Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1906, p. 5

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in 1906 MI FURS tloh LITY ll ANT. " GR 00 St each SI each Jtitt' N Q. " )pr it) " it) a; tit AP ti h Have you seen our assortment of chopping axes? An axe for every person ranging In price from 25c to Oms- Just to hand another shipment of Horse Blankets from 50c to 83 . 50. What about at X but saw? It you require one dew-drop-in andsee what we have for you. Also some second hand heaters. There is nothing to equal our " Penn Esther Range " for quality and price. In stoves we are bound to suit you as we sell the different varieties from a 15 cent child's store to an expensive range. We have a number of Oil, Wood and Coal Heaters. They in a store thing you a piano. UP-TD-DATE STORE $N.,G. & J, 1fdKedhnieii JAJUARY M, 1906' W. BLACK say tt is a pleasure todeal where you can get every require from a jewsharp to THE To reduce the stock, at present too large, prices are being made very low, and those in want of Furniture will do well to call early when choice is good. The Durham Furniture Co., Limited, beg to announce that they have purchased the stocks and goodwill of Messrs. Lenahan and Kress and will conduct. under many advantages to consum- ers. 3 Furniture business in Kress' old stand,nexn the Post Offiee. DURHAM FURNITURE CO. Announcement A Move in Furniture Yours for business, Pr'esitlentCreelman, in Weicmuing the Institute workers: pointed with pride to the Macdonald Hull and 1nutiture which thev hrvught, there and said that owing to the work of Mn Ho Kiln-s and other anthuuiutit- women as Institute Work, era these building's had route through the kindness " Sir Wm. McDonald and Dr Mills PXpr89-pd u fear thee would never he- filled. But the w. I. workers had sent their daughters, sister-x, and friends to the number of 200, so that now the accomodation Wet; already crowded. The education of WHIIIPH Mtl as to brighten and better the houses of the nation being its ideal. There wasn period in the livelnf women when their time was nut. ,ttluahle---when they were. in their trans and it wart at this time he wished to Rise them a good training in domestic avian”- and home making. On the morning of the 13th Dec, the largest Women's Institute Convention in the history of the organization was opened in the Macdonald Institute he President Mrs Jae Gardiner of North Grey. Mrs Gardiner was the first Prev. of her home organization and she felt that she had not thought of the import- ance of the movement until she was Into it. an imaortance which the aptly (lo-scribed by quoting ahome proverb, that. 16 a women could shovel out with a spoon fastee than it unit!) could shovel in "ith a ohornl." She helieved that great nu political extravagance might grow it would never equal in loss the waste ofa nation of poorly managed house. holds. The motto thev [wok in North Grey war " If you know a good thing [was it on." Annual Convention Women's Institute. Limited The gtlli8g'gcl'ggtt'ggirtgt, sadlCo havebeenl n nt orttte neo Dr Aguerr's you" WWW.“ l Powder, on: a?! ma T,te. 1ttllfutrtttt America: Nervine _V ,7 "iEfiitii-, "-_ w... The introduction of minimal training and domestic soienee have done much in lhis direction and was increasing in at- tendauee wherever tried. Little Den. mark. two years ago. bad taken ”Anon o more out of England th in had Ontario for the some quantities of the some agri, cultural product. That was a premium lor a superior article. They had been improving their Rural soluols for thirty yours. m said that sort ot schoolcoetu more but it pays tremendously in cub. Would you like to. Income unpopular advocates and advocate the increase at taxation all over Ontario. Public men seek popularity by doing the wrong thing. They promise tt reduce the ox- penditure. That means that people are less willtutrlto oo-opernze for the best in a community. Tues must go up for our sehools or we must go down as a. people. m said that no one should live for themselves. We should try to do some good to some one and how good it nukes one feel to do some good to some poor one. Help them to get an education. No (no In "tisfUd in this world but be laid " I shell be slashed when I shall awoke in His likeness. " In: Tnos. McGIn. Deleget s. Dr Helen McMurchy. in her address on patent medicines, stated that 9 compound rhubarb pills. 