Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Dec 1903, p. 4

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THE FRUIT OF CAREFUL BUYING Gutters. games. Durham , “one useful horses for sale. Ulla Jtush to Ctark's 319 yds Heaykdark Flannellette going at 50 yd. 188 yds lOc rappeiettes going at 6 .3c per yd. 353 yds dark check gingham while they last at 5c Don't forget to inspect our Holiday display of Fancy Handkerchiefs and other Fancy Goods. 4tbstrestcurrnntsfot..-----. 25cts rs'1trs bent Raisins for...... ...... ........ zscts P. lbs bestLenon Peel...-................. 2Sets zlbs " Orange Peel..................... 25cm o-lbMix candies....................... .... 25cts aCansgoodvedSalmon..................... zscts We might mention many other Bargains but space will not. permit gag. er. J'. i. Tlortock (ii) Special reductions in Millinery next six weeks Special Value in Women’s Fur & Cloth! Mantles Best Brands No. l, Rubbers & Overshoes, At great reductions. 1'assey,lhfHrrif (llpiou) RM” 300, TI I F, 1oHCyciii1PF, RYFY Fuggcsts the store whose Stock furnishes promptest and most help- ful counsel in the selection of presents. THE SECRET REVEALED Now in demand-the Store that handles nothing else-the Stor whose reputation, stock and methods are alike above reproach-all invite your inspection. )f 2 Embodies our reputation. There's a sense of security in knowin that you have at your service at any time today or bt Day before Chrtsttnatt," a reputable Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. Ghurns, washing Machines, good Gutters, @xford Guam Separators. "EQUAL TO EVERY OCCASION" To be successful in business nova-days it is necessary to do unusual things, sell dependable and correct merchandise, sell at right prices and do what- you promise. We live up to all the claims made in our advertisements: they are intended to hon- estly reflect our methods and our goods. All we ask is an opportunity to prove our contentions; will you put us to the test during these Holiday months. Here are a few "quotations : Our Clothing Department is a trade winner, because we give you the same style, fit and service you would receive in custom made garments at about half the price. 5 years foretells a demand for good goods such as Gordon al) ways sells. No wonder for we always buy from the best manufacturers of the world. THE GOOD QUALITY GOODS CASH AND ONE PRICE. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Tin. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Fenrin1r.A1ac1ties, Waggon: Snowball, Chamam and iira1kervi11e'; waxing»: Ploughé and repairs ; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. in 10:1. to be Convinced A . (i‘rORDON. XMAS GROCERIES gal-m. l INTELLIGENT BUYING Lacs: cf Middaugh Jiouso. Study economy in wood, and one way to do it is to have one of the Stoves we handle at prices that are within reach of any purse. If you are in want of something nice, neat and useful in the Cutter line, call and examine ours No hack numbers amongst them. John Clark Wynne. 25 cts 25 cts " cts " cts " cts " cts (htarfo. Mr. John Cums-mu. McLean traveller. is around home this week. Mr. W. D. Mills went tn Ottawa this week, and will not return till Christ- mus. it". Mr. Budge. Hanover. exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Fnrquhamn Sunday morning. Mr. Wm. Robot-non and Miss Cutie McDonald visited at Mr. Geo. Reit- Hunover. on Sunday. Mr. Joe. Armstrong, secompnmed by Miss Myrtle McDonald. had a pleasant drive to' Hanover Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Duncan McFarlnna. Flint. Mich., in a guest with her timer-in-law. Mrs. P, B. McFarlane. This is her first visit. to Canada. Rev. Mr. Farquhnrtson. wax in Elm- wood, Monday evening, and to-day, \Vednesduy. is at A Sunday Schoul Unu- vention in Arthur. Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton. on Monday even- ing. euiertsined a few friends. Among the gut-its was Mr. Halle, the photo artist in Upper town, whose abilities us a. vocalist and instrutmeotalist constitute a charm to any company. Rev. Jas. Binnie, Tweed. came home, Monday. to see his mother. who is not progressing towards recovery as her friends would wish. On arriving he met. the sad. sand newa of the death of his nephew, Binnie McGirr. Mrs. Grier. who has heen n guest of Mrs. Dr. Hutton " the last two woeks rammed this Veil, to Priceville and with her brother. Mr. J. D. Brown, will shortly remove to Duudnlk where they intend to make theirhotue. p, iceville- ites will regret to lose two such worthy citizens. High School Department. Jr lrnvitg Pt H. A-Uhns Famulmr- sun. Annie any. Kate McDonald, Bel In. Binnie, Llowyin Moran. Pt II. B--Liiy Walker, Belle Cameron and Rita McComh. m. Ethel Greenwood Curing" Aljoe. Sadie Sh." p. Jr Leavihg Pt J-Ethel Nortison, Ida Pinro, Carl Brown. Willie Famuhatson, Keith Newton. Public School Department. Sr l\'-anny Moran. Har.elC'tt1dweli, Lottie Harhottle. Edith Allan, Clurksou McCall]. Jr Iv-Bessie Telford, Irene Latimer, Stanley McNaily. Ella Rctor, Charles Deming. Sr IU-Eva Bumet, Bella Eclur, Lau- m Sengner. Russel Currie & er Catton eq.. Flank McKay. Jr 1H--Bro. Grant, Ruby Mills. Catherine McDougall. Mel. bourne McKay It Vnddie Culdwrll ell., Ruby Knish-y. Sr Ir-Nellie Hepburn. M. Agnes Rum- ago. Victor Livingston, Harper Kresa. Mary Wright & John Vollet. eq. Jr ll --Rex McGowan, Mtujovie McKenzie, Ruth Moran. Imudoll Lauder, Annie Mc. Donald. Sr Pt lr-Lizzie Russell. Willie Clark. Winnie McCall]. Mark Wilson, Zena Mulslmll. Jr Pt II, A-Gertse Camp- bell, Ulle Walls, Cecil Guthrie, Florence Barclay, Hurry Gordon. Jr Pt ll, M--, Mzume Mountain a May Cliff, my. Hor. ace Elvidge. Vivian Crawford. Nettie Dannie-ls & Murray Thorn. on" Karl Len. a an. Br I-Leone Russell, Katy Bell Black. Thomas Lauder, Harry Falklughmn. Earl McDuuald. Intel utediate--Chtld. well Marshall. John Harbottle a; Louim NeAnulry, eq. Jr A-Lilian McCrw. G iltert Gordon}; ltny Fyn.uitttrso.n, eq. Report of S. S. No. 6, Bentinck. 4th clnssL-Violet Forster. John Clark. 3rd --Alhert Lunney, Maude Pineo, John McKechme. 2nti---Sarnh McDougull. Cl'tford Howell, Lottie Blitton. Br Pt 2nd-(Jmnplwll Clark, Arthur Lunney, Archie McDougall. Jr Pt 2nd--Fratik Twumley. Chrmtiue Porter, Pearle Hop- kins. rst--Fred Torry, Dimnha Red- ford, 5iti.s' Patterson. A meanuu was held in the school home last week to make final arrangements for a. beef ring which Was organized a tow weeks ago. The share»; were rapidly tukeu up and everything settled to go ahead will) the 1sutehermg. Mr Thomas Tutubull has been secured to Ila the work. Mr Robt Lindsay has generously offered can of Ins hams for a. nhmghter house which will be accepted. Mr R J Mathews is preparing for a cold winter as he has purcbased a furnace from Barclay and Bell. and hud it set. up last week. Mr Wm Leggeue hstl an extenshe auction salon of stock and imulements last week and with auctioneer Brigham " the hummer everything went well. Mr Jim Bailey has purchased the farm and will also “mansion next spring. Mr Leggette will in the meantime reside in one of Mr n Lirtiltuty'ts houses on the Pram farm. oiiGe" iiiGi, ilFiiGikFijt ind 3-0: within nu“ h of the smallest page. It bring: to every member of Ame tumm- ugmglhpg'g! ittertrh, 30.133th .ot Gilbert Gordon & Itrt y t',1'i"'(lh,t,ltf'i',"h,, m. Jr B-Luuu Bryan and l-' esley John.. sum . ((1.. Sarah McTavish, u. we """""". "__..w', -__ - V, -t __ - vnlue-n Itory that cheers. on article that entries the render into {Ir-on countries or anon: men who govern, n sketch that t"ll',,'f',u,lflr,', that puts a bit of truth in s new and coin! my way. . we: of It2gg thgt holds the children spellbotmed d. kl t lt Ame of: omens r-ap, treeev wee . n over hall I million Enseholg: in the United iflh'e'l, If you desire to make I Christmas {event ot The Youth" Companion. and the Publis" as the num- and “are. of the patch to whom you wish to " The f.omMth'/l,tt,l , JG, the than“ snhscrl Taiee. he: tothe Indies- Mined The 'comer?" emu-u Punt. all ready for cm. mu mo ' emttniuing the ("human- Number, The Com ou (blend-r me 1906, 1itttogmplteyt in twelve end Artld, And sutmertmiors animate iiit% oo‘lon 3nd ' And whom I eel-um for the " um- Jun. pt IN' e The Annual Announcement Number ot th Com. union. desesttthtg the wing“! Ingguggi Ill, The nu.“- mun whether Ateitl04 will reed" nil the tunes ot The frigttli'g for m "adamant.- of as use from the of MttireHption l no (Jump-moo txtenar foe ms. "thou-M tn w. colon um gold. Tl! Yam-u COMPANION. IM Berkeley Inn. 30.70"- I“ The Cbmpanion as a Christmas Gift The wow comsmni.ties,t?ht_tt/httrlih? DURN " SCHOOL HONOR ROLL. For November. C7GGi iiiiiriiiisWirdii namuari-se Lion's new volume, wilnae sent in. to my THE DURHAM REVIEW VICKERS. ISA CAMPBELL. Teacher ONTARIO ARCW TORONTO --A Sad tale of the Sea. The Schooner Emerald, with 5 - of 9 or IO, has gone down in Lake Ontario, and all hands drowned. --Canadian Sheep and lamb: took 9 out of 12 titat gnu: " the great Fat Stock Show!“ higgo. _The Diqegtofg ot the St Louis Show have acted so churlishly in arrangements tor Cum- dim Stock. that the whole concern may be boycotted by the Canadians. -Montreal for the first time. ha outatrnpped the Atlantic ports of Mon. New York, Philadelphia, and of com-Io tu:.""'" in the volume of its grain tr e. --A British M. P. scores Hon. Geo. E. Foster heavily for tr,,",',','),",',',',',',' in daring to urn on Englan preferential meant-es tad he a. Tory pmwotionist. out of oftiae, twice defeated and re- presenting nobody. ---A rather startling gathering of British war-ships is taking place in the West Indies. Supposed to be a hintw Venezuela to be good. --The iortiflttation of the islands late- ly ceded or given to the United Scam by Judge Alvemone is, it is rumored, to be proceeded with at once. This may help Britain to see things as we see them. Well uisther 13de as u. in some loin). since Oi have seen any known Iran: our stirrin tottti Oi thot oi wood rite a few hues to let u no the doing in the place. The smiling countenance of Miss Minnie Running is again in our and»: after an extended stay In the couucy town. Hale and hearty. as of you. w. Mr Hugh McIntosh, who Is spending a. plenu- ant. fortnight at the old homestead after a twelyemoutu's absence at Kilaytb. Mr Edwutd luldoon. rut popular boot and shoe mun, spent a few days on a business trip to the Queen city. The avoid circles ware enhanced last week by tho arrival at was Freobum. of Toronto. who looks alter the bill of fare as our modern mercantile establish. meat. Misl Elizabeth Camp, Doruocb‘s fasci- nating society belle. u: again at the post of duty, that lmlrlaymg fur u fortnight with friends to the south. Wm Follies is spending a few days the burg after an extended ubseuce Mooref1eld. Rev A P Ledingham and lamilyleaye this week tor India to resume mission Work. may health and prosperity be their portion. We extend our sincere condolence to Mr E Beardsley, whose store at Moore- field was destroyed by tire. The loss Wm appuoxnmute 310,000. A grand entertainment and Xmas tree will