On a phytlology paper my found the paragraph: "The object of res- piration is to free the blood from unnecansary waste. " takes place through all tho pores ot the skin, -7 -___ "-1 --v"--h- '"Re blesses the snakes unaware ot himself." wrote a little Irish boy ot the patron saint ot his (nth- "land. Asked to write a bit ot descrip- tion. one pupil wrote the following: "Tho sun had thrown it: dish down In tho nrst. Tho 'bosom of the. Tao- - lee lay um except ot a little atndiintton. Amber clouds were in tho “Junkâ€: was barely moving." I‘d"- "B-__-, AL _ poem. but by the use or opium ho had lu give up writing." “In Sleepy Hollow there was a man by the name _of "nu-p ’Bones." wrote n small girl 'of tG"vffetreni'"ii Sleepy Hollow.†- On n. literature p/Gi/ ‘71:; iaiai: “The Ancient Mariner was a. phyl- oninhor. Lgtcruhe begqn wrlting Other w.ell~known litctary men were written ot as follows: “Col- erldge was born in 1792. He went to college when he was young. in 1795." "AdditsonU lather was a clergyman. but quite educated." '"howeu descended from a long line of protecsionnl ancestors ot Eng- lish descent. He was well posted in att kinds of literature." "Theodore Parker was very poor. no strug- gled continually betwoon poverty." “He Bee a Negro messenger with just tho crown ot a hat on his head; he was rldlng on one half " colt." wrote a girl. " wag learned later that a ttalt-broken colt was meant. _ -iaU/-ror tame! On a. “feature paper was the 1utormation."Shakets- pegge Waupqrn In Italy." A question as to the Angles and the Saxon. was answered by the lollowlng paragraph: “The Anglors and the Saxons had a battle. and after the Angior had conconrod the Mastontg there were two languages spoken in the same land." “-5.. , ' tho Duke of Somerset had ruled all the kings of England.†said one paper. and another: “Oliver Cromwell was King: of England. He tr/P'" parliament and ruled him- tee .." "Henry VIII. then lounded a church or his NV.) and he was to to the head. but at his death be printed a book called the defender ot the church," wrote one boy. while another wrote or the some King: Nt In reported that he (Henry VIII.) married ll: times. executlng wife an†wire it she happened to ot-i {and him." 'u,. t "(live "the cause of the Sepoy re- bellion." wan a question in on ex- amination to which one pupil gave an uuuwer: "There were new rifles Invented and had to use greeced bulletin and tome ot them had tobe bitten off. It Was against the nat- tvets, an they were forbidden to eat "all." The {Dummy bit of “formation an. (“on about Julio. (lunar: “AI he (Julius Caesar) grow aide: he delivered more oratorleo." "--eNe'Ve. -.-- ...-..,.,, and the llterature papers gener- ally contain the most startling statements, but the physiology pap- or also other: strange information about tho human body. ham complete]: thirGiiiiiria, Tai, their wits when they are t;utnnittixt to these written teats. The history .n:‘ 0].... 'r-_-_s__, Que-lion- That t ' In] Not be Answer- ed by acting! Lunar-n. Examinations are a bugbeur to the brightest loiioolboy or school- girl. and the answer: which are given to simple questions show G-u.- --- I - - - _ """'_e'V “'"6l “l"“u of metal seven Inches long mth n polntod and. two nai% one needle. one knife handto and two knife blades 3 thud fork lmnd'o, one key and come mall particles of oxidized metal; In all twontrnve pieces, with a weight or 230 ttrarnar.--Nae 'ro.as t are. __ _.---.._ u. must“. The last anon- takon out were the amallesrt and were extensively cor- roded by tho acids ot the stomach. This. however. was not the end, for taking a bnger pincher--tho atom- act, being very iartps.-we found the back ot an ordinary fork with three prongs. tho handu, of the some fork broken. another fork handle, the fourth prong or the fork above men- tioned. a Mn six Inches long, apiece " nun“: -..-- '__. . - - - .V â€Wm- . 