Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1900, p. 4

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J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M. Anot of more which raising arda lattening for the Home and Foreign Markets. Iam arranging for a series of special pouitry meetings in connection with our Regular and Supplementary â€" Meetings. but the number of farmers who will attend these district meetings must of necessâ€" ity be limited and I request that you acquaint yourself with what has been done and is being done in this country to promote this industry. Special inâ€" struction on poultry matters will also be furnished atthe Winter Fair and you will there obtain practical hints and information that should be usefal to you in your winter meetings. " #HEI0A1T0H TT Cerl y10p . wUpCrnuous lat, i Editor of ths Review The subject of Cold Storage for farm Drar Sir. products will be discussed this winter The Flesherton Advance o d ty omeege hn aneunn" inss |Siter the werrs mander SDScbA Crep ed to discuss this question. . New 2W3 | which ig altogf:ther at variance with have heen passed in Ontario relating | the facts. He says the Redistribution to this subjectand these you should :)ill of 12;7h2 placed ArtemesiaAin South tamiliarize yoursel{ with. Ihave alâ€"| Grey. is is not correct, Artemesia t ;,. | was put in East Grey in 1872 and South lf'eady sent you the latest pnbll'shed 17s (}xe)‘r) was formed out of the Townships ormation on the subject and you will | of Bentinck, Glenelg, Egremont, Norâ€" please study the principles involved | manby and the townof Darham. This and the method and cost of construction ' division ip 1867 gave Mr. Jackson a of such a plant as would be nractiaahla | Majority of 134 over Mr. Dalglish. Much bas already been done by our progressive swine breeders to improve the bacon classes and it was a moficeâ€" able feature at our fall fairs this year that in all ciasses ot hogs thore were longer individual animals and the judges gave the highest premium to those anima‘l!s that showed the least indication of carrying superfluous fat. A better class of hogs are being offered for sale this fall than ever beâ€" fore. The Registrar of Live Stock for the Province states that for first time the bacon breeds lead in the numvers of thoroughbred animals registered and we are receiving enquiries from all parts of the Province in reference to the breeding, feeding and finishing of this class of animals. It is likely thereâ€" fore, that this subject will come up for discussion again at many of our meetâ€" ings this winter. Ourduty does not lie along the line of advising farmers to take up hog raising as a business, but rather to assist those, who are already pork produeers to raise and put on the market a better article than they baye done heretofore. We bhave not a home market now for thick fat pork and we cannot successfully compete with the Americans in their marketso long as they have cheap corn with which to teed ther hogs. Bacon, therefore must be oar principal pork product and the kindly reception which our Canadian ‘"*Wiltshire sides" have been accorded on the British market is sufficient to justify us in recommending the farmers to breed to the bacon ty pe. OURHAM REVIEW Poultry Raising and Fattening. Mr. G. C. Creelman, Superintendent of Farmers‘ Institutes, hbas just comâ€" peted arrangements for the holding of over 700 meetings daring the comâ€" ing months of Decemder, January and February. All the delegates who bave besn appointed to address the various lnstitute meetings are practicâ€" al men who have studied closely the subjects they are adyertised to discuss. Besides the regular topics there are three special subjects that will receive attention this winter and the ftollowing instractions have been issued to the delegates by the Superintendent: â€" "Last winter, . at the request of the Prov. Mixister of Agriculture, the ‘"Bacon Hog" was discussed at all of our meetings. The wisdom of this course is already manifesting itselt. The Bacon Hog. Cold Storage, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Or t awrio. 