Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 May 1900, p. 4

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93 i I DURHAM REVIEW. The Conventions of tht sociutiou of S. (in-y are tenall "yportanct to .t) To the ltrge and too-little-appreciate" class of teuthers. the two days are or shtultl be breathing spells of liberty and red-letter days of fraternal nssoci.Uiott and mutual improvement. The average citizen takes note ot" the two days be, cause trtmps of youngsters are let loose " uncommon time, and possibly there yet exists the trustee who gmwls at. the loss of time in school especially as "they are on plottin' how to raise salaries." This year. Friday and Saturday were chosen. and the selection of the stand- ing holiday may have been the cause of a slightly reduced attendance. a few over re rting only. The interest taken by the” however was most com- mendnh e, 'eeeing that much of the mm was idealistic rather than practical. as Chairman Slaughter said "it was an ideal programme." The specialist present was Mr. Em. bury, but). of Public Schouls. Peel Co, The specialist present, was Mr. Em. bury, limp. of Public Schmils. Peel Co, who-P topics were "English Literature" and "Reading," in the day Session. and "Educational Forces" in the evening. Mr. Emhurv " a forceful speaker with an earnest, impressive "mum-r. and thotuth his matter would Ire vxcelleut to peruse at leisure, it seemed to many too heavy for the practical "vctssititvr of a body of young teachets mm in Cott. vention. " Mr. Elnlmry with his nlatmical abilities could infuse into his In men Curr trake the m which com: Public Soho N II The Association recommending tha the Canadian thw I it be a ma le low field of the {mun . Durham. lhly sociation, J w. mittee of five: Scott. and Moss! approving of a movement to , lling. raising the age of on! fll'i','/g Schools from 5 years to Public School teachers prumi preparinr public school text In: so on, al intended to conserve lerests of the profession on sense lines and the letterruen schools. more. Blake Glorious News To be bound hand and foot fcr years by the chains of (1129389 is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams. of Marr chester, Michigan, tells how such a slave was made free. He says: My wife has been so helpless lot iiye years tlmt she could nonurn over in bed alone. After using two boltlee of Electric Bitters she is wonderfully Improved and Able to do her own work" This supreme remedy kl {elude dime” qumkly cures nervou- neu. nleepleuueee. ieltr.teholr, headache, which. tatntirttt I051 .dizay spells. This We ,reretutttt medicine in a godsend u wheiekly, run down people. Every - mind. Only no eentg. Sold M out w. ft tit h ll The urrie nu he MEIER HSSBIHNB In flelglg. en It Thursday, May 31 I900 much Ill P officers ie, Vice 1 Durham. " Ill! 1t9te and embers. ll , trrenthim " It stu is a fotwerttl speaker wan impressive manner. and nutter would he excellent leisure, it seemed to many r the practical nm-essitie! young teachers met in Cotr f Mr. Emlmry with his ililies could infuw into his ice of humm- it would ht tore ettertive. As we sum books in opetrstiov. we have mnv vnluahle hints have W/Brown H ve: Mrs. Bu ours. J. H. I Sharp. Holst s of the Teachers' As- rvy are eve'tMs of no to the community. too-little-appreciated 11w two days are or u; spell: ofliherty and fraternal Mnocintinn venuem. Theuvemge ot" the two days be, ungsters are let loose w. and pumihly there det- who m owls at. the a-.. It SN IV? Crrrr WILL PAY Yotrsil,t'..i. lf Winnipeg, it is alleged w Manitoba School (anemic! tempt. as recorded in the about all the camarks of effort to discredit the settle Jipgs,tqtptps: support the idea ot Surround them wit work; when they let no one say any the senile of his investigations name I time only ward. Aplain threat to expose Cowl To um servative