Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Dec 1904, p. 7

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" moo M t the lam de. offerUBfeom istrttas for one tanner rriees. IV utlery we excel, ing Sets. The a I x L, white- sale LACK. NGES AK atchmaker eller. . ales BR 8, 1904 \head Crowd Xmas the eight sleighs Saturday after- " BURNETT rdon, be able to firsd assortment ot at is to he seen mtt. All fitted REPAIRING; Sum YSDALE Mfarn'art mi GOLD ARE I Penn Esther WV in: the lead in S11 M " of English noes. The lisappearing rre suitable person than i See our nd the goods You will giving them L. white- Dem 1y un- u deal buying an meat On! and IN you ook able and . of ad- to If]? Itk 10e- It): ICC man man I'APITAL, Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,00t. CAPITAL, Paidup........... 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND............ 1,000A01t AGENTS in all principal paints m ontario, Quebec, Manitoba. United State-- and England. w. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hanger. A mineral Banking minim-u trnmmeted Drafts issued and collection tmade on all points. Deposit. received and inter est allowed " tutrreot rote. SAVINGS 8.5215 -nterest allowed on savings bank deposit. of 31.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afrorired customers living at a distance. a KELLY, Agent. Fresh Round Peanuts every Wednes- day and Saluldny. A nice line of FRESH CON- FECTIONERY always on hand. This Store will close at 6 p. m. every night except \Vednndayl and Satur- days. W293? J,?! MW Why not fall into the procession and buy your bread, cakes and pastry at the tap-town bakery where you are always sate to get the best re- turns for your money? Having now obtained competent help, I am in a position to fill all orders on short notice. gf. 711 Watson. DURHAM AGENCY Still they Come; . Still there are more to follow tDurham $7takrsry 200 Am- ..in Nyentq, 'tell mu so MM“ w, a Be sure to call and see him and order your Christmas Present. Has Arrived at the BIG 4, with a big load of 'I‘OI’S and Xmas I’resents The Hanover Cortvernnetr. beau lo uy that he has sold nearly every property included in his lust. in the REVIEW but he now mien the following bargains: The Hanover (Tonyeyancer. Hanover " LIST OF LANDS , in Remind new anford. an. no ofrtat. one: is bound to all. Good In? 100 p. in mom. shout“ melat- M,ta,d'd bush And "up timber, very - Wimp.” tryrtertceerittt nfetroun' Properties sold. money to lend, iIOur- ance placed debts col ected. writings drawn. Business eattbliobed 18Bi. mid he ca.“ a- 1iiiiyi7iik1eGiria"A"ilr'll'a 'J',U mg mime: out.“ B-ttnet tlt', It 'p1,'lt lute! '.', magi Sh,h'tti _ t n o in?!” ’rowx mu. tn tell,? town a Mun, on Monday, December 19th, MM, between theiwunolneuultwo o'e9ttehin am. for the mm a 2eufe',fitrl't,". 1f,"d,'ifdrig, bl'll'l'llltSrdtt le' 2t'ff2l'h,frt,e Vidal. m “In L841. the medias-will!» named an!!! Monday, J an. 2nd, 1906. County Council Election (me N 2'.iv2",ttu'gstte.t Third County Council Division MEN and WOMEN in this county Mud ad- joining ten-i101; to reptestpt and tannin an old established can of solid figtnneinl "and- int. sum no men :21 weekly. to women .12 , 'll 1"e',',a,%eartr, mulled etch o y c ec m in. WI: "one II? tmgBrftsmtatqlt when m. gluon permanent. Ad“ New Due. a _ .. be”. A, In. Illa. on”. m. H. H. MILLER. W. H. Bean 0303.333 Ld! an y in Norm-m) ' vellum , 2,tt,t,tet and 2'le",',llU'l to as." c I i H '?itrlilltlt, TICE in km a and: In In, I?" 2'32: 1B.t's'i.tril4'/l',t,,',',"g gluin- a good buildings and tence, with nice om: arm-pug}. fudge $3290. willeeept 'ihl mg Rid "ow bolin'éé To' whiz}? can; ’l‘he Big- 4. II, II. MILLER, PHONE NO. 38. WANTED muons. not: Holman. Splen m all cheap or trade far larger. W. B. Vonm. Nominating Olen p, W.,:" WFt' , 1 17 'tr ”Kw-“‘1 I) 1. 