" school and ml] take a [unher course at tue, Univc-rsiw. Mrs Ectur. of Hm avenue, who has boon poorly, is wens-wing. Mrs Mali-y. from Holland. sud danglr tor. Elizabeth. we"! visiting at Mn Thaw Mormonâ€: lust. urek where her danglner is stay iug. Mr and Mn Mnrold Moffat. of Owen Sound. visited friends around here tor a tow days lately. Wm Moltat, of Greesoa." mm" .__.._ Mr. Jun Firth [mu resuguod Edge Hill song! and .wrll take a htrtlter counts at Mr Aulmr Weir and sister. Minn Ethal, “a I', Uncut whiting their uuul, Mrs Mn Smith. of Michigan, is at present the can! of her brother. M r Hiram Dean, and other friends around here. Mrs Wm Mount. of Greenoch, w“ the guest of her brother, Mr Georsto Ritchie. and other trio-ml: for a few daytt recently. John m.) w... Manyden eit'iited (Hem-h in Wulhnon In". Friday mud attended the races Mule time. Our village but I nub-tantra! increase Incl). two boys in one week. Mr Thos Bum-ten and Funk Jordan no the happy ones. Mr Andlew Dyee has MUM] a new bank barn to his prem.iner. A eoutinttrut o' the " Fresh Air Fund Chlldreu" rnuicated here with pleasure to Humnlves tand protit to others during the last two weeks. One Ms found a We wish the " Dromore Telephone Co.. Ltd," all ant-com. Much "awful mlormn- tion um given to Hume premix: at the or. gunzutmn xmelmg has: week by Mr’l’hou Begloy. ot Plgerzou. one of the directors of the Conn Telephone Co. Lol. It is pro- pured to Mild n urcuitmm lino beginning at Hob-Min and connecting with the Conn Co. at thrwlle. inclndmg Yoovil. Dro- more. L'oothvilV, Swimou Park. Hopeville' and C'mlarville. thereby gaining connec- tiou wnh Mt Forest over the Conn Co's line. "and! ir, I Mr David Eeeles bad n mum-mum] unm‘ [nil-ins: last Fridav. Mr Chas Mclnum was " duty Inst week by sickmmt. Rheumatmu is taking I Be. veto hold ol him. the bush Mr. Andrew Pmberwu arrived home from Musknkr. last week tuttfertntt from u not. lacs hurt by a hm]: while working in Mr. Johr Nelmon. Jr, band): 50 notes of land from Robb lune. bring wont but! of lot 16, con 15. Prior “loo. )1: Botrt Nicholson ttae manna 1mm? and. " “ iljnnu. l Me Geo 1 Mn Arch Mchhorn ristted relativesihtsly from in limo Indy. I u, I Gre A lotions nanny took place hon on l last week c Friday but. when Wm SGSIIOIMI, the hired : make. He In of Mr Alex Fetus wu bringing u buy i Livingston. loader home behind a team and mug-nu; Having i Some part of the hay louder beeume loose' wheat. and l Ind the young mun left the loam and won: I Mr Yul: to fix It. The tum Muted away at al n ,"iir I'rrro I good pace null the mac-lune was shaken to I l'. M T!" tr New. the Waco!) fuck and kind whmlnl m 'f .3 left on the mud Aide. Ind In" I two utilo Mr i')son run the team made nu innings by colliding [Wild Edt with a loam-up. Be more wulchlul next . time. Sessiunn. N MR. J. W. MacKAY, HARRISTON, 0NT., District Agent 111'."de for last week. 8.3, mp hen. " alumnus. is very If Jy Dyes. a, bu returned from Edge Hill ..-.. YIOVIL Mr John at Lawrence purchased recently a handrome new top buggy. We hope Ue aud Mn Lawrence may lung: enjov its cool shade and shelter, and time the-1r robmt complexion "my never nutTer. The umlvrsignvd have for sale. 2 hulls rising 2 years old and 3 lmll calves: ris- ing 1 Feat' old. Also " pure-bred Tam. worth Hour. for service. Terms. $1.00. - A. & J. SEALEY. A union picnic of the three noiulnhoriug choirs is 'l-lullucd for the near future. Having r, mar hers. great crops report- ed and tine Weather prevailing. ' FOR SALE & for SERVICE Lam 23 k PA, S'. D. R. (Hem-lg. Mr Abe H onper'o barn was raised Monday last, done by Muck and