'if I! A MEsSome useful horses for sale. ta, 'Rush to Ctark's ‘3 see, to test, h, be convinced We offer the balance of Trimmed and Un- trimmed Millinery at half price. 250 yds Print 1 yd wide, Regular rayic, to clear at 7c per yd. These are just the goods you want for summer wear. We have a large range in the newest designs from 7 5c to 82. We have 50'0 yds F lannellette, regular 7c pe yd ; while it lasts at 5c per yd. Our skirts are all perfect fitting and are made neat and stylish, unlined from $2 to $5. That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win- ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more J. f. War/00k. Cash and tu, Price. Ah, dies 'ttlhite Waist: l,adiss' ay, &tirts c.Sfif J'itannettittes John Clark 'ittourry 'rints 53E); Inspector Campbell is presiding in hleafopd this week. Mrs. Campbell and childm-n are also visiting friendsthere and at Watmrinster, where a niece, Miss Laura Ball, is getting married. Miss McCracken. Aberdeen. has been engaged as teacher by the Trustees of No.1, Normanhy. to the end of 1901 She follows Miss Mecannel, no easy task, but Miss McCracken has also a splendid reputation. Mics Cohen and her cousin Muss Woods, of Guelph, are visiting at Mrs Wilkinson's. 311‘s Leeson is spending a few days with he: Ssh-tat ms Crawford. of Inqersol. the latter is vgry ill an present. Mrs. J. H. Hunter is at the "Hedges" at, present. Dick Allén’s ueiv barn was raised in good order on Tuesday afternoon. In spite of the rain the boys worked With a will. srigg Mary Deunet spent Sunday and Munday 3"â€? Miss Lame Fee. Miss maggie alcNiece Sundayed with friends around the old home. Master Bruce McKinnon, who has spent the last three weeks at his um-le's Mr. C. McKinnon. returned Tuesday morning to his home in Toronto accom- panied by his cousm Evered. Misa- Jessie Saunders is spending the week With the Misses Leeson. me Wallace waited ms C Gadd on Tuesday, Eftgrnoon. Miss t'orhet is visiting her sister Mrs. J. P. Telford. Mr. And. Smith came home Monday from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wilson of the mill, and daughter Miss Ida Look in the ex- cursion and visited relatives near Guelph till Monday. Weare sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. A. C. McDonald and her little daughter-of typhoid fever. Miss Armstrong is in attendance. Dr. Gun is taking Mr. Fred Benton to bitratford Hospital to undergo trem- ment. for his arm. which was broken 0n Victoria Day, and is not dump; well. Mine Ella Gadd In home at present. but exertty to go.to Hamilton shortly. Wild striwberries are very plentiful this year. All who can are oat picking. ms Will Clark is improving we are piqued lo report: _ _ , Mrs. Tom McComb was visiting friends. in Gait. Pleased to hear of the generosicy of the Cement men in presenting Mr. Fred Benton with 800 to help hun along dur- mg his accident. MN -It Eden spent Sunday with her mother. . '1 he fauna] of the late Hrs Alexander )mrshsll, on Tuesday, was largely at. tended. The sorrowiug friends have the sympathy of the community. Wm Marshall hid the misfortune to lose a fim, cow 1m week. Miss Kathleen Grant is holidaying in Thor n bury. Dr. Park is home visiting his mother till Thursday. Mr. Jos. Snell, M. A.. says the Wiur- ton Echo, intends to resign his princi- prWhip of the High School at the close of the year. 