Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Dec 1903, p. 6

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It Certainly Humid. _ numb Times. Buffalu woman tum about to or- ganizo a society to protect the dirk in India. Why not make iriseetat,,st- rortn to saw» and protect the girls in Buffalo? There is work to do on Main Qtrrot, at the cheap daneec. in the concert halls. at the entrance-i to arcade»: and chenp'thontres. Pro- tection tor girls. like ettaritr..rhould begin at home. _ Slrlll‘k mu. Princeton Tiger. The labor-union man was at the bat. "Thtw autos," NIIIPd the umpire. "Well. at any rate, remarked the labor-union man, as he walked to thr benett. "that isn't the tirtrt time rvo twen calied_ont on strikns." I (WIN, SURE US!” tr III: an m at Strong Word. by a New York SPoet+t.---Atter yen" of touting and comparison I haw no human-n In saying that Dr. Anar- Cure tor the Heart In the quicknt. who! and sure” known to mod]- rnl m'lenee. I nae It in my own practice. " "News the moat Mine tortrut of heart Mlmentnlnnlde 01mm minute. and never ttso."--" thrrNrterBr-- That tantalizing Philadelphia In- qulrvr asks: "It Canada were in Cor. ombia's fix. what would who do F' “TORI!” "uma comm Dr. Chase’s otntnidirt" I To prove to you that Dr. Cttaseh Ointment is a certain and abuoluto cure for each and - form of Itching. bloodingand ',,"t'lt,'iui1i'Nilgf. the mnuhcturors hum guaranteed it. e to:- flmonialn in the daily press and wk your neigh- bom what they think o'it. You can use it and it". tour money back if not cured. me a box. n In dado“ or Er"eatmote.Barms & Co..Toronno. “III. MAID" ”WHEN?” ALWAYS SEE THAT "It " HEAT 3100 warm-d $337.50 last month through my mntlmd of handling grain trant-tlone-proto i?,,",1t,Stl monthly. Handy of capital f mt con- Adoration. Trial accpuntn of 320 up- wards. accepted this montii%iir. Writo me at once. Richard Elwood, P. O. Box GTO, Toronto. , , "What In?" “The": arr til tell the truth." Tmid-- A ttti - "It; of It. Modern N Suu-Ther,, are has to Me to his Jan. McKee. Linnwood. Ont. i Lachlln McNiel, Mabou. C. B. l John A. McDonald. Arnprio Ont. u. B. Billing. Markham-, JR John under. Mallow Bay. N. S. l Lewln B. Butler, Burln, Ntid. Them, well-known gentlemen all slim-rt that they were cured by MIVAlLD'H LlNlmIN'l‘. Really Everybody. Racine-I. Baltimore Herald. Much of tre cruelty and wrong In the world to-day goes nnpunlahed or unreprlmnnded [momma those not dl- rtwtlr concerned do not like to inter- fere. hey gr: behind that noble and self-sulfwlent ext-use that is summed up in the very convenient phrase, "It la not my business.“ It in only an- other way of expresslng an oxen-e that owns offered by a man of tho dim and dlntant past who wa- asked the whereabouts of hla brother. A t!ystl.tr,e.tr_oryr in any form. it "errtiourt, butsGeki. Ilium-d} Llnlmont cure- Colds, etc. m) backache and headache are Bone. I hare had no trouble nines I took Dodd's Kidney Pills." Budd's Kidney Pill: never fail to cum Kidney Dinar-e from Rachelle to Britrht's Disease. Ther have an unbroken moon! of thirteen years in Canada. - "t had pains in the hack and head.. ache and could not sleep at nights. I got up in tho morning mane tati- g'uo-d than tlr.. nlgllt before. I took um:- lumen of “midi; Kidney Pills and “my cured me completely. Now I can alert-p well and work well and use of hope to the Canadian Peo- plo. He had Kidney Dianne. Dodd'a Kiting Pills cured him completely; 5nd mnmntlx. ' M. Cloutro In always glul to tell ot his cure. He says: "I can not do otherwhe than praise Dodd’l Kid- fey Pills. They cured me of Kidney Val