Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Jun 1901, p. 4

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*%% 7. The clerk of the Council of the said Town of Durham shall attend at his office in the Towr of Durham at 10 o‘clock in the forenoon of Wednesday the 10th day of July to sum up the number of votes for and against this byâ€"law. 6. On Monday the 8th day of July the Mayor of the saud Town o{f Durham shall atteond at the council chamber at 10 o‘clock in the forenoon to appomt persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the yotes by the clerk on behaif of the persons interested 1a and promoting, or opposing the passing o{ this byâ€"law respectively. 5. The votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham, shall be taken on this Byâ€"law at the following times, that 13 to say on Tuesday the 9th day of July next commencing at tke hour of nine o‘clock A. M. and continuing till five o‘clock P. M. of the same day by the following Deputy returning officers and at the following places ;â€"Ciiff Elvidge at Norman Kelsey‘s house, William Vollet at the Town Hail and John Smith at Pasco Saunders‘ Shop. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed Byâ€"law, which has been taken into corsideration, and which will be finallyv passed by the Counâ€" eil of tha Municipal Corporation of the Town of Durham (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto ) after one month from the first publication thereof in "The Durham Review,‘"‘ the date of which first publication was Thursday the 27th day of June, 1901, and that the yotes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon upon the lay and at the hours and places therein fixed. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham enacts as follows : 1. The sum of $1300.00 shall be expended by the said Corporation in assisting the said The National Portland Cement Company, Limited, in the purchase of a site within this Municipality for the mill and other buildings of the said Company ; and for the purpose of raising the saie sum debentures of this Corporation shall be issued to the amount of $1300.00 and interest at the rate of four per centum pet annum during the currency thereof on the 9th day of July, A. D., 1901, each of which debentures shall be daged on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable on the 9th day of July in each of the thirteen years following the year 1901 at the Standard Bank of Canada in the said Town 2. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town of Durham and by the Treasurer thereof and the Clerk thereo{ shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Munâ€" icipality according to the last revised assessment roll is the sum of $340,566.00; of Durbham. ANU WHEREAS the amount of the debt which this byâ€"law is intended to create is the said sum of $1300.00 and interest as in Schedule "A" hereto annexed set out ; ~ AND WHEREAS the total amount required by this Act to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest is the sum of $130.18 ; AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is the sum of $34,085.00, and no part of the principal and interest thereof is in arrear ; Referred to in the foregoing Byâ€"law showing how the amount of $1300 thereby required to be raised annually by special rategp apportioned. DATED at the Council Chambers in the Town of Durham on the day of July, A. D. 1901. Durbkam : 8. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised and levied in each year by special rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable properâ€" ty in the said Municipality of the Town of Durham the sum of $180.18 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debentures as shown in Schedule "A‘"‘ hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS their is no industry of a similar nature alreaay established within the Municipality of the Town of O+ the Corporation of the Town of Durham. A4 Byâ€"law to authorize the purchase of a site for the building of The National Portland Cement Company (Limited) and to proâ€" rvide for the issue of Debentures of the Municipal Corporâ€" ation of the Town of Durham to the amount of $1300.00 for that purpose. ; AND WHEREAS it 1s expended to contribute the sum of $18300.00 toâ€" words the purchase of a site for the mill and other buildings of the said Company within the said Municipality, and for that purpose to issue debentures of the Corporation of the Town of Durham repayable with interest at the rate of fcur per centum per annum within thirteen years from the date upon which this byâ€"law shall take effect in annual instalments of $180.18 each as in Scheâ€" dule "A‘" hereto set out ; WHEREAS The National Portland Cemezrt Company, Limited, proposes to establish a manufactory for the production of Portland Cement and for that purpose to erect a mill and other buildings ; AND WHEREAS there is no industry of a similar nature already estatâ€" lished within the Municipality of the Town of Durham ; AND WHEREAS the said The National Portland Cement Company, Limited, has not as yet established the said industry else where in the Province of Ontario ; Of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Durham. A Byâ€"law to exâ€" empt from taxation the property of The National _ Portland _ Cement Company, Limited. WHEREAS the National Portland Cement Company, Limited, proposes to establish a manufactory for the production of Portland Cement and for that purpese to erect a mill and other buildings : 4. This byâ€"law shall take effect on the Oth day of July, A. D. 1901. DYâ€"LAN NQ. 406 1902 Year 1905 1910 1911 1912 1918 1914 Totals Dy~ $1300.00 Principal 78.18 81.30 84.55 87.93 91.45 95.11 98.91 102.87 106.99 111.27 115.72 120.34 125.38 SCHEDULE A. AND WHEREAS the said The Naâ€" 'tional Portland Cement Company. Limitâ€" ed, has not as yet established the eaid industry elsewhere in the Province of Ontaric ; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to partially exempt the property of the said Company from taxation in yiew of their proposal to erect the said mill and other buildings within the limits of the Town of Durham : partially exempt tue property of the ; ‘ Maror. said Company from taxation in yiew ofl a their proposal to erect the said mill and Cvesk: other buildings within the limits of the ! TAKE NOTICE that the above is a Town of Durham : true copy of a proposed By:law. which _ THEREFORE _ the MUNICIPAL | has been taken into consideraticn, and COUNCIL of the CORPORATION of the | which will be finally passed by _ the "TOW.