Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1904, p. 8

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Come to Durham on Dominion Day. Daring High Wire Performances, Comical and Clever Trapeze Work, KiltiOS' Band, dhx Ready- Made Clothing We are sole agents for the best Shoe on the market today and that is The “IMPERIAL” Shoe For Men and Women. THE PEOPLE’S STORE Groceries I ROBT. BURNETT. Dairy Cheese . . . . . . Stilton Cheese. . . . . McLaren 'tt Cheese Piepeaehes........1ihs Peaches (in syrup)..20c Pears...... .... ....20c Plums, 2kinds.....20e Pineapples.. 15, 20, 25c Strawtmrrten..... . ..20c Raspberries........200 MclNTYIlE'S GROCERY Also the b4 KEITH, " patent lea. ther Shoe, American pattern. CANNED FRUITS TI [ES E ARE G UA RANTEED t N. P. MCINTYRE. CHEESE Have you tried one of our Men's Suits "Piccadilly Brand" Clothing? Made of the best material, with the best finish, and is the best fitting Clothing in Canada. If you have one, we are certain you are de. lighted with it. If not, come at once, and secure a good suit. They go a long way towards giv- ing you that fine, dressy appear- ance. They're going fast, being as cheap as inferior makes. The Cheapest, The Freshest, The most Reliable. Plum.......... ... Fig...... ......... Raspberry........ Strawberry.... ... Jamin Pails....... JAM Boots and Shoes 106 100 10e 100 In our last week‘s budget. we hinted at a happy event which We inferred by observation would be likely to transpire on the 22nd, but we were just a. week too previous. The invitation cards are out and so there is no conjecture on our ‘pert this trip. Bert Harvey. the talented Musi'sian and Comedian. 66 All kinds of fun, but only one kind,--Retined." The Band, Scottish Dancing. RILEY BROS., ae., tke. Dr. Hutton, Jno. B. Hunter, Chief. Chairman. C. Ramage, Secy. of Com. Durham will present more attrac- tions on the great holidav than will any place within 5C miles. Genuine and varied attractions seldom if ever seen here. are provided. All arrange- ments for talent are completed and here are some of the attractions t 48th Btehlap4landprtr _Band led by Pipeahuor Farquhar Beaton. - Professor Rilev. the Canadian High Wire Performer, 40 feet in mid-air. Riley Bros., in Comedy and Horizontal Bar Acts. apparently impossible teats Saw Bros., Triple Trapeze and Flying Rings Performers. absolutely bevond Description. Must be seen. School Drills. Tug of War. Prize Platform Dancing. J limping. Running, Throwing Ham mer, Tossingr Caber, &e., &e., and all for large prizes. BLYTHE’S CORNERS. Arrived foo late tor last week. The long continued wet weather which we hue bad for the past. three weeks has hindered the tumors in this locality great- ly with their work and consequently a large number who had intended putting in mangnls " usual have given up the no- tion, though greatly regretting to do so. Fascinating Entertainer. Mry Ualdwall, the Queen of Canadian The crops in this section. particularly on the dry lands are looking immense. Fall wheat is heading ont, the spring crop is very promising whild the [my on new and second culling will be very" heavy, which all goes to bear oat the dd sayirg that " big cmps may always be expected the: a uuyy winter's snow. FOR THE CONCERT Miss Marietta La Dell, A Brilliant and June seems to be a lavorite mouth for marriages and so to be in keeping with others, one of our young bachelors has committed himself so entirely that a line farm home between Varney and Durham will 1n all likelihood be the scene of u fashionable wedding on or about June 22nd. A wise step. Cr. Th is Week's Budget. During the flying thunderstorm on Wednesday last. lightning struck the gable end at Mr Keller's barn, who now owns and occupies the old M arahall homestead, but apart trom nipping up one rafter and knocking ofia board there was no further harm done, Mr James Baird’s span of norees also had a neirow escape. the lightning ripping up two