Raine. Que. Nov. ah-tspecial) -an those due. when nearly every newmper tell- of death from Kia- noy manicure once ot Emmet: Clou- stre. of this place. comes as a mes- POI! “any hills. Clo-um had Bockmhe Headache Md Could Not Beep-- Now Ila Can Beep, Work and Id»- Jog Ltre---Doaau KIdm-y Plus Did 1388183 'tll ALL GANADIANS 3r nous l I mi. What Woulu‘l She Do? Buffalo News. ytup.taerut, Que but Dodd's Kidney Pills Care All Stages of Kidney Disease. HHEUMATISM CURE!) diltt Makuya. the {mat negro examin- ed in tue cheerful ward ot the Hopl- "e------------ ------ tul dos [Mum's FratNenLees at Auteull, tor "tortraotU. '15 " mumxu't young fellow ot 25 Mme”; I yetuu of age. Ilu.. tttun is of. a dark mm.“ when a man choculute color, but his lower limo-s Wife. are of a curious pearl gray shade. is,” tho worst He is only. in the first stage of the sickness. and as Dr. Wurts remark- ed to the atudents standing around him, Makaya's case may he dea- H Then he has to termed as one which presents an ab- MATCHES You am am m: m ._â€"_ “a”. When I asked Dr. Wnrtz what treatment he proposed tor a cure. he told me he was inning carbolio acid, on tho principal recommended by Dr. 'Phompeon in carts ot plague. i He is aloo using arsenic, and hopes ' later to obtain a special cerum. He t added that he did not think the mai.. lady was cannon by a microbe, hut rather by a trrpanosome, belonging to the same group as the parasite which attacks cattlo. ' i hi, Emilo Brampt. who brought the nogl‘oes to Purim told me that he! had succeeded in inoculatina- " nan-L - a- -.- "nun-nun”; " mon- " with the nleepgng sickness. and that after manifesting all the wrap- toms observed irt the human victims it dial. A quantity of [mrnsitonwere dim-0mm in the blood of the mom. kt'y, and with a view to obtaining 'r'tnt.'tt 0" “H .""re of the r'rn-nd Jok- non. experiments are being con- tinued at the hospital 'on dogs. mow. keys. guinea. pigs. rabbit. and other sleeping animals. Iit?(l I Between the two is a. young negro. called Loubangni. about IP. or 18 years of age. who comes trom a cannibal tube on the west coast of Africa. Ho had developed .11 gung< lion or tumor at the back of his neck. and by promises ot chocolate he was prevailed upon to dress and come downwtnim to the operating room. hwere the surgeons removed the ganglion. (bnniderable difficulty was ex- perienced in administering an anaes- thetic, for one of the peculiar re- sults of the sleeping sickneu is that it neutralizes the effect of cocoaine; and when the young negro had had, injected more than double the am- ount of cocaine an ordinary patient would have required his flesh was still so sensitive that he writhed and kicked in .the liveliest fashion. and three assistants had to hold down his arms and legs. V w --e "av--- u... one of his torpid nu. The doctor spoke to him. but he did not hear a word. and when his black hand wag lifted up above his head it fell back again listlessly on the bed- clothes His case is the worst. and he does nothing but sleep and eat. sauce of symptoms. The patient eat- well, does not sum-r, and sleeps only. too well. At the far end of the ward. in bed 19. was another negro from Ae.. cra, on tho Gold Coast, in an ad- vnnced stage ot sleeping sickness. When we entered he was as wlde- awake as his tTo'oopradmr, but 51- ter a. few minutes he relapsed into Oboervutionu on Three Patients From Africa. In Ports. Thanks to the courtesy ot Dr. Wurtz. I was privileged to be pre- sent at the operation on one ot the three nch‘oea from the Congo who are now undergoing treatment in Paris for the terrible attliction known an "aleeplng