Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Aug 1902, p. 6

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k] H t) t, the G. T. ll and the ' C. n. On unanimous in stating that the new unit-o will be a good thing for Canada. and that they will do every- tunx in thth' power to provide the I‘m-chip pmpzo with the neceuary Wt. Up m receipt of the new: Mr. Andrew A. Allan telegraphed to New __ - ,. ---- -- nuu - Atrtea. Wich the t-xcrption of the able to the Uanadian Manuraeturerr 'Auodation from Sir Willlam Unlock Ittle or no information has been. received, but, notwithstanding this, Po freight d 'r'tttrnertts pf 9.9 C. P. A Iontrml despatch says there in client “(Isfacllon among the mean It ot the Board of Trade that the Government hue arranged a regular Denice between Canal; and Smith A‘-_.. II-I.L .. .- ALSO COTTON AND SHOES Canadian Flour in Demand There, ati'o 633323: no" wife, during- ” of tho net inc WU. loss the l whieh Ina]! be der, -V _ -vuanuvu'tl‘lrl Inc". “I M. Black. (Jun-lea Moors and Ric Rice. are tett 351110 each. All c employees in the Detroit office Id: $250 each. Bequelto of 8100 'an are made to all the family unto. . ,.---,-vv wv v;U,WU,‘ 'NIO, wa- lel for probate to-day. It contain- the» public bequests: at, tho Home of the Friendlm, the Woman's Hosp'tat and 1"ounuiingts" Home. the children‘s Free Hospital Aluminum: and the, Little Iii-ter- of the Pint. 31.000 each ; tr Grace Hos- pital. 860.000. The Jrfrerrron avenue home in tub city II left to his widow, and she is “out” a life interest In the Eagle. Ind property at Men.8etrter-tv-rtik Bax. Han. mm of $1.000 ouch are - to m: non-ilrlaw. daughter-mg kw and nephews and nieces. Three of hi- former eonfiuentiat men, George M. Black. (harm Moors and Richard Rice. are tett 853110 each. All other 1'J',r"i'.,rt,tt in the Detroit office are I t "A A- -" " - - Donut. Mi V, (laputch .' Tho wi I ot the law Henalor James McMinluu, dawning of an (mate variously culi- lutcu at trom $6,000,000 to $10,000.- nnn -..- v-~- " _ HOW IT WAS DISPOSED 0F Blllf WITH jiflllll His Estate Said to Total $10,000,000. 1ifllll0jl tl'lljlll.llll't Will to -_ _--~».- nuuallc " the atrocious treatment. The police orfietto, do not deny the severe methods, and defend their aotion-upon the ground that tt lit necessary in dealing with hard- onod criminals. Confessions obtain- ed in this manner are regularly re- pudiated by tlm criminals on the witness stand. and they assert that they made them under tortnr-nml welder tor a moment a conleeuiou mural in this manner. Prominent men generally in Chicago expreeseri their horror at the revelation. “and Cries tor Mercy. From the statements of thenewe- paper men who frequent the police headquarters at the city the ap- plication 'of the "third degree" in order to obtain ooniessiona is the rule rather than the exception“ Frightiul storiea are told ot the excruciating agony endured by the rolleo Inspects. who are strung up by the thumbs, kicked and clubbed until their cries for mercy can be hard beyond the confines of the coil. in which they are held. The central station " painted a verita- bie chamber of horrors, where tor.. ture in regularly administered to meet-able wretchee who have no tttnu.ntte or standing in society. _ Won-e.'l'haa Blinder. l Specific instances are related where men have passed into the l "third degree chamber here erect l and firm. only to be brought out 1 inter in a complete state of col- : hue, trembling with terror and " bleeding from cute and bruisee. A t lumber have been driven insane by " ther atrocious, lrnn‘mnnf A "dtatrraro to the dark agel, and which hen no place among enlight- ened people.” Cale- were recited where prieunere had been treated in the moat shameful manner. beaten and ecu-val. k:p: snake in the glare d the electric lights tor days at a time, In own- to force them to give the police clues. Opinions of promin- ent Judges are quoted, in which they denounce the method. ae outiawry and the rlcourue of eavegeu. Several Judge- drclu-ed that they would not l "cape furthér “ail-n?” Mnjur Portton to Widow. . Chicago; Ill., Aug. L'ti.