7 mixture». 3 'emspoofuls (Jase-aria and Senna. these canard the death cf the women who took them. Ill health of people was usually due, she said, to eating: too much or too fast and and the luck of exerciae. Those people want medicine which will enable them to go abusing their constitution in this unm- ner. Shu told us of a number of death! from “yer-31 kinds of patent medicine, one wire trom taking headache powders, home trout L;quozone and some others. Three tables of analysis of foreign patent medicines were read. one by the Mesa. Board of Health. None of them contain- ed anything but ordinary drugs in grits of their foreign labels. They divided pat- eni medicines into two cluseez. timst very dangerous Cocaine, Strychmne. Opium. secondly not very dangeroua drugs. bread soap, and sugar. most of them contain 90 per cent water. Ueeclmm‘e pills contain uloes, ginger and soap, Perums,24 per centalculio:. Ali drugs advertised to re- lieve pain Contain cocaine, opium, mor phine and other heart depreneuts. The people of the United States pay $80,000,000 annually for patent medi- cines all civilized countries exoept the Western States and Canada. have laws restricting the sale of patent medicines. Dr J W Robertson's nddreus was on the movement of Rural schools in ' ada. Rural life he said should be made as happy as ponmhla And one way was to makn the instruction in the schools have a. practical bearing on daily life. T ho Hon Nelson Monteith said he was glad tnspeak to the women who were working] through the Ixxatitute for the btntertutsutof the home life. The Ideals ofour young Women Would be exalted, Our ideal should be to do good. We should get into touch with our ueigh Lora and mumde of ourselves. She said .. It may be a ddfiealt matter to mu a man's "eetiuns but to keep the fire of love brightly glow/lug on the heart. stoue of his heart requires the faith of an Abraham, the patience orJob, the love of a Mary, and the cooking: qittCitiee ofa Martha. pure, simple, lnvmg Lowe- Me in the only firtu foundation upon which a union can build a lasting struct- nre. It Is the women who are largely re- sponrible for the standing ot n homo. A woman. it the is a loving, and true wife and a devoted and riglntoulu mother she is fulfilling the womanlv sphere. The eyes oltlm wor'd tsud of God above rest w1thfuor upon Let and her reward in the l hereafter is sure. l Miss L Rose addressed the meeting on the Womeuly Sphere of Women ', th What does woman want and what is her proper and congenial sphere? " For years the pres-u. pnlplt. and platform have been dis- cussing the equnhty of man and woman. The result is that woman practically taxes her place by man's side in most of the walks of lllo. Wluu God iustiusted the tirst household he undo Adam a bread winner and Eve a home-maker. The man was the preduccr and the woman the di-penser. The theme of her mldreu was for girls to study at borne to help their mothers or get homes of theirown and know how to keep them. Supt. Putman introduced himself as brother to all the delegates present. IL. said Canadians were prominent because their home lives were pare. This home Info was depondent upon the ladies such as those present who had assembled for their mutual education and "e,nefits. Me toll us th., membership In Ins! June was 7018. attendance 54319 which is a large growth, The 'iiieial organ Canmhan Good Housekeeping had helped materi- ally, and all members wore sdsised to support it. The adoption of Institute pins was discussed and samples Were subunit- ted for reference. worries, cam and trouble. of those Ivor- ried men. If they could for amonwnt clearly we the