Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Aug 1902, p. 2

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m - I. .n. "It, - I can!!! a Cent ot pin-money ten, and I "on that it I nor met him again tte'd have to melt? ttttod/u-Smart Set. -- _ v- “...v uupr, erur' lutvrm-d: "not Ls! yet. You set In) love-making Inst mason wal rather disastrous. l was engaged three tunes. Tho tirst one palmed him]! or! as n Count. He raised false tapes in my heart, bat rre trot over that. Tow d"Wottd fooled me on a paste engungont ring. I've tor.. given hlm that. for he wu Jolly company. Jtut tho ttftrd-olt, he was a heartless wretch! When he was going away, he told me he had lent his return ticket, and I lent In; nix dollars and forty cent; 1 "tough he was the noul or honor. h! ho tte. paid me back. I hadn't a cont " -=- ----F- ‘ -- 'i catue up IIPN' in t gnu-1mg Joa again and our old ties." he pleaded " cant giw sou any A-aug étttitUl- aim stnmmered. "Win, cout you rr-mt‘mber me ."' he mined, in mum-v. 'U mot Joa here last season. You ten in love with no and we Iva-re engagvd for two weeks." “You! lau- does seem ramuiar," she haul. as they m-nted thentav+ in a secluded Rook. "but I can't Just place you." mum .uuuu nuuwy Pills have now per- manently established lhemselvesas an intaltitms r"medy tor all urinary trouble and tlu. closing word. ot Mr. Boulangor‘s letter are an advice which eH-ry household should ub- a-rve. "l-H m an 'Wh). 1'ott Those who know him "ware that for some tin wry ill and they also I he was restored to tro but may of them may “ware of-the means use Boulanger in accomplisl wonderful recovery whit been fortunate “rough about. 'Dodd'n Kidney I him and he has made this lic in a gratelul letter w as follows: "I deslra to any that l pl"tely cured of Kidney ly Urinary Troutrle b) “odd l'ills. tt Dun-h "no Was Hello. m) dear.“ he wrung the prettiest. I'Hlklllh. "INT inst l-nm “uncut in". Favor, or Atrtettors, In Spain mainly Ills Ila-est Sentiments, Audi-g Some Words of Advlce. Woltestowu, Que., Aug. ll.-- (Spe- tualr-Mr. It. Boulanger, Becrctary and Treasurer ot this town, is numbered among the most promin- o-ut and highly rnspected citizens of the country. Time and again he has been hon- nn-I by appointments to offices of public trust and there is no man in our community who commands tite, universal resprct and esteem of oil classes of citizens more than Mr. lioulanger. _ in uni Im Quebec Municipal Otticer Gives 'mrottrnt Evidence. TRWN TREASURER. . . - ' . um: thousands of f. att-tgrower. and , fet,a trap mutt?“ "Jill 1:113?! 1ttt farmers have tren induced to buy in; tra', WNW,” cite injurious fruit spite of the protest of those WM," .tefy..q o 'Jner'Jl'ttl of the trouble have thoroughly and scientifically trl'l"df,'d,'1',gt' 1min them Tent- Iv-sted sin-h devices. Bo important and 'e7.'.te't tit: aregthe ia, cont- hus this matter heroin;- that E“? Sotn'.1iitu'et,e that are caught in "htomtuog'rcat divitrion 12','1"1yi,1t '/l2Jill) numbers and nine-tenth! ot H-r-aity has issues] tho resut 0 ex-: , . ' ' . - the p'rlmentg trttrri-U on with "swam harshness: Wolfram Urns! during thrno years, con inning -,l, ' v ti . rr, ~uhstnnm- tho following pom”: (i;1r,1'ilr'h1,".t"r1',igteuhitiKr,tj1i,t,sct e?- Many kinds of Inserts are Tttoat, ri 'I',',',',',' thus tat has been eight Cl use at night and are thon often 3:11:11“. tit! in. fifteen nights. attracted to any light. but there, The '"","d,',1 trum female canker- are hosts of insects that fly mostly! moi“ Will not crawl ir the daytime. Motrt of tho "a” i i)rePmo'ff.eftoeTly, and the mints ltypprertr,utany of the true bugs cllke i do not attract the two kinds of ap- the awash stink hug). all of the but-; lP-borer beetles the peach-bor" u-rflii-s (like the very destructive! 