98 Price 81.00 per bottle of dealers, or forwarded on receipt of price by ad.. drxmintr1taqltCd., 48 Adelaide St. Em, Tm Ont. I, , The study onwurd march of the British troops bu been eontinaed throughout. the week. Lord Roberts, we lean on Monday night bums crossed ther Val river without upper- and] e allot Inning been fired In)“ l-ink Krocnaudt. A check w" experienced lest week when “out 60 of Bethune'e Home were killed or tsqrtssred in en embueh. An. other piece of cereleee or no "outing. Gen. Baden-Powell bu incl-cued an rupees held for him by declining moot-e homo not! rent. u urged by his friends. but will remain in commund. and at the end of It. British troop: were Just in time new the Val to sue the cod mines fiom iUetruetion. At this writing it in not known whether the great Johmnel- bug mines are “to or not, hut . Cape Town despmh a]: French hu en- tered Johanneeburg, and it tins be true, the mine- msy be "te. Tis, Rose Hair Grower stops falling of the hair with a few “mmâ€. It absolutely removes da . Makes the 1111:de and pliablho; I]: is n per- feet it mag t on y prepar- ation in the wortti :& "cranes bald- Pres.. Orchard. Durham, May 25. 1900. The Free State is elmoet entirely freeof fighting men. end Kruger end the Tmeveel Boers. now that the we: is in their own country. are. it in re- ported giving thoughts to pews. Elpecielly since the mission of the three delegates to the Stetea it a More. A yw are no one would believe what thousands now know to be as fact. Because hundreds of things have been used with no effect. Nothing that bu ever been prepared would pmduoe a permanent growth of hair on held heads until the discovery of The Bone Knit Grower. This {reputation is the flrtst to anc- cadnllgl demonstrate the hitherto gmpgasi Q, growing hair on bald ALL ARE INVITED-and should take this opportunity of visiting the Farm. which is well worthy of inspection in all It: different departments. Bring your Wives and Daughters and give them a pleasant and protitable holiday. ROBT. MORICE. G EO. BINNIE. Pres.. Orchard. Sec'y, Bum-sum. The hardest to convince that bald- ne. can be replaced by s new growth of hair, are the bald. The originator. after perfecting the formula, found himself face to face with m incredulous pub! ie who said P-- "No. Nu too good to be me.†"Would like to believe it but cant." "Nothing will one my boldness.†"Good mun, Rene you could not mpg? demand." " sole-s to talk ; been fooled too I recommended it, many of whom were bald.now have beautiful heads of hair. I have used it myself and now have. head of hair as thick as anyone could wish Ist.". -- will uni iiGirGr a human-1 shout 10:30 - Dunn): $1.15 _ HANOVER $1.15 “um†1.15 Nitraturr 1.15 Bonn-tux 1.15 ' Army 1.10 MT. Foam 1.e, " ALbFttlyr 1.10 Children trom Durham. Varney. Hol- stein. Hanover and Neustadt ttoc. ML. Forest, Ayton and Alsfcldt 'inc. Robes-t Run, ee",',"",','; Parkdale, nys,-“I tho bald for over twenty-two years. but after using The Bone Hair Gmwcr for two months I have I good growth of hair all over my head, and if j: fillitqr.1n gt both LUNCH PROVIDED ON THE FARM Now that: me people. who kbow what may are talking about, exprea thanks as follows: W. Livingstone, druggiat. 25 How- ard St. Toronto, "yts,-'Thitrits to cer- tify that I have seen the reenltsof The Rose Heir Grower. As a drnggist with many years eXperienee in the city ot Toronto, I have seen e multitude of hair toniee tried with varying results, but have never sold a hair grower that has been such a. Kronounced success as The Rose. La iee and Gentlemen amongst our best people in the city, to when - A 7 ._ - And Farm wilt be held under the auspices ot the South Grey Farmers‘ Institute, on The Excursion will curt. by regulu trains ttom the hunting Grim! Trunk we! Ticket: an be had " the {allowing the round trip. leaving) Guelph about will roach Hanover a "than ghoul. IO: was nideiy. I have mach pleasure in sending you this referepee, and will continue using your treatment." Knit can be grown on bald heads EXCURSION To GUELPH and the ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE TUESDAY, JUNE 12. THE WAR SITUATION. HAIR RAISING. A GRAND Station; nm tot ) Buller " atlLaings Nek and may now be past Majuba and into the Transvaal. Sir Wilfred Laurier has received I cablegram from Baden-Powell express- ing warm appreciation of the work of the Canadian artillery division sent by Beira to the relief of Matching. TUESDAY. Paper to day reports Roberts 18 miles from Johannesburg still without figut- ing, though he hears heavy fudmng on his left where French is. A general round up seems to be taking place and the war may end any day. A tram l with engine at full steam stands in Pre- toria ready to carry " Kruger. Gen. Bathe. seems to be a sensible and humane General. He is reported to be urging surrender. One of the aaddeat events that has yet been our duty to chronicle through the columns of your paper came to our ears laat Friday morning May 25,when Mr Jamea Shearer took life unto his own handa by taking a dose of poison. Mr Shearer was in Dromore the evening be. fore, watched the foot ball match and was " jolly. laughing and talking as we had ever seen him, Went home and did his evening work as usual. went to bed and aometime during the night got out unno- ticed and went to the barn and took the fatal draught which ended life. When found in the morning by his daughter Annie he ,rtttNmnice up against a fanning- mill With a tork in his hand. life had not yet gone. but death came but a few minutes after. The coroner Dr Jones was notitUd but an inquest was not deemed necessary. He was buried in Barber's cemetery on Saturday alteruoon. The aermon at the house and grave was conducted by the Rev Mr Campbell. Mr Shearer was born in Scotland 68 yrs 4 mo: 27 days ago came to thin country when but a young man settling on the 18th can. Egremont and had stood his share of the trials and hardships of the early settlers clearing up a farm and raising a family of three daughters and one eon. who are all grown up. His only eon William now away in the States some place and his daughters are now Mrs Walker in Mt Forest. Mrs J Ferguson of this hue and Annieat home with her mother, who all have the sympathy of the whole community. Mr G Cnlhnie. of Mt Forest gpeut a day caching speckled bonnie. here last week. Mr A Milne had the misfortune to lose oneof his horses lately. Mr D McRae was also startled one morning tofipd one of his fast in the stable and so badly used up that the animal will not be able to work for some time. Such accidents at thiatime are of great loss owing to the advanced price of horgetitmh of our village - wdtGU' Ti-scarf;;',,', Mm Highland's father's And spent a very plenum evening of music and songs. Mr nnd Mrs Highland. who have been visiting friends around here returned to the city Int Wednesdny. The evening before I nymbor ottho youth and beauty The evening of the 24th was made interesting by a foot ball match between Yeovil and Dromore teams which resulted in a tie when time was called. Both teem- had scored a hard earned goal After the usual cheers all retired to the home of In laylor where supper was provuled. The whole game through wee one of the moat manly and orderly we have yet witnessed here. We strongly congratulnte both teem: on their manly playing end good order. Scareely e bed or en unman- ly net came to our notice during the whole gene. The 24th mud oi quietly in the "11:30 a number of the young people drove to a picnic at Hsywud'u Pulls. In Glonelg. when they agent a plum; time. 0th." wanna Mt ore" to a concert in the evening- Chnrkii Ellen. of Abodeylo spent a Ity dun tho beginning of Int nook with (and: bore- Rev. J. W. Mngwood. â€tended the diatriet meeting in Arthur, on Wednesday of In: Ink. Dan McLean and Alex Fletcher of Mull Corners passed through town the beginning of last week to visit friends in Sullivan. Puma reigns in the Transvaal and trains laden With refugees are leaving Pretoria Commandos here and there are singing " God save the Queen" and cant be stopp ed and possibly