stakes on the fence just a few feet from where thee were standing attached to the plough. The new school house on the 12th Con., Normanby, was struck but no damage of any account was done, the school children who were occupied with their studies at the time were badly frightened. Miss Janet Marshall. daughter of Wm Marshall. formerly of Vamev. who has been vexy low with diptheria. for 2 weeks, is, we are glad to report, considered out of danger now under the akilful treatment of Dr Brown, Holstein. Mr Quintin Pettigrew is growing Weaker day by day and the and of his earthly pilgrimage may be expected almost at. ‘any time. Mr Reid and sister of Lucknow. Bruce Co, are visiting their cousin, Mrs James Watson, ior a few days at present, Mr Andrew McIlvride of Langdon, AL betta, is according to a letter received last week, in a very critical condition from the effects of typhoid fever, being 118 days in the hospital in Calg my, We sincerely hope that his life any be prolonged as his removal by death would be a heavy blow to his wife and 6 of n. tatnil, in a camper- atively new country. Mr Jno Marshall Jr, is seriously threa- tened with appendicitis, according to the opinion of three doctors. Dr Brown is treating him with the hopc of removme the trouble without the knife in which we hope he may be successful. Mr And Stewart loot a valuable steer the other d-oy by getting its head caught in the panel of a. fence & choking to death Mr Kellar in making a great improve, ment on his farm by erecting a. fine wire fence on both aides of his lace, wlneh like most German plan-v. tum past the house to the barn. A very sensible idea. Mr Jae Pater, Sn, seems to lie taking a new lease of life and is able to take tt walk every day down their fine lane. We hope the old gentleman may continue to improve in health. Mr Colin Blythe will be a busy man when the haying season starts as he has about 180 acres of heavy hay to cut and secure. Miss Mary Ellen 1Lwflin returned home from Toronto last Saturday to spend the summer mos " home. Mary is " in- dustrious, energetic girl, both with her hands and her brains. as in addition to earning her own living she has attended the College three nights in the week the past year wtth the exception of three mos which she lost by sickness last win- ter. Nevertheless Mary succeeded in dividing honors with the cleverest in the Collcge being 6 marks lelnnd in one study and away ahead in another. and so now Miss Mary is a full fhsdged sten- ographer. Congratulations. BRILLIANT TALENT BECURED. DOMINION DAY. ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' ----_e- TORONTO After several delays on the way. at Hamilton and Niagara 1huts-where 1. tine view of the famous gorge and a dis- tant glimpse of the runs was had from the centre of the. steel arch trridge--xye ttnatty arrived in the grove south of the common at 4.15. The weather here}: fine, not much rain having fallen, while up home We had more than was requir- ed. Wednesday was hot enough. hat not unhearabie, to-day, Thursdny. tirte and cool. with a fine breeze Mowing " the lake. The men are all in fine trim. and enjoying the outing so far. The drill is entirely different this your every movement tending towards deto patch and quickness. instead of a de- tailed instruction to seize the Imyonet m a certain potdtton at the word l, to draw it out " the word 2. place on rifle and lock at 3 and down with the arm at t. it is now on the Word .. tix hayonets.” seize it with left hand and place on rifle as smartly as possible. This is one in- stance of the chan e. The plan is to make the drill appficahle as near as can be to cavalry and Infantry alike, that the "Alphabet and the Grammar of the soldiers twinning shall be the same tor him who marches us for him who rider." Drill has been ttitppMed, rifle exercises. twkirutishing, and other important work necessary to enable the soldier to act to the best ad vantage, is laid