Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Dec 1905, p. 9

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18% â€"â€" ooo oo 00e off Shewell & Lenahan‘s off The above are but a few of : Inspection invited. Buy nowâ€"â€" Te PEOPLES STORE _ Reg. $45.00, Holiday $38.75 These are but a few with difâ€" ferent styles to choose from. Dresses and Stand in golden oak finish, with Iron Bed.... Reg. $17.00, Holiday $14.50 Solid Oak Dresser and Stand with Iron Bed....... .... .... Reg. $35.00, Holiday $30.00 4 cut oak, 3 piece suit...... .. Quarter cat oak, swell front, solid brass trimâ€" mings, British bevelled mirror...... ... Reg. $40.00, Holiday ......... .... $34.00 Solid oak, 3 drawers, solid brass trimmings .. Reg. $26.50, Holiday...... ...... $22.25 Kipple oak, 3 drawers, Solid brass trimmings Reg. $18.00, Holiday......... ....$15.50 Quarter cut oak, 8 ft. extension...... ... .... Reg. $20.00, Holiday........ ...... $17.00 Asb, polished top, S ft. Ext..............;. Reg. $13.00, Motiday ... ;. ...«$11.00 Golden oak finish, 8ft Ext.... ........ Reg, $10,50, Holiday :. ...... «...,.$9.00 Keg. $9.00, Holiday.....: ... ....$§7.95 Reg, $7.50, Holiday....~:....;.~...$0.00 Parlor Tables, in different styles and sizes from 95¢ to $8.50, less 15 per cent. ROBERT BURNETT J 15 per cent off all goods in the Store for Holiday Trade only. The reduction is genuine and unrestricted. Choose any piece of Furniture and pay 15 per cent less than regular price. Come and try us, We have given it before ; approval followed. We will do what we say : Need we urge you 2 _ We have the goods that speak for themselves. Showy and swell. Bedroom Suites Fowl, Butter, Eggs and all Farm Produce taken at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. ANNUAL XMAS FURNITURE SALE Rocking Chairs in quarter cut oak, were 2.50 to 12.50, for 1.90 to 9.75 An Elegant Line of Rattan Rockers. To our Numerous Friends and Patrons, we extend best wishes for a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Extension Tables Sideboards Shewell & Lenahan These ut a few of articles we have and they ars all appropriate gifts. Buy nowâ€"â€"we will hold goods for fature delivery. values point the way to positive Savings. ve. 5 piece Suites in best English BUgâ€".1:.:.:.rashoer eveeieys Reg. $55.00, Holiday $47.00 5 piece Suite, in mahogany finâ€" ished frames, spring edge.... Reg. $35,00, Holiday$29.75 5 piece Suite, in Mabogany finâ€" ished frame.......2.« 10. . ab Reg. $2400, Holiday Parlor Suites mpMIng8...... ...... ...... from $1.75 to $4.50 Mattresses............ .. . from $2.75 to $12 u0 Chairs per $ dozen.......from $2.70 to $2.00 Hall Racks..............from $6.00 to $17.00 Morris Chairs.... ...... .. from $6.00 to $10.00 Morris Rockers...... ....trom $5.00 to $13.00 Jardinieres. ...... ...... .. from $2.25 to $3.50 Iron Beds...............from $3.50 to $24.00 Brussels Carpet . ... trom $1.25 to $1.40 per ya Tapestry ........ :. ....from 65¢ to 90 per yd A ply all Wool ... .... . .1...: . .z.rvil.. c $E.0O0 3 ply carpet..... ... . .... ... from 55¢ to 75 Squares:..; ......... :....«ff0In $5,00 to $8.50 Also union carpets, 15 per cent off allowâ€" ed on above prices. R Springs.... Sideboards, Golden oak .. ...... . Reg. $15.00, Holiday . ...... . Reg. $11.00, Holiday.... .... too numerous to quote all $20 00 Springs, Chairs, Hall Racks, etc. Reg. $16.00, Holiday $13.60 More to select from, than there is room to mention. Reg. $15.00, Holiday $12.75 Fabrickoid, 27 in. wide...... .. Mr and Mrs Wwm, Smith auticipate celâ€" ebrating their golden wedding on New Years Day. _ All the members of the fawâ€" ily, including fiye sous and five daughters are expectod to be present, Upholstered in Velour..... .... Reg. $7.00, Holiday $5.90 With spring edges........ .... Reg. $10.00, Holiday £8.50 Verona Rug, 27 in. wide...... On Thursday of last week tey N. A. MacDonald was inducted inso the charge of Latona church, Dornoch, and Burn‘s chureh, Rocky Sangeen. Rev Mr Shepâ€" ’herd Markdale deliyered an impressive discourse on Prestyterianism. while Rev‘s } Currie and Matheson addressed the minâ€" ister and congregation, respectively. All then assembled in the basemsot where a tempting lunch was served by the ladies ot the congrecation. We extend a hearty welcome to Mr MacDonald and his estimâ€" able life partner and hope thei: labo:s may be crowned with success. From another correspondent. Mr Walter Ledingnam of Weyburn Sask. arrived bome last Thursday and inâ€" tends spending the winter months with his brothers, William and James. * Mr T C. Smith, science master of Smith‘s Falls High School, Mrs Rovert Mills and Mrs Gordm Rose of Kent County, are visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs Wm, Smith. Mr and Mrs Thomas MacIntosh, Mr and Mrs W. Follis and family, all of the county town ate their Xmas dinmer at the cosy home ef Mrs Macintoshk. Mr Ed, Sullivan who spent the past tew months in the county town is renewâ€" ing acquaictances in the burg and comâ€" munity. Mr and Mre Jas. Ledingham of Maniâ€" toba, apent Xma«s with the latter‘s parents Mr and Mrs Wm. Davy. ' C.R. MaciIntosb, Principal of the Model School at Arthur, is holdaving at his home in the burg. Camerou‘s school was graded firet in Ontario by Inspector Tilly last fal!. And now we sadiy lay, old year. Our love wreath on thy anowv bier, Our love wreath moistened with a tear, Thy days of pleasure and of mirth Are gone, and we around the hearth, Hail with joy the new years birth. Misa R. x. Dorsey the popular teacher of the sepmrate School, is spending the Xmas yacation at ber home in Seaforth, Mr John Riddell of Snilivan visited hi Couches ONTARIO ARC TORONTO $12.75 .$9.50 DURHAM â€" REVIEW Olas« 4â€"John Mortley. Sr 3â€"Beatrice Simpson. Frauk Twamley, M. Mortley, Jr3â€"Morrison Smith, Alex ‘Turnbuil, Bella Ray, Addie Twamley. Sr2â€"Geo, Ledingham. Annie McDonald, Sadie Vaughan. Donald Ray, Clifford Mounâ€" tain,. Peter Mountain. Mamie Mortley, Lizzie Smith. Jr 2â€"John Ledingbam, lsabella Turnbull, Katie Smith, Arthur Bumnon. Edinund Noble, Bernard Coffield. Average attendance for year â€"33.90 A. O0, ABBOTT, teacher, _ Miss Louisa Gadd crame home fiom Toronto on Friday io spend her Christâ€" mas bholidays at the old home. She is louking well and happy ; perhaps laâ€" ter on we may have more important news to tell regarding her. A Christmas tree and entertainment was held in Orchard on Friday night in aid of the Sunday Scho 1J, but as we were not present we can‘t report the proceed ings. Mr Smy.th Cane is a welcome yisitor around the corners at present, whether on pleasure or business, or both, we don‘t just like to say. Misses Janet and Ida Blythe are spending their Christmas holidays in ** the old house at home." they are pretty 'v;vellrdip‘)'c;r-x-tflgll.a:li‘(\l’ér of stenography and haye secured trusâ€" ted as well as lucrative positions. ucation at the night schools until now M:sses Lizzie and Mary Elien Hoeflin arrived home from Toronto Saturday to eat their Christmas turkey with dad and mam. _ As the business they are engaged in is very pushing at this seaâ€" son of the year, they returned Tuesâ€" day, 26th inst. _ Both of these young ladies are deserving of the highest praise for the manner they have pushâ€" ed their way, by earning their liveliâ€" hood in the day and pushing their edâ€" Mr and Mrs Quintin Pettigrew, Jr., arrived from the West Saturday last. It is quite a number of years since Quintin lett these parts to seek his forâ€" tune in the West, which we haye good grounds for saying, he has successtully accommplished. Mrs Hutchison left last week on a fortnight‘s visit with her parents in Brassels. _ By the way, we must conâ€" gratulate Mrs. H. for her wisdom and foresight in being the first in Joining the Farmers‘ Assoc., it it is true, but we rather think it isn‘t ; it was Mr. instead of Mrs. Guess it‘s your misâ€" take, Mr Ed. Little Elva Morice, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jno Morice, Jr, met with a paintul accident last week by upsetâ€" ting a dish of hot lard, which turnt her face and body considerably. She is improving nicely at present and we hope no serious results will