tii. ta, 'Rush to Ctark's ttitiFjsb'otue useful horses for sale. _-.-------- a see, to test, to be convinced Cash and ' Price. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more All the newest and latest ideas in trimmed Millinery at reduced prices. Now is your opportunity to secure a new ready-to-wear at an exceptional- ly low price. That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Large selection of ready-to-wear Hats 'idsummer '0titthtery ES 'i' Warlock. John Clark Dr. Pigkeriniz shined at hm home in Mount Forest not week. Mr. Jno. Cochrane, Toronto, is visit- ing It Mrs D. Ja.ckson'a Mr. Noyce. of GuelJm was a. guest at the 'dirr-- Wehher We ding. Min-s Corn Mum". Owen Sound. is a guest. of the Misses Landluw. Mr. Jun. 1S,ttg, of Ripley visited nt Mr. Wm. Scum ers' on Sunday. Min Ethel Campbell. of Miss Dick's millinery more. is homo holidaying. Miss Edith Everett of Pallnerstmi visited her sister Miss Grace. this week. Miss Ethel Elvidge leaves on Satur- day to visit her brother Walter in Fir- Mr. Finlay Graham spent a. tew days with Paisley friends last week. gns. - Mr. w. K. Reid visited ms snn Robert. H. B. Student. Mt Forest, who is not, well, we believe. Misses Grace and Maggie Gilmour. of Hampden spent, a day or two with friends in town lately. Miss Magma Hunter and Miss Kate Cameron came home from Toronto on Tuesday for holidays. 7 Miss E. "Atkrnson dame home lately from Toronto. and will spend a. long holiday at her old home. Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Brown. o. Sound. attended the wedding of the iatter’s sister. Miss Susie Webber. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Malian and daugh- ter. are at. Mayor Mclntyre'.n at present attending their son's wedding. Miss McNahh, Toronto. is holidaying with Miss McIntosh of town. and other friends in the country at present. Miss Olivene Marshall and brother 1 Archie, Ottawa. are visitors at the home of their grandfather, M r Jno Robertson. Mrs. Angus Cameron, Upper Town. is in Fitzroy Harbor near Ottawa, attend- ing to her father. who is not expected to live. Mr. and M rs. Dunlap. of Clinton. call- ed on the latter's sister, M rs. Angus Cameron. Tuesday. on their way to visit in Stayner. Mes Farqnlmrson came home last Fri. day from a trip to Palmevsrton. Harris. lon. and Cotswold where she was speak- ing in the interests of w F. M. S. Mesa“. Blnkeston. Dnndalk, Jas. Al. lan and Geo, RIPS formerly of the Kna pHousmmeup limnts for the as. hump“: _.........,.-. " of... unusual Raffqe. """ti'""""'.-' .r'r ,, . ition of caretaker of the Housenf Refuge. Rey Mr. Stewm t, was at the Presby- terian Church on Sabbath evening and took part in the devotional exereisom. It is needless to my that Mr Stewart has mung; warm friends in the Presity- terian U Inch. Miss Jean Marshall of East Nov-manly and Miss Annabel Mellvride of Craig- lmrst. who has been visiting relatives In Normanby for a month or so were eal. lows on Mrs. C. Rulnagv and Miss Mc- Kechnie. on Monday. Me. Adam M. Brown ol the Marine Beryice, Parry Sound, was In town for a few days attending the wedding of his sister. He wus accompanied on his return trip by Miss Jean Brown who will rusticnte for 't few weeks among the Highlands of Ontario. The friends of Mr. Will u. Van, As- sustant Ticket Agent of G. T R. and Lake Shore Ry. at Detroit. Mich. who with his parents lived ill Durban for so runny years. will he inlpreeted to hear of his umrringv to Miss E. M. Ballinger. of Versailles, Ohio. at Windsor, June ll by kdv. Mr Tolmie. tJAcuourrunr.---irt (ilelwlg, on the Will inst.. In Mr. and Mrs. MavtmCaul- fleld, a daughter. S'l‘lssox.»-- In Bentinck, on the Nth inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stinsnn. it daughter. mtowxvso.--On Sunday. June 21st. to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Browning, a MARRIED. CoruoyvT--HtmuEsc-- On Wednesday June 17th, at Ilia residence of the bride's parents. by the Rev. Wm Far.. quhnrsnn. Edward Carlo". of Barrie. to Mary Bella, daughter of Arthur Hughes. of Sullivan. s'TrxyurocsE--Bnows.