0%) -‘,> Es x , II "x,“ F, . He entered into the finances of the country and claimed there was. would: of '11tr,000,000in pulp lands alone. (has show-n3 that the direct Motion cry man were bogey since the tots] ex. penditure in 1U'itht since Oonfedera. uon mm 'ra, 000. He mutated the Liberal propose! to prevent the over capitalization of companies, out- lined the duties. ample mow. of the lnew "Minute: of 0010th and!» for fk ment. Cheers for the King and Candidate and the National anthem led by the Chairman, closed a most successful Convention. The Globe had a. reporter present and a brief dospntch appeared next day. The campaign in B. Grey tttlt' arrtqrttretnive one, now was the ti e to work. A good cause. a good lead- er. a good eandidate, he hoped to bear on the night ot the election that South 9rey had pronounced unmistakably Mr W. H. Ryan, in a brie! speech. referring to the mistnnce given , this part. of the province to roads an . rail. roads, made a suggestion that the sur- tlt should be used to reimburse them. his would have a double benefit, it would lmen the pressure by the toriee. for where there was no surplus to at rive for there would be tew or no torioa, and the proof could he found in Quebec provmce. This humorous rally caught the Convention and has been freely commented upon by the pre Mt. Mr J D Morgan, in declining said that his success, being an old o. Sound boy. would make the County town too proud having already two distinguished men in Miller and MncKay. Iilvexma MEETING. A hastily culled public meeting was called for 8 o'clock lo he addressed ha Miller and MucKuy. The hull thong not as well tilled as during the afternoon had stills large audience who listened to speeches from the thre M's, McKech- hie. Miller and Mac-Kay. Twice during the evening MrDIysdule sangsolon with his usual yin: and grace. and was loudly cheered. His references to Gamay were point- ed and direct. and he showed plainly how the Conservative leaders bad did. counted their own <haneeg by associa- tion with him as counsellor and friend. If honest Canadians, we will con. demn wrongdoing in our own ran" gs well as in our opponents. and see to it that it has no authorization from official s-urces. This is Mr Whitnes's whole cry. and the reason was evident to those who knew him, and it was that he bad not the ability to originate or intelligently criticize business legis- lation. He was absurd even in his bnbery charges. and he instanced the foolish one that 4000 D. R. tn " the last election had conspired to steal one ballot each l This he never followed up. but he had never tetracted. candidate McKechnie was first called on. hm announced that he would speak only hrietiy to allow the visiting mem- bers the evening. He valued the posi-, tion in: a '/l'i'i'ditfll' of the Hon G' w Ross. who ha led the house for a num. ed men for their' titrtarr, somethimt Klaringly at fault in the Dominion government under Conservative rule. her of years with an honorable record. He praised the work of the Agricultural College and took 'Ill at some length the tindire ot the ammo Convention. showing how pregnant they were of good to the province when crystallizsd into legislation. Mr Miller quoted the World's 12 re- solutions, ehowing there was little new and absolutely nothing Startling. Whitney), attack on the Finances had failed and their programme said nothing of education. He claimed that Liberals were justified in resenting the whole. sale charges of otticusl corruption. and such insulting and slanderous articles as a peared in the Mail and Empire. one ofwhich had appearei under the hend. ing .. Iutelleet and Honest: Wedded." J Lockie Wilson. who ha 'ought to get an can) position. and failing. "went over," was shown up. Believed that J lt Stratton was the most abused man in Ontario.. and if it were dpossible the present government shoul bode. rented, the speaker wondered who would take their place ? Whitney was n failure at constructive legislation and Gamey was unthinkable. The corrup- tion cry would act as a boomerang and honeat Conservatives would certainly took to Whitney to produce something tangible or they would vote on the other side. Mr Mackay contrasted the two put Conventions: the one mavens. duly delegated, the other about 1200 and It