tackle under the management ot Wm Hans. A good solid frmuo ghl the result, no {Misting or racking ot Lents and untety assured to ruminants. Mr Geo Pollock was the frnmer. Qu'tnn nmulmr from here took in the my a. tt yioutul nu the 12th, the local lodge [mung well represented. After a sumptuous supper in the hunt:- l'ul pine, grove, nil" Were chosen for a game at hue-hull captained lw Reeve lic- Famleu. of (Hm-Mg, and Ron Henry. Se, ot Eureruout. ttn.mrd res'peetively the In- vincihlea and the 1Jneorupterturum. Wblle the fielding was fast and furiouu. many mus were lumle beyond the ability of the scorer tn taku, notice of, but they were up in the :tu'u, Captain Henry having, it anv- thing. " low tuore than his opponent. The ‘battlug of Miss Aggie Hunter with two home runs to her credit and the catching of nuns Lizzie Adams were salient leutureu ot the game. What caved they that the cows were still to he milked no long " the eylvan alludes re-ecboed to the ' rollicking artillery of human laughter? the very l quintesscnoe of youtJnl spiritu. All de- ‘ parted for their houses Iseaetitted by the i good and pleasant fellowship. _i Edwin! is about iini.,t"rd 30:.) and in" ‘when and Lula} no being cm. } Mr Vaulriu-icr. mo geulleluau who put I up Mr (irwenwuml's mill, was the guest of l Wm MeFaydeu Sunday. Through the courtesy of m Stoddnrt, Manager. the dredge was inspected cure- fully in ml its Wurkiugu. The unnuul picnic of the Grey Ulritr yetrs-thonr'lryoutht'uriu-spirit boys and unh- Was held on July 15 " the Lake. whore a mo.t enjoyable time was agsiu npenb in touting and other amusexuentn Glens-lg was represented by Mr and Mrs W J Young and Mr and Mrs T ut'l’miden. From Egremouc there wne M, and Mrs Rum. Mr and urn R Heurv. nu Humor. Mrs Adams, Mn Lothian. Dromore, to. gether with one 01 more of their families and many other,, were [mm-em. Mr Than Mom". of o S. visited Mend: Around Edge Hill last week. Mr I Greenwood erected a new windmill hrst week of the Gould. Slxaplny A lair yaks. He purchased it how Agent John very moccasin! pienie lastt Thoma-y in Edge}- grove with the ttsttal gum... Roy Mr Fntquhu'sou held s largely " tended Payer Meeting " I! Geo Ritchie's Tuesolny, " which two int-nu were imp. mod. Mr Geo Ritchie purchased 3 new organ Intsly from Chum! Smith. The Edge Bill "bbath School held . Thia Week? Budget. NORTH EGREMONT. Mrs. J. A. Scarlet, beiore she moves to Little Current, has gone to the front on_t1 visit. Some of our best spcrts went to Mt. Forest on Monday, Aug. Ist, to take in the horse races. Mi". Luther Vera returned from the1 Fergus hospital, where he was under ' doetors' care. He is improving. I Mr J II Scott has secured the sewices of M, Peter McPhail. of Mt Forest, as clerk in " store, and is pushing things. This week’s budget. Mr. J. McArdle returned home after beltor ip Toronto. Ccntmctor Glemster is now building a fine house for Harry Millner. our leading merchant here. Mr Jos. McArdle IR away in Tumnto. partly on business and visiting his sou, D C. and wife. Mr. John Russell is Inid up with hand. Intended Ne not week A new Telephone Company is likely to run a. tine through here: coming from Hol. stein by way of Drum-re. Swiutun l'urk then to Cedun'illc. A meeting WM held In Dromore lately and shares mlmcrihcd. MrJ McArdle attended from this village, Would it not be well co have a spur line from Dromore to Priceville I' Mr I W McArdle was here last SundaV- Tin, Rev. Mr Barber. of Arthur. a form, er student here, exchanged pnlpits with the Rev, Mr. Lee last Sunday. R. Renwick, Jno. Snell, John Find- lay. Chas. Drummie, John Drummie. John