Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jan 1906, p. 1

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l! ll? iiii Reductions on all “g? i,)','; Our Winter Goods 'iii gammmmmmgmmmmfimm 13:?“ "iii/ii""),?,,,; _,1 ti To QUIT VOL. "qq' ‘7‘ 'V'.- .98". I. 2g,",t,'t and 1mm 'lik: tar It HIV and Toronto DillyNewo RIVIIW and Daily Globe.... . . . . REVIEW and \Veekly Globe.. . . . . Rlvmw 3nd W. Min & Empire. REVIEW and Western Advertiser REVIEW and Weekly Sun . . . . ... . REVIEW and Fam. Her tre Star RWIZW Aug Weekt W mean. . P, 1Uvirtw an Mon. 'a2l'.' "an?! FXilllXQillly%M5iUeellgglggyigiptgggggg WE PARTICULARLY ASK YOU TO SEE THE Goods from us while this Sale lasts. you cathavVe _p1ottey_ry buying We. will not move one dollar's worth of goods which can be converted into cash. The money will take up less room and be more' convenient. No matter where you deal, whether in Durham or out of it, XfilW%lfiNilgitpinxgfgpMgFttXyxtggfii45igie , 33 General Stock of over $13,000 Will go ON SALE ANOST I have notice to quit the Storie which I now occupy ‘at the expiration of lease. I intend making the moving light as possible and fox this reason my We cannot give you prices in an an- 11ot1ncemet1t of this kind. Cost price for the goods is all we ask. “10mm Days“! CLO . _ . . a , r C'-' it ' d Toronto DulyNevn 81$ , d prt'lrGtohe."..U.C.' “.50 I d \Veekly Globe...... 81.00 't . Id W. Mail & Empire. 81.75 d Weoterr, Advertiser 31.00 _ CWeekjtsun...C.C. 81.75 d Fam. Her te Star 81.75 .9 ' d \Veekly W mess..n '2Sii , d Mon. Weekly Haunts]. This isless than present wholesale pri- ces for the goods, prices having/ad- vauced since we put in our Fall and W in t e r . Stock, so You Get the Benefit Move Out lobe.. . . . . 81.” ' Empire. 81.76 .dvertiser 81.” 131.3... . 8;.75 tar I .75 tPee: . A SL0B, N0. 1 mm: if? K76! A? DURHAM, THURSDM. AMARY 41, 1906 , , " i / ‘1: (and um‘ ullinnout nouncel. . ' I :f fsii.rg i-ii-ii-l-herself' E :nent e, " ta I cieir 'l'lfitr'd who‘le : ., f I', 'e, " ones _ Jgtt,temllt iiii'iliiF"tl1',otu2ilt; Ig',.i./, AN AFFLICTFD HoME.-di'or months past Mrs Jns Carson has been ugreat. sufferer and it was with deep and sin- uere regret the town learned on Friday last that Mr Carson was also seriously ill with pneumonia. Since then he has had npsnnd downs. but is holding his own it is thought. though am" seriously ill. Hie sons are. coming home or are home, and we valve the sentiments of all In hoping for a speed restoration to health of the two ('Jeefl%','i'dl and Pe- spected citizens. The Durham Bras, Laud honorrd the home of Mr Wm Johnston, In. of town. last Thursday evening brttt. tending in a body and whiling sway mun: very pleasant home in the hos- pitable and musical home. Mr Wm Johnston, tertius, is a cornetist In the hand. The Toronto Mail and Empire says of Donald U. MacCregor. the gifted har. itone: "he proved a. decided favorite. his rich voice being heard to advantage in " Afton Water," " Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes," and otherselettionii. -In the Town Hall. Jan, 11 with other stars. Plan " McFarlane‘s. Jessie A. Burning thoroughly delight- ed her muliencv. She has a good stage appearance. clear voice. has good deliv- my. and wins iher way right, from the start into the hearts of aer audience.- Wopftrurk Express. At I. o., F. Con- I'ert n. 'I‘nw-) Hall, on 11le inst. Plan " MucFartuu s. The funeral or Mr Mcrlraith'ts child last Thlnsduy was lurgelv amended by friends and neighbors. Mrs McIlruith a father and mother were present and qome other friends flom their. early home. ANNUAL MEET! -The Annual Meet- ing of the Durham ic Librn'y will he held according to. t"tt te on Monday 8th of Jan.1906 at 7 Pas . A full unen- dance requested. ' AGE Secy We have the honor of an invitation to the meeting ot Canadian Forestry Convention, called by Premier Laurier. It nwets at Ottawa next Wed headay. some very important topics mi to he discussed and much good will reuult. A DISABTBOUS Fmie.