for lab in t. in†Bets. w new: road. blot-no! In. a Apply R. In to -ruenau, DUI-maker. lulu be AL * " attentive " you mur- the Idea of IT-" ANDS mliior union [carom-c." ul- bachelor. a be an an- tarcttel and ONT', he one for. or " hold ot the we pinned their " and per... My Cute M when» a. the bout it n'vo discovered 001101315. -ed CAP! I " ELETS "It? Jitt trim. Its meaning reader to n Then att IPJ run 1904 he of our nth: we’ll [mm here‘- no time e groom out of 6 1904. mginatin “but ITU- Wilde do- 3 he let- 60., Wlnonn, 0-3. lat new; without rial page I .0! tho a bad Tonto, INK-loll. I). W ally Trl P. t " y, w; n't on- " Sum l mean. " hath"; 'A km. will Ab Lawlor was su years ot age. and was tsubt to be rather a. worthlus character. Several years ago he worked as a caddie on the Toronto golf links, and then took a. sition as a psotetrtsioeral coach on Il links at Corourg. :‘ubsaguonlly he held a similar position at the High Park links. but tor the past year or two ho was not known to work at any- tthg vxcept odd jobs. Had Bren in Hon-pun. Lawler was a sufferer from Bright’s disease. and the doctors said he could not‘live more than a few week; He was in an honpital until P. wwk 3.;0. In shooting han., [in]! he pineal tho mttrgr' of tho no- toivor against his head. Just behind the right terrific. In his pocket wus- lownd a path on for help. addrnss- mt to man!) rs ot dillrrent golf clubs who know him as caddie 3nd coach. and about a down names of promi- ELI: ir-ttrr; W‘re s‘cned theri, with amounts varying from one to tive This story ot the affair correspond- ml. except In mlnot details. to that told tho coroner previously by Percy Peer at the Niagara Street house. again and hit mo. My mother, nee- lug l was not killad, seized mé and hurried me to the front of tho house, and we all climbed through a win- dow." in the Imnt door. He came through to tho kitchen. and asked me: 'Did you mean what you said thls after- noon' l' I said I had given Mm his last chance. Then he said: 'Well, we‘re done.' and pulled oat a re- volver. He ran after my brother win-n he tried to grab It. but came bark immodiately and shot at me, but ttps bullet hit my sister, who ark-d to protect me. Then he shot "A trout 7 o‘clock, just after was had finished our supper, he came to the _hotttto again. and my brother let him "My husband came to my mother's hon-r at G o'clock this ultnrnoon and askod me to go back and live with him. Ho had new-r supported mu r‘uwn I was mar-rind to him on Oetober 12th. three years ago. I rtrrtLuyon to go hack to him. and told him I WWII!!! die before giving him another dollar. Then. in a threat- ening ton". he said. 'Yes, you will div." and left the balsa. On pre- vious occasions ho had threatened to shoot me. Story or Mrs. hawk-r. Following is the story as told by Mrs. Lawlor at her sister‘s house, to Coronpr Mlton Cotton. who was a» alumni by Chltrf Coroner Johnson to inthignte the shooting: injure" by powder. Wnen tho police. from No. 3 Foiico Station went to the house they found Lawlcr (19nd. he having tal- len to the floor betwu‘n twochnirl, on om‘ ot which his right arm was mtendml. and on the floor below his right hand lay the .'W.-ear:bre revolver. three of the hutletrr gone and the other three chambers still loaded. builet won Juno Kelly remained to have tie wound in her hand 'dried by a physician. fy" nu.- wuxucn' and Lawler. were Mm. Lawler'u mother, Mrs. Peer. her son. Percy Peer. aged IG, and his younger sisters. Lucy and Edna. Panamanian Lamar at the street door: ‘about 7 o'clock. and he at once mashed through to the kitchen exciaiming that he wanted 1.0 see his who and his nrottic'r-in-raw.agits wife had in tho afternoon refused his request to go back and live with him. The i to Kill Wtte'd' Brother. Stopping in the kitchen, he naked his wife: "Do you mean what. Jou said this alteration!" Sim replied that she had given him his last chance. Then he pulled out his re- Volvo-r and was about to nmnt it Aiso Made an Attem; 8mm Her Bremen Toro'nto Report - After shooting“ his wife Edith. and his slater-m-law. Mary Jane Kelly. Thomas Lawler. a proterMonat colt coach. put 3 bullet through his bran) last night at " Amiga-a street. when his wile. who had not lived with hiatt for 5mm , WA.