Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Mar 1904, p. 8

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axflflflflfifl!fiflfi fififlflfiflfiflmfl‘% ‘tuE PEOPLES STORE: s That this weather is not conductive for business & Still, although it has its drawbacks, one thing remains and that is that we are more than anâ€" xious to clear our Store of Winter Goods. There is only one way to do it and we have adopted that way, viz : To put the prices down 3 to temptation point, even below cost. AUDHTDRetweni 0 000 mos § Our Clothing First 2 Only a tew MEN‘S OVERCOATS left, prices . . .86.50 to $8.00 BOY‘S OVERCOATS, prices from............ 3.98 to 6.95 MENB READY TAILORED SUITS from. .....4.25 to 13.98 These are big snaps and cannot be procured again. _ wnnncmna n cammmm it Our Underwear All wool different weights & fleeced lined, 75¢ to g2.25 a sui, Top Shirts, Heavy and Light,.... .. .... . .... 40c to $1.10 AMMWRibmmemes. .20 2 oo 2c Way‘s Mufflers, Scarfs, Heavy Sox, Winter Caps, Gloves and Mitis. Big Snaps on all of them. : For Fancy Dress Shirts and Nobby Ties, we lead. Our Stock:is new and up toâ€"date. comisarge nc neuieee ie is > Call in and ask to see our goods and prices. It will pay you. Theobald, cis 4 Clothier. PARRRRAPNPAPAPARA® IMPORT 2 SEEDS STOCK FOODS The best POULTRY SPICE® & FOODS Druggist and Seedsman, HNIL | LVI LL V V T VIIL 8 n ’_I"',rl"rrl_'_f’-"JJJJJJâ€"‘â€"IJJIIJJJâ€""JJII'J"‘JJ-rITITI_I:‘ g \ | t 24 D1 | & REMOVED | $ l = 1 t We are now comfortably established in our ; % new premises, south of the Middaugh House, lately used as a Flour and Feed Store by Mr. H gg i K CE KKiveck me _".. These must be disposed of to make room for large quantities of Spring Goods now on the M road. z. |eae) ammmumomeanneomenm mss ROBT. BURNET Oyster Shell, Red Albumen Egg Producer, Poultry Tonic cure of Cholera, Roup, Canker, &c. Only a tew 1 BOY‘S OVE MENB RE. Bibby‘s Cream Equivalent for Caives and Young Pigs. Oil Cake and Linseed. Clover and Timotby Seed. Salt in Barrels and Bags. Land Plaster in Bags, Scottish Chief Oats, very productive, medium early and good quality, 60c bush.; 5 bushels and upwards, 5oc bus. Having become settled, we are now preparing for an enormous Spring Trade aud are giving great Bargains in all Lines of Winter Goods to clear. . PARKER, reather is not conducti igh it has its drawba 1 that is that we are ar our Store of Winte A. 8. Hunter. 1e way to do it a: z : To put the ; even below cost. ly established in ou: the Middaugh House and Feed Store by Mr Invoice of Seeds is to hand, shipped per S. S. Loyalist, and will arâ€" rive in a short time. in the market. wts Durham [ % | & y El U 8X K [ Ts t Miss Martha Hornsby contivues to keep vory low, not much improvement being noticeable in her condition. An enjoyable time was spent at Mr and Mrs Ed Harrison‘s one night recentâ€" ly. Mr H., together with ‘his stalwart souns. are in spite of the deep snow, busiâ€" ly engaged in the lumber busivess, havâ€" ing the advantage of Mr Orchard‘s saw mill on the lot adjoining. Miss Mary Halpenoy 1s leaving for Toronto next week. _ Her steady, quiet disposition endears her to many. She had previously beer in New York city with the Rev Mr Kenning and family. At a congregational moetingy held in Amos Church lately it was resolved to build a new mavse and stable in the summer of 1905, at an approximate cost of $2000. For this purpose a eubscripâ€" tion list will be opened and placgqd in both stores for the accommodation of those who will be tumbling over each other to put down their names for a large sum, payments to be made in three or probably fiye years. A building com:â€" mittee consisting of Messrs R Renwick, J M Findlay and Geo Lothian, all pracâ€" tised men in their line, were on motion «ppointed. Wm Isaac, chairman of the managing board, acted as chairman. John Laughton returned last week from Manitoba, where be has been for A Mr Sioddart bas taken the position lately occupied by W Flemiog. that of foreman, on the scow at the lake. we are still on top of the suow driits yet and by all appearauce we will he for some time. The thaw on Sunday last caught cold through the night and pheumonia has set in now and is likely to be