Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 May 1904, p. 9

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P fu Old mother Karth is now being decked in her garb of beeuty, the forest glades and meadows are sprinkled w.th variegatâ€" ed fAlowers and soon our vision will be gladdened by the appearance of the dear old maple leaf when * all the trees on all the hills open their thonsand loaves," The small boy is in evidence these days on the banks of the stream, where, pole in hand, he sits angling with the patience of honest Izaak Walton. The world‘s best men and women too, Were reared in homes where flowers grew Flowers inngire thoughte grand and true, And noble thoughts will great things do. BOOTS & SHOES *| e is broad in his views, an expert New New New New New New THE PEOPLES STORE Headquarters for the B "Maple Leat" and «* ITmperial " oth leading makes. ROBT. BURNETT Intended fer last week The following lines of Goods have just come in and we guarâ€" antee all to be the latest and of best quality for the price. Summer SHIRTS, all styles and sizes. HATS, including famous " KING‘S OWN " brand, lot of Readyâ€"Made CLOTHING, inciuding many Rainâ€" coats for both Men and Women. Spring OVERCOATS, the very latest. lot SCOTCH TWEEDS, and other Suit Prieces. WAIST LENGTHS and new readyâ€"toâ€"wear WAISTS. This Week‘s Arrivals : DORNOCKH. Freshest Groceries always on hand. OF CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, BOOTS & SHOES, AS ANNOUNCED LAST WEEK. Hats & Caps at net cost price. 16.00 and 18.00. Some arrived before I got my cancel in. Every suit bears the stamp Kirg‘s Tailor. Simply swell garments. Regular stamped price, 16.00 and 18.00, sale price.......... 13â€"00 & 14.00 price . ... $7.00 and 8.00 blue and black Worsteds and Tweeds, french faced, well trimmed, Regâ€" ular, 7.00 and 8.00, Sale Royal Brand Clothing Reg, 25, 50, 75, sale price 20¢, 39¢, 55¢ CARPEEIS, | OILCLOTHS | LINOLEUMS | Men‘s Clothing of all kinds. I am giving up business in Durham, and in order to do this quickly, it is necessary to get down to and below cost price. Below will be found a partial list of Prices, genuine Prices, Prices that must sell, Prices that will sell. TABLE COVERS and Mr Wm Watt, S eattle, is home on a visit for a couple of months with parents MULL CORNERS. _ Mr Hugh McCormick, Pitsburgh, visiting parents and friends §here month or two. «++ s .+ s }>>>>>> $3:90 & 4.25 The exâ€"alderman of sontreal and owner of the town goat spent a few pleasent days visiting numerous friends and acquaintan ces in the burg and vicinity. vr RM Dargavel‘s sawmill is in fall blast at present. _A large gang of men are enâ€" gaged cutting the extensive stock of logs. mineralogist, and a cultured conversationâ€" alist, is arr Wim Watt, who returned to the burg last week, after an absence of 5 years in Seattle, Washington. Ties THEOBALD, The Clothier GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE +. Pit§l>urgh, Pa,. is for a Now is your Chance ; Don‘t let it pass. Miss Lily Jopp was the guest of friends | 10 town for a few days recently. l Mr Dan Firth, of Markdale, spent Sunâ€" , day at the old homestead. Mr R. W. Aljoe started at carpenter work with Mr B. Sharpe this week. The Sunday School of Ritchie‘s school house opened on Sunday with a good atâ€" tendance of scholars and tearchers with Mr W, J. Young as Superintendent, Mr and Mrs Chris Sherman visited at Welbeck last Sabbati. Mr Fred Staples purchased a new busgy last Saturdlay from Win Sharp of vour town. Miss Aunie Staples had a ragâ€"bee last Wednesday. when a large numver of her neighbor