2"1"."i:T:y:c=rir-...........$uiirailriil; ' ll t . m Fil FhUeliy,e!,ure,ey MllllPiMm, HEALTHY dBELlABLE lemonade-M m h a _ loo-g IndeMOra-n. ', The up. of no or. extremely fut". no the mt which than: I. often 'ntg.trlo of eel-lonely "tuh- their function; At the I“ the we have use in which 'db unnum- mm is shown by q the Mach. such. tor instance. on ,tbe child the you: of age. who won vmted to the Andemle do Hedi- “.an in 1897. After but“ had a -ueoe of money â€moved from the 'cmpha‘ue. Th!- examp'o of toler- 'dMMto " however, eon-Herold: ex- :ceeded by the following can. which ,wle presented to the magma at a. recent meeting: Tho patient we; a young man 22 years of age, pale. of slight intelli- gence. and mpzlc. who had been under the we of Dr. Leronx of the at Joeoph hospital. for nervous and [Manual trouble. At the end of covered days several foreign bodies were all/erred tn the left hypochon- drum and tho mtlent was eent to our eurglcaJ. ward. where the oper- ouon pt opening tho stomach was performed. What was our Inf-prise when we felt with the finger through tho incision a. great number of met- allic eubetancee. With tho aid of Long pirehers we drew forth the for- l elgn bodies. First we obtained two 1 coffee (wane, varying from live to I five and one-ha] inches in length. l In“. In» -n.-i.-- AAA _ . The Banadian Order of Chosen Friends i Still Forging Ahaad. .IIAD A SINGUL Ut STOMACII The 0rd" in hat cloud “other pro-porou- yarn-l any. Total "new“. a mud 'e,'trtAe/tumu-.........., Total Incl-em lungurplu muxudcTdi'.T.'z.".".r..".". Total M9mhenhip.....mwum. Total Hurpln- Fuldo...........................m PLVZZLHD pums. '. P. HONTAGUR. Grand Mord». Hamilton. r P. CAMPBELL] Grind Og-mur. Hamilton. not colon: are no more in evidence that: on other occasions. "To my mind the must Important Innovation is noticeable at the cem- eteries. Formerly a. funeral party had to stand about the grave, no matter how inclement the weather. unprotected from the "lements, and often bareheaded. Now things are different. Recently tents have been introduced. and these are spread over the grave. and a. good-sized plot ot ground surrounding it. Being in. closed on all tour sides. those with-1 in are protected from the weather as well as from .the eyes of the cur-1 iotur."--N. Y. Tribune. l "The absence ot that depressing ratmosphcre and general suggestion of the, tomb is nowhere more notice- able than in the house ot death it., self. 'rormoriy it was the undertak- cr’s duty to repair to the house a tow hours before the time set for tho funeral and drape everything in Its, room where tho body lar-mir. rors. pictures. mantel, windows and tho bier-avith black crepe. Daylight 3 was almost wholly excluded. and the ’ontire place were such a doleiul ap- pearance that a person of any ima- gination and I"erptitrillt, could not remain long in tho house without having a. touch of the blues. "To-day almost no crapo is dis- played at the better class of fun- erals. Even the old-Lime Insignia of death at the door front ls replaced in most cases with a wreath ot flowers or ivy. while tho interior ot the. house or church 1:1 made bright and attractive by the use ot tlqw.. ore. green. etc. The immediate tam.. ily ot the dead may wear mourning†at the funeral. but black m- - .___ __., general expenses during two years' hospital service. and perhaps another $1,000 for mung up In practice. A .er or two In Fnrnm is ..