sickness.” Early marriages are the rule on the islands. and there are great dia- pl Wt' sometimes at the woddingl. and the ceremonies are never consider- ed valid unless followed by an ali. night dance. a r- ,_w -"Me'-t* unnuuvtl'c, ”Ill- when aeepmpanied by teeth white an ivory. which gleam behind red. good- llumored lips; luxuriant black hair and clear. it somewhat annburned prime. the relult ls bewitehimr. Even the less strikingly pretty islanders have that natural grace which be- apeaks an open-air lite. Whatever they do, ,het)ter_earrrimr a load of turf or danclng a merry jig, " " done with ease." _ Notwithstanding their roar-3 work and exposure. the majority of these island girls are. we are told. remark- ably handsome. "Their eyes. like deep. blue pools under a heather mountain, would make even prun. roofs attractive. but The art of making dyes from a gray lichen that grows on the rccks and trom "peat soot and heather" In well understood and hugely lotlowed after. "The scene at such times in beauti- l'ul in the extreme, when the west- ern sides ot the cliffs gleam with crlmnon and orange from the sunset. which has turned the whole ace-an In- to n sea ot molten lire. Groups ot mm and um... rtml along tho tockB, near the waterside, busy with their lines; the girls in their national are" ot scarlet pettlcoatl and blue head shawls. add yet another touch of brilliancy to a. picture which for intensity of color must surely be un- rivaled." The occupations of women on the Western Coast are not essentially feminine. The roughest and most dangerous employment. they share with the men. When tine they assist their husbands and fathers in fish- ing tor "gunners." or Batt the horse- mackerel. Beautiful Though They be“ . Edge or turd-Mp. The numerous islands which lie along tin rugged count ot Conno- mara are who“: quite unknown to the ord or, tourin. A writer ‘in tin cn.r.nt Giiis’ Root, win ghe- iome interesting particulars con- cerning the lite and occupation of the daughters of those islands. tell- un that. though ot into years during summer months. more intercourse in carried on with the islands than lor- mcriy. in winter they are nrelr, if men yisited. While bad weather last. the sick must die'wlthout relief or comfort from either doctor of print, and it the supply of food tails more can only be obtained with danger and risk of life. rnE sLEEptNd%eiaiss. THE WOMEN OF CONNEMARA. Mg Mn Mn... Iraq it! ls snared EVERY iiIItt mam“: I.' c.. tt ri,;, tohi me t"idt he in inoculating a mon- ..I__ _ 1tt'rhrtpttrrBmttg. “Telegraph" “blatant" A man has less confidence in the assertions he nukes when his wile ll pie-eat than he has when shah she happens to he nbnont. anoulaera were Vlalble to the as: tounded congregation. "But the most unkindest cut ot all came when I had regained my feet. “Bay. mutter: piped out a small boy In the real? 'did ye kill him? "And the people who had kindly refrained from merrlment when I plunged downward, laughed so long and heart": that I was unable to uontlnue my address tor full the mlnutes." ty When Francis Murphy, tbcrtemper‘ anco advocate. Was in New York I't'n'nlly. he told this story on him- so": Amount of Sleep Required. "A healthy infant sleeps most of the time during the first few weeks.” says a medical authority, "and in early years people are dis- posed to let children sleep as they will. But when six or seven years Hy) when school begins. this sensible (policy comes to an end, and sleep is iput of! persistently through all the years up to In ni:o rd and wrmnnhood. At the age of ten or eleven the child is allowed to sleep only eight or nine hours. when its parents should in- sist upon its having what it ab- solutely needs. that is. ten or eleven at least. Up to twenty a youth need: nine hours sleep. and an adult should have eight. Insufficient sleep is the crying harm ot the day. The want of proper rest and normal conditions of the nervous system and especial‘y the brain, produces a lamentable condition." or HER}; -"_. _. ,. n-..