‘X of DURHAM enacts as follows, | Council of the Municipal Corporation of 1. That if the property of The Na.| the Town of Durham (in the event of the tional Portland Cement Company, Lim | assent of the electors being obtained ited, shonld at any time during the ‘ thereto) after one month from the first period of ten years from the 9th day of | publication thereof in "The Durham $392.34 Interest 52.00 48.88 45.068 42.25 38.73 85â€"07 81.27 27.81 28.19 18.91 14.46 . 405 CuERK. BHZ3 AnCaP Mavyor LERK $1692.31 130.18 180.18 180.18 130.18 180.18 180.18 180.18 180.18 130.18 180.18 108.18 108.18 103.18 Total is ie Nee Nes A" July 1901, be assessed for the purposes of taxation at a sum greater than Eighteen hundred dollars then during the said period of ten years, the property of the said Company shall to the extent of such excess, be exempt from taxation, except as to school taxes ; 2. This Byâ€"law shall take effect on the 9th day of July, A. D. 1901 ; 8. The votes of the electors of the sald Town of Durham shall be takem on this Byâ€"law at the following times, that is to say Tuesday, the ninth day of July next commencing at the hour of nice o‘clock A. M., ot the same day by the following deputy returning officers and at the following places : of 4. On Mozsday, the 8th day of July: the Mayor of the ‘Town of Durham shall attend at the Council Chamber at tep o‘clock in the foreneon to appoint persons to attend at the yarious polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this Byâ€"law reâ€" spectively ; 5. The Clerk of the Council of the said ‘Town of Durbham shall attend at his office in the Town of Durham at ten o‘clock in the forenoon ot Wednesday the 10th day of July, to suin up the number of votes for and against this Byâ€"law. DATED in ths Council Chambers in the Town of Durbam on the day Cliff Elvidge at Norman Kelsey‘s house, Willlam Vollet at the Town Hall and John Smith at Pasco Saunders‘ shop. Frost & Wocd Show Rooms CREAM SEPARATOR John Livingstone, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A. D. 1901. THE NDURHAM REVIEW Farmers‘ will do well to see it before buying elsewhere, as it is the lightest running yet largest capacity and strongest and most durable machine made,. â€" A trial will convince anyone that we have the best at all points. Bicycle Repairing a Specialty your last chance this season BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. arrister, Notary, Gonâ€" veyancer, Otc., é{tc..... lon%y to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICEâ€"Mcintyre Block, _ ______ Office, over Grant‘s store, Lower Town The * DORHAM REVIEW, & 23%2%.. 5) cts to new subscribersto end of year Review," the date of which first® publica tion was Thursday the 27th day of June, 1901. and that the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken th ereon upon the "day and at the hours an d places therein fixed. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of intcrest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURH AM. trators‘ Accounts prepared and r.tlud Surrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Letter» of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, lg:;tesqel. Leases, Agreements &e. correctly pre . _ Estates of deceased P"- sons looked after and Executor‘s and Adminisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and passed Surrogate A&ll Charges Moderate J. P. TELFORD, tunity as it will be BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER, ac. G. LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. Fire Insurance, &c i(Over the Bank CLERK. WRGGONS. We have a new light Masseyâ€"Harris Binder we want you to sce, reduced in weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the easiest running Binder in the world. w_â€"â€"â€" Full line of PIANOS, ORGAXS, and SEWING MACH]NI,‘VS.â€"T‘ We are well stocked with TURNIP SOWERS, SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, et« LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5%. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses eoyoc. WM CALDEFR Implement Warerooms. = %Emfiflflflflflflfififlflflmflflflflflflflx 3 s HAardware. * â€"â€" Our Warerooms are now fully SLtOCKEQq WILIH .M appok y 34101140 Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don‘t fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. [eCeleceecelo nlevelsuelecelouelenelecelocele"ala o eoualevelece 000(000 eve|eve eve e@erevelacelene A season‘s stock of Cutlery has arriyed and we are prepared to give you bargains neyer before heara of in Knives and Forks and Pocke, Knives in abundance at 5¢. up. We have added to orr stock of Screen Doors and Window Screens, and if you call early you can get your wants supplied. Our weekly supply of Readyâ€"Mixedâ€"Paints to hand. Every peson his own painter by using these paints. h Extensive experiments haye tbeen made this year by M. N. Doherty, B. 8. A. M. A., of the Ontario Agrisultural College, Frank Stutt, M. A. and W. T. Macown, Horticulturist of Domimon Ex perimental Farm to demonstrate the usefulness of Spraying to lill noxious weeds, and all agree that spraying is a most effectve and cheap way of eradicating Wild Mustard and Charlock. Those interested zhould buy one of our Sprayers at once. Just to hand an immense shipment of Sections, Guards and Heads, Hay Rakes, Scythe Stones and Grain Cradles. MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAL See that you get one of the W. Black Thermomenter arerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris WM BLACK A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, these were bought before the rise in waggons, No other shop where you can buy a firstâ€"class Waggon at as Jow a price. TwoCar Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. â€" Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. 2 A SPECIAL SALE 3 3233383332ICCECEEFEECEâ€" _ o rr%% & K . e . C. McArthur At Special prices The prices nill Come SETOBHS ang * A~* . AJ k UHCMICIRE +# and see us in out new store io T tgp@9 Aubr 8 XXXXXX â€" Durham, s0m4 se ALODER .Â¥ Fiel Hunga Stric Sulpha Insect: MacF Piques Dress Table n Table Oil Buggy 1h 24 only, C 30 only, G Glass and 4 only, ge 22 by 36 only . Dont forg Shoes as Bros, sel« We alwa Toilet So Whit Whit« Whit TW GRO Ladies e o 2 pq ABE W ha We TI for HE SE CH Is a Itis go« T x1 D

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