*4 Any readers of this paper can test the merits of Dr. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tabléts free by enclosing two cents efor trial package to The Pitcher Tabléts Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size §0c per bottle. Dack is as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has disâ€" appeared. Formerly when I did ‘a washing I was ntterly tired out, not having a bit of energy lett. _ This morning I did, my washing in two hours and I did not mind it. _ I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tablets, for I never !,nd anything do me as much good." | This is what Mrs. J./W. Hutching, 82 Portland St., Torontg, has to say,â€" "I ecannot say too much for Dr. Pitchâ€" er‘s Backache Kidney Tablets Beâ€" fore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness across the/loing. I had not so much aching in ‘my head as between my shoulders and in the back of my neck,. Since using the Tablets my hunls Tu us tm aulke ac‘% Em Tnovsaxps Give TEsttmox \'j' Letter upon letter pours in /from every point in Canada testitying/to the marvelous power of Er. Pitcher‘s Backach : Kidney Tablets to cure kidâ€" ney and ladder troubles of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such other troubles as find their origin in a faulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass of evidence puts its power to cure these afflictions beâ€" yond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing, in the right place. 1 w6 Â¥6 Mr R Boyce has his house abeut finish: ed and it is an up to date structure from cellar to attic. We wish Mr Boyce many bappy days in his comfortable home, in congenial company. The home of Mr Jacob Hnbn, is again brigntened by the presence of Miss Maggie who spent the summer months in your town. Mirs Jessie McDonald, of Hamilton, who has been home for a month‘s holidavs returned on Tuesday of last week. Her Jovial manner is always appreciated in the family eircle as well as in the east. The McFadden family, east of Durbam, whiled away a pleasent evening at Wm Boyce‘s lately, Mrs MceCasiin and daughter, virited !rie;ds in the vicinity of Ailan Park, last week. Messers John Henderson and Sam Boyd & Co Limited, have the contract of builiâ€" iog a.large driving shed for Mr Robert Twamly next summer and were raushing out the timber last week. Mrs Wmm Ellis sceompanied by her two daughters, from the state of Iowa, are renewing old aquaintances in this part lately. _ Mr Ellis with their family left our vicinity twenty one years ago. Mr Robert Crawford, of south Bentinek,. passed through town last week, to visit friends in Sullivan Misses Kate and Annie McDonald left Moaday of this week for Chesley to enâ€" gage in sewing with the Halliday & Co dress making firm. Their presence no doubt will be missed. Mrs Jas White of Manitowaning, mani toulin Island wes viaiting friends on the 8th, for a couple of days last week, after which she left for Toronto to visit her son who is attending college. Last Sunday was a memorial day for Crawford. The Presbyterian church here which has been thorougshly remod»led lateâ€" 2 was reâ€"opened on Sunday last, Rev. Mr ittle, of Chatsworth, preached morning and evening, a«sisted by Rev Mr Leshe and also in the evening by Rey M P Campbell of Malock Baptist church, the Malcolm Presbyterian choir was present and rendered excellent music. Quite a number from the surrounding churches kept coming till the bnilding was filled to the door, The congregation are to be congratulated on their fine church. Mr Woa Bashnell is at present workâ€" ing for Robert Patty. C T Leeson is this week engaged build ing a barn for Mr Limin, Durharo. While returning from: Priceville en Sunday evening Mr McDonald met with an accident which canused some discomâ€" comfort to his face. Blyth. Miss 8. McKinnon ef Durbam and Miss Jewel McComh of Bunessan, are spending a fow days at Mras A. Little‘s Mr MeDougal!, ot Durham, has nearly fuished painting .slu new school. T Mr John Carson ha« engaged to cut » 100 cords or more of wood for Mr J W _i Miss Ada Reading who has been spend~ mg “'0£“l ceuple of months with ber uncle Mr Henry Potty returned to Guelph We are glad to see our village bliackâ€" asmith prospering, seeing he pays strict attention to Bentinck more than once a week. Hope all is well, John. on Friday morning accompanred by her ecusin Mrs Ernest Gadd, who will spend the winter months with her sister of that We are yery sorry tolearn that Mr H W Leeson met with a painful accident last Thursday eyeuing. Going down a hill in the dark, he slipped, breaking a small bone in his leg just above the ancle. We hope he may soon be about again. Mr Wm McCalmon, of Dermoch, spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity. People around here are preparing for tke coming of St. Nieolas in the usual way. Mr Wm Jobnston and Miss Mathew of mnt. spent Sunday with the Misses a R BEYOND A DOUBT. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"& 0@ Crawforda. YARNET Why is it that every time man goes after his mail on Suhday morning withâ€" out putting on a collar, he seems to meet everybody in town? Any man who tells things to get p ple mad is hated by all decent people. A man‘s talk does not amount to much if he lets his wife make the living by taking in washing. We have to announce tothe general g:)lc)lic that we have removed our k to McKechnie‘s Old Stand, Garaâ€" fraxa Street and are now opened out for business. We wilÂ¥ be pleased to bhave all our friengs and estecmed customers continue /their much :{» preciated patronagg. Our stock will continue and congist of Upâ€"toâ€"date Goods in all lines#Dry Gooeds, Readyâ€" made Clothing, Wats and Caps, Boots and Shoss and ycomplete line of Groâ€" eeries. GoodsAnd prices are always right. Call agd investigate. All are welcome. How do you like the man who stands in thg dpqrwgy aud will not let you out? [ NO ROOM FOR THE CHARGE of _ extravagance. A Government which would neglect to seize the opâ€" portunity to open this country would be incompetent and incapable of filling the position. When our Goyernment took office we tound nearly all the grain and wheat of western Canada was goâ€" ing to the seaboard, not by Canadian channels of the St. Lawrence but was going trom Port Arthur to Buffalo, and from Buffalo to New York, by Ameriâ€" can routes, and from there to the marâ€" kets of the world. We thought that ought to be changed, and we therefore set to work to accelerate the work of securing an improyed canal system. The late Government had been enâ€" gaged on it, but so slowly that it would have been 20 or 25 years before it would have been finished, and we haye completed it in two and a balf years, and from Port Arthur to Montâ€" real, there is now fourteen feet of clear water, and a vessel carrying 78,000 bushels of grain can now go from Port Arthur to Montreal, and results will be that Canadian grain will go in Canâ€" adian vessels to a Canadian port, and be shipped from a Canzdian port to the markets of the world. And we will also take a large share of Amerâ€" ican grain from Duluth and Chicago, in Canadian vessels to a Canadian port and already a large shipping is being ' built up," hy i E 1 s s o0 um e on e vy for lack of coke for smelting purposes, and railway facilities and what trade there was going south to Spokane and other American cities. It is a matter ot gratification to look there now and see a line of railway developing that country, andthe trade is now a source of profit to the people of the northwest, to the business men ot Winnipeg and the whole of Canada. While we pay out perhaps a hundred thousand dolâ€" lars a year, even from the narrowest possible standpoint, that of the revenâ€" ue, you will find that increase of trade is bringing in three or four times as much revenue to the treasury as is paid out for that road. _ This leaves year there will be 8,000 more home. steads occupied than on the first day of January last. _ We found in the Western district farmers and stockmen of Alberta without a market owing to the restriections on cattle in Great Britâ€" ain" We found the great wealth of the Kootenay country had not been opened up. Mines were languishing t ce CA ce uts 0 B ts c o 100 w calculation, the total vote rolled by Liberal Candidates is actually larger than chat given to Oppositionists, alâ€" though upon that vote the Conservaâ€" tives secured a majority of seventeen seats. The knowledge that their only hope was in the Ontario gerryâ€" mander, was one of the principal reasons for the desperate struggle the Tcries made to win, for they realized that during the life of this new Parliaâ€" ment, the gerrymander will be repealâ€" ed, and a fair redistribution establishâ€" ed upon the new census to be taken next year. WHY THE WEST HAS GROWXN Mr. Sifton in a speech he made in Winnipeg a tew days atter the elections gave the following brief summary of the policy adopted by the Laurier Government for the administration of the West, under