“ ‘vu . u-VI a" your Renal“! Spun] Cure for an years Ind have (mud It In inn/nail]: _ Please mail me your book at once u l have a can ton now having trouble with. Yours truly. L. LJM 1re.DartoeuT-s. A, 1 Human: for family use it has run Pallll. 2t't& ', II! for an. Ask your than“! for IINDALL'I a Amar 0113!: atso 'lt Eran},- IP, thet long." the boat fee. '" .44.." - -- _..-, - - -- Mi'ltary effects are noted on that modest gown. the shirt waist. All noun of us need is top boots and gauntlet. to :meaent a com- pleto-m' ‘ltary arrpGiGG. A braid ddwr.” this aGaiiir""iriG near as come coats come to the eeplette. Dr. , J. Kendal! Cq.._l hue Black fibre braid is a feature it. the smart military model. Braid nrd buttons go together in these smartly fascinating examples. Bands ot cloth of a. contrasting color are among the notable modes. Greer." and red, in mere touch“. trim the smartest ot military suits based oe..roreyrT popdl'ery. mcno'muif - -- -- aE-dish. Non-phi. Goon-phi. ms... hr- Useful. Belinble. Attractive. hating. Th. New Edition Eu 25,000 New Word: Now Gunther of the World New Biopsphloal Dicuonu'y no a... m mutation. ma; and... in, lot tlhe In». an m. 0.0M PM! -" T n 2'Se,gi't,ef/'at/') tte. no» N:- Furs. especially China and ermine. cog-ruin. Antique gold or silver braid is one' ot the most favored bindings for a "Scone. A LA MILITAIRE. Eganletto effects hold good. T Braid strapping are decidedly “lol- diary." Go.e buttons fairly suggeit the eagle's shriek. Tncornes are noted in turban. sad in iargerhats. Slum tncorues are upon Napoleon- ic lines. _ A ttat bought by Queen Elena while In France ls an immense tri.. come. 1NrEfCF0flt"r'0NAL 3m. mud-am awn-Wm a; g: - _ . _ _!l_3_3TL_RI5, Whig“ "ttortitiifG-rar7G that {all [Manned pumpkin tho has. G. & C. KERR“)! CO., Pablilhm. thtringiUld, KAI... U. B. A. Shiloh’s t Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic The Terrible In In}: Whendleliulcfobhhulh Hdextutrh_dmt't-ettulou letthetnstminttte tendernem. baud their lung; Give them -- - -___.F9. ill unr- Bur-I. me mu”. Dr. B. J, Kendall N.. Enguburg Falls. VI. It will cure them quickly and strengthen their lungs. It is pleasant to take. Price. 25c. Me, and St.0tt acwnuaco. Tarmac-n. mummy. a ONTARIO ARCHTV! TORONTO rd 'yyrAer.iyrs Swir- mode and chin- trim tricornel Inc. WWW LtuMmsdy-No, It looks like one or those emotional trunks. fltsxtrum.it--Eunotiomst t Ladpitsdr-.gel/. one that in easily. tttttsed. Bitpitteitrtt-siii -antGF"t"raa gopd tor a week’s board t Landlady-rm have to request you 'tey, P,euttt.ce. Mt. 18tortieitrtf. _ Be sure that your ticket; rend via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valley routeoithe “Black Diamond Expma.” Thinirthe direct and but. route from all Canadiawinu. Bl thin rout: baggage in now check in bon and trom i'anadinn points. The Lehigh Valley has three station- in New York, up town near all ill-swin- hotel: and down town near-all Enro’pean 'iGiiiGiih; docks, saving pan-on- R" or Europe a ionian'i “pen-ire trau- er Secure your tic eta of Grand Trunk agents. Robert B. Levin. Canadian Passenger Agent, Your“ street. Toronto, Ont; Good Exerclle. Toronto Star. It to about time for maze eminent physician to