---To I? place in kFlt-5119mm on Sunday (Jl?lg'l hurt. "ct he Standard Bank and afharnesa shop giving destroyed and some other prop- grty daumged. Egg prod ing Poultry powder Oys- ter Shell an crushed bone M Mac- Furlnne’s Dru Store. James Ire and is Re init ready to quit Laidlaw's old stun Help him mme out the Irood!--ro' will find it pleasant and profitahle emp vment. WAN'raD,--situation as bookkeeper or clerk by competent fersnn. Graduaqe of good business schoo . Apply to tuix 13, Durham. - Great, movingul is now on- at Ire- land's store. l Re d let particulars on another column). Ayling & Son is burning now a kiln of 300.000 brilks ready fanatic. Guar- anteed-u good article and iirlees right. An obituary notice of the death of Mrs Beith, o. Sound. mother of Mrs A. 19avidtsonp,will appoa‘u' next week. Anvone desiring fresh rh nmv ob. tain them by calling on as Wilson, at the h eezer. \ Thorough Bred: ck for sale. Apply to Wm Morrison. E e Hill, Ont. Ame an Carnefac and Coluluhinn Stock ads at. MacFarlane’a Drug ‘Lore. _ Rosen' duck nd Pl'hpouth Rock r-otrkerels for sale tC, Ar. with. Teachers‘ ‘reements for sale at this ottice. Gm.Bnnanno. ADE “mum“ The Annual Meeting of o Electoral District M,ii/1',2rtl, Soc t of South Grey. Will held in the own Hall. wn of Durham, on W y the ttr, dpr at Juana" A, D. " one CotamrooB.--In Owen Sound, on Wednesday. Dec. 20 to Mr and Mrs Wm. Coleridge: a daughter. 1h'rCrmr-irt Beritiuck. on Dee 22nd. 1906, to Mr and Mrs w. J.Ritchie, a daughter. HAAg--Irt ltg'n','? on Dee. fe, 19%. to Mr and " Alf. Hm, n daughtex. Throughout the provihde there is a. decided wave of temperance victories. indicating a state of public opinion fav- orable to a further restriction of the luguor traffie. He is an optin'mtie man. w o would invest largely Jutrt now in hotel propertytrusting to the bar trade. Torontogcted Cm. i orth, the Con- servative ndldnt'e f ayor. Though a temperance man he the liquor in- terests behind him d the Cunserva- tive machine ',iTiptgye help. Li- cense reduction by. w. were voted down. , Osprev carried 1119.310“! option hy- law. Owen Syd If,ft,tlt, e e! of the province turn on V and «R has giv- en them something. h, look; At. They have carried heft- point men and measures can etely elethg a temper- ance Mayor Council. and carrying local option 476. Joyce defeated Lloyd for ht or by 209. No election tere. respondence. A: Reeve-Alex Muir--Couu 11om-R. Best, T R Mckenzie, H ughry. A White. The issue he med en- tirely on local option-z (Hamper- ancc forces curried their . _,',' - r . HANDY "", P" Mayor, Dr Mearns, ac Councillors, Hallman, McGeagh, r.... hner, Messenger Frank. -. 4?” j We have not gonna result in detail. We are informed however that M. E. Murray is elected reeyo by wileciolve majority. Local Option Bylaw. For 63 74 113 98 98 68 50: Against 81 so 45 31 31 81 am Holstein Police Village Trustees Seim 42, Sharp 36 Dr Brown 36, Drumm I'd. First three elected. NORMANIIY The expected has happened as far at: the reeveship went. Walter. Ferguson heads the roll for Councillor. Philp is the only new man. The first four form the council. The local nation by- law also as was Impacted, carried by a good majority. 299 Hastie Gordon Ferguson Phili f?o'l,'l,' McArthur Dun-um Roberts Walls Cronin 34 Brigham 16 Wilson 25 \Vill is 10 Grnerson 43 Torry 22 Leslie 6 Memo! 2t Mr D Me. Nichol, ear-M. P. P., can yet win battles. Oulv two of the old coun- cil are Meoted. The east. suffer: this time in having no representative. The first four are elected. ., Dickson 83 At, we announced, Durham and Glen. elg saved an election. The results a- round n: will be found below, as far as we know. ' (1hos, Swil no property has divided the a me halt,to spare , Kind. : . “Mics Homing liter t e 1touse.