--At the Freaky- teliun Church. Durham, on June 24th. by the Rev Mr Iiurqutyitspts, Mt Her- bert T. Stonehousu of Durham, to Miss Grace Brown, of Long Rapids. Mich. M AHss--Mclsa'YrtE. _--- On Wednesday June 24th, at the residence of the Mayor. by Rev. Mr Mnhnn. assisted by Rev Mr Farquhnrsou. Dr. Mahan, , to Miss Beatrice McIntyre. A “inwme lady is Miss Li'sliv. M the town, who i! spending a few pleasant. days her friend, Miss Mtrry Vasey. Mrs Wesley l-‘allis returned to the munty town on Saturday mot spending . pleasant fortnight luaud around the burg. The Romnn Catholic picnir. which was billed tor Wednesday the 17th. and was marched owing to the inclement weather will he held ucsday. 23rd inst. Particulars later. A prptty but quiet wrdcllng was mlomnized in the suburbs on Wednesday last when one ot our most charming young ladies in the Larson of Miss Mary Hughes wuss united in the "lg bonds of mntrlmony to Mr Edvard Corlett. he nuptial knot wu tied by Rev Mr gtnu,lpirte'l,',, of Durham. The happy couple left for uric amidst the best wishes of all for a long. happy and prosperous Journey o'er this vale of tears. daughter. pen THE DURHAM REVIEW tii-a.,. ‘SL um. Dornoeh. BORN ll ickers. Miss Lyiliv, yi.the qqyglly - ' "1TH: visitinir TORONTO Warden Preston Lays the Corner Stone " " nl'c "luv-"r“ n. -..V -_,,, Standard for an earig " proof†of the proceedings at the important function of laying the corner Stone of the new County Building at Markdale. Follow- ing are extracts and condensation' from the write up which we regret not being able to give in full I " On hursday {as}. 1unt,18t,h,: the ausirc1oiii"iivfiFi' di"iiislnir the Corner Stone of the House of Rebate M. Mark- dale. was succegfully Ltytip1tre1. by THE HOUSE OF REFUGE. UNIC‘ WM ruLLCinv-uu’ 'e"'"""".--""" - D. K. Preston, Warden of the County. in the Presence of a very large guthor- ing. Notwithstanding the short notice triven--nts it was only decided on Thea- day that it should be laid last week. while the County Council was in session here-ala- cmwd was present from various other parts of the county, from Meuford. Fleshevton, Durham and inter- mediate places. The weather was all that could haye been desired. At two o'clock the Count Council mi- semhled at the Murkdnie [fame corner. and headed by Murkdnle Silver Band and also by the inspiring alumina of the "great. Highland Pipes". under the ton- trol of a. splendid sample of the genus homo from the thriving village of Price- yille in the Pepe". of Mr. Peter F. Mc- LThiiid.ain'Gi J ohn McArthur, county councillor of No. 5 Division-and follow- ed also by the scholars of Murkdale Pub. lic School in charge of Principal Rowe. a quite large procession was formed and a start was made for the site of the. House of Refuge. A platform had been erected at the north-east corner of the building where the stone was laid. and upon the platform the nwtnhers of the County Council were seated, together With several other prominent. gentle- men ' Dr. Hamill, Mayor ot Meaford; C. It. Sing; Matthew Richardson. M. P. for South Urey; w. Irwm. of the Durham Chronicle: U. w. Rutledge, of the Mark- dale Standard ', W. H. Thurston. of the Flesherton Advance; Rev. Mr. Hunter, [ Presbyterian minister of Markdale: Rev l Mr. Chantler. one at the Methodist min- isters of Markdnle: Thos. Kells. an old County Councillor ; w. J. Shortill, Reeve of Markdsle; James Howes. Eat... of St. Vincent, and others." We are indebted, In the Igayltdatle John McArthut opened the prowed- ings by moving with felicitums remarks that Chas. Clot don. ex-warden, take the chair and Mr. Gordon got a very \Vlll'lll reception. After thanking,r the mover and the audience. and making some complimentary allusions to prosperous Markdale, he made pleasing reference lo the approaching completion of the building, which he had at, one time op- posed, and was glad to tind others it- mung the older numhers who had changed sides also. He then called on Rev. Mr. Hunter who stepped forward and offered up an earnest prayer for the success of the undertaking. Mr. M. Richardson. M. P., and an ex- wnvden ot the Canny, was next called upon and was teveived with applause. ife spoke of the pleasure it. gave- him to be present. of the beautiful weather, and was glad to meet so many old County Council