Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1906, p. 9

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I 1 'i" i H. H. MOCKLER 2% "t . 'avvvvvvvvvvvvviviikiiiiiiiiiiiimA "ithitt,t,iti,y,,t,i1 WWWWSvg t. MORE BARGAINS 152099 1er,ts"l---Ie-t1k--ol--e-11-r y3;; WINTER FOOTWEAR SNAPS THE Monster Clearing Sale Throughout our Store we are selling out all lines, almost regardless of prices. We are bound to reduce our stock before b'tock-taking, and are giving big reduction in all departments. Too heavy buying caused our large supply on hand so it is our loss and your gain in this Sale. Come early. All Winter Goods Must Go Fowl, Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produceitaken at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. ROBERT BURNETT )1 TERMS : Cash we nave no more space to quote prices but come into our store and you will see Flannellettes. Wrapperettes, Ginghams. Prints, etc, all marked down in trig, red letters to amazingly small prices. This is a genuine bargain Sale. Everyone is convinced as soon as they see the goods and we quote prices. People are wondering and inquiring "how can we sell the goods at the prices we do. " We answer " we're overstocked.” We bought too much. better to lose something now, and get the ready cash (which we can turn over and gain back what we have lost before next season) than to keep the goods. qereral pieces gray tweed Suitings, 56 in wide, red from $1 to iiOe yd 1 piece onlv navy blue .. .. .. 1.25 to 75c yd 2 pieces navy and brown tweed effects .. " 1.50 to 90c yd G pieces Dress Goods. venetian: and fancys. red. from 75. 86rto 500 yd It ht blacks and colors, worth L5'e to 75c. for. . .250 yd 10 .. worth 200 to 30e for. . ...16cjyd or 7 yds for $1.00 We have nearly all lines reduced but have two in each department. li'fl garments Ladies' Underwear, Worth 25c to t large sizes, wot th (1)0."szliing Ot her lines in Women's and Childu Proportion. We have a stock of over 100 HOt4HfRY--erx, and 30e lines reduced to tlily. a 1.trlt ttith. [home goods- Overcoats We hare some sizes 1n a few lines of Oxfords and Strap Slippers which we are cleaning out at prices that will save money for,the lucky purchasers. Spring goods are beginning to come in and we are crowded from top to bottom and we need the room for the new arrivals. We will be pleased if you will lend a helping hand in making mom. Anything we have left in winter linesgare down in price. Call early and get a share of the good things. 10 odd co Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves S. MCILRAITH No old goods allowed. This mild winter has left us heavy stocks of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ties Flanncllettes, Ready-msde Clo 1 it; , Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Groceries, efc.. which? have to go at a big sacrifice. Now is your opportunity. Call anyway and se- cure your share of the bargains. cunts coat, tor We have no more PEOPL E's STORE] In the Dress Goods Dept. Red Letter Sale All Furs marked away down. ttg 2.50to 85 on for Previous to Stock=taking 01' Custom work and repairing as usual. 811.50 Underwear, Worth 25c lo Me, at -- regular and extra or Produce (highest prices paid.) CLOTHING Nearly all this season's goods--- per- fect fitiirur & up-to-dute 500. selling at.......45c nf Chtlltn's Underwa le 1000 garmeMs. The Down Town $15 Suits for. . . .311 50 12 " . . . . . 9-50 ll " .. . . . 8.50 10 " . . . .. 7.50 9 I' _.... 6.50 Many odd suits, $4. $5 CikAh'r space to quote oniy . -450 Pet' garment I90 garment 'ar Suits reduced in Shoe Store t the 'Mttt a ti (“if Tir' 'll', [can JWflttutifiidil1i V_ "_.r.'