Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Mar 1904, p. 5

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ith aubâ€" y any ME wild mmer load= place w ing &vy â€" Or and ) £9 MHp a first Jure. tabte c also nes in ISSYY UF AN e The second session of the Bentinck Coununcil for the year 1904 was held in Elmwood on Monday th« 13th Feb. at 10 a m. â€" Membersall present. Reeve in the chair, Minutes of Jan meeting read and passed. The committee on g‘rus- urer‘s suretres reported same as good and satisfactory. â€" Report ordered to be received and com. padg $1.50 each for their services, also $1 to the Registrar of 8 Grey for search. The auditors preâ€" sented their report which on revision by «ouncil was ordered to hbe received and adopted, and abstract thereof printed, and auditors paid $6 ench for services. Applications for the office of Assessor received from Robt Brigham and Moses Jacklin, _ Mr Jackiin was app »inted at a salary of $70 including equaunzing of unâ€" ion scheol sections. Bylaw No 2 for 1004 appointing pathwmwasters. poundâ€" keepers and fenceviewers was duly pasâ€" sed. Petition received from ratepayers of Elmwood asking that their statute labor for present year be commuted at To¢ per day. The prayer of the petition was granted and Jacob Kreutzweiser appointed commissioner. â€" Penition reâ€" ceived from Henry Brigham and others asking council to aid Widow Eliza Smith as she was in poor citcumstances, She was ordered to receive $8 quarterly for her maintainance, â€" Ww Hastie was apâ€" pointed operator of the grader for curâ€" rent year at a rate of wages of $1.60 per day of 10 hours work. ‘The sum $5, was yranted to Elmwood Public Liabrary. Dr Cook‘s account for attendance on McConnell and others was not enterâ€" tained. â€" The following accounts were ordered to be paid : Mun World $4.35, for Assessor‘s stationery ; Frank Croâ€" nin $8.80 for work which was performâ€" ed on town line B & B; Treasurer $100, his salary for 1908. _ Council adâ€" journed to meet in Allan Park on the 28th day of May next as a Court of Reâ€" vision and for the transaction of busiâ€" ness. 4.old Band, 7 piece Water Sets 66 4 piece Table Set.. t E‘Ykm Berry Set.. iece Crystal Berry Sets........ MARCH 10. 14904 The following Sets are perfect imitation of Cut Glass with heavy gold band around top, Gold being burnt in, it will not wash off. Just the thing for Wedding Presents : Heayy all wool Blankets, 60 x 80 ins BIG 4 UE m SELLS ax CHEAP A few month‘s study of business methâ€" ods would perhaps save you hundreds of dollars in the future. Take advantage of the slack winter months and attend the Moep the bowels open with one of Ayor‘s Pllls at bzl.lnno. jJust one. Owrx Souxp. Oxn. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO owEX sOUND â€"â€"â€"__ RINCIPAL Winter Term Comg:enees January 4th, Improve Your Education This Winter Ayer‘s Night Coughs Cren." â€"â€" Mas. W. i. Batuak Sboloy: ain. mo.. o. $1.00. ¢ . 6. AÂ¥ER 66.. EiC . PE *z + C. A. FLEMING, One dose of Ayer‘s Cherry Cherry Pectoral doctor‘s medicine for all affections of the throat, bronâ€" chial tubes, and lumgs. Sold for over 60 years. powt i0 â€" â€"64 x M ins... e size white flannellette Blankets wW, H. BEAXN Best pure Honey BENTINCK COUNCIL. P NORTHER) @060 808@ e# CALDERS BLOGK, DURKAM. . 10c a lb ......... £2.00 each k.A i. §h7*each ........\ $1.60 each 40e and 45¢ each $2.75 pair $3.00 pair #1.15 pair Byâ€"laws granting $5000 to aid the building of a railway to Durham was Â¥uted on on the 7th of December 1872, Speciai meeting was called by the reeve to meet at the Revere House in Markdale on Dec. 30, 1872, to consider the railway byâ€"law, &c. _ The clerk handed in his certificate certifving that the total number of vores polled was 475, of which 414 were in favor and 61 against, showing a majority ot 353 in favor of the railway. _ Signed James Brown, clerk. Council for 19038â€"Jas. Edge, reeve, J. H. Hunter, dep. reeve; Patrick Neil, James Sullivan, Hugh McFayâ€" den, councillors. James Banks and Duncan MeDonald were auditors. Wm Jackson. assessor. [This is Mr. Wm. Jackson of the (Glen, near Bunessan, who is hale and hearty yet. Although not long out trom his native country, the council recognized him to be wellâ€" fitted tor the position.] C. Williams was appointed tavern inspector. The reeve gave notice that at the next ineeting of council he wou‘d inâ€" troduce a byâ€"law to have the township divided into tour wards for the purpose ot giving each ward an opportunity to elect a councitlor for same. A general vote for the election of the reeve. The clerk was paid $10 for making an extra copy of the Assessment Roll. Jno. S8, Black was appointed collector, salary $95. + Special meeting of council held Jane 22nd, 1872.