tendon. The Conservative f.htd.ittte were vague generalities ond he waisted "we must. have a specch lemedy for . specific wrong." He dealt " length with the "decslogue Smasher” Carney. and asked and spplsuse. if he switched checks outside what would he do in- side ' He held, snd the country would hold, Nesbltt. Prue, Whitney and others equally 18111” for identifying themselves with mey. The Whitney system bf Net, isolated can. and applying them to t a whole Liberal natty was thoroughly expgugd. bid pulsed, chm!) their hands There was 3 ml surplus. and Oahrlo clone in the Dominion could beat, mow" the province: started even " 'ederathih. Whitney Want. more Agritrttlturat Colleges - Imitation “"9 the Show: form ot fiatusry. No more fit man could have been selected for Min. ot Agriculture that Hon. John Dryden, and Russ, like Launcr. oelgcc “on. to come soon or Inc. "airy weld /gtfiLP, mam. ', But» his admire at a. W. Ron. he would not have been in politics. Able. tumble. honest in the character «the Yvonne“ and he rejoiced that It cKeehnle‘e epeeeh bed the all. r itttt. Bentimisnt wee good. but thin was alto a busine- government, and he chewed that not one cent ot malfea- sance (Mud be charged against them, gm; since Contederitiost 'i23,il00,000, The condition. 1:317:15de thtath 9ttremt In hoped an; at was» a')'s')iirh'e 'tfi "gtt'gii'g' 1'!!! I310“ LEirrtTriiTcrj' add a capatLe clean gavel-ti- Continued from pay" I. NOTES. 'dttrrtj'i92'?stl',, _ - _ .w ‘ Au“ "x ' "rm"; 3 In”. kT I M Mai, 7.. A, er ”I e man n ”Sq-nu C a a. ww ”'3‘.“ ‘ nun“ ’9' " F 'r A . 'aNra' " Clerk Rutherford to whom an dole gated the work of lnolnng into the anstton [ of supplying the county con- stables with badges presented In: report on the matter. He bad written to the clerks of the Counties of York, Went. worth and Oxford. In the latter two counties no hedges were supplied but in York county I bronze badge WB.. sn plied each constable. He bod cou- 'lt/JI J J Donal“. e local menufsotnr- in jeweler. in the matter and had bran offered a nickle silver badge " " emu each and sterling rilver at1.26. Enquiry had been made as to ulnminnm badges but pnces had not been submit- med, He asked the council for mature- tions as to what to prooure and whether the badges were to be supplied gratuit. tnnsly to the constables or whether the latter would be required to pay for their offimUl mark. Churman Shuts of tho Road Ind bridge committtee had a. long list ot ac- counts " repairs. work, malarial. plans, Att of roads and bridges which worn all glued except moms turrtitied to by Com. all on Dundalk, which dul not upmily the place where work was done. Left over In Com, Bell's absence. The apart of the judicnl audit com- mittee " mounted by It Allen. tlw cooncxl's repreuntttlvo on tres baud, Wu ulna adopted withnut debate. In it the seconntl of the oecond and third gunners were Inhmistod. The ton! claims presented for judicul ndministn- tion for the second quarter amounted to 9557.57 which Were pnid In“ a deduc- tion of $12.60 on the account. ot the clerk at the peace. The “counts of thin dcputmont for the\ third quarter I- mountod to a - mm at $611.05 from which " was deducted and for the third quanta! the total claims amounted to {1897.13. all of which were thawed with the exception of 014.22. It Allan reported that he hsd sold timber from nu old Image to the "In. of fitsy cents. which .mnnut he Would hand to the county tram-mar. The warden read an invitation from Rev “I Lediard to the couuzil to be present " the mating on Friday "Stt. ing in the interests of Cltiitt Saving un- der the aunpices of the Children's Aid Society. l County council. . Thur-day afternoon. The menta- pueent u the lee-ion were - Peterson. Brown, when. Genie. “not.” Blank, Allen. Pinto». Doyle. Thomeon end lcColemn. A num- ber at the membere visited the home of refuge in the morning [or Ilse Eamon of inspecting as new heme w ich were criticized n being .lttsttetlterintrdeq- to the reqtteremeuty of the Institution. The mount. ware nil tetemd so the mad sud bridge committee nub