggiuh. Kenp r nr liver righthy taking Carr's little I er pill- 2 for 25 an at, Msulurlane'e. Those in want of Ogil ies highest grade of flour can get It at '25 a. bbl. this week at Ladies: Order y ur Lady fingers, Macaroon, Cream p tN and puff paste shells at Watson’s akmy. Orders promptly til1ed, Telep ne3& DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY l, iiiiiii The Grim t- mA Life Insurance Com- pany affords the highest security and pays the largest profits to policy hold- ers. W. F. DUNN, Agent.' An appreciative obituary notice of the death of Mrs Webster, moiher of Mrs G. L. Mchul, taken from the Guelph Mer.. cury will appear next week. otrlltliiSa til Emile; A LAST UrrANcre.--'rhe Family Hor. ald and Weekly Star of Montreal is this week Warning the public that the sup- ply of their beautiful picture. " Queen Alexandra. Her Grandchildren and Dogs, " is fast being exhausted and cannot he guaranteed after February. It is certainly a heautiful picture ens- iy worth two dollars. and ny home would he the better of it. ane dollar for a year's subscription to that great weekly, the Family Herald and,\Veekiv Star of Montreal. will secure a copy of the. picture absolutely free. No picture ever shown in this country has leceived such praise; and praise. too. from men capable otjudging. Are You Right with God? FATAL Pratmurt--rt is with great regret we learn the death of Miss Jennie Benton. daughter of A. 0. Benton who went west about two years ago. A clever bright girl, 19 years old, she had been teaching for some time past awnings Rood salarv of over $111) a Fear hut ta- kingtt cold, she was laid up with pleats isy and it has proved fatal. Their many friends and old neighbors here extend deep svmputhy. At a meeting of the Methodist enn- gregatinn at Markdnle it was decided to build a new church and a large, clog. ed-in cement shed. Thev expect to have the entire cont sulwcribel at time of dedication. They have $5000 each from insurance. 83000 alreudv subscrib- ed and the remainder to be provided by subscription in installments for three years. PIEAND Box SoctAt..-Mrilt he held at Mulock on the evening of Feb. 13th. RevJ. O'Neill. of Paisley, will deliver an addwm. Proceeds in aid of school library. Everybody welcome. " Has :inyhndv wen my hrother Charlie?" \Vlil McLeod, the famous humorist. will Ivy wqunst, Rive this piece again at the 3mm of Scotland con- cert on Feb 9. He has maw selectiom also. Don’t fail to hear 'liis rising and popular humorist. GENTLEMEN WHO 'ARE L'AED.-0r have thin hair, should all on Prof. Darenwend at the Middnngh House, Durham. on Friday, Feb. 9th and set his wonderful devices in Toupee: and Wigs worn on over 75,000 heads. Ex- planatinn and demonstration free. Pri- vate apartments at Hotel. Don't full to see his new invention, patented all over the world. Dues: Goods 11et or MocklerU Red Letter ale, Secure your ticket for the Sons of Scotland Concert on Friday evening next week. Plan now open at Murmu- lane's. Jamieson. Dickenson. McLeod, the McDonald's Mon splendid combin- ation. We have received intimation of the death of Donald McQunrrie. of Aber- deen, one. of the pioneers and a. re- spected citizen. We hope to have more particulars next week, The Grout west Life Imurance Com- pany sells endowments and other pol- icies ata lower rate than other com- panies. Ark for our rates before you insure, w. F. Dunn. Agent. The Baptist Young P'eopie will hold a social, with a good programme in the school room of the Baptist Church, on Thursdnv. " 8 p m. Light refresh- ments, Admission' 10 Chi. Hear the College irla’ Band in front of the Opera House t 7 o'clock. Feh. l. The biggest and best ow that has ever been played in Durha . Prices 25, M. and tio cents. The party who 'bt, the whip from the rig in the Pre' byterian church shed will please leave it at the Knapp House and avoid trouble as they are known." FARM FOR Lt-South half lot 26 Con 18 Tp No mnhv. fine buildings. Must be sold. A Iv to Arthur H. acks Tn, Durham. Headaches con " from eye strain. If you are trouhl that. way consult Tauhe and Son at. m-ker’s Drug Store, February 7th and th. a50prs Ladies' nd Children's Gloves worth from 2tie t a50Cets a pair selling at 19 as per pair a Mockler's Red Let- ter Sale. _ Mr Gordon m selling out his Jewelery business this week to Mr Webster. of Toronto, he intending to leave soon for the West. - All account: not settl by March lst .will he placed In other ha a for collect. ton. MacFau-lane'a Gris) tab! to if taken in time are guanine _ to h k up a cold In 21 hours-K- box r y. A rare chum.