|.... - ‘7'" nry. spanking. $4}6i)6"i;;vfoui a. reputable median school general extreme» dnrinn , __, n... r...".v u. tau "vu"- try pays $150,000,000 annually tor medical attendance, omitting entire- ly tho money spent for patent medi- cines which brings millions of doU lars to manufacturers, or the am- ounts spa-nt for doctor's prescrip- tions. or paid to quacks and Commer- cial doctors. The preparation for tho practice of medicine that gives a. man a good standing- in tho profes- £5311 means an expense of, liberally‘ T,et,ie.eofyy,? tor tour years in) urns-“'- -i--->f, . " _ Doeo the Hemum-rution Make it Pay to Htudy Medicine ? There are about 200,000 doctors In tho United States, or about one for every 350 people. It has been ap- proximately estimated that the aver- adrrr yearly Income ot these men is E?o: or Att. tho public in the coun- It Will become a. matter of wonder that them should ever have existed those who thought it admirable to enhy without working, at the ex- pense or others who worked With- outehloying. . t _ leaves the morld “to be; rkGrudii '33: the descendants of those who are not so woken. of heafth. But GTGiGiieiiF ELI): praises “those who treat disrespect- fully PI?. of her highest products. and We hear a great deal about “the vile D'XU'-" and many are encouraged by tnoghrasg to transgress the laws In our tender regard for the vest- ed interests: ot the few. let us not forget the right. ot the many. the eviti, mitt aria; but: disrégaru- ing it. and fear not that you will readily enough guide him. Do but gain a boy's trust; con- vince mm by Four behavior that you have his happiness at heart; let him discover tha,t you are the wiser of the two; let tum experience the benefit pt tellowing your advice and Despotism in the state In associ- ated Wm: despotlum in the family. Command u a blight to the Mtee.. tions. Wuatsoever of beauty-what- aovcr or poetry-there is in the magma that unites the sexes withers up and (Lee in the oold atmosphere ot authority. , 1 Mental power cannot be got trom ill-led brains. r---........";.")".)' ---uvxx4'fe0oo The wing that beauty is but skin deep iq a 5km deep mymg. A 'clever thett was praiaewortny (mung no Spartans. and it Is equal , so among Cnriatiamr, provided " be on truttaueutV largo scale. No one can be pal-teeny free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy tut a.1 are haw!- Free Institution. can tta properly worked out only by men. eacn of Whom ll Noun ot his own rights and am, sympathetically jealous or the man!- ot otherm--wtto wsil net- ther blame]! mm. on his neigh- bot-8.10 Oman thing. or great nor tok.) crate sags-9.100 on them by otLers.‘ What an Undertaker Bars, SOME SAVINGS OF notâ€! physiology paper mud: “The pelvis I. a hollow, has; ou- tulning the contestants." A question In to the meaning of tho word canonise and the word hypothcah brcuzht to h h, d t.. nittons: “Canons†means to stupe- fr; hypothesis in something nut is ConBtumsd."--N. Y. Tribune. WHAT DOCTORS MAKE. by thikklpeylgnd by the that." n _r ... luuhlbb’n " two in Europa GGii," a help. Leslie’s Monthly for Febru- '. In (at: tho to ropair to the house a before the time set tor , and drape everything in where the body lar-mir. res. mantel, windows and r....:..:.:.?,,'"!, HERBERT SPENCER. I. Ontario. u Ontario. t that depresslng general suggestion where more notice- Cer class of tun- Mime Insignia of front is replaced l a wreath of beat h‘m the interior ot 1:1 made bright jo use of tlttw.. immediate tam.. black iii" “ht important m, at the cem- funeral may fhe grave, no ' $1.000 for When a woman wears 3 Ear church she doesn't care how Im sermon is. W, Va“ "nu-luv". the chase. Thurs should be " larger bounty on wolves, The growth of trrntrer In Kn am: will more than my tho extra. bounty. t t l How the Wolf Outwits the Doe. l T mber won tl 9 increase in Kansas. , Any farmer til tell you so. me: fences 'rneld the you: ir saplings. and the Maine fires that used to sweep _ the underbrush and leave the young“ trees unprotected come no longer. But the com'ng ot the forces and the going of tre prairie firetr have helped w. Ives. '11 ere are more wolves In the country now than there were thirty l years ago. T e wolf is smart. He 1 runs w‘t'l " head down and dodges ' under Tomes. The drg runs "to the i tine" with his head up. He runs into l fences that the writ has led him to l and the dg ls cut_ up and abandon. a "Na, nal VIE-Wayne. ony respec' I had tor himsell: but I married his widow."