“ lu-r moths». MM “-- “"- lu-r mother. Mn. N Three that. were was at Mrs. Lairlir, intercepted it.and tl through the latter! oud shot grazed Mrs. Shot at Her Sister and Hit Her on the Hand. (ill/lf 'dis'!',]" 1(ll1ifl Mljlilla, Tcronto Man's Attempt to Murder His Wife. 3, T A Profession-i Gun-u round was not but lwr eye 1 by powder. Mu. Mary Peer. I were tired. Tue first Lawyer. but her sister urrod. There she Dr. Manon; thy s not at all clan- Pye “us painfully Attempt to Lawler thet. who run to Lawler had Martitotttt Wilt Refuse [Durant Saloon Licenses In Future. Wivmiistz, Feb. 1.-attorner-Gen- s.'"ttl Campbell. at last night's sel- Con or the Legiaiature, outlined lu- proposed changes in the liquor luv of Manitoba. The main planks or the Government platform are: 1. A good license law properly ew. 'ox‘cod. 2. Total abolition of all saloon ll- .1. Stringont legislation dealing with interdicts. G. Improvement of condition of bona tide hotels. 6. Elimination ot undesirablea as lit'vnso holders. l Montrral, Feb. 1.-Hon. Raymond Preitn'.ttcitte, Minister ot Marine and Fisheries, made an important state- ment to-night regarding the-Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. following .0" the announcement made by Han. Mr. Hmmrrsnu, the new. Minister ot Rail- ways. at a meeting the other night at Moneton, N. B. Mr. 1'reiontaine was addressing a. meeting at.St, Umwgonde. in the riding where a. bpy-triection is to be held on Felt. lath. to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. J. A. Madoru, M. P., to accept a judgrship. He said. among other things; "Hon. Mt'. Emmerson has stated that the (ii-and Trunk Pacific Railway east- or†section will be built. and I to- night. speaking as a Minister of tho Crown, ruprnt that the new railway eastern section will he built, in its entirety. The repre- sentuli'rrs of Quebec and the Mar- itimo Provinces would be traitors to their constituencies were they to abandon the ontcrprise. I say with Mr. Emmerson that it tho Winni- ttteg-tcs-Moi-ton section is â€In thorn will be no new trantieoriuir. mtal railway at all." Reirrring to the revision ot the tariff, Mr. l’relontaine said that them would not be time at the no“ srssion for a general revi- sion. but he felt sate in saying: that full consideration should be given to all manutacttwrtt'tr who Over 200 Await Hn-arirg for Particl- tmlum in Mam-"ore. 113:6 court was crowded and thore is great excitement throughout the My over the Camel brothers. After John was taken from the (mm-t house Earnest, securely shack- lml and handcuffed, with a mounted .tuat'tt surroundmg the rig. was taken to the court house, wheret turtper Calgary, Feb. I.--. John Cashel spent a. very u._c.Dmtortabic night in t .0 guardhouse at the Mounted Po- lce barracks. Wren John heard of his byiet"rt capture and got a glimpse .4 him being led to the cell from which he escaped six weeks ago he broke down and irept. Ernest seemed to take his capture Very badly. too, nml rcpeateuly told the guards he was sorry Le had given himself up. At 10 o'clock this . morning Jonn Cashel was taken before the court and sentenced to one your for assist- ing; his brother to escape. While in the court room John looked bright, and a tmrlo passed over his face when the Judge pronounced one year‘s sentence. He evidently expct- ed a gootl deal longer term. ' . t GEN! w‘th the Minister of Justice. but the Jews doubt if the appeal will be successful. ropreve was to be granted In order to make necessary atrangementt' tor tho