2mm plum curculios or the saw-flier millage butterfly), many ot the: of the currant-worm or pear trtug. moths (like the punch tree borer; As trap lanterns can have no effect moth), many of the bel'tles (like that Ga fungous diseases. they can ioloraado potato beetle), mo" of thelnever take the place of the spray “in! (Mk:- the house fly), and many l pump and bordeaux mixture. Experi- ot the hymonoptera (like the saw, once has shown that several trap- flh-s), are day fliers or are not at- l lanterns set very near every tree lructed to lights: and these lllcludPl‘n an onward. will not noticeably {- large proportion of our common reduce the crop of wormy apples, t,'rttect petrtsy. or diminish the number of hungry While a. trap lantern or "moth caterpillars feeding on the buds c Ache!" may attract and kill ten or and leaves. lwwnty thoulsmd insents in a See"on, There are instances in which trap- not: of the household posts. most of lanterns may prove useful. such as me fruit-growers' insrct enemies, where some light loving intreet be- and nearly all the teeriotu, petrts ot the comes a pest in greenhouses. or in gardener or grower of general field the cage of some local pest whose crop. will fail to betrappai. Only period ot flight is sharply defined wingm adult instcts are caught, the and of short duration. But no one more destructive nymphs and larvae has yet conclusively demonstrated um never taken. Usually moths will that any insect .pest cannot be much tmnititute about half of the insects more effectively and cheaply com- ( mum tn tmp lanterns. and most of batted in some other war than by them are not pests, only ten per cent. the use of "moth-catchers'" or trap. ; u! those that are injurious are fe- Iturtermr. l males. and these have nearly all laid The outcome of all the expermentl I :heir eggs Often as many blends as made everywhere renders it doubt- 4 it)" among the beetles will be taken. I tul if these aids help enough in our Nearly one-third of all the IyaeotaliiiirGt warfare to pay for tho trou- C flight in throe months in two "moth- ble and fix,','?,"", ot using-them. while I cutohtttC' run in Canada, were bent», they oerta niy do not warrant any- Leiat, and nearly as many friends as one in recommending their use. or fur-o were caught in the trap-lanterns. ,' even passively permitting- it, with- Auone of these purisltic insect friends 1 mt photon. K H C--"""""'"""'" ‘1‘" lawn. Aug. IG, 19pu'.-'rsp lantern-i .14 deatrosera, ot insect pent! have‘ men I'é‘cently much discussed in the; northern and western portions ON Canada, " .well a» in the United} States. and by the moat persistenti and often unscrupulous advertising a; u-rtntn "math catcher' ha. been) farce-d into undue prominence. 80,? that thousands of t.ait-qrowere and, farmers have be!) induced to buy in! spite ot the proton of those who! lune thatouzhlv and animuarumnr l recovery which ‘he Gi, tunate enough to bring 'Dodd'l Kidney Pills Cured " at them mzy-]107£--..bé the means used by Mr. in 1ffomplltthintr the prettiest. girl ' Ill-“t comp in ' Just com" in on the u lighted to “wet you as! made {his tala,', I lug: . . . - some time he was in lhe hope of all on recur-ago eiy, there can mt he has PE- more than he ~----‘- I b "opt'," sh" g One must note wll -l. You sea; tied figures, for it i mason was. the body to tau ha 'at, aligns-nil heel. un-leoa there L one palmed to oltaet the action he raised false! The mum step 1're Bot over tihkme ot the "It. ma __-_ - . exvlnimpd, girl on the tte a to offices ot re is no mun rho commands and esteem of , know ttdit" good health, renewing which raids l was com- Disease and id's Kitlm-y well are cured , on Mr. Seddon. New Zealand’l famous Premier. in a Scotchman. He is connected with Arman? Dumtriemhire, on the maternal “do. and on visiting that town the other day the Town Counell conferred the freedom ot the burgh upon him. , . [ ,V-- u~uuu PYUI ; The minute she an: lon Mr feet, with km; ." chest well out, stomach ’nrn hack and the body [waist tilting ever so sl 3 ward, she ' acquired i mun-moss or effect that 'ot beauty nor fine eh I give. Mr. Seddon. New Zealand‘l Premier, is a Scotchman. connected with Annan", Dumtr on the maternal side. and on oL-‘ .