follow. | Quite a nuvel sight was witnessed in Orchard last Friday when Johnnie Blyth, accompanied by his cousin, Mr Ellis drove into the village with a pair uf oxen attached to a sleigh. We do not know whether the people of Orchâ€" ard marked the event in any special manner but certainly they had a rare opportun.ty of paying a high tribute of respec: to the now (sad to savr) al must extinet pioneers, who in the earl y forties, with braye, courageous hearts and undaunted spirits mowed down tae giant trees of the ‘"‘Queen‘s Bush, birnt, logged and fenced, helped each other in countless ways, sang and danâ€" ced, flabored and toiled ani finally (the great majority at least) in reâ€" sponse to the Great Jehoyah‘s call, have passed off the scene of action aud have gone to their reward. . All honor yea all honor to those brave and true aud rpoble selfâ€"sacrificing pivneers with | their trusted team, the taithful, honest' old ox. Mr Snell, of Dromore, occupied the palpit in Knox Cbhurch on Sunday in the unexplained absence of Rev Mr Campbeli. Your correspondent of last week eseems to bs badly hurta bout the remark wade by me that *‘ some of the would be gentleâ€" men of this place were reprimanded for interrupting Divine service on the Sabâ€" bath night previous." _ With regard to the rebuke beiung totally unwarranted I may say it was not ouly made by the leader, but sufficiently eubâ€"tantiated by iwo meitmnbers of the session, Continuous talking by those in the seat«, loud caough to be heard at the other end of the rocin, during Divine service, is not only a gross breach of etiqneite but a breach of the law of the lund as welt. Rev N. A. x0Douuld. B. A., our unewly indueted prastor, preached his first serwon on Sebbath last toa large and appreciaâ€" tive andience. xr T. C. Smith, of Smith‘s Falls®‘ High School, i» home for his parents‘ golden wedding. xir C. R. yclntosb, Principal of Athens xodel School, is spending ins holidays in the burg. xr and urs James Renton, accompaunsed by Muster Atex and his grandmother. xrs Renton. Sr, spent Clhristmas at " The xaples. " Miss Skene left Xwas eve on a visit to hber sisters, xrs Jas E. Renton, Dromore, ;'nd xrs Thes Gibson, Kendaria, New urk. sex," the audience did not seem to think t a proper time or place to air bhis supâ€" pored ‘grierances aud applauied him to his reat, without allowing him to finish bis remarks. * 0 wad some power the giftie gie us ‘To see oursel‘s as others see us. " wiss Abbott left Friduy moruing to spend het vacation at her home in London. At the c osiug exercise of Latona School which was held on \Wadneslay Dec 20, one of the trustees took the opportunity. wleu called upon to address the chiidren, to give vent to his ideas on the art of disâ€" cipiine. There being a large numbher of visitors present, especially of "the fair grarddaugkter mrs Neii Wilsou one day last week,. + LATONA SCHOOL Blythe‘s Corners. The undersigned offers property in Upper Town particulars, apply to Rev Jas. Binnie, Tweed was home on the occasion of the marriage of his brother Alex. We wish ye Editor, Staff and all readers & happy and prosperous New Year. Mr Ham Allen, Hopevilie is spendâ€" ing his Christmas with his mother. | LC Miss Maria Davis, daughter ot Wm. | other pr Davis, now out West, is visiting at her | terms of grandfather, Mr Jas. Edge over the: The We holidavys. | Miss Amy Edge who hag attended ; We have a large (‘wen Sound Collegiate the past four for Swle in the fojll months, returned last week. | owk Fesex, Elgin, Mr Arthur Weir has also returned ) deses, wooepyy Mumbt for the holidays. | Perth, Simeoe, Vic Mrs Wm. Collier, from the NortthPUiann. Weilland West visited last week at Mr Jno. Collâ€"| }"’!