--Tho police giMthttrtq panned in securing con!"- Ionl tron Inspected criminal. in Chi- - have caused a hunt of Lacuna- ttmt lit this city that threaten: to Qua. an 1nseartigatiom The attention d tho pubic was caJleu to the bar-1 "rier practice: of atoning evidence by the published reports of the "-eatind" of the mupectl in a. re. cent mutational murder case here. Plum day to day report- of the pres- lll'o being put on the suspected critm. “all! were punished until the pres- eaned upon the higher authorities to put a stop to methods which were PRISONER FRIGHTFULLY ABUSED Pubiic Amused Over Police Torture Methods. Batman's " ga-iii my u they assert that under torture and we state of col- with terror and I and bruises. A driven insane by Good L'ti.--Tho police u Iecuring conlen- og criminal. in Chi- 3; run: of Lndlgna- tr Lt thmtenu to Ca I. The attention du led to the bar.. ch: . an 0mm. evidence on ports of the to Tri? , re. cat "___ v. van; up wan: to pass through Canada. to settle In sour other country, and whom the Minister of the Interior or otrteer to whom he entrusts the matter eonsidert, ought 'not to be allowed to land in Canada. The Mtn- Inner ot the Interior gives Inch 1-- trtruettonq tor the entmou-n‘ A “A u_-vv uuvll l.- uu-Ieuonl for the enforcement od the net to he lees m. )rf""'e""ivur"ru nus been paired for the issue or a proclamation putting in force "an act to amend tho In!- migration Act" passed inst session. In view ot a large number of immi- grants who are now coming from foreign countries to Canada and to the United States via Caadtan port. it has been damned expedient to pro- Mutt tho (wading in Canada abooiutely of any immigrant or other passenger who is suffering from any loathsome. dangerous. or infectious disease b or malady, whether such immianno " -~---~~- uuuura it has been themed Mutt tho landing iat ot anv Immim-nno n An Ottawa despatch prder-in-coGeii has be the “no or a proclan in force "an act to an migration Act" passed In View ot a large nun grants who are now foreign countries to Ca the United States via. t It t.-, t ‘ PMIIIIIUOI to one v “a vu‘u‘ucu- There are also rumors. correspondent of the Dan. an Impending struggle tor t between Gen. Botha and Nd mu Ion-many abdicnto his position as Afrlkander chief, and hand over the reins and the residue of lands to Gen. Botha and Gen. Do Wet, and Messrs. Fischer and Wolmarans. who were formerly Boer delegates. Mr. Wol- marans. accordlnr tn Hm q.-.------... ' KRITGER “'ILL ABDICATE. Will "and Over Reina to Donia, Dow“ and Two Dolegueo. London, Aug. 25.--The "orretrpond- put of the Daily Mail at The Hague telegrams he la informed that at the approaching meeting between General Botha and hla colleagues and former President Kruger, the latter will rortmut.r abdicato his mnitlnn n- urosan with mnotion. said: ; " All those who organized this ex- hibition of art and industry hare contributed to the growth ot both nations. We South Africans were on the road to development of art and industry, but our legs were cut from under us; consequently we need help and support to rise again. It is for that very purpose that we have come to Europe. and we are thankful for the honors shown and the help given us by the Dutch." i brytr0riii"iuiciioii, th " We an deputies," said the Boer lcoU,,2ttii',',tfg,1e,'?it "ot one of the most ruined Ireopro-ruined only be- cause we have dorm our duty and defended our liberty and imlepond- once, for which no sacrifice could be too great." The generals have "quested the members of the Prc-Boer Assoeiatlon to refrah from making anti-British lpeechec, which the Boer command- ers my may possibiy lmpalr tho 'nle-, coca of their mission to Great Ill-Huh- ( smmma our DISEASE L The Hague, Aug. 2.G.