‘_, n - mung or the PS“. and waking, in- stead ot treutir a rhythm falling forward. hm a Jerky a, and down ”client. A woman cannot stand and look Slovenly. And yet women do sand properly! (1.... ----4 --= _ A Good I‘m-rings. Mere beauty of face does not avail a. woman much if she has a poor car- riage, says the Philadelphia Ledger. l woman may have a face as perfect in its classic outlines, as that of a Greek goddess, her figure may be well proportioned, and yet tthe may ap- pear unattractive because she does not carry herself we” Beauty ot tea, ture anul form weighed in the bar. ance against grace and carriage ie, always fuuml .wahling. i A woman's gowns may be modeled‘ after tho most elegant Worth crea- tion; 'her chapeaux may come from the shop ot a Parts milliner, and yet it may be a source of annoyance to her thattshe does not make as smart an appearance as the governess ot her children. Why? simply because in"? does not stand [Wur-nh" "The stables are [arm moimus and tut- garden: houses are henut tnt am; There arr besides Pulro comtaIning L' sitting r00 rooms. 1 dressLng room. rooms etc. Also titree near. containing Il roe $1.600. Rail to Bonn thence drive 10 milu‘s. The rent is tor the am on of course. “mu- 1. lall‘ salmon and trout fishing In about 1.1 miles ot the Evele. and good tiout fishing in Lochs Mlgdalv, Laggun. Lamp and Buidhe. "Tho math» is beautifully situ- ated overlooking the DomOck Firth. It contains a large entrance hall, 6 public rooms. b iliard room. M brd- moms. G droselug rooms. 4 hath room», with all modern conroni-l “MAI: snip“, woodwck, hares, rabbits wiht tow]. "There te fair salmon and t fishing In about 1,5 miles ot EretLi, and good trout fishing Lochs Mlgdalo, Laggan, Lame Buidhe. v.“ u. urea: uritain they have a catalogue of all country places which possess any shooting or fish- bug. This catalogue gaes the tol.. lowing description or F'klbo Castle. Andrew Uarnegte's Highland home. The ubsonce " any descrlptive frills seems to leave- the bare facts rather more impress Ye than they appear even in the. hands of the most enthusiastic Journalist. Here is the account: "Extent ot shooting. about LO 000‘ acres. Ot this 10,000 acres are moor. 6.000 are arable and 4.001) arr wood. Tho last season's shooting included 1.000 brace of grouse. IL' Stags. 4 fallow bucks. 42 mn deer, besides black gniur. partridgos. pheasants. any)", Woodcock. hares, ”1min- m-a Ova? in Great Brit a catalogue of all a which possess any slu ing. This catalogue lowing description or Andrew L'arnegte's Hi; The abspnce M an frills seems to lean 1 rather more impress appear even in the. most enthusbmtin inn Sklbo Castle " Cnt-lo-ued bra Pub llcatlon In Britain. Over in Great Britain they haw Insect warfare to ble and fer,',",."", ot they (aorta nly do one in recommam The outcome ot all tho made everywhere rende ful "A these aids help an ‘__-- -u-uku. out rio one has yet conclusively demonstrated that any insect .pest cannot bty much more effectively and cheaply com- batted in some other wav than by the use of "moth-catchers" or trap. lanterns. There are instances in which trap- lanterna may prove useful. such as where some tight loving insect be- comes a pest in greenhouses. Or in the case of some local pest whose period of flight ls sharply thrtlssett turd of short duration. But no one Inn owl-4- ~----"~*" . There are it lanterns may where come j comes a pest CARNEGIE'S GAME SUPPLY Sacco-'3 Rationality. upon lungous diseases. they can 'never take the place ot the spray pump and bordeaux mixture. Experi- ence baa shown that several trap- lanterns, set very near every tree in an orchard. will not noticeably reduce the crop of