Assoeiates, particularly Messrs. Schtenk and Mctlolnmn. friends of 30 years' standing He also confessed to conversion in favor of the institution they now saw under way. He congrat- ulated the Council on the site chosen, they had made no mistake. and he re- joiced that, soon the disgrace of sending our old people to gaol would be wiped out, We were coming more and more to recognize the ' Brotherhood of Man " and in doing so we were honoring the .. Fatherhood of God." He closed in an eloquent optiuustic, strain, and sat down "rtrlf applause. , . \Vnraen Preston recognized that, in. stitnnons of this kind marked the (hirer- enee between heathen and Christian lands, His closing words of an appro- priate speech Were '. .. In this home the. old and infirm Will be received and carv- fully provided for by a Chrislian com- munity. I trust, that thnsa who come here to he cared for. will not room feel- ing that they are getting charity, hut that they will come. as a matter of right" Ex-warden McKinnon felt proud that he too had turned from the .. error of his wavs." For lack of information he had opposed the erection of at House of Refuge. but on further information, he had changed his mind, and wus now pleased that a structure so creditable was being erected. and he believed when it. was chmpleted We would all he proud of the structure. Mr. McColnmn was glad their effort to have at House of Refuge for aged and infirm was being hroughtto a cuccessful issue. Mr. Shortlll. reeve of Markdale, was proud the Council had chosen Markdale, and was sure his people would show syn: athy and good will to the old people who would new the build- ing. Dr. Ego spoke lrtjefiy and elo- quently. and felt honored at the choice of mo. and was sure the building would honor the County Council. Rev. Mr. Hunter and Rev. Mr Chandler spoke in similar strains and the limitless of the day wasrcached. - the Warden then with trowel and mortar prepared the bed for the stone. which was lowered and deelared "well and truly laid in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost." and the luyiuf of the. corner stone was an ac- com-p ithed fart. . , "Iii the cavity in the corner stone was l placed a. copper box. in which were placed a large number of copies of the minutes of County Council. dating from 18:31 (the tirst year in which the county had a separate. autonomy) and coming down to the present date'. There was also at recent copy of each of the newspaper'? published in the county l one each of the silver coins of the Dominion issued in the reign of Queen Victoria, and of me silvet coins issued since the beginning of the reign of Edward VII l list of the names of the present members of County Council. the County and Government omeinlg of t the county. names of members of the House of Commons and of the Local i Assembly of Ontario. Under the contract. the building is to he completed, in the month of Octo- her next, and the work as far as_done has the appearance of being very saus- factory and creditable to the builder." The pupils of the Public School sung some patriotic pieces and Mr Peter Mc, Arthur played, a selection on the pipes, at intervals of the speaking. DIED. CatrrrExDEN.--m Varuey. on J une 23rd, Isaac Crittenden, aged 79 years, and 5 months. ..-.-A _ tf"""""' wavwg ' 6 it, What t, gAbout ' IEIA 'li, For Sale at 3rd, I ' and l ' A ‘3' Cl t hdllilllllf I 60. t, :DRUGGISTS & SEEDSMEN. t apF4iiMistiNIF atsipt1Mfee3sir? 'We have had many big weeks, but last week was a record breaker in he sale of Sherwin-Williams Ready Mixed Paints. Our customers are fast finding oat that it is easy to become a gamer by using mesa paints for either case, Carriage. Waggon or Imple- ment use. See all the fine houses that are being painted by amateurs using If you want 3 good Razor or Scissors. buy 3 Clause. and you will get satisfaction. Everv cuticle guaran- teed. We carry an immense stock of them. 7 Before the weather gets any warmer, call and secure your Screen Doors and Window Screens. Our stylet will tttV. itsiy, you. -'.r- Just to harifa very fine assort- ment ot Tre.. Do not miss this oppor- tuniw of secunnngne. _ _ _ . WWI} you reqiiire anvthing in the Woodenware. line, remember