-teea, Mercury. j Why He Grieved. A Scot, who had been a long time in the colonies. paid " visit to his "native glen." and meeting an old schooltellow. the two sat down to chat about old times and acquaint- aunces. In the course of the conver- sation the stranger happened to ask about a. certain Geordie McKay. "He's dead long ago," said his friend. "and I’ll never ceue regret- tin' him as long an I live." "Dear me, had you such respect roChirn as that t" St. Valentine. Buffalo Express. Saint Valentine's Day draws on apnea; Young men, tune up For lyres. And slug- of mar figure. eyes and grace; Tuna up! Tune up, you liars! Dear Sirs,--r cannot speak 1 strongly of the excellence of MI ARD’S LINIMENT. It is THE reme in my household for burns, epraina,e and we would not be without' it. It is truly a wonderful medicine. JQHN A. MACDONALD, ’ublishcr Amprior Chronicle. An Washington Star. "Mikel so.†Plodding Pete: "rt you was to git suddenly rich. would you git) progd ap' hauty?" Minud’a Limment Cures Distemper, Mlargarot--r supposed. mum. that's what you wan ted. I washed them in- aide so you could see out, and left than: dirty outside so that the neigh- bors couldn't see in. The Servant's Strategy. Boston Transcript. Mm. Tydinimr--Martrarot, ham does it [happen that you have washed the windows in tho dining room on only one side? I Worry wont cure a cough. war," you find a cough holding 011- when everything else has failed-.. try o . ' 81111011 s "t . Consumpuon, "Noné whaieverj" hcidGGGKU, he moved closer. The next day it was announced. "Jolin." she asked a moment later, "have you any desk? to be a Pope'."' -- "Popes are always old badhclcif‘sL" he _re_plled. minard's LinimenGhrte, Colds, etc. Knew What He Wanted. Kansas citr Star. "John." asked a Fredonla girl of her steady. "Why doesn't the papal throne pass from generation to geqeration as other thrones do?" Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. . Pttiudetithia Bren. Meanrer--msre't, a. cigar. Dmuitey-'Nanktr, bat I swore ort on New Year’s. Meanter-why, I saw you smoking a. cigar to-day. Deantey-But' It wasn’t one ot -rotlrtr. Htuytxutd-oh, very well. Just write down what it shall try, and I‘ll buy it on my may up town. _ old: Wi.to--r have been thinking Ionght tpytivo yen a. birthday present. unr- Rev. P. I. Frey, pastor of the Maple Street Bantist Church, Bull'alo, N. Y., says: "I have been greatly troubled with mlds, headache and catarrh. I have used Dr. Agnew’s Catanhal Powder with best results. In fact. it has done won- ders for me, and I wish to recommend it to everyone." This remedy is a perfect 'Teeitie for influenza. Dr. Agnew; Ointment I: without on mp'at for skin diseases or pilot. Me. " ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Too Mellow to be Naughty REV. FREY'S STATEMENT: t The Lu; fure Tonic tr It is guaranteed to cure. It it doesuT, We’ll refund your money. Prices: s. C. Wmaa&Co. " 25c. 50c. 81. LeRoy. tMr.e'Nronto.can. ikiiritcu iralimt Mind’s Ianiment Cures Diphtheria. HIS OWN FREE WILL. H-7AN 'ttCLr-FFRoMGoLt" " ADACHE AND OATARRH. oe One Brand Only. “'llhont Sentiment. Town Topics. I up. He runs into lt has led him to up and abandons hould be " larger ",'rlys, grewm of UP. a new hat to how long the you liars! speak too nae of MIN. THE remedy ' sprains, ete., The elevator 11 . lift and runs an mercury will auvly destroy the "et"et ot Imell and cumpletvly damage the whole nyl- tem when enterink it through the mucous surfaces. Such urtirlt-H should never be and excent on I,T,er,i'i,',',ficyp, from reputable uhrval- clans. an t " dum-lze they will do in ten old to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hull's