© On motion made and see: onded it was resolved that dep.â€"reeve J. H. Hunter be authorized to repreâ€" sent the council at a railway meeting to be held in Jane at some future date. Council for 1874â€"J. H. Hunter was elected reeve defteating Mr. Edge. Each ward elected their own councillor as follows : Thos. Whitmore, ward 1 ; John MeDonald, ward 2 ; Wm. Morriâ€" son, ward 3 ; W. J. MeFarland,. ward 4. â€" Morrison was elected deputyâ€"reeve by his fellows. John S. Black was appointed collec.â€" tor for 1872 at a salary of $95. A keen contest was noticeable for each ward, Mr Whitmore deteated Mr McFayden in No. 1 ; John MceDonald defteated Patrick Neil and Jas Sullivan in No 2. Here we muast say that it Mr Neil got justice he was elected by.one of a majority, as MeDonald & Sullivan tossed up as there were about halfa dozen votes to be divided between them the lot fell on MceDonald and elected him by 5 of a majority. _ John A Lamprey and Arshibald Black were appointed auditors for 1874. Alex Mcâ€" Kechnie was appoirted assessor at a salary of $75. â€" Councillor Kerny‘s beautiful residence is on McKechnie‘s tarm as he is now proprietor of the place. Continued from last week.: ©:; Council tor 1872â€"Jas Kdge, reeve ; Jas. H. Hunter, depuaty reeve; Hugh McFayden, James Ender. Shepherd Boyce, counciliors. 5. B. Chaffey and Dancan McDonell were appointed auditors. Win. Morâ€" rizon, Assessor, salary $70. Auditors were paid $12 each for their servicese. Moved by H McFayden, seconded ty 8. Boyce that mileage be struck off councilioos® remuneration. Carried. A SEIGH OFf GLENELG TOWNSHI In the year 1874 the sam of $7500.00 was receiyed trom the Municipal loan tfund debt. _ It was moved by Mr Mcâ€" Farland seconded by Mr Morrison that the Municipal Loan Fund be wholiy appropriated towards the improveâ€" ments of roads and bridges throughout township and that a bylaw be passed tor that purpose. Carried. Moved in amendment by{Mr Hunter, seconded by Mr McDonaldâ€"That the taxes for the present year be reduced by applying so much of the Municipal Loan Fund as will be sufficient to canâ€" cel the rate to be leyied on account of railway indebtedness and that the balance be applied towards the imâ€" proving the roads. Lost. _ Yeas and nays called forâ€"Yeas, Meâ€" Farland, Morrison and Whitmore. Nays, Hunter and McDonald. John $ Black was appointed collecâ€" tor at a salary of $95. The council went into committee of the whole, Mr Morrison in the chair. The following is the reportâ€"Your comâ€" mittee beg to report that having exâ€" amined the amounts expended in this township during the year out of the surplus fund, find that the following snms haye been spent in the different wards : Ward 1, $1727.82, _ Ward 2, $1811.84 Ward 3, 2063.97, _ Ward 4, 1936.19 making a total of seven chousand, five hundred and sixty nine dollars and eighty two cents. _ .« After a vote of thanks tendered to the reeve the council adjourned for that year, some of thein never to reâ€" turn again. + Council tor 1875 â€"J H Hunter, reeve; ‘Thos Whitmore, John McDonald, Shepâ€" herd Boyce and W m Morrison, councilâ€" lors. Moved by Mr Whitmore, seeâ€" onded by Mr Morrison that John Mcâ€" Donald be deputy reeve. Carried. The reeve appuinted Arch Black an auditor and the council James Banks. Hugh McColl was appointed tavern inspector. f Applications for the office of assessor asked for, up to the 8th Feb. The tol lowing appliczetions were received and each councillor nearly had an assessor of his own. â€" However the diffichlty was solved in the following manner. Moved by Mr Boyce, seconded by Mr Whitmore that Edwara Rutledge be _ Moved in amendment by John Mcâ€"] Donald. seconded by Mr Morrison that PAST AND PRESENT io § $96 was paid A.