serious. Messrs D Mclotyre and Peter McDonâ€" ald have n gany of men taking out wood and they, are‘ bhustlers to draw and cut Mr Wm Tucker and his worthy young bride are taking their wedding wip to Toronto and other points this week. Wim will take a wellâ€"earned boliday week. while Mrs Tucker may probably take three in which to renew old acâ€" quaintances. & We are sorry to learn that Jos Philip 18 laid up at preseny, but hope to see him around again soon. Messrs Wm P Watson, W W Ramage and Rev Mr Campbell have each had the mistortune of losing a horse lately, from old age, leg paralysis, and acute indigestion, respectiyelg. We hear that the Ladie@ Aid Society of Sarlem Methodist Church bave a missionâ€" ary quilt on hand now. _ We are pleased to hear of some of the most prowtneut of our young men contributing to haye their name inseried thereon, by way of helping this uoble work. D Mclutyre will soon be on his rounds as assessor and a very good time to assess the township with the suow 4 ft deep. [Needs snowshoes and 7 leagne boots.â€"Ed.] The worst storm of the season is just past Wednesday 24th, though the effect on the roads is not felt as formerly, We are still on top but my! what a depth [ The first four correspondences were intended for last week, but were deâ€" layed by the storm.â€"Ed.] News is scarce, but when we get off those banks of snow we will give some thrilling experiences. Last Tueeday (16th) when the therâ€" mometer registered 30 degrees helow zero, three conple drove from here to Mount Forest Methoaist Church and there by the Rev. Mr. Kerroch, Mr. Chas. Smail of of the 19 con., Egremont, and Miss Bertha Koch, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Koch were made one in the holy bouds of matrimony. Miss Janet Hay, neice of the groom acted as bridesmmd while Edâ€" ward Koch, brother of the bride attended the groom, ‘The happy couple drove home aguin where a bountilol repast was awaiting them.. A few of the neighbors were invited in and a very pleasaot cvenâ€" ing was spent, The presents were oumâ€" erous and costly. We wish Mr. and Mr:. Swail mauy bappy years in their journey through life together. Mr Jolhn McDouald‘s sale laat Friday was well asttended and prices rauged high, especiially horses which ran from $150 to $170. The Lothian bros, sold a colt to Mr. Tom Harrison for the nicesum of $150. Who says isdon‘t pay to raise good horser, Mr, Arthur McKenuvel, of Chicago, formâ€" erly a clerk of Mr. J. M. Findiay is visitâ€" ing a few of his many friends here this week. Mr. Jno. Recton is busy drawing home Boothville old schoot wh:ch he inten‘s transforming into a new blacksmith suop next summer. No doubt he needs a new shop badly. The weather during the past week has been a slight improvement, but this week bas opened with the same old s:orm, which we are als yery well ecquainted with. Sull we are all living in hope that May will bring us better weather. We bave many things we ought to be thank{ul tor bhowever, when we hear of other places almost at starvation‘s door for the waut of wood while we ‘ have plenty althongli wood, flour, and sugar were getting pretty searce at one time. The past week has brought in a good supply of all. We thougbt last Sunday we were going tc bave a thaw but there was just enough rain and soft snow came to take the staroh out of a young man‘s collar who went east to see lhms girl. However as Pat says‘itis a poor wind thit don‘t blow some place, for the laundryman will make something out of that trip. Better take a dry day next time. Mr. J. M. Findlay was in Toronto last week on business. Mr. Jobhn Laughton formerly of this place but lately of Bossevain, Manitoba. returned last week looking well after a sizx months visit on the prarie plain. We NORTH EGREMONT. still on top of the suow drifts by all appearauce we will he time. BALSAM VALLEY. THF NURHAM RFVIRW DROMORE. ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO Sr Pt @andâ€"Robert Putborhoufih. Jr P 2ndâ€"Wilbert Caswell, Philip McéDonald Earl McNaily. 1stâ€"Wesley Caswell. D. E. DaviDso®, Teacher. Report of 8. 