.. nu-uv " I“ Kate-Dixon. white Mr Geo 'alll'l read the address, and also spoke " some} tgit, i: ragga“ 2'gtli,ert" trio 'an pa none to 2m. Mr w L Dixon's“: in the 'eett,r, orChaimtaii. and woke the It nun-- -'--~---““* - - Mrs R P Legste and an Juan vies ited frauds here last week for several days returning on Wed last. The members of the choirs ot the Hall. and the Ebenezer appointment; _ and some of their friends gathered at the home of Mr Wm Ramaee and prev ented him with a pulse and money. As is the curtom on these oeeasirns the matter was kept a secret so that though suspicious there was mething mining, from the number gathering, it I was still a matter of surprise to Mr manage, who thanked them all for the kindness displayed; and who felt it to Be the greatest plague :0 know, are: "fo'NTreeiated y t e le or any humble 0303 put lonhpegg him. [heme-antenna we. and. In: Mt-, The Annual Meeting of Amos Church mis held our a week ago. and should have been reported sooner, but for lack at other material. There was a lnrge attendance of members and adherents present. to- gether with a fair sprinkling of young people from the neighboring corgre~ gstion. After opening services by the Rev Mr Campbell who acted as chair- men anda selectmn from the choir the various reports were presented. That of the C E., by Miss Ella Benton which showed a large percentage of members still engaged in active work. The collecticns throughout the your were also good. The Ladies' auxiliary presented by Mrs J. S. Garson, showed some good work being done, in the matter at clothing to the Indians, and other philanthropic work. We are pleased to mention for the sake of the reputation of Dromore that the I, o. K. uncut was ofa high or- der, Misc Elsie Swunmn as elotttttiotr is: and Minus ll Watt and J can Brown as suloista comma: in tor a good. deal of bruise. A urge number of rarest- erictsd an average of five nuts‘dm lo mob membd." irdrt in impdlnce- l sumptuous suppef Wu served to “I at {he c1903 9f the proitisrtt. Report of menagers - d ushers was presented by Mr Wm Isaac who report- ed a pleasant spirit prevailing at their meetings, and a lack of unoccupied seats to accommodate those who want sittings. The S School report, in the absence of Mr Goo Lothian, the Supt, who had to "tend a. meeting in Price- villc, was given by Mr Robt Renwick. and showed a. larger attendance than any other veer yet given, The report ot the choir was given by Mr Wm Ram-go who gnVe examples ot errors. and the correct way of singing certain tunes and followed up with some notes on music. showing its power to soothe, to charm. toeuthuse. Mr J. M. Findlay Sec-treul. gave the flnaneitU report, a. better one than ever has been, both for schemes and church ordinances, the contributions being larger. MnJ M Findlay, Miss Marr Issue Mr Gordon Findlay, Mr Wm Range More in attendance from this part to- gether with those mentioned. The building committee's report was given by Mr J. M. Findlay. who re- counted the steps taken towards build- ing a new Manse with cement blucka. Plans and ispeeif1tsationis were under way and expected within a few days. At meeting oi Presbytery at Mt Fur- est on Friday last where a paper was given by Mr McMurohy on the teach- ers' training course, Rev. Mr. Camp- bell, Dromore, was complimented by tice, Robertson ot Toronto, on having the largest class passlngou the subjects prescribed, throughout the whole Do. minion. Mr Geo Lothian, Supt.. Amos church. spoke on the advantage to be derived trom a studv of the course given, and as taught by Mr. Campbell, and also reported upon the S. S. work as it obtains at Dromore. Mr W Young S Glenelg, also spoke on S. S. work, many of the fathers and mothers attend- ing the iseltool of which he was Supt. He thought a. more earnest study of the Bible should be made at home. Mr Wm Allan, N. W. Egremont. remak- ed on the ditisalty of getting teachers. and expects that in alter year; this training class will result in providing better teachers in the future. A teach- er to be successful, must be a student ot the Bible. Mr Jno. Roll, Egremont in giving trtatitrtiet, ot Woodland S S re- commended punctuality in the S S teacher” well as the public schOOl pupil. The Aaditora' report was given by Reeve Beetle. whose report was gab. staruially the same as that ot the See.. Treas. with vouchers to back it up. Mr John Snell, one or the elders, in presenting the leport of the Session commented at length, and summurized Very ably on all reports given. The increase of members this year exceeds that ot former yearn, the membership now numbering 220. During the even- inga duet was contributed by Miss Mary and Wm Isaac. A delightful tea was served and reunion was alter- wards held in the basement ot the church. The “retaking was afterwards let by the managers by tender, at the fig- ure of M8.00 to Mr Jas Eceles. and 15 cords of wood to Mr Wm Ramage at $26.00 Mr Eddie Wells is becoming one ol our extensive farmers inning rented another hundred acres, from Mr Chas McKtnzie in taddition to the 200 acres already worked by him. Being strong handed in stalwart, Sons and a summ- mcy of horses he will no doubt succeed as he deserves to, THE BUREAU REVIEW ensure to know. that d by the people for tput forth' by him. PM!