'A'nevi baby came to any at Richard Iltttrer's on Tyet. - - Mr and are Frank Wise were visiting the latter's mother Hrs Cleaver, on Tues- day. Mr. David Smith went to Brantford Saturday to visit his brother Arthur. Miss Annie Watt. Toronto, is visiting relatives in Nornmnhy and near it for a few weeks. Miss Flora McKinnon, of Durham, is spending a. few very pleasant weeks sJ,ri.t,lt her aunt. Mrs. Jas. Staples. Edge Miss Forsylh, London. is a truest of the Misses Hunter. . Mr John Doyle of Paris, has been vis- iting his sister." Mrs. Peter O'Neil. Miss Jessie Robertson came home Monday from visiting friends in Guelph. Mr. Walter. Park is around home at Plasma. He will attend McGill this a . Misses Lick and Dawn and Mr Baker left Saturday for their respective homes for the holidays. Mr. Lnnder Buchan Rot a. bad bruise on the foot by the fall of a ladder at the Cement Works Monday. Primcipul Allan is conducting Exam- ination in Hanover. whtle Mr. Sharp, of Holstem, is presiding hale. TMasters Walter and Willie Willison. Toronto, are spending the holidays at their uncle's, Mr. T. A. Harris. Miss Kate McDougall has returned from Leamington, bringing Mrs. Boone and family with her for a visit. Miss J. P. Ireland is visiting Toronto friends this week. Miss Jessie Ireland of Gourock. is visiting her brother Mr. J. Ireland. Mr. and Mrs J. P. Hunter visited Hamilton friends during the week end. 'Messrs Wilfrid and Archie Wutson. near Varney.nre home from Detroit holidaying. Mr. and Mls. Jas. Lennhan left for Mildumy Saturday to see Mr Lenahan's mother who has been very Ill. Miss Susie Gadd, Toronto. and Miss Emma, Mt, Forest. are enjoying a few pleasant weeks with their mother. M r Hugh MacLean, Toronto. was the guest of his mother Mrs C. MacLean. Upper Town, from Friday to Tuesday.'." Mr. and Mrs. ti. F. Morlock attended the wedding of their niece Miss Wilker of Mt. Fot est, last week' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ritchie took in the excursion in Guelph and visited his brother in Acton till Monday. Rev. James Binnie arrived at his mothev's here on Tuesday. from the AssemHv meeting at Vancouver. Hill Mrs. Allan McKinnon spent from Bat. urday to Monday with relatives in Palmerston. THE DURHAM REVIEW VARNEY. 2.91: TORONTO Jr B to Jr A-Harold McKechnie and Ian Campbell eq. Frankie Mcilraith, May Mvkechnie, Percy Bryan. Harold Redmond. Janet Marshall, Myrtle Dan. iel, Bennie Benton, Cassie Russell. Ber. tha Havens. Gilbert Gordon, Mary Mo Kechnie, Murray Williamson, \Vilhert Knisley. Charlie Havens, Willie Morton Emily Lloyd, Annie McGirr. May Stew- art. Intermediate to Sr l-James Lloyd, Russell Lavelle, Tomm Lauder. Earl McDonald, Gertie 'j/yd,",'?, Heatrice Turner, Jennie Kenton. Harry Guthrie. FROM NOW to JULY 15th, we will make you One Dozen of our Special large Mantillo CABINETS For only $1.00 regular price, " JvPt II to Sr Pt Ir-Edna Mom-i9 Sydney Holt. Zena Marshall, Clara Lawrence, Winnie Mctlaul. Aggie Bec- ker, Willie Clark, Lenard Lavelle, Roy Fluker. Bessie Saunders. Gerty Smith and Milton Mills PH. Maud Burnet, Lorne Dean, Winnie Brooker. Maggie Torry, Campbell McLachlan. Sr I loJr Pt Ir-Horace Elvidge. Net.. tie Daniel, Willie Ferguson, Ruby Uat- tou, Carl Lenahan, May GMT. Mamie Mountain, Irene Lawson. Vivian Craw- ford, Evyline Levi, Sam Hartford. Lida Livingston. Annie Vollvtt, " Ato Inter tnediate--Jolumua Hats bottle. Leone Russell, Marian McKen- zie, Edwin Search. Maude Kress. Lizzie Hillis. "Pearl Mitchell. Charlie William. son. Sam Hollis. Willie Heslip, Norman