execution and get Rader.fte here. l ropreve was granted to Feb. 2, Now York, Fatt. L-Further trial 2! prisoners connected with the 'dr-ttiv, tt massacre in to be resumed. Tly, prr-.or.ertr Include three categor- .23- Only the first. txymprisilhr than: -!:.:\rgm1 direetiy with murder, have {you tid. The number cetily await- ing a hearing is over 200. . l formal appoal against the ver- livts nimndy delivered has been (cum show that they were suffering. - "Uses. 3. Abolition of wholesale licenses rtrtTai. murttetpalrtrtstr., - -. f0 RESUME KISB Mr. Vt.etuntaine' Sass Road th'trt be Bun“. uuu Ill.“ 1 J . In summing up, His Honor suldhe was not satisfied that defendant had not f1sslieu, was not fishing. or irgts t.otcprteparing to fish in Can- tuiran waters...He therefore entered a. judgment for condemnation. Att- ter: 3lcCrintrnort, counsel tor defend- nut. made appl1catlon for a stay in {he proceedings. when was granted. An appeal from .the judgment will be taken. on Oct. wth last. and whose fishing tug Star was seized by Capt. Dunn.l of the revenue cutter Petrel. was; concluded to-day. before his Honor, Judge Ermatinger. The defence was that, while admitting being found several runes north of the interna- tional boundary line with wet nets and freshly taken fish on board,; the American boat had lifted the nets in American waters, and thenI truce-mind across the.boundars line, in search of some missing nets; which Capt. Tabb claimed had been; drifted by undercurrenta acxoss the' boundary. ... l Lawteertioa, was removed to the morgue, where the coroner will be- gin an Inquest this afternoon. "ture Decides Case or American Boat Beard by Petret. It". LGAG. tatd the others all laid Lawlcr appeared to be quite sane when he was at the house. both af_t_erno_on and evening. - - The Peer-Cher/Gr-r-Gout.." 'it roam, several years ago. lived a Port Credit. dollan oppogne their names. There was also in one of his packets th mm ticket tor a plain sold ring. dated Nov. 28. law-let's only relatives In the city are his mother and tuttr: who live at the House ot Provideoee, when: deemed had lived after let'- in: the ho.5pitat, - _. .- St. Thomas, Ont. Report - The trial ot Capt. John C. Tabb, for il- legally fishing in Canadian watt-era There will he no change In hours. ohn, tlw Murderrr’s Brother, Sen- troced to a Yrar's lmprisumucm. tAfif7i9,i: ABOLITION 0F SALOONS. FISHING TUCI CONDEMNED. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC. CASHELS lN COURT. any: 125% 'ig NEFF TRIALS PP? a 1 ly They Jere buried beneath hundreds of tons of trarth. Relief force: were hurried to the scene and the work of extrieatinr, the bodies was begun. It is known thirty men were work- ing at the spot of the aeeident,and it is not believed possible that any of them escaped. Copper tamphut bars are demand- ed instead ot iron in use. which are said to he dangerous. but the com- panies object to the change because of the extra expense. It ls not con- sidered likely that the legislation asked will be granted. Berlin. Feb. a.-. A huge landslide at Kanownz, In Russian Silesia, yes- terday morning entombed thirty men, who were working on a rail- wthrl. A _ . _ . The accident came without warn- ing while the men were engaged in repairing the maglged. ‘_ _ - A Peopln or Fire-Swept Norway Town Discuss Plum for Be-lmrlding. -Chr2stia.nla. Norway. Feb. 1. - Aaleunud. Just destroyed by fire,will not be permitted to pass into bis. tory. Already plans tor its rebuild- ing are being discussed. and the pea. ple are determined that the city shall rise from Its ashes. The task is al- most superhuman. bat the residents say that. they will not desert the The men also ask for a compulsory weekly, instead of fortnightly my. which the operators refuse, beeauge or the additional office staff In- volved. dte of their ruined homes. and with their own energies and aid from out- nHe they expect to achieve great things. - _ " Railway Employees Buried Under 'Tong at Ice. 