Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Dec 1903, p. 8

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L H LADIES’ FURNISHINGS NEDN ARRIVALS IN XMAS GOODS HOL" SE FURNISHINGS WE? ARE PREPARING MEN'S FURNISHINGS e are just beginning to display these Goods and it will be our pleasure to have you come early and ook at them and If pleased make your selection. A MOVE IN DRESS GOODS if,' 50c DRESS GOODS for 25c. ii, it, 40c DRESS GOODS for 15c. ft The Big Store . H. AftDt2ptL.Eiiy? Alex. Russell All the beauty and utility that is possible to find in a piece of Dress Goods can be had here. In Wool and Shetland Floss Umbrella Shawls and Wraps from 85c to $2.00. Dainty Handkerchiefs, , doz in fancy boxes, from 75c to $1.25 per box. New Ladies Neckwraps at different prices. Some very stylish linen Collars in new styles, 2 for 25c. A very extenswe Stock of Ladies' Silk Collars from Me up. Stylish Blousings and new neck Ribbons. Gloves both kid and wool, new Belts and We wool Mufflers, and inany other things which space forbids our mentioning. New Down Comforters, White Bed Spreads, Table Cloth, Table Lmeus and Napkins, Wool Rugs (Reversible). For an Extensive Christmas Trade. Below we give an abbreviated list of some of the Stylish silk Scarfs and Chest Protectors The new " Four-in-One " fancy Suspenders in dain- ty boxes. 10 dozen New Ties, reg price 50c each, for Christ- mas trade 400 or 3 for $1.00. Way's Mufflers, Sweaters, Shirts, Collars, Gloves and Fancy Hosiery all new for the occasion. In which you are Interested. 'q-.--'. “A " l amen (lf mm mm Mr Juo Cornish Br., returned home on Saturday last from a. prospecting tour out west looking about ten years youn- ger. While out there Mr Cornish en- joyed himself immensely and was de. lighted With that great lone land and what he could imagine in his mind for the futuie pinspecis of that country. To prove that the prairie wa" adapted for growing oats as well as wheat was clearly proved by a sheaf of oats which he brought home with him. which we must confess was the heaviest oat, sheaf we had ever felt and was giuwn from outs which had been shelled the previous year. Mr Cornish reports all who have gone trom around here and settled around Lumsden, as being prospeious. One instance to suftice: Mr James Tiaynot thrashed on his farm, fifteen thousand bushels of wheat, besides a huge number bushels of oats. which turned out by accumte machine mea. sure 105 tons. per acre. That it is also a great country for game one may judge from the fact that on a single day’s hunting Mr Cornish tugged 50 rabbits and said he could have shut 50 more had his amuiiition not run short. There is no No. 1 hard ty1teat.arottr.ui Regina this year, the frost having damaged it all more or less. hat he said that down in Manitoba in the section in which Alex and Peter Mollvride are located and whom he visited on his return. the A hylaw was [mused levying $975 dot. lars to meet all demands for 1859. being Eat a cent on the dollar on all notable property in the township. The clerk's salary for Mill) WM 8130 with extras and n bylaw was passed to that. effect. Council for 1800: Jan Edge, were: Neil Mctlannel, deputy reeve; 1Vm Morrison. John W Reid and S B Char. fey. rouncullors. Thus Gruv Mid Dun. can Fletcher Were appointed auditors, The council Ieduced the amounts charged against Neil Gilles. Alex Mc- Quurrie and Duncan McDougall for seed grain as they were overcharged in error tor the some. Jaw McGirr was apnoin- ted nasesuor for 1800. Licenses charged in the township for public houses or taverns-in the township $28 and in the Village of Durham $40. cheap surely and whiskey only about 