- t buy " good Bait of Clothes cheap at kler's Red Letter Sale. I‘WO House Let-One 6 room and one 8 room. on Furnace and bath. Apply to W. Bl k. . Durham School Board meets Thursday evening Feb I. Regular monthly meeting of Durh Public Library FriQay. Feb 2 m. TORONTO Mas ABURNm'r. ttr half prices at a to Mr Mama's brothers, Thou. of Owen Bound. and Robert. of Toronto, were both in attendance. The funeral on Sunday to Snugeen cemetery. was very largely attended. and floral and other marks of esteem for the memnrv of deceased were in avidence. Rev Mr Farquhnrson cm]- ducted the services at the house and grave, The old, old, storyzeurthm earth, dust to dust. once more. while the mint has returned to God who gnvnit. Mrs Motfnt w”- , daughter of the late Arch, McArthrr, and his wife, still "v.. ing in .. the Glo. " Glenolg. She was one of at numerous family. of whom there remain her two brothers. Dan and John who are with their mother at home, Isabella. Mrs Joe. Firth. near hr,. Catherine. married In Guelph; and Annie, in London. John. Donald. and Chas. McArthur, along the gravel road are uncles of the deceased. Verv startling and sad was the new. that spread around on Saturday last that Mro John Moffat had died the day previous. Not muny had heard of hvr illness. tor it, was sharp and sudden. a kidney complaint. extending only over a. few days. The cutting it! of thN useful life is " great bereavement. and deep sympathy is extended to the sor- rowmg hu-hund and son, as well as tc Mr Moffat Sr, thethree generations to whom she minisetered, to her aged mother and Wide circle of relatives. Fun Nowmv's Crrmmtrrs.-The Children's Aid Soeiety of the county iii-- sire to return their thanks to the friends in Durham. who so gmneruusly contributed to the Children's Aid funds nandingthe handsome sum of twenty tive dollars to aid in this work of christian benevolence. REV. JAMES LEmARD. Secretary. AN INADVERTENT BLow.--Ki1led Mr. A. MItchlan's cow afew days 0.30; He w“ forcing her to “sand over' foe milking and a stroke on the head touching some vital spot. she fell dead, Quitea number of shareholders are going to the Annual Meeting. A Board meeting is called for the day before, and anyone wanting to see Director McKechinc in Toronto will iiud him at the Rossin House. Mr Farr insists on his resignation taking effect at once we. hear. We were promaed a letter from him for publication bat he must have changed his mind, as it has not come to hand. We understand he still insists in spite ofthe excellent and reliable tests that have been made, that there is no marl of commercial value. We hope he will live to see that his attitude, is one of stubbornness and not of good judge. ment. We think the shareholders are en- titled to more detail in the printed statement. Explanations can no doubt be given at the meeting bat orduvary people are entitled to longer oppor- tunities of forming judgments. The Annual statement has been is- sued and the meeting is to "reeeive and eonfirrn" it. Before eontirminq it will be m order to have some explan- atims. and many will be found whuwant it put in a less obscure form. Where has $1228.N gone in marl and clay investigation? Why should salaries, travellers &c. &c. be bunched in ' $9786.11 item? and ,' Mill expenses, Wages, Salaries, F'uel, Clay, Plaster. Supplies, &e " ap~ pear in an item amounting to the large sum of 208,183.55. And well there might be, when it is learned that even yet the scheme of movingthe plant has not been aban- doned, and a frantic effort is being made by some or the Directors to se- cure proxies, evidently with that end in view. Again we repeat, and with all urgency, that shareholders not go- ing should at once give or send their proxies. duly witnessed to Gilbert McKechnie. Durham, who will see them duly placed. I As announced the mutual meeting of the shareholders 00f the National Port- 'rland Cement Ca., Limited, will be ‘held in Toronto, in Assembly Hull. 