McDonald, Louisa MoAnully. The-schéol was ciosed last week on ac- count of Scarlet. fever being in the sec- tion. Rev Mr Miller preached his farewell sermon on Sunday last. We are Sorry to lose Mr Miller from our midst, but we wish hm) the best ot success wherever his lot may be east. At Kelsey’s Studio. Sr Pt II to Ir H--Jamie Farquharson Laudeil Lauder. Reta Darling, Devina Wrunumgton, Annie Erlor, Edna Limin and Florence Bryon eq. \Villio Law- rence. R-wmnnd Erhalhl, Mary Billings Calvin Klnnee. Jessie Currie. \Vilfred Calder. Marjorie McKenzie, Rum Mors an. Nellie McLean, Annie McKinnon. Eric Kelly. Mabel Lutnnrr, Hortense Livingstone. ROSS Turner. Maggie Mc- Nally, John Vollet. Joe \Varmmgmn and Rabble Campbell oq. Vickers. some of Mr John Ray's family are ill with rearlet fever. but'under the careful treatment of Dr Gun we hope to hear of tingli- speef’ly fecovary. _ _ ' This is no fake but a genuine offer. No extra charge for Babys or groups. Anyone wishing Photos taken after 6 p. m. kindly leave order at my studio the day before. Mr Comt’s large barn 48 x 65 was raised last week. Wm Scarf and Thos Law- rence were captain“, the former winning " II to Sr Ir-Nellie Hepburn. James Smith. Elma Holt, James McLachlan, Agnes Rammge and Harold Aljoe eq, John McNally, Mary Wright and Def- bert Monre eq. James vollet. Russell Burgman and Reggle Sharp tNI, 'Grillie Browning. Mabel Graslry. tiny Calder, Vernon Elvidge. Anson Lloyd. tier- trude McComb. May McGowaw. Four pupils from tins section wrote on the entrance in Durham. We hope they may be successful. - Sr II to Jr Iii-laura Smith, Ruby Knisley. Eddie McAnully. Ruby Mills, Maggie Mitchell. Clarence Darling. Vad- die Caldwell. Bertha Harvey. Willie Mc- Crie. Lottie Daniel. Archy Gray, Hazel Guthrie, Ida Harbottle. Jack Davidson. Glace Hunter. Catherine McDougall and Burney Hartford a]. Arthur. Hut.. ton. Fred Falkiughrun. J1â€. ciitr, flruay Miss Gilchrist. the teacher here. loft for her home In Barrie last week. Durham Public School. Names ar- ranged in order of merit. High School Department. Jr Pt II Leaving to Sr Pt II Leaving --Charrte '2nt,'itt'.,o,h Kate McDonald Bella. Binnie. lowyin Moran and John Johnston eq, Maggie Grant, Arthur Ai- lan. Edith Grunt. Edith Allan. Murray Smit . Jr Pt I Lenvin to Jr Pt, II Leavituc--- Sarah McLean. 1u','c', Ector, Lily Wal. ker, Cannon Aljoe. Public School Department. Jr IV to Sr IV-Bertha Swirling. Ed. ith Allan. ti"et."%li/,'Ja/t Jennie Wilson, Mary Ritchie, illle Lament-e, Clan-k- son McCain], Willie Campbell and Arch. Davidson eq, Pearl Warner and Alfred McUlocklin ml. Clifford Siegner. Albert McClocklin Emma Harvey, Marlon Gun and John McKinnon eq. Sr III to Jr Iv-Bessie Telford. Irene Latimer, Katie Clark. Robbie Laidlaw, Ella Ector, Stanley McNally. Nellie Smith. Charlie Dowling. May Glass. Ettie Hunter, Ruby watson, Thomas Holt, Annie Alioe, Charlie Haulage, Ads Liniin. Lizzie Kirmee, Hugh lone. ley and Cecil Wolfe eq, Charlie Craw- ford, Sadie Kress, Lvnn Grant, Jessie Union. Oscar Hahn. Flint Hind. Jr IH to Sr IH-George Carton Minna Snumk-rs, Belle Ector, Bertha Downs, Eva Burnet, Foster Saundem. Ella Kin- nee, Lillie Harris. Bea Wilson and Laura Sivgm-r eq, Willie Gadd, Nellie Meeker, Willie Cameron Mal-inn Currie. Special Offer In PHOTOS , PROMOTION EXAIINATIONS. ..