--Afis New! t e I. O. F. Concert t tttwp Hall with J., 'end la * ' selling out nouneei mitt: he Skeleta- 'l'litr'.' whole stock and t st . it full to! splendid ‘guodl from e tttdditt, ' _ 67 23 17 For Reeve 68 90 IV 72 26 lft 55 tt2 ARTEMESIA 9 26 70 3t EGREMONT For Council 90 90 61 35 73 75 23 53 38 BENTINCK BORN 45 Pot 31 PRO' 23 4 1 23 l 6 For Reeve 678165 '3 4 5 6 7total Council e, H - ithiWdGttrF, 1e be t med en- tion A o temper- their, 5“,: a JP" ov, le' 5" Is. he f.'t'gtltg: , . ne ' t V _lc'r,r.v!.8' r l th. . ' bpeville cor- "' T" x 74 3 4 5 6total 43 em. 40 45 51 49 75 49 91 6t 40 55 19 70 504 321 320 204 l 76 163 Wt 327 30?) 304 The minus! meeting at the Durham Horticultural ht?,7, will he held in the Public Libruy on edneadny evening. Jan 10. 1906, at 7.8?p m.. for the election of once" and other business. Mem- tremand that. interested are mostly requested to that. Also plea. Luke notice that noon paid up members on snow“ to Q” In at. on“. I 2 spun of working horsep. 1 spring colt. 2 lhurol'ghhred rows, supposed to he in calf, ti milcli cows supposed to he with call'. 5 nears rising three years, 3 heifers rising three years. 2 steers ris- ling two years. 2 heifers rising two yearn. 5 spring calves, 10 ewes. 2 brood sows 6pity' three months old, a number of hem. l binder nearly new, McCormick make, l mower nearly new, McCormick make, 1 lumber waggon. I light wag. gon, I seed drill, l [and roller, 3 set bob-sleighs. 1 horse rake. l cutter. l buggy. 3 land plows, lgang plow, l jcufBer, I weigh scales, 2 set farm har- ness. I let single hornets. a quantity of Hay and . number or other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Solo All Hume of 851.0 and under must be cash. over that amount 10 months cred- it will be given on approved joint note- and 6 of" can. pet annum discount allow in lieu of notea. For furthur particular- apple to Row. BRIGHAX. Auctioneer. or to McKAY & Dorm. Durham, solicitor: for the Ihrecutom, Una" instructions receivf from An. drew Derby and William unter. the Executors or the late Thomas Geddes, there will he ottered for side by public auction by Robert, Brighm. Auctioneer " Lot Number 21 Concession 18 Town- ship of Nmmanhy on FRIDAY. JANUARY 12th, 1906 commeneing sharp at one o'clock p. l the following tum stock and imp, "tentttt--- __-__ "c'"--- an, ,sn-u .. u. Aura. Wm Ledinghum. niece ot Mr than): who as Min Elsie Appleby was bridesmaid. Mr Rom C,orlett and John Corlett. brothers of MN Smith. the lattar being groomsmau. aners John Halliday now 93 year: of Rite. The following address iwtrs road and the presentation made by ithree eldest members of the family. ( Following is the address ' I Dear Father and Mother: We are met on this occasmn “an. family with feelings of joy and thankful- ness to congratulate you on attaining to the 50th year of your married life. We ask vuu now to uocvpr ofthese ensv chairs and we hope that you may he both spared for many years to enjoy their couttorr and also as a smull wee memo of this Occasion we wish you father, to accept this cane and you mother to accept this brooch and coin. We ask you mucept with themour loving regard and new good wish for u very Hupgy New Year. Our earnest player in at it may he God's will to spare you (manor yet tot mnny yearn to keep your hurt: from sorrow and your even from can. and that Hm rich- est. messing "my be given more abund- in“ days go by. While we realize that we can m-ver :n nnv mty try not or word reply you for all your loving self sacrifice and anxious care on our behalf. yet we desire by our presence here to-day to show in some email now our appreciation