Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Dec 1903, p. 5

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pair at Ilrr/I-knmrw " Room COLONIAL Ll). A in. se:..' Rubbers- can". , attended tes bible. hm tortatrte 'tt prires to rot. Try . they u... Ind style. due. in In 3nd Boots. d Rub- ready “that. #089. &e prices. s bridge er- Inlay. Or- tieArthur's lsr-tcr:, wilt 'achinoru nous style. cer. gain ex 'ra/M 'rders taken by Iell. CORBET. DES 'om European. sdian Quarks. 'omptly ate ttears I MARKERS, IONI'MRNTS- RE SS. STA LE 'tth an" [lion ttt , 1903 "utters J, dr. ess £531.! two IRR; “VS y reap“ or mth- [can ' thu, Store., WURKS 2ur TUR, are the also our Vt P roprietot: " Mid titrmmer "nrloadrs te place srf1owigs. tilled up c Buggy. thc swim BELL famous Eoods. Mu') " DECEMBER 3, 1903 SAVE ELF?! -.t1t...Jjliil?3Jlilr. PEEL, THE snow". A {cw month 'g study of business meth- ods would perhaps save you hundreds of dollars in the future Take ad vantage of the slack winter months and attend the Owns SOUND. ON wxme FOR CATALOGUE TO BOY YOUR WINTER FOOTWEAR AT Plliailh'8 ocriGc%'ol-so --- PRINCIPAL Winter Term Commences January 4th. 1llt)liill) BANK OF EMMA WOW tg [WWI ht MEI a“, ”Watt 'tra' /?f' . (4/4/17 ' "tli/gt." CAPITAL. Authorised. . . . . . .8St,001MIt. t'APITAC, I’aidup........... “HIM RESERVE FUND .. .....e.. 850,130 AGENTS in all prnu-ipal palms m ”Nari", Qnem-c. Manual». United Mun-I and England. W. F. COWAN, Premium. GEO. P. REID. Manager. DURHAM AGENCY SAVINGS BA.N's -i-Lerost allowed on Numb hunk deposits of 81.1!) and up tcurnls l’rnmpt attention and every Mum'- "ttoMed run-tamer:- living at Jul”. Ut'. - -- -- - ‘, A --. I): TWEEDS i3ryARllsl5 GRQCERIES @3 We ttt msnecmu tl ()lli MS s,, SGOTT', Ilif WORM llll.Mllllli) had "utter an to I var Cume)‘nncer. Ihat fur . l rtaagirtess he lF Ttrl' WANT Tunl'anu‘eo 'tiG um final ,otnethin to gttit on: , Be w" now mr "u" 1m 1'h'l'r'll'd mm'nncx war-$31}: mun. dwelling. perhaps the but M'Thluk ot it'. the Tawnship m only ”MIMI! rm). INsU1th sons. the. Life nnd yi,ie,g.tg,l'rgt. ttt Innu| ”mm-nip: " lowest Illa. 7 reverb' 09" Durlum and Owen Sound. l A. FLEMI SQ, INsUP.A.Vr..u. rm. Lin- and Acumen In good comrnies a lowest rules. Ever: Hal honor-h y and fairly. No (nibbling. Morro-" Mun "on". never In All business strictly Gtitidentint. He has had 2t YEARS' EXPERIENCE and those u ho deal with his Iu the benefit of it. IT WILL PAY you to “he him 'your basin"! thomth you have to drive” mile!- 'lenty of tteo- ple mun- further Bud Bud It to Pt. "wuiuetm DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 4 DOTS & SHOES. ae., We can give you Bargain'- Flour......... ............. Head Office, Torono. Oatmeal....... Wheat......... Pena......... Barley..................... oats.................-. lambs Dreuod Haul. per ttwt Hogs, Live weight...., Iluternu-h roll)»: it, Butter, Tub.............. Eva....--- .... Hid". pet owt.......... thkim. P" Ib........ Sheemklus............... DURHAM MARKETS. l re cnwlul n to who phi "as. bu should you be. Lrtter an to H. H. Miller, Boat. "ae out 'I‘ntkeyu............. Pontoon. pot In. iiri/ost quality. and you will r..-...-......".". T43? J KELLY, Agent. ad ............". ............ In; “move! Convey-um Lerost alloweé on who phi" do their mu be. Then you 2 25 Ttt Lever hangent." " 18 the Hour. Itt N1- 500 Mr Gordon mppmml Mr Brown‘u Vic-1n my“). damn nu not winning concurrent with “I. objact in emetime the house of Prttte-yttielt teng' to create tt place when the Ind poor and indigent. it!” it (may! a any should he in n civilised community. The chum In: I dirgol Monti" to improper "sotivee-mat Hf an! sanding ”min- to the Imp..