crookedness. Sir Chas. [alone the replies utter 3 days that he, Birming- : ham, will never get another dollar if he can help it. Sir Chas. wishes to! B shelve the organizer and is supported 3 Was a, by the World and Clark Wallaee,irndomiti while the Mail. Montague and Haggart l are not to take another yiew and come in for iotsl ot abuse. Happy family. i,'"" l tef taken Ill and the ,iruTrrirt/u'eireVrV. HA LED TENDERS addressed to the S undersigned and endorsed “Tender fo, Close Piling, Owen Sound. Grey. Ont.," will he received at this “dice, un- til Friday 15th day of June 1900. for. the construction of close piling ttt, Owen Sound. County of Grey, Ontario. RC. cording to a plan and u spet'iffetttion to be seen at the ott1ee of H. A. Gray, esq.. Resident Engineer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto. Ont., on application to the Custom House omcer at Owen Hound, Ont., and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, . An accepted bank cheque. payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. fol three thousand dollars (3,000,00', must. uccompauy each tender. The cheque will be forfeited if the party decline the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for. and will be returned in case of non-acceptance of tender. mm: to arena. of The Department does not bind itself to accept. the lowest or any tendel . By Order. Jos. R. ROY. -- A -N:tintLyet.'etarr. Tandem will not he considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatules of teaderers. Department of Public'VIorka, Ottawa, May 23rd. 1900. " successfully used monthly P, over OMMlea. tyite,ettmstqa1. Lad es uh {our am?!” tor can can in Cu!- tttt the no ot er, as all Mixtures. pills and mlatlons are dangerous. Price, No. t, tt W. box; No. 3.10 degrees stronger.” per box. '0. t or I, mailed on recelpt. of price x ml two gen-m. sum s. Tho Cook Company Wmdsor. Ont. 'A"pitu. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Drugguu in Canada. a all” COPEAT REDUCTION In every Department must be reduced to one half before moving and as we are fully aware that this can only be done by selling goods at a very small margin, we have decided to slaughter our stock. This is a chance in a lifetime, you will profit by patronizing this sale. "e No.1nndNo.2 sold in Dunne-m by It Parker. MuF-nlnue Il‘d Co.. and Jan. K Gun. “mums. H Sir W A nice little quarrel is at present g on in Conservative circles. lingham. tor many years organizer he party threatens Sir Chas. that sscertain payments are made to he will urge Sir Wilfrid to'extend scope of his investigations back- Nn Smash the m st? No Liberal hesitates tt inn “Machine work" when by is meant tampering with the t. and We hope for our country', no Conservative will either. tl ,Oook's Cotton Root Compound by as 13 Was any sun by Conservative trauds in Mattitt Wilfrid Lomi throw this que banizan strife “tempt is ' it is alle mpnc we tl wants during Sale ree Wellar ave been b' tl C) I OUR IMMENSE STOCK ro V l at IS 'ed by the n appointir sion to it -------Briug along your Butter and Eggs.---- for which the highest market price will be paid. We pay Cash whine” is t tunservatiw n is that l tuner ml S. F. AftDfi?LtDCh4. SILK IVE m int ain. a partizan ment made It were a World investigatc " attempl to punist a in thein In Tait-jr" "W" we , than Contingent and who would he I. glad to have a portrait of the great "general under whom they urn lighting the cry j and tiqhting successfully. The Family re, press, , Herald and Weekly Star has published Liberals ', A wall handsome coloured portrait of No [We 1 Lord Cl,',',')",,' and we have completed anything _ nrmngwnents xyith.t.hery hy phit-h ‘all action of mar readers and "e/idents oi this “guilty can .RPCure n i-ony. It is at true- [DICllll'l' it 1.noiriof the famous general. It is 17x22 vestlgate i inches an exact reproduul ion of a paint.