wormy apples or dimlnlah the number of hungry caterpillars feeding on the buds and leaves. ions factor Ca considering the advis- ability ot using trap-lanterns. It in not so much a question ot how many insrcts as of what kind of insects will be c xpiurad. Expiricnce shown an orclinrdists or, a grower of small fruits has no use for a trap inntorn or a ' moth catch- tex," because they will not catch enough of the more injurious fruit post: to pay one-tenth of the trouble and expenae or running them. Tent- caterpillar moths are the only cont- mun fruit insicts that are caught in (commie numLers. and nine-tenths ot these Will be males. Csiling-mothe Js capable of tiling several inhalant] don't mind it, but babies insects, the prospect of capturing no, . . playpen» ici u insane bee mes a ser- - it. can-[UL stand correctly renly. Ami yet how few tand properly! ote wlt'n regret the set- for it in one tendency of tau back heavily to the there is some exercise nos are large and cortt- , tho gardens and g'asrl haunt tut and extensive. besides Pulrossie House, L' sitting moms. 4 bed mm piiiiilrr'is acquired -- a 'certain 'E't that no amount fine clouhea could so turner cottages, g Il rooms. - Rent , stands lightly t knees atmlg'ht. mach Hat, should- body trom the so slightly for- yet tthe may ap- hncause she does ML Beauty ot tea, pthert in the bal- ' and carriage is [2‘77 1 an the expc-rmentl re renders it doubt- I help enough in our to pay for tho trou- ot using‘them. while Lo not warrant any- s-at..- Al ' shooting seat hymn a. " t' servants‘ Bridge; and “" "'“‘“'I In: Whom education. IS. The movement in "tut'a, righta. Itt. The nrnhu-nn..- 1. The can; man Empire. 2. The pro or man. Century". Gaunt Work. Many of the moat eminent Ger- man-1 were recently asked to express their opinion as to which was the greatest work of the last century; and their answerp, when classified. showed that the tnsaLur.H,rm..ssaicr,' mum: were recently asked to express their opinion as to which was the greatest work of the last century; and their answerp, when classified. enema! that the uyuotitrsttkadii' most importance to the following achieve-manta: He sure 'Ott get ttr .tyiiir-1i'ilii'iti In tho .. Tim lt. & I.." Ment lulu makers are putt] rhmmmtism. mun-Mg! Muue only by Davin d ___-_ ,. w..." “an" ~vu|way. Ttttty young lady is an heiress of some import- ance. as she was left money and landed property by her uncle, the Jute Mr. Gosling; and is the own- Pt' of Busbridge Hall, near Godalrn- ing, a flue place, which has recently [wen- rented, by Mr. and Mrs. Caven- dish Bentinck. Miss Momekton in an attractive girl. with a fair share of good looks, fond ot dancing in Low] don, and ot walking, duh-a...- “d Mlnard'l Llnlment cure! therla. Tommy-tt While the in 188 Herald. New York Control and Hudson River B.‘.ro.dn The above name in a hounehold word and the superior excellence of the road should be comment to at. tract moat people, but now that the rate is the mm. to New York and points east an by other line. no further recommendation should be sought. Everybody will tell you it in the but. ‘ "Good story they trot out about the professor. hey F' “What's the matter, did -he tor.. get again ?" "Naw. Better than that. His wife got up the other morning, and was slipping her shoes on, when she gave a. little shriek. "'What'g the ma'ter ?' he asked. " ‘Wm. I was putting my shoe on and a snake ietipptrtt out of it,' she cried. "'Only one ?' Sill-J the professor. 'Why, there should have been three. I put them there last night to keep them warm.‘ " He Knew. Ttacher-what is a t The girl who had been listening Cave a ringing laugh and alter- ward said: £8119 would probably have reported the cards having bean sent out " she knew that he bought a new hammock yester- day."' . 