50c n gallon. The council guns the tuvem ins ctor strum orders to observe the rules [rid down its duties of his ofhee. CounCIl met. at, the The reeve wus ordered to request the Warden and County Treasurer to insue debentures to the. amount of 82000 on the credit of the nonresident. land fund tot the township. The following sums were Ippropriated to each wtui-0ur. ham ward 88.00 by A B McNah; South ward 8.00, Neil McCannelt Center wand 800. Wm Morrison; Norm ward 8.00. Wm Bell l West. ward 8 00. S B Uhnttt'y; John McCormick was appointed collec- tor for 1861 same us previous yew. tget?', Hotel, Apr. PAth, 1860. Mr Rei ' councillor. tendered his "will"!!- Reid. councillor. tendered his resigna- tion and Mr Joshua Dodds was elected in his stead for the htdance. of 1860. The 'tuditors were paid the sum of $3.00 each fortheir services for. 1860. John McCormick was appointed Collector for the year 1ft00 at 25 per cent on all mun- ies collected by him. Council for 1861 t A B McNah. mow; Neil McCannel. deputy nerve; Wm Morrison, b' B Chum-y and Wm Bell councillors; Walter Hustle and Duncan Fletchvr, auditors: John Travers. As- sessor: Hugh McFUyden, have”) impec- tor. 0n July 3rd. 1861 council menu, Purdy‘s mill. am can. N D It.. or Pom- ona. as afterwards named. Nothing to be seen to-day of the place that shelter. ed the Hon. hody of men, but In large pond of water' and immediately up sin-nun at fine iron bridge erected lately. but we dont Intend to dive into the future for the data of our inforuuation so soon so we shall comtine ourselvvs to the past. Council for 1862 - Jan Edee, tWPVPt Neil Mchnm'l. deputy rao'ye; S B Chaf- by. Wm Morrison and Wm Bell, mun- cillors; J w McDonell and A Robertson. auditors; John Travers. assesmr and George Putherhoutrh, tavern inspector. Land must have been very cheap in Glenel in 1862 for we see at motion chm. '/de'fi'flhl?e'iy' be paid Lhusum of $1.50 for 24 rods of land and $5 oo fot fencing it. A petition presented to the council by Alex McPhaIl and othrus. on 14th Not, 1862. was gnu-med. prayin for a new school section, part taken from sec- tion No. 2. and part front section No, l, to he called section No. 10. The prayer of the ptri!ioettwrhs grunteg. Council for 18ft3: S B Chaney, move; Wm Mnrrisun. deputy Peeve I Jns Edge. John MrKH-hniv and Joshua Davids. councillors: John Kelly and J W Mc. Donell. auditors; Jus McGitr, atMetutt'. John Skene. Jos Black, .lns Brown, Peter McAtthur and John Calvert were returning other” at the t'ecent election. To be Continued. Tip top sleighing and judging by the way it continues to snow. there is every Indication of a long deep winter. Not that they perturmed such an enur- moua darn work on the previous duy. but pro :35le) from some dinette-mum nthet that an)“: amongst the yenemhlc fathers that necessitated them to con- tinue on the marrow. The ward syutem was passed In IR!) and n bylaw paused 'tR'.').,',',)": returning "mom fun the di erent wards. In Durham ward Jun Brown. returning ofticert south ward. John Burnet l center ward. Them Arrow- emith: north ward. Dun MvihtMe; west ward. Itobr Irvine. Valium in Durham ward in lower utury u! Orange Hull. south ward in Black'" who"! house, centre ward in Neil Buck'. house N D It.. north ward in Mr Reid's mill,west ward In union school house No. 3. Bentinck and Illenelg. Beginning where we leh " in Aug. 1859. we shall mike an effott to gather some more information from the min. utes ofthe days of old. 8 L M Luke furnished the council with press matter no he was rehtor.itrchief of the .. Durham Sandal-d". Mr Luke. as an editor stood high in the ranks of his profession in his day hm time makes a change