polltirma of the two clas- es thev would fiud that not for u moment would they make an exchange. She said more attention should be paid to our ed- ucational svutem. It was good but did't receive tsufficient attention. Much time was spent new in diecumiug "ell bred stock; were well bred children nut as necessary , or Backus said that'. the delegates were proud of their position, delighted with the college. and she ein~ cerely hoped that they might behave them selves no well that the address of welcume might not be replaced by the expression " The {way old humps. "rm' g1;3‘{118379}2 gone." Dr Annie Beeline in an sddrese cou- crgeted the family with that which the farmer had been led to believe we: the life of the wealthier clam. She pointed out that the farmer centre-ted their weer, hard-working home with those of the wealthier clams. They forgot their own sweelhomo comfort. and tome! the J. S. Mollraith WE SELL TREK The latest and best at, per pair, Try a pair and be safe. Mg' [Hill lilgtt Manuals $21? if" \' good old winter time, Strolling down the icy streets with your baby mine t She holds your hand, you keep your feet, and that's a very good Sign That you have got ice creepers in the good old winter time Custom Work and Repairing us than! at The Down Town SHOE STORE Th. Pro " to u for those who are very far f,2lttl 'trt,vJitygtt We teach rend- ing, spelling, writing, (Arithmetic to grownup young men and women, Helm-Ate rooms for this department and a separate deal: for each pupil with plenty of personal help. Full punculurs sent free to any address. Address: C. A. MING. Ptin In, thg good old .Tinttr. time; in the , The B sinus Co no for young men tIhr/Pd') who wish a ti,?,' business training to q ify them to do bus ness for themselves and others. This course is useful to the business man. the farmer or the professional term, also flrst class preparation for young people who wish to goinlo office work. maple. "ivTldll,1 Porters, ete, a The T I. r. h C an for young people who wits; m'becgme 'diB'il'pt operators or to enter railway work. Begins Tuesday, Jan. a, 1906 Four complete courses of study, suited to the needs of all classes: of young people. We are still selling childrens shoes M EOcean Pet' pair. goods Everything in PRINTS: and COTTONS now selling cheap. Easy to wear-Hard to wear out-in all-wool and fleece-lined for men and hays. If you want HEAVY TWILLED \VUOLLEN grey and white SHEET- INU 7O inches wide, we have it. Cheap Best of All-Wool, double BLANKETS at $3.90 per pair. "Good Old Winter Time " Now that. the Holiday Season with all the attending festivities and luxur- ies is over. we would call your attention again to. the cww-y-duy necessaries of life. Settled Down I ---' a t Nip a Cold t at the Start QW§M¢QQ THE DURHAM REVIEW a few pairs in black or ttreyeurlat.............. 50c The Slur-{hand Course for wank e who msl to become stenographers, to In: care, . MCARTHUR MacFarlane & Co. DRUGG IS TS and Book-sellers, If it fails to give satisfac- tion we refund the money, on hand so You may be ready to begin treatment at the start. Laxative Cold Cure is in the form of little tah- lets and hi handy to have with you always. Taken in time and according to dir.. vCio.otiy it will drive the told nut of your system almost tn-tm-e it has untried. Deep smile-d colds need longer Il'ewtmunt, hut, Laxative Cold Cure will (-nrn Olin-~- tid y. (Iold Cure will cure them quicker than any other rem- ..A., Very few people escape a cold during the winter months. No matter how careful they mav think the? are. B00neror Inter they wi I have u spell of sneezing, a disagteetrtsle cmartmg sen- sation in the throat and mu- al passage and the arhe all over that denotes the begin- ning of a. oold-how severe it cold nobody can foretell, if it in allowed to take its own mun-we. Keep n l-bx of our UNDERWEAR Laxative Cold Cure prepared by w, TORONTO choice of ', 30c ii' (hiif'lMllm ili’é‘iwiiiii'f A. W. Watson Buns a: i Biscuits in great variety All kings