be held In the Presbyterian church on Tueminy. Dun 22nd. h choice pro- uranium: of linen] and instrumental music. recummm. speeclws, ae., will be rendered. Admmmu 15 cm. The Moutreal Herald, The Durham REVIEW. and our Illustrated Holiday Number. luJun. l, 1905. for $1.15. The REVIEW and Holiday Number alone, $1. Balance of year free to ma w sulnscnlwrs The Annual Meeting of the Grey County Old Boys’ Ass'n was lu-lu in Ihe Confederation Life Big. at) Tuesday. Nov 24th. The Hon. David (‘reianon was elected Honorary President, and Jackson L Little, F S Momma. J w Seymour. Corley Thorpe Wright. WJ McFarland. Dr It H Henderson, and Wm Wnlmesley were elected Honorary V'ice-Presndenls. Dr Edgar w Paul was elected President. for the ensuing year.:md w Harrison Miller. w Mit- chell. and J w Armstrong Were elected Vice-Presidents. Jae McBride was elected Treasurer. C W Chadwick Ite, rowing Secretary. Harry Hooper Fm. ancial Secretary. Geo Kirkpatrick Ihr- ectnr of Ceremonies. and Jars Whitson Historian. The following Valuable Farm Stock, Implements. Ike, , Span good working horses. one Dtivor, 4 cows supposed to he in call, furrow cow, 6 calves. one 3-yr old heifer. three 2-yr old heifers. four l-yr old heifers, two 2-yr old steers. fonr l-yr old steers, 8 ewes, 1 ram. Brood Bow, Stat pigs, r, young ping, 30 hens. Binder, Mower. Seed-drill, one rune. leather, cutter. lumber waggon. huggv. net. botwste'ttttnp. long sleigh. fanning Gilt straw cutter. horse power. spring tooth & Iron lieu-town. :2 ploughn. road cart, not double harness nearly new, not giggle numeral}. r.oot cup! er. cow dining TOPICS OF THE WEEK The following with theofticers form the Executive for the coming eatc----U' w Aenott, Geo Pegper. Alf f'ii1'i'rol,', W J A Unrnahan, H Landorkin. DI F IV Murray. J H 1torke. Geo Fleming. H, E Itutheriord, Jas K Robertson. Tlms Manson, F IV Moffatt, J w Lee, J L' Allen. Dr Richardson. H M Little. Wm Hill, Ed Crane, L Forbes, Thus Rohin. son. w P Malone, w Ellis, J T Clark. Of valuable Farm Stock, Implements. &c. The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions to sell by Public Auction ac Lots 61 & et, Con. 3, N D R.. Bentinck. on TUESDAY, DEC. 15th. 1903. Sale to Commence at One O‘clock Sharp on time for than Days. TERMS y--Hnr Fat Hosts & sum: of 85 and under. Cub. Over that amount 12 months' credit on approved Joint notes. 5 per cent all for oath in lieu of A series of social evenings were ur- ranged for the ensuing season. . 2 logging chains. churn, pair hora blankets. milk can: and other articles. A quantity of Hay. Positively no Re. ”we as proprietor is retiring from Farming And everything must be sold. ROBT. MeNAUGHrON. Propnecor. Rom!. BRM9RAM, Auctioneer. GREY COUNTY OLD BOYS' AUCTION SALE HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. DORNOCH. in fr SUITS TO A Tl Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. Flour and other ingredients. SIiCnNDLY, we are artists in our line. TH lRDLY. cleanliness reigtttin every F HIST of all, we use only the finest department of our estaiilishment." I. A STLY, our prices are absolute] y fair, Give us a call and see for yourself And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN Jf Jilin] on it In, fold of M0 600%,. iiiiowhe j This week we are oireriug . fine line of Silverwm. very suitable for Holiday Presents. Nearly every day we per- sou is picking out one of out Fucy Lamp? ad havittg it put away for Christian- Bolt lose your chance. ---. annnI' of - We hue a I Carpet Sim quality. Exiurits “1pc; b""".". quality. Examine than. Owing to the immense sale of Hand Sleigh; we have been obliged to re-order. and our no cond shipment has just arrived. Our “sextant of Skates