'While some of the people have Inft ror the coast vulsges or have 120m- Into the Interior. the-greater part of the population still rrun:Wrru:,ottrr, thq paopls have not lost hope in the ttttpre. Sevorat small craft»; harel ready reached the port. and their The coal management representa- tives replied. that all the coal (IP- manded by the trade could not be raised with so short a shift. and that a nine-hour law would be ultra vlres of the Provinglal Legislature. Minors or Nam Scotia Petition m. Mgislature. }quif:I.X. Feb. 1.-h delegation of the Provmcinl Wotiringmcn's Ass elation. representing the coal min- ers of the Province, who aggregate about 12,000 men, waited on the Government to-day and asked tor .he enactment of a law making 'ight hours the legal limit ot P, working day for a minor. This pe- riod from surface to surface. which. in the case or the deeper mines would mean 61-2 hours actual min- ing, and that the legal working day 'or mechanics in Nova Scotia, who- ther in the mines or out of them, be nine hours. gums AT WNAwmmx :"r'"' i" LUMBER YARD; BURNED London, Feb. 1.-"Suieide" was the vcrdict Lusaed " the coroner‘s lure to-duy in the closing chapter Ol tho tragedy of Whitaker Wright. Hit: ueath’ was caused by suffocation. in consequence of pozaomng' br ey- nmu‘e or patastnum. The Jure found that Wright was perfectly sane,an'J ,that there- wws not the slightest doubt. that his death was due to most colrbét'ate suicide. 'I‘rom‘the mi'lonct- at the inquest it was shown that Wright had determined to take his own “In in the event of an adverse verdict, and that he went to court‘ witht a, cyanide tab- loid in Ms possession. while' in his hir pocket was a new revolver. ntl.. l" named and even cocked. After the IV waned and even cocked. After we sentencv Wright went to'the lava- tory, 1ui.i-'crthe tipstatt irrattcarhrntee "“"" . , '- . t . Ltrnnd was '"I really think I aim tho moat acchtnirsimh; 83:19 '%1'i/11.',lfc1 & composed of you all. -_., . Frost Co. Adjoining their yardr Att regards an appeal, Wright said were those of Ctiverthotme & Co. he would do exactly as he watt ad- l narrow alleywav and ‘a spur o" need. . railroad separated the two places. Asked ir some one had not better .It was here that the combined " telephone 3119 "‘f"di"t_ L0. Mr!' 'orces of the four cities ttrule 'ilieir Wright. WWWâ€: mud. "No. Time†stand. The north end of the island plenty of timo tpr. that." . was abandoned to the tiamrw. There Taking out his watch and chain. was no wind, and by 9 o'clovk In" Wright handed them to Mr. Eyre, danger ot further spread or ihr saying: "I shall not have any use flames was past. A quarter of a for this in that place," meanrmt the million dollars is probably a con- prison. "I give it to you, Eyre. nermtive estimate of the lean. Th Keep " tor me." This was all that tire ia generally believed to have occurred. After Wright had ta'en,baen of incendiary origin. Nearly the poison. holding a glass in his|twenty vessels were tied up to tho hand. and still sipping its con- docks when the flames broke out tents, ho said, "Waters, give me but all or them were saved. _ In talking with Mr. Lewis, Mr. Eyre. one of his suretics. and Mr. Waters, the accountant or the Lon- don and Globe corporation. Wright said: return“. to the consulting: room, washol down the poison, with wllis- key and water. and died. T How “Wight Died. . Mlldon,-Feb. 1.