9â€"12%. m. 2â€"4 p. m. RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"Ol4 Bank Buiidings UPPEKR TOWN, DURRAM. Will visit Priceville Tuesdey and Friday each week from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ~ W i U a s Fditor ard + Ram“gty ¢ Proprietor Thursday, Dec. 6, 1900. fomes Iosilule Meclings. i WC asse study the princip method and cost ot a plant as would be average Canad at s to promote rd fattenin« H maustry t ntion than OFFICE HOURS D M mt ol roultry Home and inging for °8, Aanc culture PVIH ky ® ® ‘ @ ”‘ ”fl‘w ' h.Wo.no l}tv‘i)ng delightful .wu'ther for | This signature is on every box of the i this time of the year, we notice some of Lazxative W genuin® in;, farmers ploughing again. the romedy that cures n <>ii in ome day. Let it be understood that Canada has no place for intulerance, that it is the land of freedom both civil and religious. Let it be the aim of everz true Canadian to uphold this hig standard for country _ If we do, then peace, unity, harmony, brotherly love and fraternity is ours for all time. Tarte, he was the master of the adâ€"| | Mi ministration Will the editor deny ; Sprin this? Will he pretend to say that he | this ) does not know what this ecry means? a . He will hardly be so bold as to ao this i quiet when every body knows that this was | of Mi a crusade against the catholic minority | week in this Riding, it was a campaign of Mr bigotry and intolerance, it was a ery | lier, that ne patriotie man or no loyal ‘ Soi party would ever adopt. Setting TAce | meat against race and creed against creed I en‘s : is never done by either Christians or | _ y, patriots. Desperate men longing for tried: office will sometimes stoop to desperate measures to attain thair object regardâ€" T‘(’i‘ less of the consequences that must inâ€" }:” & * ec., evitably follow. FETYH That we have men in our ranks who are at least the peer of any man now in the County Council goes without saying. In the west we bave Mr. D. Knechtel, reeve of Hanover and Mr. Thos. Clark, ex reeve of Bentinck, either of whom would make a first class representative. In the eastâ€"well the east is proverbial for wisdom and I think the east could bring out a first class man and elect him too. Yours &e. : A Bextrxor Curar Grtv. which was called to its aid where ever | and report a good tim it was likely to tell. both in private ‘ Pleased to see Mrs and pablic platform. The Editor of the | to be around again. Advance eyen denies this; does he not l Mr Robt Aljoe is h« know that in every platform in Artâ€" | two months at the Mi emesia the slogan of his party was l don COMPOSED BY MR. JAS. WATSON, NORMANBY AND SUNG BY HIM AT THE ST ANDREW‘S CONCERT IN DURâ€" HAM TOWN HALL,. NOV. 30, 1900. If this is good advice tor Conservaâ€" tives, it is also good advice for Reâ€" formers, and I would suggest that the Reformers of Bentinck and Gienelg, Durham and Hanover, select two of the best men, nominate them for the County Council, and stand solidly by them till the last vote is polled, I pallâ€" ed both my votes Conservative two years ago, but this no party talk is altogether to the advantage of one side, in this part of the country and I intend to take the Mail‘s advice for once. good deal of h)h‘Focrisy in the past by candidates for Municipal honors claimâ€" ing that politics should not play any part in municipal elections, whereas it alleges politics have veen the preâ€" dominating influence in most muniâ€" cipal contests, and it urges its party to bring cut their best men every time and vote only for Conservatives. Editor Review Dear Sir The municifal elections will soon be on us, and I observe thatth e Toronto Mail is advising its Tory readâ€" ers to vote Conservative every time and let the other fellows do as they like. It allegesthat there has been a Auld Scotland this night to thee we shall raise The cup in memory and the song in praise This night o‘er sea in every land, andclime On festive board thy honored name shail shine ; This night retrace our steps, in fancy ream . * O‘er ghland hill by lowland cottage home Aud then to thee in accouts forth shall ring In patriotic ylee this song will sing. CHORUS Then here‘s to thee Scotland, land that we love The land of the brave and the free, Long may she stand with benner in band _Brittania united in thee. This night a toast we offer to thy name, Asoug of tribute to auld Scotia‘s fame, A song in praises ¢f ber mountain glons Whereastive pibsook thrill« and clarion blends. The lund whose hills our nob rest pames can claim Her sons in science arms and art maintain A vame and place upon bistoric page And lyric bards have sung in every age. In Seotand‘s name this night good will to all St Pntrick‘s and St George‘s name we call To join with us in social song and glee Uinte our sympathies and brothers be Agzain with loyal hearts our soug we‘ll raise In Scotland‘s name youog Canada to praise May the thistle, rose and shamrock entwine Einblem of uaity, peace ever thine. i eP in Thou here‘s to thee C nada the land that we loye The land of the brave and the free, SONG FOR ST ANDREW S NGHI € 72 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR *"*Scotland This Night." was added to South Grey ymander bill of 1882 In _a case of gerrymander, re and nothing less, it was : purpose of defeating Dr. but did not succeed, in i or 1891 or 1896 It did CHORUS J bat it w en had it religious Lew di ul There is to be a pie and box social in the Grange Hali, EJge Hill, on Tuesday Dec. l1th, â€" Everybody welcome. Adâ€" mission 10c, ladies