and he now relies largely on the precnrlouu trrsMtt' of an agency. Parties receiving seed wheat and outs from the council were charged 82 a. hue. fan wheat and tt3 ct: for oats. A brlnw wan drafted dividing the township Into wards. The mime was read n swnnd and third time and carried. We notice thm the council did not fininh their husiuvu it.) ont day_ and vouliauyd lie-It day. Continued from neutral weeks ago. BLYTBE'S CORNERS. PAST AND PRESENT THE DURHAM RENE W ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO I wheat wasn't tron, hat a little Matched laudlnhstrrrd fmlz- Ihe heavy fall of snow which they had there early in Oct. l Mr Cornish is not quite decided as yet auto what, he will do, hat We should judge front his lone that he in very strongly Inclined to tro West in the I spring. Mr and In Peter Calder is home from the West. Ilhe opening concert of the Baotbville school will like place on the 11th Dee. An excellent pvogrnmme is being pre- pared Ind tt good time is expected. Come one, come all. Willie Wilson and Findlay Clark are home and speak Well of the West. They look as if the country agreed with them. Donald sicCannel bought the old school house. Mr nud urn Geo Lawrence Ina npeud. ing a few days at the lutler'u parents Mr and Mrs Noble Wilson. misc Bertha Wilson spent Sunday " home. are D McCaunel and um Jennie no Farluuo were " the latter"; home or Sunday. The big swamp in noisy and lively these days with men yelling. trees fall- ing, le.. and some fellow: yelling Who: Paddy t I we” thn latter in Bill. Bobt eremou. councillor. was in the bare one tlay last week trying In let the contract cutting oot the bie swamp. Mr Grentsuu is evidently the man for the ratepayers for be will either let the job low or he wont have the Work done. We have Ind Ilne e ectrie “glib turned on v-zum- the new lun-vu nu-l mane of our y‘nug In!” eulr'y the r.\t,'ll|lu( :ou the gnu-mg nus uunl pond) at go tor a slut-4h t de. .h-lnu V-‘wn had u wanna bee last ween "tnl m- pttb', no has men of wood now ful' Lune Minn“. After Hm Lee mu- ended ()1 course the (Inuce hogan. They gnu their Wurmug boots off And In dancing shppeo run See ttow Ibem bright. young players Wlso held hard work in scorn, Ali trip lbs hum lantusuc Until lhe bunk o' morn. m and ms c Scherman. Sundayed under the pummel roof, Fred Bray, one of our old hays, is vi.ioe in the vuciui'y. We an: glad to pee F looking so well. Thou Potter, our popular saw-mill mun, hum cnmmenced uprrauons. Mn D Edge was In town all Week watt- Inu on her author. Mrs Binnie, who Is very ill. We hope noon to hear of her speedy recovery. Fair weaihm- MM A l roads is the cry of the We new bu» new men them dar-. Mr It L llulvevtn of Holliing'u Mill." visited Crylou Council. Canadian Order ut Chasm friends under Instructions from Grand Councillor. Should friend Robert: return he may be sure of a full nueudnnce Id those who attended feel very gruteful to friend Roberts tor Inn kind words and hope soon to have the pleasure of hearing him again. Mr li w Jones is spending a few weeks n the parental home in Ceylon. Thor, Cooke I)“ returned to his mm. s u blakcuman ngnin. BottN.