“ b Miss TORONTO I Mr Jno A. Ii'trttrltt,m'ttnd David Fer-.l gluon visiwd friends]: Burriston last; I week. . N I Wearrstrorryto tteeitf 5 P. com; pondence [at week that we can tt-l dent seems to be offended ';li'l'lll'ltllt/ that we have laid about tlw coasting " tht: but we think it will be tl 113!!th t on N i M “I, ' And ptr. boy: to pull up ttte hilt. I Miss Inarttiy Campbell, of Swinmn,i Park, visited 5:: friend Aggie Fergn-i sou, Sunday! ' ; Mitts Bella and Ema McDon. xlil inrendirliiptryt for the Queen cit. V soon. There don 't seem to be a Ray ot hope to kéep'Bella home. L tributed their quote. A pleasant time was spent thereafter. The oldest inhabitant never saw the beat of this thew in January. The Concessions completely here of snow, whim the sidemde are yet deep. euouO in places. Get your fall ploughing done before the winter sets] m. Dear Mr Rsunsgts,--- . We again take p’enaure in meeting under your bospisabl" roof. The future may offer no better orpor- tuuity. than the present to show you in name other way. than in mere words that Wt, appraciaw yum nervmea an a Chow leader, hurl as a willing helper wherever your unnv musical talents can be put to use. Q We join in wishing you not. only a. use- ful and prosperous New Year but many such. May your dara of joy be nanny and yen: ltours of sorrow low. in the wish of the Ebenezer mm the Hull choirs. Signed on behalf of the ' Wm, L. Dixon choirs. and couqregat- l W. J. Moore totre. Thou Harrison l Home E. Watt I Mmme Hooper I Mal) P Cole- Therefore we ask yon to accept this puma an a slight acknowledgment at the pleasure and profit we ham received from your iutstruetiona and your help. Holstein David Alan spent several days in Toronto last week attending the Tor- rey Alexander Mission, and is very enthusiastic over the: meetings. Miss Charlotte Pollock returned from Nigara Falls last. week lookmg well. The revival is the great topic of con- versation, and the meetings are re- markable for the absence of emotional excitement. but there isevidentls Holv Spirit power, being manifested in abun- dant measure. The people are com- ing in crowds. rnd on Sunday some we eunable to gum admittance, con- versions nightly are resulting in same instances of a remarkable nature. Geo Calder was in Owen Bound lust week. Mr Alex Richardson and Wm Brown Were, seen oat West one evening late- ly/we don 't know how tar west they went but we suppose some ofthe fair sex will know. Mr S Anderson visited at Proton station last week. Mr Less Watson with his fine driver pest down the line Sunday evening to see the lassie We expect. We are awry of a disa pointmem that a young lady happen; with two weeks ago SDudaY night when she misscd a chance Ufa. ride in a sleigh to church. by waiting tor a horse and cutter to come. The rig never came along, but the dnver boarded the sleigh when it passed. Mrs J E Burrows, of Paislev. visited her sister Mrs Wm Seaman recently. Well My Ed we will try to write up a tuw of tho, interesting facts conscern- ing the Park- Mr Jas Hayes visited friends in Eg remunt. last week, Miss Sarah Porter tron) Manitoba visited her brother and uzher friends in the Park last week. The attendant of the central tele- phone office, Swinton Park, visited at lit Forest last week, bat the subscrib- ers on the Hoperille and Swim. Park line hopethatsbe won l get too many holidavs as thev did not get very good attendance while she was away. Rev Thoe Wilson, of Walkerton, who is preaching every night is de- lighting everybody with his exceed- ingly able presentation ot the Gospel, and the "old time religion." Weean assure ex'e'vone who can possibly go that they Will be more than pleased and surprised if they attend. People from all parts of the country are com- ing in and all desire to come again. Owing to the crowds the meetings are being held each evening in the Pres- byterian Church where ewiyone will becordially Welcomed at7:15 when the song service which is one of the principal features, begins. Miss Allce Wils'm visited at home Sunday {gen _ -- - _ _ Mist; Maggie Knox tram Durham high school spent a few days at her home last week. Maple Park ridge. 