rise and point out that ahovelllng snow la a. very bettetieUM form ot exerclao. - 1 and MAGAJttNEB, PERIIODIQAIQ, BOOM. 009.. dispatched to subscribers b first mails by WM. DAW‘ON a Bota, Lllftsla, Cannon House, Bream's Buildings, London, England. lhe largest Subscri tion Agency in the world. Send Jar our list. {We on application. (En. IBM. Prompt and reliable. Trttth-tteeeer. Ieaeher--Now, Johnny. I thlnk I have shown you how wicked " In to tight. Tell me what you would do should a. boy call you bad names? You wouldn't notice him, would you? Johnny-How blg Is the boy, teacher? lounge"??? Old country Mitinrd'e Llnlment cure: cows. viniio of m%tiuiGiiiGoi' mos. Ar a dirmiiG, Gr iiiii'i.2'iC nine: tyrant}! Iryamatr in the Pro- The Russian Government In about to build a new bridge over the Volga. At present more In only one budge over this magnificent river, with its length of considerably over 2,000 miles, and that la at Samara. The new bridge will cross the Volga. a few miles above Kazan, wblch will be united to Moscow by the year I“ '-. - "g---- .. - -- The Rev. Father Lord, Br.. Montreal. Canada, lay-z .. I have been a antler-or tor 20 your. tram organic heart diteatre, nervous- nm and dyspepnin and have docwred both in France and Ame-rim. with but temporary reliel. I tried Dr. Agnew'n Heart Cure and WM indeed 'rtlrrrttred at the Immediate relic-i I obtained I am tltmlr convinced that it will cure any cue ot heart (“new and will strengthen the nerves and stomach." 0r. Agnew's Liver His are the but. Only Me for " doses. u Its very remarkable what a fine time married men seem to think they are having when they are away on a business trip. A man would a. darn tright rather pay for the birthday presents ht: wife gives him than to have her buy his cigars and pay tor them herself. n-..?" Yuri: Press. ORGANIC HEART DISEASE What worries a woman about wearing !lunnels ls how embarrass- ing it would be it she got In a. rail- way accident. What a. woman udmlres in; man Is the way he gets a telegram with- mil-wanting to faint. The nation of this paper will be lea-0d to learn that there but hiait 's2'/'i'rl'U'l't ulna-o that oclence ba- been able to euro In all It. ungo- and that II Catarrh. Hall’u Catarrb Cure la the only positive care now known to the medical lmternlty. Cutarrh, being a con- Itltutlonnl dlaeale. "(inn-es n. eotutttttrttotttu treatment. Hall’l Ca arrh Cure la taken In- ternally. acting dlrectly upon the blood and mucous nut-twe- ot the "ytern, thereby deo- trolylng the foundation of the dlaealo. and av " the path-at strength by building up e eormtitdtion and anal-ting natureln dong It. work. The proprietor- haveao much tat In In curatlve powen that they a!" One Hundred Dollars tor any can that lt tall. to cure. Bend for “at. of mtlmonlala. Adam. F. J. CHENEY & Co.,Toiedo, o. Sold bé all drngxllta. 75c. . Take all'a Famlly PHI. for eott"ipatiort. a sum. the riraiailiiirTn""t"iii'; H‘ghlands ot Scotland. - Leslie’s Weekly. f is averse to his piper appearing in- publfc. Angus Mtutptteroon la a High- lander to the core. and learned his bagpipes as a. child on the hillside with the scent of the heather in his nostrils. And he has a plenum; home There hes but ore-lead the’Atlsn- tic Mr. Andrew Carnegie’s piper. tNt Ptg,'t'ig,'tt who’ll! Russia in oi tif ‘nntil the spring. and then return to an» Castle in Suth- erlandshire. Scotland. All the past summer his pipes cheerily awakened Mr. Carnegie in the morning. and again in the evening that charming plot-och. "nacleod ot Benny's Ba. into." or a lively strathspey and reel would delight the house party at Stibo. An