the exception of than at the mshllttu, Cor. amounting The repbrt was referred to the fitmtsee committee. to $29.76 which weto' “form! to chi priming committee. "Dee. IU" This is the date. on the label of very many of our subscrihers and we hope the: will at the earliest opportunity um e it read Renew I Renew! and thus secure our handsome illustrat- ed Christmas Number. to he issued in n few days. Those whoae labels read . IB' on earlier are requested to attend to the matter at once before the crush begins, We beg to thunk thnae who have. remit- ted during the last. few weeks. "dia'uiu Ball and see tor you'roclf. A timt class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand " Rowe's store. -- -inour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness niggs‘in every The mahine ahee! has been corrected to date. Examine your Fusel and if any- tlung IS wrong. let us know at once. And therefore we hear .nothing but prune for our bread, cake-s, pies. and every desirable variety of pastry. FIRST of all, w; uge only. the iipest - -irerdrtinent of our estafsiiahtnent." LASTLY, our prises Ire tasottsteUta.ir., “I Hunter lbl prmHed dud the 'led,', and “to: the and (haul: oppod' than!” new “than, “can” , Mute “Patty- pkuhill." - chord ttio ”an! aeeiei-qot Won " mitts”. f 'Xtttothe-oatttneaeosmtttg. snub. as“: "My "mtttad that t new [inland 0m" land-inn moat wonky addition to the Ron government. Jr SUITS TO A TI ktsr."_re9ieee.timturnii-ett" GOOD REASONS: STINSON 'Sig ctL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN . H. STINSON. ( Conlirnued next week.) WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. C, " Dee. 'OC, it! " L.X2 If}? "q-et-too-oo-tet-et" l are com; . "'me nun"--- _-___ - --"_ thin line this yen. Bush In your fowl l TAYmn & 00.. Dmmore. ' Norrmr.--pnir 'i.00 for the annw I and fine A-rolor cover Holidoy Number till Jan i. 1W6. Subscribe now and get the t,enefit of this your fun. We have n few of our hsnt you”: Annuololeft. It on one bu been mts)tred we will send t than) one. tfbtt'tslas, ftaneg, Useful and Mttratsttha Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Hair Brushes, Celluloid Cuff Boxes. Glove and Hdkf. Boxes, Toilet Sets, Clothes' Brushes, Purses, Bill Books, Hand Bags, Select Stationery, Bibles and Hymn Books. Violins, Mouth Organs, Games, Crockinole Boards, Flineh, Pit; &c. Smoker Bets. Pipes, Cigar Cases, Shaving Mugs, Shaving Sets, Parlor and Hand Lamps, &c., &c. And Iota of other novelties. Too many goods and too many prices to mention them here. You will have to visit tttr-you are invited. Galondan now ready. (Salt and get one. fii;iri, All persons "a strictly forbidden ststtotyttt, hunting or Imminf dogs on lots No 58. 60. 8. . R.. also on o (I). N. D. R, and lots No ar, no. 61. 2nd con. 8 D.R. LotNoGO.con LND R, Ben- tinck. Don't uh permiu; this menu you. Wag, GRIIBOON. Ron. LINDSAY. Juo Bun-1'. Rum“? HOLIDAY NMEK~AI us ual We Imu- made provision to present all truheerthers paid in advance for 1006 Wlth a handsome illustrated holiday number which will he may before Christmas. Itinvory handsome - zine and " he much appreciated. C. new nod More the rush. _ We buy Poultry, dead or alive. atid are doing . bigger bus-inc“ than eveet'tt ' -- . ' “~77.- D..-h um - foil . ADDITIONAL LOCALS. AFTER LOOKING ALL AROUND TOWN Santa Claus has discovered the Right Place and knows he can procure his supplies of For those who are expecting something extra this year. You will agree with him when you have looked over our Stock of HOLIDAY GREETINGS I All 000“ ta'tlut .5333} A grand Stock of Violins. Accordions Guitars. Mouth Organs. Ae. A big assortment of bound and Foam: in all I',',',"?,'),,,',?), Testaments. rarer & Hymn Books FOR THE CHILDREN A pair of Gold-Mud Spectacles make a we" tteotrent Our Fancy Goods Department u full of Blur“!!! in Toilet Own. Tran-Hing Calm. Pane. Huir Brushes trnd Combs. Purses. Military Brushes. Shaving 0m. Albums Ind fancy Work Bcxes, Sierling Silver and Ebony Novelties, Work Bankeu. etc. Bats, thaGFi. that was new tit WV of all kinds Bee our stock '",Atgggfg'd Tore. A amt. noel-uncut of Pug; out eight hundred to chm? rum. Hundred! of Picture Book. It very low prices. 