'he J It in really a damerous thing tor a single man to begln to tthirk up a bit In the matter ot dress and In the tidying up ot his bachelor home. “He's going to be marred; Tm positive," said one woman, an the man under consideration was molten ot. "He's lnylng a new side- walk in troat ot hie house." "Indeed," said the doubtful one. “Yes, and he has a new carriage and a Panama hat." I l Cured Then of a Bud Habit. A minister in a near-by town on a rrcent sanday surprised his audience by reading the following notice trom the pulpit: "The regular session or the Donkey Club will beheld as usual after the service. Mcmbera will line up just outside the door, make re- marks and stare at the ladies who pass. no is their custom." But they didn't that Sunday. I Mlnard'l Llnlmen: Cuts; In cm". mnard's Llnlment Cures Names ltopl the Cough and Work. on the Cold. LaxativeBromo Qulm'ne Tablets cure acold In one day. No cure. No pay. Price 25 cenu. Barber -WH1 you have anything on your face when I have finished. air? Tietim- Ido not know. But I hope you’ll leave my nose. at_ least. l III. - nn “I." "I m n. - & nova: Inc-v.10. Vol Ste. and Inm- o" hum-o- And people lire: that Scott’s Emul, aiorsotcobiiveroit is thebestthing to take for “don't feel well and don't know why, " especially babies -they like it--enen and women 1”: [at the kind you buy. 31",- ill,) ttt than on... -..-...-A.A _ exploration Prtn blishmvnt of Why Ills Wile Shrieked. ,r ___- - u. to! wurnlglacftru nothing“ batten Davis & Lawreneeijir, Ltd. Inmation of It'g somnthing to hunt ink gets dry-Lou Ango- , the gum t,:e?i,sy?li.i."fit Menthol Planter unscrupu- l,.'lhPyrp.t.o one like it. For mun-1.. .. -A‘L! . - Famous In L‘nnndu. Know the Sign". Still Had Hope. is a blotter, Tom, favor of Africa. - the rights the Ger, TORONTO Diph- Distem- Gar-get Venom women TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Qulnlne Table“. All an: gilt. refund the money if it tails to cure. E. T. Grave's signature In on each box. Me. A Canadian firm recently placed with the Montreal an! Toronto newspapers an advertisement or a new nursing bottle it had patented and was about to place on the market. After giving; directions for use, the "ad." HMM in this man- nor: “When the baby is done drinking, it must be unscrewed and laid init cool place under a tap. lt‘the baby do" not thrive on fresh mllk, It would be boiled." - Philadelphia] Thug: Times. $54. I bought a horse with a supposed- ly incurable ringboue for $30, cured him with 8t worth of MINARDB LLNIMENT, and sold him In four months tor 885. Profit on Linimont, an “V 7-- vllv "_a"rru0rl as to show them to the gran. advantage. The lady, at first. tor the manner or her sex, diam to notice them, or to seem notice them. Gradually, howe their charm prevails over her, comes nearer and nearer, m round and round her lover, It her heart to him, hogan“..- -v-- or the 'trunk 373?: panda: his wings in the at. Phlllip'l, Qua, Nor Two Buttertties rout-ting. There Is no prettier sight than; that of two butterflies courtlng.‘ The aerial flights and evolutions are a mere bsarinniua--a sort ot pre- liminary flirtation. The serious part of the business begins when‘ the butterflies are at rest. The! male, which is usually the more; 1.trliliantV colored of the two.’ takes up his position on a stone! ny- tlun b-.....- _. q Parke--Atter all, sir, the extreme simplicity ot our American institu- tions must commend itself to "Very one. Lnne~l know it. Half the limo we're without a. uook.- Hurpt-r’s Bazar. I Monkey Brand Soap clun- kitchen uten- _ all, steel, iron and tinwure, knives und i foeha, and all kinds of outlaw. - i "You would be thrifty and lay something aside for a rainy day," aid the man who gives advice ad “Minn. "ariarter," said the Kansas farm- er, "you talk like a. blame theor- ist. What we people need in to lay Gambling aside again-t . droturht."