Cnmrrh Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cltene.r. a Co., Toi-dd, o ' contain. no mercury, and in tat an intern-my, acting directly upon the in ood and mucous Innate; ot the â€nu-m In buying Hall’n Catnrrh Cure he sure you 1.2M. the guanine. It intaknn Internally and mail-- in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tmtimoninln me. Sold by Dmgzlsta. Price, Ttbe per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pill. for constipation. Beware of Ointments for Catarrt, that Contain Mercury, A Manr-erea Fish. ma chiton, a. sort ot 'rheilritrh,tumu the record ot possessing 11,000 eyes. good health it stViGi%iirt'"i'ierr' bodies with nicotine as he did. I 11:1:va a Frenchman residing- in ‘the little town of Claye was much surprised when he discovered that in: thirty years he had smoked BOO,.. ooo thousand cigarettes. He be.. gun to smoke in 1873. and as a rule ho consumed 80 cigarettes daily. He therefore calculated that he must have smoked nt least 27,000 every year, or 800,000 in 80 years. He next discovered that it all these cig- arettes were placed end to end they would stretch for a distance of 40 kilometres, and he was so appalled by this fgct that he stopped amok- lag at o ce. and now warns his friends who continue to smoke oig. arettes that they cannot remain in mm huntâ€. u .L--. A . Junt, out'. The Four-Track New" tor February. Only r, cents. Any ttewsdea'arr. been me happiest moment in your life t" "It hasn't come yet." and Mr. Fl. ktnd. l ' _ "Not yet? 'When, then. will it come?" The reporter's eyes shone. Now he expected something good. "It will come." said Mr. Elkine. "when people cease asking (00113111 questions." 1 ..___.. - - sumo-u. contains no opium. in emcient. since it heals the irritatid.tC thunen throat and lungs. and so prawn“ a. deep-Maud cold from runnlng Into Incum- ble form. of consumption. Speed is likely to be the great- est discovery of the twentieth cent- ury. Indeed. motion especially ad- apted to transportation seems to be our greatest aim. We still remem- ber tho thrill with which we heard of tho grixty-mile-tut-hotu. train. It was nothing short ot wonderful. Then l came soventy miles and ninety miles. Early this year a monorailroad be- twrzen Manchester and Liverpool. England, put tho record up to 110 miles an hour. We had hardly be..) come accustomed to this, hardly pass- od tho stage of regarding it as a freak, when from Germany came the rams that on the Muriergieiu.aosr. son miliary road an electric car made a, Speed of over 12G miles an hour. Tho news came with the statement that own higher records were ex- .pocted. an expectation that was rear. I Izod a. few. dime if; iii%i'"i"GITii record yet obtained-tao 2-5 miles an hour.--Curront Literature. ALLEQE‘LUHQ SALSA] gents!“ CAI "V - --9.--.... uln l‘ollU qetttlemeet,-I LGci't,iiiii dnll'a Srnvln Cure on " hor aald ttttfy, Btrttin., I have Wrnkuflll. n. In. duly-"1", 1903. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enuuhnr: Faun, Vt. I (Inn-flan“... T Ln", L - min or the sit: in not dtawn--s very idyli ot art in the centre of the oil- very orb. portraying with a. delicacy like that or an engraving 3’ refined human couple whose faces are near enough to be "rttttitloant of much." item is an aesthetic discover: worth noting, for most of the moon's I tam liars have never seen aught more Interesting there than a. lady unat- tended. That is because they did not use tceit opera glasses. From the ob. server's standpomt the figure on the right. which is the more prominent o fthe two. is unmistakably feminine. with the face of three-quaHen, front and eyes looking down. The figure on [ the Owner’s left. which does not, stand out so plainly. for reasons best kn an to the owner, in distincuy mannisn, with taco turned anxiously toward the interesting and perhaps blushing- one. Both figures show the head and bust only, and the pose ot each is distinctly natural. As to size. the feminine figure seems nearly two- tiiirds the diameter of the moon's disk. trons the crown of the head to the "aitrt.