bringing pies free. Mr Jas Sinploa and son Fred are workâ€" ing at the Glencross bridge, this week. Sorry to â€"hear that Miss Fanny Macâ€" Nally is ill in Toronto ac prasent. The boys aronnd Edge Hill are accused of mobbing one of the south line young men,. while others say it is only a dream he had on his way home from Zion. this place. A quilting bee in the afternoon and a quiet party at night were given at home of Mr and Mrs Thos, Banks one day last week. 9 Mi C C MecFayden, friends, last week. Mr Guy Williams®and sister Mrs Colâ€" lier, visited Zion last Sanday. Some of the dogs are Iimegry for fresh meat again and attacked Mr D MceFaydâ€" en‘s sheep last Saturday morning. liams Sew-i’t;-g" Machines and supplic ON WHEELS, | Chatham and Snowball Wagons Palmerston Buggies. Buggies trom Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin maxes of PIANO and ORGANS SEWING MACHINES. _ A large stock of New Ray.aond and Wil Coulter & Scott Drills and Caltivators, Dise and Spade Har rows, Seuffiers, Ete. Also Seotch Diamond Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, number We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : outh of Middaugh House Ikinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words * Wir«kIxsox PI each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roli otch C . _ MeFayden â€" purc oit, from Mr Wm U ULTIVATING, U PAAAE SCY e on io d Edge Hill od timeâ€" » Mrs C. Williams is ab mcert in town :ast . we Holstein. ne aite tary S purchased | a | Wm Morrison visited Hanover heol spe l tten fine t ied 6 ind their names adduesses and descriptions and a full statefvent of particulars of their claims anyd the nature of the seâ€" cuvitg (if any) held by them duly vertified and that after the said day the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of thefdeceased among the parties entitled thefeto, haying regard onlz to the claim of which they shall then have notice. R&t)edt 26th day of November A. D. J,. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for Executors. Notice is hereby gi\'cly’pnrsuunt 10 R. 8. O. I1807, Cap. 129/ Sec, 38 and amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Byers, who died An or about the twenty fifth day of MAy A. D. 1900 are le?uiled to send by post ‘)repaid er to deliver to J. P. Telfqbd, Solicitor for the Executor, on or befére the Thirty First Day of December 1900 In the matter of the estate/of Jolhn Byers, late of the Township of Norâ€" manby in the County of Gre and Provâ€" ince of Ontario yeoman, degeased. 27tb, of this havesecured t the Kelley‘s of talent, the con hand iatend tc this one of the been in Holst the Kelley‘s of Gueliph and perhads Olbner talent, the committee that bave this in hand ijntend to spare no pans to make this one of the best ceoncerts that has ever been in Holstein. NOTICE TO CREDITflRS. The C tend@iha t 1 rea C. McKINNON. Ii ox Proven Compaxy‘"‘ is cast on 1 Rolier made in three sections. UP id L1 Lower Town. Clifford. f Forester neert abou e icert about the i SliL ie believe they | :H_‘ 1 Jas Fax and | 2/ | perhads other | YIC t bave this in 3{: pains to make | 7if s that has ever ‘ l mHIE? | d ap EDirORs. / +4 EP be n ait JC We have a new light Masseyâ€"Ha weight and Roller Bearings from running Binder in the world. â€"â€"â€". â€" Fuil line of PIANOS, OP We are well stocked with TURNIP LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5¢. LOWER TOWXN Implement Warerooms. Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don‘t fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, thes WAGG{'NS were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop wher + you can buy a firstâ€"class Waggon at as low a price. EsSNC Just a few more Fancy Lamps left in stock. Our supply of ordinery Lamps are something extra. Lamp Chimneys 4 cts each or 3 for to cts. Lanters in abundance from 5o cts up. Our Dark Lantern is the best Lantern manufactured. Another shipment of Xâ€"Cut Saws, Axes and Cattle TShains just to hand. Our weekly supply of Readyâ€"Mixed Paints just to hand. £ A large assortment of Whips, Haiters, Rugs, Robes, Horse 3lankets and Circingles just in. Uhristmas is coming and we are nere with a hi selection of Presents in Silverware, Cutlery, et Have a look through our Show Cases. In Meat Mincers, Rasin Seeders and Choppin Bowls our stock is imzense. MASSEY HARAIS AGENCY, DURHALN HARDWAFRPRPE! ; % r‘;“‘%wm WM. BLACK. esifeeti/tenide WLAROLESACIBE 5 gals, Coal Oil for 95 cts. . WM CALDEFR B4 %%8%%%%%%% % Two Car Loads of Bi to choose from. _ Gc Prices will surprise 3 mt ANS, and SEWING MACHTINES,.â€"â€" )WERS, SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, etc. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses t« tt y O) we want vor 1€ ind nth 11 C t i7Â¥e uge* 4*

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