-h public re- Cd,)',,, was accorded tho Boer gen- ernll on their arrival here to-day from Rotterdam. The space in front of the hotel wh-ro apartments had been secured for the Boer generate wau closely packed with people, shoots ot "Lam: Mn. Hm I’M-n" M Ann - BRITISH SPEECHES. " I York for Bmth African rates, bat bu not yet received a reply, Saba» ’unntly the three lines Interested ‘held a meeting at the omeear ortho Ji‘urness Line to talk over the situa- (fiom Mr. Thom. manner of the latter company. stated that the an- e nouncement was to than as 8 than- derclap "We had nboolutely no f warning of it, and we hare no new. beyond the mere cablegram announc- ing the fact." tht ’change the an- nouncement was well received, and. , although many leading business men are out of town, those on the "floor" . thought there was now a splendid - opening for "anada, more especially {n ..:..... " r ac, - Botha Said They are the Dep- uties of Ruined People, llllfll [WERE g Mull, _ _w, _-.v “you...” in view of the encouraging report of Mr. J. J. Jardine, the L‘aiiadiau trade commissioner in Smth Atria. ('anadion Pxports were very large during the war, and many tirrmr. in- cluding boot and whoa manufacturer- and cotton um, have received repeat orders, which thtrv have been unable to till owing to the luck ot communi- cation. Both the Ogilvie and the Lake of the Woods Milling Companies are preparing to send large Ship- ment: of flour, the Canadian' article baring gum immense amblaction there,' and c;:mmanding a large mar ket during the war. Over 250,000 sacks of Canadian tlour were shipped and altogether Canada. sold some- thing ovrr $10,000,000 to Slut}: At- rim. Oi" v-mzrse much of this was for war von5unurtion, but :ldvir'es received in " Owni‘ng produco broker here this week stat. that Um out- look, Peivcitruy ?il ttter Transn'nnl trw. breadtrtath, ol (XL-QED; min-ant Act. 5 Mrs, ot the rkArcir quuea. also rumors. my. the ' a! 4L, .. .. wmm tncv have been unable owing to the lack of communi- Botll the Ogilvie and the I the Woods Milling Companies eparing to send large ship- of flour, the Canadian' article uelegntas. Mr. Wol- ling to the correspond- ion, will endeavor to Leyds, the European ".--. _. .. Des, Wet,' in the pailiiiiic"iri as or a spa-ch Gen. that he and his col- rt come here to hold tho cordiality of their Ktreet to l.- 8331: A An supremacy I Gen. Do that HIP out- Transvaal, for a voice the Boer at Hamburg, Aug. 25.--A statue in honor ot the late Empress Frederick wag unveiled here to-day with con- siderattte ceremony In the presence ot the Emperor and Empress. the Crown Prince Frederick William, oth- er members of thes w-o "....i- - . er members of itid the civil and milita A sum. of uii teeth, pound down into his stomach. and all efforts to locate it have been unsuccessful. He was removed to the hospital In Hartford this afternoon, where he will probably have to under- go an operation. The X-mya will firtrt be employed to locate the teeth. The pmié.";leiclx be” two teeth, mused down into m. at: Winston]. Conn., Aug. 2G.--Wiu'ie eats ing on Friday evening, Frederick M. Darrow, exmuon agent at Nanak, and a. telegrapher well known throughout "onttreticut, swallowed his mum teeth. . Accident to SWAI.LOWS ms FALSE TEETH A man giving his name as John Cox was arrested at Chandler to- day, and is held pending an invent!- gatlon. The coffin to-day contained a cake of ice weighing about two pounds. The police have no claw to the where.. abouts or either man. LOOKS nib non WILLIE. "Wilue, your mammal. want. to the you some he Bait find the key to the paltry.” mutt. all right. mm; I can - In .-'rbts,_= _ _.. .- Lu\lu‘rl.' vel tel-y near Orlando and bought coffin. which he buried with the “stance of , colored man. . -V -., u..." -er.--t0C, my!!