girls guthered and spent a yvery enjoyable afternoon,. Mrs Jno Colliee wert to Hamilton last Monday and got her brorher Albert‘s little infant (whose mother died & conple of weeks ago ) and she is gony to raiss the child, which is quite a charge. Miss Bessie Atkinson arrived home from Torouto where she spent the winter mouths. A numbsr from around here attended the funeral of the late James Whitmore lns.t__F‘ridf‘y: 3 $ e Miss Catherine McDougall, of Durham visited Miss Vic Aljoe, over Sunday. Mr John McCroskrey of Stewart Town vi«ited at Mr D McFayden‘s one day lately, __Mr Tom Firth, of Massie, spent a couple of days at the parental home. colt to Robt Edge for the bandsome sum of $140. miss Saral: Caswell left for New York recently. Pleased to hear that wrs Arch mclean is rapidly improving in health. The tarmers are all busy at their seedâ€" ing. â€"Remember the lecture this Friday evenâ€" ing by Mr Thompson, Knox College Student. Rocky Church was filled to overflowing on Sunday last and all listened to an eloâ€" quent and able sermon by pastor Aitchiâ€" son, _ The choir too., is winuing golden opinions by their tasteful performances. Miss Ellen Clark visited her brother and fam:ly a3 Aberdeen last Sunday. Miss Quinn yisited Holiand Centre friends last week. Mr Quion is busy hauling shingles to Hanover and his enterprice deseryes reâ€" ward. Miss M Fletcher left for Toronto on xonday morning, _ _ ds 3 ‘ Mrs McQuarrie. Sr.. is visiting her daughter, Mrs L McLean, of Tobermory, who, last Saturday presented ber husband with a son. Coupgratulations. and friends round Dornoch and was calling on Alex;McCormick of this neighborhood. Miss Tena McLean went to Stratford last week to undergo an operation, and at last reports she was doing wuil. Dr Gun accompanied her. Mr _ Soe Atkinson sold a twoâ€"yearâ€"old In different styles of handles, and best of coverings. â€" Regular 1.00 to 3.50, sale price.............. 800 to 2.50 16. :o Fancy Worsteds, single breasted, piped seams, high grade tailor made. Only a few left. Regular 16.50, Sale prige....:i........l.l..nsl. 12.50 $10.00 and 12.50 Blue, Black and Fancy Worsteds, french faced. piped seams, high grade runn:ng, regular 10.00 and 12.50, Sale price........[$6.25 & 850 Edge Hill THE DURHAM REVIEW Fancy Worsteds ONTARIO ARCHIVEs _ TORONTO Umbrellas Worsteds | _ Sacrament will be dispensed in Ames Church on Sunday, May 22nd. Rev Mr zReid, jof East Normanby, will assist in j the preparator services. The Rev Mr Campbell. Dromore, inâ€" tends. in connection with the C. E., givfog a night in the near future on " Bonar‘s life and writings. â€" The Choir and Congregation will render some of his best hymns as contained in the Hymnai The Revy Mr Matheson, Priceville. exâ€" changed pulpits at the EbenezerfChurch with Rev Mr Roach on Sunday eyening last, preaching yery acceptably to & large audience. J McBeth had the misfortune to get a cow Stabbed with a sharp stick in the swamp. _ The Veterinary was called in wuo put in some stitches, Latest reports she is doing well. The Lothian Bros recently sold a bull which weighed over 2100 lbs, receiving in the yvicinity of $86 for it. Miss Minnoie Hooper, the efficient organist of Ebenezer Church, bas secured a large class of pupils throughout N Egreâ€" mout, having more than «he can rightly attend to. with the time at her disposa‘, With her painstaking care and patienceâ€" a very necessary qualityâ€"together with ber winning ways, we have uo doubt she will make a successful teacher. _ A Mrs Haw, of Brownsyille, has a class in and around Dromore, She hails from down the â€" country