Adams. Misses E. Ramon, A. Renwick, May Eccles. Bell Garson, Aggie Hunter, who took up the Sunday School teaehem' training course last winter and wrote on examination last May, have all been st1e?,essh1l in pass- ing in the different ssabjeetstaketi up and have received their certificates. Much credit is due Rev. Mr Campbell under whose instruetion they were. Mr. Geo. Moore. of Normanby, was a caller on the Lothian family over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Young, ot Buffalo, are waiting the latter's parents. here, Mr. and Mrs E. Wells. Misses Laughlan and Spence, of Brantford, are at present visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J Leash, and other friends. Mrs. Joss. Snell, of Zion City, is home at present amending to her mother, Mrs. James Leask. Quite a number of the youth and beauty of Dromorc and vicinity held a midnight pienie at Hamilton's Lake last Friday night. They all seem tn have enjoyed it very mach only re gretted not seeing the dredge, Working. Mrs James Leash. who was suddenly taken sick. is improving slowly. Mr. James Lester, who has been in the employ ot Mr. John Benton for over two years. expects to leave for the west next week to try his fortune on the Prairie plain. Owing to the great amount of hay this year quite a number_ of hay forks have been erected al'ouno here. A young man from the west was seen driving south with two fair young ladies when the pleasures of the even- ing were very much annoyed by the young man not being able to obtain his young driver and had to take one ot the old horses. Faster drive next time, ladies. Four of our young men went up to Eugenia lasuSunduv to see if the water was still running. Mr. William-----.----.); to the at- tractiveness or his nome by the pur- chase of a. Dominion organ. The Rev. Mr. Vessot, of Montreal, will give an address on French evan- gelization on Sunday in Amos church. Miss Janet Ilav is at present suffer- ing from the effects of neuralgia of the face and was unable to attend the pie- nie at the lake last week. As a result of last Wednesday's elec- trical storm, Mr. Jas. Geddes untur- tunately bad 14 sheep killed. We are sorry to say that Mr. John Ltuprrslin, Mr. Findlay's spirited clerk. is at present on the sick list. We hope soon to see him around again. Mr. John Dixon ably -fii.ed Amos pulpit last Sunday. Miss Bella Garson went down to To- t'ontolast week to act as bridesmaid fur her aunt. Mis, Lizzie Garson, who, on Wednesday last, was united in wedlock to Mr. Parker, of Toronto. Lizzie was a Dromore girl and we join in wishing herjoy and happiness. Miss Batehlor, of Salem, was the guest of' Mr. P. Stern over Sunday last. Mrs. James Futcleg, who has been poorly the past week, is improving nicely. Miss Aggie Renwick and Miss Mary Taylor left last week for Belmont, Manitoba, covisit thetormer's sister, Mrs. Peter Lister, better known as Jean Renwick. Dr. Sneath left Monday morning for Toronto for a tew days on business. Dr. Fates will attend to his business during his absence. The hay harvest is almost to a close in this part, and in general it has been a very heavy out, so their will be an abundance of good ha y for another long winter, but we hope not so long and tterm, " last. Miss Ida Lester and her companion, Miss Wylie, who has been visiting at the farmer's parents tor the past two Weeks, left last week for the city ugpin. - -- __ _ - _ _ _ Miss Ellie Brooks and her brother. Westlie, of Buffalo. are at present vis- iting their aunt and cousins, Mr and Mrs John Renton. HOPEVILLE. DROIORE. THE DURHAM REVIEW l 5710 , and Wider plain}: On