8. No. 9, Egremont, for February. Sr 4thâ€"A Reid, E Horsâ€" burgh, N Reid. Jr4thâ€"Aggie Reid, M Eecles, B Eecies. Sr3rdâ€"M Christie, L Eccles, N Horsburgh. Jr 3rdâ€"O Reid Sinee writing the above, worse than ever has occurred in the way of storms. We are geiting used to it. Cook‘s sale came off on a very fine day, conseqnently a large atten.ance, and brisk bidding, handsome prices for live stock, especially horses and cows. Some of the better implements were bid in. Henry Hooper, 8. Glenelg. lo«t a valâ€" nable young horse this week from inâ€" flammation. Tt was valued at $150. Report of 8. 8. No. 10, Glenelg and Egremont, for February. _ Class 5thâ€"J L McKinnon. 4thâ€"J S McDermid, Sara McKinnon, Mary McCuuig. 8Sr 3rdâ€" Barold McDerimd and Mary A Mcâ€" Eachern. eq., Lizzie McCuaig, Alex Mcâ€" Eachern and Edna Chislett, eq. _ Jr 3rd â€"Charles McDonald, Julia McKinnon, Isaac Hooper, John McEachern,.â€" 8r 2ndâ€"Sara A McEachern, Willie Hooper, Jr 2ndâ€"Stanley Muir. _Ptr 2ndâ€"§zy McDermid. Ida McCuaig, Charles Mcâ€" Kinnon. Pt 1stâ€"Gertie McCuaig. M. McCANNEL, Teacher, Report of S. 8. No. 10. Bentinck, for March. 4th Classâ€"Maggie Smith, Lizâ€" zie Grierson, Neil McLean, Hugh Mcâ€" Cormick. â€" 3rdâ€"Willie McNally, Thos Putherlmu;g\. Beaton McNaily., 8r 20d â€"John McDonald, Clara Caswell. _ Jr 2ndâ€"Clarence McNally, Ross McDonald Sr Pt 2ndâ€"Robert Putherbough. Jr Pt Beverai mouths=. Jolhn, unongh liking lbo! country well, thinks a man who is comâ€" fortable here is foolish to leaye Ontnrio. | A very enioyable gathering was held at Abraham Hooper‘s on Friday evening last, the occasion being a birthday party for one of the mauy handeome young ladies there. She was made the recipient of a beautifual five o‘clock ten set. _ Musiz and games prevailed largely. Stormy weather is still the order of the merson, Oh! what a joy the first indication of spring wili be. Exâ€"reeve Staples assessed the vicinity of Towosend Lake one day last week etandingy on the highest point on the north side. % Rey Mr Aitchison was a welcome guest of Chas Boyle last Monday. Reid. â€" Jr 4thâ€"Harold Hunter, Maggie Hamilton, M)\.l’{ Brown. _ Sr 3rdâ€"Bert Laurence. _ John _ Ferguson, Victor Adans. _ Jr3rdâ€" John Brown. Blanche Reid, Mary Wilson, Fanny Patterson, Bella Ferguson,. Sr 2ndâ€"Farr Laurâ€" ence, Hugh Patterson, C Nelson, Jr I2ndâ€"â€"John Davis, Martin Wilson, C McKenzie. Mable Eccles, Pt 2nd â€" Cecil Davis. Goldwin Laurence, Tom Brown, Roy Eccles, Jean Ferguson, B Fergusor, M Eccles. Pt Istâ€"Jos Wilson. H. G. HUuxnTER, Teacher. Joseph Boyle ‘ntends leaying for the West this epring to spend the summer months,. Chas Boyle lhad word lately from his son Friank in Manitoba, who has been very i!l for the past year but is now imâ€" proving as well as can be expected. With all our stormyv weather here, our mail man, J C Hall, only missed one day this winter going out with our mail from here to Dundalk and bringâ€" ing in what maii he could get. Mr and Mrs Jas R Ledingkam, who were married a short while ago, mteua leaving for their new horue in AJberta, N. W. T., Thursday, March 8rd, _ May succe=s be theirs. Bome of onr farmers attended the sale of ‘Tuos Mercer‘s thorouglhbred stock last week Jim White was in town last Monday and struck s job on the G. T. R. Mrs Win Britten has been absent from her home bere for a couple of weeks past waiting on her mother at Aberdeen, who has bsen very ill. Mrs Marie Anderson spent a few days in Darham with her friend Miss Jessie Burnett. C Watson: was home getting weod for his grandmother last week. Donald McFarlane has been under the weather for some time but is reâ€" covering. Miss Janet McKenzie, who came ftrom Manitoba in the falt to winter here at her old home has started away again to her Manitoba home. Report of 8. 