- tm'y Surrounding the supposed death of fl. S. Morris, ot Madison, Kan., was heightened to-day when his grave neur Orlando was opened in the pre- 1 sence of about GOO persons and found to be empty. Friends of Morris, who believed that he had been murdered, had requested the authorities to (n- hume. the. body. Telegrtumrot inquiry have been received from Morris' wife, and from insurance orders in Madi- son. of which ho was a member. Morris, appeared a week ago in com- pany with a man who gave his name as Cox, and who represented himself " a. loan agent. On Monday Cox reported that Morris had been killed in a runnwm~ accident. The man pur- chased a lot in a. country ceme- fnnr ----- A . - KAISER HONORS MOTHER "e-e-v v. ynv Luca. n is likely that the example of Lady Raglan 'in exhibiting home]! in her coronation robes will be follow- ed by sevvral peers-see in aid ot charitable undertakings. It in re- ported that Lord and Lndv Harris will exhibit their when at a bazaar in Belmont, Kent, next Wonk um lawn. WIIPI'O tea. was served at small tables at an extra charge ot 3d. Her 1adrehip converged {rusty with hor. gucsts regarding tho nPcnsnity of supporting clmrltahlv institu- tions. She seemed to be anxious that her guests should take in all the de- tails ot her costume, ”on showing the coronation medal, which was presented to peers and DPet'e:gt' In the farthest corner' Lady Rag- lan was Hunted by an escrltolre. She was dressed in her. white satin State ‘robes, with her crimson cloak, her lcoronet, and the rope ot pearls. The guests Stood silent in open- mouthed wonder at a rospecttul dis- tance. Now and then "or Ladyship would rise and sweep her. train across the floor, Kiving a View or, her. scarlet cloak. and causing a. mur- mur of admiration and laudatory comments. The guests then went to the lawn, where tea was served at small tables at an extra charge ot 3d. To-day, according to the pro- gramme, Ladv Raglan exhibited her- self, Barbed in all the splendor of her coronation robes, at her country house in Beckenham, at the modest charge of admission. Five hundred of her ludyship's neighbors, and many families of country people and tradess men in Boekentutm and Bromley, took tickets. A small, red-headed girl, guarded by no imposing-looking policeman, took ti.kots or 'thrip- mamas” at the gate. She shouted constantly: "This way to where her ludyship in receiving guests; now please go right in." Then she ushered them into a small drawing- room. Grouped into the middle of the room wore n bout thirty mun and women Humming Abbey coronation! tivkets. I London despatch: The Beckenham Journal Printed an advertisement the other day stating that Lady Raglan, the wire of the former Under-Secre- tary of War, would wmr her coro- nation robes and exhibit herself with her coronet to-uay at Cop?" Cape House. The otJut was the raising of money tor the Cottage Homltal, and the admission fee was fixed at, threepence. I - --_e..-- .. "no”, ULIJ‘ era of the Royal funny. and and military authorities. and SIX CENTS TO HAVE A LOOK, Exhibits Herself in Her Coro- nation Robes, UM HARM Mi A SHIN. at Hamburg. vow, " thatU what I . Counoctlcut Tue- grnphor. ”mine" Unveiled dal, which wag and (Increases. bf.netit consider- tinkjaGiit iiil J, will.be follow-i sP'asthl!tgton, D, pa; I can get in without a key!” wanted to know I" fliif,7 WE front TORONTO - H w... "'qPri. London, Aug. 20.--What is stated to be the oldest ship in the world has been sold at Tenerme to be broken up. This is the Italian ship Anita. registered at the port of Genoa. The Anita, which I1eeetrthiem Christopher Columbua' ship, the Santa Marta, we. built in Genoa in 1548. and enacted her last voyage at the end ot Munch. 1902, from Na.. plea to Tenerttte. The Anita won ot tremendously stout build, and had weathered countless storms and tor- nadoes in all parts ot the world, but the was also the newest chip "tttat . _ uoay and 01,700 Found in Cabin Week. Alter Dentin. Bail Lake City, Utah, Aug. '2G.