--Ou TuetsGy, Nov 24th. 1903. to Mr and Mrs Archie MeMalleu, . sou. ----- -0--------- Mr Joseph Firth, Jr., intends having his auction sale on Friday of this week as he is giving up farming. Mr 19 Greenwood purchased two fine colts Iant week. Mr Thou Abkilmon and little sou Carl of Amnesia, vmted at the old homestead and other ‘neudn around here lust week. A number from around here nttendnd the box soeial " McGirr'u school last Fri- day and report a line time. Mr Arch Ector is busy hauling: brick from Proton fur has home. It was mentioned last. week that Mr Jon Edge was bushiuts' u new kitchen, but it wae a mistake as It was Mr Jun Firth. Sr. Mr Wm McFuyden purchased " wod coir. but week. Mr Munho‘vson. night operator at c, P. R. Station. left last week for [mu-on. Uut. Misses Mary and Kate McFaydeu visited with Hampduu friends one evening Incely. Mr Geo Petty returned home from the West em Friday looking halo and hvnr- ty and a. lair yvung maid in much recon- cued. R. R. Duncan Black. mother sud timer. left nu Monday via Durham for Ihur new hullm in Niagara Fallu. Ont. Mr Wm Thompson who but been up on the Soodming the summer months returned home on Friday and is assis- ting in doing " brother Archie's chores. who is at presentdown with the fever himsolf. Mr Thompson‘s family hnve hem very unevenly "tietrd and much sympathy in Mt for them. Mr Jun bundle-y. of Orchard. sold his Imp. Thoroughiued bull to a gentleumn down the country, the sum realized was in theueitrhhorhood of 'tooo. Mr Brad. ley has purchased anal her fine animal. Mrs Evan and daughter, of Dundulk. were in Ce3lou on Monday lad. t1itritchUi, s. s ts'o,u,atiititi1aryot Mr wttt Moore and his honor half of Flaubermn vittitrd the scenes at his boy- hood due? on Sunday lust. making his pun-nu . r and Mrs Geo Mame. Mr Jake Hoeilin wound up his son- unn'u threshing "" the but day of Nov. with the exteutiott of 1 day fur w Pen- der and which wnll not Incomplete-d un- til 1',1',t,r',C; The munher of days he throsh was W. " fairly ttood sen- son' work. . Mr and Me John Mal-shall visited Rev Mr Campttell on Friday lust. Miss Dawson has_heryt engagfd for: -----_-------- BOOTHVI LLE. WELdECK Edge Hill. CEY LON. Fe iit mmmmmmmmmm "Fa-JC-h-FS-darts-s-i',', g gt? J8ers Wanlea’ it 'i 'Gheotsatd, Me Ctothiea. i' "tss/sei/is-po/seo-ss"" tat! m "18 Snow Wool Pleeo I Mit long pants size 2 Suit: do 3 2 units short - 3 1 unit do 3 1 do do ll 2 do do 3! 1 do do a 2 do do tl 1 do do a 1 do do tl 1 do do 2 1 do do 2 1 do do fl 1 do do 2 1 do do ' 1 each size. 25, 27, 28, "8.00 1 do 26, 27, 28. at 2.30 1 do " 25, " 2.00 1 do 26, " 2.75 1 do 23, at 2.25 8ptseiat &tapa COME WITH THE CROWDS 333333333319 q?:Bililili'3.llimise lggggg8ileK, 4:37 'NL-TCT-P. I IN FURS. OVERCOATS. RUBBERS. " FRESHEST GROCERIES i,, Pleeeed Lined art 85c per Suit; all sizes. lambs wool nt$r.fts Heavy WORKING SHIRTS at 50c. 75c, 85c and “.00, Worth 75c, $1.00 and $1.35. Call and see Bargains offered in Clothing and Furnishingl. They must be willing to save from $1.25 up range from 4 to 16 years of age, and wear Suits trom size 21 to M. We have 60 boys' Suits to clear and have marked them down below cost. Just note the following : 3 piece Git, t 2 piece Jud: - fl unit: size 98. E.'. and attractive advertising of Good Goods has made us unusally busy, hence time to write advertisements is not easily found, but CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. ROBT. BURN ET War/3M: Pleasing Display------- ------Pleasant Shopping and--- ---Profiuble Bargains do do do do do do do do do do do When you want a 31 3t 31 31 OPPOSITE THE CHRONICLE OFFICE in We» 's Wndcrwoar DECEMBER 3, JPare Tta-t l etch size. 21-2-3-4-5. " 75 Ata. 20 ”of: Jail: Blue and Buck Worsted frulu 35 to 40, " 85.50 size 1‘8. do M, do 28, do 28. do 27, do 27. do 27, do 26, do 26, do Er, do 25, do " do su, do " do 23. do 23, :3 33333; a: ill! ti Jul: 2.50 2.75 L75 A f itoy:dis,?oi, iiip 18x'Y.'y.".'t VOL. if!!!" Rn'ucw an anmw um ulnar mm REV'EW an Ravnuv om REV”! w an: Ravuw um REVIEW mu Rtvum' am REVIEW an MEN'S RU FFS CAPS--- LADIEI CAPER SIS“ SUI Prepare and hav WAI 'au'mt GI am um am an w Ah

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