of all your utvieltish devotion. Bi-sldes all this, each one of us feels that whatever suc- cess has attended no thus far in lite, is duelalgely to the training we received and the example ever set. before us in the old home. ( omparative!y few cluldren have such a pleasure afforded them and we would not forget to thank out loving heavenly Either for all the goodness to you both and to allot us during the past Years. A unique feature of the volden wed- ding was the presence of four who were at, the urn-inn fltty ygegta Ptto, Mrs. Dornoch. Jan. lat. 1006. Mr and Mtg Wm Smith celebrated their Gold \Vedding at their home here to-day, There were present to offer ttteirotoisc grutulutiom the five dattRhtembarg. It A Mills and Mrs W J Rose, of Tilbury. Ont... Mrs IV A Mill. and Mrs J A Grant of Forest. Manitoba and Miss L. Alice Smith of Toronto, Four sons, Rev Dr J R Fraser Smith. Presbyterian minister, Bomber. Ont,, T C Smith, B. A., Science Master Smith's Falh High School: D ASmith. J P, and Wm Smith Jr of Dornoch. There were four- teen grandchildren. also a number of the older friends and neighbors. or hm Stock, Implemeyh, ac. G Hog-ugh 'RY XEc0'r0Its' SAL ,Grand Concert. Notice. on-.. Jhri) irl (e.' . , . lit-Greg- r, Whi'te. ‘$. Horn- 7. - has. A.' Icurly. Mind-com: youth and; ”damn-“mu.“ The Sleight no tho wel1~kuown Bun IIBQ. in - variety, " idea than! rim CUTTERS and SONG The Cutters tr: of the Block- ville make, beat :‘of their kind, and a ' .pyioe than . mean: u suing , B. All the implements aityr: hm make are kept Fr d. Just now we want no wk 3 to you about Tthusy Store on the Busy Corner Massey- Harris Agency The Christma Push New Yearuifts Good Musical Program proviced a. evtying sessions. Everone ii%vited to a" tho meet. inns and take part in the di-sions. w. J. YOUNG. GEO. BINNIE. President, Secretary " All exhibits mus“ the ground by u o'cl . g . Judging will rommonoe at " A. a. No prize will Ire intruded nah-u Juda- es consider exhibit wot-lbw. . lxhlhiu to remain in Hull until 4 p. IS. A WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. . A meeting of this “Will he 'tlf. in Mitiev'e Halt. Hanover and Tn. Ha' l. Durham. on tho, llth and P2m runawa- ivelv. MRS. D. Mt-'PA\'ISH. N Bruce, will he present and 'tddresi, the ttteet- Ingw. Ladies from town and ('nuntry cordially ihvitod. . One bag of Grain, Potatoes and Seeds to be shown in each class by each ex- hibitor. Entry fee for trtemitemtAGe for one or more entries. Non-tueruttere rm. Allgmin shown for competition must be growh by the exhibitor and all the exhibits must be correctly named and of the growth of 1905. On the Second Day in Durham. the Annual Seed Fur will Ito held when First. Second and Third prizes of 32m. 81 and We reNttctively will he given for each of the following dunes of Farm Products t Spring Went Pens. Small White Goose Wheat, Pena, Blue Barley Thimothy Seed Gnu. long White Glover Seed Onto short White ‘1' Potatoes Spellz m Emmor Early any variotv Buckwheat Lute nnv variety 'Ne,' 8. Pea n. on Fran ape ' ' Inntin thi. ornament f and ti Un the e "The Farm- er'a Lawn as!“ Flow Garden: ' On Saturday. on ' The Selection. Hare, and cultivation of Seeds' - u' 8 " on 120mm for _ .. Life on the to he," on Bu to double the p It average farm. , _ P! B. Pen tpeict L ' lamin l Mid tri Cin the e' NY] I. m. Mr " . CHA Next Door to Post omee. John McQueen / " meeting of ttid, l, [astute will be had t 'fir/i; on Thursday. J an: Flrmers‘ Annual Seed Fair. Me at Keeler's Busy Store on the Bhsy Corner and for We wislyod GEE and all a In??? NEW YEAR. Keeler & Sons NPS, 'htrhatn J, %"r' on _ m, . ' Wu J t2 Can'- id?“ COL',',', 1.0310. Eyllk. will ti" " Grow- ening on it: likely \ c. How H" don Ench- mt ~11 h W I. ' Ad

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