--Doaton Advertiser. ' tn sucu nu ctrete object as the moon. Strange as it may seem to such M are not on familiar terms with. the fuluesa thereof, there are now on ex- htttitiou-on evenings when the cur- tain ot the tttrr in not Arnasrrt, - Great Clam-ems Smoker Only the nun and an: or the two Flam-u are Shown. People of artistic sense and refined taste are no 10.36: disposed to tough ate any autumn; to the rotuud and Leular usage of the "man In the nroou." Tue time, has gone by tor that childishnasm The demand of to- day is tur art, and It you are bound to find art in whatever you look at. ‘It must. soon-er or later 'ettrr--eren The A Fine Magazine Itte COUPLE IN THE MOON. A PERFECT RE man gives some people 3 other People down. Age of' Growing Speed. 1t,tt,t,1e,1!!, ti., B.._July 39,}993 , "nun-u..- I """. s" ; been usinz your heu- n harm- whlch everyone L ,7 _ no May". on ,Te'd,,ie,'; Huh." - - "_-_- w 1 " ' were married tio can today." , "Yes, sub." "Well, why hurt your wife Malp- ine you to celebrate it t 'Mg present wile. ooh." replied Una: Eph'm. with dignity. "ain't got nothin' to do with It. Show de 'teventtu-chieatto Tribune. "Aren't you working to-dny, an. trio P' asked one of his Caucasian ac- '"htri'ft.hi."t l b v o, r . '99 ee ty ratht' d- on wedjln'. Huh." In} got HI. Goldm- Wedding. Uncle Eph'm had put on 'ith'; and 1113 best cont Lt 'et',', wa an" ma'estical u the stI?cct. J ly p and down of epilepsy -oeiGhi, Strange Use " a. Suicide'u skull. A rather gruemme Highland prac- tleo of treating epllepsy. we the Calodonian Mlcnl Journal, u the drinking out ot a, amicldé's skull. In a, certain churchyard there is n. sniclde‘a skull lying perdu, the exact whereabouts being known only to one or two prlrlltg'ed indiriduxtsr. It is lnyariably sent tor when a case pod east from California without ice. The fruit is confined in dry utmos- [kero of medium temperature charged with antiseptic germlcida Can be In! In TUBS, FAILS. WASH BASINS. HILK FANS. STABLE FAILS. ETC. What About the Quality? TorontoNews. no ice in Toronto {Bay la eight- een inches thlck; a. fact which will Unto a marked effect on the ther- mometer in August next. T ELBRE WARE South American Rheumatic Cure Cures Rhoumatiom.--n In sate, harm- rm, and new quick-gives almost instant re- lief ttttd nn atmoluto cure In from am to three dttr.--worlo wonders in most some forms ot rttetttttutitmt. One man's trunnion]: "I spent 6 weeks In bed before commencing in uqe-t bottles cured 'ste."-) Use Ottawa's Canadian Club is all torn up by a controversy as to whether its members should wear dress stttittg or overalls at the evening meetings. Dr. Agnow’s Catnrrhal 'retwtter.- Rev. W. B. Main, pastor ol tlm Baptist Emanuel Church, Butruio, given strong mul- lnony for and is a. tlrm believer in Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhat Powder. He hag tried many kinda of mum!†without AVON. " Arur using Dr. Attnew't, 'Yntnrrhul Powder Iwmrbettetired at onee," are ttin wnrda. It " a wonderful remedy. m, eetna.-M Thus. it la a taot that the human eyo depends largely) upon the sur- rounding bony mructuro for ita sits and pxoportion. it can readily beeeen that, In the base ot an eye. which prawns abnormal vurual oondltlons. due to an inadequate development. tho increase in the size or the'skull referred to. (accompanied as it us- ually is by generally improved phy- sical conditions. would naturally tend to a oorrespondlng increase in tho aim ot tho eyeball. thereby oon- tributlng to In possible neutmllm- Hon or tho visual a"'t-imwe1eva'i Circular. Oranges can now. men, which had led to the discovery: (to which, however. little importance had been attached) that the chill or. ten