a: Hockey Sticks is making more than ordinary. We can suit every person. There is no Harness Oil to equal the Eureka. Another Barrel !ust to hand. chaff and Feed Baskets in abundance. GOOD REA SONS f When you buy Anything " DAR. LIKG’S, you have A string Inten- ed to your money and you keep hold of the other end. If they fail to satisfy. you Ivve only to pull the string and your money comes back. Try it at our risk. first class am BREAD! WEDDING CAKE 8 Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. H. STINSON. . BLACK. War/thy, ' m. Prow.', ”mum. :smm Boot. or stool. mm W wool-[mod or unh- Felt supp"!- [out. oomfort Stock”. Onondaga. Gloves. to. You New Arched“, growing in hvor. Try . pm- Ind becominud {but they have- no -ioe for quilt: nod style, We have tome good nine. in Gamma. Gloves. Mitts 3nd Mitt facing. Felt Boots, Lunbermnn'a Box and Rub- bent, Rubber Boon ready ior the coldest. of welther. Trunks. ”lines. club bogs. an in stock at lowest prices. a; down you pticn on COLONIAL SLIPPERS and OXFORD. A in cum of women's and Miees' Rubbers going It str, md 80 cents. Custom work and repairing attended tr, as promptly as possible. 'rtatNtr--CUtaH. , J. Wei/rarit/I Full Lines of there Well-1.7mm, and reliable (mods. Chatham Cutters Putrsma, Churns, de. We are at the shop at the bridge e1 _ ery Wednesday and Saturday. Ur ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur; store, or at the 1htvrF.wOetttcr.. win receive our best attention. o 1tr,unromei"ttto""P'u'ru .72. JP, We” thut The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so hats nearly two cnrloads of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a earload of the fathom ? a I 9 ts . an em fizz/pl Now that you have a Tudbope Bump get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the MN!!! [llllllllll mm mm Call and Also BARCLAY t. MNITURE GRA Y IS make; Com/orml/I, and Sty/id), and at prim-s to mil ah purses. sovnnnwx SHOES Of all kinds. Examine our TUR NIP PULPERS; they are the best on the market; also om CHURNS & WHEriLnARRows will ihtd, an!!! to [mono 'tyletr Jake Kress The Best gum, Cheaper than ever. ROBIISOI & CORBET Also see our famous Aarn 'rgans They are good in every respect are Crowded for Room We) familiar: __J{yoncy. plenum a, 1903. Manama Machinery - 1am nth. - Boot de Shoe More, Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables. Lambton St JAK E KRESS. Fudhopa Gutters / pumptly at- our Goods P mprieiors BELL DECBIBER SAVE FILES PEEL, TI Durham and A If. montht §tudi was pan-w» gll.lillllll) BA WINTER 1 AT P Winter Term Com CAPITAL .\ulhw CAPITAL. l'nud n RESERVE FU.NI AGENTS in ."H Oahu-in. QurhM. “(-00- Mad linglur A gelnvrul Hum Drafts is-uwi 'l “pain”. Ire; at itttoweu'. ,' ' DURHAM “'|NGS BASE. oesvite Inuit dq wards I’rmnp! facilitr "ttordeal dish; ce. tgit-l- Mm aid/WM move You! ig TWEEDS GRBCERI tlt ttl Ilif Mlllf bud nun-s. n tr" Ttrt' “1 b it quirk-w I up nothing If "I: an.“ Ko cm In" M Ur .. WRITE FOR loud men-s. Ind ‘vt'uel' IF Yor \\ AN'l 'ri an llld mum-Hung t Inuk- lm Arkw- IN hm. dwelling. Inn-rh- git Township A only m (Juan-gal I.Ntit'1tA?o'F.s tn tre', 2'll't'iei; an Amen! yum n MOTT1t- be Mun All who. "rtctly Me In: had 21 he who deal with IT WILL my y moi-{m you ham w q Me can futttwt and ads would l hundreds of (10 Take ad "Mam months and am In: " " Oatmeal Who-1.. Pout... .. Baruy.. Lambs........... Dun-cod Hogs, “my, Live Wel can”, troetl: rd Boner. Tub..., Kidor, pm cwl Cull-him. [not Quantum...“ “WWW... In». wcwt. Moyo........‘ Potato“. per! DURHA' Are carp“ Head 0m DRY GOO 4 KITS' H (M host W. F. co GEO. P. I can BUY mid yd n' in " Que.“ H. l .IK Sn

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