down in con- vine and easily acquired form. It cansé ttttttte confusion of course to the ofrieers, the mixing of the old with the new. Medold Co. No 2. is the largest, hav- ing w, men. Mr. Eastman. late prim-i- pal of Priceville School. is orderly-Semi of this tJo, and goes into it with his well known nrdor and vim. We mutually enjoyed a. stroll to Fort Mississauga and the ritie butts adjoining. (which hnve been ihoroughly repaired) fitttuly finish. ing up at pmyer meeting and thon. graclire an. iP't"ihittt'ii,','..e Church. Fort marge. and the istorirul relics in the Town Hall will be taken in some other evening. Capt. E. K. Richardson, Bott of our present M. P. and hue Ca pt of Fleshev. ton Co. has real ned, and is now a. Unp- min in the Fielfl Artillery and likes it much better. The new drill hook calls foe 6 sergeants and 6 cor-ponds in with Company, uchance in this for every- body. Companies are divided into sec» tions of eight. No one in our company has yet received any intimation to take Dundonald's place l Messrs Jack Hoefiin and John Dung- htss have each vrected n. windmill on their. farms which sends the water up the steep hill to their buildings which will prove. " great benefit to their stock and otherwise. Mr Wm Fender will follow suit. providing their mills give satisfaction ( Wttt is cautious ye ken.) The total strength of the 31st this year is 201 men all told including 16 luutds- ment. The rest are taken up by the staff ofBeevs and amt! non-cums. A large body of cavalry and artillery are here this year numbering 1299 horses. What a. magnificent sight. such a host of man’s nohlest friend'. and still better the legions of that better animal. man. in all youth, life and vigor, the promise of better pay has materialized. which must. bear fruit in yenrs to come. by placing the militia in a better standing. securing and retaining a. steamer class of men. The picnic which was held in Wm Car- son's grove on Friday last was . succut in every way, the weather was all thet could be deemed, and the crowd, which won quite large. uppeueed to enjoy them- calves. Mr Miller (litu) was present. picking up beech nuts (Votes) but appear- ed very innocent on the platform, from which he delivered a. neat little speech quite in keeping with the occasion and received a hearty hand clap a: the close. A foot ball match was played between a picked homo team and a team Irwin Ball's Corners. which resuned in a some of one for the visitors. Miss Mac- Urucxou. ti S No l. is lintulsome, Winsome and is worthy of congratulations on the success of her school picnic. Mr Wm Carson zoos round these days with an elastic step .. cause it is a. son." The shooting at the miniature ranges took place on Thursday, Capt. Snider taking the highest score of the Co, with u. total of w, points from a possible 40. Sergt. Jas. Turner, No. 6 Co. livingneur Prueyille, tops the score for the legi- ment with a total M38 points. Sgt-major Corrie of o Bound, tiemg with him. Following is the score of Durban Co. with points in order of merit: Capt. Smder35, Gordon 31. Saunders 29. Mrs Gilliynry 28, Moore 24, Pte McComh 24, Willis IO, Reid 19. Turner 19. Barnet 18. Sgt. hictJomh 16, McGil-r l3. Arnolt. Sgt Nohle. Sgt. Lawrence, Vollet. The Sergeants’ mess is again in apex-a- Lion and a greater success this year khan ever. some Bt sergts. belonging to it. Mr Thoa Gadd lostn. valuable brood num- on Friday night last very sudden- ly. The foal which is atom, amonth old will have to he raised on Cow's milk. We sympathize deeply with Thos in his loss. for a mare such ".3 his was is wort lt great money nowadays. Rev. Dean J. Ardill. chaplain of the Regt, is present In camp and is exercis- mg a swluLnry iutiuence in all ranks. Fine weather here now. Mr. A. H. Burnett received word to Co to Cavusra to attend the funeral of his [rother-in-lnw. M 1'. Thus Natresm, uf Weston, a hroth. er of Mrs J A Scarlett. paid them a. visit. There