Mr. All Bust-mun of Alltnford called on a '/.S','.'U',', bif- friends here on m; . r was 'ormeetra “out aTlltgL'l"ial.' Iii-E 1!.qu Ballot Glorious '0'! To be bound bud Ind foot for yours by the about of duo-u u an won: form of unwary. Georges D. Williams. of Man- chester, Michigan. toll: how mob n slur Inn made free. He up : My wife has bun BO holplou tor tire you" that she could not turn our in bed dam». Alter "in: two bottles of Blooms Bitten she is wonderfully Improved sud this to do he: on work," Thin supreme remedy tor fvmnla diaman- qninkly cures norvmu- my. 'loophstmuetrtt, tuelturr1toly, headache, ttaekuelre, hunting and dizzy spell». This miracle: working medicine is a godsend to wash, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 con“. Sold by our Wu. 6 There arrived u Angus MeCanneN - Enter sunday. n young daughter. both we". ott,,tet the beth u ,jrstintt, u... -. _... may .. ll-“IIIK' Fire " your smiling guns. Tout our trumpet inside out Ill hang the bitt has drum. If anyone thank! at of you Tho an... at All this joy. Just rig'ad, tkh--U the father u Of a min; baby boy, Mr Hugh McMillan has bought in cram separator. Mr. Shield. is hired for seven months' with Mr McMillan, thttiptoeetttintr else Wlnth yet. Mr John Ferguson has his min hired for seven month; He in I brother of Mr. Helium’o nun. “can Archie Mcuan and Ronald McDonald must have found tt fine sent one evening lately. Mr Robert Kiuuel was obliged to buy a loam of horses. He lost one and "some! Rot lame. Mr Sandy McLean loom; brood mare. which means about. 81(1). Mr. McLean in raising his barn and putting a stone foundation under it, and making it Inger. When Bnitrhed it will he a fine harm Mrs. Bdrm-lane is not improving very much. Miss Mary McConnell of Bufruo is comforting her grandmother. Dan Robertson was Able to take a step out on Sunday. going eastward. He had a new†attack of u Gripp. The spring weather is very slow, and there in a are“ deal of sickness in und Around our town. Mr. Geo. Satchel. our more keeper has been very ill for a few weeks. but in improving. Mrs Henriette Bechelor eyed 98, died on l Selma-y morning Aprtl7tlt an the rein- dencom Mrs. McNelcy her daughter in Glenelg our I‘ncevnlle. The innernl was on Sunday alterhoon the Sch, to Swintun Park Church cemetery. her. Mr Mathe- eou otlicnmng. Tue Innerul mm [urge Considering the short uo'itto, We are not interfering with your I'riecviile cor. in mung lllls. but as Mrs, Boom-lot was one of the tirst settler, heirs, we consular that wemust here l word to snv of her de. Eaton. She was twice married, her first uslnnd Alum: in their native county. Scotlend. Her maiden name wan Mien Mclnrdo, e reletive of the MeMurdo'e of Proton. and her titst husband's name was Mr. Block. She came to Canada with her lamlly and shortly all", being I widow. manned Mr. Samuel Bechelor. who died I few years ego. She leevee to mourn her lose one son. Mr Robert Black. on old eettler here and on ex- eoonoillor of Proton, who lives in Bruce. Mm. McNelty in Glennl ' him. John Cernpbell. end Mrs. Donefd Ferguson of Frown. The deoeeeed we: e very in- telligent women. and could give very interesting mounts of the early settle- ment of Proton. the diitiealtuts end herd- ehipex ot e pioueer'e life. end rule: the historical deecriplion of her netive country Scanned. Her residenoe for nearly 40 yeue wee about one mile from where Hopeville now is. She is well remem- bered by ell the old "tturs or I kind neighbor, and Iriendly to the new settlers who come here otter