--Ctte body of Peter Anderson, known as the hermit prospector of Park City, was found 10-day in his loner cabin, near the Anchor mill, in the Park City mining district. Anderson evi- dently had been dea dlor weeks. It is hettered that he died from starva- tion,. notwithstanding that 81,700 'dcntiy had been dead for weeks. It is believed $10,000 lies to his credit in various bunks. For twenty-six your: Anderson ilvod around Park City, at times owning many valuable mining proportles. Ro may always vxtremely miserly. His only known I relatives live in Sweden. Body and 01,7 STARVATION KILLS A MINER. .mwwuu. out more was no sign of life. The cause of the explosion could not ‘be ascertained (Infinitely. hut it was believed that either the careless handling of ammunition or tho want ot care in using lights in or near the magazine was account- able for it. .- . «a w.-...u u. lutlitl. A heavy pail of smoke settled over the spot where the cruiser had been, the bow of the Kai-Chin was seen sticking up in the air. The surface of the river was covet-ad for many acres with splinters of woodwork. but there was no sign of life. P"""on occurred at 12.35 p. m. The vessel was blown to pieces, and all of the officers and men, about 130, were lost, with the tau-option of a seaman. who was picked up slightly wounded. The report was (Inscribed as a sharp, tearing souad, resembling" Run fired With smokeless powder close by, and afterwards, it is stated. an immense column of smoke arose to a great height, the air being filled with broken and burn.. ing fragments of the shlp. as well as shells and scraps ot metal. A B..---., .. - fem MAN our or 130 ESCAPED‘ ,_ .-- C""""'"." ll": plosion occurred at 12.35 p The vessel was blown to pieces, all of the officers and men, a 130, were lost, with the met-p of a seaman. who was pieked slightly wounded. Explosion Ihat Wrecked the Chinese Cruiserjs'ai-Chih, WAHSHIP illhlll n PIEEES Olden Ship In the World Detroit, Mich., dean-Itch: Harry Stewart, ageJ LW., of Windsor. whose parents reside in Paris, Ont., was instantly killed in Metzzer’s automo- bile repository, Detroit, late Yeti- ,terduy afternoon. He was about to take an automo~ bile to tho repair shop on an upper floor. He opened the safety gates at the elevator shaft and started the elevator. which was in the base- ment. In some way Stewart let the plates slip and was caught and held by them in such a way that the in» oending elevator floor caught him, dragged him through the gates and then dropped him into the basement. dead. f CRUSHED AND DROPPED DEAD. Caught in an Elevator in Detroit Shop, PARIS W5 AWFUL FATE. A cno'r then sang an ttrtthem,tsttd cheera were given for the Emperor William. A number ot other wreaths, were deposited on the pedestal, Including one trom Dowager Owen MatTthrritn of Italy, who was present. at (hovere- many. A choir their 333; cheera were given , William. -e"-.qrirW.r V' "U- ferred to her resotute tt enabled her to triumph tV (It triula und bear puti period of keen suffering. ideputatious from the regiments of ‘which the late Empress was hom. orary colonel. After a speech by the Burgumas- ter, in which he cuiogized the late Empress. the troops presented arms and the statue was unveiled. Emper- or William then placed a wreath on the pedestal and made a speeott,de- picting his mother as a steadfast promoter of art, scientific research. and the advance ot women. He re-1 !errgd A) her resmute spirit, whiCh. m1 cookies. but mreuG. €353“le ship was lying at Min-King. The ex- t., dean-Itch: Harry LW., of Windsor, whose in Paris, Ont., was in Metzzer's automo- d for weekm It ies to Ms credit For twont.v-eix ‘d around Park triumph oier the hard- beer patiently a long us ot metal. smoke settled ere the cruiser of the Kai-Chm A [ tn .-._-.,...u. 18“, All yen-nice. a Mexican cl {truck fl" tho head a: ragmen. of a. meteor his nmt near Elna. mu. on Friday. Crut on a. tarRe, flat boulder‘ peep. when the mat-“- --- -\r|l. Ll It?