- attemptiing by one of the best European ar- 0 nunish I tists. m yam action the cryanirii e, press, "leral Liberals ', n real No true Lord mvthine urrun; d s the n- in Iv Mammoth Moving - ,,7,lil,';i"i::rC,-, SALE M IS CASH and (hill ?fll(jli- -- Only One Quality-The Best h The Friend of tho Since last issue we have seen two of our young men who are representative of a. class of Ontario boys who are doing honor to their native. provmce in newer and fertile spotaiu our blond Dominion. Last week we had a call from MR. JAs. G. Mwrcu. of Lumsden, Assn, who came. home on a visit to his mcthev, who lives east of Holstein, and returns, west gratified to leave her in improving health. Mr. Munich was one of the pioneers of Lums- den, and has succeeded well, for in addition to n large farm which brings in a nice income, his enterprise has led him into lumbering. stockbuying, Insurance. &c. in all of which he is suc- ceeding. Near him is quite a colony of sulm the 1 until Bismarck‘s Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not touud where Stomach. Liver, Kid. neys and Bowelu are out of order. If you want these qualities and the succes; they bring, use Dr, K‘ng's New Life Pills, They develop every pow" of brain and body. Only 25e at our drug stores. 6 , the an IN In Us Lord Ruin above nth time onlv. B. Grey people all liking their new home. We may mention the EWens. John L'autptrell, Irvine. Pettigrewu, Brown and no doubt many others. Mr. Adam Little late of Varney is succeed- ing beyond all expectations and intends to build a. new shop for himself with 3 forges. A similar tale of success we here from Mu. WM. TURNBULI.. ( Properly at1Justet1 'G'riiiii ....-... ..-- of Dryden. who came home last week only assistance Poss e. . . from that part of New Ontario. looking' We make a spu‘lalty of relieving the picture of health, and pleased with tired d guarantee satisfac. the prospects of bus new home. He is . eyes an taking up a. car-load of cows with him. tion. which are selling at high figures and no MacFarlune & Co. wonder with butter at 400 9. lb. His a---------------""-"'. neighbors the are All from old Ontario, , REVIEW and ‘Weekly Globe 81.50 and the makings of a fine comnmmty. REVIEW and Weekly Mail. . . .. 81.70 CALDER'S BL OCK a um UK hut th l 'w m " r'rd Hubert: Minn expu- (Ymmdiun 1 active part 0 than ttte mum-y he can In" " refunded. Ii not that fair? , any Review subscribers l wriptions are already paid we Family Herald and Weekly IDH‘Hanr 3Irit. [900, im-ludii l Roberts" picture for 50c. ll " will send the REVIEW ; ily Herald and Weekly Sh until I9evtuttirer'31st, “In " -..... n mu). and the picture 1 than [he mun 'refunded. I new I I In a the (I) IN NEW CANADA suhscrihers lo the rice is NK. to Jan. 1 LORD ROBERTS rate t Boys wh wt in the has Ast., rt rail d if wd Roberts has tht Canadian Soldiers " PM anadia; in tin "'9 Th the time. t Canada. hams who [he Hum would In the great published m'tmit of mmpleted “hid; all is vicinity than ont Minn fox REVIEW 1901. u! gré‘ut lighting Family tn " limi ll tum I'l tl E u AAAANAAAD BANK AA AANAAA 91" Al‘s-u -q.--'e-' -___ savings lmnk deposits of $1.00 and up. wards. Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at, is distance. NEW SHOE SHOP. A general Banking business trnnsacted. Drafts issued and collections umdv an all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed at rurrent rates. SAVINGS BANK. Upper Town. an and execute ordel manner w tl tt ll C'APITA L, Authorized. . . . . . .$2,(lli,(ll) CAPITA L, Paid up. ... . . . .. lJIflLOUU RESERVE FUND ... . ,. .... 600.000 AG ENTS in all principal paints in Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba, United States and England. 