we keep everything from 3 Spoon to a Clothes Horse. Why allow that horse annoy you by jumping into the grain when you can buy a Poke soch_eap_. -- _ A Tis carry a. amok it Bicycle San. dries and a few Bicycles: -- Secure one of our Lawn Mowers. and your Lawn will always be in good shape. Oar Harness Department is stocked with all kinds ot Harness, Lap Rugs, Lap Dusters. Lap Rubbers, and the greatest variety ot Whips manu- facturcd. l It Will t, Help Some Kodak HARDYVA RE t. When you are scouring the town for good Butter if you wilt remember that we arrange with the best dairy farmers in South Grey to supply our trade. Back Up We dont back up. We claim to have the best assorted stock of Groceries in town. Flour, MEALS, and other Cereals. Smoked meats, Bol- ogna, &c. Also Coal Oil. w. BLACIL J BURNETT. that makes your horses glad. Sole Agents for WESTON’S BREAD. " It's yours if yang, take it with a Ko.6 dak," and so gimp-g ly done a child can R, do it. Let us i, show you. wee have them from 3: t up. W. Black's Store. (irl ' JUNE M, 6" (by Wood: / / We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries: left " C. McArthur's store. or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. 'rar £001" rill, Only Drill in the Market geared from both wheels and full 1iGGrot OUR BREAD" " UGHT " A FEATHER Necessarily it's a wholesome bread --not heavy, soggy, indigestible. We take pardonable pride in the product of our bakery. and dyspepsia doesn I follow in its wake. Rowe's bread is a household word in many homes-why not in yours. Bll MI I SHOE MORE. ---. Have you we" thow W COLONIAL SLIPPERS at the Just the thing tor summer wear We have them in all sizes tor Ladies. Misses and Children. ALSO other styles of strap Trilby and Oxtords. Try a pair ct our $2.25 Peerless Ladies' Bad for wear and comfort. Ready for Spring Fade What about Shoo Dressings 35m Hanailgn’s Goods in Stock. TRUNKS. Values, Club Bags, Schoo Bags, Sbnwl Straps in stock a lowest prices. Custom Work and repairine promptly attended to. TERMS, -- - CAS" Also another Shipment of the renowned and up-to-date Kant Organs. Call and test them, theyare open for "NH - tion. SEE-“Eggs 'lakgan in REMEMBER THE PLACE Just arrived at the Show Rooms of Barclay & Bell, a Car- load of ftamous . B. McARTHUR Agents. H Show Rooms opposite Mid- daugh Stables, Lambton St. which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality, Call and seethem and if you do not want to buy one for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Jtarn 61'9an Summer! Than ideal who" of the ymr Comp-Jed with thee how in tlw mi INN-all Thy chann- u! noticed in the morning Hum Whim the an (“Inch the dusky brow of mum And amalgam any [in twilight: lurid plow Ughte hr. went with such a gum-nu.- slum And int' emerald 'de', when all is still Md moon och . ' alley. ttrck and hi1. hunk, how his! and hum" um: uould l.- " hand in hand he dolly w. heat with Thee in summer thou don humify the mm 'pttgtge,1tt, Splendor shim-s on Hwy hum ly) P.?re.'thte, ue minimum; mun "t' .r, The 1tiriiiid%Gk' Gk'Cii7 £51335." '36 iri.irri/ if All Tun-ed We in om- mud army lion d on the mm we m innate my. Mould on the mm eye m inmate my tlo Summer! Kings neuron. child of light. While mum wt an mv we take (ll-hum HI 'tt1ittt1eets.,.Griiiiéidiis high, For every m‘ GfiiFeTi airarrii: We carry in stock Packard 's Com bination. Gilt Edge, Nonsuch an d Black Cat. which is a very pop tl lprdresjng, Sunbeam oil, Sllinol a. Jorxutrss Old Stand. next duor to Cmvbeu 'tt Implement Warehouse l l MclLRAITH. in if“ 'ik] . A. ROW E gudhopp exchange for G ooo.. SUIIER Ttrel, excellence talking cutters Garriagu. a And look in a Ctttdet"s "lo, 21 yds lung q .. HE SEL a; Mller Wmdow Table Linen, M White 81115] Flour Uilvlull Black M ' NEW PRINT“ nod pair of sh fine of New"; THE EES AT LOll! 'oulod “In! White, m up to . . , with Ft Sylvester skirt Ow I“. N Will ( Shortlu come a sum god kmdrm tbomuzhl." Spring term enter at any out to any I oc .. The la a continua bestowed a be found (“WES N" TWEE GRDCE P F cider a mod Clem and you gains R BI] l Ill!" and!" tgunt Miss Harri AT We c ttt Bl I] hold-l oard IAN " DRY ()0 1m TN su h." My at it‘-