“ me Donner and was chattel-ed. A fragment hit the harder on the tem.. p10 and penetrated his head, qrr"ttetr tnqtant death. The lumen piece ot the meteor tound weighs about {our Donn-ill. "um-ugton, Del.. Aug. Pa.- Nine workmen are known to have been killed. tire are mining Ind three others were badly {Injured by the explosion of two steel digestive tn the helluva-e pulp mt ls of the Joe-up & Moore Paper 00.. on the Christian“ River. tetir, Those who were not killed outright rare mangled“h tn?! burned try engulf-f tttt steaun I: owed over t er bodies from the broken am; To add to the horror ot the dil- alter. the wreckage took ttre, but after lone dirlutir St the depart- nent mounted to who the flannel. and the work ot rescue mu con- tinned. The ulna ot handing [rt-Its hand t Winnipeg this year wag Mtietr, m Ivllm%rton, Del, Workman are kno killed, tire "a I others were bad]; explosion ot two the Dclnwm-a an... 9 KILLED, 5 MISSINE; mm. -. “WI-sung I white man before he dies. When ho was admitted as insane, the police made a statement as evidence ot his aberration that when he was married on July 2tth in a. church on Blemker street he pulled some keys and a few cents trom his pocket after the ceremony and offered them as n. tee to the minister. Weeks formerly lived at No. 216 East Fifty-Sixth street and was a barber. Explode. otTwo and 1 I Pqu am. Due to Disease..-" tt Dosss’t Kill "In, He Ilsy be All White. New York, Aug. '-'G.--Wiltiam R. Weeks, a negro. was sent to Belle- vue on Amst 14th, in s at. Vis- cent's Hospital ambulance from tho Charles Street Police Station. Bu l had been uctlng strangely, and on his arrival at the hospital he was put in the insane pavilion. When the doctors examined him they taunt! that all over his body that-oi we“: patches ot skin which had, turned white. Since his sdmisuion streaks of white have appeal-don his chin and face. The doctors are much interested in him. They say he is suffering from a rare skin disease, s. form of tuberculosis. it tho disease doesn't kill him shortly they on: he has a nhnnnn n! L“ . he has a AG/ii, we“! white man before In umrgeu mm the murder of William limited-v, his chum. in Rockwood Park, on August list. was commit.. ted tor trial to-night at the next Session of the Suprrme Court on September 'dnd. The (‘mwn has on- tublished a Itmug circumstantial also in addition to the evidence of 1ittielred Goodspeed. who was an unwilling accomplice in the dreadful, deed. Though evidence of a start- lint: character was submitted, the accused out through it all with calm tttditterenee, smiling contemptuous” as his former comrade told the fear- lnl details, of him crime. Asked lt he had anything to say. he coolly said. "Nothing. except that I am not guilty." Accused Boy Murderer gt St. John Committed for Tan. St. John, N. B.. Aug. L'.'5.-Frank Huggins, the fifteen-year-old boy charged with the murder of William Doherty, his chum. in Rockwood Park, on August let, was commit- tvd tor trial to-night at the next Session of the Rum-rme ('ourt on September 23nd. The (‘mwn has on- tttblUhed a Itmug circumstantial also in addition to the evidence of little-'Fred Goodsneed. whn who --i A NEGRQ WHITE IN SPOTS. “New. iiix.', Dr. Wldler died recently. and this they Wentworth hope that the con- tract is void because of the inabir. ity of the physician to keep that portion of " alluding to the setting up ot the skeleton. than thwarting any claim ot Dr. Wilder':, heirs for “'A..4._-“L., . . Wim 1 wo Rh '1: iGir ,.