'Labor Temple Building, Church St., beginning " l p. m. on Wednesday of next week 7th inst. Parties, going will secure a standard Railway cer- tifieate from their local agent. which on being vised st the meeting will en- title him to tree ticket home, thatis if 300 or more attend. Of this there Seems no doubt, for an intense interest prevails among all parties concerned. The Cement Meeting. In Memoriam. -0- a All Sat: Renewal. and there. fore contort. Tickets 8tie. Plan at B. user-duo'- Drug won. PM: open hid-g. Jenny. as. It 2 p. In. Open to ati-- o (Avon. J. thnd lanky)". the fumnuc Semish huilnne. luLelv from Scotland. Mina Mae Dickenson, the "uncut soprano nod guitar mloist. Will McLeod. the refined and ever popular humori-c and dancer. Piper McDonald. of szhnm. on the bagpipes and hh time (1-.th label the celebrated din-cue. In Newton, Durban's. well-known pianist. The Annual ms' Anniversary Concert will he: h d In the Town Hull. Durham. on the a ve dale. undm the auspices of Ben Ne a Camp. No 45. Posters and Progmu this notice will give The following SONS OF SCOTLAND Newest of the New! See Big Street Parahh at noon. Is positively the rougest show that has ever played tt this town. 25peopte.--A11 specia Scenery. THE FIRST on THE SEASON De Alva's Cduege Girls A very pleasant, gathering took place It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Cunnel. Boothville. on the 25thJanu- ury but. It was the 47th onniverurv of their wedding day and advantage w“ taken of the pt'etseme,eot the far- away members of the family. In have once more a tttsited meeting. The fam. ily conduit. of tive Iona. all within easy reach of Boothville and well known and respectahle cilimun t Malcolm, Dugald. Neil. Angus, and Donald mt homo. The daughu-rs ore. Mrs. Gum-tith. (Yuri-mo. Mai, Mrs Jim. Gardiner, Nth can. lig- remnnt; Mrs. Pollock. Niagara Falls. 1hese. with the life long twighlmr. of the old con do Mr. and Mrs. Chins Mc- quen and hr nod Mrs John Mt llull- uld. Mom 2% grandchildren and srvrrul other: gathered round the old honw for one day of reminiscent life whwh will long he a plerontnt tnvtnorv. The t'trttl- pmiy sat down to a dmneriit for a king and queen. ultrr which all repriiredto the parlor where informal Fttvof'llo‘i were "mile, and the (Mil-iron aim tlid their part nicely by contributing Hull." and tecitations. l pleasant fwtltn’v of the twin-ending: “an the Irr't"certuriort hy the family of " Iovelv manti-l clock to their patents. The "tttrat-ation took plstce to thrir xarious hotnm and " is not likely they Will s-vnr all met-t at, once again. though all are pleased to have had this one opportunity. At Town Hall, Durham Friday, 2nd Feb. TICKETS-ac, 35c. 50c. Plan Has been engaged accepted Friday, 19 Feb. '06 High Class Talent Don't Borrow Special gdytsit:-Torrey-Alexan der Hymn Book n .49. . (“twat REVIVAL N in pro- gma And mnnv have been run- verted. The Holy Spirit's pru- uence is manifest in a wmnrkuhle manner. Cmne uad 'tee. GREAT REVIVAIZ The Son; Service commences at. 7.15 and you are advised to Come Early and avoid disap- pointment. Gottvertrione every night are mulling. Everlone .Cryy1tyly his“)? A THE UNION REVIVAL SER- VICES ill HOUSTEIN Are arous- intt ttreet interest and an acting large audiences. Owing to the large crowd- in nrtendnnce. tho meeting- ure helm: held evorv night in the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH And on Sunday. the churches were packed to the doors. Aisles and every uvlilahle corner. others not able to et in atall. Rev Thus. Wilson, ah“:- erton. is delighting eWerwttr? with his mun-r” pruenlatiun of the old Gospel. The sornmnn are “maim- (re-Ms. Are You Ritrht with God t ----one tieht (ml y Your neighbor's Rlntw: cub- ncrihe yourself; or. if your ne.igh- hor honou- Koun, kindly give him . gentle int to and us his name. Sue: you time and Iron- lrle and gives both better min- faction. tGe to the end of the year. Send all orders to CHAS BAMAGE, Pun“ an Pumas. A Family Re-Union. Are l ouiRight with God t The Review Best oi the Old man to follow full particulars. Durham. Ont

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