7...... em-t--t---- Thistle. Jan. 18. 1906. All our Winter Goods must ttli',; What is our loss will be a gain to 3011. Our large stoc of heavy goods goes for less than cost. It is much easier to count the money than take stock of the goods. Anti- cipate your needs --Suppl y your wants-save per cent by taking advantage of this great offer, Fancy Wrapperettes were 100. sale pr Sc l I we. " 15e Prints 1 yd wide, wele 13e, Roller Towels, were 200 0a, Any of our Fall Mantles at just ”Mil-3m they cost Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts below Cost. Stocktaking Sale ' 1 ( We have not space to enumerate prices. Come and take a look yourself. ready "ttern h lpn a court). all in "warm. vyouwthacure. and war "m. w I FOR SI“ LE. The Mauve all, Alum Preshyteriut. church Drmnnrv. Purchaser to remove thelruildingand clmr " all rubbish during the mouth ot May. Apply to J. M. FINDLAY Drmume. To sell The Canadian Graphic. a Nat- ional Illustrated Weekly. Price tive ovals. Twelve cispiem to shirt with will, free. Address: Tue Can-Minn Graphic pontiliturC,ousttattT Limited. 176 Tir- We have a large number of Farms foe Sale in the following Cottntien--- Brnnt. Essex, Elgiu, Grev, Haldimund. Huron. Kent, Lmnlutnn, Lulcnln. Mid. dlesex, Norfolk, Ontarit‘, Oxford, Peel, Perth, Simone. Victoria, Waterloo Wellington, Wetland. Wentworth anti York. Also many Basin": und Reci- dentinl properties for Sale in all part-of the province, a you have: Fun: or other property for snlr. write for our terms of selling Heal Estate. Tht Western Real Estate Exehtnge. LM.. Lnudun, Outal'lo. Wm. w. RAM/um. Agent, Thistle The undersigned offers his splendid property in Upper Town for (We. For particulars, nppl y to JOHN Romm'ran. "ATCH" is fed on Intern» " WAN k ‘t Food - day and be than! 8M "temper. lie ll 'ttwe never had Q. '01. mile. may "'trrn x ty" a can-‘13. cm in iiiiiitiGikl//taur Limiied. Lorin tit, Toronto, 0mm io. Wrapperettes, etc. BOYS WANTED THE BIG STORE 4 lbs Currants 4 bottles best 100 Enact d lbs Raisins s Ihr best 250 Black Japan T lbs Rice or Mixed Tea. for 81.00 Grocery Bargains, 25c each FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Forceful Bargain Figures ALEX. RUSSELL THE GREATEST ANNUAL EVER HELD IN DURHAM 25e W. BLACK. " 2 for 25 Lot. No 22. con 4. S D It. in the Town- ship of (He-rem. in the County of Grey, 57 acres: 40 ttWe8 cleared, 17 an" mixed timhpr, level. well druinod, wu- tereduy well and mun-ll unouu. One store cum" log ham». {munch-mu 36 E tio with basement. ll; and" lrmn M1100] and Post Ottier. or prim And term. npply to Juns MCLnN. Lot as. can 4. ti D R. Pritevllle P O. Ont.. or to J u n Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Gnu. N. D. R. and 22 and Stl, on the 3rd Con. N. D. It. (ilenelu. runtumiug 150 news. man. or less. it, acres rieared. lteslatsce hard. wood Ionah. " tttiles {mm P. O. and school. church ml mum-n ty. Well wat,- ered, wells Mid running upr‘nus Build. hugs Ill gnud repair Will be mold on Immunnhlp terttt% " milks frmn Durham and from Priceviliq. If told pmmsmon giwn tar work this fall. Full puswss- ion m March. (“cur lilleziven. Apply to the proprietor. It, GRAHAM. Priorvlllr, ot. to A. H. JACKSON. ts'olicitor, Durham All regxntewd titock and likely ani nulls. Applyto -- Ladies' Heavy Black Suiting. reg. 1.25, do riceSOc reg. 85c. " 00c reg. 1.25, " 80 All heavy Dress Goods wwrdingly There in nothing to up“: [uh-ma- than! Stuck Food toe (outgoing hor- ses. mule. hogs or Ibo-op. You get well add for lab if you mum. to 4iqttt" of any and. Anon “CLEAN. Prop. Pine Gvore P o, Form" Crt. Mulblunl. U H A 2, 1905, FARM FOR SALE” Thorough Bred Ca ttle and Yoottuttitsc Hogs. FEBRUARY l, in Dress Goods FOR SALE. Farm for Sale. Tans. Scum & Sass. Bucky Summon P. 0 ha' ., l_l 1543 V01 Run an 3231 Ree Cl " M " h

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