the hut shot has been fired. Wm Nelson had the misfortune'to lose one of hi- honoa lut wank. Mn D. Hog. Ind family left on Sunni: y for Magnet ieb. to join be: hnobnnd who weft "YtPhtrttt two weeks Mo. The annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Sociely, Crawford branch was held in the Methodist church here on Monday evening May 21, with Pres Mathers 1n the chair. Meeting opened by singing, scripture reading and prayer, after which general business was transacted. officers for coming year are Rev. A Leslie, Pres. D McKinnon, Tress, and T Boyle, Bee'y. After business short addresses were given on Bible Society work. Thor; nu two lofty Bag polec put up in the school ground and two Bags hoisted on wane-4., morning to not: in the betetttrll the: the Mth was our. In John Morrison, GiGoditmneon. ing limb. an winning friend- in and around thgnllggo. Communion in the Pres. isureh here naxt Sunday. Preparatory services will be conducted on Friday afternoon. Rev. Cm. Mazwood. is {Km-amen this week, attending the Methodist con- fereneo which is in union. In Lonhead. ot London in " preaent, the guest of Mrs In Bannock. --- i.----------- Dromov'e Holstein. Crawford. ‘0-“ On Wednesday afternoon the 28rd, D Donnelly bad the framework of his new barn erected. Mr Goo Pollock being the contractor of course oyerytbing went together just right. The usual race took place which undo short work of it, all i being iittistted About 5 o'clock. . -Mr.i. McFavden Glonelg, paid a visit to his neiee Mrs. John Milligan recently. Diod--0n the 22nd inst" the infant dsnghter of Mr and Mrs J Charletcn. Baht Smith ha: (rented lumself to a tine now top buggy. J W Vickers and D McCormick have each invested in a new bicycle. Vlekers. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Livingston of Mt, Forest spent the 24ttt with the latter's partntt, -- - . -. . ., ... " Mr Donald and Miss Flora stewa.rth7ll'2, 1",'uCll'I were visiting at Livingston’s last week. I 203:: u: t m "m it!†Starvarlt retuxgied f,"g,'l Bagphin,f g H " . an. atey, an s '8 ix! or! -Jrikik,siii- that country. The waggseems to hyavei (3999:):1 a. strong attractions for our young men I Ch and will no doubt be more attractive ' A 1900 mum to the fair ones in the future, ! 'Q ' __ tjaridiiidrusLean attended church here on Sunday. . -.-----i_-------- dl, il9 " . c-_ ",'liiE'""' Y (riifrhan thxtr. . . . t; @51st Culbertson wishes to muwunr? ate her/tttttteros mutunwrx that tsh , g " prepared to show the MA'hWA9 fA9tiYrYXJtt 5553 l S. (M3IRlni)li, --Ca11 and inspect, and be --convineed. All are welcome. Stock oy' up-to-date 3fillinery yet shown in Durham. tlllllllM OPENING EPEPEPEt 19001, 'lt hu gii'i'AUrig o', â€war that cannot by eptal ed in BOOT d SHOE Our Shoes are right in quality, j ‘ and price. ft will pay you to d: TRADE Ml and investigate. l “HATS AND CAPS---. s I f are going. We have a large stock : select fr9m of the very kind want ', ( in style and quality. 1 l Highest price paid for BUTTER tk ECA MSlllliil ', other farm produce. ', --Alive us a eau.--. C. McArthur, Durham, Ont Bargains Beckon You! r,.:),,',: I Here we have an assortment of foot. i, wear that cannot be equ al ed in Town. I Our Shoes are right in quality, style i and price. ft will pay you to drop in i and investigate. are going. We have a large stock to select fr9m of the very kind wanted in style and quality. Highest price paid for BUT IIER & EGGS other tum produce. --4Nve an a call.-- p'-.-'", BUTTER & EGGS and VI" Hr Hum Buck the Newer mm oeivednietter has a! the WM“ ft. but Mien uneducat- pun petty pee-en LII“. Mr. l W To“ NI imp!†at he nth-6d h will appear in l Pusan w" â€halibut! pad a the l Among“ the I Famut-o.. who htve - titsnt cumin“ wing with l mutation. it l m wept-can any out the by having tts - To to can. to us it. "he to than Healer. we y navel... - oxalic In u then was no “on to it it o The PuhIMe M Hunk neNe - - (EN - .. MI udw M god Inel- “that of aeeatos ful w ed THI M " via Rot . .... rttter " ll VOL. oh C LOT H w o- u (K " MrK rm '(Ju M