shows a decided immune tn also athy the middle age. Alter mama. Age the Hun“ Oeartat of Sign; [noun-en In Btu. _ ‘A communion with a. Imminent hatter Mound the {not tint Wag men ot large was when de- oided exeumve ability: and stroettt mental equipment was requisite. it was common to nnd an increase In the cranial development. A more detailed investigation among some ot the large (metropolitan: batters re- vealed the tam that many of them had tor yams. by means ot an au- tomau'c mcwyurmg device. kept re- cords of peculiarities ot the cranial _outliae.?t. mung 9t tho prominent Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. EYES ENLARGE WITH AGE. From any first-crest, dealer. A Quintin" of Clothes. “MILOOMIH. on be safely ship- are rheumatism quirk" are the most perfect Ki. When the Kidneys fail to do their work of discharging the uric neid from the system, the renult is rheumrtintti. Until the Kidneys resume this wort in a natural healthy way no cure is possible. _ THE DOLE DRUG co., \NINNIPEO Illlittil Gina Pills Your natUm quick: had for " time became th m perfect m ney Corrective ever discover! Prom nit Druggisu. mu. per box. 6 boxes for $2.50 or direct from Rheumatism -e"t __-_'- a.-- m.†in quarter ot a million rats have ibeeu derroyed by then since the I crumb began. The extermination in contmuod now that the tear of an epidemic in past, on 'the ground that the rodents do " enormous amount of dam to wnrchom nooks. I The, bubonic plague scare which ugitutoi London sour: time ago, is having It: aftermath In . war on rats. which are commottlr believed to be the chief cGtrautore of tlie " cm 11.0 bond m prom states that :ully 5.00;) manta are kitted on Lon- don docks each month by the 1.1-0- {esliouul Pl. liners. and that {any .. Mn.“ - A .h.. - """"rhseuremuguudoroee-. to m ttniiGiiiti.' _ """"V --- ~uv \vuLuIJ, UL" curmd In Darjiung. to which worn also Invited Dr. Kenyro Inouye. the Japanese “Powerland†P.nilosophet. and Kemp: Yu Wei. the (‘hlnose re- former und scholar. Our Tubman host explained his respect for an and appreciation or our remarks by rlslng to his feet and extendimr his, mum-- Thtbetan Mark or My first heal mama}: toast. write. Wai Kavmguchi. in tho Century, ou- mrm) In n....::u__ A, . . - The ministry In the only one of the learned profession- thut in not now overcrowded. Be aura that your tick-ta not] eta Gnu! Trunk and Ichlzh Valley roumonho "Blnek Diamond Expma.†This In the direct and but. route from all fi'y'ge,t'ut"E BI this route bugger: Is now check In hon and from (hum! nn points. The Lei-13h Valley bu than; nation. in New York, up Lawn near I." Murcia" hotels. and down town neural! European steam-hip docks, luring [mucu- fn tor Europe a. "lax/ upon-l" tra na- r. Secure Four tie eta of Grand Trunk mun. Robert F. Lewis, Canadian Manager Agent. You“. amt. Toronto, Ont, Marconi Postna- Bumps. who Italian Post Office I. about to fasue n series or new postage stamps. One of these hears a portrait ot Mar- coni. and doctric wave- traversing the world are represented, A tek graph pole with In wines hanging uselas being in the foreground. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, u it is both soap and disinfectant. FU and Both Seem to In New". 'Boston Gable. Bomo people will be surprised to 53am that lhe people ot the United We In- t', ll e. t or l 'iiraerlliaketuiiit aiexiti, Mable b ulna-u, ti “.1: I,"oil re u an exeep can on "tT't"h'll'ltU,'l'd'g'ffa' mom-yank". tfi :th brln'p In the dollm Plan and full pur- tlcn m tor 10 can“ In camps. Don't torn: the canâ€. and “are. sandal-d Supply Co., Hamilton. on. You an Ian ttd and": which new." new tor you by 2l'ardll'hu' with A. SEAMAN. " Cohan. " Toronto. Ont. an be may w by 1:4qu In. manna M ' It.“ Cloud um" ""oi'uio' in.