& A. Cochrane for proad scrapers. _ John Black was paid $169.00 for building a bridge known as Keyland‘s bridge, sideroad 40, con 2, N. D. K. The clerk‘s salary was increased #20 on account of extra service. The sum or three hundred and two dollars and seventy five cents was acâ€" cepted by the township of Glenelg, from the town ouf Darham, being the amount paid by the township on acâ€" count of said town in the year 1873 unâ€" der county bylaw 174. At the next meeting of coancia they brought in their report that it would take $500 to make any kind of a road possible to trayel. ‘The council thought the amount too large and no action was taken thereon. _ (We will give the cost of bridge built lately in tature.) §3+3> .> 8 Moved in amendment by McDonald, secunded by Mourrison that J S Black be appointed collector at a salary of $95. Carried. Mr Black acted tor two or three years as assessor #nd collector. Moyed by Whitmore, seconded by Boyce that Alex Bell be cullector for 1875 at a salarv of $90. Lost. Council for 1876 â€" Finlay MclRae, reeye; Dr sproule, Thos Whitmore, John MeDonald and Thos Townsend, counciliors. _ Moved by ‘Thos ‘Town« send, seconded by DrSprouile that Dr Sproule be deputy reeye. Lost. Messrs Whitmore and McDonald were appointed a committee to examâ€" ine the 8th con., from lot 2 to 6, known as the Glencross bridge afterwards. > Th& reeye appointed Arch Black, auditor, and the council appointed Samuel Donnelly the other auditor. An application trom James Edge, Esq. for the office of ‘Treasurer was read. Jouhn 3 Biack be assessor at a salary ob #$75. Cartied. ® ; . Moved in amendment to the amend ment by Morrison, seconded by McDonâ€" ald that John Cameron be assessor ftor the current year at a salary of #$75. Moved in amendment by John Mc¢ Donald and seconded by ‘Thos Whitâ€" more that Thos Whitmore be deputy reeve. Carried. Moved by Dr _Sproule, seccnded by Townsend that Jas Edge, Esq., be apâ€" pointed treasurer at $60 per annumn. Carried. Yeas, Townsend, Whitmore and Dr Sproule. _ Nays, F McRae, Reeve and MeDonald. Mr Hunter, the late treasurer, was taken by surprise as he had served faithtaully tor about 20 years as treasurâ€" er and did not get the opportunity of tendering his resignation. _ Mr Hunter on different occasions kept up the townâ€" ship‘s credit by applying some of his own money till the taxes were all collected. _ No doubt the venerable gentleman was getting up in years and would soon retire of his own acâ€" cord. Mr Edge made the remark sevâ€" eral times years atterwards that it was the meanest trick he ever did in his lite, but that he could not help himself as he was asked to apply. John Cameron was appointed assesâ€" sor for 1876 at a salary of $76, Chris topher Williams,. tavern inspector. ‘The council held their 5th meeting in the village of Priceville at MoLean‘s hotel, now Mrs Butters. _ It is seldom that a township council cross the bounâ€" dary line into another township, but it was done tor a purpuse on this occasion. Dr Sproule‘s resignation was accepâ€" ted and Sam Donnelly was appointed tor the rest of the term. Councilior Dr Sproule tendered his resignation as councillor. John 8 Black was again appointed collector djor 1876, his opponent being Mr Bell as vear previous. §10 was granted widow Seaton to pay the tuneral expenses of her late nusband who was killed by a tree. Council met at Ryan‘s hotel on Dec. 18th. Lots of charitable grants made after which the council adjourned for the year, after the usual vote of thanks to the reeve. Lot 10 Con. 22, Township Egremont. County Grey, containing 120 acres, For full particulars apply to Staff and Equipment. The 3chool is equipped for full Junior Leaving and matriculation work, under the following Stafl of Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Moderns. Intending Students should enter at beginnin; of term, or as soon after as possible,. $ FEKS: $1.00 per month , Wmm Johnston, P IOUErcecse ces sessase css s60 ORLMARI....... .ccscc e0006+ Flour WDORb. .. cce es eeve esn seaees PeRS.......ccccccrcccc6rers} BAFIQ@Y.....cccccceccecc6 66e ORUScevecuns ssrsessserss vee LAMDS.....ccciccrccccrek}} Dressed Hoys, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Cutter, froah roll per 1b Butter, Tub.............. EFRB....cccieaccsccarene anes Hides, per ewt...,...... Calfeskin«, per Ib........ Sheepsking..............« Beei, per CWt............ WOOs1s srarinccrveniaresss Potatoes, per bag....... Durham Schnool VY OOUncers cce ces cce ces se 8 60# TOAFROYE..c cce esc cecccenees DURHAM MARKETS. TARM FPOR SALE. pavinp McKr_vry, Thistle P. 0O To be Continued. a 00 2 85 8O 8 26 5 To 7 o0 6 oo 40 15 10 50 4 50 16 16 ~ | $N., G. & J. McKechnie GO Yo 40 Ou 00 13 55 UKHKAM REVIEW And Cattle Food %N & G&J McKechnie% American Horse We can Recomment A STOCK FOOD Louse Riller We have 300 Calendars left which were snowbound. They are small but better than none. Call and get one. ® MacFarlane & Go. Druggists & Booksellers. Aavite Nesetiiertaiosctcieaie" V . ~dnccisiocctaenatnlenninlanttn 3 cans Salmon .. 10 lbs Sulphur... Now is the time of year you should start and get your stock into shape. We believe there is nothâ€" ing bette: for Horses, Catâ€" tlé, Sheep and Pigs, than We have seen it used with the best of results and do not think there is its equal on the market. It aids digestion and enâ€" sures the very best reâ€" sults to be got out of the feed. It makes bone, muscle and fiesh and puts animals that are ‘off color‘ in prime condition. Horses get sleek coated and spirited, cows give more and better quaility of milk, hogs fatten quicker and lambs develop better if fed on the Food. 4} lbs Black Tea, regualar 30c, for....... 9 IDS ItaiSINS ... .1.«.rs .2 +k a@wa ns s +ss s 3 lbs Currauts...... 6 lbs Figs.... 3 lbs Seeded Raisins.... s gucans Corn.:.:..:./:..1Â¥aÂ¥ksxs...%}. 3 3 cans Peas...... 2 ‘cans TOmMatOC§..:â€".:..!4 «s .ssss}sss 6 1b. for 25 cents. Destroys all parasitic and insect life on stock and poultry without any inâ€" jury to the animals. Easy applied & always effectual A beautitul line of Lace Curtains at all prices. Durham, Ont. A full line of Carpets with prices to suit. Fresh Groceries : ONTARIO aArcHives f ToRronto (The popular Cash Store.) Lace Curtains. d Carpets. sings. ... o 4 6+ &A« 1B0G y ra t ik s DNE Â¥sa‘s s s i+ : + i. + s DC % &A‘s% Â¥% â€"**‘1 > +200 c Ankk s sa ts i 6 % * s ns o) > sagoG 3: 4 % nX hiv six s« @OC 4 is i5 s‘si«« s 200 Lots 14, 15 and 17, 8. D. R. Township GlenelB containing 150 acres, 4 miles from Durham, school opposite gate, Post Office 4 mile. Farm in good shape, all seeded down except 15 acres and that is ready for seeding. Good harn 40 x 70, stone foundation, good stabling, impleâ€" ment shed and a good hbeick heuse. For further information apply to Proprietor, Lot No. 20 and 21, Con. 3, N. N. R., Glenelg, containing 100 acres more. or less. 80 acres fit for machinery, land in good state of cultivation. Water on both 50‘s. 6) miles from Durham, gonâ€" venient to Church and Post Office. 4 acres in Fall wheat, 24 acres fall plonghâ€" ed." Comfortable buildings. Terms reaâ€" sonable, Apply to the proprietor, Jouwx McDoxaup. 100 Acres, Lot 36, 2nd Con., N. D. R., Glenelg. 15 acres fit for cultivation, the rest barawond bush. _ Also Lot 36, Con. 8, N. D. R., 25 acres clear, the rest hardâ€" wood bush. ‘The Saugeen River runs through both. For further particularts send or appiy to > Marx MclxtyrRE, Markdale. Bunessan P. O., Nov. 24, 03. The well known Taylor farm at Droâ€" more, township of Egremont _ 80 acres!; good state of cultiyation ; well watered ; good bumldings ; convenient to post ofâ€" fice, church and school. Apply 10 Valuable Property situated on North Side, Lambton 8t, first place outside the Town of Durbam. â€" Evergthing in firstâ€"class shape, good new brick house, good bank harn, and 11 acres firstâ€"class land. â€" Large orchard set out last spring with every good kind of frmut. A firstâ€" class place for anybedy. â€" Apply to FARM for SALE or RENT The undersigned offers for sale lots 46 and 47, Con.3, 8. D. R., Bentinck, conâ€" taining 162 acres, 150 acres in a good state of cultiyation, 12 acres bush. Good buildings and firstâ€"class orchard. Well watered. Only six miles from Durbam. Also a hay press for sale. Lots 16, on the 17th and 18 Concessions, in â€" the Township _of _ Egremont. 