-cNetther "ho son nor the deceasal's closest triends; no they testified to-day, ever heard Wright even intimate that he con- templated suicide. Trier solimtlcr, George Lewis, jun., said the. deceas- ed all along implicitly behaved that he would he acquitted, or that, at the worst, he only contemplatecla disagreement of the jury. Even at- tee his sentence Wright-tshowed only indignation.. As regards (in appeal. Wright said he would do exactly as he wad ad- vised. Asknd it some one had not better telephone the verdict to Mrs Wright. Wright said, "No. Thereis plenty of timo for that." ho ltattgeti March 17th. Dawson kill- ethiSh Hartman as the result ota brokcn engagement. "tts tragedy occurred at a dance six weeks ago. Lawson belongs to a. prominent tamilr. Paris, Tit, Feb. L- Frankaaw- son has been convicted ot murder- in; Anna Hartman, and sentenced to Firemen From fhdfalo,Aiagara Falls and Lockport Help to Extinguish the &m.flagratiorr , WILL RISE FROM RUIN. THIRTY ENTOMBED. WEEKLY PAY UM. “Wight Suicided. 737:? Paris. Feb. t1.--tPhe St. Petersburg txrrretrpondent ot the Paris edition of the New York Herald has telegraph- ed an extraordinary story. to the et- tect that Germany Qua Denmark have reached an understanding, under the terms of which. in the event of Great Britain fighting with Japan against Russia, Germany would amic- ably occupy Copenhagen with a pow. ertul force, thus effectually closing the Baltic and preventing the Rue- sians Mom lpnvmg or the British trom entering that sea. Seventy Bodies Brought to Surface of Pennsylvania Mine. Pittaburg. Feb. .1. - Three days have (Hansen mnce tita catastrophe at Harwick mane. and tomight sev- cntvrcne bo'les ot those who met 'en T, as a n-‘ult of the explosion In." been brought to the surface. The Allegheny Coal Company an official statement. said all the men who were in the mine when London, Feb. L-The Madrid cor ‘r-spondent of the Daily Mail any mt during a reception at the lml .m- Inst SatuMay in honor of Kin Allonso‘s saint's day, a dynamite plot was nearly successful. The po- lire noticed two suspicious-looking men seated on a bench near one of the entrances. The men, realizing that they were watched. left the bench, leaving a parcel beneath it. This parcel proved to bea soldered tin box, with a smoldering wlck at- tached. It was examined at a labor- atory. and found to contain a quantity of dynamite, gunpowder, broken glass and bullets. It it had exploded there would have been many victims, the palace being: crowded. There is no clue to the two men, but they are believed to be Anarchists.- . “'ould Occupy (tow-"haze" and Claw Baltic Sea. North INaawanda, N. s., Feb. 1. --Htut a square mlle ot glowing em- bers " ore all that, remained of one of the largest lumber yards in North Tonawanda to-day after one ot the worst tires In the history of thls place. All of the north end of Tona- Wunda Island was swept by the "'iames. Between twelve and Ctteen feet of lumber, valued at n‘qgnr- tcr or a million dollars, were 'de- strayed. The loss is fully covered by insurance. - . The fire's'tartmI in a large framo' building in the White, Ryder & Frost Um pun: 'tt yard shortly before. mid- night. The wim.rls intvrior of. the building. a two-storey teaine"lrtrue- tum, used as a storehouse tor lilgh Grade lumber. was a hiss»; offlmmns Mun the first‘local volunteer de- partment responded to the alarm. It was soon realized that the tire was beyond control. and appruls tor assistance were sent to Buxralo, Ni- ignra Falls and Lochort. It was lwtwem 2 and tt o'clock before the inst of these companies began to arrive, and by that time hundreds of thousands ot feet of lumber were blazing. and it “became merely u ques- tion or cutting- oft the names' at A0310 point across the island. The heaviest laser is the. firm of White, Ryder & Frost. Their loss wilt amount to $225,000. Other firms who suffered are W. W. Tyler tk_f'o., and tho Lee Lumber Co. another cigar." Mr. Waters took up Wright's cigar case. which way V- ing on " table, and Wright dehber- ately cat tho end ott a cigar and struck a match. Just as he was Ko- ing to light the cigar, Wright tlung the match from him, sank back un- conscious. and died without utter- ing another word. The official analyast. Dr. Frey- berger, who conducted the