--waiuFtiG Star. -_ _-v-. .v ayHa""til_--otte bottle of Enguuh Spawn Llnlment completely removed acurb from my hone. I take plenum In recommending the nun-d1. n it not. with mysterious promptneu in the removal from home- ot hard, so". or ertllouned lumra, blood lpavin. lpllnu, curbs. sweetly, at an and Ipralno. GEORGE ROBE. Farmer. Markham. Ont. Sold by all druggma. mnard’l Linimint are mostly for the isaiiéuatu-ligfe?‘ beer, whereas in the cltles with few galoons more whiskey In Bold.-). Y. un. The Explanation or those dispari- ties in to be found probably in the fact that in the cities where there In an unusual number ot saloons they are moatlx for the sale ot lager beer, whereas, in the clues with few Washington has GOO saloons and Milwaukee has 1,700, but while ar- rests for drunkenness in Washing- ton average 3,200 yearly, in Milwau- kee they are only 1,600. Worcester, Mass. with 70 saloons. has 2,000 ar- rests in a. year for draenkerttttrss, and Detroit, with 900 saloons. the sumo number. --_- nau- IU'C: heart to him, hesitates Cleveland and about the same 1 bot tho arrests q.rhlek are 2,000 1 mm. are 7.000 in talc and Philadei tho same number arrests tot, drum (lemma are four those in Buffalo. A Se. " a N 39.!!938EMEN Dunne!” " Stutlutlrn of arrests IMO " Vurlono Large cm... The lumber ot caloona In a clty do. not bear any close relation to the uncut ot drunkennesa in It. or at least the number of arrest: tor drunkenness. New York, with double the popula- tion of Chicago and 50 per cent; more saloons has fewer arrests tor) drunkenness in a year than the bizf city on Lake Michigan. Baltimore] has more than twice as many new loom: at Boston, while Boston hasil seven times as many, arrests for- druukenness in a year as does Bah! timore. , Bar Francisco has 50 per centi more saloons than St. Louie, but! three times as any arm a. my dianapous has more saloons‘ than,' Paterson. but the number or an: rats tor drunkenness is 20 per cent. ,' greater in Paterson than in Indian, apolia., _ I SALOONS AND DRUNKENNESS Uerut Novetty Advlco Scorned M0131; DEROSCE, Hotel Keeper. rd and Cincinnati have , same number of saloons, arrests for drunkenness. r 2,000 annually in Clncin~ 7.000 in Cleveland. Bar. Philadelphia have about number of saloons, but the " drunkenness in Phila- renfqur times as many as Plum. In the sunshine " n to the greatest lady, at first. " I nearer, walk. her lover, loses a tree, and urel Colds, ttte, sex! (“Idling yr 'eernt to Int. 1901 u.-4?qe bottle of I. and Is 'ever. . she keep-" Your Eye . -- __ -- -"""""om"SaT'Ra * co..rorGiix' Dr. Chase’s Ointment trr-zz------- -- W - ""’ mu absolute cure for each . U . w and - form of itching. . bleedlmrand promndi pilot. the mnbctnnra have [mar-mood In?» toe timonilh in the duly mgr :nd ask your neigh- bors whet they think of? You can use It and [agent 'l'f,'l"iglgtet if not cured. we. a bor, at an nu." or 'eamrote,Bara & co-ro/Gia' n..'nn.----A - - - In; I . " More Chuc’. o, and nbnol And even H yum“: um: coul- otzhm' States will follow this York 1r_P1ent.--waiiiiisrtoii Il -"-----, V ‘7 -N, I. “I“ in which "the Ber-culled ' vaey" might be lnvaded. drcialon. to the annoyan Jury of unomutdirur men t We do not believe the wttrT,ri. 94-»‘7’ .- ' or Of course, the majori that decision is now York; but the Poet three dissenting judges and what Ire decision w l The read!” ol this paper will Defiant-d to learn thnttherl-is at hast onedrvu (Iridium _ that science has been able to cumin all its stages and that is Cnmrrh. Hall‘s Catarrt: Cure is the only positln- cute now known to the medical fraternity. Cntarrh, being a. con- stitutional disease, rogues a. consul utionsl treatment. Hall's On rrh Cure is taken in. ternnlly. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. thoroby des- "wring the foundation of the discuss, sud giv " the pntient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nu turein doing its work. The proprietors havesomuch faith In its curative powers that they on" One Hundred Dollars tor any case that it iails to cure. Send for list ot testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. o. I Sold by druzgisu. 