8. No. 12, Egremont, for the months of January and February. Class 5thâ€"R D Henry. Srithâ€"Grace Jonn McCoskery accompanied by his wite and family are at present visiâ€" ting at John Stewart‘s of Bunessan. Donald McKinnon purchased a horse litely from Black Archie MceArthur. C Firth received the intelligence that his son Sam, of Calgary, is very low, from what ailment we have not lgarned, but we hope for his speedy recovery. _ _ _ F o n‘ l Dezelil‘s mill. on the 9th con here, had a blow up last week. _ The flews and end of the boiler was badly damâ€" aged. Lucky no person was hurt. Peter McArthur and wife have taken a trip to Toronto and, Hamilton. Our sick people are improying a little. Mrs Burnett is able to go around and Mrs McArdie keeps abcut the same. Allan Cameron was visiting his brother John, of Dundalk, who has been very sick for some weeks. February month went out, roaring wild, the roughest day we can rememâ€" ber of, and March came also rough. We are expecting better weather soon. Jasâ€" Nichol, a former resident here, but now of Harriston, paid us a visit last week. SCHOOL REPORTS. HOPEVILLE. ROB ROY. Glascott *# + s = * â€"tpe s + â€"Smith Ewen, Mabel Wismer, Vila McKechnie. 8Sr _2ndâ€"Gertie Morton. Jr 2ndâ€"George Newell, Herbert Dunsâ€" moor, Andy Vessie _ Pt 2ndâ€"Annie Ewen, RKoy Wismer, 1stâ€"Mable Vesste, Willie Edge, Willie Ellison. AXxy I. EDGE, Teacher. CARE OF THE EYESs. The eyes are the most wonderful and delicate optical instruments in / the world, and is easily subjected to strain. There are few eyes that are not caused } unnecessary and detrimental. strain. ' This produces the inflammation that is the trouble of many and which in turn { is often the cause of the unsightly puffiâ€" | ness under the eyes. Although it is not The Biggest Snap in Prints at the Sunrise of the Season Report of 8. 8. No 1, Notr manby, for February, Class 5thâ€"Mapgie Wallace, J Burrows, J Mutch. 8r2ndâ€"M Mutchb, A Smith, M *Keith. Jr2ndâ€"M Whyte, C Ross, H Horsburgh. _ Pt 2ndâ€"N Mutch, J Bilton, M Alles. 1stâ€"J Ross, G Alles. M. M. NasxyTH, Teacher r0 days at 8c This is a Snap you will not get ‘ggin this season as all Cotâ€" ton Goods have advanced 25 per cent in the last two months. We have been fortunate enough to buy 2500 yards of 36 inch wide Print regularly sold at 15¢ and are cheap f at that price. We will sell them for the next BARGAINS IN TORCHON LACES 7 f THE & STAR GROCERY S7 ORE â€"Alex. Russell . . j92, Mgl{yTYRE & Owing to the Snow Blockade on the Railways, we have sold out of many lines, but we have a large stock of NEW SPRING GROCERIES on the Rails and will let you know when they arrive. great success, the following proving winners : OoUR PRIZE COMPETITION At Russell‘s HAVE GGOD SOUND POTATOES €habMT â€"~+4 B pe _ 12 yard ends, 3¢ yard ; for the end, 20c. 12 1 2 These ARE Snaps . S Ruth Moran, amount spent $20.83 Ross Turner, amount spent $13.48 66 64 PHONE 37. FOR SALE 4C 5e 66 64 The undersigned have for sale, 2 bulls rising 2 years old and 3 bull calves risâ€" ing 1 year old. _ Also a pureâ€"bred Tamâ€" worth Boar for service, Terms, $1.00, A. & J. SrRaury. Lots 23 & 24, 8. D. R, Glenelg. porihinten tn Eiiintnttaait" Chats t Ofbrcctiacin n + .2 d BBE . â€" Durham, Ont, Any person having a claim . the n.love Estate,. will render â€" count of the same without delay car 30 00,0 E*=HOBOnNS O. Prince Cruickshank (imp), and Yorkâ€" shire Pigs from imported stock. THOS. Scarr & Sons, Rocky Saugeen esn rommi it en s ./ * : OM Durham Bult Prince Cruicksh FOR SALE & for SERVICE possible to change their color or shape, the »pperrance ctf the eyes can often be materially improved by proper care, and the surrounding tissues and features so modified as to add greatly to the looks. _ Excellent information on the care of the eyes is given by Dr. Grace Peckham Murray in the Ju-ch' Delinâ€" eator. The use of gliusses as a subâ€"topic merits special attention. PUREâ€"BRED STOCK FOR SALE, 66 6. 25C. T s ap Te $ The 'g ; % H.o H. P )D333 B 332 C t t ce ies §NWWMI’ w 2 ON T VOL. XXVIL vomuus Sn n n r k Review and 7 Review and T. REvIErw and 1 BEVIEW and M REVIEWY and REeview and Ww Review and M REview and 1. BEVIRW and W REview and M Â¥Ksy>We want want the Goods hox far the doll Tweed anad W Some extra Sp LTrogss The E. We N Review Club» Wrapperetts Flanuellet Priuts Shirti Moer JAWNM and \V. Mail & and ‘\'fla"‘l‘h A and Weekly 8 and Fam. Hep and Weekiy V and Inn_ WFG and Tcwnh-i and Daily ¢ Aid Woeeld 5, New York Trai to have j in and 1 they will but befor look at on Goods to less than son to an money at We re mJ the weat we â€" wotu Is causir of some This is t vised and ting read wurk of . All Win Reme Dried oronto eckly G . Mail & $001] Glo

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