Wedvosrhw evening: last we had the hezwirst thunder storm we have had this summer. accompanied by hm! as large as marbles. The hail took a "trip along the south line and very little in this town. Danna: was alone to f as and vegetable. In On- A- *I-““ Norman McIntyre; and sister, Buss Kale McIntyre. attended the funeral of their nephew who died suddenly at Bruce a. weak ago aged JO years. Mr Donald McMillan, South Line, 1s away on a holiday trip to srauitolra and Earth Westjust now. m m d MM Black left fur their home in Oak Rwer. man. on Monday last after spending u month With friends at this place. Miss Flown McIntyre. Snatch Lino, had an operation fast week. She is domg as well us can be expected, Arch MchnIg fell into a Well at his barn 0. distanee of 40 feet while fixing some lullzlnu and miraculously escaped with a bruised ankle which will lav him up for Home titne, He is able to be around again but no: nlrle to work. Mm Wnlkor Toronto, are l at. prtment. Malcolm sreDonaht, of Toronto, formerly of this blue». paid " flvusr,, visit to frieudu at Prieerme for a couple of days. Inc looks well and is doing well in the city. It wan too had that the two Durham Editors had to play off for "m' week sim- ultanpously. leaving an without news of any kind, locally. ae. This Weekâ€: Budget. Playing In about done, crop good. Full wlmut in some p’nvcs is cut. other crops will take some) tune yet, We notice, that Um Review id crowded of law which shows its pupulunty. but. for fear the Editâ€:- will he accusing us of viv- ingn hit a Highland taffy we will refrain from stating any of the good qualities of the Editor. .V.....-.,u...u. mm "mar. mm Mr “mm. at Flesluutm). preached the luneml sermon. and bull: spoke in words oi praise of the departed. J D arcleil and family, of Duluth atm'vsent. " the old [mum at nr 1 Phail'ss, South Glenda. tl Mn Butter has just receiwd a cur 10ml of coal for future use. on she expect- it to he cold next. winter again and is preparing: to make the travelling community enm- fortable with coal bent. nrut edifiec look beautiful. and With a good little orgnu and I lmmlmtne young lady as organist. the Buptists' prosperity in future looks bright. We were road makiup in town last week Some Were using hoes and some blown. as apparently they hadn't enough to do to kuep tliclmelycs Wttrttt In a hot Julv day without tooling on†another}: strvuuth. and the beat of it or the Worshnn you please, was that those implicated were over the allotted mark, 70. Hugh sreDotobt " hark all" spending a few weeks in tht, County of York. Rev. Mr Cline, of Owen Sound. preached u uisniouauy sermon in the Baptiuc church last Sunday. He is a. ttond speaker. The church is tastefully tiuituted inside Bntely by paperiuu the walls which makes the m cholm steEtvehoru, of Muloeh, visit- el his Iriend. mus Tenn sreDonaht, South Line, one evening last wees. Tenn says he in a. fine fellow and is welcomed bhck again. Jun Black.nf Oak River, sitositoU, hm. Iwen visiting: his Iriends at Dornoch for the last few days. . TORONTO his I’ll'llunm Jnlmuie sieartum, of the Imulute. O. Sound, is home for his holidays. ll fl nevnnald is home for good from the N " C) Owen Sound, having received Fall whrnt is coloring: and will be mm in u week oi. ten 'lnys. Sunday last w“ the hottest day all summer. The sick people are better in some cases bat some are still keeping poorly. Four of Neil McQueen's children. from Ihstrsit are visiting at their uncle and aunts. Mr and Mrs Chats McKimmu. ti lion. Artemssiu. While working in the barn unload. irut hty,Ar. Wm: qupbell. 