was almost 8150 collected here for the Mlssions in India at the late meeting in the Hopeville church. And. Watson has moved into his new house. Mr W Hall. Jr.. has moved into the house at the mill, made vacant by Wat. son. BOOTH VILLE Rev Mr Mathew!) preached Childrens' service Sunday afternoon. He took 1113 text from Proverbs 8: l7. Mrs Bobt Knox, we are pleased to hernia improving nicely. Her son Wil- lieis now out of danger from his blood. poisoning accident. Mr John Campbell. Swinton Park. had the misfortune to have a. horse fall dead on his way to Gaelic servmes in Price- ville Sunday. IN CAMP AT NIAGARA. HOPEVILLE. G-» Alex. Russelll THE BIG STORE Bring Your Wool to us. We want it all. We pay the highest market price for it in Trade or Cash. It makes no difference to us ; we want the wool. If you should need any Goods Bargain Day or any day Wool, like Butter and Eggs, go here the same " Cash. As extroardinary Bargains will be given in all Depts. of the Big Store during Wool season, you will find that almost . $1 Items of Interest for Saturday, .,___. We are pleased to, [war of Mr Wm Kinsman entering the ranks ot the lien. edicts. Last. Weduetaday he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Lizzie McDon- ald. of Balsam Valley. (Balsam Valley sciilm will likely give {all particulars. In the meantime we extend cmgrulula- lions,) - . . Alex McLean is moving: Jas I'venwiek, Brownsville. County Court and General Sessions of the Peace. The defendant had sold large quan- tities of timber to the plaintiff Under verbal contracts during the year: 1900, 1901 and MIT.) and the plaintiff claimed 8200 damages. The damage consisted in the timber being defective in quality and manufacture: in the fact. that the plaintiff had to pat: dead freight on the rejected ends whic the defendant failed to have out off; and in the nnproper skidding of the timber at the different railway stations, Mr Chum McQueen lo”. a valualde cow by llglumng last Tuesday. Miss Kate McConnell " on a visit hon: Toronto to se- her sister,. In Ronald Mc- Donald of Dromore. Mr Donald McFarlwe. tteeompataie'.t by bis daughter Rue. waned Buulln‘illv friends last Sunluy. The pierie " Swimon. Park Int. Fri- day, the 17m inn. was aguud succew. A football luau-h between Holstemand the home team was won by the latter. who soon il the only goal in as hard fought game. ___ I u . I I .., \‘7,,, The defendant on the other hand en-I tered a counter claim for 8252.00, alleged to be due him as the price of the Jail timber and the further sum of 812.00 for dnving done for the plaintiff. On the crud, the counter claim was dismissed Without. costs. The plaintiff succeeded In ohtainin judgement on his claim foe 813100. and costs. A. u. Mackay and W. F. Dunn for plaintiff, J. P. Telford for defendant. Rex v HOY. A case arising out of the uttering of valueless money. The jury returned a verdict of guilty with a. reeommenda. tion to mercy. Sentenced 6 mos. in Central Prison. legs the time already served. Mackay a; Dunn for the prisoner. . Met June 15. After inserting in pre- vious minutes the following misplaced motion--" Robb - teeArthur--a)Ut audi- tors be notified to audit Trees books up to June 15th. give Receipts and Expert. diture and balance on htusd.--Carrfed." The minutes were passed. John Calvert's claim for alleged dum- ages to barn owing to diverged water course was read. No action. A S Clarke, barristers, claim ot Dr Meikle's acct re. Mand Reid, not entertained, and Tp. Solicitor authorized to defend any action arising from some. Cemetery Co., Mt. Forest asked aidyor wire fencing. No action. 5 lbs CURRANTS best, Saturday. . Me 7 lbs best TAPIOCA, Saturday. . . . . . .. 25c 37 tins NONSUCH Stove Polish, 100 . for lie, Ge for.. . . 