- u "Imp. but at alumna than out ot the mnnieipu . tty into noun otUr, who" it tttoe were. not and tor they wrrtfttoing todie. The 1|:ququ In to gm fair Cluinmn-Iikn tron-non! to the ttntortttnate. lb, Gd, a» they Knew. visited the other home- " Mum. and whvnnr the premium! any“. m in... been adopted it was iomul to be . _hsilure. Out of [canteen oouotiou Imvmg 1'0 40 house. trt. volume only tms-trt- uni E.--Aiul a Input] the propane-l phm um! Blane-m mu- ubom to chang- it " it. January ”nation. It Malian“ count. mm In the mot-I owrwlulmiuu troot that the (ouuty of Guy wa. quuinu a mistake. it wan aluminum. to start wrong. ami the Hrdeu of evidence was again“ the ador- tion of tus, dame, which at» not m keep- ing with the Stun mint at the mow-umnb. He renal: lid ot the humor: nl "fum- h" had vmitod, thoreiutt mm with _the no exception- I“ were lupried by line county Minus. 16 ll} Mr Shula paid that the cuuuly council had tuned to the prodding " the house of "Inge and haul mod uln- cuul. ol all it» ruvpliea. The people had mid " Giro at a home tor the poor,' uml we county had mppherl the demand. an‘lhey won mkml to maintain in. He thought am it Was lair now that the house was supplied that. Ihe municipalities should assume the Individual reurmmihlluv. i, Mr Bell "aid whsle he had great eoub douce in experience the house of rehnge w” I new matter to them. The loy-lnw 18 wa~ not cast. iron and ir it wan hand an" experience that the. prolmuod ownqu was um. adapted to the reqmremenln. it could be changed. Sr (Vinnlon's "elauattots would lend to Ibo conclusion that. the tuuendmetst would perhaps be the beat wow. But with? bylaw toad it would be the marl. populm in the county ot Grey at pin-soul. Mr McKiumm tltomaht Naming mnAl be {nun tho the punk-ion tettt (Md: In the bylaw all It had' The manic-h ality my. mg the Ingest mumy rate would Wham have tltetureettt, proportion M hamnten in any canon He did not "a that them was nuylhmu to lose hfullnwiug the lnhlw to pan nu it Wli. He "bummed the case ot the grunt to the Inca! municipalities out of the county qudn for thr. Onlmtrnctinn of mad and bridees. and that Hot bow-n re. pt ttlsd the coumy would ttol nuw hm e to Ive building bridges a” (we: The home ot refuge damn-r1 the umnicipu'iliea would he I and ram-c '84! lnclion. Mr Paterson thought limo mmlll he gum ol by Ct minne] diseuritsiota. 1he hy- lnw as it nnw rend would make proviUott that would Ire the mom. papal“ all over the county. They were there, lo legislate as the remesu-tatiyes of the umjorivy. The coutitv had an“ all the expmnle nf "applying and quiipplnu the homo nf re- fuge and It was nun! but lair and uqnimhle that the municipalities should look ruler their own indigents. Mr lit-own tmid Hut he haul no /oul,t that the municipalities which ho rep""'"'"" ted were quite abh- IO mike can of' all its poor. But who-u the cmwcil knew Ilmt Simcoe was about to recind the w ry stem magnum! by the bylaw. was " wists not to amend tho bylaw now? “0 c-mrtvuole-l that the bylaw should not have been Id: to the element}: hour l-m that plonm' oi time should have been mkentn they]: um the points on Math tlree ddreoed in opinion. No further discuvuiexu followed an! Mr Brown'n amomlnwnt. mu den med. Mayor" Gordan and Schmk betuit the other my porters. The other datum wpre [mm-ml without Johan. Bylaw 645 "dating to the impecm ru' mnnemtmn a: altered by rue-m statute was