18ilkit We are busy haying thus week and part of last week. Mrs O'Brine from Stayner. is here on a visit to ber mother Mrs McDonald of the ll con. Accidents: K. McArthur is walking with sticks- being a little crippled by a tall off a load of hay in the havrteld. J Robertson a. youth whois working on the 8th com, is laid up with a cut hand. Mr Stubbs. our village tallor who has been away in Caledon for a week has returned. Iuh'mlul for week before laxt. r and son and daughter. of visiting fdends in this part PRICEVILLE. PU mm . n ro Plum.... .. ... Fig...... .'... Raspberry .... Strawberry . . . Jam in Pails. . Phone 27. 7 lbs RICE,.-................... 5 lbs CURRANTS................. lqt CATSUP...................... 3 cans good SALMON............. We invite Alex. Russell I THE BIG STORE I Alex. Russell you Clothing at the "first cost of manufacturer, simply because [ii?, we go directly to where the goods are made, ilt the largest wholesale manufacturer in Cana- iiit!ll) da, The W. E. Sanford Co, Hamilton, whose lg" i)ry, . goods are all guaranteed. Secondly, we buy M " for cash and take discounts. Our good buy- I ll ‘ ing means good buying for our customers. Come in and see the niftiest suits ever shown I in Durham. They will sell themselves. KW gig The " Imperial " Shoe Regent Tailored Garments "Piccadilly Brand" Clothing THE PEOPLE’S STORE ROBT. BURNETT jllf(lijilllli)fli J A M Alex. Russell. From F Lie: August 5th to Saturday 13th, we can sell (The above Groceries are for Saturday you to come and inspect our Goods -------.-, SATURDAY GROCERIES : Freshest Groceries : McllNTWE's GROCERY In the Shoe line, we offer you the t Shoe for Men and woman--"-, sell the " KEITH, tt a fine patent s Prices unequalled. Is another line of ready-to-wear Clothing we handle. It is perfect fitting, attractive looking and tpopular everywhere with good dressers. Inspect this before buying elsewhere. This is our leader and for quality is the best Clot had tc-day. Your attention is called to the mate to give staying power and shape to Piccadilly Br: thing, viz: Hair Cloth, Felt, Linen Canvas and Pads, producing the so long looked for athletic and unbreakable front. We are sole agents in D this Clothing. Come and secure a suit ; we hav all sizes for Men. Bovs and Youth: pa...“ u. - ' T 10e Ith: 10e 10c 500 . P. MCINTYRE. 810.00 Suit, all next week for......8 8.50 Le.oo " q', .m.... 10.00 8.50 " " ..... 6.50 Peaches (in syrup) Pears...'... .... .. Plums, 2 kinds. .. Pincapplcs.. 15, 2( Pie Peaches. . . . . CANNED FR KITS 5 we so long looked for athletic shoulders a front. We are sole agents in Durham for Come and secure a suit ; we have them in l, Boys and Youths. Prices the lowest. if quality is the best Clothing to be tion is called to the materials used ttway x li2k"tt on the "Imperial, " "made in Canada.".‘Wé ITG went shoe of American pattern. t?i h Ir, 10e 20e I to Piccadilly Brand Cloth- inert Canvas and Shoulder . . . . . Saturday for 25e ..... .. Me ..... " 1lie ..... " Me AUGUST 4, 1904 ' August 6th only.) No trouble to show Dairy Chet se . . . . Stiiton Cheese. . . . McLaren 's Cheese Strawberries.. Rusptcrries . . CHEESE 31118 h-grgde Sole Agency. them Tau-m; LP, the rcmni g: for the F "siy,e,1ily,"h',"yg am 33525-5: VOL. To the first would lik nobbv sui neat, quiet about our! taste :1 know ho Our Somebody Rlvmw an anw an. REvucw am Itevrew am REVIEW In: REVIF w and Rrnaew um REVIEW and REVIEW mm Renew and Only fe ly onmloq Reg 12r to clear. " Tweed 60c and l mar Bale, Odd l dies, " gingham to '2he, to Wash g1 Throu d km. N .25, an was e tation Boy's Boy 3' You'll but in loss tlu mom. Linen Fan, vie Wei Mu O