exhibition of dancing. too, pleased Mr. Carnegie and his guests. tttr amber-son is the son or Mal- I m Inmhorson. who was piper to the chiemun or the olan-Ctunr loophoruon. Malcolm won champion- ship honors at the Edinburgh exhibi- tion in 1886. At the recent north- ern meeting at Inverness.. the most noted Hidilnhd gntherlng ot the your. Piper Angus made a, record in dancing. He won each ot the three open dancing competitions. viz.. High- land {lung in full costume. dancing strnhspey and reel ot Tulloch, and ghiltle callom (sword dance). Be is. however, usually very successful at Inverness both at piping and done- ing. and he took first prizes at many gather-#1431; in Scotland and also at! istaytt Bridge, London. But since he has ontereJ Mr. Carnezle'a aervioe he Is not allowed to compete It pub- lic exhibitions. with the exception of Pt northern meeting. Mr. Carnegie Depends on Clrcnmstanoeo. TEMP-perm Daatoer New In CARNEGIE'S SCOTCH PlPhRS. Nervousness and Indigestion Relieved in 30 Minutes. In Going to New York $100 REWARD. $100. Bridge Over the Knew the Pattern. Buhlo Inn-en. Refteetiort, 0! u Bachélor. first mails bi MM Cannon Volga. Gnrzet In “tout Itr,288, 20,91 T, 99,574.. 28.829. 25,000. Kenberl. CANADIAN ORDER FIVE YEA! App to the Reeorder In our own town or, ' ton, tft'. or W. F. 'l'iral'l,t,'e'lf. Grand Orr-uln- Piano and Children’s Nerves. It is " Berlin physician. who must be a. sufferer from such 'ttttCttee.' who has Just started a campaign against the widely spread custom " giving [lunoiorte lessons to children. He asserts that this instrument is largely rm'rontiibie. for the alarm- l:.g cave Oitn 'nt of net-sous of et'liuns. which are steadily increasing. In his oplrlon a girl ought not to my!" the l study of music before tho age of 16 years. and even after that age not more than two hours a day ought to be devoted to practice. Out ot 2,000 girls who were put to the torture of scale exercises before the age of 12, 600 arc doomed to some form ot nerxous disease. whereas out ot thel same number of girls whose musical ', education was neglected only loo, turned out neuroupth'io. HAVE vou EVER "ED a atrlp of g. The D k L " Menthol Planter pound cu either "ide of the forehead an a remedy tor-even headache. It wilt almost. Immediately atop the throb- Mug pain. (iri!yiiifrte of Red Spruce iiiu, Crimsoubeatr--No, We throat. Same Old Throat. Yonkon auto-mun. Yeatet--Bave you got another sore throat t I‘m’I Yatwuo mmd)Distifoetaatt Sap Powder in I boon to any home. It dinino Madden-st than. tint. n Some men seem to be too busy to make friends. Some men. like razors. are too sum-p for their own good. Some people swallow their pride and other. chew. the rug. This mMsnan generally make: " take water. Jib-day's at; is Better than to. Incl-tom’s hen. tlher man“: in not sweetened 'hr “lung honey. honey. Bonu- ‘l‘lrkhh Proverbs. 2Bet Ina-tor of the house " the guest's servant. He who mu not rent at hone“ ln the world's hell. Two watermelon. cannot beheld under one arm. Minard'a “about cure- blah- than. There In nobody who can be so sentimental before he I. married an the man who Ill't going to be uter- ward.-Ntyw York Pro-I. -"rGGG"iGTG"itrinLGito%ou/d stand her father-ut-taw better it he wasn't so much Ilka her husband. A great many people would be good if than wu a law stun“ it. It may pay to hire a. lawyer to get tor [on what Isn't yours. but never to keep for you what ts. AM by tin Duke of Somerset to define "the most desirable life." Du- mu answered. "A continued grand g,',',,",','.'.""" from manhood to the m . ' u--................. Into-.0004 u.-..