'dlt', 'ttf lagggl-Bloixhl “d We have "ending we tony, Jhtd - MI..." AT WARNING. (rho Right Blue to bay Ghrz’sémas 1i?roseruss. ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO l nlllilill'8. Music, Games, die. In the Jiur'ogait Court of 1hffhrtett, NOTICE is tgt'U,i,.rg, pursuant to R. B. o., 137. p. tak Sec. 38 and Amending Aeta, that alt pen-Iona haying chim- union the Ethane of the oai Thomas Turnbull. who died or, or shout the Whit; of Squad barber. A. D. all no requ to ten poet prep. or to delher to J. P. TeJond of the Town of Durham. Solicitor for the Executor. on or beforé the their unmet. addreues and t,'t.g,tt,tg end db full statement of particu of (hell chim- end the new" of the ”cur. it, (if my) held by them duly Cesrtitietd. end that after the aid dly the executor will proceed to distribute the use" of me $tirtt1, :mong manage. and? on y n ma on t e ttat of whiz]: he shell $911 hare no . lard-ho. harln - an! oul to the “"“" --re -ie.----e" -ee "‘ Nui, -- -- sum of .5551: an" is»: hare 'il,iiiltli'fgls"t' "ii,?lltt?thttii'tt4.t mace. 'at an in dih- c at Dag tttie 10th dar of November, A. lo owes-mun ',,t,tdNtt."S2"ti'dttlt't " own..." 'otitsr. h t I J, P.MBD. d2'dgttpl'pf'fat.'""" Solicitor for Executor. J. I. ”I"... Mig%ttlt 8th day of December. A. 0.1906. he Surrogate Court of the Count . of Grey, in the matter of the until If, The: Turnbull. the elder. late of t c Tangled!) oaneutindg, in thy county of My. 'Yeoman, Donated. Notice to Creditors. otBeto---utmat TOWN. DUB]! ll. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto vulva-any. graduate of Boyd College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Room. Our J t l HUNTER?! New more. Jammy Ind punt. Fund. to Lou OI Home. at lowest at. ot mun-t. Vatuattqn In“. by :commmt and careful Vuuwr. W. C. PICKERING B. It S., L. B. S. Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance", Att. Money to Loon. (yiee, McIntyre Block. over the Bonk A. a. Mushy! KG. W. F Dunn Canonica- All My promptly “but!“ to Z““'mmm:'dmmm reitii'i'i?: .00 y . I o - 'tttttttLette, 1ttr.trt - 'tPd t: ' I In um Oman Bun-1n.- Frog-m ',"A'dra'dg 'dptr. min-mun uni Guru-mun) Ohm-0d. sou- ohu and. " may one. god This room! J. G. BUTTON. 11).. (LI. Llclnm-u wumna-umt Mothqlu-JCHJMM ""'""""'etgty-"- o 'tp. ttt “do! an?" 'Itrtttutult :33. tt 1'2"ltttd""tutr,het :1: otlltese.t8nmtat, - - - - 0mm Wttttmntttte 'dltt,"'S' noun. mm. m. “WMyo “nonunion I... I. an 4 p. I. Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Comlmoner. a. Money to Loan. fMiee, over Gondon'c Jewelry Store. tate teen to Mooelieid's 1 Notary Public. Commissioner, Convey uncut. van-mt. luau-moo Agent, he D. McPHA IL) JOHN CLARK.) onto: I00” F-u n. I. 2-4 F I. "e-q p. I. 1’mm No. " Damn. Kev. 16, " B, darnhnm2r_1rt;el. our Co! - YER. .OIOI TOR. mun! "one Boar-rum. ' Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S- M m. Mange-um tor I). a mute...“ home“ the new OF t'ta?etfa'ta wag": tear, and“! to, "I. napkin-don to , D. lawn. Ceylon P. o. or to C. IAIAGI. Durban: rg", ARTHUR. GUN. M. ”[08 FIRST DOOR EAST GI the Du nun Plums-q Calder', Ion. Residence ttrut door west of tho old Poet ottioe. Durham. -mmmumwwa A Wont-NOW. G. LEFBOY McCAUL. “canned Auction-er toe the County of Iher. [W A“ locum o! . m' are: 'i1titii'J,'i'inttt. man. “than old“. can.” Fla. lilpr, Rose a: Throat MEDICAL. nice. McKenzie‘s Old Sund. Dnrham Auctioneers. Private Money to Lona. Collec- tion. of sll kinda promptly nuan- ded to. Farms bought and sold Island to Moethieid'. itamdou, In. to [II-ppm (New York) En Baum MACKAY * DUNN, -(‘ mu muwm.m L13! avg“. hymn-him t: inmtguesegpttputetiett “a 19ryt LIPID- DEN TAL- Hunted Auctioneer for Co. Grey. LEG-AL. IOU" . A. B. JACKSON, J. P. TELFORD Moan that”. one J.AJ.HW0 M h.-- , ”.10.... " 330“. Ceylon In 3W3. 0.0.. DR. BURT Fire Insurance Co. Att Modes.“ ll Owen Sound Ta; " N Td

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