“ W“ "f-Bu-ii.);'."; Gun-by. It“. :34 clack-I: nond- pa: t.?1CPeerfre, 39.93%“ the 'ur mhttnape".te1tttt-9ts-utnttt. BRUSH & 00., NO BRASS EYELETS lBacl More Clo-Hume" l POPULAR CORSET Foil I904 STYLE MODERATE CAP" " A War In Going to New York " Spoclulty “oz-ks." t, LONG HIP J MANUFACTURED ONLY " Hill" LANDS TORONTO. - osif. 253 III. III um telllur’, ou- 'ding, to which were extending tdi%iirrii'i; on mo. -PTCCBuii>, “no-n. Ont. Appreciation. . MAI. ' Passsenger and . 1; _' Conductor Were Killed " I‘ll T...__::,-A n 'i. and Montreal Expn Wrecked on lntercolonial Ind 'rweio-fiie foers ', Sustained Injuries. thought to In a riti'tu% tho not um. m.- m slung when, that mun ‘ul ttoo/c [ham w" 30!! nun nuduug wro £1).de cocla tn. om the accident, g. to rt; taitte were um tlw ("Mu mar. 'iutav, and out. Witt “ohm†u.~anu..l more“ on. .o-u1,v,n. r pom Ut nun]:- 1buec. LI gear ol in: cans b hm an tite c:.u.-.e o: the on llama: report; The Wagcreai c.-.p,'o.a.‘ oi' th “I Rdsway, which lat .45 o'clock this mom: I" Whiz the Canal“: tet. John. was wrnkml "auon at 10 o'clo.li. alone no.4“! dvstrt [nun lust album mm; on haunt. and ltvp w autumnal ten or more. passexlccru and th" I' the mph-u are dead, a ll. our map-czar is nearly ali of the [up injured more or less am The (munc- “I tiw at never m known. At The \cruk u tram mung!“ io' lng at me bun.um tr. 1m (mm: mum. [Ir-ml) than,» Hh'l Dunn" rant. In; J.:|u Liars y. o. nun who Wu: 0.! llrl' Way to ti'.' helm ulster In 'ttttto, m "tad. (‘undm 110mm. G. hum-am, who tor tol seven years [mu men runuxng the uoecruu" m ra,iroau, GIN t his “unmet; at mHuignl. E. J. " cur wepmor o; tti' Canadian kl tie, Bandung. " uch ip,' Unwed" and death. and tun-my outcts bully nun. A no†" current l than: are two bodies, harm] ttCath the wreck of tit" accol.d-< car. but this is â€at:ng u I rumor. . Mn. Clancy mama from home to catch a mum Mum; T o'clock. MIL cuseed it by hu- In“. and waive; .or tit., next putting an hour and {any luc- later. This mum: ttet' d ‘the only death cu tux in n I buying zurty puoz-l'. \\h.ch (“my car tu vane. and mom-- o. drum m resoluhou. The nu at " run: or at h: hour whcn tlw me Without Sign or wal purl-yd [mm tire EN and luggage cur. m nothing were wrung ned passvugnl‘u tout cnrs that were "uni In umr asylum w the omb-mkm m. a from the upper wm where the tides people. Including who are knuwu Hue train. twt-ui,' The injured an MP. and Mrs. durum inland. In unluux Ill llw were on, thrir hr libs Balul Bout the Tram Mano}. Juan. Mr. Jatttrs Hunk! C. W. Irierh, of '1 Halli: chant. InjureJ Mrmt u..- Au Arm. nun p d .l 'r, pr muy Hutu-ml. Mr. Hjtsrd, cut "but: In. Morrirart and vh.l t, Btut'urli Columbia. Nightly Jos. Frawl y. st. John, [ F. A. Bustus, â€ch55 r. John, leg broken. Conductor It. I). lium‘un I! h, "10.1137. Ft: “Hun k , Conductor it. , W. u. theâ€! [.00- .. -ido Italinnr. n with molten rib, wound. _ . on injured. (ivory! (or M m Join head out sun-r4 " tW qucdobolt. Butl 'y, tra Co" London. I been some blockqu aid Jame we!" on F or town time fo was pm 1 irirrused n. gunman, pom intended to W' My return tiel but was good toe th? mad “III xuu-.- -_ 1 purchased " tieaforth a tie Hamilton, good for return this intended to work out from It My return ticket was marked ti but was good only as far u ty for the road was blocked hey: studied Station] on Tuesday, , od over till Wednesday even Mr. Fat-Int. the agent there, 'ii) tat hills. and advised us to go Minn. lie o-idemd it I! s) Th o m [EH fur, [ll THIRIY ff fol-onto N. Ml " I’Id â€rumnwn' In and rem “Iran “on“ nn4n Nous: "There wrl: td ti ch ten or more. On and the outâ€! A GENEROUS ACT. B it ded wi " luv of Dr. Ar t " iod b " I My wa by n ddot h snov " II ll ll l'h ll m II " outtr, matt rrd In ly "lou ll o LOW _ to cut Iluu Hal I“ h Danton [mu-c Ma " w at Jo " (1' not Ill prom: bl II T w ll rib tttMat ' mull l.’ rill th ll (ll tit set T -r nun butt , by f the mp Mt u th Ill “you lid "In Ill an: 0m: n " Ill '" CIT [hm ul w I†"