of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES our specialty F irst=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale 'e.ttetes Ambit-5 'il,te,U:tt','gi, i - “9". . '-T,hh1,t1'l;ll"a"lfld 'l7lTll'l Peel's Bargain Tables andkswirtunnin(biters) 'eappealstothepal-artd tronesupturterves' 1t%MmtbireHqestimdrsid, Grang Mogul Watson',, Bread- Then Ha Ptxapkwhodon't like teaknowottlythekind thaeisiustbittetvthelovw Lndteathathasrmxe taminintheleafthnn amountofsugan tTGrandMooalisuHiglw Muo0distirtetiveeUt Highirttheine (m) qNlrrtrheeezesandtight PEEL, The Shoeman Contain many very useful linen of Winter and other FOOTWEAR. SEE THEM. Cash only. BNotGoochn We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. Barclay & Bell T U o H 0 P E 'CARRIAGES WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. Also at her high-grade Manitoba Flours, per Inn-rel . .. . . . . . 35.40 ... AS USUAL . .. Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and " everybody knows, they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. Ogtlsue'e Royal Hnuwhuld.. .. .. lu-r barrel. . $5.60 RANGES JOHN CLARK Durban. Nov. 16. '03. Gen an] D. McPHA IL.) A. G. MICK-y K.C.? W. F Dunn Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Cotgunidstoner, My Money to Loan. “move. over Gordon's Jewelry Store. Conecuonl end Agency promptly attended Wills. Deede, long-gee, Lona, Amen“ &c. correctly prepared. Exam of deceased per- son leaked ether and Executor: and Admru " tratou' Accounts prepered end penned Surrogate Court Blaine-a. Prob." of Willi. Letter:- or Ad tyinetrauonGrii Guudinulhip Obtained. er- e" nude in may one. nnd Title! mpg"! I Jempeny end privete Funds to Lost, on Mortgage. at lowest um ot Interest. Valuation nude by n competent and cerelul Valuewr Barristers. Solicitors. Cottveytuteers Ac. Money to Loan. Tenn: madame. menu tor Isles u to a.te1, to, - be made n the new or lloe, Durham. I: 1'AtermpmM1etstt. man-ed men. or to Cconn P.0.. will be mmpdy “lauded to, Team on uppucuuon to D. IcPKAlL. Ceylon P. 0 or to C. IMAGE. Durham - Ccylon bu new one. bum": - be lift a 'm. Elicia: iirn7C. her, traiiiiioifi old than. out the Bum Licemed,, Auctioneer to the County of Grey. 1lyteAtettte'tttttre9t.tteqepr. '9'..- 0mee-----LowER l OWN. DURH A M able. Apply “*“' “so am. Oct. w. was. 19ttice-Cmlder'. Block. over Post Office HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Unieerr ante Royal College Deutal Eur-gee 1 Dentistry in Bll m bunches. Insurance Agent. Money to [man Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A gen oral financial business unnamed HONOR GRADUATE of University. graduate of Ray- of Dental Burqeor" of Ontario. Over J & J HUNTERS New W. C. PICKERING o. o s., L. o. S omce, " Pros: at. -- - - - Owen Sou Wilt be u the mad. tt Home. Durham. the am Wednesday a and) month from 10.. m. ml c p. n. Auctioneers. late “than: to Moortield', to Knapp's (New York) ARTHUR H. JACKSON, one. Ind Residenoo tar. Minn und Get St. u foot of Hill. Old loodb Goals. OIIICI noun J. G. HUTTON. M. D, C M ttice, McIntyre Block, over the Bunk "lrwn1 be u Knapp Home Dun: Stand“ in each month. lion“, L. R C. P., London, Muslin Guam ot Iamdon/.New York and or In. Dim of Ere, Ear, Noee, and Th mt. tun ray runuc 'coivl ride-5; Liven-ed Auctioneer for Co. Grey PIYIICIAH & Sundlox. OM00 ovu- J.Atd. Hui-tor. Sun ..,...__ f t 0010 A... F-u B. n. DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) G. LEFROY McCAUL. Notary Public, Commissioner. J. F. GRANT, D. D.S., L. gggmsrsn, SOICITOR MACKAY * DUNN, w Epoch] Mention given to on...“ Women um Children. Fye,1ar, Nose & Throat ARTHUR GUN, lumber Coll... Pttrsir Em “A Simon- Ontario. Telephono Connocrtlon No. " MEDICAL Iutar.---rwotrear old mm. Pm?”- Akron: well-bud J. P. TELFORD CON VEYANCER. Ike. Charge- Maura“ HOURS EN TAIL. EGAL. DR. BROWN. DR. BURT field', (London, [nu um York) My. Hospital». of Royal I krllege " Inst. Owen Sound Room, Store u, ”no”. 1-6] 2 tum 'Omnu) r, Grad (won. n

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