tmed up in committee M follmva . For Was! Grey ittsptsutot'ute tite anIarv was tixed at "can, tor Scuth (hey 81867. and (or En! Grey 0741 over and above which mum It: may be, payable by the ammu- - Povlawt'ri6 relating to the guaranteeing of the adventures by the county of Grev oven" another Jul-Me " the magmatic" of Mr Slime that the t-vlnw he "usde per- missive instead ofimperative. MrGonlnn comet-dell that the change Won” defeat the afoot of the bylaw Mr Allen was opposed to the bylaw on principle and ml. vet-am] the, lnving over of the hvlnw until the January session. and both he and Mr McKinmm scored the council on its (lila- torines- in getting down to husine-s in the only Hagen of the "union while Mr Pat- erson defended the council on the ground ‘that the committees had not advanced their work far enough to "mit of nnv deliberation nooner. lt was after 12 oeloek when the motion to rile with power to sit again was passed. An afternoon session wasineviml-le and the council adjourned until 2 o'clock. Snow“ Arnnsoos The closing hours of the Novomber soul-mu wan- rennnrkmlo for the expedition: transaction of business. Mr School: was tho only one compelled to eater. a tram. Mr Doyle “king bit so» and exchangicg gratings qrrttt the members. - -~ . e-L-... A:........;,“, ,n °"""‘rr' It wu decided without discussion to “apt Mr Allon‘u mutation and lane bylaw 647 over until the Jannnry session- Bylaw 647 to guarantee the local im. provement debentures of the town of Owen Sound In. than taken up in com- mittoe. Ito pmviuions ware accepted Without acute. Mr Allen simply tocord- ing his opponition on the prineipU. AAA an. Atal 1|: an COUNTY COUNCIL. Concluded from that creek. ‘ui -- -.. Bylsm Mo. 641. 642. 648, 644, 615. 647 " passed in committee were on motion puma through their firud “ages. A motion authorizing the layman. of no to ml: chainsaw of the standing com. mucus was curried. The watdon m Pr request-d to "can the chair and Mr Prank noted to pro-mm when " in moved by Mr fetett'tityli -- " 7-,‘__ u.-. a . .nk_ " iii, Me. '0"! n w.- w-,-_ -4 -- , ed. by Me. Puma. that the that. all this council are her-by and“ to D E I ridges all (We: the cuunty. refuge mppurt. " home by NH! oxprusno Prawn. Erq.. for the able, courteous and impartial manner in which he bu presided over the dellbuntions of this manual. 3. warden. for this year. and that, to - buotitstntrserrmuMts While art-eluding so the duties of his otNse, the sum of one hundred dollar» be pnid to him. The motion was carried unnulmm.~ly. the cullucll jammy heartily in singing He's a Jolly Good Fellow, On returning to the chain Mr Preston exprenaetl has deepest "new of appreciation nttun kindly tooling u.- d!!!)lot’thl by the council. He Wm inatrmt Inn-clued to them tor the courteous attention and Maintainer they had attuned tum In all the delibera‘ lions of the eullllcll lie could not but ex. press the appreciation further or the um» tunes the countv clerk but been to bun. In all the relationships and and“ Mr Rntherfonl's action-t hunt been those at a brother nutter than no no oihetsl of the county. Koop tho Pt'ndtg',', ,arttiano at Ayer". PM. at am, In" one. Aul'd Lana Sy no and the nttlunrl ”when: concluded the reunion. Age/s an E Burnett of vonr town called an In Thou ate-Comb last week. It and an; George Roan visited " Mrs W Ryan: ot Rob Roy one day recently. Rev m Newton will hold is pruyer (neel- l lug " seeCormiok's of Buuesann next. Wednesday evening. Nils Jennie churlane. of Boothville. visited her parents here on Sunday Inst. Miss Jtsruste Burnett. visited mu And-er- son on Wednesday. Mr Henry Huffman. new in tce em- plop of Mr Donald ncFurlm-e. of Bolt Roy corners. vinited Banana-nu trieuule lust. Sunday evening. m and Its John mum» of the north line spent. an evenlng recently with Rob [Loy lriend-. One ariikier', Cherry tle,,',:,',','.".,,,',',',,:,',',"'. iet't Cherry Pectoral doctor’s medicine for ell Mreetimts of the throat. bron- chial tubes, and lap. Sold for over on years. “thin-MAM” In “all new,“ . 