7Ge. Hall's Funny Pills are the best. I g Kltchenor and Kerry. I Kitchener la undoubtedly English {by blood, and yet it was sompthlng that he want born in Kerry, and that he spent many ot his early years there. Kerry " a. county where the peasants are all gentlemm and ladies in bearing, in manner. in thought and in feellng. Brtt asthIir own 'kieti--gcntie, friendly, com-trons --thoy probably taught to the tall and lanky stripllng who rovmi 'Ivor, tlwlr muuntalnu something of thin flexibility which has pron-d tho turn- ( imp-point in .oventttgl momnms in Ms Itll? and In that of his country.-- -M. A. P. Children are in “I." in our tierce num- mora, when cholera Incl-bu. and other bowel trouble. are rumpnnt. Have your little one: by giving them Perry Dnviu' Palnkilivr Plain direction- will be found on Pitch bottle. Anarchy attempting to run our banks, unmade. factories and great commercial Industries. would bring quick chaos. destruction and rukm not only to capital. but to labors-G-tro' T. Ansell. in "Our Dumb Animals." Every city dnii town must support It, poor, and capital must my the bi I. T It wilt never be pouible to make fun: wage. of all men the lame. , The'man who works ten hours will , earn more than hla egual who works (only ttver-the killul more than the r,)urraieutui-ttte atrong more than the weak-the well more than the bok- the industrious more than the lazy; and the man who Ln youth lives eco- nomically and saves his money will probably have In old an more than‘ he who upendi and save- nothing. Labor will never, in the long run, ttts able to prevent capital from em- ploylng whoever capital seen fit to employ. and capital will always be compelled to support labor. whether trt_worh or Idle. MOO REWARD, $100, l A Dead Level of Reward: Mot to be I Duh-ed. 5 It is a great law of nature. from leI-ich there I: no escape. that "by i the sweat ot the brow we must earn Some must study law, medicine, fi- name. and a thousand things on which human happines- depends and some mun work In the coal mine. or every furnace tire in the country would be extinguished. every manu- facturlnc indutrtry ond, and we trhfyuld..rrtapoe unto barbarian Bellamy. beautiful dream. "Look, ing Backnm." la slmply a dream. an impracticable and impossible as the stories of Jules Verne, "The hr- abian Nights," ot. "Sinbad the Sailor." our T0 Right of Prim... What frayed your linen t Not Sunlight Spapt vlnruuf'mp rece On on rrett'irrt of G t a hf Crt HULL, pARI-OR w prove to you that tte Chuck Ointment ir, accrum and absolute cure tor each and every form of itching. blsedlngand warding one: UPI" THE GRE\T EYE REMEDY. Do tire, or are Four oxen m‘ur-worl do Four (we: burn. twitch, or are OPENS. No remedy for the 0 ply. Not injurioui. Gnu-ante.“ lpondP-ncp recoivn .i-s--a - ' majority ruins. and now law in New Potrt boliovee the "--‘ I I "for thtte EVmION. and women. 3 courts of Nd, indeed! Poet. New CANADA ----- .MATOHEQ Br --- “Ha-worn“. lore. ret, misty. or . twitch, or are they granulated ? hat," for the 6'yo no Rood. Emu an an I. Gnu-altar! u repreoented. All cox-rm a prompt attention. lulled an) where per bottle. RON. Jou- mtiuc.....PnEtuoEs, The report for 1901 Illn'ld unnum- meral" over 1900. In the foitowine "an": New but!“ [new hr... 350.705 Premium Int-one [new by ' 89,312 Total income mere-nod hy....., 4 2.577» Alien lncnurd hymn“... 43.59:"... luaurueohlorce Inca-nod by 1,399,166 Continual Illa Pollen. u'e unoxcollod for clmplldty Ind “beauty. Agent; wanted. GEO. B. WOODS, CHAS. H. FULLF.R. 13enorat "um, n...“ no. courmmm LIFE W - INSURANCE comm the new vetrer/ieGr- pr, cloth. Nothing to no: trolled hands; nun-a tite on the diver. Price 2 notion dentem. Br mul IONA“! "a. 00.. Wrtte tor (me can“... mun ““107. that In the 5 ttrs, 10 'Wt tr, _ lJt,,'t) when. #11!) l “Nun‘ncbwune [Mu y. lll’IEJ Art-HM! “on nun. Slop-smut of an a." than A»! ug Inkeltldnlorcutounuks ll: dePI. r th 33m. NI... In“ .00.. !e'lteuoumufrre, “Ulnar-om! $t 'nrtu.