-..... *M%FW* nun. immune mun-eaten in thtworth. Another contract was made with him, in which was in- cluded a clause stating that the physician "does hereby agree to set up the skeleton of mid body in a glass case In his private office in such a manner that It may be ex- hibited to my professional and other: friends.” l Mr. Wentworth first received 8100 trom a Dr. Cove. ot Detroit, Mich, but Dr. Cowe died shortly thereafter. Some time ago Dr. H. L. Wilder, then in charge of the Klntr's County Hon- ‘pitul. New york. became intm-ested men of the profession actually bought and paid for his remains af- ter his death, each paying the mice of 8100. [Untllvel Two Doctor. Who Paid Hm OIOO lint-Ii for “In Body. Boston,_ Mass., Aug. 2.G.-- Walter Wcntworth, " famous eontortionirrt, now 77 years old, who lives in Med- ford, in wrestling with a legal pro- Mum. Physicians have marvelled at Ural wonderful little mun in his defi- anoe of the lawn or nature in dialo- mtiug Joints never intended to be Iiisiocnted. not! two, eminent gentlem comomlomsrs sum MN. i rrlvnl at the honpitul he wa- n the insane pavilion. When doctors exnmmed him they in... nu --- .. In Canada at 2 per acre. On receiving kd deed the emi- grants make another Imyment of it IN, while the remaining CG is paid by them in instalments on ur- rival in Ottawa. For the trip to (mind; each family has to pay St?. The emigration movement is ui- itcted by the well-known "issa" ambition. which has already or- ganised in ('anudu a Jewish colony by the name of "Hirsch." London, Aug. 21-11mm Russian Jewish families are now emigrating to Canada. At the head of thin movement stands one ot the rabbit ui‘the Government of votrn. A Jew- i ital: inmiiy desiring to emigrate lol l‘anada send- Cl to this rabbi. iie' forwarde this money to one ot the London rabbis. who eende in return I a deed of sale ot " acres of land‘ In ('nnada at " per acre. ( Melhuds by Which Immlxr-Ilon from . "um: " I'lld for. _.. .- “-.. -. “re a - Dunne-s man, left the city noma- ted to .3qu the (3:2. thing like two month. an the PB. ork of rescue was can. not (Into being uncertain. The young woman In charge ot the Inn-ines- ----- leellu very Decretlve on thla point, w by $6 Iuetror. and Mn residence at 1.508 Went King lo, Tex., Aug. .'ac--Ramoet “not in Vacant. . t, . lexical: Ibephord. wan A. Johnston. Dominion travelim. ho head and killed by a Immigration scent. was told by some a. meteor Whit. hex-dung I Immigrants that when they we" um Eula. In Edward. I owning the Atlantic one of their Friday. Cram no lentod , DENY. a man named Robert Hewett. Int boulder. wntohlng m. I lumped overboard and Walnovor '""trt the meteor ten. It “not I unto. although a, diligent scum any wan ahattirU A I tn- maul- TOOK IT coo LLY By say he is suffering a skin disease, a. torn I13. it the disease him tho-ray they any JEWS MIR CANADA. ot the du. * ttre, but ttre dean- the tunter, Dilute" In Yseo mink-k' iv. "a... "I!!! " would accept Mr. Fisher'- offer. and would treat a. mute building ot Tatttt 1llli'lit feet, for Canada. at the Id A Ont: Mutton. maul: all right- ' f no ”we". give. to other exhibit- t on. 'Ne Japanese Govornnmnt few days ago to Hon. r. N pane-o ©oe"ui-oenG.iii. th: Would accept Mr. Fisher". o would erect a. mute bu he? Clary-e feet, for Cal-l" was made -_---.. nun-nun“. at the Hutton Wt“? works, lune received notice of expnlcion from the union from New York. They at”) tho Wrteru ot their 'roeietr in in En¢land 3nd their mercury there knew the circumstance. toe. fore they hit. At tt meeting of the Conducmrd and 1tqtlwa.vtiivnur Asomriutlun 'rt Montreal resolution. were udopim! pledging “(number- not to um- op handle coal moved by non-uni m labor. no unoclatkm. it in alumna. reroute over 20.000. Further new. bu born touched or the Nordcnskjold 1nturtttie OHM-db “on. The vowel is imprisoned in the In. and preparation. had hoe» begun to proceed In dog amigos. The health of the members ot the part) was exeeilent. Wattor Arthur Noble, Toronto, has been presented with the bronze rue-la.) of tho Roral Cumdian Humane up sedation m. bravery in .tuinar from drowning- . lad named Fair at Ook. vllle in July last. Wood will be Mayo; hui; son's candida“. A “like was ordered us-day by the International Brotherhood of Blunt smiths and Help”. in all Naw York shop- tettere nu ndwuu-e of 10 pm- cent. in wages ite not granted. A dupMch from (lmolnnd emu-o that Rev. Mama Wood, formerly ot Toronto. will run tor Congress against Mr. T. E. Burton. Roullr, Wood will be Mayor Tum 1.. John- . 