-...... """"---.-. :5. Tear. _--------.--- u-------...-,-.), "o"------.-...--), IN, up wett man every day to a " Pure soap r' You've heard the words. In Sunlight S oa p you have the act.‘ Minn-d1 Moment cum Dhtenr special lnducementu to JOIN NOW. tt the Recorder In rom- nwn tn-- n- W " .. . Assassmsn-r Gny‘l Syrup to keep CROCP. " disulvu the tttroat- breaks up a cold - Itei1eet6on. of a Bachelor. “whom MOTHERS REL? - v - -- - IV I "an In our own to" or W. P. Montana, Oral '. Campo’eu, crud Organ". Ila-amen. an. 'ueorser, Dealt-Mo “to. [DER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS YEARS’ PROGRESS UL -isai.%ii'riir" "e the name anuomum vv-w-IMW' ""---......... r I"""-"------............ """"""----............. u... '-....o....... '"-----...-.......d." and cums cocci; the an}. no huh not made a? uiuGG M to the trmducible med um. The " “our Day. Torontomobe. The President of the Aunt-wan Federation ot Labor has declared that the moons of the eight-hour movement would pmmpt warm“: to t_tetrirt_tut_turttatloet {or a dx-hour Jog“... Riv.“ cannot turn back the tide. The demand tor Dr. Amw'u ma- I'lllala n tunnel. Cheap to buy. but Cm mondn In 'ttmiter-haunt, "mm. to.“ tongue. water bunk, pun nth-r “Lung, r-rk headache. aver gripe, operate plenum“). 10 eenta.-M A Glut ' H Doemntmr,thnnrttkst. “Have you bend tho pun? Brown'a wife has run ort with it! chauffeur." “Mercy. what a pity! He wu not a good chauffeur! Brown will - be able to nepluae him." children 1 Onurlo tor the than“: of all tor-c at SPEECH bums. We mm the can. not ulmply the habit. and tut-More prod-cl- Int-rd amen. Wrin- tor panic-Inn. magi ArWoTrpTrrruTr. . '.taydl1: tritdren uh In. "Nauru --deae. the DIES COUCH Keep WMERERS A " or “My.“ Moo-conveni- u M loamy. It you on nut-g 090.00 wk don't m II. We only MOI 13.00 though can. oe out Mme-uln- m 'iiiitiiii2tiiiii.Ft Ot 00".. they no than. t h tho kind we -t, v. I." “good-mt“ but. It!“ wank: ri,te,lPi,ih.t."ttettNo'.of “qua. quiet. Th . L. Nichol- co., um“, Tor- onto, ends. the-ttot' this m.) " --_ -- Fain to? - m . no ',eu'flru'r, t'tBfA'hti,i 5 'IIII‘MIOQUI. Eamon. on. We'fai' .-.Ae OIC§ ennui, __ can". he! in!!!“ -teeaup.et ISSUE N a 49. 1903 8Y.T:M We pay express charges and {avenue safe delivery. Write for our Catalogue. Ready for delivery Nov. 15th. This 8-inch finest Cut Glen Berry Bowl we send to any nddreas for $8.00. "o"""--..........., "Ryrie" Cut Glass is the purest of Crystal. _ RYRIE BROS. III. "o. [22 and I“ Yong: sh. Toronto YOU 7 womanly: v: 11551: Purest Crystal in" ,mw'uim,’ "o,ooe.ai X firit I t "'lktiA'ru1', “I'VO h:m 11w: 9.98! ti I'I'm- Within: f foe amvl"; trat lb I’IIUJI cue an": not! -e I h and app I 'ttvorcii.nr" Mop t 1 t ttt court-n elation " View exp 00.8. Jty an; arm 'lftug'i", nt l thi OUK‘I‘ depend Pain." an. iv, u mmpr any and " of vc. many din be (her b mlurm-d ‘ um he mlp ml ttitum tilt of tho them. tn th “COO-I full}. di m hulk his pr FM' God urn-w '0? mlrlluul bt and an» nmn- d h tho Wny of III iolouon'u pram .rver " 15. rr Hm I. n mural Inn Honing ot Grrl on and prowl (“I tho ohlirti W” mam-Irish have desired c (2) riches. ur - that i. the ttre of Mr “I! (”war lo l Mt. 18. Avca NN" up til-mm I- Ma waking WP. tit, ferwwvy, t ot WIN-mm my?” th 011” [we " "I God's tttil PM“ tit: lot vetmation m " when pinc- :n [cued So'umo calm-av ulr [ulna] mm. Maul-m in NW" rordtn Abrolom wu, 0-) ' Li'vmh 5010mm: ask WWI. but H1 toward 1 Us ehoice v divine ootetridor, hurt " ore.ortn t in thaw m. by God to to 00:10am. of - (kw MIL. 21. m populut -Md. - out hm world hm Iran . 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