post mortem examination, testitied that there was not the slightest doubt that Wright's death was due to prussk- acid in its cyanide ot pot- assium form. "argoes have liccn distributed mm HI needy. They incir-mrut '“fi'lgtiin' , his to the gravity ot the Fltuqtioi‘ it tents are helm: pitched in lam; imbars; and bump fires are myth: I all directionia." ' t l , _ ' t Under Gohrerhintrmt arm-rs; erm'; ‘oazmnr available at Bergen is be r: loaded, with c1othinpa:provGior' m) medical supplies, and» will h -~'patcheq here as quickly as pos Me. The telegraph br’thpé inform on that the' workmen 01' Berg" '2'“. ttrttg4alonort their ordinary rm oyment to hrlp in loading the w- r-ls and foien tho municipal officer ‘re tukimi‘ an earnest part in th work. Liberal private contributln" We are being made, and neithn money nor labor is spared to his! he supplies. I .;drid Artotrrrttistu Plug: “'Imlrsa! Mae." PLOT TO WRECK PALACE. GERMANY PLANS COUP. DEAD NUMBER m. Fire at Tonawandu. coived ot fifty or sixty expncleli this week. The proportion of farm i'Lborers and men who want to work on farms out of tho whole number' of immigrants is larger than inst year. More furnwrs than PA'Pr nr" applying tor men to work the whnlr year Pound, and morn are providim' cottages. in which hired help who are married. may live. Wages will be fully as high as last year, and Mr. Southworth is desirous that up- plicntlons be sent in as early as Vanmver. Feb. 1.-eergt. Penny- amok. N. W. M. P., who was am: to the coast to intercept thel In case he attemptm1 to oscnpr» this way. was arrestzd last night on telegraphic Instruction from C " angry. It in said that Pmnycuick, who wusynglaterad mule: tho mun" of A. hosslble. Lost by the Blaze. Rome, Feb. L-lt is impossible to ascertain the number of Volumes destroyed during the tire which oc- curred at the University library, Turin. the most famous in Italy. Jan. 16. Some of the papers any 100.000 volumes were burned. The fire practically lasted 24 hours. and it seems certain that 3,000 volumes ot Greek-Latin and other codlces have been lost, as Well as tho pre- cious Venetian collection of books trom the library of Cardinal Della Rovere. The codlcel from the cole- brated Robbie Abbey appear to hare been saved. as we. the in- cunahula collection. Pant-(Ito Report. to (‘nlcnry mud h Bring Held. M. drum, and give out that h" was Ll comtttrrttir:i main, for'vof. to '"rrrrt to the police at Calgary. Ho was ttttls posted“; a. don-21'1". and In.. stnmtloag went tor his arrest. m is being Mid till the arrival ot an “rs-recto tor an Unusun'iy Large 7 Immigration. Toronto, Feb. 1.--The prospects for a heavy immigration of tarm Laborers to Ontario trom England this season are regamied by the Col- otfigatittn Deptrtmeut an very bright. Mr. Thomas Southworth. Dirr‘cior ot the Bureau. said yesterday that the arrivals so tar were more numr-nm than last seamn. Inst week ninety mon came, and advice has been re- 100.000 Valuable Volumes Wmnwn Churchill, speaking at the Wotr6ter Chamber of Commerce to- day,&clnred the preferential taritt scheme was as dead as New Zealnud mutton. Mr. Balfour had got to ex- plain, what retaliation meant, and hm opinion regarding tho tariff commis- Mrs.. Detourey Dies at Bo Latour t , Street. thet',',','?', Feb. I.-- Another wo- man d) 10-day at the Royal Yietots ia Hospital. shpposedlv from} havlng inhale; the fumes ot arsenic caused bv burning barrels that had held the poison. This time it was the moth- cr pl Mile woman.