somewhere, and comes well recommended. ‘ A Song Service was recent‘ly held at the Hall appomtment, where the choir ‘rendered very sucsessfully some choice @uthems, so arrauged as to set forth the progressive fsteps of a Christian from his first act that ot + seeking,‘ in their first selection, * continuing in prayer ‘ and ‘adâ€" monition‘ in their 2ud and 3rd pieces, and as the Christiau rises in full fruition, so the choir exemplified in their 4th and 5th, in * Let ail rejoice and sing, for the Lord is good, aud kind are all his ways," ard in ** Hope thou in God for I shall yet praise Him." finally finishivg in a grand trinmplhal acclamation in their.6th selecâ€" tov, the prevailing theme of which was * ‘The Lord wili provide, He will bring you safely home," the last measures of the anthem gliding beauntifully into the grand old tune of + Home sweet Home," to the words above. The selections trom the Hymnal were chosen with the same object in view, _ Messrs Isarc, Lothian, Coleridge and Renwick and Misses Lothian and Isaac, of the Dromore Choir, and Miss Kate Dixon, of Ebenezer, lent yaluâ€" able assisfance. Mr W Ramage and Miss Laughton were lexder and orgnuist respecâ€" tiyely. ‘The pastor, Kev Mr Roacn, made | remarks »propos of the occasion between the selections, _ A large andience turued; out, seating room being at a premium. This budget should week, but pressure of necessarily delayed i. _A Song Service was Miss Bella Weir, of Glenmont, is stayâ€" ing with ber grandmother, Mrs Jobv Weir. NORTH EGREMONT. have been in last spring work has Goods delivâ€" ered to all parts of town F2"Come early and get your choice Keeping everlastingly at it! You are getting posted on the cheapest place to buy nearly everything. Never beâ€" fore have we given such bargains. Perhaps never again will they be offered. Some weeks you find better Bargains than others. Some weeks we are too busy to quote low prices. However you always find high grade Goods at oriâ€" ginally low prices. _ Read below this week‘s exceptional Barâ€" gains. They will not be repeated; Save your dollars and come Saturday. Alex. Russell | THE BIG STORER Men‘s fine Shoes,.....from 1.00 to 2.60 Men‘s Heayy Working Shoes"* _ 85¢ to 1.75 Geo A Slater‘s Invictus " 2.75 to 4.25 Imperial Shoes,........regular 3.50 for 2.75 In all sizes Just a few left. Boys‘ Norâ€" folks in dark and light patterns regular, 2.50 to 5.00, sale price $1.25 to 3.50 The famous Lion Brand Boys‘ Knickers are to be found in this store. Double seats and knees. _ Regular 70c¢, 85¢ and 1.00, sale price..........55¢, 65c & 75¢ A Full Stock of Hardware 500 yds 36 in. wide PRINTS, good colors, reg. l5c, Saturday.only, .. ..« <~ ... asaasare.oe. 2C Color MUSLINS, reg. 25¢ and 30c,. ... ... .. ... .15¢ do reg. 20¢) â€" *106,: :s +s +~AO6 Originators of Low Prices 7. IbS. CRIGE . :s ... +s in x sie a nloie in en nlg e n e ie wl io 20 Ibs FIGS, 25¢ or a mat of 32 Ibs...... .. Saturday Bargains | ALEX. RUSSELL Boys‘ Knickers Dress and Working Shirts, all at cost. Boys‘ Clothing CASH OR TRADE FOR PRODUCE Shoes of Prints and Muslins. MAY 12, 1904 Alex. Russell ‘ ) f:% aueiirg en 2_ Reme %Ne VOL. XX montnmne jeCole_ole "alecalenel ReviEw and 1¢ RevieEw and Toj REVIEW and Da REVIEW and W REVIEW and \\j Review and Ww REvIiEw and W REVIEW and F REVIEW and W REVIEW and Mo Beautiful Fa: Our GINGHA We have mans House Ready Early Special Carpet So Arrived late Skirts and « The very ne Review They are lad Silk W JA We are sh 20 NJ NJ NJ Ba One of High Silk t and i C€loth Re: W W W New mar «& ® MC

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