her. She we- I munch member of the Presbyterian church. end wee e good attend-nu while she wee eble to attend. but of Into year! has been feeble end childish. A to. week. ago we memtioued them In John IcEaehnio gum: to the hon- pital in Toronto for In operation to be pod-armed. The trip Wu postponed until the 9th Mtrr communion with the doom". She got a fall name years My). and now the ha. L, seek 1tifferetst mul- ical mutantâ€. than shu can get here. It was . touching night to see a Woman have her four tsmall children behind her and perhaps not be the to see them again. ' Bianca's Iron Nerve. Was the malt of his aplendid health. Indomitable will and tremendouu onero- m not loud when Stomach. Liver, Kid. my. ad Bowel. m an: of order. If you ISII them qunlitiu and the success they being, an Dr. E'ng'. New Life Pills, They cluvelop every power of brain and body. Only Me In our drug stores. 6, Mr Wen B McDonald. our viliage shoe- maker has sold out Ind [one to Dun- dtlk. We are 'rorr, to lose on. of our but bunnou men. We has that Wm. Burnet banal“ his home and lot, anyway Wm. moved into the house Tlmmlty und Ibo McDuuald family moved cut Chas McDonald. one of the party moved Into the home known as Guide-pinch. Me Wm B McDonald took I buninou up to Toronto bolero he would "we down in Dundalk. Mr sud Mrs Jan Dingwell bud on the 18, a dawgutor added to thou- hunily. On the sick Iut--Mm Alex Cubb and In W J (Noni-Mr. t.opentthe mm.’ 'll1h'dli"utMS'lhfd'l",T Holstein. Brownsville ttoptmite. 1 James Middleton has hired with .Wm. Brown for the summer Jimmy is a hustler. Will Henry said Jack Campbell told him that Jim Ferguson said that Bob Renton told Jack Adams, he saw Bob Reid going down to Nelson's one night last week. Mr James Ferguson has been laid up with La Grippe tor a few days, but We are glad to hear he is around attain. Mr. Andrew Henry bought Dave Daly's fast horse the other day, so the boys on the 20th want to look out. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shenck of the 16th visited her father Mr. James Matthews one day last week. Mr. Will Henry and his sister Edith visited friends on the 16th a fortnight ago. Come again Will. Mr Samuel Patterson Jr. purchased a tine bay horse the other day, so the boys in Glenelg wants to look out this summer. John Henry drove over to Norm-n- by one any last week, and we. heard some of the boy's laying that Jack had better get a wheel if he intends coming out here so olten. Jasper Smith visited his sine} Mn Lundy at Winterhourn a. week last Sunday. Herbert Doupe spent Newhndge friends. John L. Brown who husheen teaching nun-the Son. and his brother Max ot Turnmu. am house for the Easter holidays, Miss Fleda Pomeroy of Toronto was the Huetst of her sister Mrs. Mngwood (war Easter. Mr J Denny of 'Norval visited at. the hotue of J. D. Itoherts for a few days last week. Mrs. Corie, Alhuadale, came home. Saturday host to are her mother Mrs. Maples, who in in very delicate health at present. Dr. Staples of Hanover. WM also (we: to see his ninth". Mina Sarah Ector is at present visiting her sister Mrs. John Mothrt Grmock. Thos Imwrenee,tson of Wm. Lawrence Egl‘elnnnt, is engaged with Mr. "mera Allan of the Avenue for the summer. Wm. (butts. Vickers is engaged foe the semoon with 1vtn, Edge. Mme Caulelia Dean. who was home attending her mother during her sick- ness, returned L n Toronto last week. Quite a. number of the Edge Hill people attended the funeral of him Katie Firth fox-milk part of a very large gathering. holidays under