7..-...a.. “In: 1-'. was killed. His body we.- badly crushed, and he died almost in. “an“. E. E. headmaster. you of W E Lendbuter. ot Wood-took. in norm. alter . trip to Martinique. He on". he wan the tint man to ascend Mount mice alter the eruption. TI Col. Bt. erv. of the Vrenct, tum, refused to obey an ordvr to elm-u a. conpzfegutiouint school, and will he lmpnaoned and court-martiaiiod. In a runway accident at Seeloy'u my. Join Sglth. farmer. aged 47-. 'Nrra-eotta cleanup are Ln use ttty Janna-e railways. The increa-ue: coat in comm-outed [or by the greater resistance to decay. lertr' .Wiutlon In sending live ton- lot fruit to the “'Innipog hortei I tum! chow. :' A horse driven by Mr, John Smut: t run away near Jouea' Falls. thruw “at out the driver, who was :1.- ', “an“: killed. Willie, the four-year-ou, sun o' Johnnon. was run over Ln the Cur. dun Northern Yards. Winnipeg m Saturday night and MIMI. U. S. Senator J. It. Burton nu- boen inltructad to Us". Hawaii and inquire into Px-Qneen Ulnokalau' . clainu- to the crown lands. The Bria-h Lifeboat Maximo is considering the 'staits'.itthtnen: ' " wir- Ion-ice mound we ems including the lighthouses. A cloudburst uncowrm about 1 coffin. In a Madison, N. J., veme'mr and many ot them were swept Tr, of the graves. m Poweu. plutntm in the N P Merger suit. has returned to ‘.m York nod been placed in jail. Several large herd! of rat: ' are coming into Alberta and Au!” iboia from the Unit!!! suites, The new 5't,'."'t ot Kuwnttn. Lu J00. bonus. D. .. was t‘onm'ratr.; in Holy Trinity Church, Winnipv; '11]. Brtttett Columbia Frtrit-grov. Pref Awhile!) lu‘tqending live tum- There I. much excitement in mo- Pouinunh of Yucatan. "here ppm-~- Ieum In. been di-Ove-. Tho Parliament of Kim“ romp; wlll - to-norrow fur the bra? ' close Oct. 13th, 1000. Mr. George Muhrga ammo". wan kills! t Iion at an in 5 mm. The U. B. and the Porto are mm . likely to have difficult, mar John. in promined ttettleutentrr. It ha- mddenly noon noddeo hold the German manomn run In l' sin. instrad of Poland. Hott cholera, prevails in Middis, Mr. Frank Chunk-r, nam- Lotr! m Ion! sen-:nteen hugs. convention in San Frunciéoia'u' held. Powidr' grain elevator and L bulimia ot grain were tun-nan Uwmpbeurord. odtreatiott Mixed: insanity. “I United State- capiulicu will ad i, I 3:00.000 hotel in Winnipqg Lord Boudode in the goes: L. Lom and Iauty limo u Quebec The new Lorxttieutenant of 11. Peed, Earl Dudley, ha. boen 3"0'1 ou' tre Dean Bradley, of Wrclnlnctcr boy, luu resigned. T Dr. sonny-a. of Burk. 'iectaret, : The lgct union of the K l .WNM-a. a machinists at nmeat cabled n w " NM”. o, t, Pet they Mhtxans- ot thor unm'pi the EB: the sud 2,00: Prur.. on of ot " them bu " of tioUr 1 . " the CM laqt won“. with a an: prohibition Inn“. a I 4551311th , 'l‘tw pm] “WIN" Flu humus mu ”banana color baa bright"!!! noticed w‘ delicacy a real and softened I don nnd l Gee. le iattttl a! not her had no ml Inks» turd» all ho car' cur: brlurs In: on: an! that Mun m Elinor . Out hm will Molt .1. like t “OIL the pr: min-tum: .1“le tto. pi: Villa tt “mucus roch. wt u mar» l Inga. l In} Cheri-h cal via. a come In Us? I He y liked to wLnd- I and laut tter nay - I “will. mow how “A laugh tulle hd run In sum new... an din the alta 'Don't duh-nei- M"'rtrr m H) ll "In” Hun V rise [Dude not my do", 1 T040. m. per mil t about, ”who Int-ck won I ‘QVe in“ 'tsr, n like " her an, ot In. girl f cliff. well-d her a Calf. e)'.',i.fid t‘ra prettiq our tt ulna her 1mm of toe anal than unite climb“ lie no child. would and 4 Inch Q An m " mm cut m wh It ru

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