‘ ','Lteoreveiiiacaiit'i U1 '"if"ortiricaariiicit 1tt. Un- “Imam. .- lo Mtlmltt tt 'i' " _ um DON'T CLEAN SILVER n._ -'_.. “I two r“ n r',',lltg'irP'ithACiiritiii'ts"ii' but; i'iik',iiii'i?il ti,1f.,iiiiiihii'i/i,',? v 0 - can pg ell-oars. Rieeij_foiiipi'r'ii'G'iut ‘4..." WII Wham. P. o, box no. Wm... un In" at. East, Ila-amen, Oat. WAIT BELIAIILIC AGENTS to ttell tau. colleen, bum. powders. up "on extinct. etc. to co-em. You can mu» money. Kat-Mn wanted. Excellent territoer vacant now. The Ocean t1AV1arshaiiaci, " do art-nun] . mama. our. 'liel,7jii,i'. I: cw or u, . rule “one. Boo-a ad Art eminent lathe Raped" taetttttestn Book “gnu, ?418ttu.tititig, 'date't :13 " Emu ..'...._ ' .2..__'5.'-., feter ALBERT COLLEGE, - _ ~"w-I -'"P'"d Ill " and“ m We. bound 5 tthi “I ”(the throughout by dummy, wen on. "rt. I, 1.02. For Ill-mud and" “(nu 1l'tPERtAL MAPLE SYRUP, can I. " "can!" In an" um“... Induction ot on or creed. 5mm m.................R¢-nldence for tr'.r.., I at. In" Mu"E......Rmidenee tor wows; Worked. oorir, Residential University For calendar address the Prim: pal, A, L. McCrimmon. M.A, Hammock Gellsue J".'.-'.""""'".' u- I!" Mam”! to u; Wi ‘ ru-t Trnininglsn practical supplement to any boy's col. leginto or business education. TIM-m Wt In Canada 'ia to be found st Woodstock Col- logo. For the coming turn. the building and its (militia: are bung greatly winged and improved. ; “TRINITY” For all tttet-tton "dr--.- T. C. "IIET MACKLEM, ILA ., LIA), ISSUE NO. 36. 1902. "in": Maria and Scholarships “my cumin-d trom Oman t ' Your money back ttnotett “chum-rt ; cave. that; ilLfiiisitir;'%Ai: '. Price " rem- at drug an! M. Br mall from m. 00.. It. Catharina. Ont, BOSE & LAFLAHE Four Pym: I :‘llrm'r n- "It In! Stat Woodstock, Ont. rmcxun mu THE LEADING I'Per1 _Ioll _ pqlkldgx qt BALE-omt or " Nun-n P-i-nt. I ......... 43,051. “by 1.399.460 In ulna-lied for Anu- wanted. ttt, M. FULLER, locum" I802 1'g/rt'h't. ,nnn.‘ lit "ar-- 7 yo lulu and 180 you? Icn. Tvomurlcm tton ttttat Fai. no 0150““) o .9. It ["ittrr"u"l as. an, 901. Yr, uptown. p. l_lch. water. l att (I . VII M.lon.l'.l. the, etit.ii." i3 Attila, louvre: " Wok-IL a £993.??? In the .tr, run morn u whirl, urn r much tranme et return to I m oertatni., and. 1nd Ol (all! 'triot, an tannin: no: upward " (a not ale “I”. an li S%ra. whitt- 'enttuet, or non-m 'tttttrf little Fund widow“ of v .0 a third. a: ot alternatn ammo-n toy than nil-Hw- mommy car do", for (a ”(I ho put 1 one " qvido gamma. so u _ mom]: b yorrowei haunt tun-I AngrVrmntt'trn Your hatar w In the your. ch F% "in: " brown till it be t with! In»: Game uulu ”In" “In”! decline on ”I: you. Of cRaunit .1511: any I Wlmillt‘ In nun; In " -mttitrori in Tho- auto: Manchu-3. (Moth 0r Ill] at 1mm cm drum Inutrr 'nrliuln t' ttee c the 1 whlte up in about I! link helm n in all llpudvr Wu " tho We absolutely [ of mice. The "I but is on! to ail. the one (In orthodox u but ht rod ward and ( The ("We from the I of the In lino of be: It lt you I ll drchiod I of the 'l "but. BI. colors or I lace has t popular te In thrir nntu the updoqroirm skirt. m “km. are Tttes mm) which all t " trimmie front, not I! In I World ah don “I a or white , at? hum wire void trimmed , blur, Willi} For the in m mum" lined wit foot in m with can fun" “I: II the ab thick d A; llmlln Bounce lune htvo be London. deep flu with em " the will not Inn '4 attle It" our be 1-4 hold up I quires p. d tt ie 1 which In low it u 1W Dian tlculurl card. I from. preach train i close that n For I mam”: been 1 than. attend fieuits, will ha binding Bum In dim: they '1 It: to do by longs-t Prtmre, " " or 16 In " can " tq It

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