Ceylon. Miuu‘lam Sch-ll of Mt. Forest hm! been engaged nt Wm Mum's sewing for the put week. J. IV. glad T. Firth. sons of Mrs. Dan Firth, are spending their cuter holi- days at home. Sorry to hour that Mrs. Thus. Davis has been very ill, but please-d tn report. her recovery. Mr and M18 John Burrows of Hnmit- ton visited friends in and around the village over the Easter holidays. Mr and Mrs Ira Pennock ark-m. Easter Sunday with friends at Harriatou. Mr: Wm Main visited Mooore, friends but week. Mrs A R w Burrows and children of Glanworth spent Enstvr with her father Wm. Cowan and other friends. Mrs. Bella O'Connell was in Saginaw Mich" hurt week attending the funeral of her ulster Kimmie. returning nu Bat. urday. Her hrother Jun li Kerr of ie,'ii,tefld Mum, nccmnpnnying her Ollie. Dr McKenzie, formevly of Dromore. hut now of Ashburn, Ont., spent ththheth with his father N D McKenzie. Min Martha E. Firth mum: home last week after a six months' any in Toronto. Wnt, Ritchie Jr., is engaged with Daniel Edge for the summer sen-son. Collinnon Henry 's Corner. Edge Hill f?i l is spending his the family roof at. Easter with ')ei', The Big Store E; Iâ€? "t. 35g“, E “a t' GIVEUSAGALL - - - " Magma. 5001's a SHOEs-_ Ea Athe 9!.- Duly. 3E1 BEW‘RC OF CFURIOU. IMIT‘TIONC. THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES For sale by H. PARKER, Druggist TOUCHES THE SPOT 8“.“ MacLeod's System Renovator Weak and Impure Blood, Liver and Kidney Diseases i Female Complaints. etc. Try our Rheumatic '3Ipucific or Kidney and Livup Pills Come! Has Spring Spring term begins April 17th. Owen Sound. Ask druggisl Hr write direct to J. M Take the lend everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our eorrerpondentee shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferrrs are Irving restored to health and happiness daily. They are absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, sciatic-a, Neuralgia Lumlmgn, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. Northern Business College. C. A. FLEMING, "dr, my; -NME M . , l ‘ ',' 33"“:7 gr: t5sr,tl.itittir'ivM, ,, McArthur, Durham, Ont i' _',,'-,,):,'],, y; Are the speciality of the trade. Nt Quality and Price are up to date. e are determined to give the best bargains in footwear that can be given. Our Stock is open for inspection.------ Spring trade has opened in full blast at McAithur's. P direct to J. M. HACLBou. Godcuicll. Out. tHH hr H. Parker. Dunning Dav-hum. {Ii Frost d, Wood 'IINCII‘AL. Lsmmnt Stun. Wm or Immac- Bo Putnam . Htl-ll-ll tSi'l'2,",'tlef',t8gatva",'tg,tgr,t i)lirtla Bil tht Ittt tittt 9- -----Our Samples of the above m. ---chines are now complete and ---ready to be seen in our Snow- ---F0R-- FTre Inna-m â€and, A“ To. Washing Ila-blues. Stool Frau- Chums. Singer Sewing '.tarhinea. In. kc. a? "f, t' ---Ytm should no out spoon] In. a! ROOMS. Reridenve--HOPE D. McPHA n. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST GF the Durham, Phu-mu-y ft'ltut,',' Block. Resident-o an: door vault . Pan once. Durham. LA DIES' AND Gem's WA'l'can. SILVEttwAttE FLATWAII. Clan Spmacm, Suzanna Stun Nova-nu. ac. a Lower Town Saving and Spending -.-.... , JAKE KRESS t tmmw What you spend for good Jewelry is really a saving. In alwlyl 3 vainnble umsoion. Come and see our good Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. IVINGSTONE, Jiike Kress. 9- -H0PEVILLE. D. 'ter'MUL, Hopevilk P. " "r to C. MIAGB. Duh-m. ' MAmtou thecouatruaaer. " A . GORDON. anm J 3'qu - - Durban. Plt'l â€(M fllillllM the B YE ‘54"! 1:21