which such a marvelâ€" lous impetus has been giyen to that vast section of the Dominion. ‘"In the last year of the late Government" said the Minister "the total net homestead entries only amounted to 1,429. This i year there will be 8,000 more home. Upon the principle apparently tha the ffi".. may be made to appear the truth if only it is reiterated with sutâ€" ficient persistency, ?ppomion pagerl are working twentyâ€"four hours a day to convince the people that the Govâ€" ernment owes its renewal of power to the Frenchâ€"Canadian vote of %tlx]eboc, and Ontario and the other E egliz;h speaking Provinces have recorded an adverse verdict. Such a statement however will not survive inyestigation. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in the east, have each largely increased the numâ€" ber of Government supporters returnâ€" ed, and the west sends back more Liberals than it did before. As to Ontario, while it is true that the Tories have gained some seats, the figures show thatthis is because of the inâ€" iquitous gerrymander, which has cut up ths constituencies into every variety of grotesque shape, hiving the Liberals and distributing the Couservative vote where it would do the most good. If the Toronto yote be lett out of the ANNOUNCEMENT QTTAWMA LATRR C. McArtTHOoR Walter Williams of Toronto, formerâ€" ly ot this place, returned to the home of Mr Johm Garson. We expect to stay for some time. Mr Wm Garson, who has baen under S:)a'L');.n care for some time is improving The anoual Christm«s tree of Amo Church Sabbath School, will be held on Xmas eve, in the Russell Hall. The home of Mr and Mrs L McDougal was brightened on the 26th inst, when Mrcs MceDougall presented her husband with a bounsing baby boy, Both are doing well. We are pleased to say that Mrs Adam is improving although not out of danger yet. We hope to hear of her recoyery soon. Rey Mr Galloway, will preach in Amos church next Sunday. Plenty of mud around Dromore at present. Mesers Jas and Andrew Hay, who, have been spending the summer months in the yvicinity of Galt, returned home last Saturday looking well. Mr anud Mrs L Cushnie, who hare been spending a week with their many friends bere, resurned te their home in i’h Forâ€" est baturday. The fiue springlike weather the pas few days has started a great many at the plough again. Now Mr Editor, as time is passing I will bring my budget to _ close. Thankâ€" ing you for the space, _ Re; Mr Farqubherson, held a pray»r meeting. at the beme of Mrs Bennie, ( Savgeen Valley) which was fairly well attended. Mr Malcolm MeMillan, left on Monday, | £MULULNHCEY @AMNQ LlveZ? 2IliSs,. for the lower sâ€"ttlement, to make timber | They are absolutely pure a during the winter. | healthfal., _ Guaranteed to ci Misses Cassie and Mand MeQillivrav| Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuaralg bave come home home recently, they loâ€"k ; Lumbago, and all forms of Kidn bale and hearty as ever. Ko wonder Ll.(", AHE Liv ui « boy Ik ko far. and Liver troubles, ys wa a Mr W McDonald is working in Aberâ€" deen, at present. _ Woulden‘t driving lw’azwane oF sPuRIiOu$ imirations, easier Walter ? irs _ o Hs +e ie m tA > ..z Mr Joba Mullen is back in oar again, Orillia seems to have #nited ny well. Mr Frank Scott of the townâ€"line, was seen in the centre church on Sunday. Better not come this way too often, for you may not get back safe. Mr Allan Cameron was home en the sick list for part of last week. Girad to see him around agaim, As all the correspondents you have had from this part have either gone away or entered politics, I will endesyor to give you a "wee bit" offthe happenings of this burg. "L _ d. A. HUNTER. Glenelg Centre. Dromore. TuvXxDER Fato faf midst Jolhnâ€" â€"{Try our foe | Rheumatic Specific or‘ «y Kidney ana Lives Pills ‘ To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxatiye BromoQuinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fail to cure. 256. K. W. Grove‘s signature is. on each box. _ May 1 WaxtTED.â€"Two girls for general work in hotel and restaurant. Wages $12 per month, board and room. Apâ€" ply to Oak Hotel, Ningara Falls, N. Y. Lon. McDonald, Lot 13, Con 8, W. G. R, Bentinck, offers for sale on Friday, December 7, at one o‘clock, Farm Stock and Implements in great variety. Also a good cooking Stove. See large bilis, Terms, 12 mos, and 7 per cent. Hugh MacKay, Auctioneer. It may be added as an exvumple of the mildness of the season that lilac bushes are coming out in bud. Rainfall for the week, .6 inches. Snowfall for the week, 1 inch, Hours of Sunshine. 