\ Mrs. O'Brien. who was reportci on Monday to have diotctrom the same cause. IIor name was Mrs. J. Dc‘ourev. ani she had beer. llving tor some than with! Mrs. O'Brien. at .50 Latour Arson whom» “no barrels were useill tor fuel. An au)ortry was made at the hoaplml tltu;ty.'tte1'noon, and the royort was loath“ from natural causes. The doc. tons ptll1 diserodit the thnorv of poison. and the coroner main.. Iainy that an inquest is not meet;- earym‘ I , Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. speaking at Glasgow to-nigiit. said the colonies and food tines had now retired Into the background, and pro- tection. naked and unabashed. had come to the front. tthe extraordinary oommiulon appointed was composrd mainly ot mom who had something to [mm by protective duties, with a tew independent theorists for de- cency'n lake. 'l’rince added that he had prevented 'cheidettiopnsent of hydrophobia " (but inoculated with rabie virus. by using radium. When large quantities of radium were available, the Prince contended, the whole system of mod- ern warfare would be revolutionized Chg-twain Object- to Tttrttr Re- loclou Opposing Unionlsla. Inâ€. Feb. L-ae. Chamberlain; writing» to the Liverpool World B- men'n Conservative Associations, says he in not in favor ot unionist tree traders being opposed by tariff re- form candidates. . sion. as powder magazines, whether in forts Ot ht tho. holds of vessels. would be at the mercy of radium rays. which could explode them at long distances. _ . Tomi!“ at the shut: mouth huge fires were built. and, groups ot men we" gathered there. twin: to keep warm. In the blacksmith shonabout 100 foot "on the mouth ot the that? Yt.Phlttet comm: containing mmarkabie Aswrtions of a liuSslnh Sclrnlist. St. 1%ters1ourm Feb. 1. - Prof. Pnnce 'L'nrknanov. the srett-enoiit 'rienAit.t., leclqriug_ Teently beture be M [Mary Ass-aciatiun. made HOIIH‘ interesting stntcmpnts in regard b, the possibilities ot radium. He pre- sented to his audience two cancer pn- tieuts who had been cured ot malig- nant growths on the face by the our okra um, and expressed the opinion that the problem or.. 'ltitormminir U10 sex ‘or ch’hlren. which Prof. Schmuck Had-{WIN} to Solve, "wicliirrdri//, ggtfled tttlie, aid of radiant. Tho ITARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO C.L. Terrrr, Secretary of the AI- lemon? can! Many. any! that It G roaalt" that one or more or than mom“. in an “at may have es- cagecdrtsttv.Nat mm is hat-div pro- liable.- m onlv man included in tho Illt'iwbo ls known to he living is unis Gunln. who in not Tet out ot Pauttter. He was found at the bottom or tht. Sign. the “(Jo-ion occurred was dead. They» are IN names on the lint. TURIN LIBRARY FIRE. SEMEANT UNDER ARREST. NAKED AND UNABASHED. LABORERS FOR FARMS. iuodlel t tiii' vtn'r' Arii; irii"iir. WONDERS OF th010M. HOUSE OF DEATH. Aid. Dunn. of Toronto. will engage his own oounsr-l to prosecute against Commissioner Fleming. which will be tried be! re Judge )lorzui next wevk. Judge 1'lu'dl1'S will begin the elec- tion investigation Feb. Otlu Niagara Falls In In a nervouu state mm- a. smallpox use. I young 80- ciety woman having attended tievrtal social gatherings while developing tho disease. l Mr. Geo. H. Gooderham wan "teat- ed Chairman of the Toronto Board of Edueathtn on first vote. The Board appointed officers. Including: Mr. Jun. L. Hughes as chief inspector and W. F, Chapman an Inspector. Qua wnrranto proceedings to un- seat. all the members of the Toronto Board ot Control were bum“: yes- terday. Fraud and corruption In the election ot Controllers Richardson and Loudon are charged. .Res. A. C. Gout-doe. D. D., and his family have returned from British Columbia. Dr. Com-tics found the summer months in British (Jo-imam; nary pleasant and conceal“. but the winter months not so much so. Lieut.-Col. Boplimus Dcnison. C. M. G., in command or No. 1 Company. R. C. R. 1.. at London. Ont., im- been notified of his promotion to the command of the depot at Tor- onto. in succession to Col. Buclmn. A great fire at Program. the chief port ot Yucatan, Mvsreo, destroyed att entire square of business homes md public buildings including the market. eaurinit $3.000 ooo damage. Crown AltLorney Curry. at Toronto. statod last night that he had now obtained direct evidence which would render certain the cum-Action of one or more of the accused electlon ul- flcialu. 