3e 98 lbs 40e BLK. Cey- Jon TEA, Satur- day for......... Me R O Kilgonr, on behalf of Jan Russel. Arthur, naked “cannon to water-course N. McINrYRE v. A. B. MCARTHUR We want tg Wnul Groceries EGREMONT COUNCIL. Alex. Russell. Woo 1 ta k en a s C as h fo r follo w in g B a r ga in s F'i1F'?W5?;it)i, as far as $2 Elsewhere n barn for ‘no Town Linn Cum. Gordon appointed "t confer with parties uud mango it l possible. I Auditors ware appointed to nuke ( special audit. i Com Kohl. wan umlxorizwl to "an"... Vlnridge at Wm Chm-ma and Lake wink 'acuou he deems best. I 200 rods on-th aidmwl had wen l plowed by Jnlm Isle" for grain. "out Elio. i cousVI'solrr, aml Gordon Lu ruining river at Lot 24, Con. threuortitw. who i washing into the mad. The Reeve and Com. m-Armmr had examined water course " Orcbudvdlo. found culvert too sun" and reeotumetuted a 20 inch tile put in. Same “arm-u [rant- ed 82.5oenc‘ for examining new Trou- urer’s securities and $1.75 (an ot much in Regi-try "ttlee. Auditors presented their spec-id audit showing hulk credit. “573,56. cash in trans. hands “I. 38 Report adopted and ammo" receive " each. Com Gordon reported In My! " lot .5. Con 5-6. Had [uchusol only $18t posts lioe; labor 85.38. Report udopwd. Com fees 82.00 Reeve and Clerk appointed . committee to make inventory of all papers, Cooke and chattels belonging to the tp. in pots" session of tho muting tram-men. Anti bnud them over to new treuuror. Same patios instructed to draft in time for next seamen I suitable memorial to ur. Brown. - Clerk In instructed to notifv Tp. engineer at once to atteml to grievances h on Egremont nnd Proton town line. J ncBeth was granted N tor culuphuou of job on Wile-en’s Hill hm! 'Fr. Order canted for $3.85 balance of acct for winter work on base line. the amoum oifered not being nooepted. Division Commissioners instructed to repair or build bridges or culvens requir- ing “caution. Regarding grant undo by Proton and 1 supplement asked. resolved that us dnin is to go it "eeung town line. grant must be delsrset1,eatauseve of Eeremont saying Egremont bus done its full share of expenditure on town line. $1.00 wu mid for removing snow " MeNair's bridge, and 88 to S Comm team on grader. Usq of hallfor uomin, union. Uhutee " ordeled paid. Reeve reported Dromore residents agreed to put sidewall“ in lepeir tor one your at no cost to municipality. They decided to sell lumber pureluoed in 1903 at no less then what it cost and to expend money realized for sidewalks and render acct to council. Report adopted. Com. McArtlmr unpainted- grievance between Messrs C Robb. The following accounts were ordered paid: C Ramme. printing and advertise- ment $3.25; repaim to and“ and tele. gram. $1.45 ', Wm Weir, operating grader lik days. $11; reptinto grader, M.M; Reeve one day at Arthur town line, 62; distributing path rolls und taking dec- lanlions. 84; Clerk do. " days 02.00 Council adjourned till July 9th. 144 pr. CR0MPTON CURSE Yb', reg. 750, Saturday. . 59tt 200 yds PRINT, 1 yd wide, regular 15e Saturday. . . . . . . 6h: 500 lbs YARN, all 00- lors except Black and red, Sutur- day for..-. . . .. 38c Dry Goods Ila. Russell a Anus. Clerk. d to onmino Campbell and JUNE " 'li) 8xh'lh",h'/h"/ylh'l'X WM‘ARARR.‘ 5.: :3; Clean VOL. XXVI. a"""------- 'jifh'ilXl'rilylFsgy,ey: REVIEW Mad 'lommn l RIVIEW and Toronto " REVIEW and Daily (Hui REVIEW and Weekly G'ti REVIEW and W. Mail & Rtevww and M’mu-rn A REVIEW and Weekly tit REVIEW and Fain Her REVIEW and Weekly “A Review and Mun. Wee Our GINGHA MS. 2 marked je Beautiful Fancy We have many new I NEW CRF.TO NEW ART til NEW BRAVE FOR ONE WEEK Laces & Insertion House Fu Remembe Review Clubbl Read y=t0 Men's Fine Shirti FANCY C(DLORE LA0IES' COLOR Men's and Boys' Men’s Fancy Su Money Price or Pr What we're goods Th our Summer Mil JAM JAM i1iihiiii) 20 "l, We are showin Onr Latest Must be clear: on them " " More of them Regul- r We have ttlst prime, samba 10 dozen Men you're lookil One of the he Highest P, Remember, and it is nl Clothing: th idt , ll 6 inches w New Patte We m new ' or

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