-.. i'i?i M Jii Your driving outfit is not com plete without one of our Buggy Das, tors and Lap Rubbers. Examine our Calf Weaners and Milking Tubes. Our variety of Scythes is simply immense. Look at the 2.se ones. Paris Green and Bluestone in abundance. Oar Gasolene and Coal Oil Stoves are worthy of inspection. The weather is getting warmer ond you require some of our Screen Doors and Window Screens. Our customers fully appreciate Sherwin-Williams Paints because they are adaptable to every use. can be applied at once and always give a splendid. glossy and smooth surface. See our Pantry and Kitchen Brands. For Sale at Ewww ""'t :iilrhat, ji,:, (t About 't g. 6 , A , (ii": hdlllllllf I (ll , DRUGGISTS & SEEDSMEN. 'jtigiyztsiyeipqs 4ieifsiMMfslr? d ;litiiiik1"iiid ti,l5,!le,Y? 1 Kodak JWardwara f When you are scouring the town for good Butter if you will remember that we arrange with the best dairy farmers in South Grey to supply our trade. We dont back up. We claim to have the best assorted stock of Groceries in town. Flour, MEALS, and other Cereals. It Will Help Some Smoked meats, Bol ogna, &c. Also Coal Oil J BURNETT. Back Up Cold Inmm' _ I... by III-mu. on. 06 w. Black Sole Agents for WESTON’S BREAD. mun-loam " It's yours if you a, take it with a Ko-e " . 0% dak, and so 21mp- 4, ly done a child can 6 . . 4) do 1t. Let us a, show you. Weg have them from $1 A, up. W. Black's Store. geit' frwomrd Cm. Jenna". â€or Ind" rill, TRUNKS, 1ralites, Club lugs, 50111" _Batm, Shawl Strum in stock a love: prices. What about Shoe Dressing“ TERMS, We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. or, den or enquiries left at C. McArthur', More, or " the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. f?Itttottt, Work and ropnirin prmttptl.rhttettdesd to. Just the thing tor summer m We have them in all size, Ladies. Misses and Chllr ALSO other styles of strap Trilhy n Oxtonds. Try a pair a our " Peel-lea Udiek' Bad for Wear a comfort. â€S’Egzs 'laken in REMEMBER; THE PLACE Bll 8001 I 'lit " OUR CHILD‘S " LIGHT " A FEATHER Necessarily it's a wholeSomc My m --not heavy, soggy. indigestihlc. IV, take pardonable pride in the [muhn' of our bakery. and dvspepsia docrm 1 follow in its wake. Rowe's btcud is, _ household word in many homes-ss y., not in yours. -- Have you seq-u those -- COLONIAL SLII’PERS at the. A. B. McARTHUR Also another Shipment m the renowned and up-todatr Kant Organs. Call and test them, theyare open for i.,-. tion. . Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mid (laugh Sublet, Lunbton St. Ready for Spring Trade Jordlll'l Old 8tand, next door tt MM†Illplement Warehouse Only Drill in the Market neared (m both wheels and full “has ot We carry in qtoek Packard ‘s crm 1gi,teloy," Gilt Edge, Nonsuch il Ill Itt Cat, ttt is a yew P' 1.11 2 in 'rtr' nbeam oil, Slum lo J, l chLRAITH. Just arrived It the Show Rooms of Barclay & Bell, a Car- load of which Ire known and approved of all men to be ttttsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality. Call and seethem and if you do not want to buy one for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Jiarn Gradual) Peter _Hamittort's Goods in Stock lo A, IlOWlu' 7gsf, failâ€? Quilting. for Goods.rrcu “3-“ a 'ik"itr,' Lt Garriagos. av? CASH an ( ant an qi, And loo' Calm-rm a ydh lung S!, 35 25 HES Coded w., TIN? i; white Hed FToor 6tilch Buck Mer Airts, . NEW Pltl TH E with l Sylvesu Ch, l1\' Sh! a Doll] 1 ood [mir- be (If Sh som and thor Calder s w Bel "tttl ow l _ Whttr up lo TWi GRD :OC 4.Fli ro _ Cttttr um- a cum! bestow: In: liss I Wc and gai Wu) AT U " "" DI U