‘k_- Also many B ier on tha Avenue. | dential properties for : Mr Dan Edge took a trip to Owen i Sonnd last week. The Christmas tree held in the church Thursday eveniag was a great success, The weather was not at all gcod but nevertheless the church was filled betore the time of commenceâ€" ment. Rev Mr Farqubarson of Durâ€" ham acted as chairman very effecientâ€" ly. The songs, dialogues and recitaâ€" tions by the sunday school children were well rendered showing that no pains had been spared by the program committic and childaren. Mr and Mrs Henry Tuacker of Walkâ€" erton ard friends from Berkley spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs R. Legate of this place. Mr David Adlam has purchased 50 acres from Mr Ralph Bruasat. Mr Adâ€" lam is making preparatson for tne erection of a brick house next summer. We welcome Mrs T. Mighton and tamily to our burg, ‘They have for the past year been liv.ng near Allan Park but have moved to the house reâ€" cently vacated by Mrs Jas. Smith. Miss Annie Alexander ot Toronto is at present spending her Christmas holidays with her brothers James and George. Miss Mary Wise has returned from a two week‘s visit with friends in Brusâ€" sels. Miss Jessie Parks of Detroit is reâ€" newtng friends and acquaintance aâ€" round the home of her early childâ€" The Big Store 4 lbs RAISINS....... TAbs c RICE\....*:â€".»% . 3 pks Chinese Starch .. GROCERIES FOR SATURDAY We thank our customers for past patronage and trust that fair and honest dealing will merit a continuance of their trade for the coming year. FOR SALE. Very Happy and Prosperous ALEX. RUSSELL Edge Hill Jonxx RoBERrTtsoxn Vickers. Fowl, Butter and Eggs Wanted _ his splendid for sale. For Wishes everybody a New Year . 25¢ 25¢ 250 & itial nrang,4;_ _ % PHSINGES and Resi. _] dential properties for Sale in al| parts of :‘tbe province. _ If you have a Farm or â€" | Other property for sale, write for our * | terms of selling Real Estate, f Glenalsy ;/ [, UAL in the Town. | ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, l 57 acres: 40 acres cleared," ]J7 actes | mixed timber, level, we;} drained, watr ,lered by well and smail Stream. _ One | storv small log bouse, frame barn 36 x 50 with basement, llt mules from school 'und Post Oftice, or price and terms nnnbt tm * Weuld e ... 2 °C FC"VC oo apply to _ JoHN McLrEax, $ Lot 26, con 4, 8 D R. Priceyille P O, Ont. T Hrowces "Taw se About 7 miles from Garafraxa Road. Ti SiOn at ODCe. must ha c Durham, Feb Being lot No. 20 on 2nd Con, N. D. R. |and 22 and 23, on the 3rd Con. N. D. R. Glenelg, containing 150 acres, more or less. 125 acres cleared, balance hardâ€" wood hbush. 1} miles from P. 0. and school, church on property,. â€" Well watâ€" ered, wells and running :{n-ingn. Buildâ€" ings in good repair. ‘ill be sold on | reasonable terms :6 miles from Durham | and from Priceville, _ If sold {mmulon | given tor work this fall. Fuil possessâ€" ion in March, Clear title given, Apply ‘to the proprietor, _ D, GRaBHAM, h Priceville, Or to Ac H o Hinganu Jan. 2, 1905 100 FOR SALE, Thorough Bred C;me and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Stock and like] mals. Apply to Lot No 22, The undersigned will sell house and lot on West Bruce St, built in 1904, 1o cated between Furniture and Cream Separator factories. 30 x 32 feet, 24 | stories, double cellar, cement fGoor in one half, furnace in the other half. 9 \ rooms, modern and convenient. . Good | well on premises, emall barn wiih stone | stable underneath. A bargain to quick )huyer. Apply on the premises or to I‘ War. LEGGETTE, Box 92, Durham ARCHK Mclra ;.' P Pine Grove P 0. Wax, w NSChcah Western Real Estate Acre FARM for SALE FARM FPOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE us 1 pkg Maltaâ€"Vita...12%c j lb Dunham‘s FOR SAaALR, DECEMBER 28, 1905 con 4. 8 DR, in the Town ‘Ig, in the County of Grey i neingis > Gpll vs n 2l 0 v_ A Jarge number of Farms the following Countiesâ€" Elgin, Grev, Haldimand, Lambton, Iancoln, Mid_ k, Ontario, Oxford, Peel, 0e, VictOoria, Waterloo, Wellang. Went worth and mamne D.: 2o e m tn td., London, Ontario, Rastacgr, Agent, Thistle must be sold . 22. 1905, Clear title given, 'NAp;;l) )r. _ D, Granay, , or to A, H. Jacksox, Solicitor, Durham for Saile. Iros. Scanr & Boxs Rocky Saugeen P. ( com Durbam op Title good. _ Pa. ocoanut .. and likely ani U 8 A, 1 a td aro x Exchange, Apply to _ . TEuronp, . Or to m the ossesâ€"

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