200 acres, 150 acres under good state of cultivation. _ Well watered. _ Convenâ€" 1ent to Church, School and Post Office. Adjoining Dromore. . Good buildings. For terms, &c apply to â€"The undersigned has for sale, ready to use, (5) five tborobred Tamwor th Boars. Price reasonable. 2 ea‘ :s 9L. HexrRY ALEXANXDER. Lot 9, Cen. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck, YOUNG TAMWORTH BOARS FOR SALE. FARM FPOR SALuLC. FTFARMS FPOR SALE. FARM FPOR SALE. FARM TO RENT. FARM FOR SALE. KEELER, The Jeweller, Durhamw. THnos. McCoxs. Bunessan P. O Mrs. TavcoRr, Dromore, Ont. FPOR SALE. Mrs. TaAyvror, Dromore, Ont yye d » AuEx. Braas, Prop $1.00 . . 25¢ . . 25e . .25¢ . . 20¢ . . 25¢ . . 25¢ J.G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M. Omcemdaeddmuou.flmhn and George 8t., ut foot of Hil}. _ Old Moodie Corner. OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p. m, »Telephone Connection No. 10 #2. SPECIALIST EYE, EKAR, THROAT & NORE, TBBDDBrrvrevorew.._. _ 'IIXCLUII‘%:.\'. F 1 Oflice, 13 Frost 8t, Owen Sound. Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the |‘Im Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. till p. m. W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L. D.S. \ / the Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘:â€" Block, Residence first door west of the eld Post Office, Durham. HOoNOR GRADUATE of Torento University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. Oficeâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHAK. onl doghoul, fand the Goldcn squase es * h , Di 3 uare Nose ‘m“ ospital. Jompany and private Funds to Loan on Moriguges at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to Loan, A. G. MacKkay : K. C. W. F Dunn trators‘ Accounts prepared and rnnod Burropate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Lettere of Adâ€" wminstration and Guardiauship Obtained, gearâ€" chas uwade in Registry Office und Titles reported JOHN CLARK _» Wills, Deeds, Mortguges, J.oases, Agreements &e. correctly prepnn?i. Estates uf deceased rol'- sous louked after and Executor‘s and Admieisâ€" Notary Public, Commissicner, Conveyâ€" ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &c Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Maney to Loan. {)ffice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. D. McPHAIL _â€"a~ Durham, Nov. 16, ‘08. Adopted by all leading"Schools in Toronto. This"deservedly popular system means of donsuie Sriik Plase bogen Dingrhine and wiher es the child‘s immediate comprehension. _ _ _ . 1 Rhythmic Motion amn ‘ch cl Piano Wc‘: For terms apply;to Miss Margaret Gun, Teacher, M.NM,N. Paysierax & SurcEoX®, Office over McLachian‘s Store. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Member College Physicians and Surgeons 4@ Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. Dr. T. G. KHOLT L. D.S. ‘gg!lee_t:ion_' and Agency promptly attended to Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate. A.rrufiemenu for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. a#* Correspondenceaddressed dere orto Hopeville P.O., will be promptly attended to, Elu on application to promptly attended to. _ Rates reasonable. gr?len may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Review Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey, Sales FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF BARRISTE R, so1CcITOR, * NOATRY PuBLIC Comvrerancer, #t. «L T®T OA TIL. DR GEO. S. BURT. fice, McIntyre Block, over the Bank. P ~â€"AUbCTojafteoy} alâ€"â€"ysaâ€"A G. LEFROY McCAUL. ffice, McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Dorham DN T ATL. Private Money to Loan, Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Farms boughi and sold or to Myer‘s Music Method. MACKAY & DUNN, HOURS : A. H. JACKSON, DR. BROWN, J. P. TELFORD D. MePHAIL, Hopeyville P. O. ‘ C. RAMAGE, Durham Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey,. 8 to 10 a. M. w )

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