1Yintcal' Nécd Sensations exist for our guidance. They are Nature 's warnings. Over-worked eye's demand rest. Eyes that tire cas ily tall for help. Properly adjusted Pet', afford the "Ciri' is"ii1iiri'i, P359“;- lievi We make a sped? y o re SPI' tired eyes and guamttee satisfac- hat usm DURHAM AGENCY ul ma .. N , x aur, 'aw tl Int Th tl" j'n’ou WILL SAVE ably, will brin leer amount ot Repairing a Specialty. if JAS. McNALLY. Head Office, Toronto. WE SUPPL Y IT--- In MILLINERV and DRESS during Sn Aljoe Block.... RELIABIJ II) plc REDUCTIONS le (if Durha: established a the C. LEA VENS J. KELLY, Agent . ll at reasonable Drlce unmet 5m Sh ling. tip coin- out IftnE H d Is prepa i for mal >93 in a , tl md fits W [If US § Tired l Eyes its Interest allowed on Work I w f HAHN} SS GOODS Sale. In Heavy Light 11: h are WC Kl! mke tlt rk man-l tttt J3? W to teeem II menu. arm LL Wt [if ALAuuscgsawcwta "_. '? 'e'-' w. 11" ' b) wrum‘rfifdm*r¢nm§fi§vw _T. n IMPORT OF SEEDS LARGE B We haw a nuw light Massey-Harris Binder we want You t b' . . weight and Rollcr Bearings from Top to bottom of it. - 'l,'os'dite'7,'. tre"eel,. n running Bindcr in the world. - canes! -...-..jull lincof HANDS. ()RGAXS. and SEWING MACHINES We arewcll stocked with TURNIP b'OWERS, SCl'FFLERS, HAY FORKS (it. p _ LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 51. Issuer of [Minna]: Liemues LOWER TOWN WM Implement Warerooms. ALDER MARRIED. SWIFT- -Wrtrms. - At the parsonage, Durham. on the evening of Wednes. day, May wild 1900, by the Rev. D. Sharpe, James Henry Swift. of Han- over, to Carrie Wells of Bentinck. vrcrrrertrr--Drerarv.--At the residence of the bride's mother, Bentinck, on May 2R, by Rev, J. R. Craigie, Mr. Sam Viokers to Miss Mary Derby. DIED. coctmANE.---At Omaha. Nebraska, on Manny, May Mth, Adam Coehrane aged TI years. (iruuml Oil Cake, llnrso & Cattle Spice. Carbonate Copper. English Paris Grout 250 lb. l’nlzllo Bug: Killvr Si IOUIhs. Illlll(l(E, ll' Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill then buy one and it will make you money. ' We Have " TERMS-CASH-orders left at W. P . will receive rar" Prom; [rllllrlrl)lllrlll(r'hlrllllf()ll)rlll, ) Have IMPERIAL PATENT FLOUR HUNGARIAN PROCESS MAI PASTRY FIBER and GRAB W CRACKED WHEAT & FARE han, Shorts and Middlings. Q Oat _ Screenings and Excelsior Me MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. wDIRECT FROM BRITAIN. R. McGOWAN. lm W l 0 ttre setting a pace in China and Delph- Wltt't'. We give you short prices on A car load of Waggons syi11.arrive within I. few days, they; were bought before the use in waggons. No other shop where you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low I price. _ M Fearman's pure Lard always in stock CASH . FOR -- EGGS M il W I) d. BURNET Ta E EGGS WANTED- Cash or Trade HALF A 002. TEA SETS Ire coupons lil eve Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Cart. to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. . i " IN -- H“““ them while iltey his St 'OVHI oaa.asrsaiasiagiggagig;agiiRiS'i,d,'c _ H I. - - -- Nr ' “M'n'aunu’! P' .. #4 Pr ', W. P. Patterson's Grocery Sucre Prompt and Careful Attention. "I w l mwx.~ln Sullivan on the 1% last}. the wife of Mr. J. Brown of upon. r"AcLFrerm.--Itt Gleneig. nn the mu; inst. the wile of MINI" C'rauttietd of a non. . Gum-At Innerkip. on Friday. 25th inst. the wife of Dr. Armin-Gun ot a son. T l Volcanic Eruptions Are grind. but Skit Enptiom rob ltie, Lt joy. Backlau'o Anion sure cum thommloo (Manning and fever sores aim. boils. (Oklahoma. um. an: icon. but... no. I. ch: hands, hilbhint. Boot Pile iu,',g't',',', earth amount-uni ' Only Meta . Ax. _Curo¢unntu¢. why our 'd ranches. 's"iirsrroBA mm: ”MEAN FLOUR FARINA for Breakfast Food Oat Chop and Mixed Chop ior Meal for Fowl. _ Land Plaster. Blue Vitriul 10v Mr. “'indsur Salt. Heiieirore & Ilium-t Powder, Morton's Liquid Slum-p Dip. CrCCLTct.T.- (lec1dec Jive DaC W tr BORN. Is a Trial ttl WI ll 11 C

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