'i'F.7.k'iiiF, ii'i?cltiii'tt'iitii'ig 'atil'ta'ld.t . "“mla Mr Wm Britten was up to Rocky Snugeeu last Tuesday on business. Miss stand McGilliymy of Suugeen Valley called on Irinnals here on law “my 2mm Em! Gleuelts When- rhea spun. over 3 week “mun-g, Menus. trirght Coughs Scyerul ol the )I-Utll and lwanbyof Rob Roy spun! " very etioxatoe evening M the Imum of Mr James HcGIIiIvmy of the north liuts has Mummy. “Humid fur ttood brisk. Ind otkstliitist at fair luicm. Export. t-xtru chum hum-{In H Go to $4.76: choice: 4a'," m 4 4n. Other» “will. Joe, lower. lintcllvrs: n brisk olsnmnl which out- :qu the unpuly. Prim-u steady. Picked lots $4.20 lo 4.So. Good $3 " to 4.oo, otUer kinds grading: downward to 293!- lhnu 93AM). Stockcrs: $1.75 to 35.40. Feeders 2.oo to 4.oo. Milch coves: run light $80 to “in. Sheet-p and Lalulul: werything sold. Export $2.50 1.03.40. Cullts 500 lea. Lambs 56 per ewt. Easier " 3.70 to 4 30. Hugs: Continued easy helium and prism-s may go lower. Selects " 85. lights and hats 4.65. Bafhtlo Lambs: 04.50 to 575. Yearliugs and weth'r-t 4.oo to 4.25. Ewes 8 M to 3.50 H an Heavy 4.55 to 4.65. Liullll and rough» 3.80 to 4.1o. 'iiii""iiiii'i'i" MADE We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholaomeuess. It's a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price LI v E STOCK MARKtsTS Toronto. Also Cakes. Summits and Contmuonory. Wu..- . - 30]! ROY. HIND BROS. Wright‘s Old Stand. for culllta in all lines. us helm; ineloM up THE UUEHAM REVIEW Vial Lot No. 20 tend '21, Con. 3, N. D. R... Clem-In. containing 100 acres more or less. 80 acre! tit for mulling-z; land in grand state of cullivntion. no: on both NN. tl,,",',!,',)," hom Durham. con- venient to U ttrch and Pout Omer. 4 acres in Full when. " an ea tall plough- ed. Onmfnrmhle buildings. Terms reu- sonnhlr. Apply to the pioprletor, Jun: MchsAw. Bum-mm P. o., Nov. " The wen known Taylor farm at Deo. lum-v. luwu-Ilipuf Exremoul 350mm: goon! st-tCiti-lot, t well watered , ward lunldimp: ronveniettt to pout. of. flee. churn-h and school. Apply m FARM tG-sua: or RENT. The undersigned ofrrtst for Mlt' lots 46 and 47. Cott.3, S. D. R., Beluinck. con- taining _162 .'t.""r: yo not" in 3.301? "ttttttttt 106 ”l‘lt'l‘. I!" -_._'_ w. 7, u mm.- of (-ultivmiun. 12 news bush. Good buildings and f1rtxt.cttuw orchard. Well walrrod. Only six mile-6 from Durham. All" a hay Pre"" for sale. ALEX. BEGOH. Prop. Valuable Property "ittusted on North Side. Lmuhlnn W. that place outside the Town of Durham. Everything in tirmt-tGtats shape. gmul new hriit house. gum! lmnk burn. and n new"! first-tGsm land. Large orchard eel but last spring with every good kind of (run. A ttrat- class pluce tor unyhudv. Apply to lit Phe e,','.,',i'11',tr:,1 utter for tmie Two Slim-thorn Bu ll. one 12 mm. llw other 13 mos. old. principally red and likely animals in every respect. Terms on up- plicatiott to pmpriemn. Iona 23 and 29. Con. 3. S. D. R, (ilrmlg. Will atoll ren- smmhly. A. & J. HRALIY. . _Prpprietors Aldo l? gflvw$$$$owwwv£'eiwiv‘wmwvnvvawnwnvvuvvwevg . , .e , Earlxng 3 Eng Eton 't, bureasved Bulls For Sale. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO FARM For» bALoE. FARM TO BENT. Purebred Tums and Berkiturea. kid, ihe Jeweifer, Durham. EXQUISITE NOVELTIES Come in and see our stnck. We are leaders in Perfumes and Toilets. Perfumes from we to tro per bottle. Fibon y Goods. Rosewood Sets. Celluloid Sets,§ Leather Goods. Well bought and will be sold " moderate prices We are now booking orders ahead. EA beautiful WALL POCKET given with every 50c purchase while they last.“ Mas. TAYLOR, HOLIDAY GOODS ',iri'lLar-airi-iasariiiriiairirriiitiiirliiiirl'lillll'll FOR SALE. We have just opened up about Thirtg cases. No trouble to se them. Prices to suit. t!ll, qt,ataalldllllteiltah The Popular Cash Store. DG/ore, Ont. Now in stock and arriving daily. ’. Citi!!. Earlins- ;; assabaéaemwwemw aemewow TOYS. GAMES, and all kinds of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. The undersigned offers for Sale or will rent forts Ion" of years. his farm l of 100 new, helm: lot 21. con s, E. u. R.. Glam-If. 70 urea cleared. in good state I of on tivation. rest. hardwood hush. lOmuformhle buildings. two Rood wetts l and never-failing spring. Rood orchald. I This is I. good Mock farm. and must he i disposed of MI proprietor is going west. [ Apply on the premium: or at. REVIEW !0tBai. P. Manuals. Prop. -.--Dott't Forget t? Santa. Claus W. fl BEAN FARM for sALE or RENT. Lot 10 Com 22. Township Egremnm. County Grey, containing 120 acres. For full particulars apply to AT" THE me a FARM FOR SALE. Hus arrived " the BIG 4 with I big load of DAVID Mckkm'nv. Thistle P. O. FOR XMAS ' Call and see him.----. 'arwm be a Knapp Balm. Barium. the 2nd luurdny in ml! null). noun. lawn!“ L. R. C. P., London. Ext-ml (include o! M._Ncw Yort Ind cm. Dim of Eye, Eu. Nose. and Throat. 7trG/,iCrGst at. Owen fund. Will be a the Km Bonn. DIM“. the am Wednesday ot each month "on lo a. I. till 4p.m "stone: "d9rr11trtolfl"" .Ateémm'. , the ?gNgtNl'2"lll'lt . In!” ' and en not! I. ttWa, oqdtat. a. SPECIALIST EYE, FAR, THROAT I: NOSE. --- EXCLUSIVELY- a J. o, HUTTON. M. D OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST cr the Du nan: Pharmacy Cnldor' Block. Randem-e first door west, of the old Post Oft1ce, Durham. W. C. PICKERING D. ll s, L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Tomato University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. Calder Block over the Post (like. Pit-Ian & DUI-M. on» no! Malachi-I‘- “on g I " " Ll. -eoMt-r-a" “dim- otBtre----LOW" TOWN. Duro ‘I. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., wsmmmuvumumu Women and Chum. Co'loo‘ionl and Annoy promptly “minded to wuu. Doom. Won. 1mm, Amman amourmtly pro . Ensue- o! demand rer- mn. lmnma an: and Exocuuw'l and “a nil- DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. -irFre -- uiomt.mmuag. Teleeheee Cueeedee Ne. " DENTISTRY. DR. GEO. 8. mme. BARR!!!" R, IOIOITOR. IOAVIV value coon-nae... ac. JOHN CLARK m. Nov. 16, NB, ”on lune lulled. no”. by . W'M In Tomato, Tttlg - tor 3"” of cm !,ttiiyii,l,b'i,t, .. h"hiietrdl't'Nllrfc m w “m. "8i'fitehi?1'riiiiiii5iifift -m "iiie'gt'a'treTte Ina-7 M an.” ”WWW TW' '1'" Home '. “celled Auctioneer for the County of Grey. mama AM (of the Co. of any. kilo tttgt",', Md to. m ”use, ttat' tett at his [tunic-em Wm tum-I. Me non‘Iold sand. on: the luv": Graiid Mei .-"a.m. Hp... . LEFROY McCAUL. DR. BROWN , arm IA“. Hopeville P. o. C. BAIAGE. Durhnm Moderate jtArcr the Baal. “I

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