1ntertrarr'uraet of Windhoek. South- was: Africa. number. 230 men. pan of the force being honoemen. wrsit two machine guns. The gut-titan WM brought up to [ta prsront Arena“: by smelling all the settler: and mot. won Human. one at up created. authorities In Bot-Kin on cancer. qtsytr the reported incl-orac- in cases In due ooleLvI no improved mo- thodno! mutation. There Is no pruot that it My due to a. parasite or that it h hereditary It is mortal that Japan has me waisted. uuough the Cgar's repro- sentnuve at Me. an anuwer to Her last note to RILESIL Hon. H. G. Carroll. swam-non- oral. ttar, rculgned to accept a Judge- ‘lle tot Gaspe district. and Mr. Ro- lulplm Lemieux, M.P., [mu been ap- pointed Solicitor-General. The Barnsdalo Company‘s grocery store at Strutford war. gutted by tire. The firemen had trouble with frozen hydrants. Loss on stock. 8-0,- ooo or 325.000. Tln- annual report ot the Upper Canada Bible Societv drown total Plvrnttt; 334.990. an lncrenae of $3.- m. ceremony of Investing Dr. J. Goorgr ROI-kin- with the star of the Impala; Service Order took pinco at 'iovermntnt House. At Alfred Trhup, Clement Goretto was commuted for trial for than mur- Ser ot Danioi.Grltitran and the lat- torb layout-0H non. eartuorpa agents have proclaimed a fresh revolt. in Servla tor March 28th. At Erwood (Walter H. Gray. agent ot the Cancun“: aim-thorn Hannah dropped dead. Mrs. Nicholson. wife of u Yar- mouth township tarmor, commuted suicide try taking rough on rats. Cotton plautatrons with "sport in- structors lu charge are to be estab- lished in the British West Indies. At the request ot Bud-in. China .hu “Nested am the four" medal. between 1taa.ia and um. " Civic 0.1km: In tana. Citv. in. and Green Bar. WU., have been ar- mte‘ on emu-gnu ot booming. Two new one: of smaleox are re- ported {mm the centre of infection .n Wellesleyt township. Waterloo wunvy'. Mr. D. " Bull, of Brampton. has purchased 40,000 acres wast of York- ou trom “In (inhuman Northern Rall- way tor a cattle ranch. James Hush-1t. an old rvsldvnt of 'i‘horudulc, qrag, found from“ to (loath .n hit, house. , Ex-Li‘eut. Gov. loin-u. ot lit-mil Columbia. tract-ion." ill. Mr Alex: Shaver has been appoint- ed local oven-soon- at tiWerriee In Middloaex County. Siorleu of atrocities committed by the rebels In German Baum-west M.. rica. are otticiaily denim]. Tho British Cotton Growers‘ Asso- ciation in butisliod that its work In past the experimental stage. rt is understood that Come. in“ de- .ldod to open the port of Wijumialch Russia desired to bo kept closed. to J19 world'a commerce. The re-oo-unt ot the Board ot Edu- cation ballots in subdivision 3, Third Ward. 'DODOHIO. sihowed further ir- regularities in that poll. Acting on instruction from Pokin. 'he Clum‘w General at Mukden r0- fused to supply the Ituto,Ltrth with [.00 nuts tor immediate [unitary ser- vice. l Owing to the new postal limiting the employment of colored ubor. the mail whim lu-twwn Aun- Lralm and Britain is "Ironic-nod with uspenslon. . m lug Aldrich wan oath: In the Joe at. Bar-uh Ild sunk. It is expected that Japan will re- etve the Russian mumm- to-day,atrd :ravo (can arc expressed that it will be unsatisfactory. A Landon do-zpntch says Movilte. Ireland, will bo tlie 15:1an uranium: the year round for the improved Ally: me mail service. At the annual meeting of the Nor- At ttIts annual meeting of tho Nor- hvn. Navigation (‘ompzunv Mun-gun o. In; manug'm- nt tvturted in the cslguntiou ot Mr. C. T. Long, Nen- 3rni Manager. TU" ixn.h-mnitv of members ot the Mumtoba Legislature in to be in- renal from $100 to $5.00. while the 'tttatriee of Ministers are to be ar canoe; from 82.700 to " 000. .n his house. , Tho story that Lord Minto will we appointvd Viwruv of 1mm is de,. tied by Malor Maude.