3.1. General direction of the wind, 8. W to N. K., moderate but very variable. For Sale by H. Farker, Durham Tor the Week Ending Dec. 1, 1900. Temperature. Min, Max, WEATHER BULLETIN. THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES ta%; Nov SALE REGISTER. Dec They are absolutely pure and healthfal., _ Guaranteedto cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Nearalgia Lumbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. Take the lead every where, We are working day and mght to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily, | foosaps eamearerrenremyen Cook‘s Cotte 1 [ss o ies RS are box ; No. #, 10 dezmaw- Is successfully used monthly by over ’ 000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. hdb{’u ask ï¬onr dT& for Cook‘s Cotten Rost Comâ€" mtlo ke no 3 er.nallll,uxmgc. plfll;land m ns are dangerous. Price, No. 1, or box ; No. #, 10 degrees stronger. $3 per box. glr 1 or 3, msailed on rooet;i’zon( price and two 8â€"0en ltam%- The Cook mpany Windsor, Ont, BH_XNns. | and # gold and recommeades by a)\ responsivls Drugrists in Canades. â€" 4 4 e Aecr 3c pecn n nc d § P 1 3 RVESYTHING ON WHEELS REYIEW and Weekly Gloi REVIEW and Weekly Mail I have a large number erties in town and count ot trade, Lot 7, con. 3, Normanby, the ‘Fee‘ farm, belong to a company, and is offerâ€" ed at low figures, l " ult Sniintatat® Aliccts css th. 2t o4 ts c( on Garafraxa Road conventent ham. This fifty acres is a snap asked. INS splendid | i|}|v|;;-u;'ed"t:n;a'n' Dut ham . _ Very cheap, 64 acres near Allan Park on Durham AARAARAAA®RAS A#488%%8%% Road. _ Splendid buildings, good 1:|nd..l gasra * # will sell cheap or trade, | : Lot 18, con, 14. Bentinek. near Louise | J k K P. 0, In hands, of a Company. _ Fine| o a e ress. place and must go to some one, 0 Aaaua He has a big list of Property for Sale including the following : Ask for Pamphiet. The Cost is only one cent a day for a horse, cow, bog or a beef, Oneâ€" third ot a cent for a calf, colt or sheep, and less for lambs and little pigs. For Calves it makes fresh whey or askim milk equal to new milk. It Cures scours and indigestion ; cleans out worms and bots; ensures soft, clean, healthy skin; drives away lice and ticks ; keeps the kidneys right, and is the best thing out for scratches, For Cows it is of great benefit before and after calying, and when fed regularly it increases milk, cheese and butter, $ For Turkeys and Laying Hens the cost is one cent s day for 15 to 20, and oneâ€"third for their chicks. It keeps them free from diseases, Feed as soon as they are out of the shell. ! Fortunes 3rd Div. lot 7. con Lot 28, Con. 2, W Xo i ond No.2 seld in Daerkam by h Tarker, MacFerlane and @0 Ir Cri Brugritts, Herbageum Does Pay ! . MIGHT SAVE YOU HAVE YOU TESTEDIT ? |HUNDREDS. The T he DE LA VA 1&% CREAM SEPERATORS 90 & large number of oiher propâ€" town and country and will sell MAY BE MADE By Dealing With . H. Miller, e Hanover Conveyancer all and see one in eration . ure unearvelled C.Lâ€" CRANT. 7"~2 232332 CCECEEEE, m a¢ 2 A SPECIAL SALF & o_ _ih FOR SALE BY sAMBTON SriR Come and see us in our mm McArthur, Durham, Ont. Fire Ey At Special prices The prices make it interesting. BooTrs, SETOHBHS, and PeC B p y Globe R., Bentinck a| onvenient to K, Glenelg to Durâ€"! at pricel $1,00 §$1.75 Bunsessan P. O., 50 aere Farm for Sale, n‘ Lot 20, On the 2nd Con. N. D. R. elg. 46 acres cleared in a good of cultivaâ€" tion, rest hard wood â€" Good orchâ€" ard, 2 wells, convenien o sci100l, church and P. 0. Good HORKEn * Hibn mnrons able terms. © Apply gn the f#@m to us oL : JAAE KRESS : Ca es ceeeececscsecececesed What you spend for good Jewelry is really a saving. Its always a vaiuable possession.. Come and see our good LapieEs‘ axpo Gext‘s W arones, SmyERwWARE FuarwarRE®, Coocks, SercrTacurse, StEru®o SIvyERr Lower Tewn you from fraud and imposition. Money invested in obtaining an education of this kind may save you ten times the amou t in the future, besides getting a store of other practical knowledge that would be of use to you as long as you live. Write for : new Catalogue, and College Journnl to C. A. Fleming, Prinoipal. oOwWEN soOUND. WINTER TERM BEGINS JAN.. 2, ‘o1 Saving this winter will give you a knowâ€" ledge of the principles and liabiliâ€" ties of contracts that would secure A few months spent in attendance at the FARM FOR SA OWEN SOUND, ONT. A GORDON, ORTHERNL] ; LekanIxo JEwELER % » Durham FURNITURE Nigh